HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/26/2021City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Historical Review Application SPRINGFIELD 1& Application Type (Applicant. check ,❑x Historical Review Type I - Minor Alterations; Sites or Structures: Historical Review Type II - Major Alterations; Sites or Structures: Historical Review Type III: Addition of a Site or Structure to the Historic Landmark Inventory ❑ Removal of a Site or Structure from the Historic Landmark Inventory ❑ Demolition of Historic Land Mark Structures ❑ Required Project Information , complete , 541-915-7419(Tm) Applicant Name: Beth &Tm Halverson Phone: 541-513-5873 Beth Company: Fax: Address: 621 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Applicant's Rep.: Phone: Company: Fax: Address: Property Owner: Beth &Tm Halverson 541-915-7419(Tm) Phone: 541-513-5873 Beth Company: Fax: Address: 621 5th Street Sprincifield, OR 97477 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17033524 TAX LOT NOS : 3400 Property Address: 621 5th Street Sprincifield, OR 97477 Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Please see the attached proposal below. Si natures: Please si n and print your name and date in the appropriate box on the next paqe. Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., complete this section) Associated Applications: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ 1 Postage Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 10.10.13ki 1 of 7 Signatures An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application Is correct and accurate. Date: �L� l Li Signature 9,z-Ak- i,�.�1 erSati Print If the applicant Is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Date: Signature Print Revised 10.10.131d 2 of 7 Historical Review The Historic (H) Overlay District is established to encourage the restoration, preservation and adaptive use of identified Historic Landmark Structures and Sites. The H Overlay District implements applicable Metro Plan policies, the Washburne Historic Landmark District, Section 2.500 et seq., of the Springfield Municipal Code, 1997 and OAR Chapter 660-023. The prospective applicant is encouraged to meet with planning staff to become familiarized with the review process and determine what is required for a complete application. 1. Applicant Submits an Application for Historical Review The application must conform to the Historical Review Requirements Checklist included in this application packet. 2. Review A. Type I applications for Minor Alterations of Historical Landmark Sites and Structures will be reviewed by City Staff. The types of Minor alterations reviewed are: 1. Construction, modification or demolition of accessory structures; 2. Additions, partial or total demolitions or substantial alterations to the building fagade of non-contributing and intrusive structures within the Washburne Historic District; 3. Replacement of damaged exterior features with virtually identical materials; 4. Additions, partial demolitions or alterations to Historic Landmark Sites and Structures which fully conform to the standards of Section 3.3-945 and which are not visible from the street; 5. Installation of fewer than four (4) parking spaces; 6. Installation of signs of less than four (4) square feet; or 7. Any similar alteration or use which does not detract from the character of a Historic Landmark Site or Structure. B. Type II applications for Major Alterations of Historical Landmark Sites and Structures will be reviewed by the Historical Commission. The Historical Commission acts as the Development Review Committee for issues involving Section 3.3-900 Historical Overlay District. Adjacent property owners and occupants are notified and may attend a public review meeting and state their concerns, or send written comments. The types of Major alterations reviewed are: 1. Additions, partial demolitions, or substantial alterations to a building fagade; 2. A change to a more intensive use category as defined in the underlying district; 3. Installation of four (4) or more parking spaces; 4. Removal or radical trimming of large established trees or vegetation, except where necessary for immediate public safety as determined by the City Engineer; 5. Specific Development Standards in the Washburne Historic Landmark District specified in section 3.3-935B.; 6. New construction of 1,000 sq. feet or more within the Washburne Historic Landmark District; or 7. Any other alteration or use that the Director determines may detract from the historic character of a Historic Landmark Site or Structure. Revised 10.10.13ki 3 of 7 C. Type III Applications for Establishment of Historic Landmark Inventory, Removal from Historic Landmark Inventory, Demolition of Historic Landmark Structures and any Discretionary Use listed in the underlying zoning district as specified in section 5.9-100 will be reviewed by the Planning Commission following a recommendation by the Historical Commission. Adjacent property owners and occupants are notified and may attend a public review meeting and state their concerns, or send written comments. Major and Minor Alteration Standards (3.3-945) The following standards apply to major and minor alterations as specified in Section 3.3- 915B. and C., within the H Overlay District. 1. Any proposed use shall minimize exterior alteration of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure and its environment; uses that require substantial exterior alteration shall not be permitted. 2. The distinguishing original qualities of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure and its environment shall not be substantially altered. The removal or alteration of any historic material or distinctive architectural features is prohibited unless an immediate hazard to public safety exists. 3. All historic Landmark Sites or Structures are recognized as products of their own time. Alterations which have no historic basis and which seek to create an earlier appearance are prohibited. 4. Changes that have taken place in the course of time are evidence of the history and development of a Historic Landmark Site or Structure and its environment. Where changes have acquired significance in their own right, this significance shall be recognized. S. Distinctive stylistic features and examples of local or period craftsmanship which characterize a Historic Landmark Site or Structure shall be retained. 6. Deteriorated architectural features shall be repaired rather than replaced. In the even replacement cannot be avoided, the new material shall match the material being replaced in composition, design, color, texture and visual qualities. Repair or replacement of missing architectural features is based on accurate duplicate features, substantiated by historic, physical or pictorial evidence rather than on conjectural design, or the availability of different architectural elements from other buildings or structures. 7. New design for undeveloped Historic Landmark Sites in the Washburne Historic Landmark District and for alterations and additions to existing Historic Landmark Sites and Structures are permitted when they complement significant historic, architectural or cultural features and the design is compatible with the size, scale, color, material and character of the property, neighborhood or environment. B. New additions or alterations to Historic Landmark Structures shall not impair the essential form and integrity of the structure. Revised 10.10.13ki 4 of 7 Demolition Standards (3.3-950) Demolition of Historic Landmark Sites or Structures is an extreme measure that may be permitted only after all other reasonable alternatives for preservation have been thoroughly examined. A. No demolition permit will be granted for any Historic Landmark Site or Structure unless the owner has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Historical Commission that 1 of the following criteria applies: 1. The condition of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure constitutes a serious and immediate threat to the safety of the public or occupants that cannot be eliminated without repairs that would exceed 50 percent of the value of the structure itself. a. A MIA -certified appraisal shall be required to determine the value of the Historic Landmark Structure. b. At least 2 bids from qualified contractors shall be required to determine the cost of repairs to the Historic Landmark Structure. 