HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 1991-11-03 (2)CITY OF OREGO'V SPNII\ IELD DEVELOPMEA'T SEBY'CES PUBLIC WORKS M ETR O PO LITAN WASr EWATE R M AN AGEM E NT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726-3753 November 3, 1991 Marvin Lee 1245 Queen Avenue 0denton, MD 21113 Dear Mr. Lee: Due to incorrect street address numbers placed on the residence located at t7B2 North 5th Street, Springfield, 0regon, Reference Number 17032631, Tax Lot 00700, this letter is vritten as verificatlon of the correct address. The incorrect numbers currently placed on"the home are L714. These numbers need to be replaced vith 1782 in ordei to ensure proper response in case of an emergency. Because of the recent confusion vith this address, I have also notified the folloving agencies and utilities to assist you ln this address veriflcation process. Springfield PoIice DePartment Rainbov Uater District Lane County Assessment & Taxation U.S. Postal Service Northvest Natural Gas TCI Cable If I may provide additional informatton or assistance, please feel free to contact me at (503) 726-3790. Sincerely ' Lisa Hopper Building Serv ices Representat 1Ve Springfield Fire DePartment Springfield UtiIitY Board Lane CountY Eleetions U. S. West Communications Lane Council of Governments Sanipac