HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1995-02-162ft4 COM M ERCIAL/I N DUSTRIAL PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Fitlh Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK ASSESSORS MAP: SFRINGFIELC, s4t JOB NUMBER INSPECTION LINE: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 [l" rN Frue P TAX LOT:0 Du cr>NC olPHONE: ZIP:\STATE:CITY: ADDFIESS: OWNER: a(r lT ran-\ D ADDITION ALUDEMOLISH OTHERNEW - FIEMO DEL - DESCRIPTION OF WORK: NAME PHONEb86-2ot EXPI RES PHON EUn),CONTRACTOR'S NAME ARCHITECT: MECHANICAL: ELECTRICAL: GENERAL: PLUMBI NG ADDRESS ll ut. -7t 4 CONST, CONTRACTOR # NO.FEE CHARGE /6 Single Fixture /2 /6d Relocated Bld (new fix. addtl s. ) ,a Water Service ft.?a %Sanitary Sewer ft.70 /8o Storm Sewer ft./ao /Backflow Device /a TOTAL PERMIT 7fa MECHANICAL Nrr trtrF CHA FIGF /Furnace/burner & vent < 100,000 BTUs Z 24-- Furnace/burner & vent >100,000 BTUs Floor furnace and vent Suspended wall or f loor mounted unit heater Appliance Vent separate /Stationary evap.cooler ZZ.r'1 b ?/-n 1 Vent Fan/Single duct ,6 4 Vent System apart from AC or htg. Mechanical exhaust hood and duct z 4a.eaze>.*/?q 7D /?,- Permit lssuance $10.00 TOTAL PERMIT e4 ee USE -HANDICAP ACCESS: * OF UNITS: LIGHTING POWER BUDGET: ZONING -oF CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE:WATEB HEATER: OCCY GROUP: Y OF STORIES: QUAD AREA: * OF BLDGS: LAND USE:- 5 kw,*qxtrz6=Qe, $/so. FT.VALUEAb7 TOTAL VALUE OF PROJ =^ 4*^a,X SO- FT, SQ. FTG MAIN SQ. FTG ACCESS SO. FTG OTHER tA 5q+PLAN DATE BUILDING PERMIT //v * -'_PLUM BI NG 39a-4 DEMOLITION 5% State Surcharge aq'z*5% State Su rcharqe /?.,/2 .*ArZ)/Zfar*lL'&zu.,RE tr+7:,.Vvs3.= MECHANICAL /??,4A-+7 /'A '4,- -O FENCE VALUE $ - 5% State Surcharqe *5,<'a 9'*7 .?B SIDEWALK Fr. SUBTOTAL PERMITS /?27,4 PAVING 2?2,ao CUBBCUT F', SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT /6, /,s/. ? TOTAL PERMIT FEES EXCLUDING ELECTRICAL hnr-,,q5Clo J 00 te st')FLOOD PLAIN: I ?oza,7V REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsibility of the permit holder to see that all inspections are made at the proper time. To request an inspectlon, call 726-3769 (recorder), state your City designated job number, job address, type of inspection requested and when you will be ready for inspection. Requests recelved before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, requests made after 7:00 a.m. wlll be made the following work day. X stie tHspecrroN: To be X RoucH nLUMBTNG, y pAVTNG: After graver is rn made after excavation, but ELECTRICAL & place but priorlo placing prior to setup of forms. MECHANICAL: No work is to asphalt or concrete. be covered untll these / UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, inspectlons have been made SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: tn accordance' ELECTRICAL & and approved. Section 306 of the state specialty code MECHANICAL: To be made a special inspector shall be employed before any work ls covered. ATTIC DRAFT STOPS & by the Ownei/ Contractor during , CURTAIN wALLs construction of the following w6rk. A / FOOTINGS & FOUNDATIONS: ETDEI,T ArlE. tr cooy of the special testing reports shall To be made after trenches are FIREPLACE: Prlor to placing be'furnished io the Buildiig Division. excavated and forms are facing materials and before erected, all steel in place, but framing inspection' ,,( srRUcruRAL CoNCRETE: lnprior to placing concrete. ,( FRAMING: To be made after excess of 2500 P.s.l. (306 a.1) coNcRETE SLAB: To be the roof' all framing' fire made arter a, insrab buirding 3i::5 ::.':ff 3,'f,ilt"f,Hl3r" FII:,T"'.-3"t,Y5tT',rrr, ,service equipment, conduit, and vents are complete anclpiping, accessories and other incirrary equipment items are :X?';::1"",1[il:fl'jJ;[i:i: Bl?:f],?=o],?l*.?l"T$1"oin place but before any tighte-ning operations. (306concrete is praced. / TNSULATTON & VAPOR a.6) ., BARRIER: To be made after allA UNDERGROUND: Plumbing, insulation and required vapor SpRAyED ONelectrical, gas, sanltary sewer, barriers are ln place but FIREpROOFING: U.BC.storm sewer, water and before any lath or gypsum Standards 43-8.dralnage lines. To be made board interlor wallCoverlng isprior to covering or filling applied.trenches. qyy,,vv. SPEC|AL GRADING, ,NDERFL..R: prumbins, - Il?:,S'"'"?^m'Jfl[H3"' ifiilfiiil-tl[:,5J:'i],"1 electrical, mechanical. To be according to plans. chapter 29) made prior to installation of floor insulation, decktng or / LATH ANDTOR GYPSuM GLU'LAM BEAMS: lnspection floor sheathing. BOARD: To be made after all Certificate by an approved lathing and gypsum board, agency, furnished to the city's pOST & BEAM: To be made interiol and exierlor, is in ' Building Division before prlor to lnstallation of floor place but before any beams are placed' (2501 U'BC' insulation, decklng or floor plasterlng is applied or before STDS' 25-10J1)' sheathing. - Sypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and STRUCTURAL MASONRY: (306 FLooR TNSULATToN & finlshed' a'7) VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made prior to installation of decking or floor sheathing. MASONRY Steel location, bond beams grouting or verticals in accordance with UBC 2415. ROOF SHEATHING AND NAILlNG: Prior to installlng any roof covering. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Required for all concrete paving wlthin street right of way, to be made after all excavating complete and form work and sub-base material in place. CURB AND APPROACH APRONS: After forms are erected but prior to placing concrete. *ln addition to the inspec. tions specified, the Building Official may make or require other lnspections of any construction work to ensure compliance with the Bullding, City or Development Code. re By slgnature, lstate and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all lnformation herein is true and correct, and lfurther certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUpANCy will be made of any structure without permission of the Buildlng Safety Division. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on thls proJect. I further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the card ls located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all 2 -/.(.