HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 2000-08-14SPFl!nIGFIELE' DEI/ELOPME^TSERY'CES PUBUC [,I@FKS M ETROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MAN AGEMENT 225 FIFf H SIBEEI SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (s03) 726-s753 tlrlL, 5q\ $' Your demo'lition permit is currently be_ing ^,processed. There .may. be a slight a.iiy;-;a rp to I r.iii.g days ior-small itructures, due to the time required to review the nlrtoiv or [n. itructure to determine if it needs to be documented before demolition. ''Thi, documentation is for archjval purposes only and-will not affect the'g;-ii'fing of-tf" a.molition permi.t. If the structure is-very Iarge o"-.onrpiicateU ine aoirrentation proces: mal take u.p. to a.maximum of 4 working days. Documenlati* -t if f consist of photographing. the b-u-il.ding,. taking measurements ana miiing scated drawings. The documentation will be undertaken tt-th;-city at no corf to you. Docuri'entation is being done-.on all structures ait.J piioi to'rgqo-[[it rui l,rar. historic importance to the city's development. ., T-flIS DoCUI'IENIATIoN l,llLL NoT IHPEDE THE DEI'|oLITIoN PRoCESS. An age cut-off of 1940 was chosen because this is the date that the National parks Service'.na ff,.-spiingiieli oevetopment Code use to determine potential hi storical significance. If you would prefer to complete this documentation yourse.llVgu must provide the iitv- ,iL- thL' foli*i.g j.rormation: l) bl ack and white photographs. of each "i."r.Cio., i lior piin"*ith measurementi, and a set of elevation drawings with DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATIONS measurements. Thank you for Your Patience. I grant the city of spr.i.ngfield permission.to enter my property to complete documentation pii* td thd requeited demolition of the structure located at Property owner signature: Date: D,V