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Application APPLICANT 4/22/2021
Submittal Transmittal AKS Engineering & Forestry LLC 1 12965 SW Herman Rd. Suite 100 Tualatin, OR 97062 FROM: Chris Goodell AKS Engineering & Forestry LLC TO: Andrew Limbird 12965 SW Herman Rd. City of Springfield Suite 100 225 Fifth Street Tualatin, OR 97062 Springfield, OR 97477 chrisg@aks-eng.com alimbird@springfeld-or.gov 503-563-6151 541-726-3784 Shannon Morris City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 sm orris@sp ri ngf eld-or. g ov 541-736-1003 PROJECT: Marcola Meadows Springfield DATE SENT: 4/15/2021 7736 SUBJECT: Partition Land Use Application - ID: 00489 No.2 PURPOSE: For Review VIA: Info Exchange REMARKS: Good afternoon, Attached is the Partition Plat Land Use Application Package for Marcola Meadows - Tax Lot 1803. We will mail two hard copies of the application package and check for the application fee to the City today. Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing the files, or if you need any additional information. Thank you, Chris Goodell, AICP, LEEDAP- Associate AKS ENGINEERING & FORESTRY, LLC P'. 503 563 6151 I F. 503.563.6152 1 www.aks-eng.com I chrisg@aksem.com CONTENTS QTY: DATED DESCRIPTION: ACTION: 1 4/15/2021 7736 20210412 COS Partition Package Page 1 of 2 Submittal Transmittal DATE: 4/15/2021 ID: 00489 FINAL.pdf QTY: DATED DESCRIPTION: ACTION: 1 4/14/2021 7736 20210414 Marcola Meadows Partition No.2 (18x24).pdf QTY: DATED DESCRIPTION: ACTION: 1 3/8/2021 7736 20210218 Check No. 077632 in the amount of $421.00.pdf COPIES Marie Holladay (AKS Engineering & Forestry LLC) Chris Goodell (AKS Engineering & Forestry LLC) Monty Hurley (AKS Engineering & Forestry LLC) Lawrence Pankey (AKS Engineering & Forestry LLC) Michelle Swartout (AKS Engineering & Forestry LLC) Page 2 of 2 City of Springfield Partition of Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 Land Use Application Date: April 2021 Submitted to: City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Owner/Applicant: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC 27375 SW Parkway Avenue Wilsonville, OR 97020 AKS Job Number: 7736 AKI; ENGINEERING & FORESTRY 12965 SW Herman Road, Suite 100 Tualatin, OR 97062 (503)563-6151 Table of Contents I. Executive Summary .................................................................................................................3 II. Site Description/Setting..........................................................................................................4 III. Applicable Review Criteria......................................................................................................4 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE....................................................................................4 CHAPTER 5 THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS AND APPLICATIONS......................................4 Section 5.12-100 Land Divisions—Partitions and Subdivisions............................................4 5.12-105 Purpose and Applicability..................................................................................4 5.12-110 Tentative Plan Review.......................................................................................5 5.12-115 Tentative Plan — General...................................................................................5 5.12-120 Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements............................................................6 5.12-125 Tentative Plan Criteria..................................................................................... 12 5.12-130 Tentative Plan Conditions................................................................................ 14 IV. Conclusion............................................................................................................................14 Exhibits Exhibit A: City Application Forms and Checklists Exhibit B: Preliminary Plans Exhibit C: Property Ownership Information Exhibit D: Lane County Assessor's Map Exhibit E: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Map Exhibit F: Wetland Delineation Exhibit G: Property Line Adjustment/Record of Survey (CSF: 45334) Figures Figure 1: Subject Site Tables Table 1: Description of Surrounding Area Table 2: Description of Density ................. Table 3: Future Parcel Characteristics...... 3 .4 .6 12 AVC Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021 Partition of Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 Land Use Application Page 1 Partition of Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 Land Use Application Submitted to: City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Owner/Applicant: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC 27375 SW Parkway Avenue Wilsonville, OR 97020 Applicant's Consultant: AKS Engineering & Forestry, LLC 12965 SW Herman Road, Suite 100 Tualatin, OR 97062 Contact: Chris Goodell, AICP, LEEDAl Email: chrisg@aks-eng.com Phone: (503)563-6151 Site Location: Northwest of the intersection of Marcola Road and 28th Street Lane County 17023000; Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 (Adjusted Tract 1 of Assessor's Map: Case File No. 811-20-000200-TYPl) Site Size: ±72 Land Use Districts: Medium Density Residential (MDR) and Community Commercial (CC) AVC Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021 Partition of Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 Land Use Application Page 2 I. Executive Summary Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC (Applicant) is submitting this application for a Partition to the City of Springfield (City) to facilitate division of a portion of the Marcola Meadows Master Plan property. Most recently, an approved and recorded property line adjustment (PLA) (Case File No. 811-20-000200-TYPl) reconfigured Parcels 2 and 3 of Partition Plat No. 2020-P2972. The property line adjustment resulted in Adjusted Tract 1, the ±72 -acre subject area of this application shown below. Consistent with the approved final Master Plan, the purpose of this partition is to divide the area intended for future single-family detached homes from the area intended for multi -family homes and the area slated for commercial use. The partition also facilitates the planned extension of a portion of Pierce Parkway through the southern portion of the site by dedication of right-of-way and the creation of a separate tract for associated stormwater management. This application includes the City application forms, written materials, and preliminary plans necessary for City staff to review and determine compliance with the applicable approval criteria. The evidence supports the City's approval of the application. Figure 1: Subject Site AVO Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021 Partition of Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 Land Use Application Page 3 11. Site Description/Setting The subject site, Adjusted Tract 1, includes a total area of±72 acres, and its configuration is based upon a recently approved and recorded property line adjustment (C.S.F. #45334, recorded March 8, 2021). The application includes a copy of the recorded final survey. The property is flat and currently exists as a grassy field. It is vacant and fronts on Marcola Road on the south side of the site and 28th Street on the east side. The property is currently classified with Medium Density Residential (MDR) and Community Commercial (CC) zoning designations. Table 1: Description of Surrounding Area Area Jurisdiction Zoning Land Uses North City of Springfield Public Land & Open Space (POS) Public/Institutional (i.e. educational facility) Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential South City of Springfield Light Medium Industrial (LMI) Industrial East City of Springfield Light Medium Industrial (LMI) Industrial West City of Springfield Low Density Residential (UDR) Residential Community Commercial (CC) Public/Institutional (i.e. medical facilities, future church, etc.) 111. Applicable Review Criteria CTLY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE CHAPTER 5 THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS AND APPLICATIONS Sec6on5.12-100 Land Divisions— Partitions and Subdivisions 5.12-105 Purpose and Applicabifity A. Purpose. The purpose ofthe Partition and Subdivision process ism: Facilitate and enhance the value of development, Maintain the integrity of the City's watercourses by promoting bank stability, assisting in flood protection and flow control, protecting riparian functions, minimizing a and preserving water quality and significant fish and wildfife areas; Minimize adverse effects on surrounding property owners and the general public through specific approval conditions; Ensure the provision ofpubfic Facilities and services; s; Provide for c B connectivity between different uses; Utilize alternativetransportation modes including walking, bicycling and mass transit facilities; Implement the Metro Plan, applicable refinement plans, specific area plans and specific development plans; Minimize adverse effects on surrounding property owners and the general public through specific approval conditions; and Otherwise protect the public health and safety. B. The Partition process regulates land divisions that cream 2 or 3 parcels within a calendar year. If the Director determines that a property proposed to be partitioned has been, or is in the process ofbeing divided into 4 or more lots, fi.0 compliance with the Subdivision regulations specified in this Code may be required. C. The Subdivision process regulates land divisions that create 4 or more lots within a calendar year. AVC Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021 Partition of Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 Land Use Application Page 4 Response: This project involves a land division by means of a partition application to create three parcels within a calendar year. Therefore, the criteria of this section apply. D. Applicability. 1. The Partition process applies within the city limits and the City's urbanizable area. Generally, no more than 3 parcels may be created from 1 tract ofland in the City's urbanizable area until annexation, as specified in Section 5.12-125I.2.b.iu. 2. The Subdivision process applies only within the city Emits. 3. No lot/parcel may be created without being divided as specified in this Code. 4. No development permit will be issued by the City prior to approval ofthe Partition or Subdivision Tentative Plan application. EXCEPTION: As maybe permitted in the Springfield Municipal Code, 1997 and/or by Resolution No. 03-40, the Director may issue a Land and Drainage Alteration Permit prior to approval of the Partition or Subdivision Tentative Plan. Response: This application involves athree-parcel partition within the City limits. The parcels created by this application are in accordance with the Springfield Development Code (SDC). The above standards are understood. 5.12-110 Tentative Plan Review Tentative Plans are reviewed under Type II Procedure. Response: The Type II review process is understood. 5.12-115 Tentative Plan — General Any residential land division shall conform to the following standards: A. The lot/parcel dimensions shall conform to the minimum standards of this Code. When lots/parcels are more than double the minimum area permitted by the zoning district, the Director shall require that these lots/parcels be arranged: To allow redMsion; and To allow for the extension of streets to serve figure lots/parcels. Response: This application involves a three -parcel partition within the City limits. As illustrated on the Preliminary Plans, the partition allows for the redivision of large properties and provides appropriate frontage on public roads. The criteria are satisfied. Placement of structures on the larger lots/parcels shall be subject to approval by the Director upon a determination that the potential mazimum density of the larger lot/parcel is not impaired. In order to make this determination, the Director may require a Future Development Plan as specified in Section 5.12-120E. Response: This application is associated with the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan (Local File No. 811-20-000225-TYP3). Placement of structures on the large properties created through this partition application is subject to future site plan review. The subject site does not contain existing structures. Per the submittal requirements, see the table below explaining the density of the subject property. AVO Marcola Meadows— Cit/ of Springfield April 2021 Partition of Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 Land Use Application Page 5 Table 2: Description of Density Adjusted Tax Lot 1800 Size of Property (acres) ±72 acres Maximum Allowable Density To be determined. Various factors precede calculating density for the property, including the phased single family subdivision and multi -family site plan review planned for portions of the master plan site. Future Density To be determined. This application does not involve physical site improvements or residential density calculations. B. Double frontage lots/parcels shall be avoided, unless necessary to prevent access m residential development from collector and arterial streets or m overcome specific topographic situations. C. Panhandle lots/parcels shall comply with the standards specified in Sections 3.2-215 and 4.2-120A. In the case of multiple panhandles in Subdivisions, construction of necessary utifides to serve all approved panhandle lots/parcels shall occur prior to recording the Plat. Response: This application does not create parcels with double frontage or panhandles. The criteria are met. D. Block length for local streets is as specified in Section 4.2-115. Response: This application involves the dedication of right-of-way for a portion of Pierce Parkway, a future local public street. The SDC Section 4.2-115 referenced above does not exist. That said, pursuant to Section 4.2-105.D.4.b.i., the block length of Pierce Parkway (between 28r` Street and the crossing of the Pierce Ditch) does not exceed 800 feet. The Conceptual Master Plan (Exhibit B) illustrates these features for future planning purposes. As applicable, the criterion is met. 5.12-120 Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements A Tentative Plan application shall contain the elements necessary to demonstrate that the provisions of this Code are being fulfilled. EXCEPTION: Iv the case of Partition applications with the sole immait to donate land to a public agency, the Director, during the Pre -Submittal Meeting, may waive any submittal requirements that can be addressed as part of a future development application. Response: The sole intention of this partition application is not to facilitate the donation of land to a public agency. The exception described above is not relevant to this application. A. General Requirements. The Tentative Plan, including any required Future Development Plan, shall be prepared by an Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor o standard sheers of I8" x 2422. The services of and Oregon registered Engineer may also be required by the City in order to resolve utility issues (especially stormw ter management, street design and transportation issues), and site constraint and/or water quality AVC Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021 Partition of Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 Land Use Application Page 6 2. The scale of the Tentative Plan shall be appropriate to the area evolved and the amount of detail and data, normally 1" = 501, 1 100', or I" = 200'. 3. A north arrow and the date the Tentative Plan was prepared. 4. The name and address of the owner, appficany if different, and the Land Surveyor and/or Engineer who prepared the Partition Tentative Plan. 5. A drawing of the boundaries of the entire area owned by the pard loner or subdivider ofwhich the proposed land division is apart. 6. Cityboundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary(UGB) and any special service district boundaries or railroad right -of --way, which cross or abut the proposed land division. 7. Applicable zoning districts and the Metro Plan designation of the proposed land division and of properties within 100 feet of the boundary ofthe subject property. 8. The dimensions (in feet) and size (either in square feet or acres) of each lot/parcel and the approximate dimensions of each budding site, where applicable, and the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale. 9. The location, outfine to scale and present use of all existing structures to remain on the property after platting and their required setbacks from the proposed new property fines. 10. The location and size ofexistmg and proposed utilities and necessary easements and dedications on and adjacent to the site, including but not limited to sanitary sewer mains, smrmwater management systems, water .pains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points. IL The locations widths and purpose of all existing or proposed easements on and abutting the proposed land division; the location ofany existi g or proposed reserve strips. 12. The locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly indicated. Response: The Preliminary Plans include the applicable Tentative Plan information listed above. The submittal requirements are met. B. A Site Assessment ofthe Entire DevelopmentArea. The Site Assessment shall be prepared by an Oregon Licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer and drawn to scale with existing contours at 1 -foot intervals and percent of slope that precisely maps and delineates the areas described below. Proposed modifications to physical features shall be clearly indicated. The Director may waive portions of this requirement if there is a finding that the proposed development will not have an adverse impact on physical features or water quality, either on the site or adjacent to the site. Information required for adjacent properties may be generalized to show the connections to physical features. A Sire Assessment shall contain the following information. 1. The name, location, dimensions, direction of8owand top ofbank of all watercourses that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WLQW) Map on file in the Development Services Department, AVC Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021 Partition of Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 Land Use Application Page 7 2. The 100 -year Floodplain and Floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Maps o FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision; 3. The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in Section 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development Service Department 4. Physical features including, but not limited to significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the (WLQW) Map and their riparian areas, wedands, and rock outcroppings; 5. Soil types and water table information as .napped and specified in the Soils Survey ofLane Count and 6. Natural resource protection areas as specified in Section 4.3-117. Response: The Preliminary Plans include the applicable Site Assessment information listed above. The submittal requirements are met. C. A Stormwater Management Plan drawn to scale with existing contours at I - foot intervals and percent of slope that precisely maps and addresses the information described below. In areas where the percent ofdope is 10 percent or more, contours may be shown at 5 -foot intervals. This plan shall show the stormwater management system for the entire development area. Unless exempt by the Public Works Director, the City shall require that an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer prepare the plan. Where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system, an Oregon Licensed Landscape Architect may also be required. The plan shall include the following components: 1. Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations; 2. Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns; 3. The size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained; 4. Existing and proposed site elevations, grades and contours; and 5. A stormwater management system plan with supporting calculations and documentation as required in Section 4.3-110 shall be submitted supporting the proposed system. The plan, calculations and documentation shall be consistent avith the Engineering Designs Standards and Procedures Manual to allow staff to determine if the proposed stormwater management system will accomplish its purposes. Response: The Preliminary Plans include the above listed information, as applicable. However, the site is currently devoid of structures and this partition application does not involve physical changes to the site. Therefore, a specific "stormwater management system plan' with supporting calculations is not relevant. That said, it is understood that implementation of the master plan includes specific site plan review and subdivision approval. Those applications that include physical alterations to the land are anticipated to include detailed stormwater system plans, replete with supporting calculations, as is required. AVC Marcola Meadows—City of Springfield April 2021 Partition of Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 Land Use Application Page 8 D. A Response to Transportation issues complying with the provisions of this Code. 1. The locations, condition, e.g., fully improved with curb, gutter and sidewalk, AC may or gravel, widths and names ofall existing streets, alleys, or other rights-of-way widen or adjacent to d.e proposed land division; Response: The Preliminary Plans detail the existing conditions of streets and other rights-of-way adjacent to the subject site. The criterion is met. 2. The locations, widths and names of all proposed streets and other rights-of-way to include the approximate radius of curves and grades. The relationship of all proposed streets to any projected streets as shown on the Metro Plan, including the TransPlan, any approved Conceptual Development Plan and the latest version of the Conceptual Local Street Map; Response: This application involves the dedication of land for a planned portion of Pierce Parkway, a future local street right-of-way. As shown on the Conceptual Master Plan (Conceptual Future Development Plan), the location of Pierce Parkway as shown is consistent with the approved Final Master Plan. The criterion is met. The locations and widths of all existing and proposed sidewalks, pedestrian trails and accessways, including the location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip; Response: The Preliminary Plans detail the existing conditions of sidewalks, pedestrian trails, and accessways. This application does not involve the design or construction of new pedestrian facilities. As stated previously in this written document, the purpose of this project is to divide larger pieces of land in order to facilitate Master Plan implementation and physical improvements are not planned to be completed at this time. As applicable, the criterion is met. The location of existing and proposed traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities, where applicable; Response: The Preliminary Plans illustrate the location of existing traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, mailboxes, etc. This application does not involve the implementation of new public facilities and/or site improvements. As applicable, the criterion is met. 5. The location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways, where applicable; 6. The location of existing and proposed street lighting: including the type, height and area of illumination; 7. The location of existing and proposed transit Facilities; Response: The Preliminary Plans detail the locations of existing driveways, access locations, streetlights, and transit facilities. This application does not involve the design or construction of new driveways, access locations, streetlights, or transit facilities. As applicable, the criteria are met. AVO Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021 Partition of Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 Land Use Application Page 9 A copy of a Right-of-way Approach Permit application where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Facility; and Response: The subject site does not front on an ODOT facility. The criterion is not relevant. A Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer, where necessary, as speufied in Section 4.2-105A.4. Response: A Traffic Impact Study (TIS) is not required for this application because it does not involve the improvement of land, construction of structures, and/or change of use that creates new or additional vehicle impacts to the City's transportation system. E. A Future Development Plan. Where phasing and/or lots/parcels that are re than twice the minimum lot/parcel size are proposed, the Tentative Plan shall include a Future Development Plan that 1. Indicates the proposed redivision, including the boundaries, lot/parcel dimensions and sequencing of each proposed redivision in any residential district, and shall include a plot plan showing building footprints for compliance with the minimum residential densities specified in Section 3.2-205. 2. Addresses street connectivity between the various phases of the proposed development based upon compliance with TransPlan, the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), applicable Refinement Plans, Plan Districts, Master Plans, Conceptual Development Plans, or the Conceptual Local Street Map and this Code; 3. Accommodates other required public improvements, including, but not limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater management, water and electricity; 4. Addresses physical features, including, but notlimimd to, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map and their associated riparian areas, wedands, rock outcroppings and historic features; and 5. Discusses the timing and financial provisions relating to phasing Response: The Preliminary Plans include the approved Final Master Plan (Future Development Plan) that illustrates (approved) future site improvements on the subject site. The plan includes the above listed information, as applicable. F. Additional information and/or applications required at the time of Tentative Plan application submittal shall include the following items, where applicable: 1. A briefnarmtive explaining the purpose ofthe proposed land division and the existing use of the property; Response: This written document includes an explanation of the purpose of the land use application and the existing use of the property. If the applicant is not the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required; Response: This City's application form, signed by the property owner, is included in Exhibit A. A Vicinity Map drawn to scale showing bus stops, streets, driveways, pedestrian connections, fire hydrants and other transportation/fire AVC Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021 Partition of Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 Land Use Application Page 10 issuesaccess widen 200 feet of the proposed land division and all exist:ngPartitions or Subdivisions immediately adjacent to the proposed land division; Response: The Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B) include a vicinity map and other plans with the information listed above, as applicable. 4. How the Tentative Plan addresses the standards of any applicable overlay distticq Response: The subject property is designated Drinking Water Protection Overlay District. This project does not involve physical improvements, site alterations, or change of use. Therefore, the standards of the overlay district are not particularly relevant to this application, but are shown on the Existing Conditions Plans (Exhibit B). 5. How the Tentative Plan addresses Discretionary Use criteria, where applicable; Response: This application does not involve discretionary uses: any use not permitted outright in the particular zoning district because of its potentially incompatible characteristics and requiring additional governing body review. The criterion is not relevant. 6. A Tree Felling Permit as specified in Section 5.19-100; Response: This application does not involve tree felling. 7. A Geotechnical Report for slopes of 15 percent or greater and a specified in Section 3.3-500, and/or if the required Site Assessment in Section 5.12-120B. indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or high water table as specified in the Soils Surety ofLane Ccumv,, Response: This application does not involve land which contains slopes of 15%or greater. 8. An Annexation application as specified in Section 5.7-100 where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within City's urban growth boundary and can be serviced by sanitary sewer; Response: This application does not involve annexation. The subject property is within the Springfield City limits. 9. A wedand delineation approved by the Department of State Lands shall be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property; Response: The Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B) illustrate the location ofwetlands. Concurrence from DSL is within Exhibit F. 10. Evidence that any required Federal or State permit has been applied for or approved shall be submitted concurrently; Response: The above criterion is not applicable to this application. To the extent federal or state permits are relevant to other applications involving the subject property, they will be obtained. 11. AR public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the approximate time ofinsta0ation and .method offinancing; AVC Marcola Meadows—City of Springfield April 2021 Partition of Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 Land Use Application Page 11 Response: As described in this written narrative, this application does not involve the installation of public improvements. 12. Proposed deed restrictions and a draft ofa Homeowner's Associadon Agreement' where appropriate; Response: This application does not include deed restrictions or a draft homeowner's association agreement. 13. Cluster Subdivisions shall also address the design standards specified in Section 3.2-230; 14. Where the Subdivision of a manufactured dwelfi.w park or mobile home park is proposed, the Director may waive certain submittal requirements specified in Subsections A. through M. However, the Tentative Plan shall address the applicable standards fisted under the park Subdivision approval criteria specified in Section 5.12-125. (6286; 6211) Response: This application does not involve a cluster subdivision or a manufactured dwelling park. The above listed submittal requirements are not applicable. 5.12-125 Tentative Plan Criteria The Director shall approve or approve avith conditions a Tentative Plan application upon determining that all applicable criteria have been satisfied. If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the approval criteria, the Director shall deny the application. In the case of Partitions that involve the donation ofland to a public agency, the Director may waive any approval criteria upon determining the particular criterion can be addressed as part ofa future development application. A. The request conforms to the provisions of this Code pertammg to lot/parcel size and dimensions. Response: As discussed in this written narrative, the subject site is associated with the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan (Local File No. 811-20-000225-TYP3). The property is currently designated Medium Density Residential (MDR) and Community Commercial (CC) zoning districts. Approval of this Tentative Plan and recordation of a Final Partition Plat is planned to result in three parcels, one tract, and right-of-way dedication: Table 3: Future Parcel Characteristics Adjusted Tax Lot 1800 Planned Area City of Springfield Zoning Designation Anticipated Land Use Parcel 1 ±0.89 acres CC Commercial Parcell ±11.24 acres MDR Multi -Family Parcel ±59.70 acres MDR Single -Family Tract ±0.13 MDR Storm Water Management As noted in the table below, the three parcels created by this partition (above) comply with the minimum lot size and dimensions of the designated base zone development standards and generally follow existing zoning designation boundaries. These standards AVO Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021 Partition of Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 Land Use Application Page 12 are not particularly relevant as the purpose of this application is to prepare the site for overall master plan improvements. The approval criterion is met. B. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. Response: The subject site is consistent with and designated Commercial and Medium Density Residential designations on the Metro Plan diagram. The planned partition complies with the requirements of the Marcola Meadows Master Plan, as illustrated on the Conceptual Master Plan. The subject site is not associated with a refinement plan. C. Capacity requirements of public and private Facifities, including but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management Facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development' unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. Response: This application involves dividing a single unit of land into three units of land byway of a partition. It does not include site alterations, physical improvements, or changes to the use of the property such that the facilities listed above are impacted. This criterion is met. D. The proposed land division shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. Response: This application does not involve or require public or private improvements. Therefore, this criterion does not apply. E. Physical features, including, but notlimited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of Flooding; significant clusters oftrees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLWMap and their associated riparian are other riparian areas and wetlands specified in Section 4.3-117; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-2402 shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. Response: This application does not involve alterations to the site. Therefore, this criterion is not applicable. However, the wetland delineation is included within Exhibit F for reference. AVO Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021 Partition of Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 Land Use Application Page 13 F. Parking a.eas and ingress-cgress points have been designed to: Facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for Stare highways. Response: As shown on the Conceptual Master Plan (Exhibit B) the Preliminary Partition Plat complies with the ingress -egress points of the approved Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan, where transportation improvements were previously designed and approved to facilitate the standards listed above. Therefore, this criterion is met. G. Development ofany remainder ofthe property under the same ownership can be accomplished as specified in this Code. H. Adjacent land can be developed or is provided access that will allow its development as specified in this Code. Response: The above approval standards are understood. This application does not create landlocked parcels. Adjacent land can be developed as specified in the SDC. Where the Partition ofpmperty thatis outside ofthe city limits but within the City's urbanizable area and no concurrent annexation application is submitted, the standards specified below shall also apply: Response: The subject property is within the Springfield City limits. The criterion is not applicable, and the additional standards have been omitted for brevity. Where the Subdivision ofa manufactured dwelling park or mobile hone park is proposed, the following approval criteria apply: Response: This application does not involve a mobile home park. The above standard is not relevant and the associated approval criteria have been omitted for brevity. 5.12-130 Tentative Plan Conditions To the extent necessary to satisfy the approval criteria of Section 5.12-125, comply with all applicable provisions of this Code and to mitigate identified negative impacts to surrounding properties, the Director shall impose approval conditions. All conditions shall be satisfied prior to Plat approval. Approval conditions may include, but are not limited to: Response: It is understood that the director may impose conditions of approval as stated above and the conditions shall be satisfied prior to final partition plat approval. The list of potential approval conditions has been omitted for brevity. IV. Conclusion The required findings have been made and this written narrative and accompanying documentation demonstrate that the application is consistent with the applicable provisions of the City of Springfield Development Code. The evidence in the record supports approval of the application and the City can rely upon it for its approval of the application. AVO Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021 Partition of Adjusted Tax Lot 1803 Land Use Application Page 14 AK Exhibit A: City Application Forms and Checklists City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Land Division Tentative Plan Partition, Subdivision SPRINGFIELD w 0#/ PApplication Type (Applicant: check ne artition Tentative Pre -Submittal: Subdivision Tentative Pre -Submittal: I❑ Partition Tentative Submittal: Subdivision Tentative Submittal: Required Project Information (Applicant., complete this section) Applicant Name: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC Phone: Pleasewntactconsuhant Company: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Fax: Please contact consultant Address: 27375 SW Parkway Avenue, Wilsonville, OR 97070 Applicant's Rep.: Consultant: Chris Goodell Phone: (503) 563-6151 Company: AKS En ineerin & Forestry, LLC I Fax: 503 563-6152 Address: 12965 SW Herman Avenue Suite 100 Tualatin OR 97062 Email: chrisg@aks-eng.com Property Owner: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Phone: Please contact consultant Company: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Fax: Please contact consultant Address: 27375 SW Parkway Avenue Wilsonville OR 97070 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17023000 1 TAX LOT NOS : 1803 Property Address: No situs northwest of Marcola Road and 28th Street Size of Property: ±72 acres Acres ® Square Feet ❑ Proposed Name of Subdivision: N/A Description of if you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Tentative partition plan for large parcel division/master plan implementation. Please see written narrative materials. Existing Use: V n f # Of Lots Parcels: 3 / Total acreage of parcels/ elbweble dens' + proposed # N/A Dwell Units Si natures: Please sign and print your name and date in the appropriate Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., Associated Applications: box on the next Dace. complete this section) Signs: Pre -Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Posta a Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/7/14 kl 1 of 10 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre -submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. Owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. I/we do hereby acknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Date: a'/8a� Signature I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre -Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the Information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 222.178 pertaining to a complete application. Date: Signature Revised 10.14.13 kl 2 of 6 Land Division Tentative Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Land Division Tentative Application for Pre -Submittal • The application must conform to the Land Division Tentative Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-6 of this application packet. • A pre -submittal meeting to discuss completeness is mandatory, and pre -submittal meetings are conducted every Tuesday and Friday, from 10:00 am - noon. • Planning Division staff strives to conduct pre -submittal meetings within five to seven working days of receiving an application. 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Pre -Submittal Meeting • The applicant, owner, and design team are strongly encouraged to attend the pre - submittal meeting. • The meeting is held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division and is scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner provides the applicant with a Pre -Submittal Checklist specifying the items required to make the application complete if it is not already complete, and the applicant has 160 days submit a complete application to the City. 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application, City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision • A complete application must conform to the Land Division Tentative Submittal Requirements Checklist on pages 4-6 of this application packet. • A Type II decision, made after public notice, but without a public hearing, unless appealed, is issued within 120 days of submittal of a complete application. • Mailed notice is provided to property owners and occupants within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to any applicable neighborhood association. In addition, the applicant must post one sign, provided by the City, on the subject property. • There is a 14 -day public comment period, starting on the date notice is mailed. • Applications are distributed to the Development Review Committee, and their comments are incorporated into a decision that addresses all applicable approval criteria and/or development standards, as well as any written comments from those given notice. • Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. • At the applicant's request, the Planner can provide a copy of the draft land use decision prior to issuing the final land use decision. • The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. • The decision issued is the final decision of the City but may be appealed within 15 calendar days to the Planning Commission or Hearings Official. Revised 1/7/14 kl 3 of 10 Land Division Tentative Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: • ALL of the following items MUST be submitted for BOTH Pre -Submittal and Submittal. • If you feel an item on the list below does not apply to your specific application, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development & Public Works Department. Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre -submittal and submittal stages. A checkfor $421 is included (pre -submittal feel Land Division Tentative Application Form Narrative explaining the purpose of the proposed development, the existing use of the property, and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken. Density - list the size of property (acres), maximum allowable density and the density proposed. Copy of the Deed Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. Copy of the Land Division Plan Reduced to 81/2"x 11", which will be mailed as part of the required neighboring property notification packet. N/A❑ Right -of -Way Approach Permit Application provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) facility. N/A❑ Three (3) Copies of the Stormwater Management System Study with Completed Stormwater Scoping Sheet Attached - The plan, supporting calculations, and documentation must be consistent with the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. N/A❑ Three (3) Copies of the Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC 4.2-105 A.4. Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) allow the City to analyze and evaluate the traffic impacts and mitigation of a development on the City's transportation system. In general, a TIS must explain how the traffic from a given development affects the transportation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and immediate and adjoining street systems. A TIS must also address, if needed, City, metro plan and state land use and transportation policies and objectives. VP Four (4) Copies of the Following Plan Sets for Pre -Submittal OR Three (3) Copies of the Following Plan Sets: All of the following plans must include the scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, north arrow, and date of preparation. All plan sets must be folded to BYx" by 11" and bound by rubber bands. a. Site Assessment of Existing Conditions Prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer Revised 1/7/14 kl 4 of 10 vicinity Map IfThe name, location, and dimensions of all existing site features including buildings, curb cuts, trees, and impervious surface areas, clearly indicating what is remaining and what is being removed. For existing structures to remain, also indicate present use and required setbacks from proposed property lines. VThe name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of bank of all watercourses and required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map on file in the Development & Public Works Department N/A❑ The 100 -year floodplain and floodway boundaries on the site, as specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps or FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map Revision V"The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in SDC 3.3-200 and delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the Development & Public Works Department Physical features including, but not limited to trees 5" in diameter or greater when measured 4 '/3 feet above the ground, significant clusters of trees and shrubs, riparian areas, wetlands and rock outcroppings Soil types and water table information as mapped and specified in the Soils Survey of Lane County. A Geotechnical Report prepared by an Engineer must be submitted concurrently if the Soils Survey indicates the proposed development area has unstable soils and/or a high water table b. Land Division Tentative Plan Prepared by an Oregon licensed Land Surveyor City boundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary, and any special service district boundaries or railroad right-of-way which cross or abut the proposed land division SeLocation and width of all existing and proposed easements on and abutting the proposed land division Boundaries of entire area owned by the property owner, of which the proposed land division is a part, as well as dimensions and size of each parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building site indicating the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to scale N/A ❑ Location and type of existing and proposed street lighting, including type, height, and area of illumination Location, widths, conditions, and names of all existing and proposed streets, alleys, dedications or other right-of-ways within or adjacent to the proposed land division. Proposed streets should also include approximate radius of curves and grades and relationship to any projected streets as shown on the Metro Plan, TransPlan, Conceptual Development Plan, or Conceptual Local Street Map. Location of existing and required traffic control devices, fire hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units and similar public facilities Location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways VLocation of existing and proposed transit facilities Location and width of all existing and proposed sidewalks, sidewalk ramps, pedestrian access ways and bike trails Location, size and type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip Revised 1/7/14 kl 5 of 10 Location and size of existing and proposed utilities on and adjacent to the site including sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate the proposed connection points IfThe locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use, with the purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly indicated Future Development Plan where phasing or large lots/parcels are proposed as specified in SDC 5.12-120 E. PLEASE SEE THE CONCEPTUAL MASTER PLAN c. Stormwater Management Plan Prepared by an Oregon licensed Civil Engineer N/A ❑ Planting plan prepared by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect where plants are proposed as part of the stormwater management system N/A ❑ Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns (EXISTING) ,eThe size and location of stormwater management systems components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins, dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and natural drainageways to be retained (EXISTING) Existing and proposed spot elevations and contours lines drawn at 1 foot intervals (for land with a slope over 10 percent, the contour lines may be at 5 foot intervals) (EXISTING) N/A ❑ Amount of proposed cut and fill ❑ Additional Materials That May be Required INCLUDED, AS APPLICABLE IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE IF ADDITIONAL STANDARDS/APPLICATIONS APPLY TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. THE APPLICANT SHOULD CONSIDER UTILIZING PRE -DEVELOPMENT MEETINGS AS DISCUSSED IN SDC 5.1-120: ❑ Proposed deed restrictions and a draft of any Homeowner's Association Agreement ❑ Additional plans and documentation for submittal of a Cluster Subdivision proposal as specified in SDC 3.2-230 ❑ Riparian Area Protection Report for properties located within 150 feet of the top of bank of any Water Quality Limited Watercourses (WQLW) or within 100 feet of the top of bank of any direct tributaries of WQLW ❑ A Geotechnical Report prepared by an engineer must be submitted concurrently if there are unstable soils and/or a high water table present ❑ Where the development area is within an overlay district, address the additional standards of the overlay district ❑ If five or more trees are proposed to be removed, a Tree Felling Permit as specified in SDC 5.19-100 le A wetland delineation approved by the Oregon Division of State Lands must be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the property EXHIBIT F ❑ Any required federal or state permit must be submitted concurrently or evidence the permit application has been submitted for review ❑ Where any grading, filling or excavating is proposed with the development, a Land and Drainage Alteration permit must be submitted prior to development Revised 1/7/14 kl 6 of 10 ❑ Where applicable, any Discretionary Use or Variance as specified in SDC 5.9-100 and 5.21-100 ❑ An Annexation application, as specified in SDC 5.7-100, where a development is proposed outside of the city limits but within the City's urban service area and can be served by sanitary sewer ❑ All public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the approximate time of installation and method of financing Revised 1/7/14 kl 7 of 10 AK 9 ad Exhibit B: Preliminary Plans MARCOLA MEADOWS ADJUSTED TAX LOT 1803 PRELIMINARY PARTITION PLANS VICINITY MAP 1"=2000' LAND USE PLANNING / CIVIL ENGINEERING / SURVEYING/LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE: AKS ENGINEERING @ FORESTRY, LLC CONTACT: CHRIS GOODELL 12965 SW HERMAN ROAD, SUITE 100 TUALATN, OR 97062 PH: 503-563-6151 FAX: 503-563-6152 PROJECT PURPOSE: PARTBON OF ADJUSTED TAX LOT 1803 OWNER/ APPLICANT: MARCOLA MEADOWS NEIGHBORHOOD, LLC 27375 SW PARKWAY AVENUE WILSOVILLE, OR 97070 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: ASSESSOR'S MAP 17.0230 TAX LOT 1803 (AS ADJUSTED BY LANE COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE CST NO. 45334) HORIZONTAL DATUM A LOCAL DATUM PLANE SCALED FROM OREGON STATE PLANE SOUTH 3602 NAD83(2011) EPOCH 2O1OODDO. THE STATE PLANE CDORDINATES WERE DERIVED FROM THE TRIMBLE WS NOW NETWORK EXISTING LAND USE: VACANT PROJECT LOCATION: SPRINGFIELD OREGON, NORTH OF MARCOLA ROAD AND WEST OF 31ST STREET SHEETINDEX PO -00 COVER SHEET PO -01 EXISTING CONDIRONS PLAN PO -01A EXISTNG CONDITON PLAN PO -018 EXISTNG CONDIRONS PLAN PO -01C EXISTING CONDITONS PLAN PO -01D EXISTING CONDIRONS PLAN PO -01E EXII CONDITONS PLAN PO -01F EXISTING CONDITONS PLAN PO -02 PRELIMINARY PARTRON PLAT PO -03 PRELIMINARY AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH PLAN PO -G4 APPROVED FINAL MASTER PLAN LEGEND EXII [Na0.61PE O SIWI PWx P6VI aT EXII smP aux ata eAw oaNwPs mE mP anx .w. oxen W meat n smP oxux IWIItl[ .tw aoxors P Gts IErzn WTFA IflF.Y a fu W1tF m wo VNW WY ME NgIII oaeE ami vwW • vnrn raE YP rauu vxW q xoTm vxxl � Ywx a[M wr o PoIkN +.vLpl eTP .1. XYITMt 31FR YPME O T9PR iPCSTN gG v LLW.MG1Y116 W1U p ..T O dYYYNG1YJ15 JM'll"M p NyIBy ® 6WIINGIYMS P}P O PiN-6-MY INE DOSTING W MA9f HIE PNIWIE OR PIZ 6 G.11flP1T fA41Plt IP ME m m m VJIEY IN -- -- bhPoFM NS —.. gyMY.11g6II[ r -- - — — — - — — — — -- s'EP UE ----------- am I F �/ -� (WELLHEAD _ZONE 1 �— __ -�^�__ _ Igi_ __ __ C % II _ ZONE 2 .T. qME RN1U5 LQiA qM,N M]A9 CI sum wv>u' waK sslvrYrsnAS' ce mm umm� aur suxm�r smlz m J ]qYY 62]r a'6N'Y XSffi V IAb Btmm BONNE LANE— xU$li OW m 6Sm a'N'Y M, mVA'S1F 1.v WELLHEAD. �I ZONE Ibi � 1 s10 � 1 � Is Am¢k att a GAa le ffiI WELLHEAD, ZONE 2 ti�7 "'-- "el 4 e 3 � g ISI WELLHEAD ZONE1 p+ "c MAIA WELLHEAD 5 " J PIERCE WELLHEAD ,.a SEE SHEET 01A t\ SEE SHEET P01D j ousrEo & � TrAxA% wv LOT 1003wcwm WELLHEAD G ZONE 5 TAX LONA SEE ru MA 1)Y(mm rxA: rza wqv SHEET P01C /nr 1 SNORT STREET 1 PIERCE PggKWAY _—_____Y� TI f SEE SHEET P01Elull n -f- NOTES:WNY AEYATM NE M4U ql NS 41m1YYIX XC. alma Mm mqc u,E wNrc mwMMx M. IN LmArm Ix wgxPm. Ar nE uxcMx a nml s>mLr MN aqm SImET. Mdl rl xCFm a MC CDIIFSIF Of M Y¢ImIM zw¢aYNx sn¢[u.snmumwsmrm samMST aPINaM[mRR{5 M9[ga Ai Im 39A mREf, 126rt Mn m nE ommY a sMo smLr. lT.r n scum a ms ILAA[NOJ-0KRM a UMPoS, "aA IN, HIM ON nAnT 47&11 n (MIC m) 1- z M & MM A L MRV Fl m rMY Im= FAT qµE mum m Ywmlaml) fWN IDIQWY. M nAR M4F CQRAXAR MPE IXA1ID imY TF 1mBE N21GN 1Fm]N. a ORM %m uL EOX) o-1 uavwaw NTgrc wM¢ lli M FAm4]I W CTSIR Wo m MMOW L w MXLT xya"S NplM WM7 ID'GOM Mf sMCilR Wll6m WMIOOTN LMiAQVIO IaJ.R armsm rE m1Lr unuM x oMnucly¢ Am mmmma va wants ML msna aMg9m5 HIXR N amSMC aMI1NCMN I MR,)(ItOwM Im WMI6BA4Dm ON N.I T QNgTg6 RM' URN YYLT-TLI ENiFFlN6 MThG 1 fFmIIMT wm Il7 . FFA Lm M6 MIXm mm SYo rm , wNumr r. mm mama mrMElEmu 1MImNMC WMM'C Vm M9tdim m M5 M1fB'x66 _ igRmY. LLL N IFNIYAiY 10R J S T66M A 1.1 ARKY TIHAFLgP]I WIXM 2UMIY. BSWIAS Wi M meIYMAVY Aw 91W0 IF mm. am nr mwa gMaxu ram m ants m Im mmm asYM m M1TtU(1m. a mxnYN xaAVM a 1 mor. M 1.0i1 AM NA pEaC fM11YI6MMOAlO A2WrMlm6 CW PI6 m Yxn-Rm 17. M MTn FF.. aNu Auo MM m 1WAW Il. aJA nia im6RP5IP'f£EIX1.14 IS 9@¢r �gIM�x£ Ism ARIMST INA COM B. MEKONG BPA4LSs 9pW1 YmF q:IMAIm m.AS fxwmmC 6 itM1,Rr, LLG m M9NMtt 0. a0t0 MO VM rNaEsaMwr mxwmv sr ms m MaMmr lo. oma .T. qME RN1U5 LQiA qM,N M]A9 CI sum wv>u' waK sslvrYrsnAS' ce mm umm� aur suxm�r smlz m Y6m ]qYY 62]r a'6N'Y XSffi V IAb Btmm EL]} xU$li OW m 6Sm a'N'Y M, mVA'S1F 1.v m0] TAX LOT 804 1M YPP 1A1149 A% LOT 900 iPK NAP ,mlBll W LTAX LOT 1000M Yw 1Ne. TAX LOT 1500 ..AP i..LOT AW VLT PAM _ w• \ � SIFil_ 11F n.• � P� 16�W _r_ _ /� AOJISTEO SL o.wEu TAX LOT 1803 y6944 TgAY]2IDAQSS w WELLHEAD ZONE 1 r/ SEE SHEET -P02C I TAX LOT 1300 TAY PAP 17.1S. 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IIIP NOTE: POTENTIAL PLAN ELEMENTS AND DETAILS AS CHANGE PO -04 AK Exhibit C: Property Ownership Information Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222100561 Fidelity National Title cempmyoFomgon 800 Willamette Street, Ste 500 (541)6835422 OWNERSHIP AND ENCUMBRANCES REPORT WITH GENERAL INDEX LIENS Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances To ("Customer'): Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC 9550 SE Clackamas Rd Clackamas, OR 97015 Customer Ref.: Commercial Parcel/Apartment Parcel/Single Family D Order No.: 60 22 21 00 561 Effective Date: March 4, 2021 at 08:00 AM Charge: $400.00 The information contained in this report is furnished by Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon (the "Company") as a real property information service based on the records and indices maintained by the Company for the county identified below. THIS IS NOT TITLE INSURANCE OR A PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT FOR, OR COMMITMENT FOR, TITLE INSURANCE. No examination has been made of the title to the herein described property, other than as specifically set forth herein. Liability for any loss arising from errors and/or omissions is limited to the lesser of the charge or the actual loss, and the Company will have no greater liability by reason of this report. THIS REPORT IS SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY STATED BELOW, WHICH LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY ARE A PART OF THIS REPORT. THIS REPORT INCLUDES MONETARY AND NON -MONETARY ENCUMBRANCES. Part One - Ownership and Property Description Owner. The apparent vested owner of property (the Property') as of the Effective Date is: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company Premises. The Property is: (a) Street Address: 2025 31st Street, Springfield, OR 97477 (b) Legal Description: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222100561 Part Two - Encumbrances Encumbrances. As of the Effective Date, the Property appears subject to the following monetary and non -monetary encumbrances of record, not necessarily listed in order of priority, including liens specific to the subject property and general index liens (liens that are not property specific but affect any real property of the named person in the same county): EXCEPTIONS 1. According to the Lane County tax roll record, tax account 1517653 does not appear to have been assessed any taxes for the fiscal year 2020-2021; however, there is the following notation on said tax roll record: If this report displays $0 Taxes and Assessments Due, and does not display the description breakdown line(s) above above it, please contact Assessments and Taxation to verify the balance. 2. City Liens, if any, in favor of the City of Springfield. 3. Any adverse claim based on the assertion that any portion of the subject land has been removed from or brought within the subject land's boundaries by the process of accretion or reliction or any change in the location of ditch and/or stream. Any adverse claim based on the assertion that any portion of the subject land has been created by artificial means or has accreted to such portions so created, or based on the provisions of ORS 274.905 through 274.940. Any adverse claim based on the assertion that any portion of the subject land is now or at any time has been belowthe ordinary high water line of ditch and/or stream. Rights of fishing, navigation, commerce, flood control, propagation of anadromous fish, and recreation, and other rights of the public, Indian tribes or governmental bodies in and to the waters of ditch and/or stream. 4. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: Benham Irrigation Company Purpose: Reference is made to said document for full particulars Recording Date: May 1, 1919 Recording No: Book 119, Page 560 5. Easement(s) forthe purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: Benham Irrigation Company Purpose: To construct and maintain a ditch Recorded: July 17, 1919, Book 121, Page 66. Affects: Blanket Easement - exact location not given 6. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as granted in a document; Granted to: City of Eugene Purpose: Electric transmission line Recorded: July 12, 1937, Book 188, Page 452. 7. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: City of Springfield, a municipal corporation Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222100561 Purpose: Utility easem ent Recording Date: November 17, 1961 Recording No: 50778 8. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: City of Springfield, Oregon Purpose: Public utilities and sidewalks Recording Date: September 22, 1993 Recording No: 9360016 9. Declaration of Restrictions, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recording Date: October 19, 2007 Recording No.: 2007-071865 10. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements but omitting any covenants or restrictions, if any, including but not limited to those based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, source of income, gender, gender identity, gender expression, medical condition or genetic information, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or restriction is permitted by applicable law, as set forth in the document Recording Date: July 3, 2008 Recording No: 2008-039321 11. The Villages at Marcola Meadows, Final Master Plan, including the terms and provisions thereof Recording Date: July 25, 2008 Recording No.: 2008-043041 12. The Villages at Marcola Meadows, Final Master Plan Modification, including the terms and provisions thereof Recording Date: August 17, 2018 Recording No.: 2018-038501 13. Declaration of Restriction, including the terms and provisions thereof Recording Date: August 17, 2018 Recording No.: 2018-038502 14. Declaration of Restriction and Consent, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recording Date: August 17, 2018 Recording No.: 2018-038503 15. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, Amount: $6,179,644.05 Dated: December 16, 2019 Trustor/Grantor: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Trustee: Trustee Services, Inc. Beneficiary: Construction Loan Services, LLC Informational Reportof Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222100561 Loan No.: 71578 Recording Date: December 17, 2019 Recording No.: 201 9-05 771 0 "Includes Additional Property" The Deed of Trust set forth above is purported to be a "Credit Line' Deed of Trust. It is a requirement that the Trustor/Grantor of said Deed of Trust provide written authorization to close said credit line account to the Lender when the Deed of Trust is being paid off through the Company or other Settlement/Escrow Agent or provide a satisfactory subordination of this Deed of Trust to the proposed Deed of Trust to be recorded at closing. An assignment of the beneficial interest under said deed of trust which names: Assignee: Builders Capital Opportunity Fund, LLC Loan No.: 71578 Recording Date: February 24, 2020 Recording No.: 2020-009040 16. The effect of, Declaration of Property Line Adjustment, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recording Date: June 4, 2020 Recording No.: 2020-028024 17. Deed Restriction, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recording Date: June 4, 2020 Recording No.: 2020-028059 18. Deed Restriction, including the terms and provisions thereof, Recording Date: June 4, 2020 Recording No.: 2020-028060 19. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, Amount: $777,500.00 Dated: May 20, 2020 Trustor/Grantor: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC, an Oregon limited liability company Trustee: First American Title Beneficiary: D.R. Horton, Inc. Loan No.: N/A Recording Date: June 18, 2020 Recording No.: 2020-031184 A substitution of trustee under said deed of trust which names, as the substituted trustee, the following Trustee: Chicago Title Company of Oregon Recording Date: September 16, 2020 Recording No: 20 20-05 211 3 An agreement recorded December 7, 2020 at Recording No.: 202G-071785 which states that this instrumentwas subordinated to the Deed of Trust shown in Exception No. 26 below, Informational Reportof Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222100561 Recording Date: December 07, 2020 Recording No.: 2020-071784 An agreement recorded February 1, 2020 at Recording No.: 2021-006990 which states that this instrument was subordinated to the document or interest described in the instrument Recording Date: March 21, 1957 Recording No.: 2021-006957 20. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto as delineated or as offered for dedication, on the map of said tract/plat; Purpose: Public Utility Easement Affects: as delineated on Partition Plat No. 2020-P2972 21. Restrictions, but omitting restrictions, if any, based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said restriction is permitted by applicable law, as shown on that certain plat Name of Plat: Partition Plat No. 2020-P2972 Recording Date: September 11, 2020 Recording No: 2020-051249 22. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon Purpose: Public Pedestrian Access and Sanitary Sewer Easement 20 feet in width Recording Date: September 11, 2020 Recording No: 2020-051252 Affects: See Partition Plat for particulars 23. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: City o f Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon Purpose: Public Access and Sanitary Sewer Easement 30 feet in width Recording Date: September 11, 2020 Recording No: 2020-051253 Affects: See Partition Plat for particulars 24. Easement(s) for the purpose(s) shown below and rights incidental thereto, as granted in a document: Granted to: City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, in Lane County, Oregon Purpose: Sanitary Sewer Easement Recording Date: September 11, 2020 Recording No: 2020-051254 Affects: See Partition Plat Map for particulars 25. Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Phasing Modification Recording Date: December 4, 2020 Recording No.: 2020-071248 26. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, Informational Reportof Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222100561 Amount: $15,069,724.75 Dated: December 3, 2020 Trustor/Grantor: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Trustee: Trustee Services, Inc. Beneficiary: Construction Loan Services II, LLC Loan No.: N/A Recording Date: December 07, 2020 Recording No.: 2020-071784 The Deed of Trust set forth above is purported to be a "Credit Line' Deed of Trust. It is a requirement that the Trustor/Grantor of said Deed of Trust provide written authorization to close said credit line account to the Lender when the Deed of Trust is being paid off through the Company or other Settlement/Escrow Agent or provide a satisfactory subordination of this Deed of Trust to the proposed Deed of Trust to be recorded at closing. This Deed of Trust will take priority over Exception No. 19 herein, by subordination Recorded December 07, 2020, Recording No. 202G-071785. Note: Property taxes for the fiscal year shown below are paid in full. Fiscal Year: 2020-2021 Amount: $97,740.36 Levy Code: 01900 Account No.: 0113785 Map No.: 17-02-30-00-01800 "Includes Additional Property" Prior to close of escrow, please contact the Tax Collector's Office to confirm all amounts owing, including current fiscal year taxes, supplemental taxes, escaped assessments and any delinquencies. Note: Property taxes for the fiscal year shown below are: Fiscal Year: 2020-2021 Levy Code: 01900 Account No.: 1517653 Map No.: 17-03-25-11-02300 "Includes Additional Property" Prior to close of escrow, please contact the Tax Collector's Office to confirm all amounts owing, including current fiscal year taxes, supplemental taxes, escaped assessments and any delinquencies. 27. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount shown below, Amount: $2,866,935.00 Dated: January 21, 2021 Trustor/Grantor: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC, an Oregon limited liability company Trustee: First American Title Insurance Company Beneficiary: D.R. Horton, Inc- Portland, a Delaware corporation Loan No.: N/A Recording Date: February 1, 2021 Recording No.: 2021-006957 Informational Reportof Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222100561 This Deed of Trust will take priority over Exception No. 19 herein, by subordination Recorded February 01, 2021, Recording No. 2021-006990. End of Reported Information There will be additional charges for additional information or copies. For questions or additional requests, contact: Kim Ditlefsen 541-683-5422 kim.ditlefsen@titlegroup.fntg.com Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon 800 Willamette Street, Ste 500 Eugene, OR 97401 Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description Partition Plat #2 Area at Marcola Meadows A tract of land located the southeast one-quarter of Section 24 and the northeast one-quarter of Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, and the northwest one-quarter of Section 30, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, City of Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, being a portion of Parcels 2 and 3, Land Partition Plat No. 2020-P2972, Lane County Plat Records, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a found 5/8 -inch iron rod with a yellow plastic cap inscribed Toage LS 1301" at the northeast corner of Lot 3, "Austin Park South", recorded in File 74, Slide 132, Lane County Plat Records, said point also being the northwestedy corner of Parcel 3, Land Partition Plat No. 2020-P2972, Lane County Plat Records; thence North 81°42'34" East along the north line of said Parcel 3, a distance of 609.56 feet to the northwest corner of "Marcola Meadows Phase 1 B", Lane County Plat Records; thence tracing the boundary of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 1B" along the following courses: South 08°17'26" East, 91.09 feet to a point of non -tangent curvature; thence southeasterly along the arc of 75.00 foot radius curve right (the radius point of which bears South 70°10'21" West) through a central angle of 68°40'18", 89.89 feet (chord bears South 54°09'48" East, 84.61 feet); thence North 81°42'34" East, 91.52 feet; thence South 08°17'26" East, 220.00 feet; thence North 81°42'34" East, 30.65 feet to the point of curve right of a 4.00 foot radius curve; thence along the arc of said curve right through a central angle of 90°00'00", 6.28 feet (chord bears South 53°17'26" East, 5.66 feet); thence South 08°17'26" East, 96.00 feet to northwest corner of "Marcola Meadows Phase 2B", Lane County Plat Records; thence tracing the boundary of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 2B" along the following courses: South 08°17'26" East, 91.00 feet to the point of curve dght of a 9.00 foot radius curve; thence along the arc of said curve right through a central angle of 90°00'00", 14.14 feet (chord bears South 36°42'34" West, 12.73 feet); thence South 81°42'34" West, 24.00 feet; thence South 08°17'26" East, 35.00 feet; thence North 81 °42'34" East, 1060.48 feet to the point of curve left of a 600.00 foot radius curve; thence along the arc of said curve left through a central angle of 13°34'07", 142.09 feet (chord bears North 74°55'30" East, 141.76 feet) to the point of curve right of a 600.00 foot radius curve; thence along the arc of said curve dght through a central angle of 16°19'47", 171.00 feet (chord bears North 76°18'20" East, 170.43 feet) to the easterly west line of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 1B", thence tracing the boundary of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 1 B" along the following courses: South 05°31'46" East along said easterlywest line, 35.00 feet to a point of non -tangent curvature; thence northeasterly along the arc of a 565.00 foot radius curve right (the radius point of which bears South 05°31'46" East) through a central angle of 3°3351", 73.91 feet (chord bears North 88°13'04" East, 73.85 feet); thence South 88°02'05" East, 61.00 feet to the point of curve right of a 9.00 foot radius curve; thence along the arc of said curve right through a central angle of 90°00'00", 14.14 feet (chord bears South 43°02'05" East, 12.73 feet); thence South 01°57'55" West, 90.51 feet to the southeast corner of said "Marcola Meadows Phase 1B" and a point on the westerly right-of-way line of 31st Street (35.00 feet from centerline); thence tracing said westerly right-of-way line along the following courses: South 01 °57'55" West, 376.34 feet to the point of curve right of a 365.00 foot radius curve; thence along the arc of said curve right through a central angle of 64°07'14", 408.48 feet (chord bears South 34°01'32" West, 387.49 feet) to the westerly right-of-way line of 28th Street (35.00 feet from centedine); thence tracing said westerly right-of-way line along the following courses: South 66°05'09" West, 579.36 feet to the point of curve left of a 490.00 foot radius curve; thence along the arc of said curve left through a central angle of 43°07'09", 368.76 feet (chord bears South 44°31'34" West, 360.12 feet); thence South 22°58'00" West, 122.17 feet to a point of non -tangent curvature; thence southwesterly along the arc of a 505.00 foot radius curve left (the radius point of which bears South 81 °01'59" East) through a central angle of 0°51'34", 7.58 feet (chord bears South 08°32'14" West, 7.57 feet); thence leaving said westerly right-of-way line North 63°55'23" West, 143.75 feet; thence North 88°02'28" West, 150.12 feet; thence South 02°02'08" West, 32.83 feet; thence South 88°02'28" East, 5.00 feet; thence South 02°02'08" West, 127.67 feet; thence North 88°02'28" West, 7.00 feet; thence South 02°02'08" West, 39.50 feet to the north right-of-way line of Marcola Road (45.00 feet from centerline); thence North 88°02'28" West along said north right-of-way line, 188.00 feet to the southeast corner of Parcel 1, said Land Partition Plat No. 2020-P2972; thence North 02°02'08" East along said east line, 833.64 feet to the south line of Parcel 3, said Land Partition Plat No. 2020-P2972; thence North 87°04'24" West along said south line, 762.99 feet to an angle point in said south line and a point of non -tangent curvature; thence continuing along said south line northeasterly on the arc of a 635.00 foot radius curve right (the radius point of which bears South 75°04'20" East) through a central angle of 3°5656", 43.58 feet (chord bears North 16°53'39" East, 43.57 feet) to an angle point in said south line; thence continuing along said south line North Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) EXHIBIT "A" Legal Descnption 88°01'58" West, 113.05 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 14, said "Austin Park South"; thence North 01°58'02" East along the east line of said "Austin Park South", 909.63 feet to the Point of Beginning. Informational Report of Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222100561 LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY "CUSTOMER" REFERS TO THE RECIPIENT OF THIS REPORT CUSTOMER EXPRESSLY AGREES AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IT IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT, IF NOT IMPOSSIBLE, TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF LOSS WHICH COULD ARISE FROM ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN, OR THE COMPANY'S NEGLIGENCE IN PRODUCING, THE REQUESTED REPORT, HEREIN 'THE REPORT." CUSTOMER RECOGNIZES THAT THE FEE CHARGED IS NOMINAL IN RELATION TO THE POTENTIAL LIABILITY WHICH COULD ARISE FROM SUCH ERRORS OR OMISSIONS OR NEGLIGENCE. THEREFORE, CUSTOMER UNDERSTANDS THAT THE COMPANY IS NOT WILLING TO PROCEED IN THE PREPARATION AND ISSUANCE OF THE REPORT UNLESS THE COMPANY'S LIABILITY IS STRICTLY LIMITED. CUSTOMER AGREES WITH THE PROPRIETY OF SUCH LIMITATION AND AGREES TO BE BOUND BY ITS TERMS 11:1iAI7lI1/ttlN]:69_1:77:69Y�1:[H44.9t11Ui1:Ii�I7lI1/ttlN]:69441:bY11:�919i1:IxHe]:11:7t[NI ONLY MATTERS IDENTIFIED IN THIS REPORT AS THE SUBJECT OF THE REPORT ARE WITHIN ITS SCOPE. ALL OTHER MATTERS ARE OUTSIDE THE SCOPE OF THE REPORT. CUSTOMER AGREES, AS PART OF THE CONSIDERATION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF THE REPORT AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, TO LIMIT THE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY, ITS LICENSORS, AGENTS, SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS, SERVICE PROVIDERS, CONTENT PROVIDERS AND ALL OTHER SUBSCRIBERS OR SUPPLIERS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES, AND SUBCONTRACTORS FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LIABILITIES, CAUSES OF ACTION, LOSSES, COSTS, DAMAGES AND EXPENSES OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING ATTORNEY'S FEES, HOWEVER ALLEGED OR ARISING, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THOSE ARISING FROM BREACH OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, THE COMPANY'S OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE, ERRORS, OMISSIONS, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF WARRANTY, EQUITY, THE COMMON LAW, STATUTE OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF RECOVERY, OR FROM ANY PERSON'S USE, MISUSE, OR INABILITY TO USE THE REPORT OR ANY OF THE MATERIALS CONTAINED THEREIN OR PRODUCED, SO THAT THE TOTAL AGGREGATE LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY AND ITS AGENTS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES, AND SUBCONTRACTORS SHALL NOT IN ANY EVENT EXCEED THE COMPANY'S TOTAL FEE FOR THE REPORT. CUSTOMER AGREES THAT THE FOREGOING LIMITATION ON LIABILITY IS A TERM MATERIAL TO THE PRICE THE CUSTOMER IS PAYING, WHICH PRICE IS LOWER THAN WOULD OTHERWISE BE OFFERED TO THE CUSTOMER WITHOUT SAID TERM. CUSTOMER RECOGNIZES THAT THE COMPANY WOULD NOT ISSUE THE REPORT BUT FOR THIS CUSTOMER AGREEMENT, AS PART OF THE CONSIDERATION GIVEN FOR THE REPORT, TO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION OF LIABILITY AND THAT ANY SUCH LIABILITY IS CONDITIONED AND PREDICATED UPON THE FULL AND TIMELY PAYMENT OF THE COMPANY'S INVOICE FOR THE REPORT. THE REPORT IS LIMITED IN SCOPE AND IS NOT AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE, TITLE OPINION, PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT, TITLE REPORT, COMMITMENT TO ISSUE TITLE INSURANCE, OR A TITLE POLICY, AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED UPON AS SUCH. THE REPORT DOES NOT PROVIDE OR OFFER ANY TITLE INSURANCE, LIABILITY COVERAGE OR ERRORS AND OMISSIONS COVERAGE. THE REPORT IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON AS A REPRESENTATION OF THE STATUS OF TITLE TO THE PROPERTY. THE COMPANY MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS AS TO THE REPORT'S ACCURACY, DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY AS TO THE REPORT, ASSUMES NO DUTIES TO CUSTOMER, DOES NOT INTEND FOR CUSTOMER TO RELY ON THE REPORT, AND ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS OCCURRING BY REASON OF RELIANCE ON THE REPORT OR OTHERWISE. Informational Reportof Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Order No. 60222100561 IF CUSTOMER (A) HAS OR WILL HAVE AN INSURABLE INTEREST IN THE SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY, (B) DOES NOT WISH TO LIMIT LIABILITY AS STATED HEREIN AND (C) DESIRES THAT ADDITIONAL LIABILITY BE ASSUMED BYTHE COMPANY, THEN CUSTOMER MAY REQUEST AND PURCHASE A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE, A BINDER, OR A COMMITMENT TO ISSUE A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE. NO ASSURANCE IS GIVEN AS TO THE INSURABILITY OF THE TITLE OR STATUS OF TITLE. CUSTOMER EXPRESSLY AGREES AND ACKNOWLEDGES IT HAS AN INDEPENDENT DUTY TO ENSURE AND/OR RESEARCH THE ACCURACY OF ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED FROM THE COMPANY OR ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE PURCHASED. NO THIRD PARTY IS PERMITTED TO USE OR RELY UPON THE INFORMATION SET FORTH IN THE REPORT, AND NO LIABILITYTO ANYTHIRD PARTY IS UNDERTAKEN BYTHE COMPANY. CUSTOMER AGREES THAT, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT WILL THE COMPANY, ITS LICENSORS, AGENTS, SUPPLIERS, RESELLERS, SERVICE PROVIDERS, CONTENT PROVIDERS, AND ALL OTHER SUBSCRIBERS OR SUPPLIERS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, EMPLOYEES AND SUBCONTRACTORS BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE, EXEMPLARY, OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, OR LOSS OF PROFITS, REVENUE, INCOME, SAVINGS, DATA, BUSINESS, OPPORTUNITY, OR GOODWILL, PAIN AND SUFFERING, EMOTIONAL DISTRESS, NON -OPERATION OR INCREASED EXPENSE OF OPERATION, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR DELAY, COST OF CAPITAL, OR COST OF REPLACEMENT PRODUCTS OR SERVICES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY IS BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT, NEGLIGENCE, THE COMPANYS OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF WARRANTIES, FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE, OR OTHERWISE AND WHETHER CAUSED BY NEGLIGENCE, ERRORS, OMISSIONS, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF CONTRACT, BREACH OF WARRANTY, THE COMPANYS OWN FAULT AND/OR NEGLIGENCE OR ANY OTHER CAUSE WHATSOEVER, AND EVEN IF THE COMPANY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE LIKELIHOOD OF SUCH DAMAGES OR KNEW OR SHOULD HAVE KNOWN OF THE POSSIBILITY FOR SUCH DAMAGES. END OF THE LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY Informational Reportof Ownership and Monetary and Non -Monetary Encumbrances (Ver. 20161024) AK Exhibit D: Lane County Assessor's Map SECTION 30 117S. R.M. W.M. 17023000 Lane County SPRINGFIELD r=.oa Li SEE -1 SEE ..� ....ccL® m�:e� m(• oL. C EE S. ew 17 eers '19-01 - - 21 MEE s.,. �, m ma see rc km i am mo mo {ri� gem n • nm.c v" • a ..vr o� - o �psces' _ � 11 9cc i A 0. 9-091 % SEE MI I s� 3oo E oo �i� . fie. SEE MI nmxa11 �� �m.,X019-00 .z ,. - SEE „` .mm r®w. 111 roaSSE m —SEEM a -..e, — — E , — .ma... .SE I - - 11' 00 AK Exhibit E: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Map - enta Ave -- -_ ,. - m V o W SK -' - Otto St Hayden, Bridge I - - - - u 118 Wm • _ ._ ^ J k�. Firth Ave • n g - .. • • f ` - d 6i1 111 f h ~� _ 1 t� e -Marcola Rd 1y. - Marcola - -� Marcola ,_ - I tl1M•{dp i _ r , O a g . I -.I � til - • - W"NMepr,,lU.pnS A "p -}Qr 9ws'fc.- Soil Map—Lane County Area, Oregon _SD, Natural Resources web Sol Survey 4/7/2020 alaill Conservation Service National Cooperative Sail Survey Page 2 of 3 MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area at Wake. tA00 Spoil Area The sal surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at Areaalnteresr(AQII Q army Spa 1:20,000. Soils Very Sony SpaWaming: Soil Map may not be valud al Mrs scale. 0 Soil Map Unit Polygons 9 VJrf S p a Enlargement of maps bethe scale of mapping can cause ,.,. Soil Map Unic Lines md Sell of the etail of mapping and accuracy of soil 4 Other line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of Map Unit Points contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed Special Line FeaturesSoil Special Point Features scale. Lg Blowout water Features Streams and Canals Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map ® Borrow Pit measurements. Trensportatian Clay Spot Rails Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service 0 Closed Depresdan Web Soil SurveyURL: Interstate Highways Coordinate System: web Mercator(EPSG:3m5]) Gravel Pit US Routes Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator Gravely Spa Major Roads projection, which preserves and shape but ion that schdistorts and area, projection that preserves area, such as the ® Landfill Local Roads Abersdistance o Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more Lava Flow accurate calculations of distance or area are req uired, Background aga Marsh or swamp . Aerial Photography This ,versa is generated from the USDA4gRCS cetlified data as of Ne version date(s) listed below .�. Mine or Query Soil Survey Area: Lane County Area, ® Miscellaneous Ydscer ep10,Oregon 2019 Survey Area Data: Version 16, Sep 10, 2019 ® Perennial VMmer Sail map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales y, Rock Outcrop 1:50,00 or larger. A Saline Spot Dates) aerial images were photographed: Jun 12, 2019i 19, 2019 Sandy Spot The orihophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were Severely Eroded Spot compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor Sinkhole shifting ofmap unit boundaries may be evident, �p Slide or Slip Sodic Spot _SD, Natural Resources web Sol Survey 4/7/2020 alaill Conservation Service National Cooperative Sail Survey Page 2 of 3 Sal Map�ane Cmdy Area, Oregon Map Unit Legend LSDA Nature Resources Web Soil Survey 4!//2020 iMi Consewarion Service National Cooperatirve Soil Survey Page 3 of3 Map Unit Synibd Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 75 Malabon sly day loam 37.8 11.9% 76 Malaboni rban land complex 57.2 18.0% 100 Oxley gravellysit loam 24.2 7.6% 101 Oxley4 ffian land cornplex 0.4 0.1% 105A Pengra sit loam, i to 4 percent slopes 5.2 1.7% low Philanalh cobbly sly day, 310 12 percent slopes 1.7 0.5% 118 Solan gravely sit loam 140.3 44.2% 119 Sslan-Urban land complex 49.7 15.6% W Water 0.9 0.3% Tdels for Arm of Interest 317.6 100.0% LSDA Nature Resources Web Soil Survey 4!//2020 iMi Consewarion Service National Cooperatirve Soil Survey Page 3 of3 AK Exhibit F: Wetland Delineation ••..s Kate Br ,Governor September 17, 2020 Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC Department of State Lands 775 Summer Street NE, Suite 100 Salem, OR 97301-1279 (503)956-5200 FAX (503) 378-4844 www.oregon.gov/dsl State Land Board Attn: Kiril Ivanov Kate Brown 9550 SE Clackamas Road Governor Clackamas, OR 97015 Bev Qarno Re: WD#2020-0256 Approved Secretary of State Wetland Delineation Report for Marcola Meadows Master Plan Lane County. T1 7S R02W S30, TL 1800 (Portion), Tobias Read T1 7S R03W S25AA, TL 2300 State Treasurer Springfield Local Wetlands Inventory, Wetland M-32 Dear Mr. Ivanov The Department of State Lands has reviewed the wetland delineation report prepared by AKS Engineering and Forestry for the site referenced above. Please note that the study area includes only a portion of the tax lots described above (see the attached map). Based upon the information presented in the report, and additional information submitted upon request, we concur with the wetland and waterway boundaries as mapped in revised Figure 5 of the report. Please replace all copies of the preliminary wetland map with this final Department -approved map. Within the study area, one wetland (Wetland C, totaling approximately 0.40 acres) and one waterway (Pierce Ditch) were identified. The wetland and the waterway are subject to the permit requirements of the state Removal -Fill Law. Under current regulations, a state permit is required for cumulative fill or annual excavation of 50 cubic yards or more in wetlands or belowthe ordinary high-water line (OHWL) of the waterway (or the 2 -year recurrence interval flood elevation if OHWL cannot be determined). This concurrence is for purposes of the state Removal -Fill Law only. We recommend that you attach a copy of this concurrence letter to any subsequent state permit application to speed application review. Federal or local permit requirements may apply as well. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will determine jurisdiction under the Clean Water Act, which may require submittal of a complete Wetland Delineation Report. Please be advised that state law establishes a preference for avoidance of wetland impacts. Because measures to avoid and minimize wetland impacts may include reconfiguring parcel layout and size or development design, we recommend that you work with Department staff on appropriate site design before completing the city or county land use approval process. This concurrence is based on information provided to the agency. The jurisdictional determination is valid for five years from the date of this letter unless new information necessitates a revision. Circumstances under which the Department may change a determination are found in OAR 141-090-0045 (available on our web site or upon request). In addition, laws enacted by the legislature and/or rules adopted by the Department may result in a change in jurisdiction; individuals and applicants are subject to the regulations that are in effect at the time of the removal -fill activity or complete permit application. The applicant, landowner, or agent may submit a request for reconsideration of this determination in writing within six months of the date of this letter Thank you for having the site evaluated. If you have any questions, please contact the Jurisdiction Coordinator for Lane County, Matt Unitis, at (503) 986-5262. Sincerely, Peter Ryan, SPWS Aquatic Resource Specialist Enclosures ec: Julie Wrth-McGee, PWS, AKS Engineering and Forestry City of Springfield Planning Department (Maps enclosed for updating LWI) Benny Dean Jr, Corps of Engineers Charles Radon, DSL WETLAND DELINEATION / DETERMINATION REPORT COVER FORM Fully completed and signed report cover forms and applicable fees are required before report review timelines are initialed by the Department of State Lands. Make checks