HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 9/8/2021AGENDA
Conference Room 616/ MS Teams
Staff Review., Tuesday, September 28, 2021 9; 00 —10.,00 a.m.
1. Minor Variance 811-21-000229-TYP2 811-19-000195-PROJ Mike O'Connell
Assessor's Map: 17-0315-40 TL: 1800
Address: 287 Deadmond Ferry Rd.
Existing Use: single family residence
Applicant submitted minor variance for minimum street frontage requirements
Planner: Melissa Carifio
Meeting: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 9:00 — 10:00 virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams
2. Partition Tentative 811-21-000230-TYP2 811-19-000195-PROJ Mike O'Connell
Assessor's Map: 17-0315-40 TL: 1800
Address: 287 Deadmond Ferry Rd.
Existing Use: single family residence
Applicant submitted plans for 2 -lot partition for existing dwelling to remain on one lot, and proposed
multi -unit development on the other.
Planner: Melissa Carifio
Meeting: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 9:00 — 10:00 virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams
3. Site Plan Modification Major 811-21-000231-TYP2 811-19-000195-PROJ Mike O'Connell
Assessor's Map: 17-0315-40 TL: 1800
Address: 287 Deadmond Ferry Rd.
Existing Use: single family residence
Applicant submitted proposed modification to tentatively approved multi -unit development.
Planner: Melissa Carifio
Meeting: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 9:00 — 10:00 virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams
The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out
from the laserfiche website: htto://www.si)ringfield-or.gov/weblink8/browse.asi)x
811-21-000231-TYP2 Site Plan Modification Major
17-03-15-40 TL 1800
287 Deadmond Ferry Rd
Mike O'Connell
;City of Springfield
Development & Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Site Plan Review
Application Type (Applicant., check one)
Site Plan Review Pre -Submittal: ❑ Major Site Plan Modification Pre -Submittal: ❑
Site Plan Review Submittal: ❑ Ma'or Site Plan Modification Submittal: HH
Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section)
Applicant Name: Mike O'Connell Phone: (541) 953-7332
Company: Deadmond Ferry Project LLC
Address: 84936 Peaceful Valley Rd, Eugene, OR 97405
Applicant's Rep.: Richard M. Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI
Phone: (541) 686-4540
Company: The Satre Group
Address: 375 W 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401
Property Owner: Deadmond Ferry Project LLC
Phone: (541) 953-7332
Company: Deadmond Ferry Project LLC
Address: 84936 Peaceful Valley Rd, Eugene, OR 97405
ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-15-40
Property Address: 287 Deadmond Ferry Road
Size of Property: 0.85 Acres �!] Square Feet ❑
Proposed No. of
I Dwell no Units oar acn-'
Proposed Name of Project: McKenzie Bend Apartments
Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application.
Proposal: Develop the property for multi -family apartments
Existing Use: Single-family dwelling
New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): sf
Si natures: Please si n and orint vour name and date in the aQj2ro riate box on the next a e.
Required Project Information (city Intake Stalf; complete this section)
Associated Applications: Signs:
Pre -Sub CaseNo.;No.:
Date: Reviewed by:
[.J 1 L
Case No.: p l -)A �(�`
Reviewed b : L , �0
Application Fee: $((JJ�V`I Technical Fee: $ 5
Postage F'',,e''rrte:
TOTAL FEES: $'l;�-I I e �V
Revised 1/7/14 KL I of 11
August 27, 2021
Site Plan Review Major Modification
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
In accordance with Site Plan Review Major Modification submittal requirements in SDC 5.17-145, this
written statement describes the proposed development and demonstrates that the proposal complies with
the criteria contained in SDC 5.17-125. The proposal is submitted concurrently with a Tentative Partition
and Minor Variance applications. We request that these applications be processed concurrently.
This land use request is for approval of a 16 -unit residential development consisting of one existing
single-family dwelling and 15 new multi -family dwellings. There subject properly is currently one tax
lot. The lot will be partitioned into two lots with the existing single-family dwelling on one lot and the
new multi -family dwellings on the other lot. The proposed 15 multi -family units will consist of
townhome style apartments that are either one -bedroom two story units or two-bedroom three story
units. Each of the units include an oversized one -car garage. The development will meet all the
multi -unit design standards as required by the City of Springfield Development Code including
building orientation, building form, storage, open space, landscaping, pedestrian circulation and
parking. The subject site is zoned Medium Density Residential. Additional details regarding this
proposal are provided further in this written statement, on the plans, and within the attached
A. Project Directory
Mike O'Connell, Sr.
O'Connell & Associates, LLC
84936 Peaceful Valley Road
Eugene, OR 97405
Phone: 541-953-7332
Email: mikeoconnellsr(&owestoffce.net
Planner/Landscape Architect
Richard M. Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI
The Satre Group
375 West 4- Avenue, Suite 201
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: (541)686-4540
Email: rick(0)satregroup.com
Daniel A. Nelson, PLS
Branch Engineering, Inc.
310 51" Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Phone: 541-746-0637
Email: DanN(dbranchenpineerinp.com 97)
i YxolcnPl uCxpELR
375 West 4th, suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401LiPhone
601.68SAS 0
www.satregroup.connI L
Deadmond Ferry Project LLC
287 Deadmond Ferry Road
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
Civil Engineer
Nathan Patterson, PE
Branch Engineering, Inc.
310 51M1 Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Phone: 541-746-0637
Email: Nathanla(Mbmnchengineering.com
Building Designer
Monty Luke
Luke Designs, Inc.
84577 Zion Way
Fall Creek, OR 97438
Phone: 541-746-7757
Email: lukedesions7acimail.com
Page 2 of 23
A. Development Site
The site is located south of Deadmond Ferry Road in the Gateway area of Springfield. It is
comprised of one tax lot (Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800) and is approximately 0.85 acres in size.
The site abuts single family homes to the west and east and office facilities to the north. To the
south is property owned by PeaceHealth, where the Heartfelt Guest House exists.
B. Planning Context
1. Planning and Zoning.
City of Springfield
Metro Plan:
Medium Density
Refinement Plan:
Medium Density
Base Zoning:
Medium Density
Overlay Zoning:
Drinking Water
Tax Lot:
0.85 acres
h 1AC
Tax Lot Map Excerpt
RLID 2020
a. Metro Area TransPlan.
The metro area's adopted transportation plan, The Eugene — Springfield Transportation
System Plan (TransPlan), adopted in 2001 and amended in 2002, does not include
projects abutting the subject property but does include a few nearby. These are new
Collector Street projects in the vicinity of the nearby PeaceHealth Riverbend medical
campus (Projects 715, 721 and 756) and an Urban Standards project improving an
existing nearby street (Project 724). These improvements are included in the City of
Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan.
The Satre Group • 375 West 4"' Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 6864540 • as waatreorouo.com
Deadmond Ferry Project LLC
287 Deadmond Ferry Road
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
City of Springfield 2035
Transportation System Plan.
The City of Springfield's
transportation plan adopted in 2014
and updated in 2020, does not
include any projects abutting the
subject property. As with
TransPlan, the Springfield TSP
includes projects on nearby streets
(new Minor Collector projects R-5
and R-6 at the nearby PeaceHealth
RiverBend campus). These
improvements will be implemented
as development occurs.
Page 3 of 23
Vmjectrrtent -rte
Transportation System Plan
City of SpringfleM
c. Street Classification.
Springfield's Street Classification Map identifies Deadmond Ferry Rd as a collector street.
