HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-04-15..RESID.-NTIAL.. 225 Notth sta i*nff"rcArt0N/P,R*rr SprLngfieLd, 2regon 97477 Building Dtuision 7 26-37 53 Reeei',# SPFINGFIEI-D '\ "aY aol {-r Date GeneraL tlechanieaL Coaatmrctton Lettdet rob racaticn, l?l0 A/ 5 h" S-{', a-:,- 76,-?az l-at * OOAasesaoz.o Map # S'ubdioision: ... LLror- 6', .. lornrieA,ntet: i),-v4' .pr,o"n, '7i€,.G>2f .Addz,ess: City Date of appli.oti", 3-/8'3G Desu"Lbe Hork ?f'x?7'Q,v444 ,",#s7 a o,.rt r!Nan tdditicn RenoCel X Page 7 of 2 It iB the reeponcibility of tle permtt hoZder to aee that alt inspections ate nade at the ptope" tine, that ecch cddress is reaCahie flr tla atreet, ar1d, tllat the perwit card ia Located at the front of tlte property.*AuiUing Nuicion approted plan slnlL remain on tVp Building Sitc at aLL- ti,nes.- PROCYDUPE FOR INSPECTION R!?WST:CALL 726-3769 (z,ecotden) state yout City desigrnted job nwiibet,, job aCCtess, type of inspeeticn nequested ar.d uhen you uiLL be ready for inspection, Contracto?s o? Anne"s ranne and plnne rutnber. Requests teceixed befcte ?:00 an '*'LLL be nade the sane dcy, ?equests ncde after ?:00 an urill be made the nect wrking day. Reoti.nori Tn cnonti-nnq Iour Citg Desigr,ated Job Nwnbet, Is: SI?E INSPECTION: ?o be made aftez, ezcalr;n;;; but pt*tor tc set ip of forne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCH{IIICAL: To be made before any r'lotk is coueyed. ) FooiINc & FouNt)TrcN: lo be nace A$;;-tr'.rrctes ay,e escaoated and forns ate etected, but prior to Wu?ing ccnc?ete. UIIDERELOOR PLUTIBING & I4ECHANTCAL:of fl,oor insulation or decking. PpE! 4!D pg$M: To be nad.e priot, to ffildTTffiTof ftoot, insulation ot d.ecking. Lr i>- RO UCH PLUE I\IC.TETT Nru C-i> & MEC H - .ffilT'these inspections haue been nad.e and appz,otseC. !!3EL49E: Prloy to placirg facing,natffiA; and before f"*t"S inepe'c- tion. FRAIIING: I'tust be requested aftet @Fffit of rcugh plunbing, ilectrt- cal & neelnnical. ALt rooftng bracing E ehinmeys, ete. mtst be : anpleted. Ito uork is to be con- . cealed until thia inspectLon hae I been nad.e anC approoed. ?IIIAL PLUMBING FIIIAL MECEANICAL ?IIIAL ELECTRICAL \.{ q TNSULATTON/VAPOR BARRTER ilISPEC?ION : To be made aftet, aLL insulaticn a".d. required uqor berie?s @e in place but befoz,e ory Lath, Wpsutn baarC oz' tnLL cooeting is appli-ed, and. before otg insulation is concealed. DRYWALL LNSPECTf1N: Tc be made after aLL dtyuall is in place, but prior to any ta?rng. MASOI|RY: Steel location, bond Gdilgrouting oz, oertieals in accordotee LtLth A.B.C. Section 241 s. W)ODSTOVE: After installation'Ls arnpleted. CILRB & APPRCACH APP1N: After fornsee evecteC but prtor to pout'ing conerete. SIDEWALK & DRILWAI: Eor aLL con- eletend@Giffi st?eet fight- ef-txA, to be made after aLL erca- oating canplete & for-n wrk & sttb- base rnaterial i,n place. DEI.IOLI?TO!] OR i.iOWD BUILDIiICS Sanitaz,y seuer captped at property Li*e Septic tank p;urped e,d fi.Lled ttth gta;sel Final - Ir4ten abcue itens are ecrnpleted and uhen dqtalition is cornplete o! sttuc- tuye maued and, prannses cleaneC up. lulobile Hcnes Blocking otd. Set-up Plunbing connecti.ons -- aa)re? od. aatet Eleetrieal Ccmneetion - Blocking, €elu-uP an-d plwnbing conneetions m;st be approted befora requesting eleelrtcal inspectio;'t Accessor,g BuilCing Final - Aftar pcreh-es, skirting' decks, etc. are completed. ALL ptoject conditions, such as tle installation of street trees, conpletion-of tie requ.tred Land.seaping, etc., tmtst be eatisfied befone the BUfLDLNG FLNAL can be requested. fiNAL B1ELDIN7: The Final Building Inspection mtst be requeoted aftet the final Plunbi.ng Electt'ieal, o'd Mechanieal fnspectiow ltate been made atd apptotted. *ALL MANITCLES AND CLEANOATS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST\IEIII ?0 BE I'L4DE A? N0 C1ST T0 CI?y D 8 I 17 Ytnce: I{len conplete -- tuottide l-) dE-"" .oo nottable' eectione tlwough n L_l Pcge Z JOB NO Iat Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Couenage # of Stories ?otal Eeight Topogtaphg soLAR ACCESS REQ.-L-co d Grc LCT TWE Bedtoome: fnteniot Corttet, Panltandle CUL-de-sac Date Paid: f HAW CAREFULLI EXAI4INED the conrpleted application for penrLt, and dohereby cetttf-A that aLL infolrnatibn hereon- is true a)d .ioty,.cti anC t furtket, cettifA that ang ar.d aLL do?k pe"fomed slnll be done i, o"oor- dance trtth the ordinances of the ci.tu bf spr-ingfield, ard. the La,:e of thestate of 1negon pertaining to the uotk ceeq,ibed herein, otd. ttnt No occa- Pl.Ncy utll be nad.e of a1a stntctu?e rvtthout permission of the Buitding DL-tsision- r furthen eertifE that only contractors anil anpiogees dho ar; ineanplianee uith ORS 707.055 uiLL be-used on thie pz,ojeei ?nZ * uate 3-rc^ffi\ Lot Faces -Ene"qu Sources Tiloe lleat Df IIouse Cd?aqe Access.llate! lleater Noz,th Range East Eine South Wood.stou^e Ilest -- ?ees -- ITE14 fJU x Va 4 Building Volue & Permit This penrtt is granted on the ecpress eondition tltat the said consttwctionstnll, in all respeets, confonn to the 0rdtnance edopted 6;y the City ofSptingfield, ineT-uding the Zoning Cndinance, regulating the ccnstrubticn otd. use of buildings, arzd nay be suspend.ed ot, reuokeC at cny time upon oic- Lation of ery prcuiaions of said 2tdinances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 c Building PermLt 5;O State -) Iotal Clnrgea Reeeipt #: Signed N0.FEE Urufr(,L Pistutes Plumbing Permit No_ person shall consttuct, instaL'!., altet' ot cltange anA ned cr esisting pLwnbirq or dtainage systan in ulnle or in patt, unles-s sueh person is- the Legal possessot, of a oalid plwnberts License, ercept that a p-et,son nay doplmbing uork to p?ope?t! uhich is otmed, Leased or operated by the "ppli-cant. Resil.ential (1 bath) Saner Plunbing Pernrit State ?ctal Neu/Ertend Circttits Electricol Permit where state La requires tlat the electrical uork be done by qn glectrLcal contracto?, the electr|cal portion of this permit sttall not- be ualil untilthe Label lta.s been signed by the Electrieal Contyactor.Ianpcrug Sez"uiee 7 State -->-Ll Total 7 -- ENCROACHMEN? -. NC.FqD AI' A D'D Mechq nicql Permit bhanet HooC llcodstotte Vent Fot Permit fssuanee Meelwnicel Pernrit Seeufity Depoeit Stotage I,lainternnce Perwtt Aobeut SideuaLk Fenee etnotoi"ot rfi"r ff l\ 5l I 2O Mobile Horne TUTAL IIMOUN? DTIE: *€*rc Date httrnce E?lltS ?otal CTtataes State