HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 8/27/2021 (2)TITLE NO. W23214 ESCROW NO. VM0-2002 SP TAX ACCT. NO. 0150555 MAPITAX LOT NO. 17.03.15-40-01800 GRANTOR MOVING FORWARD, LLC GRANTEE DEADMOND FERRY PROJECT, LLC M936 PEACEFUL VALLEY EUGENE, OR 97408 Until a change is requested all too, statements ahail be sent to the following address: es*SAME AS GRANTEE**e Lane County Clerk 2020-067313 Lane County Deeds 8 Records 11/17/202002:2421 PM RPRDEEDCn1=15N=9CASHIER05 1paga5 $50051100 s0 an $6100 $87.00 At. recording seen to CASCADE TITLE CO. S II WILLAMETTE EUGENE, OR W401 WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM MOVING FORWARD, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grantor, conveys and wantente to DEADMOND FERRY PROJECT, LLC, ¢o Oregon Limited Liability Compaoy, Grantee, the following described real property free ofensumbmnces except as specifically set foto herein: Beginning at the NaMeess Comer Ofthe William Stevens Donation Land Claim No.46, m Township7 South, Range 3 West Croon Willamette Meridian; thence North 890 55' West ]3].88 fee[ ¢long the Neth Guimsaid Claim No. 46; mens South 15.0 &at to a point on din Saudi line of County Road No 90 (Deodmond Fen, Road), said point being foe true point of beginning; ramming thence South 89° 55' Pass 6a 60 fend alang the South line fsaid road; Noce kering said Soots line, South 260 38' Fast 306.75 Pett: diener North SV 55' Neat 200.10 feet; thence North 2742 fat m the tole post of beginning, in Leve Coum3', Oregon. The true consideration for Mils conveyance is 5405,000.00 BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS LNMIRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE I INQUIRE ABOVE THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195300 (DeOrddems ror ORS 191300 to 195.301(Leg sletWa findimed AND 195.305 (Compensation for restriction of use of real Property due to bmtl usi TO 195.336 (Coup enrntire end Cooservmion Fuad) AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11. CHAPTER 424, OREGON I.A SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER Si i LAWS 2010. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED, IN THIS WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LANE BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOTOR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN OHS 92.01011De416iIRm Por ORS FILMS m 91192) OR21SOJO (Definidonq, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED U6E3OPTHE LOT OR P=EL. TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 (DeMitbne for ORS all foo 30.9471 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTI OWNERS, IF ANY. UNDER ORIS 191100 IDefnnitlom for OHS 191100 to 1951165. IM301(Iseldatire Mdhi AND Except foe following naumbrenas: CovalwM, Conditions, Embitt�etrs, Easements sand Rights of�Wsay ofarmad, ifi ny. Dated this 11 day of 1 ` )L%LAsj1.r CFORWARD, LLC BY: ' LU D , 1F.MEER State offMgon Guam'ofLare y� —1 This imsrument wen edmowledgrd before me on I IOIJCryn�/ I 12020 by LUCAS A HARDY, MEMBER a MOVING FORWARD, LLC, on behalfaftbe graamr. SRRWAIDELEEPETERSON l(�Xi�7)�CLA No7M9Pu&IDOHERONPOl1 (Newry P.M. for Oregon) C OOHR18agN 969561 My colmnisslon uup].l lm—SO - a � MdSXIWIOXHfAttB DCWAB0I A. CATITLE E CO. STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT SUPPLEMENTAL MICHAEL O'CONNELL SR. Date: AUGUST 20, 2021 Our No: CT -0328244 Charge: 5N/C As requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as to the following described real property: ( A T T A C H E D) and as of: AUGUST 10, 2021 at 8:00 A.M., we find the following: Vestee: DEADMOND FERRY PROSECT, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company Said property is subject to the followine on record matters: 1. Property taxes in an undetermined amount, which are a lien buL not yet payable, including any assessments collected with taxes to be levied for the fiscal year 2021-2022. 2. Power lies easement, irc-acing the terms and provisions thereof, granted to Tri- state Railway and Power Company, by instrument recorded November 29, 1910, Reception No. BOB'/ P279, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 3. Easement Agreement, includinc the terms and provisions thereof, granted to Heidsmarie Smith, by instrument recorded July 15, 1999, Reception No. 1999-061898, Lane County Official Records. NOTE: The property address as shown on _he Assessor's Roll is: 287 Deadmond Ferry Road Springfield, OR 97477 NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 0150555, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 15 4 01 #1800, Code 4-78, 2020-2021, in the amount of $3,342.67, PAID IN FULL. MAIN OFFICE FLORENCE OFFICE VILLAGE PLAZA OFFICE 811 WILLAMETTE ST. 715HWY 101 * FLORENCE, OREGON 99439 4750 VE.LAGE PLAZA LOOP SUITE 100 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 MAILING: PO BOX 508 " FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PH: (541)68]-IDO3 FAX: (541)485-0307 PH: (541)9978417*FAX: (541)997-8216 PH: (541)6538622*FAX: (541)944-1626 Order No. 0328244 Page 2 NOTE: This report is being supplemented to add new exception no, 1 and remove prior exception no. 3. This rcpert is to be utilized for information only. This report is rot to be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing Lhe real property described. The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by =h: Title O`_ficer: DOUG PIERCE Order No. 0328244 Page 3 PROPERTY DECRIPTTON Beginning at the Northeast corner of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of tie Willamette Meridian; thence North 89' 55' West 737.88 feet along the North line of sa-d C-a_m No. 46; thence South 15.0 feet to a point on the South line of County Road No. 90 (Deadmond Ferry Road), said po-cL being the true point of beginning; running thence South 89° 55' East 62.60 feet along the South line of said road; thence leaving said South line, South 26° 38' East 306.75 feet; thence North 89" 55' ;Vest 200.10 tent; thence North 274.2 feet to the true point of beginning, =m Lane County, Oregon. MAP NO. 7-03-15-40 i THIS MAP/PLAT IS BEING FURNISHED AS AN AID IN LOCATING THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LAND IN RELATION TO ADJOINING STREETS, NATURAL BOUNDARIES AND OTHER LAND, AND IS NOT A SURVEY OF TME LAND DEPICTED. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE IS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED BY ENDORSEMENT, IF ANY, THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE DIMENSIONS, DISTANCES, LOCATION OF EASEMENTS, ACREAGE OR OTHER MATTERS SHOWN THEREON. to the :ryVottar WOU, AloO Alp, and III other r1r�hta or say of Any--ALIory klnA, and a dao 1IPU,b11 Nded Or told by, or in which tho isonter ho I. m;, On 1n he note: aar�Tlao 1 4oeatis !' o I'd Dmby.OP LenQt a, ata V arenon. Also ObM eartrvlh kra iolb e, or phot gran a by the county Oan,, or tba Dtnta It 0 Ogen ON find; fan thb COnAtj Of LOnoy dated onto 9 1910 Armting poYml,bsloR to the Po¢#P,1a Flobbfiin'nFl inB tlUpb,4ng Conpmyy, Un suddesseta AM amolnAl to opercto and asintain wirne w%Al poEgHe hriQ. dad tev f°asotAln consity raaeO in said psxMt daooilted, eh wf na pa0rI1G'r+Anf dxi the 420, day Y dbly> 1910, dtti;, asul'Aned ,rs vtorrod .aw at Ovars.44, by,46id FA iru Aiaateirai p3gineheing Co vaip•, to ,.rantQO herein mud hive any no all other P-enah-- lean Pei• the tdaintentnee If:ol.natria rt reh end Prior b'd, any athan -many rondo in anld COUnty dE gkhr, held by hagntar harem or it r,jOh said rantdr may he in enycdne lntarosted. giomate ROC Lha supplying Al.. CIS dp1191}, or Porter to Orly AM all sanialpal't1o. in id Cour,} .af U'A. Alki .1-11 Crebahl,to. mated to, or held by, eINNAbo'r harnin, for he con- :teuotion, arset16n and raintaiah'n OY'olb ria light- ehd Porar placebo end the :mpplyinj ,ad dtetrlbntitog of airato I.Ity far 21LliV And povAr to any meniCip%11Glaa in Told Qtdt. of 006-Ph, and #&Mou9pr3C• that Curtain Cranohl , V ted Joly ;$, 19101 grantod by the 61" of don Sift Ulty;td PAa1Pio Ella txldel aIIlntleping OmapAny, and by eml$'Cadpany gel, mexjyted e gra td h.rbin lfnd thgt.. a t #n feenshipe, dated neoember, 6, 19UM1r ventod b9 quad Oily at of as all Attest: R.QGref 9e r.tF.ry. slgnad,Sealdd And D0111.1ad in pr.sanae'o c n Robe A C tN3tpo:. state OP 111dnoia fie. a.noty oP oOlk t and tbansfareed to grantor heroihi+mttl Sha, •OerCdlYv rrbnOA tfie City of H.erleboxg to PAOiri iso iaa3. FJfyld6axinQ eanigoed to grantor hereYna aTd airy and all Ifbsr Pbanobiaed. .i itdun, hold by or In whish the 5'rwitpn &dpafn may be ihiondar.a Atlas in the said state of omgan. �ri$ls, aoppli a, aeehin ry Ong tool'. Aft+A1 -iiia pbovestyr tr belonging to or Appertaining to tielYd hexbiili{eSoxe L -Il bill. and .1ooimts red0loeble 3and Cts, a-1Uim§4hd'dofidbdt, nee, dated by acid.Om, t',..v is eon- Y Ging to .-Au fiax4lntiaPbre deeexibbd punt,, togetil"ff'A 4itb red#t--.th. end nppartelu.lnao obtrento b,JgagOn,.14. in hsyl IM or enarolon., reariannr ox r6sargialer., eblYs lToa.o, . ingulAr the prmAteoe, leena, ,,:'antdi right of N, liven esv xopaity ofor ... Id, ,alto he ,bid P.-* Oftna Oedbnd Pet;i.eild r. grantor has Aras.dtlotto P. Ontti to be exronlat ST 1ta d ere, end its eo-porrte real to be'To-evM.b nPfirl,, in. ' tof.I. day, glyenr the. day m,d. ye¢r!' ixat Abave'eirSEten. s Hpy.AYGAASDvAND CbM AVY, -. By H.N.Dyllesby Coxpbrr-La President. on n roan day of 511tathor 11910, bef WW o p xsun t3y appeared H h 9y llesbd. end` a 0 a: to Ra pexAo�sly, lCjaggr wbo, being Qnl„ mrorn, did Aq, that he, the aafn4bi1. B ,eaby" Ss the Pne.Fldant, andb6t thsongir H.J.Hraf, le tha SsO-rtard of H MRI' -..by, �d C .perp,, Abe aprpoxntion BxaCuting .he Pare ins inbtrumon , And thea the d afbi'4gd ed ..Id dnstml,� is the O.Opdrat seal bS-'eh3d a arporetidn, and that sold 1ntitNa,ent''wa`a ' sigh Ci 012d+Sew;ad ih mahalP pf esd colpo�mLlon by eutfat,ity of itn dotard nP Diaagivnem aitd -aid h.id.Aynde96y Clld R+J.1iY8 A Im0•olekedp,.ld