The street classification carries with it a standard right-of-way (ROW). The standards for
Deadmond Ferry Road are as follows:
Exlstln ROW
I Minimum ROW
Min. Curb -to -Curb
. Malor Collector
70 feel
60 feet
36 feet
d. Public Transit.
The metro area's public transit system, Lane
Transit District (LTD), provides service near
the development via the EMX Springfield
route and stations (International Center
Station is half a mile north of the project and
Pavilion Station is a quarter mile to the
south). No other bus route intersects the
e. Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities.
There are bikes lanes, sidewalks, and a
center tum lane on Deadmond Ferry Rd.
3. Utilities.
a. Stormwater and Wastewater.
The subject site is located in the North Gateway Stormwater Drainage Basin. The
Springfield Stormwater Facilities Master Plan identifies one capital improvement project,
"Low Priority CIP 43," to address current issues around water quality from the nearby
campus industrial area. (The stormwater system north of the area flooded in 1996. The
piped system in Deadmond Ferry to the west was fine. The piped system in Deadmond
Ferry to the east flooded but stayed in the pipe.)
The Satre Group • 375 West 4" Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 a (541) 6864540 • w .satrearouo.com
Deadmond Ferry Project LLC
287 Deadmand Ferry Road
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
City of Springfield 2008
Stormwater service exists with a
12 -inch concrete line that exists
in Deadmond Ferry Road.
Wastewater service is also
available to the site via
Deadmond Ferry Road by a 10 -
inch PVC pipe.
Existing Sanitary and Stcon Facilities
City of Springfield 2015
Page 4 of 23
City of Springfield 2008
A. Water and Electric Service.
The site receives water service via with a 12 -inch line in Deadmond Ferry Road which
has an 8 -inch PVC stub to the subject property. There is sufficient capacity within the
electric system to support the proposal.
Existing Water Infrastructure
Springfield Utility Board
Existing Electric Infrastructure
Springfield Utility Board
The Sata Group • 375 West 4" Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 686-4540 • www.satreamuo.core
Deadmand Ferry Project LLC
287 Deadmond Ferry Road
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
Wellhead Protection.
The Springfield Wellhead Protection
Areas Map shows the subject site as
within the 2 -5 -year Time of Travel
Zone along the north boundary and
within the 5 -10 -year Time of Travel
Zone for the remainder of the property.
Development of the property is
therefore subject to the Drinking Water
Protection Overlay District and certain
land use criteria will apply.
4. Natural Resources.
a. The Springfield Water Quality
Limited Watercourses Study does
not identify a wetland or Water
Quality Limited Watercourse on or
near the property.
b. The northern portion of the tax lot
shown as being in the Special
Flood Hazard Area —Floodplain
Zone A. A Letter of Map
Amendment (LOMA) has been
received. A copy is included with
this application.
Page 5 of 23
i Y o
4f '•.,',
ti 1
Wellhead Protection Areas Map Excerpt
City of Springfield 2019
Deadmand Ferry Rd
St Joeeph'A gt�
Floodplain Floodway Map Excerpt
City of Springfield 2019
Parks and Open Space.
a. Willamalane Park and Recreation District.
One of the Lyle Hatfield Linear Paths runs along the entire eastern boundary of the Tax
Lot. The path has been extended to Deadmond Ferry Road and Saint Joseph Place. With
the construction of the PeaceHealth Heartfelt Guest House, the linear path was
reconfigured; see aerial below. On -street bike paths have been added to Deadmond
Ferry Road.
Group • 375 West 4" Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, 0R 97401 • (541) 696-4540 • wwwsatnevrouo.com
Deadmond Ferry Project LLC
287 Deadmond Ferry Road
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
Page 6 of 23
This section is presented in the same order of applicable requirements found in Section 5.17-125,
Site Plan Review Criteria of the Springfield Development Code. Applicable sections of the code
are in bold italics, followed by proposed findings in normal text.
The zoning is consistent with ti
Refinement Plan diagram, Plan
Response: The subject property
is within the boundaries of the
Gateway Refinement Plan. A
Metro Plan Amendment and
Zone Change was completed for
the property in 2020 (Ordinance
No. 6418) to change the
property's designation and
zoning from Low Density
Residential to Medium Density
Residential. The zoning is
therefore consistent with the
Metro Plan and the Refinement
Plan which now designates the
property as Medium Density
B. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including, but not limited to,
water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and
streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded, and the public improvements
shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise
provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director
ora utility provider shall determine capacity issues.
Response: Public and private facilities are provided as follows:
Storm: An on-site stormwater detention, treatment and infiltration facility will be provided
concurrent with the development.
Sanitary: Wastewater service is available to the site via Deadmond Ferry Road by a 10 -
inch PVC pipe.
Water: The site receives water service via with a 12 -inch line in Deadmond Ferry Road.
Electric: Electric infrastructure is adjacent to the site along Deadmond Ferry Road.
Streets: Deadmond Ferry Road is a minor arterial; it has an existing right-of-way width of
70 feet and a curb -to -curb width of 36 feet.
Fire: A new public hydrant will be installed along Deadmond Ferry Road on the north
side of the street opposite the project's driveway.
The Satre Group • 375 West &h Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 686-4540. sahearepa.cam
Deadmond Ferry Project LLC
287 Deadmond Ferry Road
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
Page 7 of 23
C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design
and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations.
Applicable public and private design and construction standards can be found in SDC
Chapter 3 -Land Use Districts and in SDC Chapter 4 -Development Standards. The
components of these two chapters which are applicable to the proposed development, and
proposed compliance with said components, is as follows.
3.2-215 Base Zone Development Standards
Standard Lots/Parcels
Minimum Lot Area:
4,500 sq. ft. (15)
Minimum Street Frontage:
45 ft (15)
Panhandle Lots/Parcels
Minimum Area in Pan Portion:
4,500 sq. ft. (16)
Minimum Street Frontage:
20 ft
Maximum Lot/Parcel Coverage:
Front Yard Setback:
10 feet
Street Side Yard:
10 feet
Rear Yard Setback:
10 feet
Interior Yard Setback.,
5 feet
Garage/Carport Front Yard Setback.
18 feet
Maximum Building Height:
35 feet
(15) In the MDR and HDR Districts, lot area and dimensions may be reduced through
the subdivision application process as long as density and open space
standards can be met.
(16) Panhandle driveways are permitted where dedication of public right-of-way is
impractical Panhandle driveways shall not be permitted in lieu of a public street.
In order to comply with the density requirements in the applicable residential
zoning district, a private easement, as specified in Section 3.2-220B, may be
permitted in lieu of the handle because the minimum lot/parcel size is determined
based only on the pan square footage calculation.
(17) In the MDR and HDR Districts, lot coverage standards maybe increased to
comply with the density requirements in the applicable residential zoning
3.2-220 Additional Panhandle Lot/Parcel Development Standards
A. Special provisions for lots/parcels with panhandle driveways:
5. The paving standards for panhandle driveways are:
a. Twelve feet wide for a single panhandle driveway from the front property
line to the pan of the last lot/parcel. This latter standard takes precedence
over the driveway width standard for multiple -family driveways specified in
Table 4.2-2.
B. The Director may waive the requirement that buildable lots/parcels have frontage
on a public street when access has been guaranteed via a private street or
driveway with an irrevocable joint use/access easement as specified in Section 4.2-
120A. In the residential districts, when a proposed land division includes single or
multiple panhandle lots/parcels and the front lot/parcel contains an existing
primary or secondary structure, the Director may allow an irrevocable joint
The Satre Group. 375 West 4° Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 686-4540 • w eatrearcua.com
Deadmond Ferry Project LLC
287 Deadmond Ferry Road
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
Page 8 of 23
uselaccess easement in lieu of the panhandles when there is not enough area to
meet both the applicable panhandle street frontage standard and the required 5 -
foot -wide side yard setback standard for the existing structure. In this case, the
irrevocable access easement width standard shall be:
1. Twenty feet wide for a single panhandle in the MDR and HDR District, or where
multiple panhandles are proposed in any residential district.
Response: A standard lot fronting on Deadmond Ferry Road (an east -west street)
requires a minimum lot size of 4,500 square feet and a minimum street frontage of 45
feet. A single panhandle lot requires a minimum area of 4,500 square feet and a
minimum street frontage of 20 feet. The lot is 62.60 feet wide. The applicant is proposing
the following for the site layout:
The existing house on Lot 1 is retained.
a. Lot 1 is proposed as 5,456 square feet with a minimum street frontage of 40 feet.
Per SDC 3.2-215(15), lot area and dimensions may be reduced through the
subdivision application process as long as density and open space standards
can be met. Partitioning is a form of subdivision. The Site Plan demonstrates that
the density and open space standards are met. Regardless, a Minor Variance is
being submitted concurrent with this application to adjust the parcel dimensions.
b. The existing garage will be demolished. There is an 18 -foot -deep ddveway in
front of the garage.
c. A new sidewalk would be provided from the street -side sidewalk to the front door.
2. Lot 2 is proposed as a panhandle lot with a minimum street frontage of 22.6 feet and
29,426 square feet in the pan portion of the lot.
Regarding the drive aisle within the handle portion of the panhandle lot, the initial
point of the drive aisle is narrowed, the remainder is the same width as in the Site
Plan Review.
a. There is 26 feet from the east property line to the comer of the house. The layout
includes a 1 -foot -wide offset along the east property line, a 20 -foot -wide drive
aisle, and a 5 -foot setback between the drive isle and the house.
b. Once past the corner of the house, the drive aisle widens to the full 24 feet.
c. At the street, there is a 22.6 -foot -wide driveway apron.
d. An emergency vehicle/fire truck tum around is included at the south end of the
e. The entire drive aisle will meet fire access road standards and be capable of
supporting an imposed load of fire apparatus weighting at least 80,000 pounds
as per SFC D102.1 and Springfield Fire Code Amendments.
f. Per SFC D103.6, "NO PARKING -FIRE LANE" signage will be posted on both
sides of the drive aisle which do not have dwelling unit driveways, and on one
side of the drive aisle where there is a dwelling unit driveway.
g. At the street, the existing driveway apron will be replaced with a multi-
unit/residential commercial driveway (8 -inch -thick concrete with reinforcement)
according to City Standard detail 3-24 and SDC 4.2-120.
3.2-240 Multi -unit Design Standards
1. Building Orientation. Multi -developments, when abutting a private, local, collector,
or arterial street that has existing or planned on -street parking, shall have building
orientated to the street along a minimum of 50 percent of the site's frontage...
Response: The development site fronts Deadmond Ferry Road which has no existing or
planned on -street parking, therefore this standard does not apply.
The Satre Group • 375 West 4" Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 686 4640 • w satreoroun.wen
Deadmond Ferry Project LLC
287 Deadmond Ferry Road
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
Page 9 of 23
2. Building Form. New multi -unit construction shall comply with the following
building form standards.
a. Structures that have 1 or 2 stories shall not have continuous horizontal
distance exceeding 160 feet.
Response: The buildings proposed for this development are 2 and 3 stories and they
do not exceed a continuous horizontal distance of 160 feet. Of the three buildings,
they have a horizontal distance of 30'-6", 76'-6" and 124'. Therefore, this standard is
b. Roofs shall have gable, hip, orgambrel forms (minimum pitch 3 to 12) with at
least a 6 -inch overhang.
Response: The units proposed for this development have gable roofs with a minimum
pitch of 3 to 12 and a minimum overhang of 6 -inches. See Building Elevations.
c. A minimum of 15 percent of the front fa4ade (area measurement) shall contain
windows or doors. All windows and doors shall provide 4 -inch trim or be
recessed to provide shadowing.
Response: A minimum of 15 percent of the front facade contains windows or doors.
All windows and doors contain a minimum of 4 -inch trim to provide shadowing. See
Building Elevations.
d. Garages attached to Irving units and accessed from the street (front setback)
shall be recessed at least 4 feet behind the front facade of a dwelling structure;
Response: Each unit has a garage on the ground floor. The garages are recessed a
minimum of 4 feet behind the front fapade of each structure. See Building Elevations.
e. Exterior building elevations shall incorporate design features including offsets,
balconies, projections, window reveals, or similar elements to preclude large
expansions of uninterrupted building surfaces. Along the vertical face of a
structure, the features shall occur at a minimum of every 30 feet, and on each
floor shall contain a minimum of 2 of the following features:
f. Recesses (e.g., deck, patio, courtyard, entrance, window reveals) that have a
minimum depth of 3 feet;
Response: The townhomes include recesses in the front facade and in back where
there are covered patios. Each recess is a minimum of 3 feet. See Building
g. Extensions (e.g., Floor area, deck, patio, entrance) that have a minimum depth
of 2 feet and minimum length of 4 feet, and/or
Response: The townhome front fayades have extensions, and the rear fagade
extends outward to include covered patios. Each of the extensions meet the
minimum 2 foot and minimum 4 -foot standard. See Building Elevations.
The Satre Group • 375 West 4" Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 6864540 • �satmarouo cam
Deadmond Ferry Project LLC Page 10 of 23
287 Deadmond Ferry Road
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
h. Offsets or breaks in roof elevation of 2 feet or greater in height.
Response: The townhomes include breaks and changes in roof line at the front
fagade and end facades. Each of these roof breaks meet the minimum 2 -foot
3. Transition and Compatibility between Multi -Unit and LDR Development. Multi -unit
developments adjacent to properties designated LDR shall comply with the
transition area and compatibility standards listed below....
a. When a single-family residence is within 75 feet of the subject multi -unit
development site and the residence is on the same side of the street and same
block, a setback similar to that of the nearest single-family residence shall be
used for the front yard. "Similar" means the multifamily development setback
is within 5 feet of the setback provided by the nearest single-family residence.
Response: The development site abuts LDR property on its western boundary. The
existing residence on that adjacent lot is on the same side of the street has an
estimated setback of 50 feet. On the subject property itself, there is an existing
single-family dwelling which is planned on being retained. The existing single-family
character will remain.
b. A 25 -foot buffer area shall be provided between multi -unit development and
property lines abutting an LDR property line, not including those property lines
abutting right-of-ways. Within the 25 -foot buffer area, the following standards
Response: The development site abuts LDR property on its western boundary.
Therefore, a 25 -foot buffer area is provided between the multi -unit development and
the abutting property.
i. No vehicular circulation (i.e., driveways, drive lanes, maneuvering areas,
and private streets) is allowed within the buffer...;
Response: Vehicle circulation and parking is provided on the eastern portion of
the site. No vehicle circulation will be in the buffer.
ii. Site obscuring landscaping shall be required. The City may require
retention of existing vegetation; installation of a 6 -toot minimum height,
site -obscuring fence with shade trees planted a maximum of 30 feet on
center (2 -inch caliper at planting); and/or other landscaping to provide
visual buffering....;
Response: Acknowledge and agreed. A 6 -foot -tall fence is proposed on the
western boundary of the development site to provide a visual screen from the
LDR property.
iii. Building encroachments are allowed, provided no building may encroach
more than 10 feet into the 25400t buffer and no primary entrance shall face
the abutting LDR property. Buildings shall not exceed 1 story or 21 feet
within the buffer....;
Response: The dwellings have ground level patios; the patios do not encroach
into the 25 -foot buffer. No primary entrance faces the abutting LDR property.
