HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/3/2021City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review SPRINGFIELD W 0#/ Revised 1/7/14 Id 1 of 11 Site Plan Review Pre -Submittal: Major Site Plan Modification Pre -Submittal, ❑ Site Plan Review Submittal: MMa'or Site Plan Modification Submittal: ❑ Required Project Information (Applicant. complete this section) Applicant Name: Steve Powell I Phone: (760) 7030224 Com an :Woodcrest Real Estate Ventures Email:ionas@roodcrestrev.com Address: 1410 Main Street, Suite C, Ramona, CA 92065 Applicant's Rep.: Jonas Dyer Phone: (760) 703-0224 Company: Woodcrest Real Estate Ventures Email: ionas@woodcrestrev.com Address: 1410 Main Street, Suite C, Ramona, CA 92065 Property Owner: Paul Schaffner Phone:(541)345-4224 Company: Schaffner Properties LLC Email:schaffnercptinc@gmail.co Address: P.O. Box 10233, Eugene, OR 97440 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-35-31-04900-000 TAX LOT NOS :4900 Property Address: Not Assigned: SE Corner of Main Street & 72nd Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Size of Property: 1.5 Acres [v� Square Feet ❑ Proposed ni of , N/A Proposed Name of Project: Springfield General Retail Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: See Project Description - Attachment A Existing Use: Vacant Land New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): 37,228 sf Si natures: Please sign and Drint Mour name and date in the acicirociriate Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., Associated Applications: box on the next a e. complete this section) Signs: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Posta a Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ I PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/7/14 Id 1 of 11 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre -submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre -Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Owner: Date: 06-03-2021 i nature Jonas Dyer, Authorized Agent - See Attachment B Print Submittal Owner: I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre -Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.176 pertaining to a complete application. Date: Tynature Jonas Dyer, Authorized Agent - See Attachment B Print Revised 1/7/14 Ia 2 of 11 Site Plan Review Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Site Plan Review Application for Pre -Submittal • The application must conform to the Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-7 of this application packet. • A pre -submittal meeting to discuss completeness is mandatory, and pre -submittal meetings are conducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10:00 am - noon. • Planning Division staff strives to conduct pre -submittal meetings within five to seven working days of receiving an application. 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Pre -Submittal Meeting • The applicant, owner, and design team are strongly encouraged to attend the pre - submittal meeting. • The meeting is held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division and is scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner provides the applicant with a Pre -Submittal Checklist specifying the items required to make the application complete if it is not already complete, and the applicant has 160 days submit a complete application to the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application, City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision • A complete application must conform to the Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-7 of this application packet. • A Type II decision, made after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed, is issued within 120 days of submittal of a complete application. • Mailed notice is provided to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood association. In addition, the applicant must post one sign, provided by the City, on the subject property. • There is a 14 -day public comment period, starting on the date notice is mailed. • Applications are distributed to the Development Review Committee, and their comments are incorporated into a decision that addresses all applicable approval criteria and/or development standards, as well as any written comments from those given notice. • Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. • At the applicant's request, the Planner can provide a copy of the draft land use decision prior to issuing the final land use decision. • The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. • The decision issued is the final decision of the City but may be appealed within 15 calendar days to the Planning Commission or Hearings Official. Revised 1/7/14 Ia 3 of 11 Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: • ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre -Submittal and Submittal. • If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ❑ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre -submittal and submittal stages. ❑ Site Plan Review Application Form ❑ Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. The narrative should also include the proposed number of employees and future expansion plans, if known. Density - if applicable, list the size of property (acres), maximum allowable density and the density proposed. ❑ Copy of the Deed ❑ Copy of the Site Plan Reduced to 81/2"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. ❑ State or Federal Permits Required - The applicant must demonstrate that an application has been submitted for any required federal or state permit and provide a copy of the application upon request. ❑ Completed Attached Scoping Sheet ❑ Four (4) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre -Submittal OR Four (4) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Submittal: ❑ All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation. ❑ All plan sets must be folded to 61/2" by 11" and bound by rubber bands. Please Note: • These plans must provide enough information to enable the City to determine that the proposed development is feasible, but are not necessarily required to be detailed construction level documents. • The City's Engineering Design Standards Manual, while not land use criteria, may be used in whole or n part, by the City Engineer to determine the feasibility of a proposed plan. • Nothing herein should be interpreted as implying any requirement in contradiction of Oregon Statute or Oregon Administrative Regulation. Revised 1/7/14 KL 4 of 11 a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions ❑ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, Civil Engineer or Surveyor ❑ Vicinity Map ❑ The name, location and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use, size, setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings. ❑ The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development & Public Works Department ❑ The 100 -year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision ❑ The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development & Public Works Department ❑ Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 '/3 feet above the ground (stands of more than five (5) trees may be shown as a cluster with mix of trees species noted), riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings b. Site Plan ❑ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, Civil Engineer or Surveyor ❑ Proposed buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area applicable to the parking requirement for the proposed use(s)), setbacks from property lines, and distance between buildings; measured setbacks shall be prepared by an Oregon licensed Surveyor when minimum setbacks are shown. ❑ Location and height of existing or proposed fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles, and signs ❑ Location, dimensions, and number of typical, compact and ADA parking spaces; including aisles, wheel bumpers, directional signs, and striping. ADA routes from public rights-of-way whall be designated including at grade connections ❑ Dimensions of the development area, as well as area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, parking and vehicular areas, sidewalks, patios, and other impervious surfaces ❑ Observance of solar access requirements as specified in the applicable zoning district ❑ On-site loading areas and vehicular and pedestrian circulation ❑ Access to streets, alleys, and properties to be served, including the location and dimensions of existing and proposed curb cuts and curb cuts proposed to be closed ❑ Location, type, and number of bicycle parking spaces ❑ Note location of existing and planned Lane Transit District facilities (within '/3 mile) Revised 1/7/14 Ia 5 of 11 ❑ Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces, recreational areas, and other similar public and semi-public uses ❑ Phased Development Plan - where applicable, the Site Plan application must include a phasing plan indicating any proposed phases for development, including the boundaries and sequencing of each phase. Phasing must progress in a defined sequence addressing street connectivity between the various phases and accommodating the logical extension of other required public improvements, including but to limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water and electricity. The applicant must clearly indicate which phases are proposed for approval under the current Site Plan application and which are deferred to future review procedures. c. Existing Improvement and Public Utilities Plan ❑ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, Civil Engineer or Surveyor ❑ Location and width of all existing easements ❑ Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of all existing streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed development, including jurisdictional status other than City. Indicate connection points for roof drainage. ❑ Location and type of existing street lighting ❑ Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units, waterline backflow preventers and similar public facilities ❑ Location, width, and construction material of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways, and trails ❑ Location and size of existing utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points. Detail must be proportionate to the complexity of the proposed project. ❑ Show existing and proposed spot elevations or contours, and direction of drainage patterns. d. Proposed Grading, Paving, & Utilities Plan ❑ Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer, except where noted below ❑ The approximate size and location of storm water management systems components ❑ Location, widths (of paving and right-of-way), and names of proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other rights -of -ways within or adjacent to the proposed development ❑ Location and width of all proposed easements ❑ Location and type of proposed street lighting ❑ Information on existing slopes over 5% shall be prepared by an Oregon licensed surveyor and be drawn with one foot contour interval lines; land with a slope over 10 percent shall be shown with 5 foot contour interval lines Revised 1/7/14 Ia 6 of 11 e. Landscape Plan ❑ Prepared by an Architect, Landscape Architect, or other Landscape Professional approved by the Director ❑ Location and dimensions of landscaping and open space areas to include calculation of landscape coverage ❑ Where applicable, screening in accordance with SDC 4.4-110 ❑ Location of existing and proposed street trees f. Architectural Plans ❑ Where abutting residentially zoned properties, exterior elevations of all proposed structures over 140 square feet for the development site, including height, shall be shown g. On -Site Lighting Plan ❑ Location, orientation, and maximum height of exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached ❑ Type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles, and type of illumination, wattage, and luminous area Additional Materials That May be Deferred at the discretion of the applicant until Final Site Plan or Building Permit Submittal: ❑ List in chart form the proposed types of landscape materials (trees, shrubs, ground cover). Include in the chart genus, species, common name, quantity, size and spacing ❑ Where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system, a planting plan shall be provided. ❑ Irrigation Plan showing of irrigation lines, required backflow preventers and above ground utilities. ❑ Photometric test report for each light source. ❑ An applicant may submit conceptual floor plans in order to have