HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 8/10/2021TITLE NO. 0323214 PSCROWNO. VP20-2001 SP TAX ACCT. NO. 0150555 MAPITAX LOTNO. 17.03.15-40.01800 GRANTOR MOVING FORWARD, LLC GRANTEE DEADMOND FERRY PROJECT, LLC III PEACEFUL VALLEY EUGENE OR 97408 Lane County Clerk 2020-067313 Lane County Deeds & ReCords 1111 T2020 02 24 21 PM RPRDEEDCr=1 SI CASHIER 1payes $s 00 ol00 sic. 00 ssl.ao $87.00 Until a change is recovered AEerrecmedin coumto: all lux statements shall be CASCADE TITLE CO. sent to the fallowing address: 811 WILLAMETTE "'SANEASGRANTEE••• EUGENE OR W401 WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM MOVING FORWARD, LLC, an Deegan Limited Liability Company, Gtvmoe, conveys and warrants t0 DEADMOND FERRY PROJECT, LLC, as Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances eompt as specifically set forth hereio: Enghmi-g at In, Northeast comer of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Township 1,7 South, Range 3 Weft ofthe WiUamene Meridian; thence North 89° 55' Wen 737.88 fect along the North One!oP said Claim No.46;theoec South 15D thettDaporthe the South liaeof County Road No. 90(DcWmond arty Rosd), Said point being He true point of hegOming; hemming thence South 69°55'Fna b26D ftq alon the South Ire ofaaid mad; theme Laving said South Ira, Smnh 26° 38' Em C 366.]3 tett; 0lenca NoNt 89' S5' est 100.10 fees thence North 274.2 fret to the true port of beginning in Lane County, Oregon. The true consideration for this conveyance is $405,000.00. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFF NG FEE TITLEGOLD INQUIRE ABOUT ME PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ON 195.300 (De0rd0ona Iar ON 195.3010 to13361 195.301(Leeslmhe 0ndins) AND 195305 (Compensation for reattledon of use of Real property due m land userFsolmtoo) TO USM6 (Chopmsxtien aM COuravadon Fund) AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11. CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS2 TO AND 17, CHAPTER BSS. OREGON LAWS 1009, AND SECTIONS TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS SMR THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND RELTI WTIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUEIING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD'CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 10 VERIFY THAT THE UNI+OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED IAT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN 011992.810 (Defialdons our ON 91010 m CIA 92) OR 215.010 (DeOoidun0, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED URN OF ME LOU OR PAUCEL TO DETERMINE ANY LI S ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ON 30.930 (DeEnHbm for ON 10.930 to 30.947), AND TO INDIAN ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ON 195300 (Definitions for ON 195.3110 In 195336), 195301(Lepeladve Ondins) AND 195305 (Compenmtlon by reork,609 of me of real property due In End ora Insulation) TO 195336 (Companvtian and Conservation Fund) AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO ANR 17, CHAPTER 858, OREGON LAWS 1009, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER B. OREGON LAWS 2010. Except the following enamedur mach CovenonB, CoodiHuns, Heartictsi/. , Eaxmegs and Righa of Way afohemd, if any. Dated Chia 11 day of 7 \DIM�.aSi1.r B_, C£ORWARD, LLC BY: ' LU D , (EMBER State ofOregon County of Lane y� This Instrument was acknowledgedlQ before me an l I 2020 by LUCAS A HARDY, MEMBER of MOVING FORWARD, LLC, on behalf ofthe Chanter. DEREURNapBAMS MICHEL PETERSON Nm PUOUGaRE16N (Nmmy Public for Oregon) OOMMI8910T1 N0.9695S4 My commission sepirI$O•a� AnONR168MHpHRW ORAMM20. f➢$1 PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR: Cwner's Standard Policy $405,000.00 PREMIUMS: Owner's Standard Premium Gov. Lien/Inspect Fee $$70.00 $35.00 We are prepared to issue 2006 (6/17/06) ALTA title insurance policy(les) o£ OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, in the ..not form insuring_ the title to the land described as `o lbws: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, in ^-ownship 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wil'_amette Meridian; thence North 89° 55' West 737.88 feet along the North line of said Claim No. 46; thence South 15.0 feet to a pont on the South line of County Road No. 90 (Deadmend Ferry Road), said point being the true point of beginning; running thence South 89' 55' East 662.60 feet along the South line of said road; thence leaving said Soath Tine, South 26° 38' East 306.75 feet; thence North 89° 55' West 2CO.10 feet; thence North 274.2 feet to the true be of of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Vested: MOVING FORWARD, LLC, an Orcgon Limitcd Liability Company Estate: FEE SIMPLE DATED AS OF: OCTOBER 08, 2020 at 8:G0 A.Y. Schedule B of -he policy(ies) to be issued will contain the following general and special exceptions unless removed prior to issuance: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS (Standa-d Coverage Policy Exceptions): 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or net shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Records. No liability is assumed hereunder until policy has been issued and full policy premium has been paid. MAIN OFFICE FLORENCE OFFICE VILLAGE PLAZA OFFICE 811 WILLAMETTE 3T. 915 HWY 101 • FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 4750 VILLAGE PLAZA LOOP SUITE 100 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 MAILLYG: PO BOX 508 * FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PH: (541) 687-2233 `FAX: (541)485-0307 PH: (541) 997-41] • FAX: (541)997-8246 PH: (541) 653-622 ^ FAX: (541) 8441626 kOE X57 co. PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT CASCADE ESCROW October 21, 2020 ATTN: SARAH PETERSON Report No: 0323214 4750 VZLLAGE PLAZA LOOP, SUITE 100 Your No: VP20-2002 EUGENE, OR 97401 Seller: MOVING FORWARD LLC Buyer: CHERRY BLOSSOM VILLAGE, LLC PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR: Cwner's Standard Policy $405,000.00 PREMIUMS: Owner's Standard Premium Gov. Lien/Inspect Fee $$70.00 $35.00 We are prepared to issue 2006 (6/17/06) ALTA title insurance policy(les) o£ OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, in the ..not form insuring_ the title to the land described as `o lbws: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, in ^-ownship 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wil'_amette Meridian; thence North 89° 55' West 737.88 feet along the North line of said Claim No. 46; thence South 15.0 feet to a pont on the South line of County Road No. 90 (Deadmend Ferry Road), said point being the true point of beginning; running thence South 89' 55' East 662.60 feet along the South line of said road; thence leaving said Soath Tine, South 26° 38' East 306.75 feet; thence North 89° 55' West 2CO.10 feet; thence North 274.2 feet to the true be of of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Vested: MOVING FORWARD, LLC, an Orcgon Limitcd Liability Company Estate: FEE SIMPLE DATED AS OF: OCTOBER 08, 2020 at 8:G0 A.Y. Schedule B of -he policy(ies) to be issued will contain the following general and special exceptions unless removed prior to issuance: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS (Standa-d Coverage Policy Exceptions): 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Public Records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or net shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Records. No liability is assumed hereunder until policy has been issued and full policy premium has been paid. MAIN OFFICE FLORENCE OFFICE VILLAGE PLAZA OFFICE 811 WILLAMETTE 3T. 915 HWY 101 • FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 4750 VILLAGE PLAZA LOOP SUITE 100 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 MAILLYG: PO BOX 508 * FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PH: (541) 687-2233 `FAX: (541)485-0307 PH: (541) 997-41] • FAX: (541)997-8246 PH: (541) 653-622 ^ FAX: (541) 8441626 Order Eo. 0323219 Page 2 2. Facts, rights, interests or c: aims which are not shown by the Public Records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easement..,, or claims of easement, not shown by the Public Records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material., equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed bylaw one not shown by the Public Records. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 6. Taxes, Account No. C"_50555, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 15 4 0, #1800, Code 4-78, 2020-2021, in the amount of $3,542.67, NOW DUE AND PAYABLE. 7. Power P-ne easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to Tri-State Railway ane Power Company, by instrument recorded November 29, 1910, Reception No. b087 p279, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 8. Easement Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to Heidemarie Smith, by instrument recorded July 15, 1999, Recept-on No. 1999-061898, Lane County Official Records. 9. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Moving Forward, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grantor, to Cascade Title Company, Trustcc, for tie benefit of West First, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Senef-ciary, dated May 7, 2019, recorded May 14, 2019, Reception No. 2019-018430, Lane County Deeds and Records, to secure payment of a note for $325,000.0C. 10. A copy of the Operating Agreement of Moving Forward Lf C, including any amendments thereof, should be furnished to Cascade Title Company for the purpose of ascertaining members authorized to execute on behalf of the Limited Liability Company. 11. In lieu of the signatures of all the members and/or managers, we will require a Consent Resolution by all of the members and managers of Moving Forward LLC, consenting to the forthcoming sale or encumbrance and disclosing rie party(ies) authorized to sign for said limited liability company to be provided prior to closing. NO'T'E: The property address as shown or, the Assessor's Roll is: 287 Deadmond berry Road Springfield, OR 97477 NOTE: A judgment search has been made on the above named Vest" (s) , and we find NONE except as set Porti above. NOTE: As of the date hereof, there are no matters against CHERRY BLOSSOM VTLLAGE, LLC, which would appear as exceptions in the po`-icy to issue, except As shown herein. NOTE: A copy of the Operating Agreement of CHERRY BLOSSOM VILLAGE, LLC, including any amendments thereof, should be furnished to Cascade Title Company for the purpose of ascertain_ng members authorized to execute on behalf" of the Limited Liability Company. Order No. C323214 Paan 3 NOTE: According to the public record, the following deed (s) affecting the property herein described have been recorded within 24 months of the effective date of this report: Warranty [feed recorded May 14, 20-9, Reception No. 2019-0-8429, Lane County Deeds and Reccrds. NOTE: The premium amoun'c has been reduced by application of a reissue rate. This report is preliminary to the issuance of a policy of title insurance and shall became null and void unless a policy is issued and the full premium paid. Cascade Title Co. sa/rh: Title Otf-cer: KAELEEN KOTZ 100 51 A( ti t ry T . CASCADE TITLE CO. MAP NO. 17-03-15-40 Y'-SfigFG' E 0-3 4a AW w S F1a'56 7' 16C dfdy�� THIS MAP/PLAT IS BEING FURNISHED AS AN AID IN LOCATING THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LAND IN RELATION TO ADJOINING STREETS, NATURAL BOUNDARIES AND OTHER LAND, AND IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE IS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED BY ENDORSEMENT, IF ANY, THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE DIMENSIONS, DISTANCES, LOCATION OF EASEMENTS, ACREAGE OR OTHER MATTERS SHOWN THEREON. to thv gPdA.bor heroln. A1sn Any and D11 abler rltjlty or way of s.,N. Pad46 .o, uLed, �narant.a Ped do MlptUb ended Or hald by) OT 51 vtialL the grnntnr hoxaln n y bo In ¢y t:..vo i^SonBaLPda SII ,,aid aannty.df hither Man. d Cre'Ve. s - A1A tl}bt d. twin fra5Tdh1.4ba At perNlt rah ad ty the COtutt., Covet of the eta+e a+ t Grogan on M1hdNlTan'ElAle Cai}vi�ty or Tanh,I doted Jobs ] 1910) Eruntlnw pox,,,,bnlon to the Pav�rfr#1"H(,C Ela4i.1dai Sagbioring ri..y oov, Yta WbnbDWDgrll and 11./'�j!tl> tp OpeTT.ta nhd PJBSRt4th B1vu,Flo wlrab and pglae wtvhg and nve{O mein e.uhty .Ad, an n Ii pernpt ate and d, ntali, ahs i pWrnit ricDT pri the paid t7by of Jtt�•r 1910'iA , duo avaSdiodatrnndL",'arepd -al Pot avvny by Odid Papifin nottrla'l'*1dihobiding Cchoany, to ortatat hotel., and also a and all ether ^Sandri- inan Id[ tb$ 'mr61r"ttetlhn5e 'af!eNdtr$a wfreu and PP1ae 5var ate' sthbr emtnty res. In veld C vdtY eP'Lane, 1ieL,1'Td+ gNKlttat hat.in or in which tleu3d ur -: er my be in,,ba interested. !. Also -al OOnseattu YOY Abp -g4ing of ilght aV permr to any'chd all van>JeAp,,Itioa in said d unty4r Lh15ea and e11 4one, "I grantod to, or Iib1d by, ,j'aihti0r hvnalDr or ,he con- ec[u.tlona bxecttoh and ma,ihbbhahue of'alo tri light and pooer Ple`nt. and the sh"Iy#hg and distribUE1n, Of elaotvieduty Pat limit and ,anorto any munleipalltian Sn said Stab. 6P an 0n, and psAti.vdat]y that certain Fran h. Hated ,lv1y ^.Sr 1910, granted by t5e'City of Jn tion dity: toPas AIN Fdeetrl.al 1]tgindn'i.Uag Campeay, end by ea13 :Company. 4.4 ...4giS'd to gt niat bra's Sn add thot.'leltals PxanOhipea dated Deaembar 5, 19041 ghahLod by said CICy at Cunativ. 0iWi abbe' dvbdt-ladAftY Mepufdothring C,do any. abdwhlnh'said fiihfilbRib.,bean _ y me Re. o0nvayandb :ply saHSg¢etl sed tSahof.nried to ,hatAV ttanaln� etre tfiat =going aench� i dgtad dlny 2 1910 Prrnri$Od by 51i Citi' of Hnrrlstery to Pealrtia pJ1e hdlael =going ' O..Pknyl and by AsId coftwdny duly, 0584 Shod to granter harem, and Any and all, otb;V, troismsad! P dy RNA, bhevaat¢r end d0 iiptloea hold by at In which the grentot'h9teids Hey bb jb,,rAated. and &Ndtad by any bthsr S�UnlcYpq:lltlev 'In the 6.1d state of dass�dh ;'- r Alsp ail 6'Yjni,lgnapt T5b1Y ti4P1'sln r uupplI.., onobleery and t alb, at, s21 o$ti8to prbpoxty± or any tdtb@t tbarain[ 1.. any eny, belonging to at ojop.adelning td the Sd L'era1111pkOp d tl 35edatid$ildO lY,Qvt �1hht,nnd all bills and.0schats neCbYVnbley p&P1aar fvei{h'ijm'er Aid fixtoV. r{ obsoon 1d ttieid:' aanteagte, claimerdat AmenMo n w avnad'tiy na!SW 407TPIoe bl adv a Man wi4M-til ih iiv :sones sitting t."Paid lobV d aeP d scribed-pQ SrtgatLV With ¢ 1 end Mypolgt th tene'medtai here ditasent.. and P'Partennnq.. thOrrt. baldh 'it",, I, in w1 a pp.rtdindng and the :'reVorMon or revecelone'a ramrleftV or' Y8malnhe ar s,AAdd0wa ientno d.au.a.�3nd Pea ite'tAfl eaf T6 HAVTi>AND +pd Hd t all and a1n{,vNO the p.W.Oo, Nbodna „sant.-, right L n6y, II-ensasa P n hiDbs 4a4Dnrbays nd'Ot]%T property nfoeeaeldr unto the raid part, oftha Seetthd FVt, dlfd it waoogO9ra°end WeelyR 6revbr iv iViTPfd99 YL�RIYIF t}t'a' vid: gx nt r has Ohu--dn... P ht's to be .Yesat%dSn its aonparate namo.'by to,pV,- offibffraa and its cor,arobe seal to be'herwantb axfjeed; in, aocandenae \vdtlt the anthda'ity netbtofore dull eIvsnv the day oeod ,roes'` brat sbatbo Atte.. I JS'+:p.HYLLI3�Y ANI UWp AAY, Attest: R.J•Heaf By h.Y.Pyldquby Ceanetsry. C.A,otet. Provident. - Deal. S1Ihbda SealAd and Delivered In prone. &I: C. A. ROIea' A.6.Lµnlane. State or I1I a. } dE uoanty oP tdok } Ch thin loth do, o+Novato xA9101 hot q v. paraonMly appeRnad-HH ey lvay. R J U Er .n id perkb-i.aiky ➢'.nownww}isr LeTngu[ryly rnaemr did .aw?diet j[ea th.m�ddial¢. Hy1lsgLyya 13 $ha Pre Widea.r fled Tar 'Llan Said R.J. Arafa Ia 5h. Pacrei� ^ 1+.3.aby-. sed So any-, bis o6r"punbtion dsecu deg lie fareg -na inatruventa aid tK t 4he ge 1 a@eyx"sa} ty salt{ 1Retans", is the pr116lPate Sa 1 bt-osis arporati0na and teat a61d YtiatSe:db¢V tiaDa aigne�( and'sblul.(1 ih b@palY'df need co5paxRMon Uy evtkrarTty of iGrt Praa d nR i13'nfluEotaY e}L$ e ld g lA 9ylf.gby and tl.J. f�[eY sv,mowledgasfrald LRntnS`ment Gq bs LTW Pteb vrtt eqd teed of _ aald ebrpl!rdtipns: IN:TrppMInr YNSI_R, i lave Rarea :tb at ass held and afri...'d',y[ efftapml"sl4 LMv the day .and W Ilxa4_ In this nY certificate. stittbn. -' N.tarisl, 3av1♦' C.A. Fah. NPEary IFubkSu 1 my Ogpminatsn''6'xplroe\illy let, 1913. in and at )'.linty of 1.6kistetri, af, } Niml. of W* does. Ase]ytttoyl1er'et d1 . Tri -n a - ) A1lnd. for )stere Nev ^9-Y. Sola nE. 1 .103rook t to Wp111v t• powst Do. ) - R'V.f; . COLnt, [loris. Par J.A.Pmeltala DOput'- byfdf b tabes Aattlth 16de and Is, , ,, hie wi' eV, W 9%C4ll rdV aftoi Asha 't 17..—C' Che; Ona A ss `Y`Y"°X mpg13}e„si,nsp t» -Yells soder 019 1%n +f2 e5 ;yes 11x6¢ Sd9,to 2o ,atInw,�dits as nbt99rigivbdtle l_ajdj ,IaftdAebin9to�dfsgpthe aun a1c ass pfppnnpsigt6 ne os ane .yorYent im,saana toattach to"LT 1L;agd;k aA in tT® ame'thaxson... f to da nm pho. es Cd id o,; Y id Prandrby of the -,dta , done te. 2aNCOO un..tht lagii.Van is and to pa, for all h"sGru¢tlht"Miotaltiin¢i repo ±Ing, lmpravitw and P.rating se `ane ;;«at, wf mire.i the al' 011A to Use flos 1AW1 al.ylg the d Sri 11gI, f way in np r9@H.1 eq rR4_ T19 A.Y r. ,d 9 S'1 Ga—1.2 sent to nbd vet ll E Ifb;eb;i',iem fygd to the Cobei •.• - he.-ealxi,plgNt v'myA lSesomeaE:, x1 to and Pri ilggss note Rex -As Mari Ptaxd-Re'geaU�n eM R61n llgoda'arid noala the day, illa_ind�enLLke t¢�'�fi. Fs - Adl4h miller !^e - rhuapoWa Au2ger .. `v„t k3 12sr Scat . Nr`a@{st ukilla: R'W'ra2kina Ann.J.(Wibiac n.Jellbna ss IDN.1y L.Ca11[tne x"rt Of !' t0be2� 291' . bviese'rr, -Notbey Rmb£i. In and . slid SY dm rte Gllgnpb Aulwl and'ALa-� Mu12as, O..bmd add ;SSo, os lei. v4r. $ CalkSni� VpFr Via$' v.Re.lkSu®,^hie wires le-tih idea en;l''gOsepss dd4bribed lnand VMO a•ewontad the. rore- d Cn mp t bad .ze"tod the nota, Tm@b3w,1al V.Av taslly ;heeei pxp'�asor ' iFVB Rnsn.nto H'0 .ag Oeil Met POtIlLal .eal 4.ha dov endo to A,.F.vt9Wele H'I.Yai til li. Pbr 'raa01W nd An (C.naldOrstlen of the une or 1 o jdo,M M eyed fli'LY �olxora to United Matea 5 tU Phe in hand Doti by +he Co'npanYe "hed - t L t " e1 f ;e ¢ b' tbepa pre nL Brent D .Z�bl. Rall n oy y� can it +s .aa or g!i rsni,n f.rav r ¢ xidht of pay acr inq b wlr avad ti. 4'ren xien c. bleotsin anergy L ¢ Pytd t9 9tM0LPIl iia FTd 11 9R of Mrn batnoM pelse F1{rtr ni tb snttalrt nFh )son pnld and peldn Sn, ovor cod ed 1¢nd itbat.d in th. Nclvta of ban. end Stata be' pre n. RBVtl 6 a in na..tiab I'll Main: Ho.d in :dOT,$en 22 of t .1ths tho.legal title to which now l-XIb. the .afa A.g.iit Meller and Adntrh 1:..11oP h.lding v - a sx.6 the Pig.&D to b t doer. one m4p1e.. abode- Fres RtandlnU bael on lbid.p�,,omine , whlch dons or nay inbbrf6s6 with said n d. pbaasataea. irat 6'i'ho'l4iT,e:yWife .ball be oonotP btcd, operated, e`+l.lty the Trine Lh raeY. ao the on" 1 -.WW -I ... bad on said tate. _in®:YP the Ilelle..d Right or Woy over and ..roes iarA, `ly.q ad Rod :Lhin;geed in .,to .upon- the .,e.eb leo n5isipolbSttt .Rall not bd,locatod at a greater kbha 1Sge.o)aodlseed Right of ,ray hs¢ebb at..'�epalleubt be located et o.gro¢tor distaste. yY]se dc{#iglus u"Y Way L,v,➢i �,la< n{.. ni mnfl@j` P Sll the 'cons.'s ...... �y`tlgtb ?S♦e C6mpal�rr it. apb asposs *9a1gnp, and t. its '.+employb'a' f s EAo }light leee ordedb,ot _m11 timae L. tld pRSe SIR¢ prnlR,ao wiMn endyiinae,of vsre. on the i.- Lyht t3 �SRaq gv8e mod n¢r .'aid 1.Yui =tyD arta 4Pom .Rid `Y`Y"°X mpg13}e„si,nsp t» -Yells soder 019 1%n +f2 e5 ;yes 11x6¢ Sd9,to 2o ,atInw,�dits as nbt99rigivbdtle l_ajdj ,IaftdAebin9to�dfsgpthe aun a1c ass pfppnnpsigt6 ne os ane .yorYent im,saana toattach to"LT 1L;agd;k aA in tT® ame'thaxson... f to da nm pho. es Cd id o,; Y id Prandrby of the -,dta , done te. 2aNCOO un..tht lagii.Van is and to pa, for all h"sGru¢tlht"Miotaltiin¢i repo ±Ing, lmpravitw and P.rating se `ane ;;«at, wf mire.i the al' 011A to Use flos 1AW1 al.ylg the d Sri 11gI, f way in np r9@H.1 eq rR4_ T19 A.Y r. ,d 9 S'1 Ga—1.2 sent to nbd vet ll E Ifb;eb;i',iem fygd to the Cobei •.• - he.-ealxi,plgNt v'myA lSesomeaE:, x1 to and Pri ilggss note Rex -As Mari Ptaxd-Re'geaU�n eM R61n llgoda'arid noala the day, illa_ind�enLLke t¢�'�fi. Fs - Adl4h miller !^e - rhuapoWa Au2ger .. `v„t k3 12sr Scat . Nr`a@{st ukilla: R'W'ra2kina Ann.J.(Wibiac n.Jellbna ss IDN.1y L.Ca11[tne x"rt Of !' t0be2� 291' . bviese'rr, -Notbey Rmb£i. In and . slid SY dm rte Gllgnpb Aulwl and'ALa-� Mu12as, O..bmd add ;SSo, os lei. v4r. $ CalkSni� VpFr Via$' v.Re.lkSu®,^hie wires le-tih idea en;l''gOsepss dd4bribed lnand VMO a•ewontad the. rore- d Cn mp t bad .ze"tod the nota, Tm@b3w,1al V.Av taslly ;heeei pxp'�asor ' iFVB Rnsn.nto H'0 .ag Oeil Met POtIlLal .eal 4.ha dov endo to A,.F.vt9Wele H'I.Yai til li. Pbr 'raa01W In witnepa aS scar I h¢,e halnUatt eon road ra.d llOta''Al ape.l Ll.a do, pad tlete 1¢st above 'Itten. y w. �.,+reefxn Cmrmde Dion Wit.ef daft 13th 1901. 'hd%'ien of the >'eacs apBmfa_NSXyiC. .........9.3 .........::::: R1Hht.Cf Nny.11ped. J.S.lo8led$y At sl. ) - . to - J Pilnd for record No, %9 1910 at 1 .'Cloak W.M. Tri-atgte RAII ay & POPRr Co.) P,.Udae County Olerk,. Por J.4.Pountnfn neputy. PHLS 1NOgNYyAF, Node gain 18th day of nctnbor> 1910 » wed betas n J.9.R(m,laZhS,, Stalls, S -**;wiry his wife';.g M.CoskenIln end udry HLC Oka li , Tis edf.,.of Lane:Cspnty', State OP Orogon- hexelneftos called the grontoxs. Portion of the first p t, and Oul-stator. R Ile y h Poeoe Csmpexy, an de.,nn Cprporation having its principal offian at Portland, areas." herelnaPtor oH.11ed the CompapV, pasty of the second part: winESSgpg: ThOt the Grsntore, POP and 1. Cdn Id.,ot1Oa of the on Of Twp ushered Valle.. (4,,0) 11 1nwEyl mohsj'>Of the United Sinead, to them in hand paid by the Company, th'e r ... Ipt wh.o0c, �> in hereby nq)mmrledged, dobythese Presents grant, bargain, all, convoy and oth,,ra notol G the c C mpaW-,sh@ Lo it saoessntrs and ¢cnlens. forevern n �t f aE teat$tq pole lin Pox '¢hO'cexryin is Of. wiren And the rnoof IO—e a rwt p with thB NiEht to i+ ti � $ Pole' hd.ts sirs h wlree and lines of wire between polos nith nteeshnsy end props r app-§¢ lien t0 wegsix sash pole lines -sed -pole n over and across the f ll vdng dessrlboo ld¢d 1 situ t6d ih 4xhb lgdfmity o. Lens and State of Orel tew-t Anott One hundred pros In ortl n ArChe JPSvy,Vth s p>^ DOOMind Land Claim Abram Condos and Mfs Rtl 45 i¢ :ea tYmtS 15 ax>h 1� P Talerper, hiP 17 South, Rans'e 3 W '. of Wf31 tta nerid_s the, legal 'E title tq w81Ch�a tendD in the. name Of J S b lsdry but upon *hIs.h the Did Mx keYllve hold a Mix pt oP purch¢se thereof; .nd St 1 sp lvis$1� Ogre d end th sk9 d Sa mOtm npdn 0 tIl spveWOOpd£tio that the rater line Of the main p le line shall net be locdtsd,aE`af g oetor dijoea a !.hsn four feet ..Com the line of the Southern P¢eif"_e railroad right Ar, 1 eqy Sud thkir' tGL_ .-smw ne plane in the d1notoe Of Oru DDitJS thin lend- Ris31 th9 a be, ltea'td.azA`y. poluD OXC9ef�y, A* dlitsnsa. and in this the pn3s:.,x met pbr-be 1Oaayed t s gra 1.Y di tsnea thory pine feet rxum'.as1d right or _ ay. Ra other pay lima. theif that above "me E-- a to b9 "hatOd en nald pr'smises. Ssid CPAb lin Pol 9 M. ,no line f *area shell be sLed opernted n mai t inea gn1je pt an opmir. algal thaline there , no the e, sis npt$f;o stag On,bald lands ) n Id'asA-"f'pe 21%.. of said rallxoad right Of it,. In Enrtb h M.ideration of -said so. of morel p Stl:na s_ Fa id ',phe C antops he by g ants bm Ee1e', 11 and Canvey t .he pomsou,P £t9 s%am un On, nq 1[pe end to 1 and thgoOtiesx gents and lye , the right Ofi'Faa a etlgll Smen to on sad 11 parts of id pole lira pole., .Alva apd3lnen of ir wire CII thea4boge :iossr<i@pd lents dad tht xi ht o Pass.sae end xoss "se* end LO e„d r a ifl p61e iia end p 3ea'a. fee the pLxpODs Of oRatrddtirg 4 minin3> aPs'Sn - 1[Ip n singd C:irttein3.}q tt R ¢rad aid nirar,:sttd 1i e9 drl¢'£ as s th Sght f _e the land oh }the idaonY `p14'pf la line I -Iran —1 lines of of ani, and l trees, all Can,. wRi h ba11�6 L qy time E and 'ray, the rap om4' liable to ftu'a.d any rnnlltlon upon said P le 11 el'wl es r 1 P i, S9 qF tithe ;i9ss to lnlllre Or undsh car the a. OrP:V 4l2 aafv eP `ERs n gt t'q. X lq art 1{, r,pOlea 1W.Aid 16pd along the said riGht of movi at above ape iY.tAi to db$ tlka3e�lt�'` Lpe11- hmt({e, Lhbr gaxYsns.as may. ba repo?rpd, and to nae P op a g,=opF1 to add can}pnAd- me¢he t0 elttea ,he fid Pd a 11ne, golds to f.n011 end L walnt¢Sn.:Eh a'A,�.;tke;'gyh0 , ih Gomi)etlj-O mess Jigk,.t do avfv a essery dauv3e. to poria propBa:ty- oY the spent 3 and to 1$Y4: p11 d 4taGo bene Lo Fs nes dsfOEhar improvements dad to pay fo @,3.l�dsfveg doh ti erQprc $n abn}b,tfaotilt,g, maim inip6, rolfslLinG, imPxavinu and oPeratSnH said p0'$e 1]ne , �. polbllp Nlred Rad I3nes a^ mite ., }} "1¢fe gpegtoxs YasAYvp ttty i ht LgRse tRy Sdnd slang h ld ±Igab ce way in.epy it 1 maunxx wilier a➢ISn rlot,Y'n'terfexe in aII¢ ,way with the P8L .a p Sect ¢se --and O¢,}ayfpent by tl " the homP�y� tF. t"� rYgRaa'a„d PLLVYIeI}ea haiebY p.. t d t tfie rampant'. TO IIAv[t,AU,n 1'C hO ,D the -n 3d igpt of: ,y' meet, i� t+ and Pri iI unvO t]+a : Comp rye 'Sirs ed¢dee9oF and nxsl(iiN "fOra4er � wFtndRa whexrynY 7fO t1r¢ritonft'haVe�ex fmt e, th i� hands end en_q tNs dew, dr�v $J �3 E Y dry in the 1, 1ou e Of J 5 i dYy A6 - puhn,�'8' La S ells R FroTsad_y Wpw�' CoB�neaT1' H Do Retllne'Sn the p=aeanoA of Z.N Y 0 ' Line M ry 9.C4a2.cx}ins - l!',U)EG1M .-r.. . 6ryey 68n ni,QreLLo'p.l},ert 4 OE SmC1B PS oquh£ ghn'rRlar �t mph dry- u{ 0a66oF _ iglu a e s N L PktJil in ndr,." Y, e s 'h"dY9 3`a rt n l4, x m p H'c of 15 a Atha, e¢ ,c ppvr�l UGn&xugo ore nade:y ehn+ip. rvq be the' pden,tdeml ps d a'¢ dd it a. iii' d ~ ahepl{ lige f orgy a,ZD , d#c5ao ladontti do that they,h tl ,ted tb PA T+ e vrCtA up i¢x tip Ary r a ep txarean,nt,,1Ip sdr hpwlt^, till t}goPi Y 1 h ye'1•eramtp pa4 rya. hand elle NotYn p s. do, and .dFfte 1 Rpta;int Wab. r We�tRbPu t a'r t'ti ate 1 mr 'ob P middflR d11 tS,r" -pdq .yg. p6 In§rty On Ta+tf9 gg. AJ). tr4,=ef INpi tir3;v,, aide loth day rat Igo vgmbq¢,rZyJJ:ajfeEq ea se>,o. Astnv Pub31¢ 1+1 sous .` _ )0 99061898 EASEMENT AGREEMENT III cmrsidemtiun of the ponch."l ,,,sa,, of adjacent property describual in Exhibit'A', Erven A, Schnetzkyas u T, Umeanl' the Erven A. Schnetzky 1991 Trust dated September 25, 1991, slid resorted Rcmlber 3. 1998 (Grantor), conveys la Heidemarie Smith, Isar of IanJ in Lane County. Oregon duserib heirs, succeamW assigns (Gmnue), a perpetual tmmexdusive easement upon thensa e tand condi inns described to low, to use s strip eJ as follows: Beginning at a'all palm on the south I Ine of County Road No. 90, which point ix 171 feet North 89 degrees 55' West of u palm marked by an iron pipe which is 16,8 feet South 26 degrees 38' East from a point 57,34 chains South 89 degrees �1r1 55' Eost from the naI-N, t corner is William Stevens Don ".a Lpad Claim No. 46, Township 17 Somh, Range 3 Nq Wesl of the Wiliamene Meritlien onJ rooming thence North 89 degrees 55' Wert 4fcets thence South 26 degrees 38'East Y z 306.7 feet thence North 89 degrees 55' Wert 5.4 Yves; thence South 26 degrees 38' East 20.0 fee[; thence South 89 r9 �4 degrees 55' Eris 21.4 fee,. thence North 26 degrees 38' West 326.7 feet; and thence Nortb 89 degrees 55' Weal 12 feel �FpFs mthe point of beginning, in Lax Caunry, Oregon, F lip ON Greater is the regard owner of the real estate described above acid has th nditure gua follows: e unrestricted right m 8mm the easement upon the corms and 8 a a o Fa U °ah offo . Grantee shall lmve Ilia right afahlacslond egress overdo described strip ofland for acca.toGrantee's aJjofning'property, which }V Is currently designated as Tax Lot 17 03 15 40 0181%I, and which is currently using a street address af287 Dmonlarl Ferry Road, F C� This enscnsem shall be perpetual, non¢xelusivc, and appu,courn to the Gnome's adjacent property adjoining immediately to the wa Offlaseasemcntsrip. Adesuripiionofsbepropertytuwhkhthis e:+semantisappurtenoptlsa(uchedheretoae Exhlbh'A'. 2, Garcia,a right of lawless and egress shalt holede such rcawnable access as u ntxeuary so Om use, enjoyment, and operation of such houses or structures as exist or maybe wastmctem upon Gmnmaccessas is properly described , Exhlblwnt. a ThIS ualdo, at is granum fur driveway use only. Vniess Orenirtthe shuAA grant a Mum "Oveyance for additional rights, this easamem shall.lgt el be constmet for utility or any other use or for Ifie brau;ls of any other properly, 3. &ceps ns to the rights herein grimed, the Grantor slwD main full use and loolm! of the described strip Of land Gmnmr rnservus the right m grant rights for such use m third parties in the Grantors sale discretion. 4. The Gmmee agr 13 to indemnify and defend Goono, froln an)' 1055, Balm or liability to Grantor arising In any manlier oat of Glance's use of the easement strip. 5. This alsument is gmnud suhjttt to all prior easenon, or emTlnlbronces of record. 6. GranleeacknmvleJgcs drat Grantor's um ofthe eastoum is infrequent. Gumorunds takes no responsibility tomailes in or develop the roadway, swrYace, or drainage of tau described salaries, strip. IN 15'1'fNESS WHEREOF, The parties have caused this instrument in be executed as evidenced by their signatures below. GRANTOR: GRA TEE: Erven n, a Sepuey, as a Trustee of the load 6; Schar 3, 1991 Trust Jaset Sepamber 25, 1991, and resmsed Desromber 3, 1998 HUWemane Smuh State of Oregon; ss,;Caunsy of Lane 011JUL45'991106REC 10, aaif7UL-15'99WOEPFUND 10, Personally appeared cember the abovemamed Erven A. Schnetzky, as a Trustee of the Erven A. Sahnid40.1a65$99g0,iRjrlEniDJNIY, Fat, 1991, and rotated December 3, 1998, and aeknowkdged the foregoing ha rumen m be his voluntary act nntl deet, SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this�i/ �day of 19tm. Iqn- I State of Oregon; SS,;COBNy of Later Paranoia ly appeared the ahovemosned Hcidemoric Smith nntl acknowledged the foregoing htstmment to be her voluntary acs nntl deed. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me 1hb5�dyy 0(1dNB, 1 After Recording Return ro: —.11 soon tar s agren p l Joel S. Dellure, Auurney at Ww }' } 777 High St., Suite 300 y, s7Y Eogcae, OR 97401 V 7- 1,5- 7- 9 2-"( i Eevmw No, ol0050327-KJ-da ..i Tlla OWvr No. 00503287 99061898 EMIBZT "A" Beginning at the Northeast corner of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Township 17 South, Range ` 3 West of the V4glamette Meridian; thence North 89° 55' West 73788 feet along the North line of said Claim No. 46; thence South 15.0 feet to a paint on the South line of County Road No, 90 (Oeadmond Ferry Roed) said point haing the True Pointut Beginning; running the South 89° 55' East 62.60 feet along the South tine of said road; thence leaving said South line, South 26° 38' East 308.75 feet; thence North 89° 55' West 200.10 feet; thence North 274,2 feet to the Tfee Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. State of Oregon County of Lane — ss. I, the County Clerk, In and for the said County, do hereby certify, that the within Instrument was reoaved fm record on r99JUL 15gmie:51 Reef 257OR Lane County OFFICIAL Records Lane County Clerk Q County Clerk WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM LELAND H. SMITH and HEIDEMARIE SMITH, as tenants by the entirety, Grantor, conveys and warrants to MOVING FORWARD, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 89° 55' West 737.88 feet along the North line of said Claim No. 46; thence South 15.0 feet to a point on the South line of County Road No. 90 (Deadmond Ferry Road), said point being the true point of beginning; running thence South 890 55' East 62.60 feet along the South line of said road; thence leaving said South line, South 26° 38' East 306.75 feet; thence North 89° 55' West 200.10 feet; thence North 274.2 feet to the true point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. The true consideration for this conveyance is $295,000.00 AS PAID BYITO AN ACCOMMODATOR PURSUANT TO IRC 1031. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300 (Definitions for ORS 195.300 to 195.336), 195.301 (Legislative findings) AND 195.305 (Compensation for restriction of use of real property due to land use regulation) TO 195336 (Compensation and Conservation Fund) AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER III OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2010. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 (Definitions for ORS 92.010 to 92.192) OR 215.010 (Definitions), TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 (Definitions for ORS 30.930 W 30.947), AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300 (Definitions for ORS 195,300 to 195.336), 195301 (Legislative findings) AND 195.305 (Compensation for restriction of use of real property due to land use regulation) TO 195.336 (Compensation and WMNE'X LTR Lane County Clerk 2019-018429 T Lane County Deeds & Records 05/14/2019 03:01:36 PM CASCADE -fiTt-B RPR -DEED Cnl=l Sin=9 CASHIER OS 2pages $9200 CO. sto0o stt oo $10.00 $at o0 TITLE NO. 0312540 ESCROW NO. EU19-0770 MB TAX ACCT. NO. 0150555 MAP, TAX LOT NO. 17031540#1800 GRANTOR LELAND H. SMITH and HEIDEMARIE SMITH GRANTEE MOVING FORWARD, LLC $2ii,451 1_A(Zu E1 U r c11Y ji11�^ a Until a change is requested After recording return to: all tax statements shall be CASCADE TITLE CO. sent to the following address: 811 WILLAMETTE ***SAME AS GRANTEE*** EUGENE, OR 97401 WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM LELAND H. SMITH and HEIDEMARIE SMITH, as tenants by the entirety, Grantor, conveys and warrants to MOVING FORWARD, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 89° 55' West 737.88 feet along the North line of said Claim No. 46; thence South 15.0 feet to a point on the South line of County Road No. 90 (Deadmond Ferry Road), said point being the true point of beginning; running thence South 890 55' East 62.60 feet along the South line of said road; thence leaving said South line, South 26° 38' East 306.75 feet; thence North 89° 55' West 200.10 feet; thence North 274.2 feet to the true point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. The true consideration for this conveyance is $295,000.00 AS PAID BYITO AN ACCOMMODATOR PURSUANT TO IRC 1031. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300 (Definitions for ORS 195.300 to 195.336), 195.301 (Legislative findings) AND 195.305 (Compensation for restriction of use of real property due to land use regulation) TO 195336 (Compensation and Conservation Fund) AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER III OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2010. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 (Definitions for ORS 92.010 to 92.192) OR 215.010 (Definitions), TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 (Definitions for ORS 30.930 W 30.947), AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300 (Definitions for ORS 195,300 to 195.336), 195301 (Legislative findings) AND 195.305 (Compensation for restriction of use of real property due to land use regulation) TO 195.336 (Compensation and WMNE'X LTR Conservation Fund) AND SECTIONS S TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2010. Except the following encumbrances: Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Easements and Rights of Way of record, if any. I • LELAND H. SMITH State of Oregon County of Lane This instrument was acknowledged before me on / 2019 by LELAND H. SMITH and HEIDEMARIE SMITH. OFFW44LOTAMP ROSE REYNOLDS NOTARY Pt10LIC•OREGON COMMISSION NO.977705 #NADJA COMMISSION EXPIRES AUGUST 0G, 2022 9JRIYEx LTR /'f (Notary ic fo Oregon) My commission expires•% TAX ACCT. NO. 0150555 MAPII'AX LAT NO. 17031540#1800 TRUST DEED ]AIS TRUST DEED, made on day 07 of May, 2019, between MOVING FORWARD, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, as Grantor, CASCADE TITLE COMPANY, as Trustee, and WEST FELST, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, as Beneficiary, WITNESSETH: Grantor idevoeably grants, bargains, sells and conveys an trustee in m,st, with power of sale, the property in Lane County, Crops, described es: Beginning a the Northeast corner ofthe William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Township 17 South, Range 3 Wert Ofthe Wiilamdte Meridian; thence North 89° 55' West 737.88 feet along the North line of said Claim No. 46; thence South 15.0 feet to a paint on the South line of County Road No. 90 Uddle and Ferry Road), said point being tho true point ofbeginnivg; miming thence South 89° 55' Dust 62.60 feet along the South line Ofseid mad; thence leaving said South line, South W 38' East 306.75 feet, thence North 89° 55' West 200.10 fee; Nance North 274.2 feet to the We point ofbegitming, in Lane County, Oregon. together with all and stupid the tenements, heredbouents and appurtenances and all other rights thereunto belonging or in anywise now or hereafter appertaining, and the rents, issues and pmfirs themof and all fimuses now or hereafter punched to or used in connection with the propcny. FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING PERFORMANCE of each ageemed of grantor herein contained and payment of the and of *`THREE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO1100thaa" Dollar, with interest thereon, accarding to the tams of o promissory note ofeven date herewith, payable to beneficiary a order and made payable by grantor, the final payment of principal and interest hereof, if not sooner paid, to be due and payable Jane 01, 2022. The date ofmaturity of the debt secured by this iamumem is the dare, stated above, on which the final addlmant of said now becomes due and payable. In the event the within described property, many part thereof, or any interest therein is sold, ugrced on be sold, conveyed, assigned, or attended by the granter without that basing obmined the written consent or approval of the beneficiary, then, at the beneficiary's option, all obligationd Insured by this icebound, irrespective of the restudty dates expressed therein or he®in, shall become immediately due and payable. Said comeat atoll not he unreasonably withhold. To proud the Identity ofthis trust decd, grantor agrees: 1. To prated, preserve end m unmin said property in good condition and Sepal not on, remove or donnish any building or improwdro u thereon; not to commit to permit any waste of said property. 2. To complete or reamd, promptly and in good wodo eralike manner Ivy building or improvement which may be conaructed, damaged or destroyed thereoq and pay when due all costs incuned therefor. 3. To comply wim all laws, ordinances, r.,]ad.., covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting me property; if the beneficiary so requests, tojoin in exeeufing Inch financing ammanents pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code as the heneficiary may recut. and to pay for filing same in the proper public office or offices, as well as the cost -fall lien searches made by filing officers or scorching ageucies as may be &anted desirahle by the beneficiary. 4. 1 provide and contiuuousiy maintain msu on the buildings now or hereafter created an said premises against loss or damage by fire end such other hamrds as the beneficiary day from time to time require, ht en amouat ad Ices man the full insurable value, wriven in companies acceptable to the beneficiary, who loss payable an the hater, all policies of insurance shall be delivered to the beneficiary as soon as insured; if grantor shall Gd far any reason to prowre any Inch humane, and to ddiver said policies to the beneficiary at least fifteen days prior to the expiration of any policy of insurance now or hereafter placed on said buildings, the beneficiary may prompt same at gtanmYs expect. The amount collected under any fire or Omer assurance policy may be applied by beneficiary upon any indebtedness secured hereby and in such order as beneficiary may determiae, or at Option of beneficiary the entire amount an collected, or any part thereof, may be released m, motor. Such applicavon or release shall net cure or waive any default or notice ofdefruit hereunder or invalidate tee, act done parsund to sash nofice. 5. To keep said premises free from constrndlon lieu and to pay all nixes, assessments and oma charges that may be levied or eas.00d upon or againa said propose, before any part of such faxes, assessments and Other clan s become past due Or delinquent and promptly deliver receipts therefor to bereficinI should the gamor Gil m make payment of any taxes, assessments, insurance prenlum5, liens or oma charges payable by gedor, either by deem payment or by providing beneficiary with funds with which to make such paynamh beneficiary may, at its option, make payment NOTE: The Trust Deed Am provides that the Trustee herounder must be either an attorney, who is an serve member ofthe Oregon Stare Bar, a bath, had compare,, or savings and loan association authmiced to do busiods under the laws of Oregon or the United States, a fide iasumnce company authariaed to iosnre ride to real property ofthis state, its subsidiaries, affiliates, agents or branches, the United Stares or any agency thereof, or an escrow .,out licensed under ORS 696.505 . 696.585. TRUSTDEED MOVENG FORWARD, LLC 83851 Latey U Wain Cr' estw.11r6R 9't4z4 Grans"nnr WEST FIRST, LLC, no Oregon Limited Liability Company 8f63D 9.7(4 ! rw .7ayder'r 6A dFi 974 cart (rimy IFiFR OFCOMMISPHINH 30: -.—_- gh4dBLIRi Meiltvr Ohl wuimmE6t;9IrrelLm Wal 031z5ato EWq.0g40 I Lane County Clark 2019-018430 Lane County Deeds & RECOrtls 1 . 05/14/2019 03:01:36 PM n COW o CASHIER 06 3pages E5.00$n,00 111000$6toa $9700 thereof, and the amount so paid, with interest m the rate em forth in the nate secured hereby, together with obligations described in paragraphs; 6 and 7 of this tenet deed, shall be added to and become a part afthe debt secured by this hast decd, without waitltr of any rights nosing from breach of any of the covenenR hereof and far such payments, with interest as aforesaid, the property herembatme described, as well as the grantor, shall be bound to the some extent that they are bound for the payment of the obligation herein described and all such puyments shall be immediately due and payable without notice, and the nonpayment thereof shall, at the option of the beneficiary, render all mors secured by this trust deed immediately due and payable and constitute a breach of this trust decd. 6. To pay all read, fees ead expenses afthis trust deed including the cast of fide search. well as the oNa mdus ead expwsa of the trustee incurred in connection with or in enforcing this obligation and roster's and at ornert has actually metered. 7. To appear in and defend any action or proceeding purporting in mime the went* rights m powers ofbenefciary, or worm; and in any suit, sedan or proceeding in which the beneficiary or trustee may appear, including any suit for Ne foreclosure of this deed, m pay all costs and expenses, including evidence of title sad the beneficiary's or trustee's attorneys kms; the maowt of summary's fees mentioned in this paragraph 7 in all cases shall be fixed by the trial conn and in the evwt a. appeal from any, judgment or decrees of the noel crud, pmnmr further agrees W pay such sum. the appellate wart shall adjudge reasonable as the beneficiary's ertodueb attorneys Res em such appeal. It is mutually agreed that: 8. In the e t i�fi�ret my portion or WI of said property shall W taken under the right of eminent domain ar condemnation, bwefcimy shall have Ne right, if it so glens, to require that all or any portion ofthe monies payable as compensation for such *eking, which are in excess of the measure required to pay all reasonable costs, expenses and attorneys fees necessarily paid or mounted by grubber m web proceedings, shot[ be paid to bebeficlary aW applied by it fast upon my such4eammuddle coats and expenses and attorney's kr, both in the trial and appellate courts, necessarily paid re trammel by beneficiary, in such proceedings, and the balance applied upon the indebtedness secured Moody, and grantor agrees, at its own expense, to mine such actions aW execute such instruments as shall be temessny, in obtaining such compensation, promptly upon beneficiary's request. 9. At my time and kora time to time upon written bequest of beneficiary, payment of iia tees and presmtstim of Nu deed and the now for endorsement (in case of full rwonveyanccs, Rb cancellation), without affecting the liability ofsny person for the payment of the indebtdness, trustee may (a) consort to the making of my map or plat of said property, (b) join in gaffing any essemwt or creating airy medicate Naecam (c) jam in any subordination or other agreement affecting this deed or the lien or charge thereof; (d) beconvey, without warranty, all er say part of the property. The grannie in any rewaveymce may be described as the "person or persons legally entitled thereau" and the recitals therein a my matte. or facts shall be oonclusive proof of the tmNfuiness thereof. Trustee's Res for any of the services mentioned N this paragraph shall be not less Nan $5. 10. Upon my default by granter hereunder, bebeficiery, may at any time imom notice, either in pemmn by agwt a by areceiver to be appointad by a court, and wi[hwt regard to the adequacy of my security far the indebtedness hereby secured, curer upon and take possession of said property or any pmt thereof, in is own vane sue or otherwise collect the rend; issues sed profits, including in.. past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less vests and mxpmus of operation ad mellommem including reasonable sttomey's fea.upon any indebtedness seemed hereby, and m each order as bmciddery may determine. 11. The catering upon and taking poueseinn of said property, the collection of arch rents, issues and profits, or me proceeds of fee and that insurance policies or emembsedion or awards for my taking or damage of the property, and the application a release Hereof as aforesaid, snail am care or waive my default or notice of default demander or imadidem my act dem pursuant to such notice. 12. Upon default by granter in payment of try indebodnae secured hereby or in his performance of any agreement hacunder, time being of the essence with respect to such payment .