HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, Pre PLANNER 4/22/2021Pre -Submittal Meeting
Development and Public Works Department
Reem 61
Friday, May 7, 2021
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
DPW /^....L......nee Room 616
1. Pre -Submittal (Partition Tentative) #811 -21 -000083 -PRE 811-18-000047-PRO7
Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC
Assessor's Map: 17-02-30-00 TL: 1803
Address: Marcola Rd. & 28" St.
Existing Use: vacant
Applicant has submitted plans for 3 parcel partition
Planner: Andy Limbird
Meeting: Friday, May 7, 202110:00 — 11:00 via MS Teams
2. Pre -Submittal (Subdivision Tentative) #811 -21 -000084 -PRE 811-18-000047-PRO7
Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC
Assessor's Map: 17-02-30-00 TL: 1803
Address: Marcola Rd. & 28" St.
Existing Use: vacant
Applicant has submitted plans for 280 -lot subdivision
Planner: Andy Limbird
Meeting: Friday, May 7, 202111:00 — 12:00 via MS Teams
811 -21 -000084 -PRE Pre -Submittal Meeting
17-02-30-00 TL 1803
28" Street, north of Marcola Road
Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC
Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan
Tentative Subdivision Application
April 2021
Submitted to:
City of Springfield
Development & Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC
27375 SW Parkway Avenue
Wilsonville, OR 97070
AKS Job Number:
12965 SW Herman Road, Suite 100
Tualatin, OR 97062
Table of Contents
I. Executive Summary .................................................................................................................2
It. Site Description/Setting..........................................................................................................2
III. Applicable Review Criteria......................................................................................................3
CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT CODE.............................................................................3
CHAPTER3 LAND USE DISTRICTS..................................................................................................3
Section 3.2-200 Residential Zoning Districts........................................................................3
3.2-205 Establishment of Residential Zoning Districts ...................................................
3.2-210 Schedule of Use Categories...............................................................................3
3.2-215 Base Zone Development Standards...................................................................3
3.2-225 Base Solar Development Standards...................................................................5
CHAPTER4 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS......................................................................................7
Section 4.2-100 Infrastructure Standards—Transportation.................................................7
4.2-105 Public Streets.....................................................................................................8
4.2-120 Site Access and Driveways...............................................................................
Section 5.1-100 The Development Review Process...........................................................
5.1-130 Type II Applications (Administrative)...............................................................
Section 5.12-100 Land Divisions – Partitions and Subdivisions .........................................
5.12-105 Purpose and Applicability................................................................................
5.12-110 Tentative Plan Review.....................................................................................
5.12-115 Tentative Plan – General.................................................................................
5.12-120 Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements..........................................................
5.12-125 Tentative Plan Criteria.....................................................................................
5.12-130 Tentative Plan Conditions................................................................................
IV. Conclusion............................................................................................................................31
Exhibit A: City Application Forms and Checklists
Exhibit B: Preliminary Plans
Exhibit C: Property Ownership Information
Exhibit D: Lane County Assessors Maps
Exhibit E: Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Soil Map
Exhibit F: Transportation Impact Study
Exhibit G: Preliminary Stormwater Report
Exhibit H: Wetland Documentation
Exhibit I: Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Phasing Plan and Schedule
Exhibit 1: Draft Homeowner's Association Agreement and Associated Documents
Table 1: Description of Surrounding Area.................................................................................................... 2
Table 2: Density Calculation for MDR Subdivision...................................................................................... 26
Table 3: Findings for Compliance with Conditions of Approval................................................................. 28
Marcola Meadows
Tentative Subdivision Application
Submitted to: City of Springfield
Development & Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Applicant/Property Owner: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC
27375 SW Parkway Avenue
Wilsonville, OR 97070
Applicant's Consultant:
Applicant's Transportation
Site Location:
Property Description:
Site Size:
Existing Springfield
Land Use District:
Existing Metro Plan
Diagram Designation:
AVC Marcola Meadows- Cit/ of Springfield
Tentative Subdivision Application
AKS Engineering & Forestry, LLC
12965 SW Herman Road, Suite 100
Tualatin, OR 97062
Contact: Chris Goodell, AICP, LEEDAl
Email: chrisg@aks-eng.com
Phone: (503)563-6151
Lancaster Mobley
321 SW 4`h Avenue, Suite 400
Portland, OR 97204
Contact: Todd Mobley
Email: todd@lancastermobley.com
Phone: (503) 248-0313
North of Marcola Road and west of 31" Street
A portion of Adjusted Parcel 3 of Partition Plat No. 2020-
±38.5 acres
Medium Density Residential (MDR)
Medium Density Residential
April 2021
Page 1
I. Executive Summary
Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC (Applicant) is submitting this application for a Preliminary
Subdivision to the City of Springfield (City) to allow division of the land within the Master Plan intended
for single-family detached homes. The following discussion provides context for the preceding
applications that lay the groundwork for master plan implementation.