2. The property owner has demonstrated that there would be no reasonable, long- term economic benefit from preservation of the Historic Landmark Site or Structure. In making this determination, the owner shall demonstrate that all potential uses or adaptive uses for the Historic Landmark Site or Structure have been thoroughly examined. For example: a. The fact that a greater economic return would result from demolition than preservation is insufficient to meet this criteria. b. A lack of adequate funds to pursue potential uses or adaptive uses is insufficient to meet this criteria (i.e., selling the Historic Landmark Site or Structure is an option that shall be considered). B. If a Historic Landmark Site or Structure is permitted to be demolished, the property owner shall provide the Historical Commission with: 1. Four sets of measured drawings prepared by a qualified draftsperson showing the primary floor plans and the primary exterior elevations. 2. A set of photographs that document the exterior and interior details, including significant architectural elements. C. The property owner shall also supply the Historical Commission with any artifact or other architectural element as identified by the Historical Commission. The artifact or architectural element shall be carefully removed and delivered to the Historical Commission in good condition to be used in future conservation work. Revised 10.10.13ki 5 of 7 Historical Review Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. x❑ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. x❑ Historical Review Application Form x❑ A Brief Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposal. x❑ One (1) Copy of the Deed to show ownership. In Addition: L] Type I — Minor Alterations -Four (4) Copies of the Required Information: xJ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. x1 Photos of the existing structure and/or each damaged exterior feature to be replaced to sufficiently show existing structure and/or conditions. n1a❑ Exterior elevation drawings of the new and/or modified structure. n/a❑ Type of fagade materials to be utilized including manufacturer's specification brochures. Type of construction materials to be utilized including manufacturer's specification brochures. Listed in proposals attached. For Installation of fewer than four (4) parking spaces: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirement Checklist attached. ❑ Location of trees and vegetation, indicating what vegetation is to be removed. ❑ Number of parking spaces shown as proposed (to scale). x❑ Type II - Major Alterations - Four (4) Copies of the Required Information: x1 Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. x❑ Photos of the existing structure and/or each damaged exterior feature to be replaced to sufficiently show existing structure and/or conditions. n1a❑ Exterior elevation drawings of the new structure, addition, alteration or area to be demolished drawn to scale. z❑ Existing type of fagade materials. x❑ Type of fagade materials to be utilized including manufacturer's specification brochures. Listed in proposals attached. x❑ Type of construction materials to be utilized including manufacturer's specification brochures. Listed in proposals attached. For Installation of four (4) or more parking spaces: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirement Checklist attached. ❑ Location of trees and vegetation, indicating what vegetation is to be removed. ❑ Number of parking spaces shown as proposed (to scale). ❑ Type III - Twelve (12) Copies of the Required Information: Revised 10.10.131d 6 of 7 Addition of Site or Structure to Historic Landmark Inventory: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. ❑ Complete City of Springfield Historic Inventory Form. ❑ Current photo of each exterior wall of the structure or if a vacant site, one current photo of the site. ❑ Written findings which address the criteria for Establishment of Historic Landmark Inventory (SDC 3.3-920). Removal of Site or Structure from Historic Landmark Inventory: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. ❑ Copy of the City of Springfield Historic Inventory Form. ❑ Copy of the National Register Designation (if applicable). ❑ Current photo of the site or structure. ❑ Written findings determining Historic Designation was erroneously applied according to the criteria for Establishment of Historic Landmark Inventory (SDC 3.3-920). Demolition of Historic Landmark Structure: ❑ Plot plan drawn to scale - See Plot Plan Requirements Checklist attached. ❑ Information to meet the criteria of Demolition standards (SDC 3.3-950). Plot Plan Requirements A Plot plan must be drawn in ink on quality paper no smaller than 8 1/2' X 14" and must contain the following information: • The scale (appropriate to the area involvied and sufficient to show detail of the plan related data such as 1' = 30", 1" = 50' OR 1" = 100'), north arrow and the date of preparation; • The street address and assessor's map and tax lot number; • The dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the property; • Proposed and existing buildings; location, size (gross floor area), conceptual floor plan, setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, and height; • Off-street parking areas, vehiclular access points and their dimensions; and • The name and location of all existing and proposed public and private streets and sidewalks within or on the boundary of the proposed property. The following additional information may be required, please check with planning: • The on-site drainage system to an approved storm system; • The connection to the City sanitary sewer system; • The location and height of proposed or existing fences, walls, outdoor equipment, storage, trash receptacles and signs; • Required landscaped areas and street tree locations to include type of landscaping or trees and type of irrigation system; or • Any additional information necessary to address land use compatability or Metro Plan issues. Revised 10.10.13ki 7 of 7 Lane County Clerk 2015-055381 Lane County Oeatls 8 Records 1leases 1503:09:12 PM ft%LOEED .00SN.n=]LASNIfR 02 trg9<S WesternmmLEsa:aa ss.ggsnmslg.aoszr.go $47.00 497 Oakway Road, Sulte 340, Eugaz a, OR 97,101 OMer Number: IOSOS -CR Grantor Corey L. Brag, Elizabeth A. Culp 35752 Myrtleweoe Lane Pleasant Hill, Or. 97455 Grantee Timothy E. Halverson Elizabeth A. Halverson 621 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Until a Change Is requested, all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: Tlnutty E. Halverson Elizabeth A. Halverson 621 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Reserved for Recorder's Use STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Corey L. Bragg and Elizabeth A. Culp, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Timothy E. Halverson and Elizabeth A. Halverson, as tenants by the entirety, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein: Beginning at a point 60.0 feet North of the Southwest corner of Lot 10, Black 90, SPRINGFIELD INVESTM ENT AND POWER COMPANY'S ADDITION, as platted and recorded in Book 25, Page 306 and 307, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; run thence East 92.0 feet; thence North 58.0 feet more or less to the South line of the alley running East and West through said Block 90; thence West 92.0 feet along the South side of said alley to the East line of North 5th Street; thence South along said East line 58.0 feet more or less, to the point of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon. Account: 0311702 Map & Tax Lot: 17 03 35 24 03400 This property Is free of encumbrances, EXCEPT: All those items of record, If any, as of the date of this deed, including any real property taxes due, but not yet payable. The true consideration for this conveyance Is $231,000.00. (Here comply with requirements of ORS 93.030.) BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2010. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 OR 215.010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930, AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009 AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2010. EX.Uc V this P day of November, 2015 r Ca Tagg Elizabeth Culp State of Oregon, County of Lane ) ss. r,_ This intro ent was acknowledged before me on this t� day of November, 2015 by Corey L. Brag Ell�z b th A. Ip Notary Public for the State of Oregon oPPicut slum My commission expires: V l �v f'�Cl CHIONr PO5ApA5NOCL05EEY xOi YPLP ICLPGON CCM61:KS NN0. 