There are no building encroachments in the 25 -foot buffer.
The Satre Group • 375 West 4^ Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97491. (541) 686-4540 • w.vw.e,trearrup.rorn
Deadmond Ferry Project LLC
287 Deadmond Ferry Road
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
Page 11 of 23
iv. No active recreation areas (including, but not limited to tot lots, swimming
pools) are allowed within the 25 -foot buffer (garden spaces shall not be
considered active recreation areas);
Response: There are no active recreation areas in the 25 -foot buffer.
v. Light standards shall be 12 feet of less in height and shielded so that light
does not allow direct illumination onto adjacent LDR property or into
dwelling units;
Response: There are no free-standing light fixtures in the 25 -foot buffer. If there
are any building -mounted light fixtures, they will be no higher than 12 feet and
will be shielded downward to avoid direct illumination onto the adjacent LDR
vi. Mechanical equipment shall be screened from view (i.e., as viewed from
adjacent properties and street), and shall be buffered so that noise does
not typically exceed 45 to 50 decibels as measured at the LDR property
Response: Acknowledged and agreed.
vii. All rooftop equipment shall be hidden behind parapets or other structures
designed into the building.
Response: Acknowledged and Agreed.
c. Buildings, or portions of buildings abutting an LDR property line or
designation (i.e., side or rear lot1parcel line) outside of the 25 -foot buffer
described above, shall not exceed a building height greater than 1 foot for each
foot distance from the LDR property line....
Response: The townhomes that abut the 25 -foot buffer are one -bedroom two story
units that have a height of 25 feet. Therefore, a 25 -foot buffer is proposed on the
western boundary.
d. Structures within 50 feet of an LDR zone shall not have a continuous horizontal
distance exceeding 120 feet (measured from end wall to end wall).
Response: The new multi -family units are within 50 feet of the abutting LDR property.
As noted above, none of the buildings have a horizontal distance exceeding 120 feet.
4. Storage. Multi -unit development shall provide space for trash receptacles, storage
and equipment as specified in the following standards.
a. Adequate, accessible and secure storage space shall be provided for each
dwelling. A minimum of 112 cubic feet of enclosed storage is required
separate from the living unit. Garages and storage units adjoining a dwelling
(e.g., attached to decks and patios) shall qualify as storage space.
Response: Each dwelling unit has an attached garage for storage.
b. Trash receptacles shall be screened from view by placement of a solid wood
fence, masonry wall, or similar sight -obscuring, gated enclosure from 5 to 6
The Satre Group • 375 West 4'" Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 6864540 • w} w,.satreoroup.00m
Deadmond Ferry Project LLC
287 Deadmond Ferry Road
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
Page 12 of 23
feet in height. Obscuring landscaping shall be planted a minimum of 24 inches
in height at planting around all exposed sides of the wall or fence unless
breaks are provided for gates.
Response: Trash receptacles will be screened from view by being placed in a sight -
obscuring, gated enclosure that is 6 feet in height. Landscaping is added around the
exposed sides of the enclosure.
c. No trash receptacles shall be placed in any front yard setback, or within 25 feet
of property lines abutting LDR zoned or designated properties; and
Response: There are no trash receptacles located in the front yard setback nor within
25 feet of property lines that abut LDR zoned or designated properties.
Ground -mounted equipment, including exterior transformers, utility pads,
cable television and telephone boxes and similar utility services, shall be
placed underground, where practicable. When placed above ground,
equipment shall be placed to minimize visual impact, or screened with a wall or
landscaping. When walls are used, they shall be fall enough to completely
screen the equipment at the time of the equipment installation.
Landscaping shall be planted tail enough to attain 50 percent coverage after 2
years and 100 percent coverage within 4 years.
Response: All utilities shall be placed underground where practicable. Any above
ground equipment shall be placed to minimize visual impact and/or screened with a
wall or landscaping. Vaults and transformers for utility connections along the street
frontage will be screened from view in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 or placed out of
sight at the side or rear of a building.
5. Open Space. Multi -unit development shall provide both Common Open Space and
private Open Space as specified in the following standards.
a. General. Inclusive of required yards, a minimum of 15 percent of the gross site
area shall be designated and permanently reserved as open space. The total
required open space is the sum of setbacks, common open space, and private
open space. Inventoried natural features (including regulated wetlands) and/or
historic features on-site may be counted toward up to 50 percent of common
open space requirements.
Required: Standard: 15% of Gross Site Area
Result: Gross Site: 0.85 Gross Acres (37,026 sf)
0.13 acres (15% of Gross Site)
Proposed: 0.24 acres (28% of Gross Site)
iii. Multi -Unit developments at densities less than 30 units per gross acres
shall provide open space as specified in the amounts specified below.
b. Common Open Space shall be provided in all newly constructed multi -unit
developments as specified in the following standards:
i. A minimum of 0.25 square feet of common open space shall be required for
each square foot of gross residential floor area.
Required: Standard: .25 sf/100 sf of Gross Floor Area
The Save Group • 375 West 4�h Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 686-4540 • v .satrenmup.com
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Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
Page 13 of 23
Result: Gross Floor Area 12,056 sf
3,014 sf common open space minus private
open space of 1,740 sf = 1,274 at of required
common open space
Proposed: 1,770 at
it. Common open space areas provided to comply with this standard shall be
at least 500 sf with no horizontal dimensions than 15 feet;
Response: All Common Open Space areas provided to comply with this standard
are at least 500 at with no horizontal dimensions less than 15 feet.
iii. A maximum of 15 percent of the required common open space can be on
slopes greater than 25 percent; and
Response: The site does not contain any slopes. Therefore, this standard does
not apply.
iv. Multi -unit developments shall designate within common open space a
minimum of 250 square feet of active recreation area (including, but not
limited to: children's play areas, play fields, swimming pools, sports
courts) for every 20 units or increment thereof....
Response: The development proposal is for 16 dwelling units — one existing
single-family unit and 15 new multi -family units. Therefore, no active recreation
area is required.
v. Placement of children's play areas shall not be allowed in any required
yard setback or transition area;
Response: The proposal does not include children's play areas. Therefore, this
standard does not apply.
vi. Landscaping and/or natural vegetation shall occupy a minimum of 50
percent of required common open space. On-site natural resources and
historic features which are accessible to residents may be used to partially
or fully satisfy this requirements; and.
Response: Landscaping occupies more than 50 percent of the required common
open space.
vii. Indoor or covered recreational space...
Response: There is no indoor or covered recreational space as part of this
application. Therefore, this standard does not apply.
Will. Exemptions to the common open space standard may be granted for multi-
unit developments of up to 60 units....
Response: The development proposal is for 15 multifamily units and no
exemption is requested.
The Satre Group • 375 West 4n Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 686-4540, w .satregrouo.conn
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287 Deadmond Ferry Road
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
Page 14 of 23
be Phasing shall not be used to circumvent common open space standards.
Response: No phasing is being done as part of this application.
Y. Common open space does not include required yards or transition areas
unless authorized under Sections 3.2-245 or 3.2-250.
Response: Required yards and transition areas do not include any common open
space as part of this application.
c. Private Open Space shall be provided in all newly constructed multi -unit
developments to comply with the following standards:
i. All private open space shall be directly accessible from the dwelling unit
through a doorway.