staff address Resolution of potential nuisance conflicts Additional Materials That May be Required by the Director: IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE -DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: ❑ Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. ❑ A developer may be required to prepare a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to identify potential traffic impacts from proposed development and needed mitigation measures. Revised 1/7/14 Ia 7 of 11 ❑ Where a multi -family development is proposed, any additional materials to demonstrate compliance with SDC 3.2-240 ❑ Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW ❑ A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table, or if required by the City Engineer ❑ Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district on plans and narratives ❑ Where physical aspects of a proposed development, including but not limited to scale, odor noise, glare or vibration, will impact less intensive surrounding uses, the Director may request submittal of conceptual floor plans or other information necessary to determine compliance with applicable standards. ❑ If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 ❑ A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property ❑ The applicant must demonstrate that an application has been submitted for any required federal or state permit and provide a copy of the application upon request ❑ Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development ❑ Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 ❑ An Annexation shall be submitted prior to submission of application, as specified In SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer Revised 1/7/14 Ia 8 of 11 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.726.3753 FAX. 541.736.1021 www.spnngfield-orgov December 6, 2013 REQUIRED STORMWATER SCOPING SHEET USE POLICY: In October 2003, Springfield Public Works released a trial "stonnwater scoping sheet," provided to help engineers and developers meet stormwater requirements in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) and Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). After a five month trial period, it became apparent that users of the scoping sheet submitted much more complete applications than non-users. An added bonus was a decrease in the overall review time spent on the applications, resulting in quicker notice of decisions. As a result of the benefits of the scoping sheets, the City has decided to make their use a mandatory process. Current city policy is that the use of stormwater scoping sheets is required for all applications which require development review. All applications submitted to the City shall provide a copy of a completed stormwater scoping sheet with the application packet. Attached with this letter is the latest version of the scoping sheet, which reflects changes requested by the development community. PLEASE NOTE: SUBMITTED APPLICATIONS WILL NOW BE REQUIRED TO SUBMIT A COMPLETED STORMWATER SCOPING SHEET, STORMWATER STUDY AND PLANS IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE SCOPE REQUIREMENTS U 17 rrrrr 31b4LCeI91 ri7 V,P"IN N:1 1.) Obtain scoping sheet from application packet, city website, or other location. 2.) Fill out project information (top half of front sheet) prior to commencement of work on stormwater study. (Note: Do not sign scoping sheet until it is received from the City with requirements checked.) 3.) Mail, fax, or email all pages to: City of Springfield, Development and Public Works Dept., Attu: Clayton McEachem. 4.) Receive completed scoping sheet (filled out by the City) indicating minimum requirements for a complete stormwater study. 5.) Include four (4) copies of complete scoping sheet (signed by engineer at the bottom of page 2), stormwater study and plans that comply with the minimum required scope with submittal of application packet. The scoping sheet shall be included as an attachment, inside the front cover of the stormwater study. Stormwater scoping sheets can be found with all application packets (City website and the DPW front counter) as well as on the Engineering and Construction Resources webpage located at: httv://www.springfield- or.gov/DPW/EnginmringmdConstructionResources.htm under the Public Improvement Permit Projects Forms section. Thank you in advance for working with the City of Springfield with this new process. Sincerely, Clayton McEachern, PE City of Springfield, Development and Public Works Email: cmeeachem@springfieldor.gov Phone: (541) 736 —1036 Fax: (541) 736-1021 DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET OREGON SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE: 541.726.3753 FAX: 541.726.1021 www.spdrygfiald­or.gov STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK ----------- — (Area below this b'sefdled out by Applicant) __— (Please return to Clayton MEachern @ City ofSprtngiiield Development and Public Works, Fan # 736-1021, Phone # 736-1036), enwd:cnae�lern@sprirtglleldor.gov Project Name: Applicant: Assessors Parcel #: Date: Land Use(s): Phone #: Project Size (Acres): Fax #: Approx. Impervious Area: Email: Project Description (Include a copy of Assessor's map): Drainage Proposal (Public connection(s), discharge location(s), etc. Attach additional sheet(s) if necessary: Proposed Stormwater Best Management Practices: (Area below this line /'died outby the City andReturned m the Aaabeand (At a nurumuan, all boxes checked by the City on the front and backoftlus sheet shall be subnutted or on application to be coaWletefor subnuttal, afthough other requirements n be recess Drainage Study Type (EDSPM Section 4.03.2): (Note, UH may be substituted for Rational Method) ❑ Small Site Study—(use Rational Method for calculations) ❑ Mid -Level Development Study— (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) ❑ Full Drainage Development Study— (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) Environmental Considerations: ❑ Wellhead Zone: ❑ Wedand/Riparian: ❑ Soil Type: Downstream Analysis: ❑ N/A ❑ Flow line for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Design HGL to use for starting water surface elevation: ❑ Manhole/Junction to take analysis to: ❑ Hillside Development: ❑ Floodway/Floodplain: ❑ Other Jurisdictions Return to Clayton McEachem @ City of Springfield, email: cmceachem@springfeAd-or,gov, FAX., (541) 736-1021 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS r Baredupon the tnfor nation provided on tie front ofdds sheet, the follou>ing represents a ndndnnou of uvh w it merkdfor on application to be complete for subnddal with respect to drainage; however, this list should not be used in lieu ofde Sprirgtield Development Cork (SDC) or the City's Engineering Design A3mma1. Connpltance with these requirements does not constitute site appromol, Adebooml site specific information nary be required Note: Upon scoping sheet subndttal, ensure completedfornu has been signed in the spare provickel below: Interim Design Standards/Water Quality (EDSPM Chapter 3 Req'd N/A ❑ ❑ All non -building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-treated (e. g. multi-chambered catchbasin w/oil filtration media) for stonmvater quality. Additionally, aminimum of 50% of the NBR impervious surface shall be treated by vegetated methods. ❑ ❑ Where required, vegetative stommwater design shall be consistent with design standards (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth in Chapter 2 of the Eugene Stormrmer Management Manual. ❑ ❑ For new NBR impervious area less than 15,000 square feet, a simplified design approach may be followed as specified by the Eugene Stomrmvater Management Manual (Sec2A.1). ❑ ❑ If a stormrmer treatment Swale is proposed, submit calculations/specifications for sizing, velocity, flow, side slopes, bottom slope, and seed mix consistent with City of Springfield or Eugene's Stomrmvater Management Manual. ❑ Water Quality calculations as required in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM. All building rooftop mounted equipment, or other fluid containing equipment located outside of the building, shall be provided with secondary containment or weather resistant enclosure. ❑ n Design of Stoma Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04). ❑ ❑ Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set ❑ ❑ Minimum pipe cover shall be 15 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient to support an 50,000 lb load without failure of the pipe structure. ❑ ❑ Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All stoma pipes shall be designed to Other/Miscethmeous ❑ Drainage study prepared by a Professional Civil Engineer licensed in the state of Oregon. Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site ❑ A complete drainage study, as required in EDSPM Section 4.03.1, including a hydrological study map. drains. ❑ Calculations showing system capacity for a 2 -year stoma event and overflow effects of a 25 -year stoma event Private stommwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stommater flows from one property to The time of concentration (Tc) shall be determined using a 10 minute start time for developed basins. Review ofDownstream System EDSPM Section 4.03A.0 ❑ A downstream drainage analysis as described in EDSPM Section 4.03A.C. On-site drainage shall be governed by the Oregon Plumbing Specialty Code (OPSC). ❑ ❑ Elevations of the HGL and flow lines for both city and private systems where applicable. ❑ n Design of Stoma Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04). ❑ ❑ Flow lines, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type and sizes clearly indicated on the plan set ❑ ❑ Minimum pipe cover shall be 15 inches for reinforced pipe and 36 inches for plain concrete and plastic pipe materials, or proper engineering calculations shall be provided when less. The cover shall be sufficient to support an 50,000 lb load without failure of the pipe structure. ❑ ❑ Manning's "n" values for pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP. All stoma pipes shall be designed to Other/Miscethmeous ❑ Existing and proposed contours, located at one foot interval. Include spot elevations and site grades showing how site drains. ❑ Private stommwater easements shall be clearly depicted on plans when private stommater flows from one property to another. ❑ Drywells shall not receive runoff from any surface w/o being treated by one or more BMPs, with the exception of residential building roofs (EDSP Section 3.03A A). Additional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refer to thewebsite: him/Avww.deo.state.or.ushvo/uic/uic.htm for more infomuation. ❑ Detention ponds shall be designed to limit runoff to pre -development rates for the 2 through 25 -year storm events. *Thisform simU be inchukd m nn Nhuhmen5 inside the frontcover, ofthe stormnsder shady. * IAWORTANT..- ENGINEER PLEASE READ BEEOWAND SIGN' As the engineer of record, I hereby certify the above required items are complete and included with the submitted stommater study and plan set. Signature Date Form Version 5: June 2015 Dollar General Springfield Site Plan Review Application Prepared for: City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Prepared by: AAI Engineering 4875 SW Griffith Drive Suite 300 Beaverton, OR 97005 (503) 352-7678 (503)620-5539, fax Email: craigh@aaieng.com June 2021 A21033.30 Dollar General Springfield Site Plan Review Application Summary Prom ect Location and Identification The property is located in the City of Springfield on the SE comer of the intersection of S 72" and Main Street. The property is zoned NC -Neighborhood Commercial). More specifically, the property is located on Tax Mapl 7023531, Tax Lot #4900. The total site area is 1.48 acres in size and is currently vacant, fairly flat, with a small stand of trees in the SW comer of the site. This application is a Type II, Site Plan Review. Proposal The project proposes new construction of a 10,640 SF commercial, retail store with associated parking, loading, utilities and landscape. A single driveway point of access is proposed off of S. 72°d Street. There is no access proposed off of Main Street. Applicable Standards The following Standards and Regulations have been addressed within this Narrative. SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 3; Land Use Districts Section 3.1-100 Official Zoning Maps Section 3.2-300 Commercial Zoning Districts Chapter 4; Development Standards Section 4.1-100 Infrastructure Standards—Reference Standards Section 4.2-100 Infrastructure StandardsTransportation Section 4.3-100 Infrastructure Standards—Utilities Section 4.4-100 Landscaping, Screening and Fence Standards Section 4.5-100 On -Site Lighting Standards Section 4.6-100 Motor Vehicle Parking, Loading and Bicycle Parking Standards Chapter 5; The Development Review Process and Applications Section 5.1-100 The Development Review Process Section 5.2-100 Public Hearings Process Section 5.3-100 Appeals Section 5.4-100 Development Applications Section 5.17-100 Site Plan Review SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE Chapter 3; Land Use Districts Section 3.20200 Commercial Zoning Districts 3.2-305 Establishment of Commercial Zoning Districts The following commercial zoning districts are established: A. Neighborhood Commercial District (NC). The NC District establishes sites up to 3 acres in size to provide day to day commercial needs for support populations up to 4,000 people. NC developments should enhance rather than intrude on the character of a neighborhood by using landscaping, building materials and design features that are similar to and in proportion with residential uses. New NC Districts larger than 1.5 acres shall be limited to collector and arterial streets. Existing NC Districts on local streets shall not be allowed to expand beyond 1.5 acres unless the development area abuts a collector or arterial street. Response: The project site is 1.48 acres and is zoned NC, Neighborhood Commercial. The proposed project is a Dollar General retail store, which will fit well with the intent of this zoning district. 