On February 17, 2021, the Planning Commission approved the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan
Modification which effectively updated the configuration of land uses for the site. Recently, an approved
and recorded property line adjustment (PLA) (CSF No. 45334) reconfigured Parcels 2 and 3 of Partition
Plat No. 2020-132972. The property line adjustment resulted in Adjusted Tract 1, containing±72.275 acres.
Presently, a partition application is submitted for concurrent review (with this subdivision application) to
divide the ±72.275 -acre Adjusted Tract 1 area into three parcels. The submitted three -parcel partition plat
reflects the envisioned land use phases for the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan (e.g. single-family
detached residential phases, multi -family residential phase, and commercial phase), and creates tracts for
public facilities (e.g. a portion of the future Pierce Parkway right-of-way, stormwater facility, etc.).
With all of that considered, the subject area of this application is limited to the remaining single-family
residential phases (Phases 3, 4, and 5), in the northern portion of the approved Marcola Meadows Final
Master Plan. This application involves a preliminary subdivision plat to create ±280 lots intended for future
single-family residential homes and includes a cohesive transportation network, open space, and public
facilities (e.g. a portion of the future Pierce Parkway right-of-way, stormwater facility, etc.) This submittal
package contains the City application forms, written materials, and preliminary plans necessary for City
staff to review and determine compliance with the applicable approval criteria. The evidence supports
the City's approval of the application.
II. Site Description/Setting
As described above, the subject site of this application is a portion of adjusted Parcel 3 of Partition Plat
No. 2020 P2972, comprising a total area of±38.5 acres. The property is flat and currently exists as a grassy
field. It is vacant and fronts on Marcola Road on the south side of the site and 3V Street on the east side.
The single-family residential portion of the Master Plan is designated Medium Density Residential (MDR)
zoning district. The characteristics of neighboring properties are described in Table 1, below.
Table 1: Description of Surrounding Area
Land Uses
City of Springfield
Public Land & Open Space (PLO)
Public/Institutional (i.e.
Briggs Middle School, EWEB
multi -modal trail, etc.)
Medium Density Residential (MDR)
Single-family residential
(Marcola Meadows)
City of Springfield
Medium Density Residential (MDR)
Multi -family residential
Public Land & 0 en S ace PLO
Future school
Community Commercial (CC)
Future church
City of Springfield
Low Density Residential (LDR)
Single-family residential
City of Springfield
Low Density Residential (LDR)
Single-family residential
AVC Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021
Tentative Subdivision Application Page 2
111. Applicable Review Criteria
Section 3.2-200 Residential Zoning Districts
3.2-205 Establishment of Residential Zoning Districts
C. Medium Density Residential District (MDR). The MDR District applies
within the MDR designation and:
1. Establishes sites for residential development where primarily
multifamily dwellings are permitted and the density range is 14 to 28
dwelling units per net acre. Density fractions will be rounded up to
the next whole number. As specified in Section 3.2-215, Footnote 15,
MDR lot area and dimension standards may be reduced through the
subdivision application process in order to meet density standards.
EXCEPTION: The minimum and/or maximum density may be increased
to the Nodal Development Overlay District and transit
corridors as determined through the Refinement Plan
and/or Master Plan process.
2. Provides for a limited range of neighborhood uses that provide
services for residents.
Response: As notated on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B), the subject site is designated MDR zoning
district. It is understood the lot area and dimensions may be reduced to meet density
standards. The Marcola Meadows Master Plan site (as a whole) complies with the density
range of 14 to 28 units per acre as demonstrated in Table 2, later in this narrative. Please
see the density calculation and Section 5.13-135 for further narrative regarding
compliance with density standards. In addition, ND Overlay is not designated on site and
therefore, the exception above is not relevant. The criteria are met.
3.2-210 Schedule of Use Categories
Response: The site contains land designated MDR zoning district. As previously mentioned, detached
single-family dwellings are planned residential uses for the site and are permitted in
accordance with the MDR zoning district standards. The criteria are met.
3.2-215 Base Zone Development Standards
AVC Marcola Meadows—City of Springfield April 2021
Tentative Subdivision Application Page 3
AVO Marcola Meadows— Cit/ of Springfield April 2021
Tentative Subdivision Application Page 4
Development Standard Medium Density Residential
Standard Lots/Parcels
Minimum Ams
East-West Streets:
4,500 c . k. IS
North-South Streets:
5,000 c . k. IS
Minimum Street Finary e
East-West Streets: T45
feet IS
North-South Streets:
1 60 feet IS
Duplex Corner Lots/Parcels
Min./Max. Area 1
k. IS
Maximum Area 2
9,000 c . k.
