HomeMy WebLinkAboutAddressing Correspondence 2000-08-14 (2)D EV ELO P M ENT SERVIC E S DEPARTM ENT
August 14,2000
Jacqueline Lee
1245 Queen Anne Avenue
Odenton, MD 21113
P.E: l^Cdress Change and Veri-fication
Dear ivis. Les.
This letter is *ritten at y'our request to change and verify the address ofthe property knonn as Lane
County Reference 17032631. Tax Lot 00700, corrunbnly krrown as 1782 5d' Sffeet, Springfield. Oregon.
As you are anare there are hro properties in the City of Springfield conunonly knorvn as 1782 5e Street
on different tax lot numbers. This address assignment and verification is rvritten to clari& and eliminate
the con-fusion there has been in the past regarding these trlo properties. Effective immediately, y'our
propefly identified by Lane County Reference Nurnber fiA32631, Tax lot 00700, wiit Ue corrurrorrly
known as 1776 5s Street, Springfield, Oregon.
I rvill be noti-&jrng the following agencies of this address change and verification by sending them a copy
of this lefter:
sf :FIELl)
Springfl eld Utility Board
Lane Council of Gorernrnents
9l I Dispatch, Public Safety
Lane County Elections Department
Rainborv Water District
Spri ngfi eld News/Register Guard
(541 ) 726-3753
FAX (541) 726-3689
Springfi eld Police Department
Springf, eld Fire Departrnent
U.S. Post Office
U.S. West Communications
Northrvest Natural Gas
TCI Cable
United Parcel Service
lane County Assessment and Taxation
If you hare any questions, please feel free to nre at 726-3790.
Lisa Hopper
Building Safeg Supenisor