HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1977-04-07CITTT OF-' SPF,I}.TGE-'IEI-D April 7, 1977 346 MAIN STREET 7 47 -4221DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Mr. Joe Clouse l7l7 Centennial Boulevard Springfield, 0R 97477 Dear Mr. Clouse: At your request the Building Dry5lrtmenl,gf.ll: City of Springfield made an inspection of the building located at laoy'No"th stn st...i, ipiingtieti' Otegon. This bujlding js an I occupancy locatea in an n-t zone. Vout-ttqlq:! to change the use of this structure to an F-z occupancy,'neaj Eitit. office,'will necessilate rezon'ing of this . .propertY to a C-4 or C-2 zone' Assuming rezoning is-granted the following items wjll be requjred for this property and bui'lding to iomply with th;"Sp;i.gii.ia Zoning Code and the Uniform Building Code. l. Required off-street parking - I space for every 400 square feet of gross floor area. 2.Seperatetoiletfacjl.itiesshal]beprovidedasspec.ified.inSectionll04of the U.B.C. 3. The water heater must be provided with a shut-off varve w,thin l2 inches of the 4. Yf,:t;.?:ltf;l;.., must be provided with a pressure and temperature relief valve' 5. Aa steps at entrance and';;ii;-i. the buiili.g ir,ir.havb a rise not exceeding 7% inches and a run not r.si irran t0 inchei-ani atl risers and runs shall be 6. ifll'l;t,c area sharr be provided witf.Y:llif ii:i ::"?i'^:'::1"i":10?n;l ot tn' Unjform Buirdjns code. N;i'i;;; vent.ir uting-ir;; ;h.'r r be not ress than r/r 50 of the area of lhe space ventilated' T.Thecrawlspaceshallu.p,"ouidedwithventilationaSpercode.l.5squarefeetof net free ventitatirn ul.l'i;;".;;;; i0 iin.ir feet of foundation wall' g. There sha, be 6 inches oi-iooi-to-.uiil, crearance on posts under the build'ing' posts shall be supported on concrete o, *uiottv i.a 90'pound felt shall be placed between the post and concrete or masonry' g. The rotted fioor jn the .*itiing restroom must be replaced' l?: +ll ll?!35,'[ill,'ffi3 lliill; sha, be supported to bearins wa11s. The bracins of rafter;-i, ;;iiing :otst in mid-span shall be removed. rz. If the area in the second-it..v ii ib rru';;;; is a-nauitabte area' then the stairs providing access to thi, u..u must be n,ade-io conform to Sectjon 3305 of the U'B'C' ,fr t_ ' llIfl:llt!'triGtd! :r' ^' Sincerely, Dan Sm'ith Building InsPector cago i I3. t4. The door to the existing restroom needs the latch assembly repaired' The electricat -i;i;; iio*-it. house to the garage must be replaced to meet tne iequirements of I,fre National Electrical Code' Remove the lights jn closets. ne*ove the el6ctrical extension cord in the attic area. Range not wired to code. nem6ve att surface wiring and non-approved cords' All receptacles must be 6n 20 amp breakers with a limit of l0 receptacles to a breaker. .l5. 16. 17..l8. .l9. A, necessary perm.its must be obtained before work is started. Elect.ical work shall be done by a licensed electrj.at-ioni.actor. All work shall be done according to applicable .oOes-anJ-inspecteO Ueiore i Certificate of 0ccupancy will be issued' should you need further informat'ion, please feel free to contact the springfield Bujlding DePartment at 726-3753. DS: smm ffi:rrr ,,0r-/#Z frflfft |'Pflr* cttrlrtcAT[ 0F Thls ccrtlflcs tltnc, tlre butldlng and prol)crty coxPl,tAltct locaLed at 1782 North 5th Street has been insPected and found to Springfield, Oregon. compLy'ruith the or:djnances of the Citsy of Address 1717 Centennia'l Boulevard clr Sp rinqfield,0reqon Items of special consideration are: )/ tz- t7 Bui ding InspectorDate owners Name Mr. Joe Clouse