HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 7/30/2021. Rla]slan Le/ Chi -f Dlty Cferk 0h0x hMsdL ane ceuMv Oxdn eM FrcaNw LW�NVi�dL VIN7I5IIIIIIiIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIInllllll� s31.ao RP8-090 CMe1 st,ml wDIM07 fI:M:03 m Mum 05 110.00 {13.00 {10.00 x -=M Yli Ea Mm. 81Fbtxeap xAwa .tor. mtau mAPno: opvvameu{ WARRANLR O •RPYFLIRM (1lIDIPIDUAL OCORPPORA1OE&TTt0P0 ENOWAU WNRT 7f1HSRPRESENTS, Thor WdLAbIALAPI2 PARK AM RECREATION DFSTRFCT,m Oregon Pk and Re fi. DbN kmated md. thepmsklovsaPWe Onto. reeked St Wk Coapt 266 herdmlfermDedpwaror, fprtde <0naldervtipn herehep date, m gammrpdd by STEPHEN G. YOUNG hereinafrer mRed gwa¢e, does Aereby genie, b.,W,6 xu and emm mW tk.. 'sore' aM gradee's Fees, am<mrorsandmdgv, ehm ,amredproperty, d Ne.finewh hertlbd.w."fwwmnceathenumo 6donging arppDetmming, dmmedm We County yLANR and Smh alOregpn, devedbsdailaRawa, fo-wk- SEEEEIRAWLIICHLSMADEAPARTHR, WRYTHISREFERENCE 7p Race mW m Hofd rhe mnu mm tbeTdd gnuvee and gmmee 9 rydn, macemore avd ardgne Jarevn. fAndm/d-d Inrbam6y <pmored rvhh midgamtm and gmmm's Stip, wceessosimW a+dg4a, chat grmgar4[WARP[WARPmind p fee simple of lh, Poe above gromedDrem4<y Ree from aA mcue3mncee agiept SvblmtmanyaMagsmemema, reaMdfasm androreaanu ofreioM andtlmtgewmweII worm{a mdlm<nr delendehe mW premiser endevery Pan and portal Menp/agakn Melrvjal <tdmsdnd demond�q(o0permn<wdmaroever, except Mme rlandn¢ aMer<hea600e demd 7440.0000,009umeeme<er. Zhenve mde<mal<aavbreuemn pddfw chis ermes/er, rrendAmrme ofdplWe, 4b .08. Bpwever, Jw neem( maAdeseden rondw aP or incfudea other DmDeny or volae given or promised which 4 Ph, rvhde/paS S. OAS ro0sideratfort R'Miiaee whkkl.< (Therensence bennea We gmbWe prof aPDEmMe ahaald6e h4ted. ee 93.030.) In ropdming tS4detland where Ns <pevenm mryiem, Nealugafm bndadea lhePhmf and a0genmemded <han¢ea rheAde Mplitlm NeProddans Serep/apply errydlym<orpamtimepMmSullWdaaG. yn Wdneu ATm t-erye gionmr Maeremndl/ds fnnnen4ne Nus '1S day of 3 ya<mpasv4 gmmor,khas aanmddr namembe signtl and red aR4tl byWpJltrerl daft em enm bya er ol8s baasdofdlreemrx 1wALLOP L1HeaVae]f RmN. xOces's'rwaM1fEMf ➢0H9rvacAuowLu iM1OL44fONOPAI'PlleAHLBINip UR"`LAWBANOPe(iN,A1'IWg. waFUAH r BC011�wepeFBTTne ro'198 PEOP�TY®ucncBL+ucwfse rH6 Jo.9lo. MTO VPB{PY FPPAOY&tT.wPe.6'ODexERb@OtAM'L0.1I460NIAW60{i'6 HOR9N.ma AtID Ny1N(8AH0➢TT�peO@f{06eYHG�®NO IROPBRYY l MA'R OP ORpGM} Cp{IMy OP T818 wiP1'RVIOQT fcvww aM�Ry0I1 //a-5 .ypG %.OY CABY a09; bwPBPbIDEYf� pNDBY MO9®Q w: AB ge, OF W6WM6LpnE P.V( plm�pF.L/q.Xn'@ NmWPo6&m �r RY.mnivlaueneettlm: ELT - 51657 Page 1 of 1 Legal Description EXHIBIT A That part of Block 19, EXTENDED MAP OF SPRINOFIELD, as platted and recorded in Book I, Page 1, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, as described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North line of said Block 19, which point is 50 feet West of the Northeast coma of said Block 19; thence North 890 44' West 235.74 feet on and along said North line of said Block 19 to a point; thence South O° 16' West, a distance of 33 feet; more or less, to the North bank of the Mill Race running thmugh said Block 19; thence Easterly on and along the North bank of said Mill Race to a point which is 50 feet West of, and parallel with, the East line of said Block 19; thence Notch 40 feet, vnore or less, on and along a line 50 feet West of, and parallel with, the East line of said Block 19, being also the West line of vacated Mill Street to the Point of Beginning, expresslyexcluding any part of said Block 19 lying South of the Northerly bank of said Mill Raoe, in Lane County, Oregon. .