HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 4/27/2021City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 PERMIT REVIEW INTAKE FORM i rwlxoPl�D (City Staff completes form) Permit Type Dept of Motor Vehicles -New: ❑ Land Use Compatibility Statement: ❑ City: Dept of Motor Vehicles -Renewal: Project Information Zoning Verification Letter: ❑ UGB: ❑ Applicant: LeAnn Boyle Phone: 541-510-0954 Company: Al Affordable Auto Sales Cell: Address: 361 17th Street, Springfield, OR 97477 Property Owner: LeAnn Boyle Phone: Company: Cell: Address: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-36-24 TAX LOT NO(S): 4000 Property Address: 361 17�h Street Description of Proposal: Home Occupation DMV License Record Information Record No: 811-21-000091-TYP1 Date Received: April 27, 2021 Application Fee: $343.00 Technical Fee: $17.15 TOTAL FEES: $360.15 Assigned Planner: Revised 11.2.11 kl SPRINEfI CITY OF SPRLNGFIELD, OREGON 225 Fifth Street♦ Surine5eld. OR 97477+PH(541)726-3753*FAX(541)726-3753 �l HOME OCCUPATION INFORMATION Reference SDC 4.7-165 A home occupation is a lawful activity carried on within a dwelling or accessory structure by a member or members of the family who occupy the dwelling. A home occupation is permitted provided that: A. The primary use of the building is a dwelling; B. The occupation is a secondary use that does not significantly affect the residential character of the dwelling or neighborhood; and C. Compliance with the following standards shall occur at all times: 1. There shall be no display which would indicate from the exterior that the building is being used for any purpose other than a residential dwelling. 2. There shall be no outside storage of materials visible from public property or adjacent private property. 3. Mechanical equipment, unless compatible with residential purposes, shall be prohibited- 4. rohibited4. There shall be no offensive noise, vibration, smoke. dust, odors, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond the property line resulting from the home occupation. 5. The home occupation shall not create hazardous traffic conditions or utilize on -street parking of nearby properties. 6. if the proposed home occupation requires any modification to the dwelling or accessory structure of a nature that is not typically found in a residential district, the proposed home occupation is considered inappropriate and prohibited. 7. No merchandise, other than what is produced on-site shall be sold to the public from premises. HomeOccupmim�Iof'oxmafiovl 1.13.08d& 8. The use or storage of heavy equipment or heavy vehicles shall not be permitted Heavy equipment and heavy vehicles shall include, but not be limited to the use of: semi -trucks, trucks and trackers, back hoes, bob cats, refrigerator trucks, livestock trucks, commercial buses, farm tractors, garbage trucks and log trucks. 9. Any home occupation, which requires more than 1 vehicle for its operation shall be prohibited. The I vehicle permitted is limited to passenger vehicles, passenger vans or pick-up trucks. 10. No residence shall be used as a headquarters or dispatch center where employees or subcontractors report to the residence to be dispatched elsewhere. 11. Customer access to home occupations is limited to the hours of 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. I2. The applicant shall sign an agreement with the City acknowledging any applicable standards listed in Subsections 1. through 11., above. D. The following uses are prohibited as a home occupation: 1. Automobile repair, including, but not limited to: tune-ups, alignments, body -fender work, painting, detailing and upholstering; 2. Health salons, gyms, dance studios, aerobic exercise studios, karate and judo instruction; 3. Medical and dental offices; 4. Mortician, hearse services; 5. Tow truck services; 6. Veterinary uses (including care, grooming and boarding); 7. Wholesale distribution taking up more than the equivalent of 40 percent of the primary residence; S. Gun dealerships involving and storage of guns for sale or customers visiting the residence. Ho=oO pa oNnfm timl1, 13.08ddk E. Any home occupation: In violation of the provisions of this Code shall be subject to civil infraction citation process of the Springfield Municipal Code, 1997, Article 5.15.1. Any proposed home occupation, or component thereof, not specifically identified in the Springfield Development Code shall be prohibited unless authorized by the Springfield Planning Commission as the result of an application for Formal Interpretation. 2. Which has been approved by the Planning Commission shall be subject to revocation by the Planning Commission if the home occupation is found to be in violation of the approval standards. The revocation shall be sent to the applicant in writing. The home occupation shall cease within 30 days of the receipt of the revocation notice. The revocation decision may be appealed to the City Council as specified in Section,, 5.3- 100. Acknowledgement of receipt of Home Occupation Information (SDC 4.7-165) Name LeannI:7nu tII Business Name 40-t6 Address '?,�l.Ql 1-l%A �t. a -L v1 Type of Home upation B ess �ajhe te-'= ('±yl �'i r1 e TE -o G(A Signator% �f Date xomWrcup�®]nf 1,13 08d& U APPLICATION TO CORRECT DEALER / REBUILDER VEHICLE DEALER CERTIFICATE DEALER NUMBER I /} L}"1 ZZ EFFECTIVEDATE EXPIRATION DATE CU RR ENT BUSINEBS NAME sa 11C I-1-201 10 31-ZbZ A Check the reason for correction: ❑ Name Change iRJ Address Change ❑ Add /Remove Owners ❑ Ong. / Structure Change Instructions: VALIDATION USE ONLY • The fee for a corrected cedificate', $30. • Name change andlor address change' $30. (Be sure to attach Bond Rider and Insurance Ca fficale). is Organizational structure change '.$30.(is ., Individual paMership or LLC to Corp) (Be sure to attache bondriderand insurance cedificata). • AddinglRemoving LLC member or corporate officer: No Fee • Eachnew owner must complete and sign lines 12-16 or 17-21. More directions on back. • Each owner being removed must sign line 22 or 23. • One owner must sign line 24, • Provide copy of valid photo ID if changing residence address. • Dealer number and expiration date will stay the same. Submit the completed application to: DMV Business Licensing Unit, 1905 Lana Ave NE, Salem Oregon 97314. NOTE: If the dealership has been sold, the new mutual must obtain their own vehice dealer certificate using the Form 735-370 Packet since a dealer certificate is not transferable. NAME CHAN E N E assumed buemers name,fill In Regi9Vy Nurl n `EOERA OVERI TION NU Any alteration of Line 3 voids location approval. ADDRESS CHANGE EFTA BE 0 I UPPLEMENTAL BUSINESSTELEPMONE 3(,r -1� S I ® (5{ I ) 560- S;.(�� q-I���vt� 00 DD RE Abi Dv Budausui I co 9-Acn, roea Ewe— EQjdb ne °1—I 2 LOCATION APPROVAL - Required only if dealer is changing business location Certification of Local Inning and Business Regulatory Compliance. ORS 822.005 requires a vehicle dealer certificate, unless exempt under ORS 822.015, for any person who: (a) Buys, sells, brokers, trades or exchanges vehicles either outright or by means of any conditional sale, bailment, lease, secunty interest, consignment or otherwise, OR (b) Displays a new or used vehicle, trailer or semitrailer: OR - (c) Acts As any type of agent for the owner of a vehicle to sell the vehicle or acts as any type of agent for a person interested in buying a vehicle to buy a vehicle, THE CERTIFICATION BELOW IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE LOCAL ZONING OFFICIAL. The approval below should be based upon whether the applicant can do ANY of the activities listed in (a) through (c) above under applicable ordinances, at the location of the business given on Line 3. Pursuant to ORS 822.025(6), applicant meets requirements below. s the zoning oRcial ort elunsdictlon inw ldl this usmess is located lvedfy by my signature be ow at the ocahon of this usiness as state on this appllcabon complies with any land use ordinances or business regulatory ordinances of the jurisdiction pursuant to ORS 822.025(6). CIN OF COUNTY OF', TELEPH NE NUMBER ( ) I PRINT NAME TITLE SIGNATURE DATE X Place stamp or seal here V Restrictions on the location approval are in an attached letter from the zoning authority. Town rz-xo 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2C 21 2A V 24 25 2E 27 OWNERSHIP CHANGE Check your organization type on Line 11, list all owners and provide other required information below. The dealer certificate number and expiration date will stay the same. If adding names, attach (staple) copies of ALL new owners, partners, LLC members or corporate officers' official photo ID's (driver license or state issued identification card ONLY). Copy must be legible. If the residence address on the photo ID is different than the residence address listed below, submit a statement explaining why the addresses do not match. Individual PartnershipCorporation � LLC Cp (If corporation, under what state is business incorporated?) • • List each person being add ad as a partner, LLC member or corporate officer. PRINT NAME (MUST SIGN LINE 16) 11TLE GArE OF BIRTH DRIVER LICENSE NUMBER STATE OF ISSUE HOME PHONE NUMBER ( ) RESIGENCE ADOREss clTr STATE zlP coDE MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP GULF CERTIFYING SIGNATURE OF GUNNER SHO M ON LINE 12 ABOVE DATE X PRINT NAME (NIUST SIGN LINE 21) TITLE DATE OF BIRTH ERVEN JCENBE NUMBER STATE OF ISSUE HOME PHONE NUMBER ( ) RESIDENCE ADOREss CIT' STATE zlP caGE NAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE 21P CODE CERTIFYING SIGNATURE OF OWNER SHOWN ON LINE 17 ABOVE DATE X -�i{ •�' List each person being removed as a partner, LLC member or corporate officer. PRINT NAME BIGN4TURE TITLE X PRINT NAME SIGNATURE TITLE X ERTIFI TION False certification is a Class B misdemeanor under ORS 162.085, and is punishable by six months in jail, a fine of up to $2,500 or both. In addition, civil penalties and DMV sanctions against you or your dealer certificate may be imposed. With this in mind: I CERTIFY I am an owner, partner, LLC member or corporate officer of this dealership and all information on this applic bn is accurate. CERT (CATION CANNOT BE SIGNED BY PERSON BEING ADDED ON LINES 12 OR 17. C TIFYI .61 NATURE OF OWNER TITLE OW e N SINESS L CAT( INFORMATIO Property i5 (check one): [ROWNED ❑ LEASED I RENTED: LEASE OR RENTAL PERIOD: If property Is "Leased / Rented" complete the following: PROPERTY OVSTER'S FULL NAME TELEPHONE NUMBER l PY1 vv aY1L pp�� p�y�` CITY j�,, STATE ➢9 1C1 4-0 v% Don't Forget! • For name change, address change and organizational structure change a rider from your bonding company and a new insurance certificate must be attached. • One owner needs to sign Line 24. CERTIFICATION CANNOT BE SIGNED BY PERSON BEING ADDED ON LINES 12 OR 17. • Location approval is required when changing a business location. A fee of $30 is required with the exception of a change of LLC member or Corporate officer which requires no fee. 0