HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1982-12-16" RESIL cNTIAL" 22s North sth streeAPPLicArr,N /PERMrr Springfield, 2regon 97477 Buildtng Diuision 7 26-37 53 SPFIINGFIEL.D I-! i8 the reaponsibility of tte penrit hotler to see that aL! inspections ote iade at lhe;ron tie stteet, anC livt the cerrrtt ccil. ie l.ocated at the lzvnt of the srooettu.,ZuilCirq V):tictor. tpprou-ed pltct shcli reaain on thz au:;aina- :ite Zt "1t'1";i"." P!?0CSDUPE- iC4 IitsPinrcll !!A.!ESTTCALL 726-3769 (recorCer) state Aou? City Cesig'r.,ated job tequested atd uhen i;ou uiLL be tead.g fo,z. inspectton, Contractcrs olr A.zers r,ane cnd plnie'-ILL be nade the sane dcy, requests ncd.e afiet 7:00 on vtLL be nade the nerlt.,nrkinq'd.a.g. C o n s j r., c t i c-n_ L e d e!_ cr-F ?rrcD-aar.rrt esccuation, bux FIIIAL PLU:IBI:IC FT;IAL :IICIIAXICAL ?IIIAL ELEC!?ICAL ?o be truie after priar to se! up of your Cit! Destgra,ted Job llwtber is: |NSULAT:ON /VAPCP tsA.RRI3R II]SP?CIICN : ?o be naCe after aLL ins-ulcticn ed required uqor bavie?s @e in olace bttt before ory lath, gllpsun bcaz'C cr unLZ couering is cpplied, crd. beforea! ,)nsuktion is concealeC. DRIWALL illSPlCtICll: To be naCe after aLL ctyuall is in olace, but prion to cny *"apittg. [USC!li?l: Steel Location, botd beons, gzouting or ue"tic6,Ls in accorrlo-tce ,ilth U.A,C. Section ,d1< ,ic1DS!c|/t: - After in-s tallation "Js |URE !3 APPSCACH APP.ON: A|'tet foznsa,e;;A;;ZGVEA to pcudrs conc"ete. SIDgtlA.L;( d DRI',TiAI: ?or aLL can-;CC ?aufi-G;m sc"eet right- ol'-,":c!, tc be naCe afier aL! ercc- uating eanolexe & lotn,;ork & cub- base neterial in place. !!NC!: I,lhen conplete -- *cviie gaces o" nouable aectians through D II J p"ope" tine, that 4'4h ;'lirsss is e2adabi2 ' nto?ibe?, iob aliress, type of inspec!'lcn nunber, P.equests recei"'ed befcre 7:00 n forms. UIIDERSLA.ts ?'UIEIYG. ZLTCT,IIC,II, 1 nlECiii.iliCAL: To be nacie before cnywrk ts ectterei. PCCTIIG ML,ilDAt:Cll: To be naCeafter tvErlai2s aTij-caated ard fotma ote etectai, but ar.icr topouring ccnc?exe. - u :t1!R cpc tJ :t t ? aL1.tp_L; c L_Slut:r_ t.ir ry)J Lirq crerchee, i1 aw*t:ccp ?Li;:.sitG M!c!r.a.!rcAL:ttffiof floor inaukcian or Cecking. P)ST AND 3EAl,l: ?o be nade prJot +-offitaffiTof f1.oor insutaticn or deckittq. Pot.tc:] ?!,I19!:tc, !:EC:PI:A: " ..ttcfl- AilIi).|: ;;o ':o"1 is tc ce car^erec ut:til -"hese "):",scec2iora 'naue beez naie a"d. :gprcvel. F!?!?IACZ: Pm)or lo p'tcc.!.r4 lzcinamcxerials ad. befcre franrg inspec- tLolt. F?L'liilC: ,Wst be rec:,esteC cfterqgiouil of z'cugh plttr,bing, e-Lectri-cal I nec'ranieaL. ALt rcofirg bracing ! chinmcgs, etc. nasc- beconoleced. )lo .;crk is to bo- con-cecled untiL ihis insoeeticn i,a,s been nad,a anC apoto,*e1. I o ALL pro,ject eor,.iiiions, cuci as the i.nstallaclon 9f street trees, :c:.e|.exicn cf zite required Lattl.sccping, ctc.' nust be sattsfieC be;'cre the tsUiI-Df:iG ?!!lAL:an be requesteC. .tItlAL BAILDMC: Th,e Ei-ncl Building fnsoecticn tirrst be requested aiter che iinal ?ttnbingElectrical, od, !|eclwriccl insoect.tons itqre been nade ard'aconouei. ?cz tat Job Loeaticn: A|sessore j!a? I Subdiuisr.cn: Ptfuj*!,30LAddtess: ci.ty:Or1 Desct+be Hork /a.fu/qACditicn lz- tb- 82- :lq) Vai.ueDate of App b'dailrlt Genetal l/yl, | 9leetrtccl l.lecho;iccL Sani:aty seser eq?ed :t Wc?etn Lire Septic totk p'r-ted al. flLLeC ,,rith g-z,atei Final - il4ten abcue 'Jtens ee ccr,:oletei qnC ahen lnclition is ccrtcLele bt st-;:- tute naueC aL =r'er;ises cleaned tc. Blocking otd Set-ug Plunbing connecticns -- sane! d. aazet Electt-Jcal Ccnnection - BLocHng, set-u, and. pltnbing connecticns r;st be cpprct;ei before requesting elec'-rieal insceelion . ccessc,,; Builitn4 Final - !,fter 2crckes, akiriing, deci:s, etc. @e c;twle-.ed. -Jai2.: ol J I 'ALL t4AilItCLES AilD CLE|ilCIJTS ltusr 3E.\CCtS,itsLi, .r.DJas?:ti:il ?o 3i:.!4D8,,.? !!O::S! ?C Cr'! Date: d C-^al,u- T tr T 2-aa 9 JOB a^+ a- at- I cf lct Ccoerage ! of Stor|es Total lleighc ?opogrcpfu1 ?uild'-ng ?en*t ?o*-al Changes Suyciutae Pernit fssu.ance Meciunical ?erdt Crouc: _ b.tericr _ Cormer _ Patitaruile CUL-de-sac No 80 SOLAR CESS REQ.-L-CO G+ 3edrcons Building Vqlue & Permit This perm'-t is granted on the ee?ess eond.ition that the said-consxntc;ion shall, tn aLl resoeccs, eonfcrn to the Srdirwtce adoate,l. iig the Cit.1 cfSpringfield, inclding the Zoning Crdinar,.ce, r,egulctitzg the ccnlintcticn qnd use of bur-Ld,ings, and ney ba suaaeruied or reuckei at a.! tane ltpcn uic- Lat:-an cf u.y pt,cuisions cf sali Cydtrances. Fec€apt H: Electricql Permit Were State Lan requires tha.t the electrLcal uork be done by cn llectttcalContrlctar, the electrtcal porlion of this permit slall not be udliC untilthe Label ius been aigned by the Electu"ical Contracto?. Mechqnicol Permit Lot ieces - Seat cr Access x Va a^f.f .rrf t,f (s.D.c. 1.5.: ii:;utes Reai<iztttial ( 1 bcth) SeuetSai Plumbing Permit I:lo pereon shall consttact, instal!, al,ter or charye 6ny neo cz, esisting plwnb,J.n4 cr drainage syste'n in alole or in pott, unless such person is the Legal possesson of a ualid plunbet's License, eucept tl"at a pe:son nay do pfunbing aork to propert'g uhich is ouned, Leased ot operated by the ,zppLi- cant. Plunbing Pert;:it Na,t/Eztend. Citcuits larocroy Sezvice tiliuiL-L *|La/st lcoC Tent ?at ',lcodstoie -- r;tc.2.cAc:t:::!: -- Seqtrlru Detosit Storzoe i4aintencnce Penzt'Lt '.t cEcL :.nc.f1es 5iCa,tal,k iO?AL AilAUlE DUE: * ?en=e P Ldn L::anLr!e? I HAW CA-REFULLY gXAUfilED ihe cotnpleted coplication for pernit, ad. do hereby ce"ilfA that aLL info:nalion heyeon is ttwe atl, ccrtect, ard. I frrther ce?+-ifV :hdt anu erd. aLL xork teriorned slull be dote in cccor- dznce wtth the 1rdinances of the City of Spr|ngfield, and. =he Lara of the State of 0t egcn perinining to tke Dork CescribeC herein, a.C :itzt ll0 1CCl.]- ?/.llcy tiill be nade of cnV szrwctu"e uithout permiseion of the Suilding Di-uision. f frttther eertif! that atLy contrdctcts o'd. etrylcyees ai"p ate in cc;rpliance u'r.th CRS 707.055 ,,tiLL be used cn thia project -:>4 i !'tobile ilone ,4