9:2W7 My r,, SSIJN EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 19,e016 Hello and good day! We are Beth and Tim, owners and caretakers of the W. M. Long home. We are very excited to write our proposal of the adjustments to our house, outlined in major sections below. I am along time Springfield resident, graduating from Springfield High School in 2003. I grew up dreaming of owning a home in this district. When we bought the home in 2015, our hearts were made whole. We have always loved historical homes, and this house was love at first sight. Inside this home, the original built-in cupboards throughout the home, the kitchen nook, laundry chute, ironing board, and original windows felt important to preserve. I finally had a place to put my collection of kitchen antiques! We embraced the interiors and hand -refinished the hardwood floors as we bought antique furniture and settled into the area. We realized we had a lot of projects to help the home continue to flourish and are ready to start. Proposal • Stabi lize the footi ng for the front porch and the side porch o Current best proposal by TerraEirma (attached) • Have the existing stucco completely removed from the main house, the fireplace, and the detached garage by abatement specialists (as required by law). o Current best proposal by LOI Environmental and Demolition Services (attached) • Insulation added in (either batt fiberglass insulation or closed cell spray foam) o Current best proposal by Northwest Siding Contractors of Eugene, Inc. (attached) • Repair dry rot in the original lath and plaster o Current best proposal by Northwest Siding Contractors of Eugene, Inc. (attached) • Wrap the home in vapor barrier o Current best proposal by Northwest Siding Contractors of Eugene, Inc. (attached) • Replace the stucco siding with B" cedar lap siding and 6" cedar lap siding above the window trim o Current best proposal by Northwest Siding Contractors of Eugene, Inc. (attached) • Paint the entire home and garage with historical color choices by consulting the Springfield History Museum curator o Current best proposal by Northwest Siding Contractors of Eugene, Inc. (attached) Replacement of the Stucco Exterior Current Condition of the Exterior Outside the home, we loved the exterior. However, the condition had been deteriorating for years before we first viewed it. Although the aggregate stucco exterior has been painted, a small section of the side porch has the original material with lovely rocks and a variety of colors. Before we moved in, we began searching for someone to come and patch the material that was crumbling in the corners and the holes in the back walls (some former owner had planted some lovely hydrangeas too close to the house and the stucco absorbed moisture and caved away from the walls). We called several contractors, had two come and quote the project, and then never received a proposal. We received a'ballpark' estimate from one, which helped us learn we needed to plan for the huge financial undertaking this would be. We assume the challenge in finding a contractor could be due to stucco being such an unfamiliar material in this area. We set aside the project for a couple of years until we accrued the required capital to focus specifically on the siding, which we are ready to do now after re -financing our home to complete the huge project that this will be. Here are pictures of the current conditions of the exterior of the home and detached garage: Side wall connecting with the side porch, significant cracks between the house and the sidewalk Front of the house connecting with the side Front porch with patch job deteriorating Front porch, material separating from the porch (close up of the corner leading to the alley) Front porch interior with big cracks Outside the side porch cracks through original material and the patch completed poorly Back corner connecting to the back wall Section of exposed and caved away material Back wall of house inside fence line Crumbling at the base of the detached garage that has caved from the wall exposing lath Left side of detached garage, connects to the fence the neighbors built, chunks Alley side wall with substantial deterioration Alley side connecting to front porch around downspout Alley side connecting to back fence Picture of heavily decayed stucco surrounding the Alley side, fireplace connecting to the roof to the left....................and on the right While we appreciate the outlined instructions of the National Park Service offered by the Springfield Planning & Development in the repair and patching of stucco material, it does appear that the aggregate material used in the original stucco can be found. It appears we now have "excessive groundwater or moisture penetrating through" the material, making it challenging to replace. Our neighbor was able to patch/repair and paint his stucco because his cracks were very small, but ours are far outside of that. As you can see, some sections are losing significant pieces and causing the house to be open to potential damage. We do not believe that a patch and repair approach would work and were not able to find someone to do the work several years ago when we were initially looking into it. If we were to attempt to patch, finding appropriate materials would be overly costly. Additionally, the odds of our ability to find matching stucco is unlikely: "...Most sand used in contemporary masonry work is manufactured sand, because river sand, which was used historically, is difficult to obtain today in many parts of the country. The physical and visual qualities of manufactured sand versus river sand, are quite different, and this affects the way stucco works, as well as the way it looks. The same is true of lime, which is frequently replaced by gypsum in modern stucco mixes." - https://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/22-stucco.htm#repair When we set out for replacing the siding and started talking with contractors this year, we learned we needed to have the stucco material tested to ensure there was no asbestos. We tested and were astonished to find that all surfaces (three types of materials identified by the inspector) contain asbestos. We learned it would need to be specially removed by an abatement company. We learned from contractors that the original and repair stucco had poor flashing at the base of the exterior walls, which is likely to create ongoing challenges. We had an approximate quote from a stucco expert who stated that he does not do aggregate, nor does he know anyone who does. Since we will not be able to replace the material with matching material, we request something more historically accurate to this area. According to the EPA: "Asbestos-containing materials may release fibers when they are disturbed, damaged, removed improperly, repaired, cut, torn, sanded, sawed, drilled or scraped. Keep an eye on asbestos-containing materials and visually check them over time for signs of wear or damage." They recommend removing such materials by an abatement company. Now that we know all layers contain asbestos, and it is not in good working condition, it feels necessary to remove it and put on siding that will be safer and last for longer, while still having a historical charm. Another challenge that we have read about and seems important: "Another reason for total removal might be that the physical and visual integrity of the historic stucco has been so compromised by prior incompatible and ill-conceived repairs that patching would not be successful." - https://www.nps.gov/tps/how-to-preserve/briefs/22-stucco.htm#repair We have seen that many repairs and patches have been completed on the garage, in big sections along the base of the stairs and around the porches. All were poorly patched. These do not look professional, giving the entire project a haggard appearance. Even if we could overlook the asbestos challenge, this would still not have a dignified final look in the project due to the other patchwork that is present. We understand that Section 3.3- 9156. and C. requires that we not substantially alter material unless "The removal or alteration of any historic material or distinctive architectural features is prohibited unless an immediate hazard to public safety exists." We feel the asbestos in the material warrants this, especially since parts of the asbestos containing stucco is falling to the ground. Our children, and our neighbor's small children, play within close