HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1987-03-02SPRINGFIELD
Planning Department
I'larch 2, 1987
Ned Nebeta
l.lil I amal ane Park & Recreati on Di stri ct
151 North 4th Street
Springfield, Oregon 97477
SUBJECT: Review Schedule for Lively Pool Site
Dear Ned:
I have prepared two separate scenarios for the various reviews that are requiredfor the development of the proposed Live'ly Pool site. Please be aware that all
deadlines and hearing dates are based on acceptance of complete applications.
Metro P'lan Amendment No Fee Charged
Spri ngfiel d Planning Conmission
Springfield City Council
Eugene City Counci'l
Lane County Corrnissioners
l,lil I amal ane Comp P'lan Amendment*
Sp riri lanning Commission
i ty Counci'l
Annexati on /lone Change
Spri ngf i el d Pl anni ng Cormi ssi on
Springfiel d City Council
Boundary Corrnission*
Early ApriI 1987
Mid-April 1987
Fee $400.00
4/8/87 (deadl ine 3/9/87 \
Fee $640.00
qiafti (deadl ine 3/9/87 )5/6/87 (deadl ine 4/10/87 )
ngfiel d P
ngfiel d Cps
*Note: Community/Regional ?arks require Discretionary Use approval unless theyappear on an adopted Park or Public Facilities Plan. The City Council must adopt
the amended Comp Plan to eliminate the requirement of Discretionary Use Approva'|.
( deadl ine 3/3/87) Fee $200.00
(dead'l ine 5/6/87)
225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3759
*Note: Annexation is not necessary to rezone or develop, however, if annexationis postponed, rezoning, Discretionary Use and site plan wou'ld be reviewed by the
Hearings 0fficial. The Hearings 0fficial schedules public hearings the 3rd
Hednesday of each month. App'lication must precede these hearings by one month.
Expedited Review (Boundary Conmission) Fee $200.00
The Boundary Commission can process an expedited annexation request 25 daysafter any date the application is submitted. An expedited review by-passesthe City's Type IY annexation review process. However, an expedited review
can become a normal Boundary Commission public hearing by anyone requesting
such a hearing. A1so, because the Planning Conmission and City Council do
not participate in an expedited review, there is no change in zone other than
removal of the UFl10 overlay. In order to develop this site for park use a
zone change from LDR to PLO wou'ld be required sometime after annexation.This zone change could not occur until the Plan amendment is final (See
Eugene/Lane County action on Metro Plan Amendment).
Site Plan Review $160.ffi * $8.00 per acre
Deadlines every Friday; review occurs 12 days 'later.
(This alternative involves deve'lopment approval prior to annexation.)
Metro Plan Amendment o fee charged
See this section of SCHEDULE #1
l{i'l l amal ane Comp Pl an Amendment Fee $400.00
See this section of SCHEDULE #1
Zone Change Fee $400.00
Assuming final action on the Metro Plan Amendment occurs by the first of May,
a rezoning before the Hearings 0fficial could be held on the 3rd l,lednesday of
May, L987.
Hearings 0fffcial 5/20/87 (deadline 4/?0/871
Discretionary Use Approval Fee $200.00 + 5169.00 + $8.00 per acre.
0n'ly necessaly if l.lillamalane Comp Plan Amendment has not been adopted by theCity Council. Discretionary Use also requires a site plan (included in the
Hearings 0fficial 5/20/87 (deadline 4/?0/871
Schedule #1 could complete all necessary review procedures (except bui'ldingpermits) by early May, 1987, if no appeals are 'filed along the way and iFexpedited review is unchal'lenged (Estimating an appeals factor is an exercise in
geometric progression). Schedule #1 would cost 91,200-$1,500.00 in fees.
Schedule #? could complete all necessary review procedures (except buildingpermits and annexation) by the end of April if no appeals are filed. Schedule #2(excluding future annexation) would cost $1,000-$1,200.00 in fees.
Note: The schedules I have developed here are not oniy "best case" but also
assume that any development issues which may affect this site have been resolved.By this I mean key urban services and compliance with our Development Code. Fromour previous discussions I'm sure you are aware that the proposed primary accessto a conrnunity or regional park must come from an arterial or collector street.Until access to this site can be resolved, the land use reviews identified in
Schedules 1 and 2 should not be regarded as a comnitment from the City that
development of this site as a cor,munity or regional park can occur as current'ly
If you have any
your convenience.
questions concerning the outlined schedules, please call me at
Cordi al 1 y,
Gregory S. Mott
Development Code Administrator
cc:Greg l.Iinterowd, P'lanning & Development Directr
Dave Brown, Traffic Technician
Cindie Harmon, Development Permit Coordinator
Lorne Pleger, Plans Examiner
Dennis Shew, Deputy Fire Marshal