- ?5SiDate street, that the pe times durl co on. VALIDATION /aAMOUNT RECEIVED RECEIPT #RECEIVED BY: ,( FINAL PLUMBTNG / FINAL ELEcTRTcAL V FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT ( SITE PLAN REVIEw BOARD: Must be requested 2 days in advance of the date you wish inspection. All project conditions such as landscaplng, parklng lot striping, etc. must be completed before requesting thls inspection. FINAL BUILDING: Requested after the final plumbing, etectrical, mechanlcal and Fire Department inspectlons are made and approved. No occupancy of the premises can be made until a Certlflcate of Occupancy has been issued by the Building Division and posted on the premises. PLANS REVIEWED BY oare /-2?-7< N MMENTS: )I I l ,ADnl,t - \ . -^ brF DArE PAID: Z -/4^n- v/'-+2D* ll/18/gl 16:{6 0503 728 3089 kMlae.dL SPFD DEV. SER.@ ooe CITY OF o8trGOA' 225 FTPTB STREET SPRTNGFIBLD, OREcoN g OF INSTALLAEON 4t IJGAL DESCRTPTTON spnrucrreiD EI,ACIT,ICAL PERI{IT APPLTCATION ty Job Nuube,r Cos t $ 85.00 $ 15.00 $ 40.00 COI.{PI,BTE FEE SCEEDI,I.E BELOII Neu Residentlal-Slngle orltulti-FaratIy per dw;lltn; unit.Service fncludedr I tenrs 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additlonal 500sg. ft or portlon thereof Each l{anuf ,d Eome or -Hodular Dvelllng Servlce or Feeder /.t>l 4l)til a-t/ 5*1 X 1'tl ) _{ *JINSPEGf,IoN REOIIEST: 726-.3j0g OFf1ICE: 726-3759 '\':"'-i;;-- + 147 3 3 A B D. Sum JOB DESCRIPTIONInstal 1 Temporary Service Permitg are non-transferable and' expirelf sork is not srarted 'vithln 190 diysof issuance or if.vork is suspen?ea ior 180 days. 2. COIITRACTOR INSTALI..ATION ONLY Supervisor License Number Expiration Date L0/1/95 or lessto 400 amps -to 600 anps -to 1000 anos- amps/voIt0nly *_ $50s60 $100 $130 $300 $40 40.09 see 0B'aE6E Electrical Contractor L.R. B HAM, iNC. Address 68 ttl . "0" Stree t ci SPRINGFI ELD ,0R Phone 741-6 Services or Feedersfnstallatlon, Alterationsor Relocation; 200 amps 201 anps 401 amps 501 amps Over 1000 Reconnec t SUBTOTAI OF AEOVE 5Z State Surcharge 3Z Adarintstratlve Fee TOTAL I00 00 00 00 00 00 Conitr Conrr. Number 008699 Sxplration Date 12/78/95 Signat 6f Supervising EIec Temporary Servlces or FeedersInstallation, Alteratlon or Relocation 200 anps or less 1201 amps to 400 amps -Over 401 to 600 amps over 600 ahps or 1000l6llTs Branch Circults Nev, Alteration or ENtenston per panel One Circuit $ 35.00Each AdditlonalClrcuit or vlth Servlceor peeder permlt .-- $ 2.00 E. Hiscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not lncluded) -Each lnstallatlon Punrp or lrrlgatlon ffen/outltne Ltghtlne:- Llmtted Energy/Res -LlEited Energy/Conn - $ 40.00 $ 55.00 $ 80.00ELN 0vners Address Ct ty Phone e OVNER INSTAII,ATION The installation is belng made onproperty I ovn vhlch ls not lntendedfor sale, lease or tent. a Ovners Signature: $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 s 36.00 DATE: RBCEIVED 5 40 I i ?{AD3N c. lL/18/01 1B:t0 O5Ot ?r0 30Eg SPTID DEV. SER. ng zor'lit-,g, and doeg not roquire specific land useapprovai, @ooa '225 FtYtB sm,E8T SPRINGFIEID, OREGON 97 47 INSPEGTION REQIIBST:r O8HICE: 726-3t59 A,-i:rc 1 LOCA 0rTIOII {pct JOE ri:ed II,.A Tcrnbs*0Dua.