HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-09-07?.cce;-:t ! Date: s l CoatertcCar Lcnden 22 s |torth stit streea??!'rcA?r0, /PERI,,! Spr-ngfield, 1regon 971?7 Buildinq ?iuision ?26-3753 SPFIINGFTELD Job bcs:icn:C) Aecesoors lbo I fc,; bt # Subdiisicn: O-zer: Plone:;dl:qss rudu"L-0""%1&azz, { ua/A-;ACC|;ica Data of App n I VaZue -1DE cI) F Generc,L !! it the reeTonoibili;g oJ. ilE penzi: holder to aee;loI-t!? sc?eot, cnl tlut the p*rrtt cal. ie Lccated '3uiA:ir4 b-vicio.. ctz:or:ed plbt si=il rn,:u;n oa tltz llut-alt inspectiona oe nadc at :he Frtr,?e, linc, t?,zt 34ft:,fitssE is tea;.----at the fzeat of tlte oropertytsu':Ldba Si* at all' ttnes. ?2oc!9u'?' ?an i;:sPle!9il l9cUzs?"CALL?26-3769 (reeorCet) state lour City Cesigr.z-ted job trmbet, job n)i-ess, type of inspec:icntectescccl cti uien uou iL1 be reatiy fon ir-;pcctzo", ci*o.ii"-"i a.n"r"'rc,r. -.2d. giol:e rr,t'tbcr. p.eques-"s receixed. beT.cre ?:00 ,='-iLL be tc,ia thc aaTe ccs, ,"q"iili"rir:" "ni zroo'o, viLL be "d; t;Lr*.i"7iq''t[. T ciTF 7r--aa-'.tr. <,cc,,rA:G forms. zrer.ci,zs. ?o be rmce aflerpricn te 3e: u? of Iout City' ?o be Tc be nanieie in place, but prior to cng ta?1,ry. W.S0NP!: Stael Locatiott, bond. beons, orculinS or oetticcls in aceotdoce vt=h U.B.C. Section 2415. ,TOODS?O'E: --1^--)*,ttu.c te4. After installation is !!llC!: tlhen co,zplete -- *oviCe gdtes o? nouable sections thtough P, A, A. Desigra.ted Jab ltwtb* Is:8q o r q ter aLL insu b Sani'-a1 sa.tet cqTed =t gocattg Lite Se?ti. tatk V",rceC an filteC uith grie- WD:'PSaA3 ?:L':tsIxG. ZLZ1?IC,IL );ECi:.::!i.:AL:@y rprx is covc:ed. teou4red uaor bmie?s @e in pla,cehtt beJbre ozg lanh, WpsLa-l bc&, or tn.LL auertng is qplied, otd. befcreoty inrtlaticn is concealed. fu ?oberace I Y I aiaet Z?enanes cre ezccztated crd, fc*ns ae etecced, but prior topu:-irq ccncrete. ::] W", fbor ir.cuktion or dcckirg. oi To be eaic pricr w 11oor insula;iori c" 11t-tci ?a,;!3!::c, ??:r9!::a , :t7c1-A;ITilLiM ur-='-L ihcse lrscec=icz,s h.;uo. beer.rcie t-4 =?t2!ea.*Jot 'a 2k:Jra fc:zra ard, beybre'irzrirg i""p"Z- CL|PS A )APRCACP EgN: Aftet formsa'e *ecA6;@ to pc-ur:rq - co?leuete. S|DSTIALK d gRIT,tA!: For aLL co.tt- cr_ete pating u'ith:-n st?eet right-of-el, lo be nal.e aftet al.L ecca-vatirg 2qrplete .! ;'otn uoz,k E sub- base nctert-al in gla:e. Pinal - ilTen &ctte dtans are cc::tolete<ia:d uhen Ter.tclJlion ia eatplete or st:z:-tute aoucl, d, pre::rises cle,zted tq. ?it.tl - iftct :crehes, slCrting, ],eci,s,etc. @e c=r,oie=ed. t!czes Slocktng od. Set-up PhnbinX cowrcc=iczts - ad)€t d, tnlat Etectrtcc! Cczr.eee:!,on - Blockirq, sei-L, otd, -olanbina ejw,ect-:ona nr;st ib e9r.t2.before requeatirg electpical ir.soei=io:,: Accessor r- )uili'lng ntcEerLcLa FI::A' PIA:BI::A ?ftt?l tG.!rtt?