3.2-310 Schedule of Use Categories The following uses are permitted in the districts as indicated, subject to the provisions, additional restrictions and exceptions specified in this Code. Uses not specifically listed may be approved as specified in Section 5.11-100. "P" = PERMITTED USE subject to the standards of this Code. "S"= SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS subject to special locational and/or siting standards as specified in Section 4.7-100. "D" = DISCRETIONARY USE subject to review and analysis under Type III procedure (Section 5.9-100) at the Planning Commission or Hearings Official level. "N" —NOT PERMITTED Response: The proposed use (Retail Sales) is permitted as described; dry goods and general merchandise, novelties and gifts, groceries, and convenience store. 3.2-315 Base Zone Development Standards The following base zone commercial development standards are established. cuah.rt aiZamiiFgi irtri`i Development standard NC CC "W Gb Minimum Fres fi3OW square Fee[ 6,000 square b,0005q.are 6,o00 our feet feet feet Minimum Street Frontage (1) 50 feat 50 feat 50 feat 50 beat FII Panhandle tote(Parcele Minimum Not Perm" 40 feet Not Panuffed Not Perm2fe! Street Fmnta, Maximum Lotli'm of Coverage Development Areas<t Acre and Lobs, reel coverage limited only by standards in Acres 35 percerR Development other S aom of this Chde. Areas betrv[en 2 and 3 Mires- 35 pencentand no single lease space shall exceed 15,000 square teat Minimum Landscaping Perimeter and interior lardocaping Minimum requirements defined by standards In ombNsyl coverage shall not other S aom of this Cade. be lea than 20 sermon of the total development area. Maximum Panting, loatllrg and 45 percent Lot/Parcel coverage limitetl unity by standards In vehicular rarnla0on area mvemge other secdore of this rnde Response: The project site is 1.5 acresl65,185 SF The maximum lot coverage allowed is 22,565 SF is allowed (35%). As submitted, the project proposes 10,640 SF or 16.5% lot coverage. The minimum landscape area requirement is 12,893 SF (20%). As submitted, 27,019 SF or 42% of the site is landscaped. The maximum parking, loading and circulation area allowed is 29,011 SF (45%) As submitted, 19,792 SF or 30% of the site is devoted to parking, loading and maneuvering. tandomi Setbacks (2)(3x4) and (5) Real, Street Side Yard, and Through Lot Rear Yand Building Setback 10 Feet 10 Feet 10 Feet 10 Feet Parking, dr'rreway, and cal storage setback ] Feet 5 Feet 5 Feet 5 Feet Interior Side, Rear Yard Setbacks when AbuBing Re5[den0al or CI Dil Building Setback ]0 Fee[ 10 Fee[ 10 Fee[ ]0 Fee[ Parking, Driveway, Outdoor Storage Setback ]Feet 5 Feet 5 Feet 5 Feet Response: The project abutts residentailly developed property to the south and east. Residential property is also located across Main Street, to the north. The western property line abutts Springfield Memorial Cemetary. As submitted, the project proposes a mininnar oot setback of both building and parking, driveway and outdoor storage areas from all propertylines. Maximum Building Height(6) 20 Feet No Manomum, ezcept as specified below When abut,ag an LDR or MDR 20 Feet Barred by Me Maximum Shade Point Helgbt requirement Dirl to the north 4Se[lion3.2-22 1.a, or up W 50f rtmulh an nardem loyparcel lire a plane e#ending south WDn an angle of 23 degrees and ongi nabng ban M=_ lap of a 16 foot M1ypptletlral fendelo Inad on the reNem loidnarael When abutting an LDR or MDR 20 Feet No greater Man But inmt Rlcd In the tee or MDR Dirl to the ear, west, cr south Dlstnds for a distance of 50 feet. Response: The project site abutts Low to Medium density Residential to the south. As such the proposed building may not exceed 20 -feet in height. As submitted the building height is 20'-0". Chapter 4; Development Standards Section 4.2-100 Infrastructure StandardsTransportation 4.2-120 Site Access and Driveways A. Site Access and Driveways—General. 1. All developed lots/parcels are entitled to one approved driveway access provided by either direct access to a: Response: The project is accessed via S 72"d Street. This is the only access point. 2. Driveway access to designated State Highways is subject to the provisions of this Section in addition to requirements of the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). Where City and ODOT regulations conflict, the more restrictive regulations shall apply. Response: The project site abuts Main Street (HWY 126) to the north, however, no access is proposed. B. Driveways must take access from lower classification streets when development sites abut more than one street and streets are of differing classification as identified in the Springfield Transportation System Plan. Response: The project is accessed via S 72"d Street which is a lower street classification than Main Street. This is the only access point. C. Driveways shall be designed to allow safe and efficient vehicular ingress and egress as specified in Tables 4.2-2 through 4.2-5 and the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual and the Development & Public Works Standard Construction Specifications. Table 4.2-2 Driveway Design Specifications 1 -way Driveway width 2 -Way Driveway width Transition width Driveway Throat Depth Land Dse Min.(Max. Min./Max. Min./Max. Single -Family and Duplexes (3) (4) 12'116' 12'f24'(1) 3.13' N.A. MulStamlly Residential 24'135'(1) 5'/8' is, (2) Commercial(Public Land (4) (5) 12'118' 24'/35'(1) 8'1N.A. 18' (2) Industrial (6) 12,/18' 24'/35'(1) 8'1N.A. 18' (2) (1) Driveway widths and throat depths maybe varied if no other reasonable alternative exists to accommodate on-site development needs and traffic safety is not impaired. (2) Measured from the face of curb to the first stall. (3) A driveway serving a single-family or duplex dwelling must be paved from the edge of existing street pavement to the property line and for a distance of at least 18 feet from the property line into the property when abutting a paved street; these driveways may be gravel surfaced for the remainder of their length. A residential driveway abutting an unimproved gravel street may have a gravel surface until the abutting street is paved. Permeable pavement is allowed on a residential driveway consistent with standards in the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. (4) Off-street vehicle parking is restricted to approved driveways and parking lots, and is not otherwise allowed between the street and primary building, consistent with Springfield Municipal Code Section 5.002(11). (5) Driveways for commercial uses must be paved for their entire length. (6) Driveways for industrial uses most be paved at least up to any employee or customer parking areas. Response: The proposed driveway is a 2 -way driveway for a commercial use, which allows a driveway width of 24 -feet to 35 -feet, a minimum transitional width of 8 -feet and a driveway throat depth of 18 -feet. Table 4.2-3 Curb Return Driveway Design Specifications Street Type Arterial Collector Driveway 54e -Family Rmulential and Duplexes 200 feet 50 feet Threat Mubl family Residentral Driveway width (1) Radius of Curb (2) Depth Commercial/Public Land 200 feet 100 feet 75 fleet Land Use Min. Max- Min. Max. Minimum (3) Single -Family and Duplexes N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Multifamily Residential 24 Feet 30 feet 10 feet 20 feet W Feet Commercial/Public Land 24 feet 35 feet 15 feet 35 feet W feet Industnal 24 feet 35 feet 15 feet 35 feet W feet (1) Wider driveways maybe permitted to accommodate traffic demands and/or to improve traffic safety. (2) Greater curb radii maybe permitted where high volumes of large trucks are anticipated. (3) Measured from the face of the curb to the first stall or aisle. Response: As submitted the proposed driveway is 35 -feet wide, the radius of the curb of the driveway is 25 -feet, and the driveway throat depth is 31.4 -feet. Table 93-4 Minimum Separations Between a Driveway and the Nearest Intersection Curb Return on the Same Side of the Street (1) Land Use Street Type Arterial Collector Local 54e -Family Rmulential and Duplexes 200 feet 50 feet 30 feet Mubl family Residentral 200 feet 100 feet 75 feet Commercial/Public Land 200 feet 100 feet 75 fleet Industrial 200 feet 200 feet 150 feet (1) Each category of street is considered separately. Distances may be reduced in the following circumstances: Response: The project is accessed via S 72"d Street, which is a local street. As submitted, the proposed driveway is 176 -feet from the intersection of S 72"d Street and Main Street. No reduction is requested. 4.2-130 Vision Clearance Area A. All lots or parcels most maintain a Vision Clearance Area to provide adequate sight distance for approaching traffic. Vision clearance areas must be shown on Site Plans for applicable land use applications. Response: Visions clearance triangles are shown on the Hardscape Plan as required and measured by this code standard. B. No screens, plantings, or other physical obstructions are permitted between 2'FA and 8 feet above the established height of the curb in the Vision Clearance Area. EXCEPTION: Items associated with utilities or publicly -owned structures—for example, poles, and signs, and existing street treesmaybepermitted. Response: No obstructions (2.5'— 8' in height) are proposed within the vision clearance triangles. C. The Vision Clearance Area must be in the shape of a triangle. Two sides of the triangle must be property lines or a property line and edge of driveway for a distance specified in this Subsection. Where the property lines or driveway edge have rounded comers, they are measured by extending them in a straight line to a point of intersection. The third side of the triangle is a line across the corner of the lot or parcel joining the non -intersecting ends of the other 2 sides. The following measurements establish the Vision Clearance Area: Table 4.2-5 Type of Intersection Measurement Along Each Property Line Any Street 20 feet Any Alley 15 feet Any Driveway 10 feet Response: As shown on the Hardscape Plan, the vision triangles have been determined per this code standard. 4.2-135 Sidewalks A. Sidewalks and planter ships abutting public streets shall be located wholly within the public street right-of-way, unless otherwise approved by the Director. B. Sidewalks shall be designed, constructed, replaced or repaired as specified in the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, the Development & Public Works Standard Construction Specifications and the Springfield Municipal Code. Response: Per the DIM notes, the City of Springfield requires a sidewalk along S. 72nd St. This sidewalk is designed and will be installed per the City of Springfield standards. D. Planter strips are required as part of sidewalk construction. Planter strips must be at least 4.5 feet wide (as measured from the back of curb to the edge of the sidewalk) and long enough to allow the street tree to survive. Planter strips must have approved landscaping consisting of street trees and ground cover allowed per the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Tree wells set in concrete or sidewalk areas must be a minimum of 4 feet by 4 feet. Concrete, asphalt or other impermeable pavement are not allowed to substitute for landscaping within planter strips. EXCEPTION: Planter strips less than 4.5 feet wide may be permitted when necessary for connectivity, safety, or to comply with sheet design requirements, subject to approval by the Director. Response: Per the DIM notes, the City of Springfield requires street trees along S. 72"d St. Planter strips will be provided per code requirements. 