HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/13/2021B r JOHNSON CBRODERICK ENGINEERIN Memorandum To: Melissa Carino, City of Springfield From: Mikael Shields, P.E. Subject Final Site Plan Review Conditions 325 West 13'^ Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-338-9488 (office) w JBE.ussom Date: May 10, 2021 Project Name: OOC Storage Facility 1BE Project Number: 20031.03 This memo addresses the Site Plan Review approval conditions outlined in the staff report for Case Number 811-20-000222-TYP2 dated February 23, 2021 and describes how each condition is met on the revised application documents. Please note that the original application referenced the project as North Lake Property Management Storage Facirrty and the owner/applicant has selected a name for the facirrty, COC Storage. Approval Condition 1 — Prior to Final Site Plan approval the applicant must show all utility easements on the plans in accordanre with SDC A3 -740A. Research performed with the topographic survey did not reveal any existing utility easements along the E Street frontage. During discussions with SUB electric rt appears that their existing overhead facilities located adjacent to the right-of-way are not within an easement, but they have requested that one be provided with this development. The applicant will provide a 7 -foot wide Public Utility Easement (PUE) along the E Street frontage. The easement document was recorded with Lane County on the City provided easement boiler plate document and returned to the City Surveyor after recording The 7' PUE is shown on the revised site plan drawing Sheet C2.1. Approval Condition 2 —Pursuant to SDC 4.3-125, the applicant must place new utility lines underground and provide screening from utility vaults transformers/connections along E Street. The new electric utility service will be provided from an existing vault and transformer located at the southeast corner of the property. The vault is located in an easement on the adjacent property to the east. The new electric service line will run underground to the proposed building. No utirrties are proposed along the E Street frontage that would require screening. 01-101 May 10, 2021 J r JOHNSON 32S West Avenue C BRODERICK Eugene,Oregon 97401 541-338-94888-9488(office) ENGINEERING wm JBE.us.com Approval Condition 3 — In the case that the applicant wants to provide night watchmen's quarters as per SDC 4.7-185, the applicant must contact City staff and the Deputy Fire Marshal to ensure that required safeguards are in place by completing a Type I Site Plan Modification before occupancy is provided. No night watchmen's quarters are proposed with this development. Approval Condition 4 — Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide an Operations and Maintenance plan to the City for review to ensure the long-term maintenance and operation of the proposed stormwater planter, consistent with maintenance criteria required by the EDSPM 3.03.1. The plan must designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system and should be distributed to all property owners and tenants of the site. An Operations and Maintenance Plan is included with this submittal for City review and approval. The plan was developed using the guidelines found in the EDSPM 3.03.1. Stormwater planter maintenance will be the responsibility of the owner and copies of the plan will be provided to all tenants of the site. Approval Condition 5 —To ensure a fully functioning water quality system and meet objectives of Springfield's MS4 permit the SDC, and the EDSPM, the proposed stormwater planter must be fully vegetated with all vegetation species established prior to approval of the Final Site Inspection. Alternatively, if this condition cannot be met, the applicant must provide and maintain additional interim erosion controvwater quality measures acceptable to the Public Works Department that will suffice until such time as the swale vegetation becomes fully established. The landscape planting schedule includes a conservative amount of "overplanting" in the stormwater planter in anticipation that full plant establishment will take time. In addition, notes have been added to the Landscape drawings, Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan and stormwater planter details directing the contractor to provide additional erosion control measures as required to bridge the gap between full plant establishment. 01-101 May 10, 2021 J r JOHNSON CBRODERICK ENGINEERIN 325 West 13' Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-338-9488 (office) w JBE.usxom Approval Condition 6 -Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must execute and record an Improvement Agreement for "E" Street, for all remaining improvements required to bring the street to current City standards in accordance with SDC 5.16-135.8.3. Ome the City drafts and provides the Improvement Agreement for E Street, the applicant will execute and record the agreement in accordance with SDC 5.16-135.8.3. Approval Condition 7 - Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must revise the Landscope Plan and plant schedule to meet the minimum required shrubs (90) that are 5 - gallon size or larger per SDC 4.4-705.E.2. The attached updated Landscape Plan and plant schedule have been revised to include a minimum of (90) 5 -gallon or larger shrubs. Approval Condition 8 - Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must add construction notes regarding the required construction permit for the new proposed fence and gate in accordance with SDC 4.4-115.8.1. The proposed feme and gate will have abase height of 6 -feet with a barbed wire top as allowed in Table 4.4-1 for HI zoned property. Per SDC 4.4-115.8.1, a construction permit is not required because the fence is not over 6 -feet in height. Approval Condition 9 -Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must provide an on-site lighting plan for the project area and new buildings, with details such as cut sheets and photometric data to demonstrate control of glare and light cast beyond the property, in accordance with SDC 4.5-705. The required on-site lighting information is shown on the architectural floor plan and elevation drawings. Cut sheets with photometric data for the proposed exterior lights were irlcluded with the original submittal and are included again with this submittal. Approval Condition 10 - In accordance with SDC 4.6-120.C, all parking stalls that front a sidewalk, structure or a landscaped area must have a wheel bumper or linear curb set back at least two feet to allow for vehicle encroachment. Alternatively, the sidewalk or landscaped area can be widened by two feet to allow for vehicle encroachment. The O1-101 May 10, 2021 B r JOHNSON CBRODERICK ENGINEERIN 325 West 13'^ Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-338-9488 (office) w JBE.usxom attached Paving and Grading Plan (Sheet C2.2) has been modified to add concrete wheel bumpers for the parking stalls. Approval Condition 11 -Asper SDC 4.6-145, each of the three (3) required bicycle parking spaces must be 2'x 6' with an overhead clearance of 7, and with 5' access aisle beside or between each row of bicycle parking, and between parked bicycles and a wall or structure. Each required bicycle parking space must be accessible without removing another parked bicycle. Due to space limitations in the originally proposed location, the long-term bicycle parking area has been moved to the owner's personal storage space on the east side of the building as shown on the revised building floor plan. The area provides for the (3) required long-term spaces with the minimum clearances referenced in the code. Approval Condition 12 -Pursuant to SDC4.6-145 and A6-150, the applicant must show that these bicycle rocks' base is either asphalt or concrete and separated from vehicle parking by a barrier, curb, or sufficient distance to prevent damage to parked bicycles prior to Final Site Plan approval. The Paving and Grading Plan (Sheet C2.2) has been revised to add a concrete curb separating the vehicle parking area from the bicycle racks. The area underneath the bicycle rack will be paved with asphalt concrete. Approval Condition 13 - Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must include the below construction notes, including provisions for preventing groundwater contamination. The wellhead protection notes have been added to the civil general notes and the Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan general notes. Approval Condition 14 -Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant must identify the water well in the site plans. Because shallow wells can pose a risk to the aquifer, it is critical that the status of the well be addressed and that, assuming it still exists, that it be properly abandoned. The property owner contracted with Casey Jones well drilling to abandon the existing water well. The well has been properly abandoned and documentation filed with O1-101 May 10, 2021 B r JOHNSON CBRODERICK ENGINEERIN 325 West 131h Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-338-9488 (office) w JBE.us.com the state of Oregon water resources department. A copy of the receipt from Casey Jones is attached as evidence that the work has been completed. The location of the abandoned well will be noted on the revised site plan drawing. Approval Condition 15 - The applicant must follow the 'Best Practices- recommendations for this site. Notes have been added to the Civil General Notes and ESCP notes directing the contractor to follow the (3) Best Practices listed in approval conditions. Approval Condition 16 - The applicant must submit a Drinking Water Protection (D WP) Overlay District application for the entire site prior to Final Site Plan approval. The DWP application has been submitted to the City of Springfield, reference application No. 811-21-000109-TYP1 Approval Condition 17 -A standard Wellhead Protection Sign must be posted at the site during construction on a fence or stand-alone post in a highly visible location (such as the entrance to the construction site or in conjunction with other site signage). The location of the Standard Wellhead Protection Sign has been added to the site plan drawing along with a note directing the contractor to install the sign prior to construction. Approval Condition 18 -Standard Wellhead Protection Signs will need to be posted permanentlyat the trash enclosure and outside each of the proposed buildings. Permanent wellhead protection signs will be located at the trash enclosure and near the building entrance. Sign locations are noted on the revised architectural site plan drawing. Approval Condition 19 -The applicant must be responsible for the ongoing and perpetual maintenance of the private stormwater facilities on the site to ensure they function as designed and intended, and to ensure protection of groundwater resources. The stormwater facility Operation and Maintenance plan (copy attached) includes requirements for ongoing and perpetual maintenance along with a record keeping system for inspection and maintenance reports. Annual maintenance records will be kept by the property owner and provided to the City for review upon reasonable request. 01-101 May 10, 2021 City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review SPRINGFIELD I& Ak Application.. Site Plan Review Pre -Submittal: ❑ Major Site Plan Modification Pre -Submittal: ❑ Site Plan Review Submittal: X❑ Ma'or Site Plan Modification Submittal: ❑ Required Project Information (Applicant., complete this section) Applicant Name: Zack Reeves Phone: 541-729-0045 Company. North Lake Propedy Management Email: zrev80@gmaii.com Address: 36997 Goats Road, Springfield, OR 97478 Applicant's Rep.: Mikael Shields, P.E. Phone: 541-338-9483 x1008 Company. Johnson Broderick EngineeringEmail: mike@jbe.us.com Address: 325 W. 13th Avenue, Eugene, OR 97401 Property Owner: Zack Reeves Phone: 541-729-0045 Company: North Lake Property Management Email: zrev80@gmail.com Address: 36997 Goats Road, Springfield, OR 97478 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-32-23 TAX LOT NOS : 400 Property Address: 4155 E Street, Springfield, OR 97478 Size of Property: 0.52 Acres x Square Feet Elp Proosed No, of : N/A Pro osed Name of Project: North Lake Property Management Storage Facility Description of If you are Filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: See attached Existing Use: Vacant land New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): 13,892 sf Si natures: Please si nand rint our name and date in the aDUrogriate Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., Associated Applications: box on the next a e. complete this section) Si ns: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date. Reviewed by: Case No.: I Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: # Technical Fee: $ Posta a Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ 1 PROJECT NUMBER: Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre -submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Owner: The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Date: Signature Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre -Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, anrwntten begin processing the application with the pppformation as subm' This state me t servesce pursuant tothe requirerler�s o`ORS�27.17=pertaining to a application. I I 1//U_ Owner: //�'/V�►1 Date: S °, 7��� �d f,5 J B E JOHNSON 325 West Avenue B R O D E R I C K Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-338-9486 (office) ENGINEERING w JBE.usxom In accordance with the Site Plan Review (SR) submittal requirements, this written statement and the enclosed attachments describe the proposed development and demonstrate that the proposal complies with the relevant SR criteria under Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.17-125. This application will also include a Phased Development Plan submitted in accordance with SDC 5.17-115 to address a proposed future additional building on the site. Project Information: North Lake Property Management (NLPM) proposes to construct a vehicle and equipment storage facility on currently undeveloped property located at 4155 E Street in Springfield. The proposed building footprint is approximately 4728 S.F. and includes an attached two-story office area that is approximately 848 S.F. in size. Uses that will occur on the property will include storage of vehicles and equipment primarily those used for other businesses such as landscape maintenance and construction. The storage spaces will be rented or leased individual units within the same structure. Site Information: The subject site is located at 4155 E Street, (Tax Lot 17-02-32-23-00400) comprising approximately 0.52 acres. The property is zoned Heavy Industrial (H I). The site abuts Heavy Industrial zoned property to the west and Community Commercial property to the east. The property to the south is currently vacant land Community Commercial. The property lies within Zone X, Areas of 100 -year flood with average depths of less than 1 foot or with drainage areas less than 1 square mile, and areas protected by levees from 100 -year flood, as mapped on FIRM map number 41039C1142F. Soil types on the site are 92%32 -Coburg Urban Land Complex, and 8% 101 -Oxley Urban Land Complex. The site is located within the 20 -year Time of Travel Zone for SUB wellhead protection. Approval Criteria: Springfield Development Code 5.17-115 Criteria A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. The current zoning for this site is Heavy Industrial (HI). Warehouse facilities are an allowed use in the HI zone. B. Capacity requirements of public and privatefacilities including but not limited to, water and electricity, • sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided far by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine copacityissues. Revision 0 May 10, 2021 )BE Project No. 20031.03 Page 11 J B E JOHNSON 325 West 13' Avenue B R O D E R I C K Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-338-9486 (office) ENGINEERING vmwJBIE.us.com Capacity requirements of public and private facilities will not be exceeded by the proposed development, as follows; Water, Electrical: There is an existing YV water meter service on the site. This service size is adequate for the proposed domestic water use anticipated by the development. A fire hydrant will be installed by SUB on the north side of E Street across from the proposed driveway to meet the distance requirements for the proposed building location. Underground electrical service is currently available at the southeast corner of the property. The new electrical service come from an existing vault located in an easement on the adjacent property to the east and run underground to the proposed building as shown on the site plan. During the Development Issues Meeting (DIM), SUB representatives reported no capacity issues that would limit water or electric service to the property. Sanitary Sewer System: There is an existing public sanitary sewer in E street adjacent to the property. A service connection exists on the west side of the property and will be used to connect the building and trash enclosure drain to the sanitary sewer system. The amount of discharge into the sanitary sewer system from the development will be less than what was anticipated based on the HI property zoning. Stormwater Management Facilities: There is no public piped stormwater system available adjacent to the property. All runoff from new impervious surfaces created by the proposed development will be infiltrated on site using a stormwater planter infiltration basin designed in accordance with Springfield Public Works Stormwater Management standards. The system is sized to handle the additional runoff from Phase 2 of the development. Stormwater treatment will also be provided in the infiltration basin. A Stormwater Design Narrative and Facility Sizing Spreadsheet is attached. The proposed stormwater management system is shown on Sheet C2.1 of the attached drawing set. Street and Traffic Safety Controls: The proposed development does not affect street and traffic safety controls. C. The proposed development shall comply withal/ applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. The proposed development will be designed and constructed in accordance with all applicable public and private design standards. Area lighting will be provided with exterior lights mounted on the building as shown on the architectural drawings. D. Parking areas and ingress -egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion, provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas, minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards far State highways. Ingress -egress to the property will be provide along E Street as shown on the attached Site Plan Sheet C2.1. On-site parking and vehicle maneuvering areas will be provided as shown on the attached Paving and Grading Plan Sheet C2.2. (4) bicycle parking spaces are required, (3) of which must be enclosed. Revision 0 May 10, 2021 )BE Project No. 20031.03 Page 12 J ^ r JOHNSON �u{ C BRODERICK ENGINEERING 325 West 13' Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-338-9488 (office) vmw.lBE.us.com One space will be provided outside near the office entrance and (3) spaces will be provided inside the building in the storage area. The nearest existing transit stop is located on the south side of Main Street between 42"d Street and 43r° Street as shown on Sheet C2.0. E Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions, areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas, other riparian areas and wetlands specified in Section 4.3-117,• rock outcroppings; open spaces, and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905.135-140, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federallaw. According to the WQLW map, the site is not near a watercourse and is located outside the floodplain zone. No riparian areas, wetlands, rock outcroppings, open space, and areas of historic significance are present on the property. Conclusion: Based on the information provided and findings contained in this written statement and associated plan set, the proposed storage facility and associated improvements meets the Site Plan Review criteria contained in the Springfield Development Code. Therefore, the applicant requests that the City of Springfield approve the proposal. If you have any questions about this written statement or associated plan set, please contact Mikael Shields at (541) 338-9488 x1008 or email at: mike@jbe.us.com. Revision 0 May 10, 2021 )BE Project No. 20031.03 Page 13 ® 2020 JOHNSON BRODERICK ENGINEERING. No part of This document can be reproduced without the written permission from JBE, [ 325 WEST 13TH AVENUE EUGENE UHeGON, 9(4U1. (b41)33a-U4dd or tax [b41)33S-94tl3I C•ra � dem yi Z �o,m U Ll' N m OWNER Z O E w c _ NORTH LAKE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 1n LUZ p1 $ n GOATS 36997 ROAD Z O — C - SPRINGFIELD,OR97478 = O 0 W o m PROJECT CONTACT'. ZACK REEVES 0 UJ o PHONE: 541-729.0045 ai EMAIL zrev80@gmail.win G w N m Y � 3 Wy o CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING — 3 JOHNSON BRODERICK ENGINEERING, LLC ca 325 WEST 13TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 3 m ENGINEER OF RECORD: ROBERTJOHNSON, PE PROJECT CONTACT: TRACY BACON, EIT PHONE: 541-338-9488 EMAIL: robert@jbe.us.com JHE OOIX/MEMPNo rReessrsNs WCORFCR1rEDHEAEINAH IHE SYCF JOHMSON6FCaFFIca ENGINEERIM1'G LLC.ANUISNOi r0 BE SURVEYING usFo, u�xmoLeoRwer wRArn MONTOYA LAND SURVEYING LLC w,vrir=NER�mEo rzar vcll TlMi P.O. BOX 250 <wxcivALs cF:cH.Rsa+sRwEmcrc eN�rrvezm�us BROWNSVILLE, OR 97327 PROJECT CONTACT: JAMEY MONTOYA PHONE: 541-221-2427 EMAIL: jamey@montoyalandsurveying.com V t1 ARCHITECT 1 ALBRECHT ARCHITECTURE lli...___... NOT USED 20 NOT USED 16 NOT USED 12 NOT USED o ® 1740 WILLAMETTE EUGENE, OREGONS97401 PROJECT CONTACT: CHRISTOPHER REEL PHONE: 541-485-3315 ~ - EMAIL: christopher@albrechtarchiteclum.com b>ars{.p1 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT DOUGHERTY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 474 WILLAMETTE ST, 9305 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PROJECT CONTACT: LUZANNE SMITH PHONE: 541-683-5803 EMAIL: luzzanee@dladesign.com NOT USED 19 NOT USED 15 NOT USED 11 NOT USED 7 PROJECT TEAM 3 ER SHEET TING CONDITIONS SURVEY BY MONTOYA PLAN ING & GRADING PLAN =PLANS Z AlA PLANS LUATIONSE FELLING PLAN w CD SCAPING PLAN Q CO � 1 w O EL w a-Fo LU wwo Y Q IY w � LL (7 LU C)f M O� Ll Zv(n NOT USED 18 NOT USED 14 NOT USED 10 NOT USED 6 SHEET INDEX 2 15 s 'I w m 4156EST� ¢' a — — — — — PROPERTY LINE1. t o 0 HATCH DENOTES ASPHALT PAVEMENT w m w o y� -0-0-0— O O O FENCE r � � G G UNDERGROUND GAS LINE r i 5 2424.08.19 SS SS UNDERGROUND SEWER LINE Date: s " 20031.03 WL Wr OVERHEAD WATER LINE Pr No: - — —DHL— — — —dHL— - OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE „ JW Drawn B : COMM comm UNDERGROUND COMM LINE A Checked By: AMB COVER SHEET Sheet title: C0.0 NOT USED 17 NOT USED 13 LEGEND 9 NOT USED 5 VICINITY MAP 1 ® 2020 JOHNSON BRODERICK ENGINEERING. No part of This document can be reproduced without the written permission from JBE, [ 325 WEST 13TH AVENUE EUGENE UHeGON, 9(4U1. (b41)33a-U4dd or tax [b41)33S-94tl3I C•ra 4155 E ST (E) STREET LIGHT i d.. Lie n2. —(E) LTD BUS r STOP t _ 2 BUS STOP & LIGHT LOCATIONS C2.0 1 -1T FOUND 5/8" IRON ROI 0.2' NORTH OF FENCE T.L. LANK, LLC DOC. NO. 2010-024978 IS \G wL `wL KIWL� FOUND 1" IRON PIPE " r t AWL DOWN 0.8' IN GRAVEL / y C CCCCCnnnnn 6ry /SUB WELLHEAD PROTECTION 20 -YEAR TIME OF TRAVEL ZONE- / I I r ZACHARY REEVES TAMERA KJAR DOC. NO. 2019-055473 , I I � 1 FLOOD HAZARD: ZONE X, AREAi� OF MINIMAL FLOOD HAZARD 44'' 01 0 — I 3r______________483_--_—______ I —�—•_�_ _P_ ____484______________`—� I—x- 5 89°52'OD' W -171.26'-x—x—x—x—x—x—x—x—x—x—x=5r x=X� BASIS OF BEARINGS Q1 EXISTINGCONDITIONS cz.o 1 =z - FOUND BENT/TEANING 5/8" IRON ROD ARC OF LANE COUNTY DOC. NO. 2018-026188 INV ELEV= 482.28 FOUND BRASS CAP IN CONCRETE MARKING THE BE CORNER OF D.L.C. NO. 81 GENERAL NOTES THIS SHEET: 1. THE EXISTING CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY CONDUCTED BY MONTOYA LAND SURVEYING LLC ON AUGUST 21, 2020. 2. THE LOCATIONS OFTHE BUS STOP AND STREET LIGHT PROVIDED BYJBE. FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY AND WELLHEAD PROTECTION ZONE INFORMATION PROVIDED BY JBE. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOT 2, IN BLOCK 3, OF MORROW PLAT, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 19, PAGE 6, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. EXCEPT: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 2, BLOCK 3, MORROW PLAT, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 19, PAGE 6, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON; RUN THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2 ON THE ARC OF A 256,48 FOOT RADIUS CURVE RIGHT (THE LONG CHORD OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 71°10'30" EAST 77.66 FEET) A DISTANCE OF 77.93 TO THE END OF CURVE AS LOCATED IN SAID MORROW PLAT; THENCE LEAVING THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND RUN SOUTH 19°00'30" WEST 193.49 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 THAT IS 10.0 FEET NORTH 89°52' EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE SOUTH 89°52' WEST 10.0 FEET TO SAID SOUTHWEST CORNER; THENCE NORTH 0°08' WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 2, 208.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. TITLE MATTERS A TITLE REPORT DATED AUGUST 11, 2020 FROM CASCADE TITLE COMPANY DISCLOSED THE FOLLOWING MATTERS OF RECORD, THESE MATTERS DO NOT CONTAIN SPECIFIC LOCATIONS AND CANNOT BE PLOTTED: 1. EASEMENT TO EUGENE -SPRINGFIELD LAND & WATER COMPANY FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF, AS DISCLOSED IN DEED RECORDED JUNE 28, 1940, RECEPTION NO. B205 P023, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS. 2. RIGHT OF WAY TO USE SLOUGH FOR IRRIGATION, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF, AS DISCLOSED IN DEED RECORDED AUGUST 21, 1912, RECEPTION NO. 8094 P634, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS. 3. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF (BUT OMITTING COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW) IN DEED RECORDED APRIL 27, 1953, RECEPTION NO. 1953-002495, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS. NOTES: ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED UPON A GPS STATIC OBSERVATION AND ARE ON THE NAVD 88 VERTICAL DATUM. SYMBOLS SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY MAY BE OUT OF SCALE FOR DRAWING CLARITY. A GRAVEL PARKING AREA TO THE WEST CROSSES THE PROPERTY LINE AS SHOWN. THE NEIGHBOR WAS PARKING VEHICLES ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTYAT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. UTILITY LINES SHOWN ARE BASED UPON ABOVE GROUND EVIDENCE AS WELL AS UTILITY LOCATE MARKS. THE LOCATION OF THESE MARKS IS APPROXIMATE. EXACT LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY EXCAVATION. THE UNDERGROUND GAS LINE ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF E STREET IS A HIGH PRESSURE STEEL LINE AND REQUIRES COORDINATION WITH THE GAS COMPANY PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION IN THE AREA. THE NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT IS ±235 FT EAST OF THE PROPERTYAT THE INTERSECTION OF 42ND STREET WITH E STREET. © 2020 JOHNSON BRODERICK ENGINEERING. No part of this doeunant can be reproduced without the written permission from JBE, [ 325 WEST 13TH AVENUE EUGENE OREGON, 97401. (541)336-9488 our fax (541)338-94831 CD ASPHALT Drawn6: PROPERTY BOUNDARY m 'M UCC EDGE OF GRAVEL COMM UNDERGROUND COMMUNICATIONS c UNDERGROUND GAS LINE w2 UNDERGROUND WATER LINE S8 UNDERGROUND SEWER LINE —DHL OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE x—x—x FENCE LINE — —430 — — MAJOR CONTOUR LINE ----423---- MINOR CONTOUR LINE t UTILITY POLE ® WATER METER QQ SEWER MANHOLE • FOUND SURVEY MONUMENT D TELEPHONE PEDESTAL w Be TEST PIT LOCATION 0 DECIDUOUS TREE CONIFEROUS TREE PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOT 2, IN BLOCK 3, OF MORROW PLAT, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 19, PAGE 6, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. EXCEPT: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 2, BLOCK 3, MORROW PLAT, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK 19, PAGE 6, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON; RUN THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 2 ON THE ARC OF A 256,48 FOOT RADIUS CURVE RIGHT (THE LONG CHORD OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 71°10'30" EAST 77.66 FEET) A DISTANCE OF 77.93 TO THE END OF CURVE AS LOCATED IN SAID MORROW PLAT; THENCE LEAVING THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 AND RUN SOUTH 19°00'30" WEST 193.49 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 2 THAT IS 10.0 FEET NORTH 89°52' EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2; THENCE SOUTH 89°52' WEST 10.0 FEET TO SAID SOUTHWEST CORNER; THENCE NORTH 0°08' WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 2, 208.03 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. TITLE MATTERS A TITLE REPORT DATED AUGUST 11, 2020 FROM CASCADE TITLE COMPANY DISCLOSED THE FOLLOWING MATTERS OF RECORD, THESE MATTERS DO NOT CONTAIN SPECIFIC LOCATIONS AND CANNOT BE PLOTTED: 1. EASEMENT TO EUGENE -SPRINGFIELD LAND & WATER COMPANY FOR IRRIGATION PURPOSES, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF, AS DISCLOSED IN DEED RECORDED JUNE 28, 1940, RECEPTION NO. B205 P023, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS. 2. RIGHT OF WAY TO USE SLOUGH FOR IRRIGATION, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF, AS DISCLOSED IN DEED RECORDED AUGUST 21, 1912, RECEPTION NO. 8094 P634, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS. 3. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS, INCLUDING THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF (BUT OMITTING COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS, DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW) IN DEED RECORDED APRIL 27, 1953, RECEPTION NO. 1953-002495, LANE COUNTY OREGON DEED RECORDS. NOTES: ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE BASED UPON A GPS STATIC OBSERVATION AND ARE ON THE NAVD 88 VERTICAL DATUM. SYMBOLS SHOWN ON THIS SURVEY MAY BE OUT OF SCALE FOR DRAWING CLARITY. A GRAVEL PARKING AREA TO THE WEST CROSSES THE PROPERTY LINE AS SHOWN. THE NEIGHBOR WAS PARKING VEHICLES ON THE SUBJECT PROPERTYAT THE TIME OF THE SURVEY. UTILITY LINES SHOWN ARE BASED UPON ABOVE GROUND EVIDENCE AS WELL AS UTILITY LOCATE MARKS. THE LOCATION OF THESE MARKS IS APPROXIMATE. EXACT LOCATIONS OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY EXCAVATION. THE UNDERGROUND GAS LINE ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF E STREET IS A HIGH PRESSURE STEEL LINE AND REQUIRES COORDINATION WITH THE GAS COMPANY PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION IN THE AREA. THE NEAREST FIRE HYDRANT IS ±235 FT EAST OF THE PROPERTYAT THE INTERSECTION OF 42ND STREET WITH E STREET. © 2020 JOHNSON BRODERICK ENGINEERING. No part of this doeunant can be reproduced without the written permission from JBE, [ 325 WEST 13TH AVENUE EUGENE OREGON, 97401. (541)336-9488 our fax (541)338-94831 CD y Drawn6: Y Z m 'M UCC AMB Z d'M'M 0 C)f W S 0 W z tM = OCD W �ELL CC Z E O m W L R V w Be L1J y c? 3 $ 3 C <m Cal m o Um Dieiuuy sie"ea 21RLR PRgc �5<fS�l NfF.`�� 2v E P 4943PE K— ; O�HRPm M. e &pires: 2021.12.31 Aaron M. Broderick P.E. JBE, Eugene I approve this document. Document9@JBE.us.com 2021.05.12 16:0358-0TO0' Z W W 0 Z IY O LU 0 EL LU 0IY Iwo W W 0 Y IY W ¢J ~ W _ 0 W Z DIY O d Z cn HE a Date: 2020.08.19 Pro eet No: 20031.03 Drawn6: JW Checked Bv: AMB EXISTING CONDITIONS C2.0 S 89052'00" W -171.26' GENERAL NOTES THIS SHEET: 1. CARE MUST BE TAKEN DURING SITE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION TO PREVENT CONTAMINATIO FROM CHEMICALS THAT MAY SPILL OR LEAK ONTO THE GROUND SURFACE, INCLUDING FUEL AND AUTOMOTIVE FLUIDS (SUCH AS LUBRICANTS AND ANTIFREEZE, ETC.) 2. FLUID-CONTAINING EQUIPMENT, INCLUDING VEHICLES PARKED ON THE SITE, MUST BE MONITORED FOR LEAKS AND SPILLS 3. ANY CHEMICAL SPILLS OR LEAKS MUST BE CLEANED UP IMMEDIATELY AND CLEANUP MATERILAS DISPOSED OFF-SITE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LANE COUNTY AND STATED DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (DEQ) REQUIREMENTS. 4. MUST PROVIDE ADDITIONAL INTERIM EROSION CONTROLNVATER QUALITY MEASURES ACCEPTABLE TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT THAT WILL SUFFICE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE SWALE VEGETATION BECOMES FULLY ESTABLISHED. KEYED NOTES THIS SHEET 9NEW FENCE W/ GATE @ ENTRANCE 9EDGE OF NEW PAVEMENT D3 STORMWATER INFILTRATION AREA =1231 S.F. ® AREA RESERVED FOR (4) FUTURE PARKING SPACES 05 PROPOSED TRASH ENCLOSURE - HYDRAULICALLY ISOLATED WI DRAIN TO SANITARY SEWER, SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ® PROPOSED DRIVEWAY p7 EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVEWAY TO BE REMOVED OB PROPOSED PHASE 1 BUILDING =4,741 S.F. D9 PROPOSED PHASE 2 BUILDING = 1,636 S.F. 1D PROPOSED WASTEWATER LINE 11 PROPOSED WATER LINE 12 PROPOSED PARKING (2) REGULAR SPACES & (1) VAN ACCESSIBLE ADA SPACE 13 PROPOSED STORM DRAIN LINE 14 NEW FIRE HYDRANT TO BE INSTALLED BY S.U.B. i6 CONTRACTOR TO POST WELLHEAD PROTECTION SIGN AT CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (a)gWMWATER INFILTRATION AREA SECTION c21 1° = r -p' SITE AREAS SQUARE FOOTAGE OVERALL PERCENTAGE PHASE 1 BUILDING 4,741 S.F. 20.9% PHASE 2 BUILDING 1,636 S.F. 7.2% PAVED AREA 7,515 S.F. 33.2% LANDSCAPE AREA 8,758 S.F. 38.7% UM DED 0 2020 JOHNSON BRODERICK ENGINEERING. No part of this document can be reproduced without the written permission from JBE, [ 325 WEST 13TH AVENUE EUGENE OREGON, 97401. (541)338-9488 or fax (541)338-9483 ] DIg Wily Slgnedd]..II �p P� G P �4943PE ;ORPGWCN 1H m M. Bq,-c�ia — ROP &pires:2021.12.31 Aaron M. Broderick P.E. JBE, Eugene I approve this document. Documents@JBE.us.com 2021.05.12 16:04:49-07'08' z Z W 2 W 0 Q cc) p- rn � z LU O LU o_ w O w aH LUUJ Y W W_ J � LL = W Z Z_ 0U)D' Opo_ z v rn n Q a � e CD 1! 2—. Y Z 0 W LUS._ cn LU LU m� w >w ry 20 U) C7W�LL 00, Z E M w rW z UjN y LL a - 3 3 O Corn m LL U1. DIg Wily Slgnedd]..II �p P� G P �4943PE ;ORPGWCN 1H m M. Bq,-c�ia — ROP &pires:2021.12.31 Aaron M. Broderick P.E. JBE, Eugene I approve this document. Documents@JBE.us.com 2021.05.12 16:04:49-07'08' z Z W 2 W 0 Q cc) p- rn � z LU O LU o_ w O w aH LUUJ Y W W_ J � LL = W Z Z_ 0U)D' Opo_ z v rn n Q a � e w >w ry U) rW z y LL O LL O Q � w w w V5 Date: 2020.08.19 Proiecl No: 20031.03 Drawn B : �W Checked e : AMB SITE PLAN Sheet title: C2.1 V VV VL VV .\ r1 r.LV PAVING & GRADING PLAN Tn c2. GRADING NOTES z m 2020.08.19 Y 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OVEREXCAVATE ALL AREAS WHERE SUBBASE COMPACTION DOES NOT MEET THE REQUIRED STANDARD Z U D_ CI mm Drawn B : Jw SPECIFICATIONS, AS DETERMINED BY FIELD INSPECTION AND TESTING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OVEREXCAVATE AT 6'BELOW p W LU G.. TOP OF CURB SUBGRADE, LAY APPROVED GEOTEXTILE FABRIC AND COMPACT GRANULAR BACKFILL MATERIAL. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL � w LU m h $ TOP OF 81 -Ab INSPECTION AND TESTING WITH THE PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL. = p 0 L'i i!2LL ME MEETEXISITING O� 0 ALL STRIPPINGS SHALL BE REMOVED FROM SITE BY CONTRACTOR. DO w 2. N = N 3. ADA PARKING SPACES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH SLOPES IN ALL DIRECTIONS AT 2.00%OR LESS. m 4. PHASE CLEARING AND GRADING TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PRACTICAL TO PREVENT EXPOSED INACTIVE AREAS FROM BECOMING A co ? 3 z SOURCE OF EROSION. C W 5. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES MUST AVOID OR MINIMIZE EXCAVATION AND CREATION OF BARE GROUND DURING WET WEATHER. = m = m 6. BRING ALL FINISHED GRADES TO LEVELS INDICATED. IS IS 7. GRADES REFERENCE TOP OF PAVEMENT FOR FINISH GRADE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 8. ALL CURBS ARE 6 INCHES TALL UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. mepocvuca'Tnxp lxE orvcns hs ueouAfisys FlasassAro .rassRIxG. LLC. Ase..'TOas 9. ALL DIMENSIONS AND COORDINATES ARE TO INSIDE FACE OF CURB UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. vs TMEe�nlE �mrmur�v p WRITTEN AVMOfl..WY. ra. LL PRIxCIPALSCFJOXlaoa 9P'ASVIGC 10. CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTION OF EXISTING CURB AND STORM ELEMENTS ON OR NEAR THE SITE AND REPLACEMENT OF cw'slxswarvs � ITEMS DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTION. W he 1%1 ly signed S 1. r2 11. ALL CURB RADII ARE 3.75 FEET AT CURB FACE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. ALL PARKING STALLS ARE ROTATED 60° TO ADJACENT TRAVEL LANE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. I'ECk � W �5<fS�I NfF.`�i P �4943PE KEYED NOTES THIS SHEET: O 01 ASPHALT PAVED AREA ;0 REGDNae ,F O ON 10. 10 02 EXISTING GRAVEL APPROACH TO BE REMOVED M. PROP�� &pires: 2021.12.31 03 INSTALL PRECAST CONCRETE WHEEL BUMPER AaronM. Broderick P.E. JBE, Eugene ® CONSTRUCT 6"CONCRETE EXTRUDED CURB I approve this document. Documents@JBE.us.com OS CONSTRUCT 4"THICK CONCRETE SLAB 2021.05.1216:05:01-0700 1-- z Z W 2 W C7 Q aQ P— Of Z LU O LU a w O w a�� w ww� Y 2 W_ J � LL = W Z H Z_ of Ug Oma z v rn LEGENDDate. w 2020.08.19 — - - - - - - - — CONTOUR LINE ASPHALT PAVED AREA 222No: 20031.03 Drawn B : Jw TP TOP OF PAVEMENT TC TOP OF CURB TS TOP OF 81 -Ab Checked By' AMB ME MEETEXISITING PAVING & GRADING PLAN N W z h LL W' K p LL LL � W W � W � O � N h N N h LEGENDDate. 2020.08.19 — - - - - - - - — CONTOUR LINE ASPHALT PAVED AREA 222No: 20031.03 Drawn B : Jw TP TOP OF PAVEMENT TC TOP OF CURB TS TOP OF 81 -Ab Checked By' AMB ME MEETEXISITING PAVING & GRADING PLAN C 2021 JOHNSON BRODERICK ENGINEERING. No part of this document can he reproduced a iNout the written permission from JBE, [ 325 WEST 13TH AVENUE EUGENE OREGON, 97401. (541)338-9488 or fate (541)338-9483 ] C2.2 DOWN- SPOUT 6" METAL SHED ROOF; PROVIDE GUTTER® FRONT EDGE: ROUTE DOWNSPOUT TO STORMWATER FACILITY AREA DRAIN; CONNECT TO WASTEWATER LINE WALLS t GATE: CHAINLINK FENCE w/ WINGED SLATS 4" CONCRETE SLAB, SLOPE TOWARD AREA DRAIN TRASH ENCLOSURE PLAN SCALE: 1/2" = F-0" - 3'-O" — 7 3'-6" STANI SPRINGFIELD WELL PROTECTIOI Oil EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCE= 63.5 FT IMAX ALLOWED =15 FT) LONGE5TCOMMON PATH OF EGRESS TRAVEL - 23' (MAX P z �z ALLOWED =15 FT) ROOFNA 1006.3.3(2), MAX ALLOWABLE EXIT ACCESS M Gni TREVEL DISTANCE FROM 2ND FLOOR (STORY W/ ONE W w U EXIT) IS 15 FT. TUIBr ST: rRAMt lim +1 F p Q� -• h 03/26/2021 CTD REVISIONS - W / WINGS iiiiiiiii LJ I I TYPICAL TRASH ENCLOSURE 12 —11/2 IETAL 4566 SOFT. NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A GENERAL-PURPOSE SELF -STORAGE FACILITY W/ OFFICES ON UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY. EL LAND -USE g ZONING; FENCE MAP 4 TAXLOT: IP -02-32-23-004000.52 ACRES SLATS, ZONE: HEAVY INDUSTRIAL(HU SMACKS: (ALL SIDES) 1OPT FOR BUILDINGS, 5FT FOR PARKING, DRIVEWAY g OUTDOOR STORAGE. STREET DESIGNATION: LOCAL STREET. ROW IS 60FT WIDTH: ROW IS ALREADY WIDER THAN SPECIAL SET5ACK DISTANCE FOR ANY LOCAL STREET TYPE, 50 NO SPECIAL SET5ACK APPLIES. SIDE ELEVATION TRASH ENCLOSURE SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" TRASH ENCLOSURE V -m1 Si_Ou Irl 5'-8" 04 13�---_ 3�" II III 05 I� 3-6 UP I6 RISERS ® 6 l" TREADS ®12" N 2ND FLOOR n 1ST FLOOR PLAN OFFICES U SCALE: 1/4"="°" OFFICES mm M OFFICE *I GYP BOARD CEILING i i MANEUVERING CLEARANCES TVP. i i WH N L 8'-0" FLOOR DRAIN VERIFY DISTANCE W/SHOWER MFGR ADA - COMPLIANT TRANSFER -TYPE SHOWER I^ I I I I I I I I I I I I I / I I I I I I I I I I APPLICABLE CODES; 7019 OREGON STRUCTURAL SPECIALITY CODE 2015 OREGON MECHANICAL SPECIALTY CODE 20111 OREGON ZERO ENERGY READY COMMERCIAL CODE SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE CONSTRUCTION TYPE; TYPE V-5 UNSPRINKLED OCCUPANCY TYPE PRIMARY OCCUPANCY -6-1 (2) EXITS PROPOSED (STORAGE SPACES EXIT DIRECTLY TO OUTDOORS) TWO STORY GROSS BUILDING AREA- 4566 SOFT. OCCUPANT LOAD OFFICES: OCCUPANCY TYPE =B GROSS AREA= 646 SOFT. OLP (BUSINESS AREAS) - 150 GROSS STORAGE SPACES OCCUPANCY TYPE = 5-1 GROSS AREA: 4095 SOFT. OLP (STORAGE BUILDING) - 500 GROSS 848* / 150 = 5.65 = 6 OCCUPANTS 4095* / 500 - 8.19 - S OCCUPANTS TOTAL OCCUPANT LOAD =15 ROLL -UP DOORS AS EGRESS DOORS: PER OSSC IO10.I.2 "EGRESS DOORS 94AL BE OF THE PIVOTED OR SIDE -HINGED TYPE. EXCEPTIONS: I. PRIVATE GARAGES, OFFICE AREAS, FACTORY 6 STORAGE AREAS WITH AN OCCUPANT LOAD OF 10 OR LESS." ALL STORAGE AREAS HAVE AN OCCUPANT LOAD LESS THAN TEN AND DO NOT REQUIRE HINGED OR PIVOTED EGRESS DOORS. t7Tl APPLIES TO OFFICES ENERGY CODES: AREINON-QConl�roN of ANSI/ASHRAE/IES STANDARD 90.1-2016 TABLE 5.5-4 BUILDING ENVELOPE REQUIREMENTS FOR CLIMATE ZONE 4 (A,5,C): ROOFS: (ATTIC g OTHER) -R-45 MIN. WALLS, ABOVE GRADE: (WOOD FRAMED e OTHER) - R-20 MIN. SLAB ON GRADE FLOORS:(UNHEATED) - F-0.0520 MAX -R-19 FOR 24" OPAQUE DOORS: (SWINGING) -U-0.310 MAX WINDOWS: -U-0.31 MAX EXTERIOR WALL -MOUNT LIGHT FIXTURE, TYPICAL ® (6) LOCATIONS: FULL CUT-OFF ABILITY, LED IIOW 11000 LUMENS, DIMMABLE, 5000K COLOR SEE ENLARGED (}" SCALE) PLANS FOR OFFICES 2ND FLOOR PLAN n EGRESS U SCALE: 1/4"=,'-0" 1 ST FLOOR PLAN n EGRESS SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" y y 130'-0° y y y 13'-0° I2'_10�2"TYP. I I .L I 1 I .L OVERALLFLOOR li (2)9 li I i I(2) li I li II III (III! IIIIIII I I l i I I I i I I I. II RUN WALLS I FULL HEIGHT TO UNDERSIDE OF 1 ROOF STOIRAC-fE 2 NO CEILING, EXPOSED TRUSSES li I li 12 7� (III 'I N N I FLOOR -MOUNT BIKE PARKING HOOPTO PROVIDE (2) LONG-TERM 5[KE PARKING SPACES STORAGE 3 NO CEILING, EXPOSED TRUSSES 35'-0" SCALP: 1/8" = P -O" EXIT ACCESS TRAVEL DISTANCE= 63.5 FT IMAX ALLOWED =15 FT) LONGE5TCOMMON PATH OF EGRESS TRAVEL - 23' (MAX P z �z ALLOWED =15 FT) PER OSSC TABLE 1006.3.3(2), MAX ALLOWABLE EXIT ACCESS M Gni TREVEL DISTANCE FROM 2ND FLOOR (STORY W/ ONE W w U EXIT) IS 15 FT. 2ND FLOOR PLAN n EGRESS U SCALE: 1/4"=,'-0" 1 ST FLOOR PLAN n EGRESS SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0" y y 130'-0° y y y 13'-0° I2'_10�2"TYP. I I .L I 1 I .L OVERALLFLOOR li (2)9 li I i I(2) li I li II III (III! IIIIIII I I l i I I I i I I I. II RUN WALLS I FULL HEIGHT TO UNDERSIDE OF 1 ROOF STOIRAC-fE 2 NO CEILING, EXPOSED TRUSSES li I li 12 7� (III 'I N N I FLOOR -MOUNT BIKE PARKING HOOPTO PROVIDE (2) LONG-TERM 5[KE PARKING SPACES STORAGE 3 NO CEILING, EXPOSED TRUSSES 35'-0" SCALP: 1/8" = P -O" a P z �z Foy M Gni W w U +1 F p Q� -• h 03/26/2021 CTD REVISIONS LJ SHEET INDEX: FLOORPLANS EGRESS PLANS TRASH ENCLOSURE PLANS THE CONTRACTOR AN DOWNER SHALL] AM1RN6l11E CONSTRUCTION DOCUDNTS FOR DICONSISTLNCIES AND CONTACT TIM ARCHRECI FOR RESOLUTION. Z:Wrg-2021ES" Sto VT St S17;Fwg O w LW% N n �wA A/ �I �WiyT/1 w T �1 W � V / rAl 2 SIZE TYPE FRAME GLAZING MFGR 26 -30 FX V DG -LE - JAMS WDTW. VERIFY AW-AWNIN NOrE6 NLULATED GT -CASEMENT AL-AWMIWll'i LE-LoWSl dBp 'VERIFY EGRESS WNDdL OH-DDOpLE HUNG VC-VMYL 0.dD RGN FLLLED d -d 26-30 FX V DG -LE - JAMS WDTW. VERIFY AW-AWNIN NOrE6 NLULATED GT -CASEMENT AL-AWMIWll'i LE-LoWSl dBp 'VERIFY EGRESS WNDdL OH-DDOpLE HUNG VC-VMYL 0.dD RGN FLLLED d -d ® 26-30 FX V DG -LE ® NOTE6 ®26-30 FX V DG -LE ® I NO26 ® 26-30 FX V DG -LE ® NOrE6 ® O ® 26-30 CT V DG -LE ® NOrE6 ® F7 26-30 FX V DG -LE - JAMS WDTW. VERIFY AW-AWNIN NOrE6 NLULATED GT -CASEMENT AL-AWMIWll'i LE-LoWSl dBp 'VERIFY EGRESS WNDdL OH-DDOpLE HUNG VC-VMYL 0.dD RGN FLLLED d -d 26 - 3m CT V DG -LE - JAMS WDTW. VERIFY AW-AWNIN NOTE6 NLULATED GT -CASEMENT AL-AWMIWll'i LE-LoWSl dBp 'VERIFY EGRESS WNDdL OH-DDOpLE HUNG VC-VMYL 0.dD RGN FLLLED d -d 26-30 FX V DG -LE - JAMS WDTW. VERIFY AW-AWNIN NOTE6 NLULATED GT -CASEMENT AL-AWMIWll'i LE-LoWSl dBp 'VERIFY EGRESS WNDdL OH-DDOpLE HUNG VC-VMYL 0.dD RGN FLLLED d -d 26-30 FX V DG -LE - JAMS WDTW. VERIFY AW-AWNIN NOTE6 NLULATED GT -CASEMENT AL-AWMIWll'i LE-LoWSl dBp 'VERIFY EGRESS WNDdL OH-DDOpLE HUNG VC-VMYL 0.dD RGN FLLLED d -d 2m - 3m FX V DG -LE - JAMS WDTW. VERIFY AW-AWNIN NOrE6 NLULATED GT -CASEMENT AL-AWMIWll'i LE-LoWSl dBp 'VERIFY EGRESS WNDdL OH-DDOpLE HUNG VC-VMYL 0.dD RGN FLLLED d -d TYPE FRAME GLAZING NOTE PX-FXEO WD WOOD T - TEMPERED yLASS - JAMS WDTW. VERIFY AW-AWNIN V-VYIYL L-L4MINdTEDo. NLULATED GT -CASEMENT AL-AWMIWll'i LE-LoWSl dBp 'VERIFY EGRESS WNDdL OH-DDOpLE HUNG VC-VMYL 0.dD RGN FLLLED d -d P/ZEB dN RIO C Nsl SM-&NGLEHUN4 MG -METAL LEAD pIS"N`5y -PAULA eL-BLbING S'S SN 6y&NGLE yIAZING RAREENSFOR dLL OPERApLEWINDOLLb NOTE -TME WNDOW-ZE,INPOATE FEET AND INOMES veR�Y�GLH R/ve¢te.uLL �unpwvl� 3m-66 SIZE TYPE FRAME GLAZING MFGR "FOWARE LK m1 NOTE6 NLULATED ML - METAL LE •LOWE'GLd% L � KP W 02 LK=LOCK SET Pp•PAWC PAR eC-80W VJRE OiRIPPNG BG•&NyLE4LdSW4 Op•DEADpOLT NG-IbLLOW CORE AL•LLUI'IINUM �D SP-9NGLEPANEL MG -METAL 0.PD CEILING MOUNTED SMOKE DETECTOR 1'•1'RNACY IOf.K ODOVERHEAD OOOft 4 3m-66 NOTES KP•KICKPLATEB 9C WD LK KP DB 3m-66 NOTE6 NbI-ATM SG ML/WS LK � KP Uwe 100 - 140 OD V 3m-66 68 HL ML/W9 NOTES LK LK NOTE6 NLULATED ML - METAL LE •LOWE'GLd% L � KP 26 - 68 SC WD NOTES LK Dp NOTE6 VERIFY HEIGHT ML - METAL LE •LOWE'GLd% L 3m-66 6C WD SC WD LK KP NOTES LK Dp 100-140 OD 100-140 oD 3m - 68 SC WD HARDWARE LK LK NOTE6 Dp 30 - 68 9G WD HARDWARE LK NOTE6 DD 3m - 66 9C WD HARDWARE LK NOTE6 Dp TYPE FRAME GLAZNG HARDWARE FL-WLLLRE WD -WOOD T•TEMPERED 4LA^3 G=GLOSEft PP=W9M/P11LL TL -ILITE ML - METAL LE •LOWE'GLd% L=EATON SET PLATEp/HANOLEp ML-H4FLIyHT W0 -WEATHER Dy •DOUBLE yLd21Ny LK=LOCK SET Pp•PAWC PAR eC-80W VJRE OiRIPPNG BG•&NyLE4LdSW4 Op•DEADpOLT NG-IbLLOW CORE AL•LLUI'IINUM �D SP-9NGLEPANEL MG -METAL 0.PD CEILING MOUNTED SMOKE DETECTOR 1'•1'RNACY IOf.K ODOVERHEAD OOOft Fy-FBERyLd00 STRIP LIGHT FXTURE KP•KICKPLATEB NOTE -TME DOOR 912E6, INDICATE FEET AND INOHE9 ELECTRICAL SYMBOLS KEY - VERIFY ALL R/O pIZEB. ALL JAI'IB UIDTMB F N SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" =& 110 VOLT DUPLEX WALL OUTLET §&J ELECTRICAL PANEL LOCATION � GFl GROUND FAULT INTERRUPTER OUTLET ® CEILING MOUNT EXHAUST W/ LIGNi �} WALL MOUNTED LIGHT FIXTURE � STANDARD WALL SWITCH ® RECESSED CAN LIGHT FIXTURE r3 TWO WAY SWITCH Voly W/ REMOTE �D DIMMER 6WTGH sD CEILING MOUNTED SMOKE DETECTOR ¢ LED HIGH-gAY SUSPENDED FIXTURE STRIP LIGHT FXTURE � 770 VOLT WALL OUTLET prRP uGHTNG V NG WALL -Hou JT FIXT OVERALI PLAN FOp ) FIBER -CEI' sIDING,I THIS FACAI 10'x14'' DOORS, R13gED METAL ROOFING, TYPIC off DOUE3LE-PA VINYL VINDOI TYPIC DOWN6P0 ROUTE' sTORMWAT' R FAGILI �R TI -II bIDP PAINTED; TYPIC SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" I I I / I I / I N TYP. STORAGE SPACE ELECTRICAL PLAN 111 -0 ELEVATIONS, DIMENSIONS, ETC. ARE CONCEPTUAL/PRELIMINARY &SUBJECT TO ADJUSTMENT in N 2ND FLOOR PLANn SCALE: "`"='' " ELECTRICAL �$CALE:1/4"=1'-0" N 1ST FLOOR PLAN n ELECTRICAL U SCALE :"'"="°" R LD ON a P z �z Foy Uwe 03/26/2021 CTD REVISIONS SHEET INDEX: ELEVATIONS ELECTRICAL PLAN DOOR/WINDOW SCHEDULE Tiff CONTRACTOR AND OWNER SHALL SXAM1IDV6 iH5 CONSTROCTION DOCUAffNTS POR DICONSISTLNCIRSAND COMACT TIffi AACHITFCI FOR RESOLUTION. Z:Wr6-2021T S;rtttRtong<T Bt S;aeg.dwg O� w � O n �wA A2 2 10" APPLE 10 24" APPLE 42" SYCAMORE1O F S rRFFT �—J / / / / / FA SITE ENTRANCE TO BE USED FOR TREE REMOVAL HAUL ROUTE V \ 11\ jk I1 I — 18" FIR 24" CHERRY V4IV\, ib'/ BUILDING B J T� 11" FIR ® 12" CHERRY 50 30" CHERRY I \\ \I \I \ I I 6 18" CHERRY 11 I + I O 18" CHERRY I I -----------------------J ® 8" FIR Legend I + \ / Existing Trees to be Removed _ / + (with tree ID#, species and size) Existing Trees to Remain TREE REMOVAL INDEX (8" DBH & LARGER) Tree ID# Species & Size Reason for removal Tree ID# Species & Size Condition 1O 42" SYCAMORE I Fair / Good NOTES 1. SEE APPLICATION NARRATIVE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 2. SEE LAA LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR PROPOSED PLANTING. 3. PRIOR TO INITIATING ANY TREE FELLING ACTIVITY ON THE PROPERTY, THE APPLICANT SHALL OBTAIN A LAND DRAINAGE ALTERATION PERMIT (LDAP) AS MAY BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES DURING TREE REMOVAL ACTIVITY ON THE SITE. INITIAL REQUIRED PROTECTION MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED AND IN PLACE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY TREE REMOVAL ACTIVITY. HAULING ROUTE NOTE 1. SITE CONTRACTOR WILL BE CONTRACTED FOR THE TREE REMOVAL WORK. FELLED TREES (ROOTBALL, TRUNK AND CANOPY) WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND TAKEN TO A LOCAL COMMERCIAL CHIPPER. IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE DEMO PERMIT, EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE IMPLEMENTED AND A GRAVEL SITE ENTRANCE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED FOR TRUCKS. Tree Fellina Plan 0 2 5 10 20 40 SCALE: 1"= 10'-0" 18" FIR In Building footprint Q 24" CHERRY In Building footprint Z C ] — 4 — =00 M, 11" FIR In Building footprint ® 2" CHERRY In Building footprint Q 30' CHERRY Significant root zone impact © 18" CHERRY Significant root zone impact 0 18" CHERRY Significant root zone impact © 8" FIR Significant root zone impact 24" APPLE In Building footprint 10 10" APPLE Significant root zone impact Tree ID# Species & Size Condition 1O 42" SYCAMORE I Fair / Good NOTES 1. SEE APPLICATION NARRATIVE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. 2. SEE LAA LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR PROPOSED PLANTING. 3. PRIOR TO INITIATING ANY TREE FELLING ACTIVITY ON THE PROPERTY, THE APPLICANT SHALL OBTAIN A LAND DRAINAGE ALTERATION PERMIT (LDAP) AS MAY BE REQUIRED TO PROVIDE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES DURING TREE REMOVAL ACTIVITY ON THE SITE. INITIAL REQUIRED PROTECTION MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED AND IN PLACE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF ANY TREE REMOVAL ACTIVITY. HAULING ROUTE NOTE 1. SITE CONTRACTOR WILL BE CONTRACTED FOR THE TREE REMOVAL WORK. FELLED TREES (ROOTBALL, TRUNK AND CANOPY) WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND TAKEN TO A LOCAL COMMERCIAL CHIPPER. IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE DEMO PERMIT, EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WILL BE IMPLEMENTED AND A GRAVEL SITE ENTRANCE WILL BE CONSTRUCTED FOR TRUCKS. Tree Fellina Plan 0 2 5 10 20 40 SCALE: 1"= 10'-0" DOUGHERTY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 474 Wllldmeae Steer Surae 305 Eugene, Oregon 97401 P 541.683.5803 F 541.683.8183 w .DtAdesign.com IST% a79 �`�O OREGON I— z W 2 W Z O LU IX O W W a aw0 ILLz Yid LLJ g ;ILL =WO 0LOH Z T g a s n" 10/08/2020 cneaceamy: vm TREE FELLING PLAN NORTH Sheet tide: ®2019 JOHNSON BRODERICK ENGINEERING. No pad of this document can 0e reproduced without the written permission from JBE, 1325 WEST 13TH AVENUE EUGENE OREGON, 97401.(541),138S488 or fax(541)338-94831 TFA ZU Y Gf PR Ow S-- O W Z OrS9 Z C ] — 4 — =00 M, 0 Ir M, -5 M Lu E v w � ` G:am ; W �c3nw'� DOUGHERTY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 474 Wllldmeae Steer Surae 305 Eugene, Oregon 97401 P 541.683.5803 F 541.683.8183 w .DtAdesign.com IST% a79 �`�O OREGON I— z W 2 W Z O LU IX O W W a aw0 ILLz Yid LLJ g ;ILL =WO 0LOH Z T g a s n" 10/08/2020 cneaceamy: vm TREE FELLING PLAN NORTH Sheet tide: ®2019 JOHNSON BRODERICK ENGINEERING. No pad of this document can 0e reproduced without the written permission from JBE, 1325 WEST 13TH AVENUE EUGENE OREGON, 97401.(541),138S488 or fax(541)338-94831 TFA PLANT SCHEDULE KEY I QTY. 1130TANICAL NAME ICOMMONNAME I MIN. SIZE I COMMENTS TREES ACRR2 1 8 Acer rubmm'Red Sunsets Rad Sunset Maple 12. cal. Matching, limbed up to approx. 6R ACTW 3 Acer truncatumx platenoides'Warrenred' I Pacific Sunset Male Ycal. 1 Matching, limbed up toapprox. 611. CHO 112 1 Chamaecypads obtuse I Hinold False Cypress I 6' ht. I single stem, B&B, matching. full SHRUBS EUAC 1 8 1 Eu mua alaW'Com cls' Compact BUMIM Bush 15 gal 1 matching. full PLO 116 1 Pmnus laurocemsus'Otto Luyken' Otto Luyken English Laurel 15 gal. I matching, full RHC 116 1 Rhododendrun'Cree Chiffon' Creamy Chiffon Rhoda. 15 gal. I matching, full SPB 113 1 Spirasa betul8dia Shiny -leaf Spimea 15gal. I matching, full GROUNDCOVERS AND PERENNIALS GS 1264 1 Gauttherla shallop I Salal 11 gal. 136 o.c. matching, full STORMWATER PLANT SCHEDULE - 1231 SQ. FT. FACILITY KEY I QTY. I BOTANICAL NAME ICOMMONNAME I MIN. SIZE I COMMENTS SMALL SHRUBS -148 REQUIRED COSK 192 Cornus sedoea'Kel i' 1 Owed RGdtwia Donwood 11 nal. 24" o.c. matchina, full MAR 125 Mahonia repens I Creeping Mahonia 1 gal. I full SPB 131 1 Spirasa betulifolia Shirty-IeafSpirasa 5gal. I matching, full 739 REQUIRED F206 Carex obnupta Slough Sedge 4" POTS 12" O.C. COW W aA $ log (D - 533 Juncus patens I Spreading Rush 1411 POTS 12" o.c. DOUGHERTY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 474 Willameae Street Surae 305 Eugene, Oregon 87401 P 541.683.5803 F 541.683.8183 www.DLAdesign.com �DIng PLANTING LEGEND tl�\''" �+�`�O [" caws i. oousa [� 0 DECIDUOUS TREES STORMWATER GROUNDCOVER -JUP Os OREGON �U c=1I'E XVO� STORMWATER GROUNDCOVER - COSK CONIFEROUS TREES STORMWATER GROUNDCOVER -CAO + EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE FcM SHRUBS 3/4 MINUS OPEN CRUSHED GRAVEL ® GROUNDCOVER 1-- z Z W 2 IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ¢ Z Z 0 1. IRRIGATION TO BE DESIGN / BUILD BY CONTRACTOR. 2. IRRIGATION DISTRIBUTION TO BE LANDSCAPE DRIPLINE (NETAFIM W TECHLINE OR OTHER APPROVED. w 3. BURY DRIPLINE TO A DEPTH OF 4". O 4. PROVIDE FLUSH VALVE AND CLASS 200 DISTRIBUTION HEADERS. d 5. MAXIMUM ROW SPACING TO BE 18". LLI J 6. FIRST ROW OF DRIPLINE TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN FIRST ROW OF d W PLANTING AND EDGE OF PAVING OR BUILDING. FIRST ROW TO BE NO Q LL MORE THAN 6" FROM ADJACENT PAVING OR BUILDING. of 1.— 0 7. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT, FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL, IRRIGATION d LL.I Z SHOP DRAWING SHOWING DRIPLINE LAYOUT, IRRIGATION COMPONENTS LU W AND PIPING, PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. Y 0_ 8. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT, FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL, PRODUCT DATA g CA FOR ALL IRRIGATION COMPONENTS, PIPING AND FITTINGS. 9. CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE IF NEW IRRIGATION AT AREA SHOWN ON 2 LLI O THIS PLAN CAN BE CONNECTED TO EXISTING SYSTEM TIMER. INCLUDE PROPOSAL FOR CONTROLS WITH SUBMITTALS. of � O1— ZvU CODE REQUIREMENTS g 1. LANDSCAPING (4.4-105): REQUIRED IN SETBACKS @ 65% COVERAGE (2 a TREES & 5 SHRUBS OR EQUIVALENT, PER 1000 SF), AND PARKING LOTS m (1 TREE, 4 SHRUBS PER 100 SF OF PLANTING AREA). IRRIGATION OR NATIVE PLANTS REQUIRED. g • SETBACK AREA: LANDSCAPE COVERAGE 67% (3500 SF) - 65% m REQUIRED. 2 TREES & 5 SHRUBS OR EQUIVALENT, PER 1000 SF - TOTAL AREA 5192 SF. CODE MET WITH 10 TREES & 29 SHRUBS. w • PARKING AREA: 1 TREES & 4 SHRUBS PER 100 SF TREES. TOTAL i REMAIN N AREA 700SF - CODE MET WITH 7 TREES & 28 SHRUBS. 6 v i d m 2. SCREENING (4.4-110): N/A 5 k 3. STORMWATER PLANTING SCHEME III w m 3.1. GROUND COVER, 4 -INCH POTS SPACED VON CENTER (PER 100 SQUARE FEET OF THE FACILITY)= 60 3.2. SMALL SHRUBS, 1 GAL. POTS SPACED 2' ON CENTER (PER / SQUARE FEET OF THE FACILITY) = 12 /1 Date: 10/08/2020 Pro act No: Landscape Plan DmwmB: LS Checked By: DJD LANDSCAPE o z s 10 zo ao PLAN SCALE: 1" = 10'-0" NORTH Sheetdde: LA.1 ®2019 JOHNSON BRODERICK ENGINEERING. No pad of this document can 0e reproduced without the written permission from JBE, 1325 WEST 13TH AVENUE EUGENE OREGON, 97401.(541),138S468 or fax(541)33&94831 pp Z O w C COW W aA $ log (D - xOCDW Qca Z► 0 m W E v w Lj Vl <� Mear : : W 1a A o` V n DOUGHERTY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 474 Willameae Street Surae 305 Eugene, Oregon 87401 P 541.683.5803 F 541.683.8183 www.DLAdesign.com �DIng PLANTING LEGEND tl�\''" �+�`�O [" caws i. oousa [� 0 DECIDUOUS TREES STORMWATER GROUNDCOVER -JUP Os OREGON �U c=1I'E XVO� STORMWATER GROUNDCOVER - COSK CONIFEROUS TREES STORMWATER GROUNDCOVER -CAO + EXISTING DECIDUOUS TREE FcM SHRUBS 3/4 MINUS OPEN CRUSHED GRAVEL ® GROUNDCOVER 1-- z Z W 2 IRRIGATION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ¢ Z Z 0 1. IRRIGATION TO BE DESIGN / BUILD BY CONTRACTOR. 2. IRRIGATION DISTRIBUTION TO BE LANDSCAPE DRIPLINE (NETAFIM W TECHLINE OR OTHER APPROVED. w 3. BURY DRIPLINE TO A DEPTH OF 4". O 4. PROVIDE FLUSH VALVE AND CLASS 200 DISTRIBUTION HEADERS. d 5. MAXIMUM ROW SPACING TO BE 18". LLI J 6. FIRST ROW OF DRIPLINE TO BE INSTALLED BETWEEN FIRST ROW OF d W PLANTING AND EDGE OF PAVING OR BUILDING. FIRST ROW TO BE NO Q LL MORE THAN 6" FROM ADJACENT PAVING OR BUILDING. of 1.— 0 7. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT, FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL, IRRIGATION d LL.I Z SHOP DRAWING SHOWING DRIPLINE LAYOUT, IRRIGATION COMPONENTS LU W AND PIPING, PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. Y 0_ 8. CONTRACTOR TO SUBMIT, FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL, PRODUCT DATA g CA FOR ALL IRRIGATION COMPONENTS, PIPING AND FITTINGS. 9. CONTRACTOR TO DETERMINE IF NEW IRRIGATION AT AREA SHOWN ON 2 LLI O THIS PLAN CAN BE CONNECTED TO EXISTING SYSTEM TIMER. INCLUDE PROPOSAL FOR CONTROLS WITH SUBMITTALS. of � O1— ZvU CODE REQUIREMENTS g 1. LANDSCAPING (4.4-105): REQUIRED IN SETBACKS @ 65% COVERAGE (2 a TREES & 5 SHRUBS OR EQUIVALENT, PER 1000 SF), AND PARKING LOTS m (1 TREE, 4 SHRUBS PER 100 SF OF PLANTING AREA). IRRIGATION OR NATIVE PLANTS REQUIRED. g • SETBACK AREA: LANDSCAPE COVERAGE 67% (3500 SF) - 65% m REQUIRED. 2 TREES & 5 SHRUBS OR EQUIVALENT, PER 1000 SF - TOTAL AREA 5192 SF. CODE MET WITH 10 TREES & 29 SHRUBS. w • PARKING AREA: 1 TREES & 4 SHRUBS PER 100 SF TREES. TOTAL i REMAIN N AREA 700SF - CODE MET WITH 7 TREES & 28 SHRUBS. 6 v i d m 2. SCREENING (4.4-110): N/A 5 k 3. STORMWATER PLANTING SCHEME III w m 3.1. GROUND COVER, 4 -INCH POTS SPACED VON CENTER (PER 100 SQUARE FEET OF THE FACILITY)= 60 3.2. SMALL SHRUBS, 1 GAL. POTS SPACED 2' ON CENTER (PER / SQUARE FEET OF THE FACILITY) = 12 /1 Date: 10/08/2020 Pro act No: Landscape Plan DmwmB: LS Checked By: DJD LANDSCAPE o z s 10 zo ao PLAN SCALE: 1" = 10'-0" NORTH Sheetdde: LA.1 ®2019 JOHNSON BRODERICK ENGINEERING. No pad of this document can 0e reproduced without the written permission from JBE, 1325 WEST 13TH AVENUE EUGENE OREGON, 97401.(541),138S468 or fax(541)33&94831 J 6 EI JOHNSON BRODERICK ENGINEERING Memorandum 325 West 13' Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 541-338-9488 (office) w JBFusxom Clayton McEachem, City of To. Springfield Date: November 5, 2020 From: Mikael Shields, P.E. Project Name: North Lake Storage Facility subject: Stormwater System Design JBE Project Number. 20031.03 This memo describes the design intent of the stormwater system for the referenced project for Zachary Reeves located at 4155 E Street, Springfield. The total site area is approximately 22,650 ST of which 13,892 S.F., or 61% is impervious surface (buildings and pavement) which includes the Phase 1 and Phase 2 buildings. The remaining 8759 S.F. of the site is composed of landscaped areas including the stormwater treatment/nfiltration area. There is no public piped stormwater system available adjacent to the property, therefore all runoff from the site will be treated and infiltrated on-site in a stormwater planter facility designed in accordance with the Cityof Eugene Stormwater Design Manual (ESDM). The adjacent paved parking and driveway areas are graded to sheet drain directly to the stormwater planter while the building roof drains will be piped and outfall along the perimeter as shown on the Site Plan Sheet C2.1. The stormwater planter surface area is 1232 S.F. and has an allowable ponding depth of 12 inches. The facility was sized using the Stormwater Surface Filtration/Infiltration Facility Sizing Spreadsheet found in the ESDM which is attached for reference. Infiltration testing performed on the site revealed a high infiltration rate of 44 inches per hour, however in accordance with the facility sizing spreadsheet instructions a conservative value of 2.5 inches per hour was used to size the facility. During the flow control storm event the facility reaches a maximum ponding depth of 10.8 inches which is contained within the footprint of the infiltration area. n1 -Int w..,e...h.,S 7mn Stormwater Surface Filtationflnffltration Facility Sizing Spreadsheet 24 Hour Storm, NRCS Type 1A Rainfall Distribution City of Eugene North Lake P.M. Storage Facility Data: &27, 4155 E Street Permit Number: ffa Springfield. OR CatchmantID: Site MOS Johnson Bredimck Engineers Complete this forth for each drainage catchment in the project site that is to be sued per the Presumptive Approach. Provide a dislinetive Catchment ID for each facility coordinated whh the site basin map to correlate the appropriate calculations with fie facility_ The maximum drainage catchment to be modeled per the Presumptive Approach is 1 acre (43,560 SF) For mfilbation facilities in Class A or B soils where no infiltration testing has been perfromed use an infiltration rate of 0.5 in/hr. For all facilities use a maximum soil infiltration ate of 2.5 inlhr for topsoil/growing medium. moose "Yes" from the dropdown boxes below next to the design standards requirements far this facility. Pollution Reduction (PR) Yes Flow Control (FC) No Destination(DT) Yes •Aa mnnarn faaey muu tecimen as mefadrty tyae w mess ae:nrenos regwame,ns Total Square Footage Impervious Area= 13892 sgft Impervious Area CN=j 98 Total Square Footage of Total Square Footage Pervious Area= 8759 sqft Pervious Area CN::85 Time of Concentration Post Develapment= min Time Tested Soil Infiltration Rate- m/hr(See Ome 4) Destination Designs: nMr Design Soil Infiltration Rate= 2 5 in/hr Soil Infiltration Rate Re uiament I Rainfall Depth Design Stene Pollution Reduction 1 4 inches Water Quali F low Conirol 3.6 inches Flood Control Destination 3 6 irches Flood Control Surface Wid Sudace Long Facility Side Slop, Max. Ponding Depth in Stormwalse Faeilitym Depth of Growing Medium (So 10/6/2020-9.33 AM FacilitySurface Facility Bottom P Basin Ratio of Facility Area Peak Flow Rate to Storm e r Facilty = 0.107 ds Peak Facility Overflow Rate= 0.000 cls Total RunoffVolume to Sturmwater Facility= 1464 of Total Overflow Volume= 0 of Max Depth of Stormwater in Facility 03in Drawdown Time= 0.2 hours Yes Facility Sizing Meets Pollution Reduction Standards? YES Meets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? YES Meets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Flow Control -Calculation Results Peak Flow Rate to Stom error Facility, = 0.423 chs Peak Facility Overflow Rate= 0.000 cfs Total Runoff Volume to Storriwate Facility= 5327 of Total Ovedhew Volume=0 Of Peak Offsite Flow Rate Max. Depth of Sto rnwater in Facility= 10.8 in Filtration Facility Undmrhain= MA cls Drewdown Time= 0.8 hours Pra-Development Runoff Data Peak Flow Rate - 0.271 cfs Total Runoff Volume = 3971 of NW Facil"Ity Sizing Meets Flow Control Standards? Requirement for Post Development offsite flow less or equal to Pr¢-0evelopment Flow? BMeets NA Meets Requirement for Maximum of 18 Hour Drawdown Time? Destination -Calculation Results Peak Flow Rate to Stomnwater Facility= D 423 cfs Peak Facility Overflow Rate= 0.000 cfs Total Runoff Volume to Stormwater of Facility=A0.8 Total Overflow Volume= Ocf Max. Depth of Stormwater in Facility=in Dmwtlown Time=hours Yes Facility Sizing Meets Destination Standards? VES IMeets Requirement of No Facility Flooding? =Meets Requirement for Maximum of 30 hour Drawdown Time? 10/62020-9:33 AM 4.5.9 Stormwater Planter O & M Plan Stormwater Planters are infiltration and filtration stormwater facilities that can provide flood control, flow control and stormwater quality benefits. Stormwater Planters are walled vegetated surface reservoirs used to collect and treat stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces by allowing pollutants to settle and filter out as the water percolates through the vegetation and soil mediums before infiltrating into the ground below or being piped to its downstream destination. Stormwater Planters can be used to help fulfill a site's required landscaping area requirement and should be integrated into the overall site design. Numerous design variations of shape and planting scheme can be used to fit the character. All facility components and vegetation shall be inspected for proper operations and structural stability. These inspections shall occur, at a minimum, quarterly for the first 2 years from the date of installation, 2 times per year thereafter, and within 48 hours after each major storm event. Training and/or Written Guidance information for operating and maintaining Stormwater Planters shall be provided to all property owners and tenants. A copy of the 0 & M Plan shall be provided to all property owners and tenants. Inspection Logs shall be kept by the facility owner demonstrating the following items have been inspected and are being maintained properly: • Access to Stormwater Planters shall be safe and efficient. Obstacles preventing maintenance personnel and/or equipment access to the components of the facility shall be removed. • Debris and Litter shall be removed to prevent channelization, clogging, and interference with plant growth. Fallen leaves and debris from deciduous plant foliage shall be raked and removed. • Erosion Damage shall be identified and controlled when native soil is exposed or erosion channels are forming. • Filter Media consisting of sand and/or topsoil shall be tested to ensure stormwater percolates through the planter. Remove and replace sand and/or topsoil to correct percolation deficiencies. • Infiltrating Stormwater Planters shall be excavated and cleaned, and gravel or soil shall be replaced to correct low infiltration rates. Water should drain through the planter within 3-4 hours after a storm event. • Inlets shall be cleared when conveyance capacity is plugged to ensure unrestricted stormwater Flow to the rain garden. • Mulch shall be replenished as needed to ensure healthy plant growth. • Nuisance and Prohibited Vegetation from the Eugene Plant List (such as blackberries and English Ivy) shall be removed when discovered. Invasive Stnrmmter Management Manual 4-23 Eugene2014 vegetation contributing up to 2S% of vegetation of all species shall be removed and replaced • Outlets shall be cleared when 50% of the conveyance capacity is plugged. • Piping shall be cleared of sediment and debris to maintain conveyance capacity. • Planter Walls shall be examined for deficiencies, such as rot, cracks, and failure, and repaired as needed. Holes that are not consistent with the design and allow water to How directly through the planter to the ground shall be plugged. • Sedimentation build-up near or exceeding 2" in depth shall be hand -removed with minimum damage to vegetation using proper erosion control measures. Sediment shall be removed if it is more than 4 inches thick or so thick as to damage or kill vegetation. • Vegetation shall be healthy and dense enough to provide filtering while protecting underlying soils from erosion. Dead vegetation shall be removed to maintain less than 10% of area coverage or when vegetative filter function is impaired. Vegetation shall be replaced immediately to control erosion where soils are exposed and within 3 months to maintain cover density. Spill Prevention Measures shall be exercised on site when handling substances that contaminate stormwater. Releases of pollutants shall be corrected as soon as identified. Non -Chemical Pest Control measures shall be taken to prevent development of insects, mosquitoes, and rodents. Starmmter Management Manual 4-24 gugene2014 LEGEND — DIRECTION OF FLOW _ FF DWP SIGN RIM EEPIA,- 483.8E i V / STORMWATER / PLANTER,( \ / � / d PAVED PARNING 'a, AREA F s 'r DWP SIGN i 81 ( I a r I I I 9 d I OFFICE/STORAGE BUILDING e I I I I I I a 8F I 8' CCP INV ELEV= 482 SITE PLAN C2.1 1"= 30' NORTH JBE JOHNSON Dp1„ za.0 BRODERICK NORTH LAKE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT vmMclx 200310031.033 ENGINEERING 4155ESTREET O.. BY CMR Civil and Structural Engineers SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478 Chx dBr: AMB 325 W. 13th Ave Tel (541) 338-9488 Revmm: Eugene, OR 97401-3402 Fax (541) 3389483 www.JBE.US.com TwSITE PLAN sear C2.1 ® WD MHNSON BRODERICK ENGINEERING. W ppM1NNb ExnmA wn N mpmd x KAftw perm nftm JOE. 1325 WEST 13TH AVENUE BILENE OREGON ,97101.(541131&91$w1 DD1I3Y.91931 SITE SQUARE FOOTAGE BLDG 1 4729 SO. F7 PAVED AREA 1 7231 SQ. FIT LEGEND — DIRECTION OF FLOW _ FF DWP SIGN RIM EEPIA,- 483.8E i V / STORMWATER / PLANTER,( \ / � / d PAVED PARNING 'a, AREA F s 'r DWP SIGN i 81 ( I a r I I I 9 d I OFFICE/STORAGE BUILDING e I I I I I I a 8F I 8' CCP INV ELEV= 482 SITE PLAN C2.1 1"= 30' NORTH JBE JOHNSON Dp1„ za.0 BRODERICK NORTH LAKE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT vmMclx 200310031.033 ENGINEERING 4155ESTREET O.. BY CMR Civil and Structural Engineers SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97478 Chx dBr: AMB 325 W. 13th Ave Tel (541) 338-9488 Revmm: Eugene, OR 97401-3402 Fax (541) 3389483 www.JBE.US.com TwSITE PLAN sear C2.1 ® WD MHNSON BRODERICK ENGINEERING. W ppM1NNb ExnmA wn N mpmd x KAftw perm nftm JOE. 1325 WEST 13TH AVENUE BILENE OREGON ,97101.(541131&91$w1 DD1I3Y.91931 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT FACILITY INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE LOG Property Address: Inspection Date: Inspection Time: Inspected By. Type of Stormwater Management Facility: Location of Facility on Site (In relation to buildings m other permanent structures): Water levels and observations (ponded water, Oil sheen, smell, etc.): (Approximate Date/time of Last Significant Rainfall): Sediment accumulation & areas of erosion. Record sediment renu val/erusion repair. What is the current condition of vegetation? Record survival rates, invasive species present, number of dead plants, etc.) Record any replacement plants and type of vegetation management (mowing, weeding, etc.) What is the condition of physical pmperties such as inlets, outlets, piping, fences, and irrigation facilities? Record maintenance performed and replacement activities: Presence of insects or damage from animals. Record control activities: Identify safety hazards present. Record resolution activities: For assistance please call Public Works Maintenance at 541-682-4800. PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT Tax Map S Lot Numbers 17-02-32-23-00000 Ion the dale of execution) THIS INDENTURE MADE and entered !Me this 26 _ May of March , 202 and beMeen Zachary Reeves and! Tamere Reeves , hereinafter retorted to as the Granmgs), and Ne CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a nunidpal oaryaabon, in Lane County, Oregon, here rafter rerened to ss Grantee. IMF NESSETH In mlaideaEon of Ne acceptance byte Grantee, and h r Grzmee's use or holding of sad easement for present or future public use. Grantens) hereby galls, bargains, sells and convoys unto Nesaid Grantee.aPeipebou.,isement s en Ol feet in width, together win the Whit to go upon said easement area hereinafter descnbatl In Exhiblt'A' for the purpose of coraeucfing, no,risWctng. mantaialg and using PUBLIC UTILITIES, which may hereafter W inshllad on NU following de rflvd Property, W SEE EXHIBIT "A" JD INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said assonant unto said Grantee and Grantee's heirs, su.euoa and assigns braver. THE CONSIDERATION M Nis mmeyance s: Other Than Monetary IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ne Gmntoa above named have hereunto set their bends and seas on 20J9 SlcobiTURE:r P S ,1 q� �/f� TSE rMRIN Ha�MtE {� SIermfum jLl When NFME STATE OF OREGON l COUNryOF LANE JSS 7 is Instrument was aohnowledged Wt.. mL s on %/ .207-1 —0 r; OFFICIALSTAMP / ,r'G SHAWNAEIAINE WO OD d NOTARY PUBLIC -OREGON egon InY COMIASSION EXPIRES JUNE 27.2022 THE CONVEYANCE set foto in this Instrument mmeyug title or interest to the City of Springfield, a Muricipel Curpoatim of the Slate of Oregon, Is hereby apprmed, and Ne tHO or interest oemayed therein s hereby ..aped. CTY OP SPRINGPIELD By: Ctrs Moonhead- City of Springfiew Surveyor Date RETURNTO CITYOFSPRINGFIEID PUBUCVVDRI<S DEPT. -225 FIFTH ST SPRINGRELD.OREGON 04T7 Gp5EPY600jvt Pleasant Hill, OR 97455 (541) 747-2806 E -mall: casey*eswelldriIImgQyahoo.cem Web: caaeylccR5welfdrilhng.com Zachary Reeves zreyBO�gmail. mm DESCRIPTION Abandonment Operations Cement. per sack For helpful tips and information, visit our wehSite caseyjoneswelldrilling-cam REMINDER. in 2016. the Oregon 1- giatature Passed a bill requmng the Oregon Wafer nesqurres Deparlment to sand you the papevork that will requrm you to map this new welt on your pmmny andpayapamringleeor53+1606 Thisfeeisnotpanofourr Mrs podl5ycofr poMibiliy. We eon 25set- mzpoing trre well ff you Hopp pefp, Please enclose this stub with payment, We would appreciate your input to help us better serve our customers, Please rate three items below using a scale from 1-5, with 5 as the highest rating, 1) The bid estimate was clearly explained. 2) The drilling crew was courteous and professional, 3) The bid price as a Tactor in selecting our company_ _ Haw did you hear about Casey Jones Well Drilling9 CCB 114437 THANK YOU! TOTAL 52,500.00 $135.00 INVOICE AMOUNT $2,83500 PAID TO DATE $I BALANCE WE 52.635.06 ... TERMst Total Ups Upon receipt of Invoice, a sery,� a�w m rsx rbrn,orrr,a as �r r�nn amaawree m.rava .. u. Mn vv u.na 4z drme wpm ✓. r... Zachary Reeves vrey8G#?gmail, cm Invoice 9, 00069551 4126x2021 We afadly accept paymen-tyy. VSA, MASTERCARD. Di5COVER pr AMEX 412612021 invoice #: 00008551 Location, Zachary Reeves 4155 E 51 5pnngfiel0 Map number. UNIT PRICE $2,500.06 $15,06 For helpful tips and information, visit our wehSite caseyjoneswelldrilling-cam REMINDER. in 2016. the Oregon 1- giatature Passed a bill requmng the Oregon Wafer nesqurres Deparlment to sand you the papevork that will requrm you to map this new welt on your pmmny andpayapamringleeor53+1606 Thisfeeisnotpanofourr Mrs podl5ycofr poMibiliy. We eon 25set- mzpoing trre well ff you Hopp pefp, Please enclose this stub with payment, We would appreciate your input to help us better serve our customers, Please rate three items below using a scale from 1-5, with 5 as the highest rating, 1) The bid estimate was clearly explained. 2) The drilling crew was courteous and professional, 3) The bid price as a Tactor in selecting our company_ _ Haw did you hear about Casey Jones Well Drilling9 CCB 114437 THANK YOU! TOTAL 52,500.00 $135.00 INVOICE AMOUNT $2,83500 PAID TO DATE $I BALANCE WE 52.635.06 ... TERMst Total Ups Upon receipt of Invoice, a sery,� a�w m rsx rbrn,orrr,a as �r r�nn amaawree m.rava .. u. Mn vv u.na 4z drme wpm ✓. r... Zachary Reeves vrey8G#?gmail, cm Invoice 9, 00069551 4126x2021 We afadly accept paymen-tyy. VSA, MASTERCARD. Di5COVER pr AMEX STATE uF OREGoN WA ERSI!PPLVWELL RFPORI layrrgDRS GJ99b±a aaq 69ri SIe) (11 O LANG NN:ER owner Cu'cu 1.0. Fini Na,lso]iLHARV iur leom REE Company 9JAnvr SG99]GUATSRn (gal PRE-ALTERTION ...__._. _,.. n'la * Fmm Tn G� PPsu'T1TFF�s5v WA Terd [xsing.� TT—M ❑ ❑ LALNE 77945 \VFLL I.D. LABEL* START CARO9 41$612021 ORIGINAL LOG N (3) OiNR��III , METHOD r�Rmary A.ir ❑Rotarymw ❑Coble ❑Auger ❑Gbkmi L7Fe—R{wyy ❑Uthcr (4)PROPOSED LsE ®no,rwn;.- ❑tsnsarlgn ❑i'umnvwin ❑ lnJus¢iaa' em,meneiN ❑ i.iresrocB ❑pevaknag ❑Thoma) ❑IJnrrw ❑fidrn (5) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTI(1N sial Srwdard (Ana=„ copy Oeptll of CumpltM Well 0.90 rr 730REROLE SET sacks ❑ie I— Tn lf.. dml Frum To 4m[ the 3 a 66 0 60 V 5 CaleeJa2rt rrTT (:y�uLa<n —[,,L M WON DA ❑is Nc ❑n i�.eher 13sc4fi1[pIACcJ G,x¢ F.w R. hLaressw Pile[}ly'K fl9nr �T i} -[o 1r'.ViAICPrII Sixc LI Frpk•sirusrwS: Yw 'lyK Amoam (ia) AB.ANDONMENT LISiNG UNHYDRATED BENTONITE 1Ny:9e1...— ANuar.Leomt (!r) C:ASiNGMINER f,ayiq L-- Ri,1 } Frim To Geo •e St Psffi �IIIIWHm T m tinoe insibe Ousi,k ©Dolle, LVra[iun Vi sLve{] Temp rwiu,�ea Dia E.�-m +[] Tu (7) PERFORATIONSlSCREENS P<rtorcltom bfc[hM :ir,em. hR' Makrial P:ri Ctmogyr Snxo[a'T3gt 5301 #or Te]e! s�a n Wew D. T otos r (Sj W _ : Mi¢imom tesfiug time N i hour OPoiiip Qnxner �:arr OrwwrnF nrtusan 1'emyemm¢ 0 -F im1 KLpVK'l MLS'[BESUBMIlTEDM THF (9) LOCATION OF WELL pegs) description} Cowry rune T"1]7m Sm --N S R"g .dtr W kwwE1 Ser 32 Sw M V(IAr lig Tan [ul 4W Tay Map Number Iqr tar PMS or UD EMS mDD (19) STATIC WATER LEVEL oaw sw i +� xnNK a rt -r rerarmo omp eyed Wel FluwinSArsesino?❑ Oly Rsae�❑ VAT yE:ARIFIG ZONES R F,h roma was tim frond SWL oaM1 FIVm To Eer}low gRTips,} +SWtf:t] [uwnu H3eration ➢are (nnbonded] Wnrrr WCR Co¢strvnor Centllmrinn 1 aertiry rher rhe h" [ performN vn rJrc eoraoil deepening, a PPI on, 11 abaodannxnr nT 3M1ir aTll i5 iM1 cbmpiiaace tiir6 Uegon water guppy x•cll 'mnsl, lef srrn3wa. M.d beLL a� sem i¢rmaraeVn ,cporrsd abo.0 nm we ro We Lesr alnlykmwiedye and behd. TiMgne Number ]f)Oc ➢aF< gorF2dn sisaan (Wa &ed) Nnter Weu Co¢strvnor Certlflurkn I a.epl xegamib Lty For Mx coorma'rion, dregrniny; almrvion, be al»ndcnmenl wk perfwmcd nn ihii well darigg dw ,vwnu.ri¢n dales repwed afw.E 31[ evrt NflJinrtJ Jnnnie rhs lime is aom}�lionr< wM OreQon wast ;uFyie `Fell [unerrrt[lioo z[wderdb_ This rtptM eslpm rp dii IRir Vf mw WwwedKe Doti bCL[l Licenx� �Ixdl one 5rx6^_6.1 Sib d CASEY MVN 3R F )ilea. - Canncr rnfb bptiomi) Casey lona roti) Gnlliag 591-1a'Q80ti 30 DAYS OT rl1MPLE.TION OF WORK Fsmn Vtn—o Online Start Card Form Snarl Card Number 1051635 Q.r:c:Inlornwen co-,Pa.y N,W E]ACNARV �aa'anw JREEVLS cae£ RF9NGFIELLI _..r /roams r i'qp¢ Fmn T>•P° of Wma Fee Rryuws' —Nr,N xc Fu wppinpL Slrr.d4C+ A:IY_ v.]P yl Spy-inar. W IYxPe_ Tn"aelrl::. Gn9lixl Vid LW±n.1 L LopsbuFl0� op_, ro �Larvm etx�i F�1F Ftlp[!Cn 9orAY T) uca ri Qoea�e c—.—Ir _; LIe!✓.1'alJ To --I am;ne:,nn, ..-pvvrno¢., - DFm. ani Fropesea W,ILua[wn sl:eei wa..e� er.:dL a:.er e:_rg::ee, ::ce.eq wa.,;u' S Loan7. V... A' amass .+..CS G.vklr:Lvl6u :1 nNRw-+rely., a�ior.:sm::.f:eII.q-d.:.:N.a,:re:r: ........ .......... Lpcaiipn bescnprwn. fnrn ljlel>lTyyk11en91RydC, or You may rowrt antl dux on Ifia map areNy tp PnE mn IatiZ,.aManginwe. LaY1pEa4LY 'apae TRS.QQ r., ice]. -T" PIA`Ms'$Lti. ]F]-MarvaH 71-1111 1" v v .-nr.'L3ne _.... . �e9ree3 Mclmal HIJ 1--" 7 Is_ I eo.I Cab/..TM=> cwn: Luaaa:n�� __ __:..