�. After Recording, Return to: Donald A. Gallagher, Jr. Arnold Gallagher Saydack Percell Roberts & Potter, P.C. 800 Willamette Street, Suite 800 Eugene, Oregon 97401 UntD a Change is R"aested Mail Tar Statements To: The Stephen Young, LLC 1110N. 18a Sheet Springfield, Oregon 97477 Division of Chief Deputy Clark �0 (�0� Lane County Deeda and Roordc LVyl'YY3N,8i II08824IIIIIII 70 0928IIII3DO IIIIIIIIIIII 536,00 00802983280700092810030033 RPR -DEED - Cntc1 $tne15 CASHIER 06 03,94,18 FK $15.00 813.00 $10.00 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED Stephen Young ("Grantor"), conveys to The Stephen Young, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company ("Gmntee"),.all of his right, title and interest in the real property commonly known as Tax Lot 7801, Map 17-03-35-32 and located at 200 South Mill Street, Springfield, Oregon and more particularly described as follows (the "Property') free and clear of my Gens and encumbrances except for those items of record: See attached Exhibit A incorporated by reference herein. The tree consideration for this conveyance is other property or other value given. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER 01RS 197352. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOWUSE OF THE PROPERTYDESCRIBEDIN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING ORACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN 05 Jj 930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY O ANY, UNDER ORS 197352. Dated L/ %/U'/ .2007 GRANTOR4. By: Stephen Y g [Notary acknowledgement is on the following page.$ BARGAIN AND SALE DEED -1 N W.21Yewy.9lryim-I311PThe84p�Ypq3f�M1a�\BuryYmCBeM1 eudOelNd[e STATHOF ) as. COUNTY OF ) This instt=ent was { 7 2007, by Stephen Young. ELT - 5I657 � .. page I of I Legal Description That part of Block 19, EXTENDED MAP OF SPRINGFIELD, as platted and recorded in Book "POP" I= County Oregon plat Records, as described as follows: Commencing atapoim on the North lira of said Block 19, which point is 50 feet West of Ore Northeast comer of said Block 19; thence North 990 44' West 235.74 fret on and along said North Lias of said Block 19 to a point; thence South 0.16' West, a distance of 33 feet, more or less, to the North bank of the Mill Racy running through said Block 19; thence Easterly on and along the North bank of said Mill Race to apoint which is 50 feet West of and parallel with, the East line of said Block 19; thence North 40 feet, more or less, on and along a line 50 feet West of, and pamnel with, the East line ofsaid Block 19, being also the'Westline of vacated MOI Street to the point of Beg Pat excluding a�pat ofsaid Block 19lying South of the Northerly bankof said Mill Race, in bane County, Oregon