HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 1992-10-01SPRIN ELD DEVELOPMENT SEFY'CES PUBLIC WORKS M ETROPO LITA N WASTEWAT E R M A N A G E M E NT 0ctober 1, 19g2 Lisa Hopper Building Services Represenrative cc: Resi den t -Springf ield Urili t.y Boar-dLane Council of Coi,"rnn,", t,Lane County Assessor :l::_County Elections Departmenrsanrpac Rainbov Uater DistrictSpringf ield I'levs/Regis ter Gr-rard el:g place the address numtrers on7992. If you have any qr.restions ,qib, Tlr:tr: and Dotores uatker1122 Darlene Springfield , 0regon 9i A77 RE: Address Change lior::icarion Dear Hr. and Hrs. Wal-ker: At the reque", ?:.-lhe Springfield tostal Sen,ic,1/2 North leth Srreet, ip.iilii"rd, -;;;;"r,'*iiE;"llx.,,,rrlili,i)Erlli!:"1.;,r"i, ii?l'i,i:i,l""n r"iin"j';';l;"treer "ior"rr"r. your r",-"ajr.ss is 31(l r,!orrh I:"Xili l;j,itl";.x""f"lii:tl:,::ll",ies ancr/or ase.cies .r this adrjress r,,, Springfield police Deparrmenr .Springf ietd Fi r" o"p"ii;;;;"'U.S. post 0ffice .U.S. Uest CommunicationsNorthvest Natural GasTCI Cable United parcel Service fn order to help,facilitate this change, plyour builaing anaT;;-;;ii;;*'il;'No'ember 1,please feel free to contact me" at 726_3790. Sincerely, \ SWI/4 NEI/Z+ Sec.06 l. LANE COUI\ 1,,= lOd Se EoI ,, zoT26 t E4St ar' \t 8400 {t ota F td rd E,F @ t I I l G 7905 9 7901 {H5: 7902 740C 73Or U,I,, 7zcx. '7lo( 700r ,69 q 680 670 660 65C 0 ( 5 .D s 'aI't. j hI 2o'.r'--r-20r, \t N @ t) lr,o L o-o = o q, U' F t tt0I h + -FI a- 20 20 lf* S"'o"" s sToo ! \ \\! eo' trt, aO. I th 9600 ao l"-q.t 9500 .s.7' ao tt r.,9900 {r{oooo , tr.t' *lt t$ t- 4 Y !.' lol0o + \ 'h 6 lO a' (, oh o2 oo i q \r0300 $ fl i NV 4 I o400 r 2000 I fo V\ r2 tooh fl ? tz?oo ..\efJq\. t2300 b t2400 n tq I _a .! 3v) r3902 r40o{ , t5 E 4 oo r 3901 I d .17' 'Z' 3t'"t" 9400 l....rao..u) 9300 tbO 9200 85008600 9too 8800 8900 b { 9000 ?I 5a6 6 $' MP ro500 ro600 ro70I v5 50' il900 11700 l{ 1r800 aa'82 n)\t 82 16' il600 4el' ti 1t500a I 614 t \ tr+ ra ii I !2 r 2800 s' r 2600 I: r 2500 ll .,I F: id r3000 r3roo 3t r3200 a!ot r 3700 r3600 Nul f{ la,saoo r3300 i3 Fah t3 3 400 F frFr 3500 4 208t'. !L 2o.81 20D.1 ( f-! i ! o tl"- -,'.' 8700 & v\ eo' J ;h 27o-0