Minimum SeeetF.e
East-West Streets: 45 feet IS
North-South Streets: 60 feet IS
Maximum Lot/Parcel Coverage 3 45%(17)
Minimum Setbacks for Primary Structures and Accessory Dwelling Units
4 5 7 8 9 10 19
Front Yard
10 feet
Street Side Yard
10 feet
Rear Yard
10 feet
Interior Yard Setbacks Without Zero Lot Live
5 feet
Interior Yard Setbacks With Zero Lot Live
10 fret
Front Yard Setback: Games and Carports (6)
18 feet measured along the
driveway from:
1. The property line hearing
the street or the back of
the sidewalk, whicheveris
closest to the Face of the
garage or carpor4 or
2. The property line hearing
the street or the back of
the sidewalk, whichever s
closest to the Far wall of
the garage or carport
where the Face of the
structure is perpendicular
to the street.
3. Where a garage or carport
driveway, the 18 feet is
measured from the inner
travel edge (pan ent o
gravel) within the
panhandle to the Face of
the structure.
Accessory Structures
Accessory structures shall not be
located between any front or street
side yards of a primary structure
and shall be set back at least feet
from interior side and rear
lot/ aecel Hoes.
Base Solar Standards
Section 3.2-225 11
Maximum Building Height (11)(12)(13)(14)(18)
35 het
AVO Marcola Meadows— Cit/ of Springfield April 2021
Tentative Subdivision Application Page 4
may ode, be increased ac specified in (2), blow.
(2)10,000 square feet in the MR District as specified in this Section and Section 4.7-140.9,000
square feet in area for a duplex corner lot/ parcel In the SLR, MDR and HDR astrict as specified
in this Seaton and Station 4.7-140. These maximum areas shall apply only when the property owner
intends to divide the lot/ parcel crith the intent to create separate o vneeship for each half of the
(4) Dete.minaton of all yard setbacks for duplexes on corner lots/parcels are based upon the front
yard of each unit as established by the struts used for address purposes.
(5)AH setbacks shall be landscaped, unless a setbacks for a garage o1 carport.
(7) Where an easements larger than the required setback standard, no budding o1 above glade
structure, except a fence, may be built upon o1 over that easement.
(8) Required setbacks are measured from the special street setback in Sinton 4.2-105N, whue
(9) Architectural extensions may protrude into any 5 -foot or larger setback area by not more than 2
(10) General exceptions to setback standards:
(a) Attached dwew.:gs (aero lot line) on individual loft/parcels; and
(b) Advselling constructed over the common property fine oft lots/parcels, where thele
me ext
recorded deed.trico r.
(c) In en nitfrmdy developments, the setback standards in Seaton 3.2-240 shall rake
(B) See Seaton 3.2-225 for .esidmaal building height limitations for solar protection. In the SLR
District, solar protection for abutting MR properties is required only for those loft/parcels north of
the proposed development.
(12) Incidental equipment may exceed the height standards.
(0) Height limations catkin the Hillside Development Overlay District may be removed provided
the additional height does not exceed 45 feet and the base residential also standards are met.
(14) In the MDR and HDR Districts, the building height may be increased to 50 feet as specified in
Subsection 3.2-240D.3.c.
(15) In the MDR and HDR Districts, lot area and dimensions may be reduced through the
subdivision application process as long as density and open space standards can be met.
(17) In the MDR and HDR Districts, lot coverage standards may be increased to comply with the
density requirements in the applicable unidential zoning district.
(18) Special building height standards may be established in Nodal Development Overlay o1 ntho
special district standards (e.g., Glenwood Plan District), as determined through Refinement Plan
and/o. Master Man processes and/or the permitted building height may be regulated by number of
atom: o. floor..
(19) Accessordwelling units may be located rip to 5 feet from an alley.If the accessory dwell:ng:s
located above an alley access garage, o1 the existing garages converted to an acce.... y d—Ific,
unit, the setback for the garage from the alley also applies to the accessory dwell:ng unit, even :f, is
I... than 5 feet.
Response: As noted in this narrative document, the subject portion of the Master Planned site is
designated with MDR zoning district. It is understood that in the MDR zoning district, lot
area and dimensions may be reduced through the subdivision process as long as density
and open space standards can be met. As demonstrated on the Preliminary Plans, the
future lots vary in dimensional design and contain adequate envelopes for future home
construction. Furthermore, this application does not involve construction of buildings or
otherstructures, although the maximum building height is understood.
Approval of this application does not interfere with compliance with applicable
provisions, conditions, or goals intended from the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan.
The subject lots meet the minimum lot area and street frontage requirements of the MDR
zoning district; therefore, this application meets the most relevant criteria above.
3.2-225 Base Solar Development Standards
AVO Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021
Tentative Subdivision Application Page 5
A. Budding Placement for Solar Protection. All buildings in the LDR and MDR
Districts shall protect the solar access of neighboring residential lots/parcels
unless specified elsewhere in this Code.
1. Solar Setback Standard. The proposed building shall comply with 1
ofthe Subsections below.
a. Solar Setback. The solar setback of the shade point shall be
greater than or equal to the setback specified in Table 3.2-1
or as computed using the following formula.
SSB = (2.5 x SPH) + (N/2) _ 95
SSB = The solar setback (the horizontal distance between the shade
point and the Northern lot/parcel fine in feet, (See
Figure 3.2-A);
SPH = The height ofthe shade point in feet (See Figures 3.2-D and
E); and
N = The north -south dimension in feet' provided that a north -
south dimension more than 90 feet shall use a value of90 feet
for this calculation. Provided, the solar setback of the shade
point may be decreased 2.5 feet above the amount calculated
using the formula or Table 3.2-A for each foot that the
average grade at the rear property line exceeds the average
grade at the front property fine.
b. Alternative Standard: Maximum Shade Point Height. The
maximum height of the shade point shall be less than or
equal to the height specified in Table 3.2-B or as computed
using the following formula:
SPH — (2x SSB)- N + 150
provided, the maximum allowed height ofthe shade point
may be increased 1 foot above the amount calculated using
the formula or Table 3.2-2 for each foot that the average
grade at the rear property fine exceeds the average grade at
the front property fine.
c. Performance Option. The proposed building shall notshade
re than 20 percent of the south -facing wall of existing
habitable buildings, or, where applicable, the proposed
building will comply with Section 3B or 3C of the Solar
Design Standards. If Section 3B is used, the shade point of
the building shall be setback from the solar building fine 2.5
feet for every 1 -foot ofheight ofthe shade point
The solar setback for panhandle lots/parcels is calculated on the
north -south dimension of the pan portion of the lot/parcel. The
son thern-most lot/ parcel, with a north south dimension less than 60
feet in the pan portion of the lot/parcel shall have a restricted
building height of21 feet.
Exemptions. A building is exempt from the Solar Setback Standards
when any ofthe following conditions exist
AVO Marcola Meadows—City of Springfield April 2021
Tentative Subdivision Application Page 6
Slopes. The lot/parcel on which the building is located has
an average slope 20 percent or more in a direction greater
than 45 degrees east or west oftrue south.
Pre-existing Shade. The building will shade an area that is
shaded by one or more of the following:
i. An existing or approved building or structure;
A topographic feature; or
u.. A -exempt tree that will remain after
development of the site. It is assumed that a tree
will remain after development if it is situated in a
required setback; or it is part of a developed area,
public park, or legally reserved open space; or it is
part oflandscaping required pursuant to this Code.
A duly executed covenant also can be used to
preserve trees causing the shade.
Insignificant Benefit The proposed building shades one or
more of the following:
i. A non -developable area, for example, designated
open space or streets, or a public use, which does
not need solar access (park land, street, public
facility) or similar uses.
rr. The wall of an unheated space, for example a
garage, excluding solar greenhouses and other
similar solar structures.
u.. Shade less than 20 square feet of south -Facing
B. Building Height Restrictions for Solar Protection. In residential districts, the
maximum building height is determined by solar access considerations, as
specified in Section 3.2-215. No building is required to be less than 21 feet in
height when set back from the northern lot/parcel fine a minimum of 1/2 of
the north -south dimension. Where the HDR District abuts an LDR or MDR
District, the building height standard ofthe HDR Distrlccis 1 ofthe following:
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the subject area of this subdivision application is
designated with MDR District. Therefore, to protect the solar access of neighboring
residential lots, new buildings should comply with the building height restrictions and
shade point calculations outlined above. As discussed with City Staff during the Marcola
Meadows Final Master Plan review process, the solar setbacks effectively preclude most
forms of housing on select lots and thereby lead to unreasonable cost and delay to meet
these requirements. Upon recommendation by the City Attorney, it is understood that
the applicant may request a waiver for specific lots at the time of building permit (when
accompanied by information that asserts the implication of SDC 3.2-225 would result in
unreasonable cost or delay). With that said, this application does not involve construction
of dwellings or placement of buildings/structures. Therefore, the standards above will be
reviewed for compliance at future building permit submittal. As relevant, the criteria are
Section 4.2-100 Infrastructure Standards—Transportation
AVC! Marcola Meadows—City of Springfield April 2021
Tentative Subdivision Application Page 7
4.2-105 Public Streets
A. General Provisions.
1. Ali public streets and alleys must be improved as specified in this
Code and must be dedicated through the approval of a subdivision
plat or by acceptance ofa deed approved by the City.
2. Functional Classification ofStreets. The City's street system consists
ofstreets that are classified as Major and Minor Arreria] streets, Major
and Minor Collector streets, Local streets and Alleys, consistent with
the Springfield Transportation System Plan (Figure 2) and
the Pedenlly Designated Roadway Functional Classification map,
contained in the Regional Transportation Plan. Local Streets include
all streets not classified as Arterial or Collector streets.
3. New connections to arterials and state highways must be consistent
with any designated access management category.
B. An applicant may be required to prepare a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to
identify potential traffic impacts from proposed development and needed
mitigation measures. A ITS is required if any of the following criteria are .net.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, public streets are designed to meet the provisions of
the Springfield Development Code (SDC) and the Springfield Transportation System Plan
(TSP). The transportation documentation within Exhibit F demonstrates compliance with
the applicable transportation standards specified in the SDC and concludes the Marcola
Meadows Master Plan site will accommodate the planned capacity generated by the
project (when improvements are made in accordancewith the approved phasing plan and
schedule). Please see the Exhibit F for further information. The criterion above is met.
C. Minimum streetcurb-to-curb widths and minimum street right-of-way widths
are s specified in Table 4.2-1, unless otherwise indicated in the Springfield
Transportation System Plan, an applicable Refinement Plan, Plan Zoning
district, Master Plan, Conceptual Development Plan, or the adopted bicycle
and pedestrian plan; where necessary m achieve right -of --way and street
aligmmenr or
as needed m meet site-specific engineering standards,
including butnot limited to requirements for multi -way boulevard and/or
.modern roundabout designs. Example street layouts meeting minimum street
standards are provided in Figures 4.2-B through 4.2-V for illustrative purposes
only. These Figures are intended to demonstrate potential street
configurations that meet the requirements.
Response: The Preliminary Street Plan with Cross Sections within the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B)
details the planned Local Street and Collector Street Sections as specified in Table 4.2-1.
The criterion above is met.
D. Street NetworkSmndards---General Criteria.
Response: This application is associated with the Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan, where the
Applicant elected review underthe Needed Housing Street Network Standards of Section
4.2-105.E, below. Therefore, the criterion above is not relevant to this project.
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Tentative Subdivision Application Page 8
E. Street Network Standards—Needed Housing. The development of needed
housing, as defined in ORS 197.303, must meet the following street network
standards, unless the applicant elects review under the general criteria in
Section 4.2-105D.
Response: This subdivision application and associated Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B) will provide
needed housing within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary in accordance with
ORS197.303. However, as shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B) the street network
is aligned with the approved Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan, approved by the
Springfield Planning Commission on February 17, 2021. Though the provisions were
satisfied upon Master Plan approval, the following responses demonstrate compliance
with the Street Network Standards of Section 4.2-105.E. The criteria are met.
1. Collector and Arterial Streets. Subject to the standards of this Code,
the location of collector and arterial streets must comply with the
Transportation System Plan, including the Conceptual StreetMap.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the locations of Collector Streets remain unchanged
from the approved Master Plan. The criterion is met, though not particularly relevant.
2. Local Streets. The local street network must meet the following
Response: The Preliminary Street Plan with Cross Sections within the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B)
details the planned Local Street and Collector Street Sections as specified in Table 4.2-1.
Public and private streets are designed to meet the provisions of the Springfield
Development Code (SDC) and the Springfield Transportation System Plan (TSP). The
transportation documentation within Exhibit F demonstrates compliance with the
applicable transportation standards specified in the SDC. The criterion above is met.
New local streets, pedestrian accessways, and multiuse
paths within a development area must connect to all evsdrrg
or planned local streets, accessways, and multiuse paths,
respectively, including truncated or 'stub" streets,
accessways, or multiuse paths that abut the development
area•For the purposes of this Section, a planned street,
accessway, or .multiuse path .means unimproved dedicated
right-of-way; a street or multiuse path adopted in the
Transportation System Plan; or a street, a way, or
multiuse path shown in an approved Master Plan, Site Plan,
Conceptual Development Plan, or Subdivision Plan.
Response: New local streets, pedestrian accessways, and multi -use paths within the Marcola
Meadows Master Plan adjoin existing and planned infrastructure connections. As shown
on the Preliminary Plans (and in line with the approved Master Plan), accessways are
provided on the west property boundary to allow connectivity to the Austin Park South
neighborhood and the Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) pathway to the north,
and the transportation network is interconnected to the surrounding area. Additionally,
a new pathway south of the 281h Place cul-de-sac provides an efficient pedestrian route
and connects to the accessway that spans south of Pierce Ditch, leading to the planned
future school, multi -family, and church sites. Therefore, the criteria are satisfied.
AVO Marcola Meadows- City of Springfield April 2021
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Where there is an existing or planned local street or multiuse
path within 'G mile ofthe outer boundary ofthe development
area, a w local street or multiuse path must extend to the
outer boundary lines of the development area in alignment
with the centerline of existing or planned street or multiuse
path. The new street or multiuse path and existing o
planned street or multiuse path are in aligumencifthe angle
between the projection of the centerlines of both streets is
not less than 170 degrees or more than 190 degrees.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, planned street connections and accessways that
extend to the outer boundary lines of the development area are consistent with the
approved Master Plan and remain unchanged. The criterion is met.
Local streets spaced no greater than 600 feet apart from
centerline to centerline must extend to all undeveloped or
underdeveloped land that is adjacent to the development
area, zoned or designated for residential or .nixed use, and 5
contiguous gross acres or larger. For the purposes of this
Section, "underdeveloped" means lots and parcels that are
developed at less than halfthe minimum residential density
required in the underlying zoning district.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, new local streets are spaced no greater than 600 feet
apart and connect appropriately with existing and planned infrastructure in the vicinity.
As discussed in the Marcola Meadows Master Plan Modification (Case File No. 811-20-
000225-TYP3), a portion of planned local streets are greater than 600 feet due to the
configuration of the approved transportation network within the original Master Plan.
With that said, the tentative subdivision plan (Exhibit B) complies with a street network
that was reviewed for compliance under current transportation infrastructure standards
as part of the approved Final Master Plan. The criterion is met.
The number of new local street intersections with .major
collector or arterial streets that provide ingress or egress to
the development area must be the smallest number
necessary to ensure that not more than 100 dwelling units are
attributed to any one intersection with a major collector or
arterial street, including via existing local streets that
intersect major collector or arterial streets outside the
development area. A dwelling unit is attributed to the
intersection of alocal street and .major collector or arterial
street that has the smallest travel distance from the
centerline ofthe street at the midpoint ofthe dwelling unWs
frontage to the centerline of the street at the boundary line
ofthe development area.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, planned street connections and accessways that
extend to the outer boundary lines of the development area are generally in line with the
approved Master Plan and remain unchanged. Furthermore, local connections that
intersect with Marcola Road, 28th Street, and 31a Street (i.e. Collector Streets) are
consistent with the approved Master Plan. The criterion is met.
EXCEPTION: Street' arressway, and multiuse path
connections to adjacent property under Section 4.2-105E.2.a
through 2.d above are not required where the following
AVC Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021
Tentative Subdivision Application Page 10
barriers physically prevent their construction: railroad right-
of-way, limited access highway or freeway right-of-way,
xisdng development' streets that would be unable to meet
the slope standards specified in Section 3.3-525, natural
resource protection areas fisted in Section 4.3-117B, o
Historic Landmark Sires or Structures established on the
Historic Landmark Inventory according to Section 3.3-920
ofthis Code.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, planned streets, accessways, and multiuse path
connections are provided to adjacent properties, in accordance with Section 4.2-105E.2.
The exception above is not applicable.
Developments must provide fire apparatus access roads as
required by and in compliance with the Oregon Fire Code.
Response: As shown on the Street Plan with Cross Sections within the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B),
temporary gravel emergency vehicle turnarounds and roads are provided at phase
boundaries wherever necessary to meet fire department requirements. Additionally,
temporary gravel secondary emergency vehicle turnarounds can be provided for phases
whenever necessary to meet fire department requirements. The criterion is met.
Cul -desacs and Dead -End Streets. New and existing dead-end
streets and cul-de-sacs must meet the standards for dead-end fire
apparatus access roads in the Oregon Fire Code and the following
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, 28" Place is cul-de-sac in conformance with the
approved Master Plan. As such, this section demonstrates compliance with the required
Cul-de-sacs and dead-end streets that are not planned to be
through streets are permitted only when physical barriers
prevent the construction of through streets or stubbed
streets that meet the local street network standards i
Section 4.2-105E.2, or the block length and block perimeter
standards in Section 4.2-105E.6. Physical barriers are
railroad right -of --way, limited access highway or freeway
rights-of-way, existing development, streets that would be
sable to meet the slope standards spec fled in Section 3.3-
525, natural resource protection areas listed in Section 4.3-
117,, or Historic Landmark Sites or Structures established
on the Historic Landmark Inventory according to Section
3.3-920 of this Code.
Response: The cul-de-sac at 28" Place is configured as a non -through street to protect locally -
significant natural resource areas on site, Pierce Ditch. An accessway is provided south of
the 281h Place cul-de-sac to provide efficient pedestrian connection and minimal
disturbance to the Pierce Ditch, a local protected waterway as defined in Section 4.3-
117B. As such, this section demonstrates compliance with the required provisions.
Ali cul-de-sacs and dead-end streets, including stubbed
streets required under Section 4.2-105E.2.a through 2.c
above, must .meet the length standards in Section 4.2-
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Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the cul-de-sac at 28th Place meets the 400 -foot
maximum length standards in accordance with Section 4.2-105D.3.b.
A cul-de-sac or dead -card street that is not a stubbed street
ustinclude one or more pedestrian accessways or multiuse
path connections from the cul-de-sac or dead-end street to
an existing or planned street, accessway, or multiuse path
when the cul-de-sac or dead end street is within'G mile of a
Neighborhood Activity Center, acured in a straight
fine from the nearest outer boundary of the Neighborhood
Activity Center to the centerline ofthe dead-end street at its
terminus or the center point of the cul-de-sac. The
accessway or multiuse path must be locaredin a manner that
would shorten the walking and biking distance from the cul-
de-sac or dead-end street to the Neighborhood Activity
Center as compared to the shortest walking or biking
distance without the connection.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, 281h Place is a planned non -through street. An
accessway is provided south of the 28th Place cul-de-sac to provide efficient pedestrian
connection to the planned multi -use pathway south of the Pierce Ditch, in accordance
with the provision above. Additionally, the accessway described above leads to a future
public school and commercially zoned property, defined as Neighborhood Activity
Centers (pursuant to Section 6.1-110). The accessway is configured southeast of the
center of the 281h Place cul-de-sac bulb, as desired and expressed by City Staff in the Pre -
Submittal Meeting held on lune 26, 2020. The criterion is met.
EXCEPTIONS:An accessway o multiuse path i not
required where physical barriers fisted under Section 4.2-
105E.3.a above prevent construction of any accessway or
.multiuse park under this section, or when no accessway or
multiuse path would decrease the walking or biking distance
from the cul-de-sac or dead-end street to the Neighborhood
Activity Center.
Response: 28" Place includes an accessway leading to the Neighborhood Activity Center. Therefore,
the exception above is not relevant to this project.
4. Block Length and Block Perimeter.
Block perimeter for a0 local and .minor collector streets .oust not
exceed the following maximums:
h. 1,400 feet in Mixed -Use Districts, consistent with standards
in Section 3.2625E;
hh. 2,400 feet for multi -unit development subject m Section 3.2-
m. 1,600 feet for a0 other development and in a0 other zoning
b. Block length for local streets .oust not exceed:
800 feet for multi -unit development in residential zoning
districts; and
600 feet for a0 residential development other than .multi -unit
development in all zoning districts.
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Response: This application involves a street network that was reviewed for compliance under the
current transportation infrastructure standards as part of the approved Final Master Plan.
This application involves a preliminary subdivision plat; as such, the Preliminary Plans
demonstrate streets are aligned with the approved Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan.
As shown, the locations of Collector and Local Streets remain unchanged from the
approved Master Plan; therefore, specific analysis of block length and perimeter is not
included in this application. The criteria are met.
4. Maximum Street Grades. Streetgrades must not exceed 8% on major
and .minor arterial streets, 10% on major and .minor collector streets,
and 12% on local streets.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Grading Plan (Exhibit B), the internal street network is
consistent with the maximum street grades above.
6. Intersections of Streets and Alleys.
a. Angles. Streets and alleys .oust intersect one another at an angle as
close to a right angle (i.e., 90 degrees) as possible. Street nterseed ons
must have a minimum intersection angle of SO degrees. All legs ofan
intersection must meet the above standard for at least 100 feet from
the point of intersection of the street centerlines. No more than two
streets may intersect at any location (.e not creating more than a
four4egged intersection) unless at a roundabout.
b. Intersection Offsets. Intersections must be offset at least 100 feet on
a local street, 210 feet on a minor collector street, and 400 feet on a
major collector or arterial street' or the safe stopping sight distance
as determined by the AASHTO publication "A Policy on Geometric
Design of Highways and Streets," whichever is greater. Offset
distance must be measured from the curb or edge of pavement or,
where there is no curb, to the closest urb or edge ofpavement ofthe
next ffset street
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B), the internal street network is consistent
with the standards above as well as the approved Master Plan. Intersections meet the
angle and intersection offset provisions above. Therefore, this subdivision application
meets the criteria above.
F. Medians.
G. Additional Right -of -Way and StreetImprovements.
H. Where a development would result in the need to improve a railroad crossing,
or an approach to a railroad crossing, the developer must bear the cost for the
permitting and improvements. When other property owners are benefited,
other equitable means of cost distribution may be approved by the City.
Traffic Control Devices.
All traffic control signs, pavement .markings, street name signs, and
other traffic control devices must be in conformance with the U.S.
Department of Transportation's Manual of Uniform Traffic Control
Devices for Streets and Highways (including Oregon supplements),
the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual,
and the Development & Public Works Standard Construction
Speuficadons and this Code.