vicinity to the exterior that is crumbling. Finally, while we love the look of stucco, we have not been able to find a contractor who is willing to install it, or who will even return a phone call at this point. Our current contractor, when we asked for a bid for this material, stated: "Stucco does not do well in our area due to the amount of rainfall we get" We agree with the historical commission on the notion of this point: "Where changes have acquired significance in their own right, this significance shall be recognized." We recognize its interesting nature. However, it does not even appear feasible to replace the stucco, and it certainly would not be able to be replaced with the aggregate stucco that makes this house such a unique find. We do not joke that we value the material so much that would love to frame a section of it to admire it (if this is safe to do). We would be happy to supply an amount of the material for the Springfield History Museum to display (if this is safe to do) to acknowledge its historical significance. We also want a home that is safe for children and adults to visit and play around, therefore replacing this material seems the most appropriate. Poor Insulation The Holiday Farm fire last year and its resulting devastation illustrated to us just how little insulation our home has: a substantial amount of smoke entered our home through the walls, far more than was likely due from just the poor insulation from the original double-hung windows that hold only a single-pane. Since we need to completely remove the siding (for safety and due to the existing state of the crumbling stucco) we want to improve the insulation of the home. This will improve resilience against smoke and other elements, and reduce our need for extra heating and cooling to reduce our demand on electricity to do our part to reduce climate change. Our current R value is 0, and we want to increase this considerably. Examples from the neighborhood We recognize that being unable to replace the stucco on this home will reduce one of the few homes that have this siding. While we lament this, we also want to be practical and support this house to last another 100 years. We have seen other homes in this historical Washburne neighborhood that have a wood lap siding and we admire these looks in the other bungalow homes, as well as other homes in the area. It gives a durable and beautiful look and is doable to get many contractors to apply this siding. It is versatile and allows for the house to be adjusted as necessary. Exposing the Brick of the Fireplace We recognize that when removing the asbestos -laden material on the exterior of the chimney, we will have the choice to either leave it bare -brick and seal it, or affix siding to it. We have seen many other homes in this historical Washburne neighborhood that have exposed brick and mean to emulate that, enjoying both the look and the reduction of the astronomical cost of Stabilization of the Floating Concrete Porches Another lovely feature of the home is the gorgeous front porch and side porch. They are both a separately poured solid concrete structure resting next to the house. With wide sections to sit on and gather around, and display decorations, it is a lovely opening to the home. However, over the 97 years this home has existed, the porches have fluctuated up and down depending upon moisture in the soil. The rest of the home has abasement and is a separate foundation from the porches. This is one of the reasons that the siding is crumbling as much as it is (and has been replaced in many parts) along the path of where the porch and stairs meet the house. There are significant gaps in some sections as well, creating a poorly sealed section. Miraculously, it does not appear that the roof sections are significantly drooping or being impacted by these floating porches, yet. We want to shore up the porches to prevent future damage to the entire home. We believe that having a foundation company install better footing on the existing porches will keep them from moving further and creating problems with any type of new siding that will be installed. If stabilizing the side porches causes further damage to the concrete -poured railings, flooring or stairs, we will re-pourthe concrete to match the original style. This is already necessary on one side, since sections of the concrete railing have fallen off, in part due to the poorly constructed walled -in side porch putting extra pressure on that section. This is a high cost to include in our entire project, yet it feels necessary to ensure we do not have problems with the new siding as it is installed, and to ensure we do not have continued Front Porch Side porch, currently enclosed Opening the Side Porch We have been informed by multiple companies that to fully replace the siding, we will need to remove the poorly constructed walled -in side porch. We are happy to do this and will be leaving it open. We will repair cracks and holes and apply a fresh coat of paint when we have a paint color for the entire home. Emulating the front porch will increase the lovely look of this home. It appears this addition was completed poorly in the 70's and without historical material or a historical look, as you can see in these photos. Side porch opening into the backyard Side porch opening into the side walkway Outside the side enclosed porch, where the walls and trim have been constructed in a different style. The pressure and weight from the windows appear to have contributed to a section of the concrete falling off in the last couple of years. Ivy had been all over the back section of the porch when we purchased it, and we have continually pulled it out. Removing this section entirely and opening up the side porch to resemble the front porch will restore historical accuracy. We sincerely hope this will not be a particular challenge to the historic commission. While this was present when we purchased the home, it was not well -constructed or particularly lovely to look at. We feel an open look will restore the porch to its former glory. Installation of an Egress Window The charm of this home captivated us, even though it was only a two-bedroom home, because we especially love the basement. We love the benefits this space provides for our family: It hosts two home offices and an entertainment room, in addition to a laundry room and storage of our camping gear. We spend a lot of time down there during our week. Yet, there is not a single egress window in the entire basement, and the only exit is a single set of narrow wooden stairs. Adding an egress window will substantially increase the safetyfor us and all future occupants. We want to put it in the backyard to reduce visibility for anyone attempting to enter the home, and so it is not viewed by others on the street or in the alley. The window to replace would be in the lower back right corner of the home, all other windows would remain as they are The window would need to be increased above and below and re -trimmed As you can see, this window we would like to replace is in the backyard, is fully fenced, as it not visible from the street or from the alley. A wooden double -hung window is gorgeous, but it will not provide us with the ability to easily remove it and escape, if needed. When we purchased the home, all the basement windows had already been replaced with vinyl windows. While we do love the original windows upstairs (and plan to keep them as long as is possible) we do want to have an egress window that is easy to escape from. Vinyl casement windows have the clear advantage here. From information I have gleaned from Renewal by Anderson, double -hung windows can be used as egress windows, but even when they're fully open, more than half of their overall area is blocked by glass. Therefore, their overall height must be close to four feet nine inches to meet the requirements. We do not have that much room in that section without having to completely re -plumb a section to add adequate drainage that will add an additional $15-20K, from initial estimates from plumbers. We would have to do substantially more modification of the house in orderto accommodate a largerwindow. While we agree that this would look lovely, the reality is that it will not be visible from nearly any street location and the additional expense is not possible. The casement window that we are proposing will not go below the ground and will not need a drainage system. Proposal We propose to cut out 5 inches above the existing space, and 7 below. We will then order a casement window 36 inches wide, and 30 inches tall. Tim and I both feel confident this would meet our needs for an egress window. It is best to complete this important project while the siding has been removed, and before installing new siding. Otherwise, this would become an astronomical expense later. Renewal by Anderson has a Window Grille option that allows us to customize the look of the existing windows and allows us to mimic the upstairs windows with materials and openings that will allow for an easy escape. I have referenced a screen shot from their website (brochures are no longer relevant in the era or online shopping and online ordering). JV111'11NEW1L MME AGA M MNDMS Ft— savmu.es GALLERY oaxnmus EMECIA44EEERE CAME Casement Windows Accent Your Rooms with Casement Windows ..