Response: All pnvate open space is located in the back yards of each dwelling
unit via a backyard porch, deck and/or back yard and is directly accessible from
the dwelling unit through a doorway and/or a set of exterior stairs.
if. Dwelling units located at or below grade or within 5 feet of finished grade,
shall provide a minimum of 96 square feet of private open space, with no
dimension less than 6 feet.
Required: Standard: 96 sf per dwelling unit.
Result: 15 dwelling units x 96 sf = 1,440 sf
Proposed: 1,740 sf (covered back porches of 116 sf each)
All dwelling units have 96 sf of private open space via a backyard porch or
backyard patio with no dimension less than 6 feet.
iii. Private open space may be deducted from the required amount of Common
Open Space.
Required: Standard: 3,014 sf of common open space.
Less 1,740 sf of private open space provided.
Result: 1,274 sf of common open space required.
Proposed: 1,770 sf
6. Landscaping, Fences and Walls. Multi -unit developments shall provide
landscaping as specified in Section 4.4-105 and the following standards.
a. A minimum of 15 percent of the site shall be landscaped with a mix of
vegetative ground cover, shrubbery and trees. Trees, a minimum 2 inches
(dbh) in caliper, and shrubbery, a minimum of 24 inches in height, shall be
planted. Bark mulch, rocks and similar non -plant material may be used to
compliment the cover requirement but shall not be considered a sole
substitute for the vegetative ground cover requirement.
Required: Standard: 15% of the site.
Result: Gross Site: 0.85 Gross Acres (37,026 sf)
0.13 acres (15% of Gross Site)
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287 Deadmond Ferry Road
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
Proposed: 0.24 acres (28% of Gross Site)
b. Street trees, a minimum of 2 inches (dbh) caliper, shall be placed within the
planter strips between the curb and the sidewalk. Street trees shall be planted
1 per every 30 linear feet (minimum) of street frontage, as specified in Section
Response: There is one small existing planter strip between the proposed driveway
and the adjacent driveway to the west. Due to vision clearance and sight lines, no
street tree is proposed. There is an existing 8 -inch DBH deciduous tree immediately
on the property side of the sidewalk that will remain. A new street tree so close to
this existing tree would pose a conflict for the two tree canopies.
c. Fences in front yards and along any frontage used to comply with the building
orientation standard shall be limited to 3 feet in height. Fences in other yards
shall comply with the fence standards specified in Section 4.4.115, and the
vision clearance standards specified in Section 4.2-130; and
Response: There are no fences along the site's frontage.
d. The use of native and/or drought -tolerant landscaping is encouraged. All
landscaping shall be irrigated with a permanent irrigation system unless a
licensed landscape architect submits written verification that the proposed
plant materials do not require irrigation. The property owner shall maintain all
Response: Native and/or drought -tolerant landscaping is being used as practical. All
landscaping shall be irrigated with a permanent irrigation system.
7. Pedestrian Circulation. Multi -unit developments with more than 20 units shall
provide pedestrian circulation as specified in the following standards.
Response: The development does not have more than 20 units. This standard does not
S. Parking. Multi -unit developments shall provide parking design as specified in the
following standards.
a. Parking lots shall be placed to the side or rear of buildings as specified in the
Building Orientation Standards. Parking shall not be placed along that portion
of the street where building frontages are used to comply with the building
orientation standard.
Response: No parking lots are proposed. Each dwelling unit has a garage.
b. Lighting shall be provided for safety purposes, and focused/shielded to avoid
glare on adjacent properties or dwellings as specified in Section 4.5-100;
Response: See Lighting Plan. Proposed lighting has been focused/shielded to avoid
glare on adjacent properties and dwellings.
c. There shall be 1 planter island for every 8 parking spaces...
Response: No parking lots are proposed; therefore, no planter islands are required.
Each dwelling unit has a garage.
The Satre Group • 375 WesW Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 686A540 • xuay.salreemuo.00m
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Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
Page 16 of 23
d. A minimum 6 -foot -wide planter area shall separate and visually screen parking
from living area windows...
Response: No parking lots are proposed: therefore, no planter area is required. Each
dwelling unit has a garage.
e. Parking lots shall be connected to all building entrances by means of internal
Response: No parking lots are proposed. Each dwelling unit has a garage.
f. All parking stalls fronting a sidewalk...
Response: No parking lots are proposed. Each dwelling unit has a garage.
g. On corner lots/parcels....
Response: The development site is not a corner lot)parcel.
h. All parking, maneuvering and loading areas abutting a property line or right-of-
way shall provide perimeter lodparcel landscaping. Aminimum 5 -foot -wide
planting strip shall be planted with shade trees, a minimum 2 inches (dbh) in
caliper, and a low level (e.g., 30 to 40 inches) evergreen hedge.
Response: All vehicle areas abutting a property line or right-of-way contain perimeter
landscaping, including a minimum 5 -foot -wide planting strip planted with shade trees
that are a minimum of 2 inches (dbh) in caliper and a low-level evergreen hedge.
i. Decorative walls may be used in place of the hedge in Subsection h...
Response: No decorative wall is proposed.
j. Parking area landscaping shall be designed to reduce storm water runoff (e.g.,
through infiltration swales and other measures), as practicable; and
Response: Each dwelling unit has a garage. Therefore, there is no parking area that
requires landscaping.
Jr. Bicycle parking shall be provided as specified in Section 4.6-140-155 and may
be incorporated in the landscaping design.
Required: Standard: 1 space per dwelling unit, 75% long term, 25
short term
Result: 11 long term spaces and 4 short term spaces
Proposed: 21 spaces
15 long term spaces provided in garages
6 short term spaces provided in outdoor bike parking area
9. Vehicular Circulation. Multi -unit developments shall provide vehicular circulation
as specified in the following standards.
a. The on-site driveway (or private street) system shall connect with public
streets abutting the site;
The Satre Group • 375 West4" Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 6864540 • w .satearouaccrh
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Response: The on-site private driveway connects with Deadmond Ferry Road.
b. Shared driveways shall be provided whenever practicable to minimize cross
turning movements on adjacent streets. On-site driveways and private streets
shall be stubbed to abutting MDR/HDR properties, at locations determined
during Site Plan Review process to facilitate development of shared driveways;
Response: There is one driveway for all 16 units. No shared driveways with adjacent
properties are proposed as part of this application.
c. Parking areas shall be accessed from alleys when properties abut an alley, or
an alley can reasonably be extended to serve the development.
Response: The subject site does not abut any alleys.
3.3-200 Drinking Water Protection Overlay District
The subject site is located within the mapped 2-5 year Time of Travel Zone (TOTZ) for the
Sports Way drinking water wellhead. As this development is residential in nature and does
not include the use or storage of hazardous materials, the proposed development is exempt
from the SUB Drinking Water Protection by the Drinking Water Protection Coordinator.
SDC 4.2-100 Infrastructure Standards - Transportation
SDC 4.2-120 Site Access and Driveways
A. Site Access and Driveways - General
1. All developed lots/parcels shall have an approved access provided by either
direct access to a:
a. Public street or alley along the frontage of the property;
Response: The development site has direct access to Deadmond Ferry Road
along the frontage of the property.
2. Driveway access to designated State Highways is subject to the provisions of
this Section in addition to requirements of the Oregon Department of
Transportation Highway Division...
Response: The proposed development does not request driveway access to a State
B. Driveways must take access from lower classifica0on streets when development
sites abut more than one street and streets are of differing classification as
identified in the Springfield Transportation System Plan.
EXCEPTION: Driveway access to or from a higher classification street may be
permitted if no reasonable alternative street access exists or where heavy use of
local streets is in -appropriate due to traffic impacts in residential areas.