4.2-140 Street Trees Street trees are those trees required within the public right-of-way. The primary purpose of street trees is to create a streetscape that benefits from the aesthetic and environmental qualities of an extensive tree canopy along the public street system. Street trees are attractive amenities that improve the appearance of the community, provide shade and visual interest, and enhance the pedestrian environment. Street trees also improve air quality, reduce stormwater runoff, and moderate the micro -climate impacts of heat absorbed by paved surfaces. Street trees may be located within a planter ship or within individual tree wells in a sidewalk, round -about, or median. EXCEPTION: In order to meet street tree requirements where there is no planter strip and street trees cannot be planted within the public right-of-way, trees shall be planted in the required front yard or street side yard setback of private property as specified in the applicable zoning district. Response: Street trees are proposed 35' o.c. along the frontage of 72"d Street and Mackenzie Highway. A. New Street Trees. New street trees shall be at least 2 inches in caliper. New street trees shall be selected from the City Street Tree List and installed as specified in the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. The Director shall determine which species are permitted or prohibited street trees. Response: Per the DIM notes, street trees are required along both frontages B. Existing Street Trees. 1. Street Tree Retention Standards. Response: No street trees exist on either frontage. 2. Street Tree Removal Standards. Response: No street trees will be removed. C. Street Tree Maintenance Responsibility. 1. Maintenance of street trees in the public right-of-way shall be performed by the City. 2. Maintenance of street trees on private property shall be performed by the property owner. 3. Removal of street trees on private or public property does not constitute maintenance. Any removal of street trees on private property is subject to prior approval by the City as specified in Section 4.2-14013.2.b. above. (6412; 6211) Response: Noted. 4.2-145 Lighting Standards Lighting design and placement for streets, paths, and accessways must conform to the following design standards and the Development & Public Works Standard Construction Specifications: A. Lighting most be included with all new developments or redevelopment. Existing lighting must be upgraded to current standards with all new developments or redevelopment. The developer is responsible for lighting material and installation costs. B. Upon approval by the Director, a developer may install decorative lights, as may be permitted in this section and in the Development & Public Works Standard Construction Specifications. Response: Per the DIM notes, the City of Springfield requires that the existing street light poles along Main Street and S. 72"^ (2 poles total) be replaced with conforming LED heads. A note to this affect has been added to the Site Plan Section 4.3-100 Infrastructure StandardsUtilities 4.3-105 Sanitary Sewers A. Sanitary sewers shall be installed to serve each new development within the city limits and to connect developments to existing mains. Installation of sanitary sewers shall provide sufficient access for maintenance activities and shall comply with the provisions of this Code, with the Public Works Standard Construction Specifications, the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, the Springfield Municipal Code, 1997 and Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) regulations. B. The City Engineer shall approve all sanitary sewer plans and proposed systems prior to development approval. C. Proposed sewer systems shall include design consideration of additional development within the area as projected by the Metro Plan. D. Proposed developments shall provide dedication and improvements indicated in an adopted Capital Improvements Program or Public Facilities Plan. The developer shall pay a proportional share of the cost according to adopted City Council policy. Response: Required improvements to S. 72Rd Street and Main Street will be made as required. 4.3-110 Stormwater Management A. Stormwater Management Regulations. By implementing the policies set forth in the currently approved Stormwater Management Plan, provide for the effective management of stormwater and drainage from the City into the groundwater and watercourses within the City and its urbanizing area; minimize demand on the City's stormwater management system, and alleviate future costs of treating the discharge; promote water quality; preserve groundwater and the vegetation and rivers it supports; reduce peak storm flows; minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions; and minimize stormwater discharge impacts on water quality and quantity and stream flow patterns, including peak and base flows in intermittent and perennial streams, within the McKenzie River and Willamette River watersheds. Response: An onsite stormwater management system will provide water quality and flow control per the requirements set for in the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards & Procedures Manual. B. The Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate public and/or private stormwater management systems provisions have been made as determined by the Public Works Director, consistent with the policies set forth in the Stormwater Management Plan and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. The stormwater management system shall be separated from any sanitary sewer system. Surface water drainage patterns shall be addressed on every Preliminary Site Plan, or Tentative Partition or Subdivision Plan. Response: An onsite stormwater management system will provide water quality and flow control per the requirements set for in the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards & Procedures Manual. C. A stormwater management system shall accommodate potential run-off from its entire upstream drainage area, whether inside or outside of the development. The Public Works Director shall determine the necessary size of the facility, based on adopted Public Facility Plans and Stormwater Facility Master Plans. The developer shall pay a proportional share of the cost according to adopted City Council policy. Response: An onsite stormwater management system will provide water quality and flow control per the requirements set for in the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards & Procedures Manual. There is an existing public stormwater system that accepts and handles flows for our site. D. Run-off from a development shall be directed to an approved stormwater management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge. Where the Public Works Director determines that the additional run-off resulting from the development will overload an existing stormwater management system, the Approval Authority shall withhold Development Approval until provisions, consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, have been made to correct or mitigate this condition. Response: An onsite stormwater management system will provide water quality and flow control per the requirements set for in the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards & Procedures Manual. There is an existing public stormwater system that accepts and handles flows for our site. E. Any development with a stormwater threshold management requirement of 1,000 square feet of impervious surface area shall be required to employ stormwater management practices consistent with the Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, which minimize the amount and rate of surface water run-off into receiving streams. The following stormwater management practices may be required in order to relieve demand on the City's piped drainage system, alleviate future costs of treating the piped discharge, promote water quality, preserve groundwater and the vegetation and rivers it supports, and reduce peak storm flows: 1. Temporary ponding of water; 2. Permanent storage basins; 3. Minimizing impervious surfaces; 4. Emphasizing natural water percolation and natural drainageways; 5. Preventing water flowing from the street in an uncontrolled fashion; 6. Stabilizing natural drainageways as necessary below drainage and culvert discharge points for a distance sufficient to convey the discharge without channel erosion, as permitted/allowed by City, State and Federal regulations; 7. On-site filtration or skimming of run-off, that will enter natural drainageways to maintain water quality; 8. On-site constructed wetlands; and 9. The riparian area boundary, as specified in Subsection 4.3-115A., may be utilized to meet City on-site stormwater management requirements for flood control and water quality treatment provided the design is complementary to and supportive of the primary objective of a properly fimctuning riparian habitat condition. Where the riparian boundary is not of sufficient size to meet these on-site requirements, the additional area needed shall be located contiguous to the riparian boundary to form a consolidated stormwater feature for operational and maintenance efficiencies and that is designed to be compatible with and complementary to the riparian area boundary. Response: An onsite stormwater management system will provide water quality and flow control per the requirements set for in the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards & Procedures Manual. F. Identification of Water Quality Limited Watercourses. The Director shall maintain a Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) Map on file in the 10 Development Services Department, which designates certain watercourses and their direct tributaries within the City and its urbanizing area. The WQLW Map shall contain watercourses recommended by the Public Works Director. Any revision to the WQLW Map shall be approved by the City Council as an amendment to this Code. Those watercourses and their direct tributaries included on the WQLW Map have been found to warrant protective measures in support of the City's response to State and federal regulations regarding surface and subsurface discharging stormwater management systems by satisfying the following criteria: Response: No known Water Quality Limited Watercourse will be impacted by this development. G. Protection of Riparian Area Functions. A developer shall be required to employ site design, landscaping, and drainage management practices to protect, preserve, and restore the riparian area functions of the reaches of those watercourses shown on the WQLW Map that are contained within or abut the lot/parcel upon which the proposed development is located. For the purposes of this Code, riparian area functions shall include, but are not limited to: Response: No known Water Quality Limited Watercourse will be impacted by this development. 4.3-115 Water Quality Protection Response: No riparian areas exist on or adjacent to the site. 4.3-117 Natural Resource Protection Areas Response: No Natural Resource Protection areas on or adjacent to the site. 4.3-120 Utility Provider Coordination A. All utility providers shall be responsible for coordinating utility installations with the City and the developer through the Development Review Committee or by separate written correspondence. B. The developer shall be responsible for the design, installation and cost of utility lines and facilities to the satisfaction of the utility provider. Response: All utilities needed to be installed will be designed and constructed to applicable codes 4.3-125 Underground Placement of Utilities Whenever possible, all utility lines shall be placed underground. However, overhead and above ground facilities are permitted for the following: Response: All utilities to the site will be placed underground. 4.3-130 Water Service and Fire Protection A. Each development area shall be provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish an adequate water supply to the development with sufficient access for maintenance. B. Fire hydrants and mains shall be installed by the developer as required by the Fire Marshal and the utility provider. 11 Response: All water system and any new hydrants will be designed and constructed to applicable codes 4.3-140 Public Easements A. Utility Easements. The applicant shall make arrangements with the City and each utility provider for the dedication of utility easements necessary to fully service the development or land beyond the development area, as necessary. The minimum width for public utility easements adjacent to street rights-of-way shall be 7 feet. The minimum width for all other public utility easements shall be also be 7 feet. However, the utility provider or the Public Works Director may require a larger easement for major water mains, major electric power transmission lines, sanitary sewer lines, stormwater management systems or in any other situation to allow maintenance vehicles to set up and perform the required maintenance or to accommodate multiple utility lines. Where feasible, utility easements shall be centered on a lot/parcel line. Response: Utility Easements are in place along both site frontages. Section 4.4-100 Landscaping, Screering and Fence Standards 4.4-105 Landscaping B. Three types of landscaping may be required: 1. Landscaping standards for private property as specified in this Section and other Sections of this Code. 2. Street trees in the public right-of-way as specified in Section 4.2-140. 3. Curbside planter ships in the public right-of-way as specified in Section 4.2-135. Response: Landscape is provided on the private development site, within the public right-of-way, to adhere to Section 4.2.140. C. Materials and installation costs of planting and irrigation other than what is required by the Minimum Development Standards (Section 5.15-100) shall not be required to exceed 10 percent of the value of the new development, including parking facilities. The Director shall determine the location, quantity and quality of required landscaping as specified in this Code. Response: Noted. D. Unless otherwise specified in this Code, the following areas of a lot/parcel shall be landscaped: 1. All required setback areas and any additional planting areas as specified in the appropriate zoning district. 2. Parking lot planting areas required in this Section. Response: All areas within the areas described will be Landscaped. E. At least 65 percent of each required planting area shall be covered with living plant materials within 5 years of the date of installation. The living plant materials shall be distributed throughout the required planting area. The planting acceptable per 1,000 square feet of required planting area is as follows: 1. As a minimum, 2 trees not less than 6 feet in height that are at least 2 inches in caliper (at the time of planting, not including root ball); and 2. Ten shrubs, 5 gallons or larger. 12 3. Lawn and/or groundcover may be substituted for trees or shrubbery, unless required for screening when there are adequate provisions for ongoing maintenance. Response: The landscape plan proposes 27,019 square feet of planter area. 54 trees are required, 54 trees are proposed. 270 5-gallon shrubs are required, 273 5-gallon shrubs are proposed. Lawn and ground cover (Cotoneaster) is proposed in non- screen required areas. F. Parking lot planting areas shall include 1 canopy tree at least 2 inches in caliper that meets City street tree standards as may be permitted by the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual and at least 4 shrubs, 5-gallon or larger, for each 100 square feet of planting area. Shrubbery that abuts public right-of-way or that is placed in the interior of any parking lot shall generally not exceed 2-1/2 feet in height at maturity. Parking lot planting areas shall include: 1. Parking and driveway setback areas specified in the applicable zoning district; and 2. 5 percent of the interior of a parking lot, exclusive of any required parking setbacks, if 24 or more parking spaces are located between the street side of a building and an arterial or collector street, and are visible from any street. Response: 14,164 square feet of parking area proposed. 5% planter area required (708 square feet). 7 tees required and 28 shrubs required. 46 Boxwood shrubs (5- gallon) and 112" caliper trees proposed within parking planters to meet the minimum requirements. G. All new required planting areas shall be provided with a permanent underground irrigation system unless where planted with native species or plant communities, or as may be exempted by the Director. Response: Response: a permanent irrigation system shall be designed with the final landscape plans. H. Landscaped setbacks abutting required screening on the same property may be exempted by the Director from planting requirements if the area is not visible from any public right-of-way or adjacent property. Response: No such exemption is requested. I. Planting Installation Standards. 1. The applicant shall provide methods for the protection of existing plant material, which will remain through the construction process. The plants to be saved and the method of protection shall be noted on the Planting Plan. 2. Existing trees to be retained on private property shall not have construction occur within the drip line, unless a landscape architect certifies that affected trees will have at least a 90 percent chance of survival over a 5-year period. Trees to be saved shall be kept free from trunk abrasion. 3. The Planting Plan may be required to include specifications for topsoil, including depth and organic matter requirements, to ensure the health and vitality of required planting. Where planting areas have been excavated, the Planting Plan shall provide for the replacement of topsoil. All waste material shall be removed from required planting areas prior to the application of topsoil. a. Inspection may be made by the Director prior to planting to verify proper rough grade and installation of irrigation systems. 13 b. Plant materials and soil preparation may be inspected prior to or in conjunction with the occupancy inspection to ensure that placement, quantity, size and variety conform to the approved Planting Plan and the requirements of this Section. Nursery tags identifying variety and species shall remain on plant specimens until the Final Building Inspection by the Building Official or the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Response: Existing trees on site are proposed to be removed. Notes to preservelprotect trees are located on the Preliminary Landscape Plan. Provisions for soil preparation shall be added to the final plans if required. 4.4-110 Screening A. Unless otherwise specified in this Code, screening shall be required: 1. Where commercial and industrial districts abut residential districts and no approved screening exists; 2. For outdoor mechanical devices and minor and major public facilities; 3. For outdoor storage yards and areas in non-residential districts abutting residential districts along their common property line; 4. For trash receptacles; Response: The site does not abut residential. Parking lot screening is provided per parking planter requirements. Trash receptacles are screened with Cedar trees and Viburnum shrubs. B. Screening shall be vegetative, earthen and/or structural and be designed to minimize visual and audible incompatible uses from adjacent properties. Unless specified elsewhere in this Subsection, screening shall be continuous to at least 6 feet above ground level. The following standards shall apply: 1. Vegetative Screening. Evergreen shrubs shall be planted to form a continuous hedge. When immediate screening is necessary, a sight -obscuring fence shall be installed in place of, or in conjunction with the shrubs. The 6 -foot height standard specified in Subsection B., above shall occur within 4 years of planting. Response: Screening is provided by Cedar trees and Viburnum shrubs. Screening areas shall be a continuous hedge planting. 2. Earthen Screening. Earthen berms may be used to screen either visual or noise impacts. A berm shall be combined with evergreen plantings or a fence to form an attractive sight and noise buffer. The maximum height of a berm shall be 6 feet along local streets and 8 feet along collector and arterial streets or railroad rights-of-way, unless an acoustical engineer determines a lower or higher height can be utilized. Height shall be measured from the base of the berm to the top of the berm and does not include additional fences or landscaping. The exterior face of the berm shall be constructed as an earthen slope. The interior face of the berm may be constructed as an earthen slope or retained by means of a wall, terrace or other means acceptable to the Building Official. The maximum slope shall be 1:3. The crest area shall be a minimum of 4 feet wide. The slopes shall be protected by trees, shrubs and groundcover to prevent erosion. Berns shall be irrigated as specified in Section 4.4-100. No part of a berm shall encroach into an easement. The toe of a berm over 3 feet in height shall be set back at least 5 feet from any property line, unless when abutting public right-of-way. Berns shall not interfere with the drainage patterns of the property. 14 Response: No berms are proposed at this time. 3. Structural Screening. A fence or masonry wall shall be constructed to provide a uniform sight -obscuring screen. EXCEPTIONS: a. No screen shall exceed 4 feet in residential district front yard setbacks, and all screening shall comply with vision clearance requirements of Section 4.2-130. b. Wherever a required screen in the form of a fence is adjacent to a residential or commercial district or an arterial or collector street, it shall be non- metallic and of a subtle color to blend with surrounding vegetation. A slatted chain-link fence may be approved by the Director. C. Any refuse container or disposal area which would otherwise be visible from a public street, customer or resident parking area, any public facility, adjacent property, or any residential area, shall be screened from view as specified in Subsections 1. and 3., above. All refuse materials shall be contained within the screened area. See also Section 3.2-240D.3.b. for multifamily design standards. This standard does not apply to single and 2 -family dwellings. d. When abutting a street, outdoor storage areas and yards shall be provided with a 5 -foot planting ship as specified in Section 4.4-100. Response: No fencing is proposed within vision clearance triangles. Where proposed, the fence will be made of wood. No outdoor storage is proposed and the trash/recycling area is located to the south of the proposed building, only visible from SW 72nd Street. The enclosure will be set back approximately approx. 87 feet from SW 72"d Street and approx. 76 feet from the east property One, (with the 6'foot wooden fence along the east property line.) The enclosure will be surrounded by a 6' cmu wall. The gates will be made of metal and will face SW 72nd Street. Please refer to the detail on sheet ASD1.0. 4.4-115 Fences Fences shall not exceed the height standards in Table 4.4-1 and shall be located as follows: 2. Fence height is measured from the average height of the grade adjacent to where the fence is to be located. If a fence is to be constructed on top of a berm, the height is measured from the top of the berm. 3. Fences shall be permitted as specified in the screening standards in Section 4.4-110. Where permitted in the commercial, industrial and the PLO Districts, outdoor storage of materials shall be screened by a sight obscuring fence when abutting residential properties along common property lines. Partial screening along rights-of-way and non-residential districts may be permitted when necessary for security reasons. Response: A 6 -foot, wooden, privacy/screening fence is proposed along the south and eastern property Ones Please refer to the detail on Sheet ASD1.0. B. Review procedure applicable to all zoning, overlay and plan districts. 1. A construction permit is required for fences over 6 feet in height. Response: The proposed fencing does not exceed 6 -feet in height. 