�. ..a LIAGld I, ...M..—k iC mYAA ,EYM.rze. It, Ult,EI .,... . 1— e..—IRA ..,n AGEREAR ls S.EtER.O.m.„ �pIER,11 •uoOrpi .m.,..All— n,.una. n.. e.r IRL .. abli I111 mn.n.i"I High It. GAIRIARd Ali MeerEYRi MFi I..—RIGRR.Iwa..ilIAIr( kid aV LlI aA,.l,.m.11 Gl* �Mw e.na%w ¢w O Mi v ERIAG EYEA wIm .1 Window Grille Options Oemma ..III. ALE, vmme Emmn.um 1AGrG m axmm Our current windows do not fit the existing window shape, as it has the colonial look above and the farmhouse look below. We are grateful we can customize. Or, if it pleases the commission, we can mimic the other side of the home that has a plain vinyl window, and leave the new window plain without any window grille additions. Closing Wishes We appreciate you taking the time to read our application. We know we are asking for some practical concessions. While we are believers in the admirable desire to maintain historical accuracy, we want to support this home to thrive throughout the 2V century and beyond. Thank you for allowing us to improve this wonderful home. Sincerely, Beth and Tim Halverson N -o*— Scale: 1" = 10' h— – – – – – – – – – –– 58'-----------N Conve --- I ------------------------- Remove siding and , existing replace with cedar lap on , window to all exterior surfaces of egresE house, garage, front windovr.porch, and side porch. ------------------- - - - - - - House i________ _i Removin I' , chimne surface t Front expose Porch brick. Sidewalk 5th St. Fn o IL Address: 621 5th St., Springfield, OR 97477 Tax Lot No: 3400 Assessor's Map No:17033524 Date of preparation: 7/25/2021 Garage r____ ______ Remove side porch enclosure. ----------- House --- ------ Co N 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1I i TF 866-486-7196 F 541-229-4051 License# OR:173547 WA: TERRAFR931LH Prepared on: 7-22-21 Project Summary Permanently Stabilize Foundation.............................................................................................................. $20,921.00 NonFinance Discount.............................................................................................................................. $-1046.00 TotalInvestment.................................................................................................................................... r: Prepared for: TERR IRMA Moraredby: Morgan Flury Beth &Tm Halverson FOUNDATION SYSTEMS C 541-671-1044 thalvers@me.com mflury@ter.firmaN.com H (541)513-5873 Beth TerraFirma Foundation Systems P (541)513-5873 Beth vry w.GoTerraFirma.com Job location: 6215th5t Son ngfield, OR 97477-3955 TF 866-486-7196 F 541-229-4051 License# OR:173547 WA: TERRAFR931LH Prepared on: 7-22-21 Project Summary Permanently Stabilize Foundation.............................................................................................................. $20,921.00 NonFinance Discount.............................................................................................................................. $-1046.00 TotalInvestment.................................................................................................................................... $19,875.00 TotalContract Price................................................................................................................. $19,875.00 DepositRequired-50%............................................................................................................................. $9,937.50 DepositPaid.................................................................................................................................................. $0.00 Amount Due Upon Installation.............................................................................................. $19,875.00 Customer Consent If the foundation (including foundation walls, footings and/or concrete slab) is found to be in too poor of condition to safely complete the contracted work additional work and associated cost will be required. Any alteration in scope and/or cost will only be made after a consultation and approval between TerraFirma Foundation Systems and Customer. While TerraFirma Foundation Systems will do its best to evaluate the condition of the foundation concrete prior to work commencing, TIFFS is not responsible for any damage thatoccurs asthe resultof failing foundation concrete. Completing the work in this Proposal atthe time scheduled is contingent upon accidents or delays beyond our control. This Proposal is based primarily on the Customer's description of the problem. This Proposal may be withdrawn if not accepted by the Customer within 20days. OR: 173547 WA: TERRAFR93ILH Authorized Signature Date Acceptance of Contract— I am/we are aware of and agree to the contents of this Proposal, the attached Job Detail sheet(s), and the attached Limited Warranty, (together, the "Contract'). You are authorized to do the work as specified in the Contract. I/we will make the payment set forth in this Contract at the time it is due. I/we will pay your service charge of 1.33% per month (16% per annum) if my/our account is 30 days or more past due. In event account must be referred to a third party for collection, I/we agree to pay all reasonable collection and/or attorney fees, as well as court costs incurred to effect collection. Customer Signature Canceling the project after 3 days may result in loss of deposit. Date Initial TerraFirma Foundation Systems Job Location Page 1/7 761 N E Garden Val ley Blvd Roseburg OR 97470 6215th St Son ngfield OR 97477-3955 7-22-21 Job Details Stabilize Only TerraFirma Foundation Systems Job Location Page 20 761 N E Garden Val ley Blvd Roseburg OR 974M 6215th 5t 5pri ngfield OR 97477-3955 7-22-21 Job Details (Continued) SpeciRrations Install Helical Pier(s) to support the foundation as shown on job drawing using a standard bracket. Final Location of pier(s) is subject to field conditions. Install Angle Iron steel support on footing to disperse weight across footing between piers (includesexcavation) 0-2" Contractor Will 1.) Pre and Post walk-through with foreman. 2.) If unknown conditions arise TFFSwilI stop work and discuss with homeowner if project changes are required for any reason. Additional costs may apply if additional work is necessary. 3.) Maintain a safe and clean jobsite. 4.) Protect surfaces with drop cloths and plastic protection. 5.) Attempt to lift the foundation, floor and/or concrete but is not responsible for cosmetic damage that may occur. 6.) Benchmark all walls, floors, foundations and/or concrete within project area upon project completion. 7.) Customer Initials and Approves Above: Customer Will 1.) Final payment to be made to crew foreman upon completion of project. 2.) Remove personal items and obstacles from project area prior to installation. TIFFS is not responsible for items not moved. 3.) Be aware that dust, noise and dirt may be excessive is some cases. Dust may be present days after installation. 4.) Be aware TFFS will not remove dirt from jobsite unless noted in contract. 5.) Mark any private lines that may be hidden underground and assume all liability if damage should occur during installation. 6.) Be aware Lifting/Leveling/Straightening of walls, floors, foundation and/or concrete is not guaranteed. 7.) Be aware cracks and/or cosmetic damage may occur when floors, foundations and/or concrete is being lifted or adjusted. TIFFS is not responsible for new or existing cracks and/or cosmetic damage unless specifically noted in contract. 8.) Items that the customer is responsible for prior to TF crew arrival that have not been completed will resuit in an additional charge of $750.00. 