1. Where a proposed development abuts an existing orproposed arterial or
collector street, the development design and off-street improvements shall
minimize the traffic conflicts.
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Response: The development site abuts Deadmond Ferry Road which is classified as
a major collector street. No reasonable alternative street access exists. The
development is proposing to replace the existing driveway access to Deadmond
Ferry Road with a new private drive which will meet the standards of city code.
(Specifically, the existing driveway apron will be replaced with a multi-uniUresidential
commercial driveway (8 -inch -thick concrete with reinforcement) according to City
Standard detail 3-24 and SDC 4.2-120.)
2. Additional improvements or design modifications necessary to resolve
identified transportation conflicts may be required on a case-by-case basis.
Response: Acknowledged and agreed.
C. Driveways shall be designed to allow safe and efficient vehicular ingress and
egress as specified in Tables 4.2-2 through 4.2-5 and the City's Engineering Design
Standards and Procedures Manual and the Public Works Standard Construction
SDC Table 4.2-2 Driveway Design Specifications
D Design Specifications
Curb Return Drivewav
1 -Way
2 -Way
Driveway Throat
Min. Max.
Land Use
Response: The project includes the construction of one new two-way driveway. The
drive apron has a width of 22'-6" with a 5 -foot transition width and the drive aisle has a
width of 20 feet. It has a throat depth exceeding 18 feet. (Per footnote (1) "Driveway
widths and throat depths may be varied if no other reasonable alternative exists to
accommodate on-site development and traffic safety is not impaired." Here, the drive
apron is proposed for a width of 22'-6" and the drive aisle itself is 20 feet wide, as that is
the only available width given the site's triangular shape and narrow frontage at the
street. The street does not contain any curbside parking and vision clearance is well
established. The abundant vision clearance combined with narrowing the driveway by the
proposed nominal 1-1/2 feet will not impair traffic safety.
SDC Table 4.2-3 Curb Return Driveway Design Specifications
Response: There are no curb return driveways on the project.
The Satre Group • 375 West 4^ Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 6864540 • e .satreorouo.com
Curb Return Drivewav
Design Specifications
Width 1
Radius of Curb 2
Driveway Throat
Depth Minimum
Land Use
Min. Max.
Min. Max.
24 feet
30 feet
10 feet
20 feet
60 feet
Response: There are no curb return driveways on the project.
The Satre Group • 375 West 4^ Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 6864540 • e .satreorouo.com
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Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
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Page 19 of 23
SDC Table 4.2-4 Minimum Separations Between a Driveway and the Nearest
Intersection Curb Return on the Same Side of the Street (1)
Land Use
Street T e
200 feet
100 feet
75 feet
Response: Deadmond Ferry Road is a collector street. The nearest intersections of
Game Farm Road and Baldy View Lane are well beyond 100 feet.
SDC 4.2-125 Intersections
A. In order to minimize traffic conflicts and provide for efficient traffic
signalization, intersections involving curb return driveways and streets,
whether public or private, shall be directly opposed, unless a Traffic Impact
Study indicates that an offset intersection benefits public safety to a greater
Response: No new streets are being created as part of this development.
B. Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles.
The angle of intersection between 2 intersecting streets shall be at least 80
degrees. At intersections, each local street shall be straight or have a radius
greater than 400 feet for a distance of 100 feet from each intersection. At
intersections, each collector or arterial street shall be straight or have a radius
greater than 600 feet for a distance of 100 feet from each intersection.
Response: No new streets are being created as part of this development.
SDC 4.2-130 Vision Clearance.
A. All lots or parcels must maintain a Vision Clearance Amato provide adequate sight
distance for approaching traffic. Vision clearance areas must be shown on Site
Plans for applicable land use applications.
Response: The proposed development includes a 10 -foot Vision Clearance area where
the driveway meets the public street.
B. No screens, plantings, or other physical obstructions are permitted between 2%
and 8 feet above the established height of the curb in the Vision Clearance Area.
Response: No screen, plantings or other physical obstructions shall be placed between
2-112 and 8 feet above the established height of the curb in the vision clearance triangle.
C. The Vision Clearance Area must be in the shape of a triangle. Two sides of the
triangle must be property lines or a property line and edge of driveway for a
distance specified in this Subsection. Where the property lines or driveway edge
have rounded corners, they are measured by extending them in a straight line to a
point of intersection. The third side of the triangle is a line across the corner of the
/of or parcel joining the non -intersecting ends of the other 2 sides. The following
measurements establish the Vision Clearance Area:
The Satre Group • 375 West4" Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 61 w .salrearouo. cpm
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287 Deadmond Ferry Road
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
Table 4.2.5
Page 20 of 23
of Intersection
Measurement Alona Each Property Line
20 feet
15 feet
10 feet
Response: A 10 -foot by 10 -foot vision clearance triangle will be provided at both sides of
the new driveway where it intersects the property line.
SDC 4.2-135 Sidewalks.
A. Sidewalks and planter strips abutting public streets shall be located wholly within
the public right-of-way, unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Director.
Response: There are no new sidewalks proposed as part of this development. The
existing sidewalk will remain and repaired, as necessary.
SDC 4.2-140 Street Trees.
A. New Street Trees. New street trees shall be at least 2 inches in caliper. New street
trees shall be selected from the City Street Tree List and installed as specified in
the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. The Director
shall determine which species are permitted or prohibited street trees.
Response: No new street trees are proposed as part of this project. See explanation
B. Existing Street Trees.
Response: There are no existing street trees on the development site.
SDC 4.2-145 Street Lighting
A. Street Lighting shall be included with all new developments or redevelopment.
Existing streetlights shall be upgraded to current lighting standards with all new
developments or redevelopments as determined by the Public Works Director. The
developer is responsible for street lighting installation costs.
Response: Street lighting exists along the property frontage. No new street lighting is
proposed as part of this development.
SOC 4.2-150 Multi -Use Paths
A. Development abutting an existing or proposed multi -use path identified in the
Springfield Transportation System Plan (including the Conceptual Street Map),
City -adopted bicycle and pedestrian plan, or the adopted Willamalane Park and
Recreation District Comprehensive Plan must include provisions for the extension
of the multi -use path through the development area by the dedication of public
easements or rights-of-way. The developer bears the cost of multi -use path
Response: One of the Lyle Hatfield Linear Paths runs along the entire eastern boundary
of the Tax Lot. it is on an adjacent property. No improvements to the path are proposed.
B. Multi -use paths that are dedicated as right-of-way or in a public easement must
conform to the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, the Oregon Bike and
Pedestrian Design Guidelines, AASHTO guidelines, this Code, and the
City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual.
The Sane Group • 375 West 4" Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 6864540 • www.satrearcupeom
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287 Deadmond Ferry Road
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
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Page 21 of 23
Response: The adjacent path is existing, is on an adjacent property and no changes are
proposed as part of this project.
C. The right-of-way or easement area for a multi -use path must include a minimum
paved area of 10 feet, a minimum clear zone of 2 feet on both sides of the path, and
any additional width necessary to accommodate lighting required under this
Response: The adjacent path is existing, is on an adjacent property and no changes are
proposed as part of this project.
D. Where a multi -use path runs parallel and adjacent to a public street, the multi -use
path must be separated from the edge of the street by a width of at least 5 feet or
by a physical barrier that meets the standards in the Oregon Bike and Pedestrian
Design Guidelines, AASHTO guidelines, or the National Association of City
Transportation Officials Urban Bikeway Design Guide.
Response: The adjacent, existing path does not run parallel or adjacent to Deadmond
Ferry. Therefore, this standard does not apply.
E. Lighting for multi -use paths must be installed according to the standards in
Section 4.2-145. Lighting must not obstruct the paved surface or 2 -foot clear area
on either side. All lighting must be installed within the right-of-way or public
easement area. (6412)
Response: Acknowledged and agreed. No lighting improvements to the path are
SDC 4.2.160 Accessways.
A. Accessways allow pedestrians and bicyclists convenient linkages to adjacent
streets, residential areas, neighborhood activity centers, industrial or commercial
centers, transit facilities, parks, schools, open space, or trails and paths where no
public street access exists. Accessways may also be used as a secondary
emergency access. Accessways shall be dedicated as public right-of-way during
the development review process.
Response: The development site does not abut any adjacent streets, residential areas,
neighborhood activity centers, industrial or commercial centers, transit facilities, parks,
schools, open space, or trails and paths where no public street access exists. No
accessways are planned as part of this development.
SDC 4.3-100 Infrastructure Standards - Utilities
Response: As noted in criteria B above, Sanitary Sewer and Stormwater facilities are in place
on and adjacent to the subject property. Sanitary connection to the new facility will be to the
north to the existing service line. Stormwater will be managed in accordance with the City of
Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). In that regard,
in compliance with the requirement that all impervious surfaces exceeding 45% lot coverage
be managed on-site, 50% of which shall be vegetatively, runoff from new impervious area
(the new multi -family development and new parking area) shall drain into one or more
vegetated stormwater detention facilities. An overflow area drain will connect these to the
street through weep holes in the curb. All new utilities will be located in coordination with
utility providers and placed underground, in easements where required.
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287 Deadmond Ferry Road
Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
SDC 4.4-100 Landscaping, Screening and Fencing
SDC 4.4-105 Landscaping
Response: Required setbacks shall be landscaped. Planting quantities per 1,000 square feet
shall be as follows: A minimum of two trees not less than 2 inches caliper and 6 feet in
height, ten 5 -gallon shrubs and lawn, ground cover or organic mulch as appropriate. A
minimum of 65% of required planting areas shall be covered with living plant material within 5
years of installation. A permanent underground irrigation system shall be provided. Planting
adjacent to a driveway shall respect vision clearance limitations.
SDC 4.4-110 Screening
Response: The trash area shall be contained in a sight -obscuring, gated enclosure a
minimum of 6 feet in height. Trash and recycling receptacles are screened with a six -foot -
high structure enclosure and do not intrude in the front yard setback.
SDC 4.4-115 Fences
Response: An existing 6 feet tall fence exists on the southern boundary of the site where it
abuts the PeaceHealth Heartfelt Guest House; that fence will remain. Fencing is proposed on
the western boundary to provide a visual screen from the LDR property to the west and on
the eastern boundary to provide separation from the Lyle Hatfield Linear Path. The proposed
fences will be 6 feet high and of wood construction.
SDC 4.6-100 Vehicle Parking, Loading and Bicycle Standards
Section 4.6-105 through 4.6-125 Vehicle Parking
Response: Required parking quantity is satisfied as follows:
Required: Standard: 1 space for each dwelling unit.
Result: 16 Dwelling units = 16 spaces
Provided: 32 on-site spaces (15 in individual garages, 15 in individual driveways in
front of each garage for the multi -family units and 2 spaces in a driveway
for the existing single-family dwelling)
Section 4.6-130 through 4.6-135 Loading Areas
Response: There are no loading areas associated with this proposal. Thus, this standard
does not apply.
Section 4.6-140 through 4.6-155 Bicycle Parking
Required: Standard: 1 space per dwelling unit, 75% long term, 25% short term.
Result: 11 long term spaces and 4 short term spaces
Proposed: 21 spaces
15 long term spaces provided in garages
6 short term spaces provided in outdoor bike parking area
D. Parking areas and ingress -egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular
traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within
the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood
The Satre Group • 375 West 4�" Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) e86A540 • wrwrsatmorcuo cam
Deadmond Ferry Project LLC
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Map 17-03-15-40, Lot 1800
Site Plan Review Major Modification
Page 23 of 23
activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on
arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations
and comply with the COOT access management standards for State highways.
Response: The facility takes access from Deadmond Ferry Road, a collector street. The
proposed private driveway is designed to facilitate vehicular traffic and provide connectivity to
and from the development area to the adjacent street and then to adjacent areas in the
neighborhood. Standard connectivity exists for pedestrians with a continuous street sidewalk.
Transit stops and neighborhood commercial districts are nearby the development site and are
both accessible via the existing developed street and sidewalk network.
E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or
geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees
and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian
areas; other riparian areas and wetlands specified in Section 4.3-117; rock
outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance,
as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-
240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law.
Response: There are no physical features on the subject property meeting this definition.
Thus, this standard does not apply.
Based on the information and findings contained in this written statement and accompanying
plans and attachments, the proposed development meets the Site Plan Review criteria of
approval contained in the Springfield Development Code. Therefore, the applicant requests that
the City of Springfield approve the proposal. The applicant and their representatives are available
for questions. We look forward to working with staff to ensure this project meets the goals and
objectives of the applicant and the City of Springfield.
If you have any questions about the above application, please do not hesitate to contact Rick
Satre at The Satre Group, 541-686-4540, or rick(disatreoroup.com.
7?6c cwd1IM. SGitrei
Richard M. Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI, Principal / Partner
The Satre Group
The Satre Group • 375 West 0 Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 • (541) 686-4540 • www satrearouo.com
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Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington' D.C. 20472
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January 19, 2021
MR. DAN NELSON CASE NO.: 21-10-0350A
This is in reference to a request that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
determine if the property described in the enclosed document is located within an identified Special
Flood Hazard Area, the area that would be inundated by the flood having a I -percent chance of
being equaled or exceeded in any given year (base flood), on the effective National Flood Insurance
Program (NFIP) map. Using the information submitted and the effective NFIP map, our
determination is shown on the attached Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) Determination
Document. This determination document provides additional information regarding the effective
NFiP map, the legal description of the property and our determination.
Additional documents are enclosed which provide information regarding the subject property and
LOMAs. Please see the List of Enclosures below to determine which documents are enclosed.
Other attachments specific to this request may be included as referenced in the
Determination/Commem document. If you have any questions about this letter or any of the
enclosures, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange (FMIX) toll free at (877) 336-
2627 (877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency,
Engineering Library, 3601 Eisenhower Ave Ste 500, Alexandria, VA 22304-6426.
Luis V. Rodriguez, P.E., Director
Engineering and Modeling Division
Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration
cc: State/Commonwealth NFIP Coordinator
Community Map Repository
'�� Federal Emergency Management Agency
s (kF Washington, D.C. 20472
��4Nn SEC
When making determinations on requests for Letters of Map Amendment (LOMAs), the Department of
Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) bases its determination on the
flood hazard information available at the time of the determination. Requesters should be aware that flood
conditions may change or new information may be generated that would supersede FEMA's determination.
In such cases, the community will be informed by letter.
Requesters also should be aware that removal of a property (parcel of land or structure) from the Special
Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) means FEMA has determined the property is not subject to inundation by the
flood having a 1 -percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year (base flood). This does not
mean the property is not subject to other flood hazards. The property could be inundated by a flood with a
magnitude greater than the base flood or by localized flooding not shown on the effective National Flood
Insurance program (NFIP) map.
The effect of a LOMA is it removes the Federal requirement for the lender to require flood insurance
coverage for the property described. The LOMA is not a waiver of the condition that the property owner
maintain flood insurance coverage for the property. Only the lender can waive the flood insurance purchase
requirement because the lender imposed the requirement. The property owner must request and receive a
written waiver from the lender before canceling the policy. The lender may determine, on its own as a
business decision, that it wishes to continue the flood insurance requirement to protect its financial risk on
the loan.
The LOMA provides FEMA's comment on the mandatory flood insurance requirements of the NFIP as they
apply to a particular property. A LOMA is not a building permit, nor should it be construed as such. Any
development, new construction, or substantial improvement of a property impacted by a LOMA must
comply with all applicable State and local criteria and other Federal criteria.
If a lender releases a property owner from the flood insurance requircracnt, and the property owner decides
to cancel the policy and seek a refund, the NFIP will refund the premium paid for the current policy year,
provided that no claim is pending or has been paid on the policy during the current policy year. The
property owner must provide a written waiver of the insurance requirement from the lender to the property
insurance agent or company servicing his or her policy. The agent or company will then process the refund
Even though structures are not located in an SFHA, as mentioned above, they could be flooded by a flooding
event with a greater magnitude than the base flood. In fact, more than 25 percent of all claims paid by the
NFIP are for policies for structures located outside the SFHA in Zones B, C, X (shaded), or X (unshaded).
More than one-fourth of all policies purchased under the NFIP protect structures located in these zones.
The risk to structures located outside SFHAs is just not as great as the risk to structures located in SFHAs.
Finally, approximately 90 percent of all federally declared disasters are caused by flooding, and homeowners
insurance does not provide financial protection from this flooding. Therefore, FEMA encourages the
widest possible coverage under the NFIP.
LOMAENC-1 (LOMA Removal)
The NFIP offers two types of flood insurance policies to property owners: the low-cost Preferred Risk
Policy (PRP) and the Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP). The PRP is available for 1- to 4 -family
residential structures located outside the SFHA with little or no loss history. The PRP is available for
townhousehowhouse-type structures, but is not available for other types of condominium units. The SFIP is
available for all other structures. Additional information on the PRP and how a properly owner can quality
for this type of policy may be obtained by calling the Flood Insurance Information Hotline, toll free, at 1-800-
427-4661. Before making a final decision about flood insurance coverage, FEMA strongly encourages
property owners to discuss their individual flood risk situations and insurance needs with an insurance agent
or company.
FEMA has established "Grandfather" rules to benefit flood insurance policyholders who have maintained
continuous coverage. Property owners may wish to note also that, if they live outside but on the fringe of the
SFHA shown on an effective NFIP map and the map is revised to expand the SFHA to include their
structure(s), their flood insurance policy rates will not increase as long as the coverage for the affected
shucture(s) has been continuous. Property owners would continue to receive the lower insurance policy
LOMAs are based on minimum criteria established by the NFIP. State, county, and community officials,
based on knowledge of local conditions and in the interest of safety, may set higher standards for
construction in the SFHA. If a State, county, or communityhas adopted more restrictive and comprehensive
floodplain management criteria, these criteria take precedence over the minimum Federal criteria.
In accordance with regulations adopted by the coniummitywhen it made application rejoin the NFIP, letters
issued to amend an NFIP map must be attached to the community's official record copy of the map. That
map is available for public inspection at the community's official map repository. Therefore, FEMA sends
copies of all such letters to the affected community's official map repository.
When a restudy is undertaken, or when a sufficient number of revisions or amendments occur on particular
map panels, FEMA initiates the printing and distribution process for the affected panels. FEMA notifies
community, officials in writing when affected map panels are being physically revised and distributed. In
such cases, FEMA attempts to reflect the results of the LOMA on the new map panel. If the results of
particular LOMAs cannot be reflected on the new map panel because of scale limitations, FEMA notifies the
community in writing and revalidates the LOMAs minor letter. LOMAs revalidated in this way usually will
become effective 1 day after the effective date of the revised map.
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Page 1 of 2
eanuary is, mn Ir ase No.; xi-w-uoav� LUIvA
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, D.C. 20472
(Unincorporated Areas)
A portion of William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, Townsh
South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, as described in the
Warranty Deed - Statutory Form recorded as Document No. 2019-
018429, in the Office of the County Clerk, Lane County, Oregon
exceeded in any given year (base flood).
ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS (Please refer to the appropriate section on Attachment 1 for the additional considerations listed below.)
is occurrent prove es me Federal Lmergency management Agencys celermination regarding a request r a Letter Of ap Amendment Tor the
property described above. Using the information submitted and the effective National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map, we have determined
that the property(les) islare not located in the SFHA, an area inundated by the flood having a 1 -percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in
any given year (base flood). This document amends the effective NFIP map to remove the subject property from the SFHA located on the
effective NFIP map; therefore, the Federal mandatory flood insurance requirement does not apply. However, the lender has the option to
continue the flood insurance requirement to protect its financial risk on the loan. A Preferred Risk Policy (PRP) is available for buildings located
outside the SFHA. Information about the PRP and how one can apply is enclosed.
This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this
determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange (FMIX) toll free at (877) 336-
2627 (877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Engineering Library, 3601 Eisenhower Ave Ste
500, Alexandria, VA 22304-6426.
Luis V. dan
Rodriguez,P.E., Director
Engineering and a and it Division
Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration
(NGVD 29)
(NGVD 29)
(NGVD 29)
287 Deadmond Ferry
434.3 feet
R.—W Fle nd Harvard Area ISFHAI - The SFHA is an area that
would be inundated
by the flood havina a 1 -percent chance of being eoualetl or
exceeded in any given year (base flood).
ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS (Please refer to the appropriate section on Attachment 1 for the additional considerations listed below.)
is occurrent prove es me Federal Lmergency management Agencys celermination regarding a request r a Letter Of ap Amendment Tor the
property described above. Using the information submitted and the effective National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) map, we have determined
that the property(les) islare not located in the SFHA, an area inundated by the flood having a 1 -percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in
any given year (base flood). This document amends the effective NFIP map to remove the subject property from the SFHA located on the
effective NFIP map; therefore, the Federal mandatory flood insurance requirement does not apply. However, the lender has the option to
continue the flood insurance requirement to protect its financial risk on the loan. A Preferred Risk Policy (PRP) is available for buildings located
outside the SFHA. Information about the PRP and how one can apply is enclosed.
This determination is based on the flood data presently available. The enclosed documents provide additional information regarding this
determination. If you have any questions about this document, please contact the FEMA Map Information eXchange (FMIX) toll free at (877) 336-
2627 (877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Engineering Library, 3601 Eisenhower Ave Ste
500, Alexandria, VA 22304-6426.
Luis V. dan
Rodriguez,P.E., Director
Engineering and a and it Division
Federal Insurance and Mitigation Administration
Page 2of2 aanuary la, LVCI I\.ase no.[cl-1u-VSJVN I LVNIA
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Washington, D.C. 20472
STATE AND LOCAL CONSIDERATIONS (This Additional Consideration applies to all properties in the
Please note that this document does not override or supersede any State or local procedural or substantive
provisions which may apply to floodplain management requirements associated with amendments to State or
local floodplain zoning ordinances, maps, or State or local procedures adopted under the National Flood
Insurance Program.
This attachment provides additional information regarding this request. If you have any questions about this attachment, please contact the FEMA
Map Information eXchange (FMIX) toll free at (877) 336-2627 (877 -FEMA MAP) or by letter addressed to the Federal Emergency Management
Agency, Engineering Library, 3601 Eisenhower Ave Ste 500, Alexandria, VA 22304-6426.
r.. _
LuisRodriguez, P.E., Director
ering and Modeling Division
Federal Insurance and ntl Mitigation Administration