15 Table 4.4-1 (1) The fence shall be located behind the front yard setback in all districts unless allowed in (2). (4) In the residential districts, a fence may be located along the property line. In all other districts, the fence shall be located behind the street yard setback. O No fence shall exceed the 2'/2' height limitation within the vision clearance area as specified in Section 4.2-130. (8) Barbed wire, razor wire or electrified fencing shall be permitted atop a 6 foot chain link fence. The total height of the fence and barbed wire shall not exceed 8'. These materials shall not extend into the vertical plane of adjoining public sidewalks. Barbed wire or razor wire only fences are prohibited. Electrified fencing shall be posted with warning signs every 24 feet. Response: As proposed, the fencing meets these code requirements. Section 4.5-100 On -Site Lighting Standards 4.5-105 Purpose and Applicability A. On-site lighting standards are established to create a safe and secure environment during hours of darkness and reduce or prevent light pollution by minimizing glare. B. On-site lighting standards apply to any development requiring Site Plan Review approval. Response: A on-site Lighting Plan is included with this Site Plan Review application, Sheet AS2. 4.5-110 Illumination and Height A. On-site lighting shall be the rrummum illumination necessary for a given application including parking areas and vehicle sales areas. All exterior light fixtures shall be shielded or recessed so that direct glare and reflection are contained within the boundaries of the property, and directed downward and away from abutting properties; public rights-of-way; and riparian, wetlands and other protected areas identified in this Code on the same property. Response: Photometric site plans and cut sheets shown on Sheet AS2. B. Height. 16 Base Height byZaning Dishrct Yard Type Residential Commcrrial Tndastiiai PLO Front Yard(1) 6'(2) 6' 6'/ 8'(3) 6' Street 5ide Yard(4) 6' 6' 6'18'(3) 6' Rear Yard 6' 6' 678'(3) 6' Height Exceptions 8'f 10'(5) 8' 8'(6) 8' Vision Clearance Area(7) 2 Y2' 2 Va' 2 /i' 2 112' BarbedyRazor W ire/Elects is Y(8) Y(B) Y(8) YJN(3) (1) The fence shall be located behind the front yard setback in all districts unless allowed in (2). (4) In the residential districts, a fence may be located along the property line. In all other districts, the fence shall be located behind the street yard setback. O No fence shall exceed the 2'/2' height limitation within the vision clearance area as specified in Section 4.2-130. (8) Barbed wire, razor wire or electrified fencing shall be permitted atop a 6 foot chain link fence. The total height of the fence and barbed wire shall not exceed 8'. These materials shall not extend into the vertical plane of adjoining public sidewalks. Barbed wire or razor wire only fences are prohibited. Electrified fencing shall be posted with warning signs every 24 feet. Response: As proposed, the fencing meets these code requirements. Section 4.5-100 On -Site Lighting Standards 4.5-105 Purpose and Applicability A. On-site lighting standards are established to create a safe and secure environment during hours of darkness and reduce or prevent light pollution by minimizing glare. B. On-site lighting standards apply to any development requiring Site Plan Review approval. Response: A on-site Lighting Plan is included with this Site Plan Review application, Sheet AS2. 4.5-110 Illumination and Height A. On-site lighting shall be the rrummum illumination necessary for a given application including parking areas and vehicle sales areas. All exterior light fixtures shall be shielded or recessed so that direct glare and reflection are contained within the boundaries of the property, and directed downward and away from abutting properties; public rights-of-way; and riparian, wetlands and other protected areas identified in this Code on the same property. Response: Photometric site plans and cut sheets shown on Sheet AS2. B. Height. 16 I . The height of a free-standing exterior light fixture shall not exceed 25 feet or the height of the principal permitted structure, whichever is less. In this case, height is measured as the vertical distance between the paved surface and the bottom of the light fixture. 2. EXCEPTIONS: a. The Director may allow an increase to the standard in Subsection B.1., above when a determination is made that personal security is an issue, special security needs exist, or where vandalism or crime are possible. The Director may consider specific site characteristics, level of vehicle and pedestrian conflict, special security needs, and history or likelihood of crimes in making the determination. Any approved increase shall be the minimum necessary to achieve the desired result. b. The height of a free-standing exterior light fixture within 50 feet of any residential district and riparian, wetlands and other similarly protected areas shall not exceed 12 feet. C. The height restriction in Subsection B.1., above shall not apply to lighting used to illuminate outdoor performance areas, sport and recreation facilities, and playfields, unless these light fixtures are located within 50 feet of a residential district. Figure 4.5-A I EXAMPLES OF ALLOWED COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE LUMINARIES Response: Photometric site plans and cut sheets shown on Sheet AS2. Section 4.6-100 Motor Vehicle Parking, Loading and Bicycle Parking Standards 4.6-115 Motor Vehicle Motor Vehicle Parkin Puking Lot DesigPukingLot Design All off-street parking areas shall comply with the following dimensional standards: 17 Table 4.6-1 Figure 4.1 Parking lot Design X=Sr NOTAGGESSBIE IN GENTM I.H1rnIlTS 18 Parking Angle' Dimensional Feature (all dimensions in feet)I Diagram Stall width, standard � A 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.0 Stall width, compact An 8.6 1 8.0 I 8.0 I 8.0 Stall length, y standard 24,0 18.0 18.0 18.0 Stall length, compact Br 22,0 16.6 16.6 16.6 Aisle width between stall lines C 12.01 12,0 16,0 24,0 Bumpero rhang(typiciIl) ^ D 0.0 1.5 L8 2.0 Crass -aisle, 1 -way r E 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 Crass -aisle, 2 -way r F 24.0 24.0 24.0 24.0 Figure 4.1 Parking lot Design X=Sr NOTAGGESSBIE IN GENTM I.H1rnIlTS 18 Figure 4.6-A Parking Lot Design 4.6-120 Motor Vehicle Parking Parking Lot Improvements All parking areas shall conform to the setback, vision clearance, planting and screening provisions of this Code and shall be completed prior to occupancy. Required parking spaces shall be improved as follows: A. All parking lots, bays, and spaces most have a durable, dust free surfacing of Asphaltic concrete, Portland cement concrete or other materials as approved by the City Engineer. Permeable pavement meeting standards in the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual may be allowed by the City Engineer for parking areas and driveways. Parking lot surfacing shall not encroach upon the public right-of-way. Response: As proposed, the parking, loading and maneuvering areas are paved and do not infringe upon either abutting right-of-way. B. Adequate drainage improvements shall be provided to manage all on-site run-off. Provisions shall be made for the on-site collection of drainage waters to eliminate sheet flow onto sidewalks, public rights-of-way, and abutting private property. All drainage systems shall be approved by the City Engineer. Response: An onsite stormwater management system will provide water quality and flow control per the requirements set for in the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards & Procedures Manual. The site has been graded to capture runoff within the property lines and not direct flows to adjacent properties. C. All parking spaces fronting a sidewalk, alley, street, landscaped area or structure shall be provided with a secured wheel bumper or linear curb not less than 6 inches in height to be set back from the front of the stall a minimum of 2 feet to allow for vehicle 19 encroachment. Wheel bumpers shall be a rrummum of 6 feet in length. Curbs shall be constructed in conformance with the Standard Construction Specifications. EXCEPTION: As an option, the sidewalk or landscaped area may be widened 2 feet beyond the minimum dimension required to allow for vehicle encroachment. A curb not less than 6 inches in height shall protect the widened sidewalks and planter areas. Response: All parking perimeter is protected by 6" cone. curb D. Backing into the public right-of-way, other than alleys is prohibited. Response: As proposed, the parking/loading and maneuvering area is designed to eliminate the need for backing into a right-of-way. E. All spaces shall be permanently and clearly marked unless the Director determines that the spaces should not be marked for safety considerations. Old striping shall not be visible after being replaced by new striping. Response: As proposed, the parking/loading and maneuvering are ahs been clearly delineated with paint and curbing. F. Not more than 30% of the total parking spaces in a parking lot may be designated for compact cars, unless a greater percentage is authorized by the Director based on substantial evidence that greater than 30% of the total parking spaces is appropriate for the use. These spaces shall be signed and/or the space painted with the words "Compact Car Only." Response: No compact cars parking spaces are proposed. G. Parking Spaces for People with Disabilities. 1. Parking spaces for people with disabilities and accessible passenger loading zones that serve a particular building shall be located as close as possible to a building entrance. 2. The number and dimensions of parking spaces for people with disabilities shall be as specified in Section 1106 of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code. (6412) Response: Two handicap parking spaces are proposed immediately adjacent to the front entry of the store. These spaces and associated ramp are dimensioned as required. 4.6-125 Motor Vehicle Parking—Parking Space Requirements A. Table 4.6-2 establishes rrummum off-street parking standards according to use, which apply to that use in any zoning district. average peak period parking demand identified for that use in the current version of the ITE Parking Manual, for the day(s) of the week with the highest parking demand. C. The maximum off-street parking standard for any use that is not a residential use is 125% of the mirumum off-street parking standard. Response: Based on a minimum required vehicular parking number of 36, a maximum allowed is 45 parking spaces. 36 parking spaces are proposed. D. Parking standards established in Table 4.6-2 may be modified as provided in Section 4.6-110. Table 4.6-2 USE Minimum Parking Standard 20 CommerciallIndustrial Uses Child care center 1 space for each 350 square feet of gross area, plus 1 drop off space for each 700 square feet of gross floor area. Hotellmotel or bed and breakfast 1 space plus 1 space for each guest room. facilities Eating and drinking establishments 1 space for each 100 square feet of gross floor area. Retail trade and services (including 1 space for every 300 square feet of gross Floor area, shopping centers) Response: This project proposes a 10,640 SF retail building. As such, the project requires 36 vehicular parking spaces. 2. Parking lots shall be used exclusively for the parking of vehicles. EXCEPTION: Parking spaces in excess of the number required by this Code may be used for temporary sales or display of merchandise where the activity does not create a hazard for automobile or pedestrian traffic or where otherwise allowed under this Code or the Springfield Municipal Code. Response: The project proposes the minimum allowed parking space quantity. A note to this affect has added to Sheet ASl, under Planning Dept. Comments 4.6-135 Loading Areas—Facility Design and Improvements A. All necessary loading areas for commercial and industrial development shall be located off-street and provided in addition to the required parking spaces. B. Vehicles in the loading area shall not protrude into a public right-of-way or sidewalk. C. The mimmum sizes required for commercial and industrial loading areas are as follows: 1. Two hundred fifty square feet for buildings of 5,000 to 20,000 square feet of gross floor area. D. The required loading area shall not be less than 10 feet wide by 25 feet long and have an unobstructed height of 14 feet. Response: This project is required to provide 250 SF of loading area. The Loading zone is shown on the south side of the building. 