HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1994-05-24CO M M ERCIAL/ I N DUSTRIAL PERMIT APPLICATION 225 Fitlh Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 LOCATIO N OF PBOPOSED WOHK: ASSESSORS MAP: SPEINGFlELO 2fr, JOB NUMBER INSPECTION LINE: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 TAX LOT: N/, 4 PHONE: CITY:STATE:ZIP: e o a 7 OWNER: ADDRESS ADDITION DEMOLISH L/OTHER VALUE UDESCRIPTION OF WORK: NEw L/''' BEMoDEL A/e,ZAIE NAME ADDRESS PHONE ADDRESS EXPIRES PHONE:FNC,4z4tll NARCHITECT: ELECTRICAL: CONTRACTOR'S NAME MECHANICAL: -Fffi G EN EHAL: CONST. CONTRACTOB # PLU MBING NO.FEE CHARGE Single Fixture Relocated Bldg (new f ix. addtl) Water Service ft Sanitary Sewer ft. Storm Sewer ft. Backf Iow Device TOTAL PERMIT NO trFtr EHA RGF Furnace/burner & vent < 100,000 BTUs Furnace/burner & vent >100,000 BTUs Floor furnace and vent Suspended wall or f loor mounted unit heater Appliance Ven[ separate Stationary evap. cooter Vent Fan/Single duct from Permit lssuance $10.00 TOTAL PERMIT HANDICAP ACCESS: - FLOOD PLAIN: ZONING: LIGHTING POWER BUDGE'Ii WATER HEATER: - OFFICE USE - LAND USE OCCY GROUP: ; OF STORIES: QUAD AREA: * OF BLDGS: CONSTR. TYPE: HEAT SOURCE; '* OF UNITS: SQ. FT.$/SQ. FT.VALUE X X X SQ. FTG MAIN SQ, FTG ACCESS SQ. FTG OTHER PLAN CHECK FEE RCPT#DATE BY 6 f/ BUILDING PERMIT 62*PLU M B II.,JG DEMOLITION 5% State Surcharge 3t)*84 5% State Surcharge MECHAN L FENCE VALU5% State SIDEWALK SUBTOTAI- PERMITSPAVICURBSYSTEMS --------- DEVELOPMENT TOTAL PERMIT FEES EXCLUDING ELECTRICAL System apart AC or htg. Mechanical exhaust hood and duct TOTAL VALUE OF PROJECT REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsiblllty of the permit holder to see that all inspections are rnade at the proper time. To request an inspection, call 126.9769 (recorder), state your City designated job number, lob address, type of inspection requested and when you will be ready for lnspection. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work daY. SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to setuP.of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before anY work ls covered. FOOT]NGS & FOUNDATIONS: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, all steel in Place, but prior to Placing concrete. CONCRETE SLAB: To be made after all lnslab building servlce equiPment, conduit, piping, accessories and other ancillarY equiPment items are in place but before any concrete is Placed. UNDERGROUN D: Plumbing, electrical, gas, sanitarY sewer, storm sewer, water and drainage llnes. To be made prior to covering or filling trenches. UNDERFLOOR:Plumbing, anical. To beelectrical, mech made Prlor to instal lation of floor insulatlon, decking or floor sheathing. POST & BEAM: To be made prl or to lnstallatlon of floor lnsu lation, decking or floor sheathlng. FLOOR INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made Prior to installation of decking or floor sheathing. MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams g routing or vertlcals in accord ance wlth uBc 2415. ROOF SHEATHING AND NAILING: Prlor to installing any roof coverlng FINAL PLUMBING FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT AD DITIONAL COMMENTS: S ROUGH PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: No work is to be covered until these inspectlons have been made and approved. ATTIC DRAFT STOPS & CURTAIN WALLS FIREPLACE: Prior to Placing facing materials and before framing lnspectlon. FRAMING: To be made after the roof, all framlng, fire blocking and bracing are in place and all PlPes, chimneYs and vents are comPlete and the rough electrlcal, Plumblng and mechanlcal are aPProved. INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIER: To be made after all insulation and required vaPor barriers are ln Place but before any lath or gYPSum board interior wall covering is applied. FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: Located and constructed according to Plans. LATH AND'OR GYPSUM BOARD: 'fo be made after all lathing and gYPsum board' interlor and exterlor, ls in pl ace but before anY pl astering ls aPPlied or before PAVING: After gravel is in place but prior to placing asphalt or concrete. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: ln accordance Section 306 of the State Specialty Code a special inspector shall be employed by the Owner/ Contractor during construction of the following work. A copy of the special testing reports shall be furnished to the Building Division. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: IN excess of 2500 P.S.l. (306 a.1) STRUCTURAL WELDS: Performed on the iob. (2722 t) HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING: During all bolt installation and tightening operations. (306 a.6) SPRAYED ON FIREPROOFING: U.BC. Standards 43-8. SPECIAL GRADING, EXCAVATION AND FlLLING: During earthwork. (306 a.11 & Chapter 29) GLU-LAM BEAMS: lnspection Certificate by an aPProved ag ency, furnished to the CitY's Bu ilding Division before beams are Placed. (2501 U.BC. sTDS. 25-10J1) STRUCTU RAL MASONRY: (306 a.7) gypsu fasten PLANS REVIEWED BY m board Jolnts and ers are taped and f lnlshed SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Requ ired for all concrete pavi ng within street right of way, to be made after all excavati ng complete and form work and s ub-base material in place. CURB AND APPROACH APRONS: After forms are erected but Prior to Placing concrete. SITE PLAN REvlEw BoARD: Must be requested 2 days in advance of the date VLu wisn inspection' All proiect.conditions. such as landscaplng,-;tki;g loi'striping' etc' must be completed before requestlng thls lnsPection' *ln addition to the insPec' tions specified, the Buildlng Offlcial maY make or require other inspectlons of anY constructlon work to ensure compliance with the Building, City or Development Code. UI DATE FINAL BUILDING: Requested after the final plumbing, electrical, mec hanlcal and Fire Department i nspec tions are made and approved No occuPancy of the P remises can be made until a Certlflcate of Occu has been issued bY the Building Division and on the pancy premi SES lt -l posted ^ N ran' Slgnatu pertai Safetypermiss s lcatlon and do hereby certify that all lnformationexamined the comPleted aPPlthat I have carefullYature, I state and agree,I be done in accordance with the OrdinaocesBy slgn and all work Performed shalI further certifY that anytrue and correct, and described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCYherein is nlng to the workLaws of the State of Oregonngfield, and the r certify that only contractors and employeesof the CltY of SPri Dlvision. I furtheion of the Bulldlngstructure withoutwill be made of anY ill be used on this ProJect'e wlth ORS 701.055 wwho are in comPllanc roject address ls readable from theat the Proper time, that Pure that all requlred inspectlons are requested It card ls located at the front of the property'I further agree to ens plans will remain on the site at alland the approved set of street, that the Perm structlontimes du ?zilfrt *zl Date 27,f,/ VALIDATION:AMOUNT RECEIVED: BECEIPT *:RECEIVED BY: DATE PAID #-IETE-M, **Hi[#HFn HIGH PERFORMANCE BUILT-UP ROOFING SPECIFICATIONS ilG.NM4-HD CLASS "A'- llptoVz" slopein12" PREMIUM 1 FIBERGLASS SBS BASE SHEET NO, 501 ALL ZONES Materials Per 100 Square Feet Rosin Sheathing Paper 1 Ply 5 lbs. Premium 1 Fiberglass SBS Base Sheet No. 501 3 plies 90 lbs. High Performance SBS Premium Polyglasso cap sheet No. 601 1 ply 102 lbs. Asphalt 75 lbs. General requirements and specifications are applicable as part ot this specification. Malarkey recommends the use of its High Perlormance Premium Polyglasso Cap Sheet No. 601 as a base flashing material. Malarkey recommends the use of its SBS Mineral Walkboard No. 916 for all traflic areas. ROOFING ASPHALT HIGH PERFORMANCE SBS POLYGLASS CAP SHEET NO. 601 i t 12" -{_o+18'+ l***l NAILABLE DECK I i I _T 't8' I I 19, I I I f 4.01 APPLICATION/INSTALLATION A. Flashlngs: General 1 . Shallbe applied as per manufacturer's specifi- cations. 2 . Extend roofing membrane 2 inches or more above all cants. 3. All vertical surfaces shall be canted. 4. Nail to the deck. B. VerticalFlashings: 1 . Shall be minimum of 8 inches above roof mem- brane. (See SMACNA detail#113). 2 . Provide for nailing to the top surfaces of all curbs. 3. lnstall or mechanically fasten nailing surfaces (treated wood/nailer strips) flush with surface. C. Cants: 1 . Shall be installed at allvertical roof intersections. 2 . Shallbe approximately 4 inches in horizontaland 4 inches in vertical dimension. 3. The face of the cant shall have an incline of not more than 45o with the roof. D. Prolectlons/Extenslons: 1 . lnstall all projections and extensions through the roof deck prior to installation of roof system. 2 . Projections shall be constructed not less than 18 inches from the intersection of the cant and roof deck. E. Meta! Flanges/Gravel Stops: 1 . Prime both sides of all metalflanges to receive roofing with one gallon of asphaltic primer per 100 square feet of roof area and allow to dry thoroughly. 2. Set metal in mastic and nail4 inches on center to wood nailers or insulation stops. 3. Allstacks shall have an I inch minimum height metalflashing sleeve. 4.02 PREPARATION & USE OF MATERIALS & EOUIPMENT A. Asphalt Temperatures: 1 . The asphalt shall be heated in accordance with EVT (Equiviscous Temperature) standards and applied within the temperature range [EW + 25oFl. 2 . lf using Malarkey SEBS asphalt it shall not be ap plied at temperatures below 450oF at point of application. 3 . At air temperatures belor 36"F, it is required that supply lines be insulated. 4.03 ROOF INSULATION Not applicable to this system. 4.04 EXPANSION JOINTS A. Contact Malarkey for specific application details. 4.05 WATER CUT-OFFS A. Divide roof area into areas as specified. T'OI MAL.AM 3-11