&at perfirmuserace. the beneficiary may declare all rued hereby immediately due aW payable. In such an event the beneficiary, at his election may proceed to foreclose this ton deed in equity as a mortgage te direct the trustee to foreclose this trust decd by advertisement and sale, or may direm the trustee to pursue any other right or broadly, either at law or in equity, which the beneficiary, may have. m Ne cut the beneficiary elects m foreclose by advertisement and sale, the bweficiary ar Ne broader, shall exceum and cause to be recorded his written notice mdefault aW his election to sell the said described real property to satisfy the obligation seemed hereby whereupon the trustee shall fix the time and place of sale, give notice thereof as then required by law and proced to foreclose this trust dad in the mama provided in ORS 86.735 to 86.795. 13. After the trustee box commmred formlomre by advebtisenmt and sale, and ad any time prim to 5 days before the date the trustee conducts the sale, the gramme or any other person so privileged by ORS 86.753, may cure the defaWt or foundts. If the default conaim of a failure to pay, when due, sums secured by dm trust de W, the defaWt may be cored by paying the entire amount due at the time of the care other then such portion as would rat then be due had no default occurred. Any other default that is capable of being rued may be cured by tendering the performance requ nal under the obligation or trust deed. In any case, in addition to curing the default or dealers, the person effecting the care shall pay to fee bnreficisry all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing Ne obligation of the trust deed together with wstw's and stmmeys foes not exceeding the seaman provided by law. 14. ONerwis4 the sale shall be held on the tine end at the fine and pima designated in the notice of sate m Ne time to which said sale may, be postponed as provided by law. Thc traduce may sed mid property either in one parcel ar in separate parcels and. strait sell the parcel or parcels at auction in the highest bidder for ®eh, payable n the time of sale. Tms[a shall dcliva to the pubmaser its deed in form as requird by law conveying the property so sold, but without my covenant or warranty, express or implied. The recitals he the dead of my matters of tee[ shall be conclusive proof of the truthfulness thereof. Any person, excluding the trustee, but including the grmmr and beneficiary, may pubsome at the sale. 15. When trustee sells pumumt m the powe. provided herein, mance shall apply the proceeds of sale in payment of (1) the expenses of rale, including the compensation ofthe mance and a ressomble charge by trustee's attorney, (2)w the obligation secured by the cost dad, (3) to ell pmsms having recorded liens mbmqumt te Ne interest ofthe wstee in the Wst deed as then interests deny nppear in Ne order of Nen priority and (4) the surplus, ifany, to the gautm or to his successor in interest entitled to such surplus. 16. emeficiary may drab time to time appoint a mcass. or surcessom to my fnates named herein at many successor trustee appointed hcrcmder. Upon such appoiatmwt, and without conveyance to the succesmr trusdee, the latter shall be vatd with all title, provers and dudes conferred upon any home herein nand or appointed herwnfar. Each such appointment and aubstimtion shall be made by written instrument executed by beneficiary, which, when recorded in the mortgage records ofthe cowry or counties in which the propaty is situated, shall be conclusive pmofaf proper appoinbamt ofthe successor tmstw. 17. Trona accepts this dust when this deal, duly amended and acknowledged is made a public record as provided by law. Trustee is not obligated to many my party horam of pending sale under any older dad of vont or of any action or proaudiag in which greater, bencfcisry, or costae shall be a party unless such action or proceeding is brought by trustee. The grantor covenants and agrees to and with the beneficiary and the beneficiary's successor in interest that the grantor in lawfully seized in fee simple of the real property and has a valid, unencumbered title thereto and mat Ne grantor will warrant and forever defend the same against all persons whomsoever. WARNING: Unless grantor provides beneficiary with evidence of insurance coverage as required by the contract or loan agreement between them, beneficiary may purchase insurance at granmis expense on protect beneficiary's merest. This insurance may, but need not, also protect gmmen s interesL If the collateral becomes damaged, the coverage purchased by beneficiary may not pay, any claim made by m against gamma. Gmo ar may later cancel the coverage by providing evidence that granter has obtained property coverage elsewhere. Granter is responsible for the ma of any bummer coverage purchased by beneficiary, which cost may be added to amount's contract or loan balance. Ifit is So added, the interest rah on the underlying =net or loan will apply to it. The effective dam of coverage any, be the data gmatoes prim coverage lapsed or the date grantor failed to provide proof of coverage. The coverage beneficiary, purchases may be considerably ance, expensive than insurmce grantor might otherwise obtain alone and may not satisfy any need for property damage coverage or any mandatory liability insuance nequtmorents imposed by applicable law. The grantor warrants mat the proceeds of the loan reirmsemed by the above described note arta this had deed are: (a) an 11 b 41F gFWas1A VIORR111----- - [NOTICE: Line out the Omenty mm does not apply] (b) her an ojunimdon, or(even if&ame, is anatual person) are for business or vmnmerual purposes. This deed applies In, mores to the benefit of and binds all parties hereto, their hahs, legaaes, devisees, administrators, ezecutom, pmsmral. repreaenmtives, successors, and assigns. The term beneficiary shall mean the holder and owner, including pledgee, ofthe contract seemed hereby, whadtar or not named ss a beneficiary, heroin. to comarnirlg this bust deed, it is mrdmmood that the Greater or Beneficiary may be more Nan one person; that if the commit so nVions, the singular shell be most to mean and include the plead and that generally all grammatical changes shall be made, assumed and implied Or make me provisions hereof apply equally to corporations and m individusls. IN WITNnS WI3RRR0F, said grana, lass hereunto set bis band the day and year firs[ above written. Vi W LLC BY: LUCAS A.H SO h ER Store of Oregon Comity of Lane This instrument was acknowledged before me no 2019 by LUCAS A. HARDY, SOLE Iv1Eh1BER Of MOVING FORWARD, LLC. /�/(���,/��+���'D (N0 bey Publ$$�� ar Oregon) 0"RC SrgMp My commission exphes tri l"7% MELISSA MITCHELL NnsOosa a,om tEcox CpMMISSUNW.g65618 MYNMMSSIOII WIRMAJGIIST Ii, 2031