4.6-140 Bicycle Parking—Purpose and Applicability A. Safe and converuent bicycle parking is required in most zoning districts and land use categories to encourage the use of bicycles as a mode of transportation. The required number of spaces is lower for uses that do not tend to attract bicycle riders and higher for those that do. Additionally, some bicycle parking is required on the basis of specifically encouraging employee, student or customer related bicycle use. The following standards ensure that bicycle parking is converuent to the cyclist in its location and provides sufficient security from theft and damage. Long-term bicycle parking space requirements accommodate employees, commuters, students, residents and other persons who expect to leave their bicycles for more than 2 hours. Short-term bicycle parking spaces accommodate visitors, customers, messengers, and other persons expected to depart within approximately 2 hours. 21 B. Unless exempted elsewhere in this Code, all development shall comply with the bicycle parking provisions of this Section. (6412) Response: Bicycle parking is provided as required. 4.6-145 Bicycle Parking -Facility Design A. Required bicycle parking spaces and facilities most be a powder coated staple or inverted -U rack as shown in Figure 4.6-B. Alternatively, the required bicycle parking spaces must fulfill the criteria for quality bicycle parking, which are as follows: 1. Supports the bicycle frame in a stable position without damage to wheels, frames, or components and provides two points of contact; 2. Allows locking of the frame and one or both wheels with a U -lock; 3. Is securely anchored to the ground or to a structure; 4. Resists cutting, rusting, bending, or deformation, both from natural causes and from human abuse; 5. Powder coated or durable, non -scratching surface; and 6. Works well for a variety of bicycle frame types (e.g., should work for step -through frame as well as diamond frame, children's bicycles as well as adult bicycles, recumbent as well as other styles of adaptive bicycles). B. Required bicycle parking spaces and facilities must be constructed and installed in accordance with Section 4.6-150 and Figures 4.6-13 and 4.6-C. Bicycle parking must be provided at ground level unless an elevator with clear bicycle wayfinding signage is easily accessible and directs users to an approved bicycle storage area. Each required bicycle parking space must be accessible without removing another bicycle. C. All required long-term bicycle parking spaces must be sheltered from precipitation and include lighting. Response: The long-term bicycle parking is provided at the northwest corner of the building. The long-term bicycle parking is sheltered from precipitation by its prefabricated enclosure (refer to detail shown on Sheet ASDL) and the area where it is located is illuminated by a building mounted lighting fixture (Refer to photometric plan on Sheet AS2) D. Short-term bicycle parking most be sheltered as follows: 1. If 10 or fewer short-term bicycle parking spaces are required, no shelter is required for short-term bicycle parking. Response: The project requires 3 short term bicycle parking spaces. Therefore, a shelter is not required. E. Bicycle parking that accommodates oversized bicycles and alternative bicycle types must be provided as follows: 1. Each oversized bicycle parking space most provide minimum clear area of 4 feet by 8 feet as shown in Figure 4.6-C. 2. At least 10% of the long -tern bicycle parking spaces for commercial uses and residential uses most be oversized bicycle parking spaces. Response: The proposed bicycle parking area is designed to accommodate oversized (4' x 8') bicycle parking. 4.6-150 Bicycle Parking -Facility Improvements A. Bicycle Parking Location and Security. 22 I . Bicycle parking racks, shelters, or lockers most be securely anchored to the ground or to a structure. 2. Exterior long-term bicycle parking most be located within 200 feet from the main building entrance, primary point of entry to the use, or employee entrance. Response: The proposed bicycle parking rack accommodates both short-term and long-term bicycle parking. The bicycle parking area is approximately 70 -feet from the primary entrance to the store. 3. Exterior short-term bicycle parking must: a. Be located no thither than 50 feet from the main building entrance or primary point of entry to the use, as determined by the City, but not further away than the closest on-site automobile parking space excluding designated accessible parking spaces, whichever distance is less; and b. Be clearly visible from the main building entrance or primary point of entry to the use. Response: The proposed short-term bicycle parking is located approximately 62 -feet from the main entrance and is clearly visible. 4. Bicycle parking shall be separated from motor vehicle parking by a barrier, curb, or sufficient distance to prevent damage to parked bicycles. Response: The bicycle parking is separated from the parking and maneuvering area by 6 -inch curbing. 5. Where bicycle parking facilities are not directly visible and obvious from the public right-of-way, signs shall be provided to direct bicyclists to the parking. Directions to sheltered facilities inside a structure may be signed or supplied by the employer, as appropriate. Short-term parking shall be made available to the general public. Response: The proposed bicycle parking is visible from both rights-of-way. 6. Bicycle parking may be located inside a building on a floor, which has an outdoor entrance open for use, and which does not require stairs to access the space. Response: All proposed bicycle parking is located outside. 7. Bicycle parking and bicycle racks must be located to avoid conflict with pedestrian movement and access. Direct access from bicycle parking spaces to the public right-of-way must be provided by at -grade or ramp access. Pedestrian access most be provided from the bicycle parking area to the building entrance. Bicycle parking may be located in the public sidewalk or right-of-way where there is a minimum 5 feet between the parked bicycle and the storefront and does not conflict with pedestrian accessibility. Response: The long-term and short-term bicycle parking is locate at the northwest corner of the building. Direct bicycle access from the 72"d Street is provided. The sidewalk along the front of the building is 11 -feet wide, which provides sufficient space to avoid pedestrian/bicycle conflicts. 4.6-155 Bicycle Parking Number of Spaces Required A. The required minimum number of bicycle parking spaces for each principal use is 4 spaces, unless otherwise specified in Table 4.6-3. Additional bicycle parking spaces may be required at common use areas. When the number of required spaces results in a fractional number, the total number of required spaces will be rounded up to the next 23 whole number. When application of the long- and short-term bicycle parking percentages results in a fractional number of long- and short-term spaces, the number of long-term spaces required will be rounded up to the next whole number; the remaining number of required spaces will be designated as short-term bicycle parking. B. The following parking standards have been established according to use and apply to that use in any zoning district. Table 4.6-3 Minimum Required Bicycle Parking spaces Response: A 10,640 SF retail building requires 4 bicycle parking spaces. One of the spaces must meet long-term standards and 3 must meet short term standards. As proposed. Section 5.1-100 The Development Review Process 5.1-120 Pre -Development Meetines Pre -Development Options. The City has established 3 pre -development processes to assist prospective applicants through the application review process: A. The Development Issues Meeting. The purpose of the Development Issues Meeting is to give a prospective applicant the opportunity ity to discuss a limited number of development issues with City staff. The discussions can be general or specific depending on the questions submitted with the application. The Development Issues Meeting is voluntary, unless specifically required elsewhere in this Code. Response: A Development Issues Meeting was held on March 30, 2021. (811 -21- 000042 -PRE). 24 Long- and Use Term Term Bicycle Category Specific Uses Number of Required Spaces Parking Percentages Commercial General retail 1 per 3,000 square feet of floor 25% long-term area 75% short-term Eaeng and drinking I per 600 square feet officer area 25% long-term establishments 75% short-term Service 1 per 2,000 square feet of floor 25% long-term establishments area 75%short -term Art 1 per 1,500 square feet of floor 25% long-term institution/gallery area 75% short-term Drive th-oagh only 2 for employee parking (minimum 100% long-term esc:clish-rents of 4 does not apply) Lodging 1 per 10 rentable moms 75% long-term 25% short-term Office, including 075 per 5,000 square feet officer 75% long-term medical offices and area 25%short -term clinics Industrial and 0.25 per employee OR 1 per 4,000 75% long-term Wholesale square feet officer area, whichever 25% short-term is less Response: A 10,640 SF retail building requires 4 bicycle parking spaces. One of the spaces must meet long-term standards and 3 must meet short term standards. As proposed. Section 5.1-100 The Development Review Process 5.1-120 Pre -Development Meetines Pre -Development Options. The City has established 3 pre -development processes to assist prospective applicants through the application review process: A. The Development Issues Meeting. The purpose of the Development Issues Meeting is to give a prospective applicant the opportunity ity to discuss a limited number of development issues with City staff. The discussions can be general or specific depending on the questions submitted with the application. The Development Issues Meeting is voluntary, unless specifically required elsewhere in this Code. Response: A Development Issues Meeting was held on March 30, 2021. (811 -21- 000042 -PRE). 24 C. The Pre -Submittal Meeting. The purpose of the Pre -Submittal Meeting is to provide an opportunity ity for the property owner, applicant and the development team to meet with City staff to determine that an application is complete for processing prior to formal submittal to the City. A complete application will facilitate the review process. The Pre -Submittal Meeting will examine key elements of the application, including but not limited to: transportation, stormwater management, wastewater facilities, and landscaping. The Pre -Submittal Meeting is mandatory for all Site Plan Review, Subdivision, Partition and Master Plan applications. The Pre -Submittal Meeting is required even if the meetings specified in Subsections A. and B. have been utilized. Applications shall be reviewed by the Director within 30 days of receipt to determine if they meet the requirements specified in Section 5.4-105 and are complete. (6238) Response: A Pre -submittal Meeting will be scheduled. 5.1-130 Tyne II Applications (Administrative) Type II decisions are made by the Director after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed. Type II applications are reviewed as described below, unless the Director determines that the application should be reviewed as a Type III decision due to the complexity of the application or the need for discretionary review: Response: This Site Plan Review application will be processed as a Type II procedure. 5.17-120 Submittal Requirements All Site Plan applications shall be prepared by an Oregon licensed Architect, Landscape Architect, Civil Engineer or Surveyor as determined by the Director. A Site Plan shall contain all the elements deemed necessary by the Director to demonstrate that provisions of this Code are being fulfilled and may include, but not be limited to, the following: Response: As submitted, the application meets these requirements and includes the following materials. A. General Requirements. A Site Plan shall be drawn in ink on quality paper and shall contain the following information: B. A Site Assessment of the entire development area prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer and drawn to scale with existing contours at 1 - foot intervals and percent of slope that precisely maps and delineates the areas described below. C. An Access, Circulation and Parking Plan complying with the provisions of this Code and containing the following information D. A Landscape Plan, drawn by a Landscape Architect or other professional approved by the Director, complying with the provisions of this Code that contains the following information E. An Improvements Plan complying with the standards of Sections 4.1-100, 4.2- 100 and 4.3-100 that contains the following information: F. A Grading, Paving and Stormwater Management Plan drawn to scale with existing contours at 1 -foot intervals and percent of slope that precisely maps and addresses the information described below. In areas where the percent of slope is 10 percent or more, contours may be shown at 5 -foot intervals. This plan shall show the stormwater management system for the entire development area. For Site Plans with 25 more than 5,000 square feet of new paving area, an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer shall prepare the plan. Where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system, an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect may be required. The plan shall include the following components: H. An On-site Lighting Plan showing the location, orientation, and maximum height of all proposed exterior light fixtures, both free standing and attached. The lighting plan shall also detail the type and extent of shielding, including cut-off angles and the type of illumination, the wattage, luminous area, and a photometric test report for each light source. I. Additional information and/or applications required at the time of Site Plan Review applications submittal shall include the following items, where applicable: 1. A brief narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development and the existing use of the property. 