HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-10-23INSPECTION LINE 7?6-37 69 TTTY OF SPRINGFIELD COHBi ITATI ON APPLI CATION/PERMIT INFORIiIATION LINL 726-3753 Job Address t1 fL A/, S.Z . Sfriarhttlzl Legal Description Ranq EIIERGY SOURCES:Heat Ardy'{ l,later Heater ,,rAru/ t e .4a-/f 0wner ,g a 6OVal ue of,il,l,lork: loDO. sq. Ftq. l4ain l7b Sq. Ftg. Access._ Sq. Ftg. Other-- l,lew Add Al ter Rep. _-Ten-10emo C han ge / U se 0ther .e., Build Single Ga ra e t c cooo'"" l7u L / t t& -r*nnttqrilY"w-lft ,o'>r*4 r y'LJq-v DQ \,0 lv lw l\Addres s Phone exDI resaddressnonameDESIGN TEAI4 Prima Structura l E l ectri cal I'lec han i ca I rical MECHAN I CALELECTRI CAL \)lLPLUT,TBTNG Nl\_ furnace/burner to BTU' sRes idence of FTSQEach single fixture Floor furnace and ventNew circuits alts or extens.ions Relocated building (new fi x. add i ti ona l ) Recessed wal I SDace heater and ventSERV I CESRes I Duplex (l bath) each Apol iance vent seDa rateTemporary Constructi onAdditional bath Stat onary evap. cool erthange in existing resi denceblater service Vent fan wittr sinole ductmultifamilY, comm. or I ndustri a ISewer lentsystem aPart from heatinq or A.C. --amps.0f Storm l,techan ica l exhaust hood and duct - coMr.!./IND. FEEDERS !'lood stove/heaterInstal I /al ter/re I ocate di stri b. feeders 0f amps. ISSUANCE 0F PFRlllT DA.TE IGNATURE l,lAl'lE (p1 ease Pri nt s terisInd __\G oo Per3Gq xFtg0ther Sq IPB\ Sq l".oad lue Dermi t rformedny of fy exempt t55 wi I HARGEScALTOTSHARGEALTOTLSHARGEcTOTAL s t1nthf'IL''|Ia rt perm ieec'I trthe p0ratctor1IConctraEnedow0'I be byrkEeILctria 1 1 notthatIre'I d'l 'I 1 sDRESIthengBuSETETAREQULANtoI,lHER 'I an0r returnedds1Saupecectr'IEIan1bybeeSnIbeahas'I gnedtheuntI'I,ltvabeI'thasIIno uetr'I sn'It no hereoIao rrna1nfrtthartcefydohedanreb.vcIatnofor1aI Ipr)the e ctheofcompNEDn'I tyancesLUL0rdththeEncedawlaccor'IIIdonebeshaworIkndaIape madetabeIIwltithacerfurtherOCCUPANCYtNCthatndafyI'I andcorrecandIrherebedwoscrkdentothe'I Irta ngon soe0regStetatheBuI'I derthLaofwsvllththeefid'I and e traS 1t on1fngSpr'Irt that regifuthrceremyIV1ISonI'I 'Id DJ atBungofthethandsson'I hereoteduthotheonIs'I noctruwluretpermif0atsud'IS forS exemptnythet'Itha0s5701'I 0RsascturedbyaereqndefffunI'I forceaBO'Ird 1s 'I ecusthproJed0nIbe7010wlht0RsIIncea'Iwho comDnIstorsracoyeeand,l on SU onbc t empv T'yoe/ Cons t an Ck Ftg. Access. Uni t Val u opment an Ck 0% Zone BUILDING PERNIT Charges anC Surcharges Ftq. t{ain F lood pl a.in -- stori es I 0cc-v Grou Fire Zone - Bedrooms e. /tPsa- , Val TOTAL VALUATI Fence Dcmo PLUI4BING PERMIT Charges and Surcha rges Sidewal k Tota'l Comb. Permi tELECTRICA.L PERI1IT Charges and Surcha rges L\.A/C Paving Curb Cut 1 G.{I,IECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and Surc harges I zr\,* TOTAL COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. Applicant to furnishA. Job AddressB. Legal Descriptionl' 9Cry.19-: Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map Reference 17 03 432. example- Lot l. Block 3, ?nd Addition toSpringfield Estates 9. Name, etc. of owner and construction lenderD, Energy Sources1. exampi e- heat/2. ExEEilE water Square-?6oTage or el ectrical forced a!r gastereecor solar E vaiuat on1. example- 1250 sq. foot2. exampE: JT--new project EIEET-I-dd, etc. house, 500 sq. foot garage , check new - if addition, II. F. Bui lding permit information:1. Ci,irnp]_g - construct single family house with anattached garage,". .I9lp]" - remodet existing garage into family roomJ. exaTpte - convert single family residence inio - restaurant (change of use)G. Value of work as defined in Section 303 (a) of the.. Structural Specialty CodeH. DESIGN TEAM AND CON1RACTORS To avoid design or construct.ion delays, Bui)dingDivision Staff must be able to contitt appropriate, persons.regarding design information or jbU ilt.--corrections, etc. Abbreviated PIumbino,. Mechanical, & Electrical SchedulesA. Except wrrere blink ;p;;;;-;;;r; ;;';;: <rescriptionportion of the Mechanica.l ana eieitricat Scneauies,the applicant need fiil_in..ly in.'lto. Sor., adjacent_ to the appropriate item(s) to "U.-inrtift.OB. Fuu prumbin!, Necnaniiiil i.a-ir.iiricar scheauiesare available at the Building Division1. To conserve space on.the"permii ilrm ilre scheduleshave been abbreviated2. ].f tt,:. item(s) .to be-instal.led are not covered onthe abbreviated schedule, yor-rhoJtO consult theful l schedu.lesc. qllllqlNc DrvrsroN..STAFF l,/rLL FrLL Our ALL FEES AND- CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULESu. As noted on the CAp, the label must be delivered to thee'lectricaj contractor fo. iignuir.. i, nr, e.lectricalsupervisor. The general .oni"iito. ii not authorized ^ -to sign the electiical Iabe.l. ----' Appttcant to sign and date Ih..!"y.I possibie, the initial application will be. used asa.-worksheet only. l,Jhere possibl!, eriiii;g Division staffI]lJ.?i.p.": 9. type written copv inJ-retr", it to theapptlcant at the time the a.tri-f p."rii-ir'is.r"a for hiss i gna ture. Fees and Charoes Plan.check feis are due and plJable at the t.ime of theapplication. and no oruni ,iii'[;';";;.;i; unti] thesefees, are paid. nlt btner r.., iro-.ii;;;;".". due andpayable when the permit ts iiir"J. vrrs'|vsJ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY III. IV. V PERMIT VALIDATION Permit Clerk lo t t-[L% PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAI{CY: Pe rm t'l .II canpap t CX ft romemp re 'l ts tra 't ngo w1 ht ht Be u de r S Boa berd ac u es Additional project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: date\L zff{rs't gna tu OL I1