-.? T ALL pro;eet caii:icnd, sucl cs she.j.nszallczlcn of sareec:rees, ccn!e-,;m of ;ierequireri t-cniscccirg, .tc.' y-ltst be satisiied beJ'cre ci,e 3UILII:* ?!!ilL:an be reqaested.. IIIAL AAIiJI:tc: 7*-e Fi.nal 9_uill.ir4 Insoec+-ion rtst be reotteste<i :i;ar !h.e Fi>tel ?r-tlr'bizgileccrieal, oi ileciur.iccl rnseec=icns 'itase been naci arzi'ccc:ouzi. {*t i*'.src;L _l 'Aiz :'!A:i?c!:s Asto cLgA$ca* :rus! sE .4cclss:zLj, .rDjtsr:!:'::: :o sg :.,/.lr :,.: ::o ::s? ?2 cry ?=ie I oi 2 .. RESIDENTIAL.. ( ;;on=fzcao,"e r ,Jcb Nunber: Zone: 'tlot Sq. Etg % ci Lct Cooerage li # oy stontn" Total Height . iopogruphy Euildirq Penrlt Stnte &llcharge Iotal Clnrges ITEM Total q Refenerce ilunbet's: Crt LC? TYPE Beitooms u,z6noicr Co?ner Panttnndle Cul-de-sac Building Vqlue & Permit Ihis pernn-t is granted on the ecp?ess eond.ition tlnt the sail. consttaetion slwll, in aLL respects, confonn to the 0rdinance adopted by the city of Spr"ingfield, includtng the Zoning CvdTnattce, r'egulating the ccnstracticn and. use of buildirrys, and nay be suspend.ed ot reookeC at c"nA time upon tic- Tation of dny prcuisions of said }z'dirantces, Electrico I Permit Where State Lan requires th"at the electrLcal uork be tlane by ot Eleetrical Contraetor,, the elictrteal portion of this pernit shall rot be oaliC until the Label has been signed bg the Electrical Conttactot'. ) Lot Faces -Sotu,ces Setbaeks Df House Can aqe A-eeess rt Ilater !!c-atet,r\ lleat North 7\' C^t'cEast-BOSI T) TT FirepLace South \?' llest L\(- DU.fJU X Value Cerdde c@Dort Accessoru NED -{?6)-\2.\cfi,- TOTAL VALUE \? .']cft- S.D.C. L.5 x L)ate Paad {.{. NO.FEE CHAPGE Firtures Residential (1 bath) Sani Sa)er eo etr> co CaO GO Plumbing Permit No person slwll constntct, instal|., alter or change GnA neu ct' ecisting plunbing or drainage systnt in ulole or in pa.z't, unless eueh person is tLe Legal possessor of a ualid plwnbet's License, eccept that a pe"son na! q ptuntlng uork to property uhieh is ouned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Plunbing Permit State Nas/Extend. Circuits € Sezwiee oo GO co ;tc.FEE CIlARCE D Etlwtst HooC Vent Fot oo llcodstotse e) qo Lto Mecho nicol Permit Permi.t fssuance lleelnnical Pemit -- ENCROACHI.ENT -- Sec"u"t t Pernit Cwbcut Sida,talk LabeL Mobile Hcne TO?AL AMOUI|T DUE:'\E f HAVE CAREFULLy EXAMINED the eonrpleted application fot perTnit, and do heteby certify that aLL infornation het'eon ie ttnte artd. ecrueet, and I furtker" eertify that ang ard aLL uork perforrned slnll be done in aceot- dnnce trLth the Ordinne'es of the City of SpringfieLd' @ld the La,:s of the State of }regon pet'taining to the uork Ceecribed herein, cnd that N0 occu- PANCY t^rtll bZ nade of any etructure uvLtltout permission of the Building N- uision. f fw,ther certily that only contt'actors ad etplcyees uho are in canpliance uith CRS 701.055 uiLL be used on this ptoiect 7-7- g?o Date i.lain (^L\.eo PLan Cheok Fce,: ,--H,C' q Fc. siwefi X t_hFl ) Res. Sa. fta. \\S: