HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 1991-11-03sPlill\ .rI:LD DEVELOPMEA'T SEPY'CES PUBLIC WORKS M ET RO P O LITAN WASTEWATE R M AN AG E MENT Springfield PoIice Depirtment Rainbov llater District Lane County Assessment & Taxation U.S. Postal Serviee Northvest Natural Gas TCI Cable 225 FtFTI I Sl nFf: I SPRINGFIELD, ON 97.177 (50s) 726 sTss November 3, 1991 Marvin Lee 1245 Queen Avenue 0denton, MD 21113 Dear Mr. Lee: Due to incorrect street address numbers placed on the residence located at ll}2North 5th Street, Springfield, 0regon, Referenee Number 17032631, Tax Lot 00700,this letter is vritten as verification of the correct address. The incorrectnumbers currently placed on"the home are L714. These numbers need to bereplaced with 1782 in ordef to ensure proper response in case of an emergency. Because of the recent confusion vith thls address, I have also notified thefolloving agencies and utilities to assist you ln this address veriflcationprocess. Springfield Fire Department Springfleld Utility Board Lane County Blections U.S. West Communications Lane Council of Governments Sanipac rf I may provide additional information or assistance, please feel free tocontact me at (503) 726-3790. Sincerely, Lisa llopper Building Services presentat ive .'(i \ \ ), rj ,,.'' J.IWM. t"= IOO' FOR ASSESSMINI AND TAXATIOI{ USE ON!.Y ,7 03 ?6 3 I SPRINGFIELD o.o. ?)oo(z/,2) .t- /c':87 'i._ D i 60 t_ STREET ru.:['(. re2r5' -t r NW Cor. E.W. 49 \,-A 65 +t"R . F . I ,i 1r l- UJ lrt EFa I I 1 1 .t !1 .il \l- ooT ln osr #,i#--L":-l 4/4E'-' 105 E o ta -z?r:,,s' - ---4----->--? - -\ i O ------- - N ti (o ol r)o ! cl o = ., o U' I 7r7n e"l od 6Q C1 o\i $ t-a -g12r1.sob 900 \^ \\U \D l-., lJ\t fl A/*V \160 t $ ?ooNE Cor F. POW D.L.G N 2)O4 i 0( h\ B. ERS 1o.48 s c?. ,rzs.r - ,.r.oo 2r06 $p1- att.2s' .{- ") - 301 t oq\ 6AP 8.OO f\0 fi+' 901 looo r2 00 v l 300 Ih \9 I 400 - -..4 ttr l I I - { t I 1 i I I I iloo t! 5 i 1 I i I c DIRECTORY ==> Number/suffix dir street City _ Map and lot,: Lane County Address Reterence System Account: *ADLIX ot/t6/96 r-5:43:06 t]rye # - 449 1,703263L 439 101 1,703263L L802 200 L703263L L782 3 0r- L703253L 1710 700 1,703263L L620 800 L703263L 1490 900 L703263L 1100 1490 L7032631 1100 tto74L4 219285 5TH 104 9185 5TH 21,9335 5TH 219343 5TH 219350 5TH 219384 5TH 2L9384 ST 1 Incorp city: ST 1 Incorp city: ST 1 Incorp city: ST 1 Incorp city: ST L lncorp city: ST l- fncorp city: ST APT 1 Incorp city: ST APT 1 Incorp city: SPRINGFIEI,D Land use: R SPRINGFIELD Land use: S SPRINGFIELD Irand use: S SPRINGFIELD Land use: S SPRINGFIELD Land use: S SPRINGFIEI,D Irand use: S SPRINGFIELD Irand use: M SPRINGFIEI,D Land use: M 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR o o SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR SPR 001 SPR 002 SPR Press PA2 for next record, or PAL for previous record. DIRECTORY ==> Number/suffix City _ Map and lot: Lane County Address Reterence System dir streeE Account: *ADIJIX 0L/t6/9G 15:45:11 type # _ t725 l_7 03 2542 L725 500 L7 032642 ]-725 L7032642 1,725 500 1703 2642 1,725 500 ]-7032642 1,725 500 L7032642 L725 500 L7032642 L725 600 L7032642 500 5TH 5TH 5TH 5TH 5TH 5TH 5TH 5TH 22307]- 22307]- 22307L 22307L 22307L 22307L 22307]- 22307L ST APT 1 fncorp city: ST APT 1 Incorp city: ST APT l- Incorp city: ST APT 1 Incorp city: ST APT 1 Incorp city: ST APT 1 Incorp city: ST APT 1 Incorp city: ST APT 1 Incorp city: SPRINGFIELD Land use: M SPRINGFIEIJD Irand use: M SPRTNGFIEIJD Land use: M SPRINGFIELD Land use: M SPRTNGFIELD Land use: M SPRINGFIELD Land use: M SPRINGFIELD Irand use: M SPRTNGFIELD Land use: M 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 97 477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 001 SPR 002 SPR 003 SPR 004 SPR 005 SPR 006 SPR 007 SPR 008 SPR Press PA2 for next record, or pA1 for previous record. 500 DIRECTORY ==> Number/suffix dir street City _ Map and lot: Lane County Address Reterence System Account: *ADLIX oL/L6/96 r.5:36:26 type # - 542 L7032642 r-58 5 700 L7032642 t572 700 L7032642 L49L 70L L7032642 L4 9L L7032642 ]-49]- 800 L7032642 ]-491, 800 L7032642 L49L 800 17032642 800 OLYMPIC 1011533 5TH 1011533 5TH 223L2L 5TH 223L47 5TH 223L47 5TH 223L47 5TH 223L47 5TH 223]-47 ST 2 Incorp city: ST 2 Incorp city: ST L lncorp city: ST APT 1 Incorp city: ST APT L lncorp city: ST APT 1 Incorp city: ST APT 1 Incorp city: ST APT 1 Incorp city: SPRINGFIELD Land use: S SPRINGFIELD Land use: O SPRINGFIELD Irand use: S SPRINGFIELD Land use: M SPRINGFIEI-,D Irand use: M SPRINGFIELD Irand use: M SPRINGFIELD Irand use: M SPRINGFIELD Land use: M 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 97 477 UGB: SPR 97477 UGB: SPR 800 SPR SPR SPR 013 SPR 014 SPR 0r-5 SPR 015 SPR 01-7 SPR Press PA2 for next record, or PAL for previous record. JOHN L. LUVAAS. RALPH F. COBE JOE B. RICHARDS ROBERT H. FRASER rJ. DOMINIC MONAHAN' VARNER JAY JOHNS 11I LOUIS L. KURTZ I lnactivc' Alco ilambcr ot Di.trict of Columbir Brr LuvA.rs, Coss, Rlcuanos & FnesER, P. C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 777 HIGH STREET, SUITE 3@ EUGENE, OREGON 97 S1 -2787 MAILING ADDRESS P.O. BOX 10747 EUGENE, OREGON 97W.2717 (54r) 43+9292 FACSIMILE (541 l 3/$i1-1 206 JO€t S. O€VORE tDNAtD E. JO}INSON ROONEY B. CARTER GREOORY E. SKILLMAN ^ JAlilES W. KEMPER. P. REBECCA KAMTTSUKA LISA FROST CHERNAIK DAVID A. JACOBSi DAVD W. SMILEY ROBERT L. SHAW 1934-1990 I Al- M.rr,b., of wa.Hr,glton B.t December 11, 1995 Mr. Dave Puent Building Official City of Springfreld 225 Fifttr Street Springfreld, Oregon 97477 LISA FROST CIIERNAIK cc: Client Sincerely, ,--4eret )n**cktu;L fl92 tY o ZG 3I 70b r 8C2 flo3 bbl 30 1 Re: Address Matter Dear Mr. Puent: I have been hired by the daughler of the owner of the property located at 1782 N. 5th Street in Springfield (Map No. l7-05:3G31, tax lot 700) to verify the address of the property and to determine whether or not some other party is using this address. Heidi Ifuight in your office has been very helpful to me. She verifred that the above tax lot and address match. However, I have spoken to a gentleman named Peter Pifer of NIPI Corporation and he states the address of his office is 1782 N. 5th in Springfield and this is the address listed in the phone book for that corporation. (See enclosed copy of page from phone book.) Diane and Peter Pifer are the owners of property located at 1802 N. 5th in Springfield (Map No. 17-03- 36-31, tax lot 301). Would your office please inspect these two properties to make sure that each property has the correct address? Please inform me of your findings. Thank you very much for your assistance. 688-0271 461 -691 5 484.5600 746-0003 747-9692 688-731 1 683-400s 688-7070 3'14-3637 747-8390 689-3460 34s-0909 588-23/t0 345-1580 726-303'.1 747-6162 683-1 527 342-3074 688-1704 343-1 21 5 345-6940 687-2800 747-464,9 34-4970 343-4025 345-7188 342-6704 74/.9378 747-0769 v34728 'a4-2598686-1697 688-6042 688-7663 689-8453 687-6700 343-6580 342-2165 747-0439 726-1677 343-8272 343-6546 683-9313 485-0977 746-6332 746-4289 686-91 32 689-2780 747-96s9 726-6871 683-3262 74p,-7942 485-498s 688-6185 34/,-4667 342-7221 746-0944 726-2857 48/,-94ri9 342-4741 342-8355 689-1917 747-2354 'l84-7481u2-3263 3/t4-0685 344,-9'157 741 -1063 485-1487 746-4954 937-2181 726-6290 937-3186 937-31 1 s MCDotlAtD Alex 1500 ttorkenzte Rd- B D----..---------.---- Barbara J -------....--.---..--.--------. Bob 91059 Hlll Rd Spfd----------- Brad & Kathy 4390 High----- a Brlan 85084 Kensngtn 0r Pleasant Hlll ----- lrian D 2488 0nyx Eugene-------- Brown & Dorls-----------.---- Eruce 2060 Garfld------------- C M 2858 Elysium Eugene*------.- Casey 964 Lochaven Spfd--------- Charles D 385 l{ Slst Spfd------. Chrls 2575 Llncoln Eugene-------- Chuck Coby I & Helen 315 E 31st Eugene-------- Contlnued From last Column MCDONATD'S RESTAURAI{TS. MCEIIIIRE Uoyd & llorene 290 fl Wllllam & Eugene- w 26th----------. MCTADDETI Harry & Joe 2380 John 575 Marcle 1 36.l30 Enterprlse Rd----- Gres 2666 Hiqh Euqene-- Carolyn :1490 0xbow Wy. Harvard Dr---- .----- Knapp LIl Eugene------ 257 W 6th Eugens----- R Rose 2510 0live------------- Ruth A 3530 Emerald-------*-- Scott & llancy 1256 E 2tst------Willlam------ MCFADGEII Howard W 3700 Bakock Ln--------------- MCFAII David L 658 Van Euren a Ed 19!17 Hawkins Ln Eugen€ D G 4750 Frnkln Bv Shawn 1467 E 23d MC Jlm & Kristen t{lPl (0RP0RATI0il- -'ottlcE 1782 ll 5th Sgfd----:...1-:: 726-9866 3405 6ateway -"-"-'------:'--.:-J:---'- 7 46'2819 5701 Main Spfd---'-------,--------- 744-1103 1565 Mohawk Bv Spfd-------.-------- 746-7856 MCD0NEtt T t ------.-----.--.---...-.--.- 687-2167 MtDONNEil. Brian C 1210 Rutledqe Eusene--..-------- 689-8591 Gerald archt 25i2 Baker Bv-'-------- 343-4312 MCDOIIIIEI.L GENATD & ASSOCIATTS 125 Bauer Ln Eugene--.----.-- MCEV0Y Aron 3135 Kinsrow Av R 1415 S Bertelsen Rd MID0UGAL Clarence & Vlrglnla 3575 Wood Eusene------------ 688-7513Kelth---------- W-9682 Mel & Sld 2706 Dayna Ln Eusene-- 465-1672 l{orman 37064 Wallace Ck Rd Spfd- 726-7133 Rlchard 37064 Wallace Ck Rd Spfd-- 747-0750 T t.---.----.--------.- 34-5392 MCD0UGAID Gene [ & Murlel- .686-8194 MCD0UGAI.t A C-.-------*--..--..- 484-2398 Julie 3179 Klnsrow Av Eusene------ 683-3340 M 1750 Alder Eusene-------------- 342-2006P--------------------- 485-8117Randy---------- 725-6645 MCD0UGLE George E 4475 DaisySpfd---- 726-9744. MCDoW J t ------------.---. - --.-. --- .... -." 4U-7 444 MCDOWALL I R 7080 Thurston RdSpfd----------- 7'17-8036 MCD0WELL A E 2235 Provirlence 345-0345 689-7928 689-9755 689-3614 343-3683 344-1107 686-5191 343-95,14 588-1 286 tt61-5339 342-6253 686-6248 688-4/,74 Eugene---------- Danlel 565 3h1, g, grgsrg------I E C---------------- Gary ! 1666 ll Danebo---------- Ken Ken 310 Cheshire Euqene---- MCTARIAIID t D C0 9m49 Hlghway 99t{--------------- MCIARI.AtID Michael 3161 Klnsrow Av Eugene------ Mike 175 Eanton----------- Richard [ & Barbara 3449 Breezewd -- '1985 Elanco Ln Euqene--------- 484-2061 MCCULTUM Phillp & l{ancy 816 Sundance Eugene----------- 3tl4-9013 MCCULIY Alton 1638 0rchard------ 345-3294 MCCUIIY GE0RGE A dntst 622 E 22d- 485-1444 MCCU|.|.Y George & Diane 2081 tairmount Bv----------- 485-0042 1326 R & Sharon----------- Hamble------------- 219 Federal Ln-------. Michael D------ Nancy D 587 Lmhmoor Pl Eugene- O Brlan & Canala J 1 104 David & Pat w 23d-----.." 1 E Erdwv Euoene------------------- MCDotlNEtL John 3912 Aster Sofd--. MCDoN0UCH Patrick 344 E 14rh---. MCD0UGAL A 50 Seward Spfd-----. MCDOUGAT BROS IIIC- 0ttlCE 38437 [)exter Rd Dexter----.. C0MMUIICATIONS 149 tl 9th Spfd- tAx Ut{E-------- sH0P ----...------ Davld 2660 Cresta De Ruta Eusene-. 345-3572 Davld D & June-------------- 726-7652 Douglas 2255 Clevld---------:-- 683-5406 Douglas W & Barbara s87 E 39th pr-------.--.-.------ 343-6545 Duncan I & Jane E 2171 Hamble- 343-3920 Edna Mrs [rnest E 1 lrancls I 74 Spftl------- 133 1585 Acacla--------- francls I 1585 Acacla--------. MCDONATD GAITERY.TINE FRAMII{G 505 Hrsh------- 687-2531 MCD0NAtD Gary A--------*------ 683-4399 Clen G 349 S 47th Spfd--------.---.126-7283 I H 3231 0ueens East------------ 344-0539 lan 1857 W 12th Eusene-----..---- 984-0019 MCDOT{AID II{DUSTRIES OREGON IilC 1041 Hiqhway 99N- sAtEs .qID sERVItE--------.-.-.--. 688-7321SERV|CE---------- 698-1024PARTS--.-------..--- 688-1030 MCD0NAtD J A-----.------------------------ 741-4720'J Richard & Mary A----------- 345-3541 Jack ]0?0 Dixie Dr Spfd------.------- 747-5180 MCDOIIATD JAMES E PI{D PC 1680 Chamben Sulte 203---*----- 344.0740 MCD0llAtD James & Suzanne 2281 Friendly Eugene---------- t165-8876Janis---------.- 683-1928Jean---------- $4-4592 Jlm & laVerne 2019 Graham Dr- a 345-3614 & Marlene-...-- & Delores 1943 Laveta Ln-- Eugene-------: 84540 MtBeth Rd 2127 Silver Lea Ct & 1855 Kingsley Rd Euqene-------- MCFERRIII TERRY t Farmers lns GroupJohn Alexander 2805 Almaden--- 686-9295 John B & Blllle 2979 Brett Lp''Eugene-------- 461-2976 John W------- 3rt4-5118Jonathan------ 741-7194 K N-----.----.--------- 687-7879 Kathy [ 160 B Spfd------------- 14-1815 . Kelly 4380 Jasper Rd Spfd------------ 726-0463' lanre 595 Pinto Wy-----------r- 345-5613 MTDOI{AID LAIICE EDt). 975 Willasillesple Rd Eusene-------- 3,2-7230 MCD0l{Aut M & C------.----------------. 343-5370 Margle 86150 Hoya Ln---------,---- 747-2938 Mary R 1389 Bogart Eugene----.---- 345-5885Megan------- o 461-8873 Mercy------------'------------':-----"--'- 485'1345Mlchiel------- 689-6406 Michael J & Darla 3365 Bendlx-- 485-4772 Monte 925 florrhrds Spfd---------- 741-2642 Nicholas & Patty 942 Fairway Pl Spftl--------- 747-6224 0 M & Evelyn l{------------- a687-8741 R 2021 Holly----- 3.14-8145 R J 992 Polk---- 686-1058 Ralph & Beverly 55 Prall Ln-- o 686-1988Renee--------- 744-7025 Rlchard A 1501 0llve------------- 342-8505 r 1919 441 119 il Res 5th Edenvale Rd Pat 2139 W 12th Euqene----------- MCDUFFIE B A 2713 Fairmount Bv--'--' , MCDUFfIE RICHARD W phy & sur M0 Lltin McDuffie & Bergreen M0 PC phys & surs 1200 Hilyard Euqene------- , nlchard & Xaren 135 W 52dEusene------------ 687-9355 MCEACHERN Marvln [ 627 Kourt Dr 741-1079 2728 Baker 683-1 s43 334-61 27 485-8795 484-0221 MCETDERRY S 2059 W lTth Eusene-- MCEID0Wt{EY Colleen 688-2868 3tl4-5021 4531 Franklin Bv Eugene..-------- 741-8410 lorri Eugene---- McElhany Shotola CPAs Pleasaot Hill---------- MCFETRIDGE H G Jonquil-..-------L-l- MCCATTEY.AIIDRTASOil EUGE}IE MEMORIAT CHAPEI See England's Eugene Memori MCGAFFEY H [ 1133 0live Euqene---- Ray l. & Penny 3355 ti Delta Hy Euqene------- MCGAtlAtl Scott 724 Wash Eusene-- 1699 li Terry Eusene 2547 Melrose Lp--- CGAUGHEY CGAUGHY Cct[vlt- benicr E l88s E sprd---- CGAVIC DERRICK E attv 941 W 3d Eugene------------- CGEAI{ Kelly---- MCGET--See Also Masee M 34/,-6277 747-5426 341-4675 343-s082 689-2028 689-2661 M M M M M Robert , Robert ' s 1884 ir 1436 AlderI 26s8 W 343-5499 686-8s79 688-0993ILnohn- Eugene------------ 28th --------- 39th Spfd loe P 2472 Qulnce---- 2831 Maesner----- William & Clndy 34182 [)el Monte Eugene----- Kathie -----..------ Rd--------------484-6693 747-1689 747-2526 343-2567 689-4957 688-21 53 ?26-8965 484-2705 345-0221 747-3157 741-3789 3/.5-7484 Spud & Ev 1755 Rldgefld------- a 688.7518 Terry J & Ryan 89989 Hlll Rd Spfd 747-9659 MCDOI{AID THEATRE 1010 wlllmte-- 3't4-4343 JR 2490 Chuckanut--------"---- l Sterling 0r----------------- I , 1333 Oak Patch Rd Eugene- l 40i0 Benywd Dr Eugene--- t Spfd---- a' lrvngtn 0r--- I Bv Eugene------ I , 1755 W ltth Euoene-------------------------------- I MCG[onGE Willlam A 121 Donis Arthur J 1595 il Park Av-- 3326 Admiral----------- Dale 2666 Hish---------------------- Greg 1990 W 28th Eugene------- MCDERM0TT David & Molly 1279 W 6rh----- Eugene 1502 Willaglllesple Rd---l H M 55 Corliss Ln--------------'JerryP&Cheryl A 1289 Risden Pl Euqene-------- Jim & Becky--- MCDEVITT Latry 2144 E 15th Eugene- M ---------------.------ Malia 725 E 19th Eugene---------- MCDIARMID A D 34490 oeerwd Dr Euqene--------- MCDIARMID CONTROTS 85579 Highway 99S Goshen------- MCDIARMID D R & Dlanna------ MCDIVITT Karl A 32767 E Thomas Coburg--------- R A 2595 Hllyard Eugene--------- MCDONAGH B MCD0I{ALD Thomas G 1569 Escalante Todd -----..--- W K 5654 High Banks Rd----------- W I Ted 2815 Harlow Rd Eugene--- Wanda L 1369 N Park Av-------- 688-6427 685-0453 741-'.t841 34/,-4304 689-1 204 747-2219 343-4404 746-32s8 747-5347 weir w 2450 Birch Ln---------- 3tt4-8006 MCDONATD WHOI.ESATE CO 2350 w Erdwy--- 345-8421 MCDOT{ATD'S RESTAURANTS- EVERGREEII RTSTAURAilI CROUPttc- 1417 Vlllard-------48s-3857 689-1303 585-2528 342-5533 345-71 1 0 485-5190 484-9245 55 Rlver Ave 746-6066 683-8369 688-1651 747-03s0 1580 Coburg 1910 W Grh 016 Valley Rlver Center------'' 2855 Wll1,,1te----------.-----------:::- 0f FICE 1471 Pearl-------------- 533S Maln Spfd----- & Janet 3378 W 17th Euqene:------------ 686-8796 MCELWIE Kevln 915 ti 62d Spfd-?-- 726-6685 MCEIIEAIIEY lnez C 3349 Vldera Dr-- 484.7383 MCENTIRE D I 982 L spfd---------- 745'4689 Dorls [ & Marlon 3587 Wilshlre Ln I orr,,lirii'- i ri'iii;ffi ;il;-----::-:' 9ll:i 333 Rd---.----------------- Contlnued 0n l{ext Column E E l3th Eugene----- 385 tl 2Stn Spfd- O Pl Spfd -- Centro Eugene----ct------.-*- Kent 40177 York Ln Spfd---- Creenwd ---- Avalon -- Quaker Eugene-- & Jermalne--i* Spfd--- Rd Euqene----- 747-0234 Ln-------- O 14rh-- 2694 Chad 0r- c-,i Jolene 3755 Viroinia Spfd----.- O Eugene Eugene