payable to the Oregon Department of State Lands. To pay fees by credit card. go online at: htwTi/aoos.areumo.odv/DSL/EPS/omomm?key=4-4. Attach this completed and signed form to the front of an unbound report or include a hard copy with a digital version (single PDF file of the report cover form and report, minimum 30D dpi resolution) and submit to: Oregon Department of State Lands, 775 Summer Street NE, Suite 109, Salem, OR 97301-1279. A single PDF of the completed cover from and report maybe e-mailed to: Watiand-Delineation@dsi.staW.or.us. For submittal of PDF files larger than 10 MB, a -mail DSL instructions on haw to access the file from yourft or other file sharing website. . Contact and Authorization Information. _ ❑x Applicant ❑X Owner Name, Firm and Address: Business phone # Kiril Ivanov Mobile phone # (optional) Mandela Meadows Neighborhood, LLC E-mail: karlQDiandeconstruchon.com 9550 SE Clackamas Road Clackamas, Oregon 97015 Authorized Legal Agent, Name and Address (if different): Business phone Is Mobile phone # (optional) E-mail: I either own the property described below or I have legal authority to allow amass to the property. I authorize the Department to access the properly for the purpose of confirming the information in the report, after prior notification to the primary contact Typed/Printed Name: Kiril Ivanov Signature: Date: 05/012020 Special instructions regardingsite access: __— Project and Site Information Project Name: Marcola Meadows Master Plan Latitude: 44.066913 Longitude: -122.987094 decimal degree - centroid of site or start 8 and points of linear project Proposed Use: Tax Map # 1702300 Residential development Tax Lot(s) Portion of1800 Tax Map # 17032511 Project Street Address (or other descriptive location): Tax Lots) 2300 North of Marcola Road and west of 31st Street. Township 77S Range 02W/03W Section 30/25 DO 11 Use separate sheet for additional tax and location information Cit : Springfield County Lane Waterway Pierce Ditch River MlleN/A ;Wetland Delineation Information Wetland Consultant Name, Firm and Address: Phone # (503) 4C0 -6C28 Julie Wirth -McGee, PWS Mobile phone # (if applicable) (971) 707-3783 AKS Engineering & Forestry E-mail: wirthmcgeelaaks-el 3700 River Road N, Sud. 1 Keizer, Oregon 97303 The information and conclusions on this form and in the attached report are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Consultant Signature: �`� Data.5-5-2020 Primary Contact for report review and site access is ❑x Consultant ❑ Applicant/Ownat ❑ Authorized Agent WellarmiWaters Present? ® Yes ❑ No I Study Area size: E7.59 Total Welland Acreage: D.4D00 Chock liwble Boxes Below ❑ R -F permit application submitted ❑x Fee payment submitted $ 466 ❑ Mitigation bank site ❑ Resubmittal of rejected report($100) ❑ EFSCIODOEProj.Mgr:1 Request for Reissuance. See eligibility criteria. (no fee) ❑ Wetland restoration/enhancement project DSL# Expiration date_ (not mitigation) © Previous delineatlondappl!cation on parcel ❑ LWI shows wetlands or waters on parcel It known, previous DSL # 07-0032.13 0055 17-0352, 19-0117 Wetland ID code _ For Office Use Only DSL Reviewer. MU Fee Paid Date: / I DSL WD Date Delineation Received: 05/ 05 /2020 Scanned: ❑ Electronic: Cf: DSL App.# March 2018 N USGS 7.5 TOPOGRAPHIC SERIES QUADRANGLE SPRINGFIELD, OR (2017) DAIS 07 30 2( SCALE: 1"= 2000 FEET USOS VICINITY MAP FIGURE "'-VMARCOLA MEADOWS MASTER PLAN 1 AKS ENGINEERING g FORESTRY, LLC AVE aiKD: 2000 0 w0 1000 pppp 3700 RIVER RD N, STE 1 NKo: ORIGINAL PACE SIZE: 8.5' x n' KEIZER, OR 97303 AKS doe SEE MAP SEE MAP 17032444 17021933 C000000000000000 O Oco O 00C EEMAP - -. L - 19 1800 -----'-- - 4T85AC _ - m - 25 30 In -_ DLC LiNE 019-00 STUDY AREA N� ZZZ SEE MAP v J ---1703251r pp 6 1YNIEV 6 .1111 P3W-WN u;< Leu:N ....)7 Wl1f sw FlaLo .,6+ �qx ll LL 00 2: 17029023 N NSwscon FEL%ssCCmT \ \ LC xo 5vE m ncs _ .....Bl LNE OLCNO P] dE m m fir,. gr f s pC Im 1, 1901 1x17 NLANE COUNTY TAX MAP 17023000 PORTION OF TAX LOT 1800 DATE 07 JO 2020 SCALE: 1"=400 FEET TAX MAP (MAP 17023000) FIGURE MARCOLA MEADOWS MASTER PLAN 2 AKS ENGINEERING R N g FORESTRY, LLC &KSAKS CHXDDRYIN: CHO JWMaoG a eG 2GG aao 3700 RIVER RD N, STE 1 cNKe: JWMORIGINAL PAGE 9a: a5' x 11' KEIZER, OR 97303 JOB: 503.400.6028 WWW.AKS—ENG.COM 7736 T�AM� ,500 ,mAN — I /— YEMD D PER /r / rAz5zo-w9B „v\ i\. \i10 ��( �'� r\/ MO �0190R l � / TMw°olm�v 1 tt / SRAY A1ffA CUAOMY A(RFSk) 1 c�Rmo \ III ,.y� '-'� -I \Y(iWDARR <\tet I vats \ TO WT II / OHIN Of PpM TAX LOT 2300 TAM YAP 110.11311 STUDY AREA ®DUNDARY TAX LOT 1800 TA%YPP 11.0230 % ell / J INSERT: STUDYAREA INSERT SCALE: 1"=800 FEET IN RELATION TO TAX LOT BOUNDARY. eoD o Iso aoD soD LEGEND (COLOR COPY): 1 WETLAND C: 17,572 SF± (0.40 ACRES±) PIERCE PIERCE DITCH: 47,987 SFt / 3,762 LFt (1.10 ACRES±) PWT So 4 t a` PHOTO LOCATION/ORIENTATION I ----� TM WT Ig WETLAND AND WATER BOUNDARIES SHOWN WERE DELINEATED BY AKS ENGINEERING & FORESTRY, LLC (AKS) ON DECEMBER 9, 2019 AND MARCH 24 & 30, 2020. ON-SITE FEATURES _ __ _ _ l•„-orr( ��- .` /' WERE PROFESSIONALLY LAND SURVEYED BY AKS ON APRIL 1, 1 Im WT I "ti__\ I.t�� — �— - 2020. -PIERCEPARKwAY_I " PLOT 61 WAS LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE STUDY AREA AND PLOT 45 DOES NOT EXIST. J F�D�� 1 -FOOT INTERVAL CONTOURS DERIVED FROM LAND SURVEY. DSL WD # 2020-0256 GODGIE EARTH AERIAL IMAGERY Approval Issued 9/17/2020 / l/ /� l� /I ! JUNE 2017 Approval Expires 9/17/2025 DATE: 08/24/2( — • SCALE: 1"=250 FEET WETLAND AND WATER DELINEATION MAP ^-'-- — -- MARCOLA MEADOWS MASTER PLAN 5 250 0 50 125 250 AKS ENGINEERING &FORESTRY, LLC ORNN 3700 RIVER RD N, STE 1 AVL GIRD: - - OPoGINAL PAGE SIZE: 11' % 1Y _ __. ..._ .__ ROiS RAT 93-,. Rm 18—,,.�\i (PlOi Si`. RAT 19( / \ / Rm M RAT 5 \ RAiM� / O b b bOi II / Tw wO,mm`�i J ; <\tet I vats \ TO WT II / OHIN Of PpM TAX LOT 2300 TAM YAP 110.11311 STUDY AREA ®DUNDARY TAX LOT 1800 TA%YPP 11.0230 % ell / J INSERT: STUDYAREA INSERT SCALE: 1"=800 FEET IN RELATION TO TAX LOT BOUNDARY. eoD o Iso aoD soD LEGEND (COLOR COPY): 1 WETLAND C: 17,572 SF± (0.40 ACRES±) PIERCE PIERCE DITCH: 47,987 SFt / 3,762 LFt (1.10 ACRES±) PWT So 4 t a` PHOTO LOCATION/ORIENTATION I ----� TM WT Ig WETLAND AND WATER BOUNDARIES SHOWN WERE DELINEATED BY AKS ENGINEERING & FORESTRY, LLC (AKS) ON DECEMBER 9, 2019 AND MARCH 24 & 30, 2020. ON-SITE FEATURES _ __ _ _ l•„-orr( ��- .` /' WERE PROFESSIONALLY LAND SURVEYED BY AKS ON APRIL 1, 1 Im WT I "ti__\ I.t�� — �— - 2020. -PIERCEPARKwAY_I " PLOT 61 WAS LOCATED OUTSIDE OF THE STUDY AREA AND PLOT 45 DOES NOT EXIST. J F�D�� 1 -FOOT INTERVAL CONTOURS DERIVED FROM LAND SURVEY. DSL WD # 2020-0256 GODGIE EARTH AERIAL IMAGERY Approval Issued 9/17/2020 / l/ /� l� /I ! JUNE 2017 Approval Expires 9/17/2025 DATE: 08/24/2( — • SCALE: 1"=250 FEET WETLAND AND WATER DELINEATION MAP ^-'-- — -- MARCOLA MEADOWS MASTER PLAN 5 250 0 50 125 250 AKS ENGINEERING &FORESTRY, LLC ORNN 3700 RIVER RD N, STE 1 AVL GIRD: - - OPoGINAL PAGE SIZE: 11' % 1Y _ __. ..._ .__ AK Exhibit G: Property Line Adjustment/ Record of Survey (CSF: 45 4) ,PC, ASIA OIL RECOMMIT G,E Rs LOCATED IN THE SE1/4 OF SECTION 24 AND THE NE1/4 OF SECTION 25,I/4 1. (FAA a &e;,P„z�. �. 1111 RL °" _ _ AND THE NWT/4 OF SECTION 30 TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, N WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON IR FEBRUARY 25, 2021 : ( IINV BOA0.0 .5x u,s.,as'. —.ice: ' IS CAP FF )N81yi34E 1955 fiT S91YT34'W 15.6V "W—'STflEETW-.WSTREET. saavuv vsRTm� — SRIHs=rz E �v�LLJll RECORD OF SURVEY SHEET 1 of 2 PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT RECOMMIT G,E Rs LOCATED IN THE SE1/4 OF SECTION 24 AND THE NE1/4 OF SECTION 25,I/4 CTE �° `°°"^"`"" 5N3 a TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, AND THE SWOF SECTION 19 °" _ _ AND THE NWT/4 OF SECTION 30 TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, N WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON o FEBRUARY 25, 2021 N9891'S0'W rvRrozaw]6 ( IINV P"vlmr FIT BOA0.0 OLANE ELL ENE WATE0. p NO �LECM x' 11 FRNA PPEx VAFGC:A g1,45 LF MGCOk3 IS CAP FF )N81yi34E 1955 fiT S91YT34'W 15.6V "W—'STflEETW-.WSTREET. NARRATIVE ALI/ S'16'IT261 1QRN(C PNASL )A' a' lo^ AMPLANr me.mwsrzo Px°rxtt FINE araEN O C, TAPE PATTERN PLAT IN APEADDrz9>�2 LANE / F D' AT ILL 16 PHILIP Ai µ u N81'tT3fE11IDltl FENYPS F T N XpE�� SNTINPI11SAPts�s I EL AL IlwIHwLY NONE PARCEL 3 G'AMMXAIDFPaPxx°x tltl Hao nu NarvNRw3NY0 A,mc SOBlY16E N0.GG' x�o AAi41[O PAT, sp XII1Iw PLAT, L N61'12'31'E 2SG0' I 6f 9I 26'E 84.36' mo 9 NPR Pui "a' EN wsm ECT Nw EO lPm wm m= PFeDATA1COSAIDII� wmPoLA ALL rvn Pul'A X pN A [y SAID xw a xwFw Pus \ ,N NBI'4R'34'E ]396' wlwvuaHELD sPLAT T 9NNAANy PLAT 5913)5 w]220' �n�V SigEFT Sv(PE \ '- MISO5'E 150. W' I' S SO x° /e' IPSP E°5 PLASTIC .IAm NAvs AlLAID TRACT I „` (RduxgR of r POU a FIND PnxmlM PUT xa zvm-Pxsrz, 1. xiN �x. Am..AIDED)Nx — „ x5em'as'w NOTES AEFREIJOI NO zoe,P-AL qD 6� 5.R -6°.° l fj(A.y'SA As,usrtoea, L9E Awk5 N8891'GSW�E,� m9R AN OF E,X,v7,wE; APPAREL IRAN RIE ELL �NAR� ON P 5Lp„ 00o "- sums �S-�L aELL ETOAII Na USTREET- LEGEND a o AP- IRON ER'LECPE-u NETPALNER. N9891'S0'W rvRrozaw]6 ( IINV P"vlmr FIT OLANE L- SO Prvsu Am0 LIm rz NNN — ON .vTw`�Po` C W PAPER DO Ell PER CAP RD_ 11731 RELIC PACESTRAN Drum M i21W ezlP ® LEON M�: NEREExsNOI AAs rvn Isov Xrvu3s o L 4159' CO XIELED Pw o¢ "F m,o-nat Sv(PE \ n x° /e' IPSP E°5 PLASTIC .IAm NAvs rN 51 g�' AC ICE PGnP-ASA MIX' PER ux0 Pnx,mw -vr x0. 'All I fj(A.y'SA ® FROM EFF IfOXH ".OD XI➢- ttuNV PLASIIL CAP INFERRED 'MAROM LAND PARTITION PLAT �� E;cRc' u.'s REARP EARN IA' Put NO. 2020-P297212 c8 57P AMES gxx ADD ATE wEuow=wmc CAP PALMER �SE VND mewA Al PIERCE PARKWAY---� AN ME THE ADJUSTED TRACT 2RUE PUMP �P PC EASEPENT ryenca2 ur-D VAP.11x°x Put NO wPurz�� a� LD / E smms AREA mn A:Ir-s) CHISTED CAP NO 202L --C3 P A uNE CPW 1229 rev[mL P (r=n!rCTED-ANECREOLEPLAT NO 11- 11I 'IF I NOM ECUS ANLCTEM s. 1,172 nww L 6232' u R PLO NO 1- SMALL LANE POENTS DEEP RECORDS REFERENCES SOI9346`A 5599' L)I REPLAN INFORMATION PER PLO NO 45090 EREruLe 1NA11.1 11NSM"C"'W Gx sxEEr u29 FE i)A A P I. AASARYZYXE.PANEL95 Pu� MANCOLA ROAD ---N,�N2 43flfl (H neo '. ,PAIRS I 1_ TAMINN" M` << , 500 rz Ewm 099]062 .fli .. Rl"' I 9 AN ME "4s®. »•.«�M.u. ;. a. R NEwFxs x PREPARE -0 FIX2HAND PHALL A, CST m2 F5E < ) 4 "A MIY Ci 6PRINISW III NA 81110-CQl1W-TPI o[61, MLSMSW EASIER' AIR NLi ]D]O ATEA ENGINFEPoXG,SMRVEYING NEUTRAL RE�uRCEG I59S93fl'$ MIP 1)02kW MAK LET Ism (ynN I �" DREMIND NO 771 -MAL FORESTRY PLANNING LAXGSLAPEARCM]ECi11RE 2 4 �4r.°E. RECORD OF SURVEY .NO LA,.NNX^E PROPERTY LINE ADJUSTMENT RRCORDED LOCATED IN THE SE1/4 OF SECTION 24 AND THE NE1/4 OF SECTION 25, a - TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 3 WEST, AND THE SW1/4 OF SECTION 19 �P AND THE NW7/4 OF SECTION 30 TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH, RANGE 2 WEST, WILLAMETTE MERIDIAN, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON ° FEBRUARY 25, 2021 CONTINUED ON SHEET MET "AUSnN PARK _ANNN Nxx NxEE AN LIF s AEP' -EY a'.a °cum,N 1 N A Omxo.lYNS4E �I —m° (Aeon eDeMAsax 67 Nox DNA NO lxRN 2s '5N EnmNF[EATw °ose' e)Ame P,m 51252" . 5°zE,v °— Ambo .15E ° Epi raEN-E.oN° n' ' P.o,X IN ® oEwxE AT ,-w FEET -- LAND PARIITIOV P _ s ^ Do, 589z" N0. ,— Mo_ P297, u°° H wm-mn / / W wP.D. rw om xn /RETNLA ADJUSTED TRACT 1 oETuLB Aon).un. =_z,cAms —xmo 4p'°gr � S / b SEE SHEET AN—ATE nT _ ry E FOR LEGEND R °°° xn ATIRAFENT LNE � Em7 ''ew I smvx Nz- ADJUSTED TRACT 2 MOAN,—-° 11NU NPVEYOR E- mC„N ALI Au CFE= nMYE �Edwi96 Ps` NO In�N "A, m 3898 x ALg'�54fi33I PREPARED FOR — NN. _ — _ - s __ — — _ — — — 412Sj, xeeuY3ew 4ae.ls. ss TO MApCOLA ROAD s lNNA x' ms Mxx,wnvnr nR —_—_ aANJ __ 2 m uLwmwo—_—_—_—_—_—__---_—_—_ w%°s, MoD s> N -mt oo. o P D' 11 L11Y W 4mX6F1D %NIX'N6 X0. BIT—]AMA?M... 'ANAN 'wN A_ sE sx 3 n; 8 a SOUTH w INNER nn PAT —TO INK a;¢muxE P ADJUSTED TRACT 1 � a ,N A9,FT.T x,% AAE, 73aE A=� D JIU PPaus IRON,N n1' $gn OF FILE 74. PULL o2 e� z xNxwNLEND HE m AEP' -EY a'.a °cum,N 1 N A Omxo.lYNS4E �I —m° (Aeon eDeMAsax 67 Nox DNA NO lxRN 2s '5N EnmNF[EATw °ose' e)Ame P,m 51252" . 5°zE,v °— Ambo .15E ° Epi raEN-E.oN° n' ' P.o,X IN ® oEwxE AT ,-w FEET -- LAND PARIITIOV P _ s ^ Do, 589z" N0. ,— Mo_ P297, u°° H wm-mn / / W wP.D. rw om xn /RETNLA ADJUSTED TRACT 1 oETuLB Aon).un. =_z,cAms —xmo 4p'°gr � S / b SEE SHEET AN—ATE nT _ ry E FOR LEGEND R °°° xn ATIRAFENT LNE � Em7 ''ew I smvx Nz- ADJUSTED TRACT 2 MOAN,—-° 11NU NPVEYOR E- mC„N ALI Au CFE= nMYE �Edwi96 Ps` NO In�N "A, m 3898 x ALg'�54fi33I PREPARED FOR — NN. _ — _ - s __ — — _ — — — 412Sj, xeeuY3ew 4ae.ls. ss TO MApCOLA ROAD s lNNA x' ms Mxx,wnvnr nR —_—_ aANJ __ 2 m uLwmwo—_—_—_—_—_—__---_—_—_ w%°s, MoD s> N -mt oo. o P D' 11 L11Y W 4mX6F1D %NIX'N6 X0. BIT—]AMA?M... 'ANAN 'wN A_ sE sx 3 n;