{> spnrxcrreiD EIACIBICAT PERI{IT Clty Job Nrruber PEE SCEEDUI.E BELOII A I t enrs 1000 sq.ft. or less Each addltlonal 500 sQ. ft or portlon thereof Each Hanuf,d Hone or - B. Services or Feedersfnstallatton, Alteratlonsor Relocatlon; Neu Besldentlal-slnsle orHuItl-rarutly per avElltng untt.Servlce fncludedt (tu 4181 Bmps 0nly c 200 amps or less 201 amps to 4000ver 401 to 600 Over 600 amps or D. Branch Clrcults E. Cost $ 85,00 s see ttgtt "fiffi Sum Permlts are non-transferable and'explrelf work ls not started'vithln lg0 diysof issuanee or lf .work is suspended 'for 180 days. f//Y aLh COI{ITRACTOR TNSTALLATION ONLY ectrical Contractor L.R. Brabham, Inc. Address 68 l'Iest "Q" Street ci Spr i nqfi el d Phone 747 -6638 $ 15.00 Hodular Dvelltng Servlce or leeder $ 40.00 ,$ ^r+'6u t' t 200 amps 201 ainps 401 arnps 601 amps Over 1000 Reconnect $ 50.00 | $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 -$300.00 $ 40.00 - aups anP olts less 400 r 000 lv I or to to to ,L 600 amps Super,visor License Nunrber .l4735 Explration Date 1011/e5 Conitr Contr. Number 08699 ExP lration Date 12118/95 Signa ture irf s Electrician s amps -* anps 1000-il6TT, $ 40.00 $ 55.00 $ 80.00 0rners ,_fu/e< freq_** Address 305,-@, //4 5kW phone "l,ll .4*ll New, Alteration or Extenslon per penel One Clrcult $ 35.00Each AddttlonalClrcult or vlth Servlceor peeder persrlt 5L_ $ 2.oo //d4, Htsc.ellaneous (Servlce/feeder not lncluded)-Each lnstallatlon Pump or lrrlgatlon .S I gnlou t I lne - Ltgh t t ng]-Llulted Energy/flesLtnlted Energy/conu -SUBTOTAT OF AEOVE 5Z State Surcharge 32 AdnlnlstrattvE pee fl)TAL ct OII}TER INSTALI,ATION Ihe lnstallatlon ts belng made on property I otrn vhlch ls not lntendedfor sale. lease oF Eent.'a Omere Slgnature: DATE: $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 36.00 RECEIVED 5 I Temporary Servlces or feedersInstallatlon, Alteration or Relocatlon I t CO SPRINGl--IELE, BACKFLOV PREVENTION DEVICE PBRMIT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 OFFICE: INSPBCTION LINE: 726-3759 72.6-3769 CITY OF OREGO'U JOB LOCATION: ASSESSoRS MAP *rl-f 03 35 0o TAX LOT * OIINER: ADDRESS: 30 S _s q.tt\I,tk pHoNE #: 74 7- -/g 7a CITY:STATE: eR-zI.Yz ffi/7 BACI$LOS PERMIT IS 515.00 + S.75 (STATE SURCHARGE) + $.45 (ADuIN. FEE) = $16.20 CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: CITY: q PHONE *: srArlz (R ZIP:o:uo z .CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION *:7 EXPIRES:/-30 - a{ BY SIGNING THIS PERMIT/APPLICATION, I AGRBB TO CALL FOR AN INSPECTION ONCE T}IE BACKFLOII PRBVENTION DEVICE HAS BEEN INSTALLED AND IS VISIBLE FOR INSPECTION (726-3769). I ALSo STATE THAT ALL INFoRMATI0N 0N THIS PERMIT/APPLICATIoN IS CORRECT. FOR OFFICE USB TOTAL AMOI'NT COLLECTED: ISSUED BY: JOB {t r?q /3 7CDATE OF APPLICATION:-qi ?ORECEIPT I}: '-2u-a{ DATE ( SPRIN(rT-IELEl BACKFLOU PREVENTION DEVICE PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 OFFICE: INSPECTION LINE: 726-3759 726-3769 C'TY OF SPR,,VGFIELD, OREGO'U /Z ADDRESS: CITY: JOB LOCATION: ASsESSoRsMAP*t '-^3 )f aO TAXLoT*:aoSar O1INER: ADDRESS:PHoNE *, Zy' --/''f7 - CITY:STATE: /Y,ZTPt c 7</r * BACKFL9LI PERMIT IS $15.00 + S.75 (STATE SURCHARGE) + $.45 (ADMIN. FEE) = $16.20 CONTRACTOR: oc/ #PHONE *:/at - y'37t- STATE:19a zrPz ? ft02 ..gONSTRUCTION g9NTRACTORS REGISTRATTy *t C>377 LXPIRES:t )o-76 BY SIGNING THIS PERMIT/APPLICATION, I AGREB TO CALL FOR AN INSPECTION ONCE THE BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE HAS BEEN INSTALLED AND IS VISIBLE TOR INSPBCTION (726-3769). I ALSO .STATE THAT ALL INFORMATIoN 0N THIS PERMIT/APPLICATIoN IS CORRECT. 7- ztt-Z{mrE-- FOR OFFICE USE TOTAL AMOI'NT COLLECTED: JOB {t:?y'/s 7aDATE OF APPLICATION: RECEIPT {t: /7/ISSUED BY: '>o ATTACHHENT BI 108 N0.74t E/o CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CI-IAIIGE I^IORKSHEET (COHHERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL) NAHE OR COMPAI.IY LOCATION:o{ DEVELOPMENT TYPE: -4.-, zitoo B I / BUILDiNG SIZE:OT SI . Ft. 1. STORM DRAINAGF gt-D IHPERVIOUS SQ. FT.2 77O r Salo X SO.2O9 PER SQ. FT s /bsl.sf, 2. SANTTARY SFWFR-CITY NO. OF PFU'S (See Reverse) X 543.26 PER PFU 5 b ?2,/6 3. TRANSPORTATTON NO OF UNITS X TRiP RATE X COST PER TRIP copE //o s 1/ o3-6F4 ,2a0 X z,za X $436.19 x - x s436.i9 x -- x s436.19 SUBTOTAL (ADD iTEHS 1.2, & 3)s 6y' 3a-z z 4. SANITARY SFhIFR.HI,JHC. N0. 0F PFU'S x $17.i9 PER PFU + Sio Mlllr.tc ADMIN.FEE (Use PFU Total From Item 2 Above) ['l'tlt'lc CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) T0TAI -l{t^lMc Sf|C SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1.2,3 & 4) s $ffr,nu s ( $s8 5. ANHINISTATIVF FFFS E Ha ig. P S A80VE) x .05 2-/3'? { S U7a'z z s/.f/ 82. SDC v i nator Date: TOTAI SDC 67t/.3 tb FIXTURE UNIT CALCULHTION TABLE: ruumucr of New ri'Iues X Unit Equivalcnt = Fixture unirs INOTE: For rcmodcls, cotculatc only the NLI additional f ixtutcsl NU1\4BER OF UNIT FIXTURE FIXTURE TYPE NEW FIXTUNES EOUIVALENT UNITS 8athtub...........:.......... Drinking Fountain.... Fioor Drain tnterceptors For GreaseiOil/Solids/Etc.........'.. " "' lnterceptors For Sand/Auto Wash/Etc...'...... [-aundry Tub/Clotheswasher.... elotheswasher - 3 Or More.. Mobile Home Park Trap (1 Per Trailerl Beceptor For Befrigerator/VVater Station/Etc Receptor For Commercial Sink/Dishwasher/Etc.. Shower, Single Stall...... Shower, Gan9........ Sink: Bar, Commercial, Residential Kitchen-. Urinal, Stall/Watl..:............... Wash Basin/LavatorY, Single Toilet, Public lnstallation Toilet , Private.... Miscellaneous:,Tt*t mpl dlHea ) 1 2 3 6 2 6 6 1 3 2 1 2 2 1 2 I _-_.6-- --z-- z2 2 TOTAL FIXTUffE UNITS 643 lb 2 CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: Based on assessed value. lf improvements occurred after annexation date in table, caleulate credits separates. Year Annexed Rate per $1,OOO Assessed Value Year Annexed Rate per $1,OOO Assessed Value 1979 or bef ore 1 980 1 981 1 982 1 983 1 984 1 985 s3.46 3.38 3.32 3.21 3.06 2.92 2.73 1 985 1 986 1 987 1 988 1 989 1 990 1 991 1 993 $ 2.46 2.14 1.77 1.37 0.97 0.61 o.44 o.15 Credit for Parcel or Land Only lf Applicable lmprovement (if after annexation date) x$ (Rate X Assessed Value) (Rate X Assessed Value) CREDIT TOTAL $ x $_