9.) Customer Initials and Approves Above: Additional Notes If rock isencountered at 8' or less and Grouted Micropiles are required to permanently stabilize the foundation, design and price will be subject to change. Initial: TermFirma Foundation Systems JobLocation Page 3/7 761 N E Garden Val ley Blvd Roseburg OR 974M 6215th St 5pn agheld OR 97477-3955 7-22-21 Job Details (Continued) Additional Notes 1.) Customer a nd erstand s that TIFFS will charge the Customer's deposit for Engineering and Permits should, for any reason, the Customer decide notto complete the work. TIFFS will only charge for work that has actually been completed. Customer will be provided copies of the Engineering should it be completed. Customer Initials and Approves this paragraph: 2.) If engineer of record or governing jurisdiction require a full Geo -Technical Report to acquire a permit, an add Rional charge will be added based on access and scope of report. Customer Initials and Approves this paragraph: 3.) If engineer of record or governing jurisdiction require lateral restraint to be added to the project, an additional charge of up to $3,000.00 per restraint may be added to the project price. Customer Initials and Approves this paragraph: 4.) If subsurface conditions require the use of a rock drill to permanently stabilize the foundation, design and price may be subjectto change. Customer Initials and Approves this paragraph: 5.) Customer u nd erstand s that because SmartJack Post Replacements are utilizing the existing concrete pier pads, there is NO warranty against settlement, and that any future adjustments will be an additional charge. Customer Initials and Approves this paragraph: Product List Permanently Stabilize Foundation 3" Helical Pler,Standard Bracket............................................................................................................................. 7 AngleIron 0-2.................................................................................................................................................. 31 Non Finance Discount non finance discount ---------- .......................... ............ ........................... ............ .......... 1 TerraFirma Foundation Systems tub Location Pasle417 761 N E Garden Val ley Blvd Roseburg OR 97470 6215th St 5pn ngfield OR 97477-3955 7-22-21 Limited Warranty General Terms- Fordwappli.ble time periods indicated MIcw,t his warranty Is transferable at norher, to future owrersof thestructure on whichthework scecaied in this Contract is completed. This warranty is in effect arae job specified in this contract ismmpleted and paid in full and,alrernativel, Is nuII a void if full payment is not received. Contractordoes rotwarrant products not mentioned below, but someof such prMncts may Monvered by manufactunnewarranty.AlI material used is warranted to M as specified in this Contracc AlI work will Mcompleted in a workmanlike manneracmNingto the standard practices oft he Industry.Contra hur'sworkers are fu by covered by Workers' Compeosation Imurande. This proposal is based on visual Inspection of the readily adessibleareas ofthe identified impeded strudurels)am does not include hidden damage that may M present or areas when were not actually Impede l,were obstructed or not readily accessible at the time of the impedion, This proposal does not include landscaping or repairs to indirect damage to the structure that Morally and naturally flows from perfounanda of the Work. During the Work, should any conditions become apparent that were inaccessible or nceeled at the time ofthe initial Inspection, the person requesting the proposal must promptly notify TermFimm in writing cu same and allow TerraFirmm an opportunity to cure or TerraFirma may in its sole discrAlon stop work and charge thejob on a time and materials basis and discharge Its further obligatiom. THIS PROPOSAL IS I NTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE PERSON REQUEST NG THE PROPOSAL ANDONLY IF HE/SHE/THEY PAID FOR THE WORK IN FULL OR IN PART. NO OTHER PERSON, INCLUDING OWNER(S), TENANT($), BWER(S), SELLER(S), REALTORS), ANY TVI RD PARTY BENEFICIARYAND SUBSEQUENT PURCHASER(S) MAY RELY UPON THIS AGREEMENTOR ANY REPRESENTATION OR PROMISE MADE BY TERRAFIRMA Items For Which Customer is Responsible - Customer is respemible for 1) making full payment to the crew leader upon complehonofthe work; 2) preparin,the work area for installation; 3) any finish carpentry, painting paoeling landscaping, etc that may M necessary afterContradoi's work is finished; 4) morkinganry, private lines such as satellite cables, propane lines,sprinklersystem lines, etc; 5) maintaining positive drainage away fromthe repaired walls); 6) keeping gutters cleanand In good workhpgorder; 7)direding downspoutsa sufficient distance away from the repaired wallisk 8) maintaining properexpamionjoints In concrete slabs that are adjacent to the repaired walls); and 9)any items mentioned in this Contract under -Customer Will' or'Additlonel Notes.' Should the person requesting this proposal bwea complaint against TermFimu such as for defective Work, Mlshefthey shall provide reasonable written notice to and permit TermFirma an inspedion ofthe complained of condition before any alterations, repairs or replacements of said conditions.I n consideration of TerraFirma agreeing to perform the work,the person requesting this pmposal hereby agrees to release TerraFimu Foundation Systems, Ind. and Its owners. employees and agents ('TerraFirmal fromany and all liability, IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT PAI D, for damages or Injury of am kind which may result from the use or pi ofthe proposal and any Work performed or to be perfurnew& This 6a mp on damages. This Includes claims and damages of every kind, suchas consequential damages, delay, hazardous materials, earth moveneent,subsu there conditions, ads of warand acts ofGod. Tender of payment, in full or in part, constitutes agreement to all terms and conditions herein. In the case of non-payment or nom signamre of the proposal, the person requesting this proposal agrees that tbelrexolusive remedy is limited to the limited warranties that accompany the proposal for Work perfomred. The person requestbngtM proposal agrees to hold hamdess. Indemnify and defend TerreFirma from any and all claims se erted by third parties related to or arising from this proposal orthe Work. These limitations on remedies, limited warranties and cap on damages are expressly intended to survive termination ofthis occurred. Foundation Piers- Conttachmwarrants that the foundation piers will stabilize the affected areas) against further settlement for5eventy-Five (75) years from the date of installation, or she Contractor will provide the labor and materials, of no and toCustomer, to correct the problem with the foundation plem. Contractor does not warrant to lift to close cracks, to render dcors and windows operational, or to move walls back to their original position, but will do its best to achieve positive results in this regard. Customer should M aware that d amage can occur to the structure during lift operation and that Contractor is not rmnomible for such damps. Foundation piers provide vertical support only and cannot M expected to provide lateral supped If lateral movement cont us, additional work may M needed at an additional cod. Smartiock PostReplacement- The manufadurerof Smartlacks warrants that Sm ftJacks will, under compel use and service, M free from defects in material and workmamhip for seventy-five (75) years from the dated imtallatun Seee manufacturer's warranty for more details). If dwmes due to excess moisture occur in the areap) where Smartlock Post Repcementare Installed,anencapsulationsydemdrainage aM dehumidification maybe necessary Insuchareah)atanadditionalcod to Customer. There ism warranty, either explicit or Implied, against settlement with Smartlock Pmt Replacement. Standard Concrete Warranty - Contractor warrants all material and workmanship. While condrete can and will crack, Contractor warrants the area of new poured concrete to de minwithin Industry standards and will not vertically or horizontallyseparate more than Y.inchforone IAyearuponsubdantlalcompletio, Ifseparationgreaterthan Y.inch occurs, Contractor will provide the labor and matarals to re -level the area at no additional charge to Customer. This Warranty does not include patchhngor caulking of cracks or between slabs.This Warranty shall not apply to damages or defects due to natural disaster, charges to surround In grade, MavG unmaintaired maledjolnts, neglect, or IMQMlonaladsof Cudomm. Concrete Extended! Warranty -If pur:hased, extends the above-mentioned warranty for a period often (10) years upon substantial completion. TerreFlrma Candrete bawling -For condrete slabs raised with TerraFlrma Candrete Lewllne, Contractor warrants that the area where the slab of concrete was lifted will not settlem mtMn Y.ImhMraperiod Mfiw(5)warsfromtMdatedImtallMlom Ifkdoes,ContradorwlllprovidethebboraMn edahtore-lev ItMareaatnoadditional charge toCustomer. Thk Warranty does not Indlude patching or caulking between slabs. This Warranty Is void If Customer does not maintain grade around slabs and seal joints bemeenslabs. ResurfamPro-For areas where Contractor has Installed ResurtacePro, Contractor warrants that, fora period of the years fromthe original date of Installation, the concrete will not experience settlement that muses a trip hazard of more than 1/4 lndh, thejoint sealant will repaid coact and that the ResurtacePro will not de -bond exposing the original condrate Justaswith newcondrem nomulwearofthe ResurtacePro Ism be expected. In the eventthe concretesettlescausingatrip hazard nu more than V4 inch pint sealant does not stay Intact,and/or ResurtacePro de -hoods makingthe original concrete visible, Contractor will repair the failed area at noadditional cod to Customer. Excluslon: Contractor does not warrant heave of any slab where the work 6 performed, nor any damages caused by such heave Excluslom From Thk Warmnty -This Warmntydoes notcowraM Contmdorspecificallydislaims liabilkyMr: pextarlorwaterpraofine; 2)swtemdamagecaused by Cullom esnegl�enm,misuee,abuee,orakeration;3)dustincidentaltoinstallation;4)damagetopersonalpropertyofamdype;5)utilitylinebreekage;6)damagetamedby mold; J) failure or delay In perfornm nds or damage caused by ads of God (flood, firs, dorm methane gas. etc.), ads of civil or military authority, orany other cause outside of its control; 8)darn w, done during lifting operation; 9) basement water seepage; 10) heave orany damages caused by it; am 11)damp caused by lateral movements and forces of hillside creep, land sliding or slumping of fill sails of deep embankments. TermFirma Foundation Systems Job Location Pa S/7 761 N E Garden Val ley Blvd Roseburg OR 974M 6215th St 5pd ngfield OR 97477-3955 7-22-21 Limited Warranty (Continued) standard Exclueiom Permitted By State law - This Foundation Limited Warrarty r Warramyi 6 made In Iku wandexcludes all otherwarranties,evpress or implied, and all other obligatlom on the part m[hesamractorl"Commctor'1 to the customer PCustomeY).Ttere are romherverbaI or writtenwarranties, rowar otieswhichevtend beyond the description on the face hemof.and NO WARRANTIESOF EXPRESS OR IMPLIED MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Some states do net allastM sm luslon or llmitatloncumrminwarramks,sosomeof the above adusbnsand limitations may rot apply to Customer. The proposal Is based on visual Inspection of the readily accessibleareasoftM identified inspected structure(s) and does rot include hidden damagethat may M present or areaswhehwererotactually Impected,were obrtmcted or rot camilyaaessible atthe time of the inspection. This propmal does not include landscapingor repairs to indirect damage to thestrumure that rormally and naturallyflam firm pertormaroeof the Work. During the Work, should any conditions becomeapparentthat were inaccessible or wrcealed at the timeoftM initial Inspection, the person repuestlagthe proposal must promptly ratify TerraFimm in writingofsame and allow TerraFirma an opportunity to cure or TerraFirma may inks sale discretion stop work andchargethejob on a time and materiae bmisanddischarge Its furtherobliptlom. THIS PROPOSAL IS I NTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE PERSON REQUESTING THE PROPOSALANDONLY IF HE/SHIDTHEY PAID FOR THE WORK IN FULL OR IN PART. NO OTHER PERSON, INCLUDING MINER(S), TENANT(SL BINER(S), SELLER(S), REALTOR(S), ANY TVI RD PARTY BENEFICIARYAND SUBSEQUENT PURCHASER(S) MAY RELY UPON THIS AGREEMENTOR ANY REPRESENTATION OR PROMISE MADE BY TERRAFIRMA TermFirma Foundation Systems Job Lo tlon Page 6l7 761 N E Garden Val ley Blvd Roseburg OR 974M 6215th St 5pd ngfield OR 97477-3955 7-22-21 Notice of Right to Cancel You are entering into a contract. If that contract is a result of, or in connection with a salesman's direct contact with, or call to you at your residence without your soliciting the contract or call, then you have a legal right to void the contractor sale by notifying us within three business days from whichever of the following events occurs last: I. The date of the transaction, which is: or 2. The date you received this notice of cancellation. Howto Cancel If you decide to cancel this transaction, you may do so by notifying us in writing at: TerraFirma Foundation Systems TF 866-486-7196 F 541-229-4051 www.GoTerraFirma.com 761 NE Garden Valley Blvd Roseburg, OR 97470 You may use any written statement that is signed and dated by you and states your intentions to cancel, or you may use this notice by dating and signing below. Keep one copy of the notice because it contains important information about your rights. I wish to cancel. Owner% stature Dare Owner%sisnrture Dade The undersigned acknowledges receipt of the twocepies of the Notice of Right to Cancel. Owmr1 SIPature Date Owmr1 SIPature Date TerraFirma Fwndation Systems Job Location Page 70 761 N E Garden Val ley Blvd Roseburg OR 974M 6215th St 5pn ngfield OR 97477-3955 7-22-21 LOI ENVIRONMENTAL AND DEMOLITIONSERVICES 5930 few Road, Lake Oswego, OR 97035— 541-953-8301 — asaodw&(4oiemim.mm July 8, 2021 Tim Halverson 6215& Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Re: Asbestos abatement / 621 5' Street / Springfield, Oregon 97477 The following is our proposal to remove regulated/asbestos-containing material (ACM) at the above -referenced location. Scope of Work This proposal is for supplying all labor, materials and safety equipment necessary to remove materials discussed, examined at the site and detailed in the drawings/documents provided. Duties include the following: The proper removal of approximately 1300 square feet of asbestus -containing exterior stucco located on the main house and garage. Duties include the mobilization, removal and demobilization of all waste and abatement equipment. All necessary notification fees, (personal) air monitoring and disposal costs are included in this proposal. All pertinent documentation including the LRAPA notice form, air monitoring reports and waste shipment records and project lags will be included in a post -abatement package upon request. Protective barriers are erected, and NEPA-filtered air filtration units (AF'U) are installed to produce Negative Pressure Enclosures (NPE) in which the abatement process is conducted. These NPE will be maintained at four air changes per hour and with a minimum of 0.02 column inches of water pressure differential relative to outside pressure, evidenced by manometric measurements. Before protective barriers are removed a Quality ah test is performed as per Department of Environmental Quality Regulations (OAR 340-248-0270 (13)) Requirements The following services to be supplied by the building: potable water and three to six 120 Volt, 15 Amp electrical circuits within the vicinity of the work area. Schedule All work to be completed in a timely manner. Work would take place over 8 -day period. Insurance Inclusions The cost for the project includes the following, $500.000 general liability and pollution insurance. $1,000,000 auto insurance and $2,000,000 workers comp coverage with a $5,000,000 umbrella over the auto insurance. The following endorsements providing additional insurance and other coverage are available as a part of our standard policy: CG2010 10 01, Primary and Non - Contributory, C62037 10 01, Waiver of Subrogation for the General Liability and Workers Lake Oswego Inndarian Co. - I CCB: OR#38052 WA#LAKEOO1917JH Compensation. Exclusions Asbestos materials found in other meas are not included in this proposal. Bid for work described within. $18,692.00 The bid is valid for 30 days from the date of this proposal. Conditions This bid is conditioned upon the parties executing a written contract for the work included in this proposal with terms and conditions satisfactory to LOI Environmental & Demolition Services. Terms Payment is due within 30 days of invoicing. Late payments are subject m a 1.5% interest fee per month. Information Notices By signing below the owner's representative acknowledges receipt of the Oregon Notices For Residential Construction Projects (if applicable). If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, 54 4" 5"040x¢ Estimator LOI Environmental & Demolition Services A busimss ofLoke Oswego Tnsut don Co. LOI Environmental & Demolition Services is hereby authorized to furnish all materials and labor required to complete the work mentioned above, for which the undersigned agrees to pay the amount stated in accordance with the terms thereof. By: Title: Customer Name: Date: Customer PO # Billing Address: STREET CITY STATE WCODE Baling Contact: Phone Number: Lake Oswego Inralotion Co. - 2 CCB: OR938052 WA#LAKE007917JH sig 'sing Beautifying Home Exteriors One House at a Time... Northwest Siding Contractors of Eugene, Inc. July 15, 2021 Travis Prine, President 1006 Hillside Dr. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Phone: 541-688-2997 CCB#136733 E-mail: travisrninegnorthwestsidine.com Website: www.northwestsidine.com Beth Halverson 621 5s' St. Springfield, OR 97477 Email: bethannhalverson(ibgmail.com Phone: 541-513-5873 Dear Ms. Halverson: Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with a siding proposal for your home located at 621 S° Street in Springfield. We have priced the project at $35,000 when residing the entire home with 10" Primed Beveled Cedar (8 ''/a" Reveal), installing 1"X 6" Primed Clear Cedar comer boards, installing 5/4" X 2" Primed Clear Cedar inside corner boards, trimming all the windows with 1" X 6" Primed Clear Cedar with 2" X ''/d' PrimedFingerJointedCedar with 1 '/A" High Back Z -Metal on top, installing 7'/a" X 9 '/A" Primed Cedar Light Blocks with 1" High Back Z -Metal on top, installing 5 ''/4" X 7 '/A" Primed Cedar Dryer Vent Blocks with 1" High Back Z -Metal on top, and installing 3 '/A" X 5 ''/d' Primed Cedar Faucet Blocks with 1" High Back Z -Metal on top (provided spacing between the home and faucet allows for block installation). Notes: This price does not include removal of the existing siding. Tear off will be completed prior to our arrival. This price does not include siding the outside of right side addition. This price includes siding the wall of the house inside of the addition. This amount does not include replacing any dry rotted materials or any dry rot repair. Dry rot repair would be billed as follows: General Contractor/Lead @ $70 per hr./ Employees @ $50 per hr./ Plus material costs. It would be an additional $6,400 when painting the entire home with two coats of Sherwin-Williams® Lifetime Limited Warranty SuperPainfs. Notes: This price includes painting the lid of the porch cover the same color as the body color. It would be an additional $6,600 when insulating the entire home with R13 faced batt insulation. The top and bottom runs of the existing sheathing will be removed, then the insulation will be fed through, then new sheathing will be installed in the areas that were tom off. Please understand that with the current market fluctuation, material prices WILL fluctuate, we will need to adjust any pricing changes at the time of the job start. We apologize for any inconvenience, and we will all be thankful when everything settles back down and evens out to some consistency!! This bid is valid for 30 days. Please sign and return a copy of this proposal (See last page) to Northwest Siding Contractors of Eugene, Inc. as confirmation of acceptance of this proposal. The process Northwest Siding Contractors follows includes the items below in order 1. Removal of fencing, light fixtures, and other miscellaneous items that need to be removed from the exterior of the home will be removed at this time. 2. Removal of all the siding specified above. 3. Immediate cleanup and disposal of the old siding from the work site. 4. Install new HomeGuardTm Drainage Wrap as a moisture barrier while checking for dry rot. 5. Install the selected siding per manufacturers' specifications while removing all generated debris daily. 6. Reinstall all previously removed fixtures. 7. Paint the exterior body and trim of the newly resided areas of the home with two coats of Sherwin- Williams® Lifetime Limited Warranty SuperPaint®. Painting does not include wood windows, attached/detached decks, gazebos, deck posts, hand railing, shutters, any special trim, detached garage, or any other structures unless otherwise agreed to in advance in writing. The entire process for this home should take about 8-10 working days if the weather cooperates. Any additional line itemed items will add additional workdays to the project. This bid does not include any interior work or damage that may occur during the siding process. The building materials will be delivered onto the driveway along with a utility dump truck or utility trailer for any waste generated during the process. The dust that is generated during this process will also be swept up each evening and the driveway will remain clear of materials. We plan to remove the existing siding off the home only as necessary and apply new siding that same day if the weather forecast is questionable. We will be removing and replacing all existing moisture barrier with HomeGuardTm Drainage Wrap to comply with the new Oregon Rain Screening Practice Guidelines. Simplicity Tool Junction Flashing will be installed behind all field seams and no caulking. Grin-RitcTm Window & Door Protector will be installed around all windows and doors if applicable. MasterScal'e NP150' will be used on all window and comer trim. We ask for your patience and flexibility when scheduling your painting project. Once the siding has been installed on your home, we prefer to allow the new caulking to cure and set up about a week before we start your painting portion of your project. Also, painting is weather contingent and therefore may result in a delay. You are entered into our paint schedule by the date your project began. We kindly ask you to contact our office or project manager with your Sherwin-Williams® paint selections. When your house is ready for painting, we will fust mask off all the necessary items and spray on two coats of the selected body color. After completing the painting of the body color, the paper around the windows and doors will be removed and disposed of Then the selected him color will be hand brushed onto the chosen areas for trim. To complete the project, our team will walk around the entire home to ensure all the tape, paper, and any leftover debris is picked up and removed. Touch up paint will be left for the homeowner for each color used on the project. Lastly, we will do a final inspection with the homeowner before the final payment on the project. Our payment terms for this project WITH PAINT are as follows: 30% due when materials are delivered at the job site. 50% when the siding has been installed and all finish caulking is complete. 20% due upon completion of the painting and final approval is given by the homeowner. Our payment terms for this project WITHOUT PAINT are as follows: 30% due when materials are delivered at the job site. 70% when the siding has been installed and all finish caulking is complete, and final approval is given by the homeowner. In the event it becomes necessary to employ an attorney or institute a lawsuit to collect any payment due to Northwest Siding Contractors of Eugene, Inc. under this agreement or any modification to Us agreement, Northwest Siding Contractors of Eugene, Inc. shall be entitled to recover its attorney fees, costs and disbursements incurred. A late payment charge of 1.5% per month will be added to any account not paid in full 15 days after completion of project. A rebiaing charge of $25 per month will be added to all past due accounts. Northwest Siding Contractors of Eugene, Inc., guarantees the installation of the materials used and workmanship for three years. Please feel free to call me any time with your questions and thank you for the opportiurity to present you with our siding proposal. I look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, %attired Pulte Travis Prine President Acceptance ondAuthorivation To accept this bid please read and sign below: I authorize Northwest Siding Contractors of Eugene, Inc. to begin the described work and I agree to pay according to the above payment schedule. Name: Signature: Address: City, State, Zip Code: Date: