HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 5/21/2021City of Springfield
Development & Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
W 0#1
(City Staff completes form)
Permit Type
Dept of Motor Vehicles -New: ❑ Land Use Compatibility Statement ❑ City: ❑
Dept of Motor Vehicles -Renewal: ❑ Zoning Verification Letter: X UGB: X
Project Information
Applicant Name: Haley Campbell
Phone: 541.686.4540
Company: The Satre Group
Address: 375 West 41h Ave Suite 201 Eugene Or 97401
Property Owner: Lenora Follese
Address: 302 Bentley Dr. Longwood FL 32779
ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-34-43
TAX LOT NOS : 11700
Property Address: 3709 Franklin Blvd Eugene Or 97403
Description of Proposal: ZVL for verification that proposed mixed use is or can be
Permitted within the property's zoning.
Record Information
Record No: 811-21-000121-TYP1
Date Received: 05/21/21
Application Fee: $ 370
Technical Fee: $18.50
TOTAL FEES: $388.50 Assigned Planner:
Revised 11.2.11 kl
April 21, 2021
City of Springfield
Development and Public Works
Planning Division
225 5h Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Attn: Jim Donovan, Planning Supervisor
Re: Big B Tires Property- Zone Verification
Dear Jim,
On behalf of our client, Daniel Basaraba, we are submitting this Zone Verification Letter request in order
to facilitate receipt of written verification that the proposed mixed-use on the subject property is, or can
be, a permitted use within the subject property's zoning district. To aid Springfield staff in this endeavor,
the following information is provided.
The Site and Existing Conditions
A. Planning and Zoning
The tax lot included in this development proposal has a base zone of Glenwood Office Mixed
Use (GOMU). There is one applicable neighborhood -specific refinement plan, the Glenwood
Refinement Plan (GRP). The 2014 GRP apportioned the Glenwood neighborhood into two
planning areas — referred to as the Phase 1 area and the Phase 2 area. The subject property
is within Phase 1, which addresses the Franklin Blvd corridor and the McVay Highway
corridor. The Glenwood Refinement Plan designates the area containing the subject property
with a plan designation of Office Mixed -Use with Nodal Development (/ND) and Multimodal
Mixed -Use Area (/MMA) ovedays. The Metro Plan Designation is Commercial Mixed Use. For
further detail, see the table below.
3443/ _ acres _ Mwed Use _ Office Mued-Use(GOMU) Use(GOMU)
11700 Overlay: Nodal Development (/ND) _ Overlay: None
and Glenwood MURimodal
Refinement Plan
Phase 1 and Phase
2 Area
The property is not currently in the city limits of Springfield. Any land use application
or development proposal would first require annexation. 7W
375 West 41h, Suite 201, Eugene, OR .97401
Phone: group.com
wwwsattegroup.com Le
Daniel Basareba — Big B Tires Page 2 of 7
Zone Verification
Aonl21 2021
Subject Site
The subject property is comprised of one
tax lot (Map 17-03-34-43, Lot 11700)
totaling 0.86 acres. It contains the now
vacant Big B Tires Store and is at the
corner of Henderson Avenue and Franklin
Boulevard. Businesses in the area include
a glass shop, consignment store, used car
dealership, appliance store, and various
Google Earth
C. Transportation
a. TransPlan
The region's adopted transportation plan, The Eugene -Springfield Transportation System
Plan (TransPlan), adopted in 2001 and amended in 2002, includes two projects in the
vicinity of the subject property — Project 839, which would upgrade Franklin Boulevard from
Jenkins Drive to Mill Street to an urban facility; and Project 851, which would create a multi-
use path for the South Bank Trail from 1-5 to the Springfield bridges. The TransPlan also
lists McVay Highway as a Bus Rapid Transit Corridor.
July 2002
Future Roadway Projects Excerpt
July 2802
The Satre Group . 375 W 4'^ Avenue, suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 698-4540.w.va.satreomup.com
Daniel Basaraba — Big B Tires Page 3 oF7
Zone Verification
Aonl21 2021
Springfield 2035 Transportation System Plan
The Springfield 2035 Transportation Plan
includes two projects in the vicinity of the
subject property — Project R-13, which would
improve Franklin Boulevard by constructing
multi -modal improvements on Franklin
Boulevard; and Project R-17, which would
modify Henderson Avenue with a three -lane
cross-section with sidewalks and bicycle
Prionty Projects
Spnngfield Transportation System Plan
January M29
c. Public Transit
The metro area's public transit system, Lane Transit District
(LTD), provides service near the development site via the
d. Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities
There is a sidewalk right at the corner of Henderson and
Franklin but nothing further to the east or south. There are no
bike lanes.
Lane Transit Dial Seroce Map
D. Utilities
a. Stornwater
The Springfield Stormwater Facilities Master Plan shows the subject property as being in the
Glenwood Stormwater Basin. The Master Plan does not show a Priority CIP in the vicinity of
the site. It is expected that an on-site stormwater detention and treatment facility would be
required with any re -development.
There is an existing wastewater line in Franklin Boulevard. At the time of the adoption of the
Glenwood Refinement Plan, existing sanitary infrastructure from the Glenwood Trunk Sewer
existed in Franklin Boulevard. Nevertheless, the Big B Tire facility had its own on-site septic
The Sell. Group . 375 We94- Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401.(541)686-4549.w.vu.salreomup.com
Refinement Plan`�'�"�
Public Facilities&
The Sell. Group . 375 We94- Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401.(541)686-4549.w.vu.salreomup.com
Daniel Basaraba —Big B Tires Page 4 of 7
Zone Verification
c. Water and Electric
Existing water and electric infrastructure are on and adjacent to the subject site.
d. Fire Protection
There is an existing fire hydrant near the subject property at the corner of East Wh Avenue
and Henderson Avenue. Due to the redevelopment plans and distance from the existing
hydrant to the new building, new fire hydrant(s) may be needed.
e. Wellhead Protection
The subject site is not within a wellhead protection area, nor are there any protection areas
near the subject property.
E. Natural Resources
a. Wetlands
The Springfield Water Quality Limited
Watercourses Study does not identify
a wetland or Water Quality Limited
Watercourse on or near the property.
b. Floodplain
The subject site is in the 500 Year
Flood Zone and there is no base
flood elevation determined.
Food Zone Map
City of Springfield 2020
Parks and Open Space
a. The Wllamalane Park and Recreation
Comprehensive Plan includes a linear park with a
multi -use path along the Glenwood Riverfront, from
the Interstate -5 Bridge to the southern tip of
Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary. The
Glenwood Refinement Plan states that the "multi-
use path passing through the linear park will be a
critical link in the regional path system connecting
Eugene, Springfield, and, potentially, the Howard
Buford Recreation Area and Mount Pisgah" The
subject property is separated from the linear park
property by Franklin Blvd.
Figure 10
Glenwood Refnernenl Plan
II. Proposed Use
The applicant is interested in developing a mixed-use property. The proposal would include a mixed-
use building with outdoor dining and a plant nursery on the ground floor and offices for lease on the
second floor. It is contemplated that the applicant would redevelop the Big B Tire's building but retain
the existing footprint, with the northern portion of the property kept clear of any structures or other
impediments regarding future Franklin Boulevard Improvements.
The Satre Gronp . 375 Wes[ 4'^ Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 . (541) 688-4540. ..satreorouo.conn
Daniel Basamba — Big B Tires
Zone Verification
Page 5 of 7
III. Springfield Development Code —Glenwood Office Mixed Use
A. In regard to permitted uses and development standards, the property is subject to the Springfield
Development Code. Although, in general, the entire development code applies, the primary
sections of the code which apply to the property are found in the Glenwood Riverfront Mixed -Use
Plan District section of the code (SDC 3.4-200). Applicable specifics are as follows:
SDC 3.4-250 Schedule of Use Categories
o "Primary Uses' are defined in Section 6.1-110 as "the principal use approved in
accordance with this Code that usually occupies greater than 50% of the gross floor area
of a building or greater than 50% of a development area."
o "Secondary Uses' are defined in Section 6.1-110 as "any approved use of land or a
structure that is incidental and subordinate to the primary use and located on the same
development area as the primary use. Secondary uses shall not occur in the absence of
primary uses."
o The identified lines of business fall within the Schedule of Use Categories as follows:
involves the sale and/or service of prepared foods and beverages
directly to consumers, including, but not limited to, bakeries,
cafes, delicatessens, restaurants, coffee shops, brew pubs, and
wine bars.
Professional, scientific, research and technical services are small-
"P" Primary Use
scale commercial office enterprises including legal advice and
presentation, accounting and income tax preparation, banking,
architecture, engineering, design and marketing, real estate,
insurance, physicians, and counselors.
Retail sales and services are commercial enterprises whose
"S" Secondary Use
principal activity involves the sale and/or servicing of merchandise
(new or reused) directly to consumers including bookstores,
grocers, pharmacies, art galleries, florists, jewelers, and apparel
Office employment uses are typically housed in buildings where
"P" Primary Use
there is limited interaction between the public and the proprietor
including: call centers, corporate or regional headquarters,
The Satre Group . 375 West 4'^ Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97481 . (541) 686-454D.wew.sstreareug.aom
Daniel Basaraba —Big B Tires
Zone Verification
Page 6 of 7
physicians' clinics, software development, media production, data
processing services, and technical support centers.
Residential (High -Density)
Residential occupancy of a dwelling unit by a household that "P" Primary Use
includes, but is not limited to, apartments, condominiums,
live/work units, lofts, row houses, townhouses, and elderly -
oriented congregate care facilities.
• SDC 3.4-255 Prohibited Uses
The following uses shall be prohibited within the Glenwood Riverfront Mixed -Use Plan District:
o Auto parts, tires, batteries, and accessories
o Auto/truck sales/rental/service
o Tires, sales/service
o Truck and auto repair and painting facilities
Additional Sections of the Springfield Development Code.
Remining sections of the Springfield Development Code are listed below. While not directly
applicable to a request for Zone Verification, the applicant understands that they will become
applicable at the time of land use applications and/or building permit.
• SDC 3.4-265 Base Zone Development Standards.
• SDC 3.4-270 Public and Private Development Standards.
• SDC 3.4-275 Design Standards
• Chapter 4 Development Standards.
• Chapter 5 Development Review Process and Applications.
IV. Zone Verification
A. How the Proposed Use Complies.
The proposed use at the site fits within the above schedule of use categories by proposing offices,
a restaurant, and retail services on the site. The office use makes up a minimum of 50% of the
total services that the development provides.
B. Howthe Continuation of the Existino Use Complies.
Prior to 2013, the site was zoned Light Medium Industrial and after 2013, the site was rezoned to
Office Mixed -Use to comply with the 2014 Glenwood Refinement Plan. Big B Tires leased the
building prior to the 2014 Glenwood Refinement Plan and did not vacate until their lease expired
in February 2021. Therefore, no other tenants or uses have occupied the facility and another
automotive use would comply with the existing non -conforming primary use.
Zoning Maps wlllamette
2012&2813 "
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The Sat. Group . 375 West 4'^ Avenue, Suite 2D1, Eugene, OR 97491 . (541) 686-4549 •w.vu.sairearoup...
Daniel Basareba —Big B Tires Page 7 of 7
Zone Verification
V. Conclusion
Based on the information contained in this written statement, the applicant believes that the
requested Zone Verification can be approved.
If you have any questions about the above application, please do not hesitate to contact Rick Satre at
The Satre Group, 541-686-4540, or rick(alsatrecrouo.com.
Thank you for your assistance.
RGchwwd,M. Sab-P,
Richard M. Satre, AICP, ASLA, CSI, President
The Satre Group
The Sal Group . 375 West 4- Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97481 . (541) 666-4540.w.va.salreareug.aom