2. If the applicant is not the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required as specified in Subsection 5.4-10513.2. 3. A Vicinity Map drawn to scale showing bus stops, streets, driveways, pedestrian connections, fire hydrants and other transportation/fire access issues within 200 feet of the proposed development area. 4. How the proposal addresses the standards of the applicable overlay district, where applicable. 5. How the proposal addresses Discretionary Use criteria, where applicable. 6. A Tree Felling Permit as specified in Section 5.19-100. 7. An Annexation application, as specified in Section 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be serviced by sanitary sewer. 8. A wettand delineation approved by the Department of State Lands shall be submitted concurrently, where there is a wefland on the property. 9. Evidence that any required Federal or State permit has been applied for or approved shall be submitted concurrently. 10. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer shall be submitted concurrently, if the required Site Assessment specified in Section 5.17-120 indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a highwater table as specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. (6274; 6211) Response: In addition to the base materials (A -H), this application submittal includes; A Narrative, an application form signed by the property owner, a vicinity map on the cover page of the plan set, and a Geotechnical Report. 5.17-125 Criteria The Director shall approve or approve with conditions: a Type II Site Plan Review application upon determining that approval criteria in Subsections A. through E., below have been satisfied. If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the approval criteria, the Director shall deny the application. A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. Response: The zoning of the property is appropriate. 26 B. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including, but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. Response: As proposed, the project compiles with capacity restrictions of the area. Please refer to the Water Service Letter from SUB Water, included in this application submittal. C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. Response: As proposed, the project complies with all applicable codes and standards. D. Parking areas and ingress -egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. Response: This project proposes a single driveway access point, set well back approximately 176 LF from the intersection of S 72 Street and Main Street. The design of the parking lot is clearly presented with handicap parking placed for optimal safety. A pedestrian access way connects the s 72na Street right of way with the sidewalk that runs across the front of the store, providing a direct access to the main entrance. Where this pathway crosses a vehicular area, it is striped. Bike parking is also provided via this same accessway. E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas; other riparian areas and wetlands specified in Section 4.3-117; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. Response: No such physical features exist on site. 5.17-135 Final Site Plan/Final Site Plan Equivalent Map A. Final Site Plan, Generally. Within 90 days of an affirmative decision by the Approval Authority, a complete Final Site Plan shall be submitted to the Development Services Department. The Final Site Plan submittal shall incorporate all approval conditions listed in the staff report. The Final Site Plan shall become null and void if construction has not begun within 2 years of the signing of the Development Agreement required in Section 5.17-140. Response: A Final Site Plan application will be submitted as required by this code section. 27 Section 5.19-100 Tree Felling Permit 5.19-110 Applicability A. A Tree Felling Permit shall be required prior to the felling of more than 5 trees 5 - inch dbh (diameter at breast height) or larger within a period of 12 consecutive months from a lot/parcel of private property under common ownership consisting of 10,000 square feet or more of total area. Response: 8 trees greater than 5 inch DBH proposed for removal. A tree felling permit shall be required. 5.19-115 Review A Tree Felling Permit shall be reviewed under Type II procedure and/or in conjunction with a related development plan. Response: The permit shall be filed concurrent with permit plan submittal.: 5.19-120 Submittal Requirements Application for a permit to fell a tree or trees shall include: A. The name, address and telephone number of the applicant; species or common tree names; the reason for felling; a Plot Plan showing the location of trees to be removed and their sizes; the method of tree removal and the hauling route to be used; and B. A description of any plan (Vegetation and Re -vegetation Report) to replace, landscape, or otherwise reduce the effect of the felling that addresses the applicable criteria in Section 5.19-125. C. The Director or the Public Works Director may require the applicant to provide the services of a professional forester (approved by the City), licensed hydrologist or licensed landscape architect in order to address the standards in Section 5.19-125 for undeveloped property greater than 10 acres in size of 15 percent slope or above an elevation of 670 feet. Response: All items shall be provided per permit requirements with submittal of final permit drawings for the site. 5.19-125 Criteria The Director, in consultation with the Public Works Director and the Fire Chief shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the request based on the following criteria: A. Whether the conditions of the trees with respect to disease, hazardous or unsafe conditions, danger of falling, proximity to existing structures or proposed construction, or interference with utility services or pedestrian or vehicular traffic safety warrants the proposed felling. B. Whether the proposed felling is consistent with State standards, Metro Plan policies and City Ordinances and provisions affecting the environmental quality of the area, including but not limited to, the protection of nearby trees and windbreaks; wildlife; erosion, soil retention and stability; volume of surface runoff and water quality of streams; scenic quality; and geological sites. C. Whether it is necessary to remove trees in order to construct proposed improvements as specified in an approved development plan, grading permits and construction drawings. W] D. In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the City, felling of trees will be permitted on a limited basis consistent with the preservation of the site's future development potential as prescribed in the Metro Plan and City development regulations, and consistent with the following criteria. 1. Wooded areas associated with natural drainageways and water areas shall be retained to preserve riparian habitat and to minimize erosion; 2. Wooded areas that will likely provide attractive on-site views to occupants of future developments shall be retained; 3. Wooded areas along ridge lines and hilltops shall be retained for their scenic and wildlife value; 4. Wooded areas along property lines shall be retained to serve as buffers from adjacent properties; 5. Trees shall be retained in sufficiently large areas and dense stands so as to ensure against windthrow; 6. Large-scale clear-cuts of developable areas shall be avoided to retain the wooded character of future building sites, and so preserve housing and design options for future City residents. Response: Noted. All items shall be provided and addressed with submittal of final permit drawings for the site. E. Whether the applicant's proposed replanting of new trees or vegetation is an adequate substitute for the trees to be felled. Response: Trees felled are within development boundaries. Replacement trees to be provided per preliminary landscape plan. F. Whether slash left on the property poses significant fire hazard or liability to the City. Response: Slash and other debris from tree removal process will be removed and disposed off site during construction. G. Whether the felling is consistent with the guidelines specified in the Field Guide to Oregon Forestry Practices Rules published by the State of Oregon, Department of Forestry, as they apply to the northwest Oregon region. Response: Felling shall adhere to local guidelines. H. Whether transportation of equipment to and equipment and trees from the site can be accomplished without a major disturbance to nearby residents. Response: Transportation of equipment and removal operations shall be performed to minimize disturbance to nearby residents. 29 WOODCREST REAL ESTATE VENTURES ADIO,f- fWooao.¢st➢mnrs.1nc, February 76, 2027 From: Schaffner Properties LLC — PROPERTY OWNER Attn: Paul Schaffner P.O. Box 10233 Eugene, OR 97440 Phone: (541) 345-4224 Email: schaffnercptinc(i.amail.com To: City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION Proposed Project: New General Retail Store - DOLLAR GENERAL APN: 17-02-35-31-04900-000 Property Location: SE Comer of Main Street & S 72"a Street, Springfield, OR 97477 To Whom It May Concern: As OWNER of the above listed property, I/we hereby give authorization to Mr. Steve Powell and/or Ms. Lauren Schulte and/or Mr. Wade Wylie, and/or Mr. Brandon Powell, and/or Mr. Jonas Dyer of Wooderest Real Estate Ventures to submit any application(s) for land review or permitting related to the proposed project. Said persons/entity will be considered the "Applicant". The Applicant herby agrees to be responsible for all applicable application fees and deposits related to this specific project. Sincerely, Schaffner Properties LLC, Paul Schaffner Properly Owner 1410 MAIN STREET, SHITE C, RANIONA, CALIFORNIA 92065 750-789-5493 1-I 1999 AAI alphanasmaiaks,ina. ENGINEERING DATE: 07/15/2021 BY: Craig Harris SUBJECT: Stormwater Utility Narrative PROJECT: Dollar General - Springfield PROJECT NO.: A21033.10 This memorandum is to outline the stormwater requirements for the Dollar General Springfield project located on the southeast corner of S 72nd St and Main SOUS Highway 126 in Springfield, Oregon. The project consists of the construction of a single -story retail building with associated parking, vehicle and pedestrian circulation. The site is 64,939SF, all of which is existing pervious consisting of a grassy field, trees, and shrubs. Post construction, 37,228SF will be impervious areas while 27,711 SF will remain pervious. Per Eugene Stormwater Management Manual dated 2014, onsite facilities will be designed to detain the post -developed flows to at or below the pre -developed flows. A vegetated stormwater facility located in the NW corner is not designed for this project due to the existing extremely shallow groundwater encountered in test pits at this location, according to the geotechnical report and exploration done by GN Northern Inc, dated March 2021. To meet the stormwater requirements, the stormwater will be detained onsite using 240 LF of 48" CMP piping and a flow control manhole will detain the post -developed to the pre - developed Flows. Water quality treatment will be provided to treat 18,866 SF of impervious area by a Filterra Peak Diversion Vault located at the northwest corner of the parking lot. 4875 SW Griffith Drive I Suite 100 1 Beaverton, OR 197005 503.620.30301 tel 503.620.55391 fax www . a a I e n g. c o m _, =! G — g 0.—..,. ._.—.4... El e ARCHRECMMSnE N A �� %�ASi