inetrhhNnt to he ',be free, sat`kitjd dapd Bi sA1s1 a rMIdbYGn.... SH 6,d,Y'doe, firsM-mt In hs„A ,here to at vp to d And AEPSxed W oxP#'nibl`-eeiSv this the daN'ace'd year liner M this ay cextiYY ate. wvitten. hoterlal'3aal3' C.A:j(aha w Notary Wade, y aom.iAsian ElftAn dnly Int, 1913• TO and rex Ommty Of FnnsigtM1ta of Saalnsin. . • ) Ritt t of WAY ' Dead. Adolph VU liar et P.1.. [ 99 t0 ) FS.Led. Pei record !!ov Mtv lelo as 1 O1.1tre P.He' Tel Wstlo'ipailT'md'`F P., Or. ) - R,O.T.. CO,nty nlelk, Per J.A.Faimtnin Itun',- .a THF:] INllRyyA1}D„linge'thie 31et. day.aYoetobar, 1910>. Or and betbadd AytB?pJti 6j}S1eY rst3 '..I 17 �_ to ihv o am¢ ria fe Tn ed 5AoBFFtz n v ho au f Mid h, thel5 dna ',do TIolS?Y of o PnTLed 9Aaton eto ..,{Gran +a hand Pnicl by the dO`ePaM'> cry rosea Sa 1ieSRN deimpwleaeed d t4 tneoE Pxeomn¢ C}'ant H iMjbin mall r n d PPS i. iix moo Lh, Co as nna tO i¢s MOC63SOrs ohd 6341 ,ai fgravd w t1P,dtt of er, Y t , y pp$'i +Sqq gox Che kax Sl.nK_Of wire .rad Alla VeeNl in of elaOtsln enexv vif t the Nlgy t~to Great Vale. me to BtTa%fh ,eider add I.S+tn f .3Fn botwemn Pale,, € AM nmoom4o end proper appat Grua to n,Ma1A mah pill, +nn n mill pmlms 1nz nv,.Ind niONOCA tYno loilmdS - den ^dtnd }and oft rated in .he l'onnty ov yd,, and Stat- of pre on WUML AI ttt pnq Aurid;ytd end 1 f"Jy-a Van e^ to "lora tin -rad Canin Po.,, SR Eav+•ion � of t i Totmvh'}p 17 $doiji ReRIIe 3 FAQ t OPER® W318,mmot U itez tod, .he ledgl tit;¢ to mhxeh nam ahand Ae,tb4 }�Amk o W.W.CA13R , h esid AtRtkt ediler Ntd Adolph I$llen holding n aantwAot d#'*t_hada t1 f ,RE l'o tho a ht to oat dbem, ane mnp16.. hA.,oea eteRdjag between O'd rbpd tone¢ eYRL Tio}xa an a td xltmxn - wI,ieh dead do Nt' xntexfero pith ,to pml l Ika, olaRg the � IcedoM,'it" eHm}$ yEaiYt pPB"49.900. taYd $mJA ;ih pp;Umi wire and ; hon wIta anal he eonat^adtpd, oPerntod, d-th"eiadd 'Ad gA xn da ,V aioA; the line thereof, sa ,he aura ono, -W lo^ated mn avld Ilaf4alp Koing, n.{py£A, g61Ttlmve E g4h Y}Rb d1 the RaTlrend RTIIRt of key o as and avrosn 9M11 PrAhWB9mi :add it ig np54d1$ik�ly egeabd End this deod is made unptt th dpree� x alnaod, 4Rnt„ttryg c ptal• 1'tl 6 !L@ mniR_poln ,}irtG Ohe11 not ne lOaatod rat a gF,ater thbn"ye So t fiYo}9ftAYY ldn% m'GSe::Son¢herh-PavlEic AA�Fedad Right Of ray A5efo palsy $ b my mi'RdDi Motes atn.n''ohaLY'myt rye 3000ted rat a d4imdt,x dtotnnao i than eP¢vanli,dt PFanF nnia.4,lsbod dYljr i 04 RpyN- 3n frti�6ha'r obReidex'hdiafixd& dram Y money p Yion f F a1d, the Ilantona Aereby dr§Ytt AaS,gyR. del olid qnR Unto C rpvd 1 s Wkkttaeax nttdlesalpjiG and Lv ltd � t13e1 3�J1f §ra'A �tp 3an emplayga Che°sisi�t 1'�Ld avcaad �.;n1; AS s to '' ntfd i'sP}M1°�ilyi arae a}l,see�,a��i�. yd pdye k1�a �a�1n 'sisre n3,d divan .ot vnrd a on one .. ev, aa,ea �,ny9: hands any e_mx yt ttl'„gaa$,wtafi Re ;rade ands ;and,to dna fpom Dela duy vel n,dxsR,x sine ns' gra..” `Re ;e 12an(.awi2. am S1tiErutdew w9,Ynnr of ztay an.A.12 teoe aL}vel nEi dead wb#%li `a¢t"-aLq' t'Zinn ibWrtl $ Y•e CdppaGy.ulaRZ9 La-Sa11> under oonTi.11+{(n, ;upon ,a1d pbIB, 'll{w9' wxx s.pr li'jiE9 9T lei'eG ox UthePPAe toy Yn,Jupe or etcdgnge>• {W{ry vW7eet7mF e6" thgrany, s}ae Che µlijit to 3m1 vE Sto to. >im aam ldad, ' ,;lens Arae Sd-£Yg}t oY ¢Beers§ ata dP ,ygi%We to i2i.g JL ie*ina to obh"q fo aux- s tmpyib$spgGSrad ani Ea ire w1t pi+opdg apylroP Sao§ and aonii,n,1gR' -means ta-attseh -thq % Vd � Ile.lino P is to, ilte a 11 eadrtv Oft- it.oi i6i me d Ooffd;d_ mh% O.IpeUb?$C,yy Pi rm�a'to dSR'aPdsiY of rano Gierit •b msi tiu_ anal aFa dai^a,p3 a ile tm ydnk$5i p umauz Imyrove%WhVs and to pay for all abfa d t •m ex �iq In t�y siivHtlnyn:kcinCslning`j xeFa4rinW, imffirol , and O'droting Ge,Yd Pola �''4'xMnea",mtd tlhea a1 al ^yhe PWiLnxn iesaYve 'ihe z1.�Jid L add lk idnd Eldpjv the 46$d rllt of way in.aGy lMilii$F'wSt.Le da T415 .T`iG¢FP@T, 34 waS ft- % b d fO-A, UG &&T4, "Rdt ' by the P Sepeyni, :,aw the r Ydht�s ertd xray I rye.¢.1 'Sob; ^ranfi'; d t the "wenaHa r,4 +L49!y A?9h p HEfii2'CFG -%Eid `3'S gRu�,ir,ey ,a9®werit, rldfs arta inrt xogen ea!eo Alio Ro Pyi,Sae 1ta snFpe eons eiu�hrtSPimd't oro'u r : '- ,i, TZ ,d9n'esR q%aby^ ilg.'Rrat%osY{nv4.liPranmEO set their nanHn and .heals the a }:e ag aild Aq„b-tian2 ln�.h,ie;_tndegtssa-gyEittRna•. ,C -�tRe � Aayaph'-,�v]T x'in aro praeaRae o= Adolph 411.r T il,'31 Hmint ,Fa PATSSper� Mu11aF �asgdd eTha 4 ” d lYaF SAf L+°an - ]i2H `AVDt✓b: 1jVUdr �. � ia:n HIL•9pltletHS4 ' ~ S Wq a.:elk1AM1ti •S48 Wutla2 FF Anna S C 1 „Rfl i y"�i'. a 11+t ..da •Pv: &fiillax pally n.Ca}Xinn F.lL r t 6GGt6 C 41'?N�sWa_.-_ 1 pII . ® notPiy moll m la add for .vial xA , gallop, �iRrvhand dila ':Ste, O1'b mo eBS 4 ,rade, hod,,ti o am w ,Meat Aram"wbtapfial veal the day da giate in wit um t vOSSaP I -navo hernentn Sat ma icnri a_d Jetnrinl anal she day Duyl at. l.ot abavB wrltLbp, w. �.Pmmmn Comminnion Rxpiaw.'.inn lith 1911.. dunClca o ",he "S ,,. RXI ........... (:::: Right of Nay peed. .. •...9p3. a.p:aagloara At al. ) - taj riled. Dor reeoM Pov '?qlyln ni, 1 o'slonk P•M. R'ri-State %labey R: Poorer Co.) P -U-• a County C19r1:a. Pan d.A.woabvrtw Pap¢ty. TG1G IKDVNTpRP. Mnde thIS loth day of Octobana 1910 ly and betwe n . drys .tells P..kAn�;ledty hin wlEe-.,. gyl.0ookeillnb and Ma.'ry p.0 be LtDva Ills wl,e. of Lave caan*y. RLaLo P OrdgOn herelnaftex gilled the Geoulavaa parties SO the float p to and al etato: A it hV h Puwar. Campanya en Or_ged Corporation haviS9 It- prinrlpal offlce t Poltlend" Oregon, berelnnPtex sailed the Coapaer, pony of Me H.Hand port: P¢*Rssm: ^hat the Own„ors, fon and In Consideration aE the Do. of IV. Ifdhd S4lblia,. (�ipOH) •. 1 ve4"ar*y of thepelted Stat ¢ Co to than sn hand paid by the mpeaW'. the ep4lpt whe of i I. WAS auldiavrlNap do by the a preaBht g an4 b rgain 11 ooh ay stat e..-flrr unto; nthe C.tPSnWR apd,4.itn Socaeono, and eanlg¢e. Pc Bra orjbt P vwy pop,4n eleatka pole line f thK eaxryin ar "''ea end the teenemis i n E al t 1 4ar�ry, wlth the Ap't to i.. �. p la d f0 Btrat h wY a and 1s ea of w1ra.Aatwaen poles with navua9aly ohd nopb app. liedod tb aiataln such pole line. and Pe n aOBr and FON9 the Yolt wing des orb d Situ tad 331pt��4Ae Cauet f Lang and State o C a on taMt About one hupdted a res in ox i� naso the kYE'�ELG!iaet ggrn i Of Donation Land P im of Abram La des and fiYfe 1! y45 1¢ se t;ans'15 pend Z� 6Y Tevm :T3p 17 Sbutha Runge 3 Wet of W"llamattaMeridian the legal title tq 116t i al Mande in then me If J-3-Malledry but upor Shiab the aald.aapkedhl�(ya holeB bohil et o P¢Fnhase th and it Se sp lfl.03a. greed andh_okl ed la mcd 1VV n 3 the expk sa t+ edit;bn ul t the Santor ins f thein pole Ilea Shall not lie located at .( 4 gr La AC"d,G;.hwa w Pena feet non the lin the anthers Pecific railread Sight or, way and that ,Et ohgp one plaee in the dlutsn09 of OrOOsdug this land -shall tfidre to located eiy p lee arygading th t dlatanga,. and in this .ae ,he pols�lc net to, be located at a greaYgrF di ten Lh.n r_O Yat Pramjveaid right of wqv. No other guy lines than that, above mentioh�d a to `ha loCatad n.. Said nln4Ses. Saiil'po19 1ffi a poles' wiSSS Due line E `Dire.9 shall be n Epated operated main+ L lased an 9y][aPt ]It regain algin" tholia. thereof,nI the H.Se na dS ted onemaid lard. bad aigig �LSIfl 3380 OP Gadd ralloned Digit av .e,. and 11,pnFLs If Yd1e 1*aio p -eco airs andl;nes.. or wl. an tt 3 nd. a fl'tfle:-ri hE to Peng.' r and .cross 3g� d to and fee., salt fo the pubm,. bE on epva C;tiq easadnSng,raFR inGD liImpr vlrr and `. and !d a ae-.and linea�a�riires _va the right to alsnr the ]and. ne. Dume anti line. aY sil:re.V oP ety and all treeoa alive or Heady, time found 'b,, the Sdompalt+x liable to Pall. Dn n any cgndtt.Iooa upon s. U- vi�ga a .¢tll0spd6a to !nlura OP endanger the naAe er aqa-t ip fl C ltx+pbYae t{ty aid label aienp he said right of vael me :ppairlerra lmpr."Ind and operating sail pole=linea LSD the land along the loln F1.&A If way ImoSW 7 -` W with the all d PBeact UtHnab4 efidpy5 Hct, by i hereby gnaawd to the "Man'. ar ,aye easo',tarty Ls end priv-ilegae auto the 79/ Yal. haraunie ee, their hands ens senle. the Doe- reaJ N'pPB9enrB of CoblbFllee I. the pe.eana. of Qn t4xbt;rtbe l#h de., of Nntrymb9ft;�$-0`�agua d s F4 z1.Hu' d Stella 6f@gja,Ly (� TS Ao 3nxline- f mery H aarlmr]Xrn (- r. . Is 10 - 99061898 EASEMENT AGREEMENT !0 , In.zatCky 1991 Trust dinedSa mN sole of adjacent properly descrihed in Exhlbh'A%JBlolA,SobnOmky. as v Trinsleeofine ) 'd'(1 Erven A. Sduutzky 1991 Trust JaleJ Septntber 25, 1991, and feslale'd December 3, 1998 (Grumor), conyeys In Heidemarie Smith. irtr hairs, suceeswra, and assigns (Cmmee), o perpnmvt nno-exulusive easemanl, um+n the terms and nsnJltions deecrilmJ Iminw, to use x Grip of low in Lane County, Oregon descriheJ as follows: Beginning m a Paull on the south line of County Road No. 90, which point is' V 1 Yeet Nonh 89 degrees 55' Wes[ of a point marked by ao iron pipe which is 16,8 feet Snum 2b degnrcs 38' Sass from a point 39.34 chains South 89 e" "'degrees 55' East from the nodhw"' corner of (he William Slovens Donation Land Cinim No. 46, Township t7 South, Range 3 w West of the Wi-he nme MergiCR and--siglheren North 09 degrees'5'West4 fear, thenen Saudi 26 degrees 3B'Eusr Amy at 306.] kec Iheneu North 89 degleos SS' West 5.4 fees; thence $oath 26 degrees 38' Fav 20.0 feet thence Sarah 89 R�a degrees 56' Fast 21.4 fee[; Ihence Nanh 26 degrees 38' }Ves1326.1 feel: and lhertce North 89 degrees 55' Wes[ 12 feel ^F m the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, Ra x 9 o ✓. ootfhe Cmnmr u the record owner of the real esram Described above and has the unresvitand right to grant the easement upon the terms and 0 � syonditions iha[ follows: aif p�. Grantee shall a.8 is currently dehsagvunherighaofingreab and egress aver dt describe) stif lJ f'rohichd1800, amlwldch iseurrcnrlyusingu9treet address of28]pwdnwnd Ferry Rnad. Cs Thisenteasemsl.11 he Perpelval, nmt-exclusive, and appuneroni to d¢Gnmee's adjacent property adjoining immediately m the Z of this easement strip. A description of the property to which this easehhe t is appurtenant is mmcimd be,* as ExhiW, W. 2, Gransee's right of ingress and egress shall include such r llmoable access as is necessary 10 the use, enjoyment. and operation of such houses or suocwres as exist or may be wnstrvetdupab Grantee's adjacen[ prepetty described in Exhibit W. Thistourommu Is granted I'or driveway use only, Unleas Grnnmr shmdll grant a fume conveyance far additional rights, this easement shall rent be cominued for utility or any other Cont or for the bands of any other property. 3. Except as to the rights herein Slanted, the Gramorsteel retain full use and control of th,. described strip of land, Gmnmr rm,rves the right m front rights for such use to third pmrder in the Grantor's sale discretion. 4. The Grantee agrees to indemnify arta defend Glamor from any lass. claim or liability a Grantor arising in any manner out of Grantee's use Of ate easement strip. 5. This ehtsemem is fronto) suhjat to ,If Prior easements or enevmbmnces of record. b. Creume acknowleJSes shat Grantor's use ofthe wsehm:m is inlreyucnl. GmnroruhhJerlokes na responsibility tomaituuin or JeveloP the roadway, surface, or drainage of the described easement strip, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have cous¢d this inspuntm m h executed as evidenced by their signmvres below�.� = u GRANTOR: GRr1 E� A���`U�iy`�a Trusiea of the iG4ek A, Sehnesz 1991 � kY Trust Dated Sepomber 25, 1991, and reslauH December 3, 1990 cdemarle$u ft Slam of Oregon: ss,;CRmly of Lane DaaLJOj•,3§z99d06RE0 30. Pera0na11 3 e n HUTUMV99006PFUND ]0, Yappoared sheab8, Erven A,Schtm[zk •, osa Trust of @e Ervc A. $chn 116D1,T}§{tQg(tOMj(aTnfl4lfffi320. 1991, and resented December J, 1998, 0 0 and sent acknowledged the foregoing invrumem so be his volenmq• acs and dent. '� $VBSCRIEEO AND SWORN TO b¢faR me thisYU any of I, on, 199CAT.� mNNmn State of Oregon; ss.;County of Lane Nor PnMi or WRXU3810NN0.08 .. WCOM0S10.9 Ualsjudie ALO Personally appeared the above•namN Wei:kmaric deet. 8mirh antl acknowleJgeD ate foregoing 111111, m bo her volunmry am and 1 SDWRIDED AND SWORNTO before meihis ,fG//•�f0 4, 1999��/�/ fT.L �IIIIILV r .YY�fYIi k„ After Recording Return to: No y P bh0 N 77tat L S. Depute, nuter aw P7 - ] fr k NOTlR1 i P ` St., 300 y r Eugene, OR 9]4017401 M'cry y73 7- 15- 99 ""taw No. 01.503297 -KJ Aa Thi. Older No. 00503297 99061899 E EMBIT -V Beginning at the Northeast corner of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the V0118matte Meridian; thence North 899 65' West 737,of said Claim No. 46; 88 feet along the North line thence South 15,0 feet to a Pointon the South line of County Road No. 90 (DeadmondFerry Roes) said point being the True Point of Beginning; running thence South 89° 55' East 62,60 feet along the South line of said road; thence leaving said South Ilne, South 26° 38' East 306.75 feet; thence North 89° 55' West 200,10 feet; thence North 274.2- foal to the True Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, State of Oregon County of Lane — ss, I, the County Clerk, In and for the Bald County, do hereby certify that the within Instrument was recelaed for record at '99 JUL 15a419+51 Rae 257OR Lane County OFFICIAL Records Lane County Clerk Cnenly Cia*