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J. Bus turn out laves must be consistent with current standards in the
City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual.
K Street names are assigned as specified in the Springfield Municipal Code.
L. The Director may require a developer to install traffic calming measures,
including, but not fimited to, speed tables and mini -roundabouts, to address
public safety considerations on roadways.
M. Special Street Setbacks.
Response: This application involves a street network that was reviewed for compliance under the
current transportation infrastructure standards as part of the approved Final Master Plan.
This application involves a preliminary subdivision plat; as such, the Preliminary Plans
demonstrate transportation infrastructure is compliant with the approved Marcola
Meadows Final Master Plan
As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the transportation network improvements do not
include medians or involve railroad crossings. Additional right-of-way and street
improvements are planned to be provided as shown in Exhibit B. Traffic control devices
will be provided for streets, as required. This application does not involve bus turn out
lanes or special street setbacks. Street names will meet the Springfield Municipal Code
and required traffic calming measures will be installed. Therefore, to the extent relevant,
this application complies with the criteria above.
4.2-120 Site Access and Driveways
A. Site Access and Driveways ---General.
All developed lora/parcels are entitled to one approved driveway
access provided by either direct access to a:
a. Public street or alley along the frontage ofthe property; or
b. Private street that connects to the public street system. The
private street shall be constructed as specified in Section 4.2-
110 (private streets shall not be permitted in Gen of public
streets shown on the Springfield Transportation System
Plan, including the Conceptual StreetMap); or
C. Public street by an irrevocable joint use/access easement
wing the subject property that has been approved by the
City Attorney, where:
i. A private driveway is required in Gen ofa panhandle
driveway, as specified in Section 3.2-220B, or
rr. Combined access for 2 or more lots/parcels is
required to reduce the number ofdriveways along a
street, as determined by the Director.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B), future lots are provided individual or shared
driveway access on public streets. Additionally, there are two private driveways (streets)
included in the internal transportation network (generally located in the northwest and
southeast corners of the site). The private driveways are required pursuant to Section 3.2-
220B and meets the 20 -foot wide panhandle standard in the MDR District. The criteria
above are met.
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Driveway access to designated State Highways is subject to the
provisions of this Section in addition to requirements of the Oregon
Department of Transportation (ODOT). Where City and COOT
regulations coni icy the more restrictive regulations shall apply.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B), this application does not involve driveway
access to a designated State Highway. The criterion is not applicable.
As determined by the Director, cites with abutting parking areas
within the same zoning district maybe required to provide driveway
connections or pedestrian connections internal to the sites and joint
access agreements to provide efficient connectivity and preserve
public street functions and capacity.
Response: This application is associated with the approved Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. As
such, transportation connections for vehicles and pedestrians provide efficient
connectivity throughout the site as envisioned, as demonstrated on the Preliminary Plans
(Exhibit B). The criteria are met.
B. Driveways must rake acs c from lower classification streets when
development sites abut m re than one street and streets are of differing
classification as identified in the Springfield Transportation System Plan.
EXCEPTION: Driveway access to or from a higher classification street may
be permitted if no reasonable alternative street access exists or where heavy
use oflocal streets is in -appropriate due to traffic impacts in residential areas.
1. Where a proposed development abuts an existing or proposed arterial
or collector street, the development design and off-street
improvements shall minimize the traffic coni ices.
2. Additional improvements or design .modifications necessary to
resolve identified transportation conflicts may be required on a case
by case basic.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, individual driveways take access from Local Streets
(and not Collector Streets) where possible. Additional traffic calming improvements,
including curb extensions/bumpouts and raised crosswalks, are provided to create safe
and shorter pedestrian crossings on V Street, a Neighborhood Collector roadway. The
modified improvements are employed to address future public safety concerns on V
Street and resolve potential conflicts between vehicular and pedestrian circulation. The
criteria are met.
C. Driveways shall be designed to allow cafe and efficient vehicular ingress and
egress as specified in Tables 4.2-2 through 4.2-5 and the City's Engineering
Design Standards and Procedures Manualand the Development & Public
Works Standard Construction Specifications.
Response: Driveways are designed to allow safe and efficient vehicular ingress and egress pursuant
to the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual and the Development
and Public Works Standard Construction Specifications. The criterion is met.
Section 5.1-100 The Development Review Process
5.1-130 Type IIAppficadons(Administrative)
AVC! Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021
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A. Type II applications are submitted to the Development Services Department.
The Director shall determine application completeness.
B. The Director shall provide .nailed notice to the property owners and occupants
within 300 feet of the property being reviewed and to the applicable
neighborhood association. In addition, the applicant shall post I sign, approved
by the Director, on the subject property. For all Type II notices, an affidavit will
be completed by staff stating that the required notice was provided to the
appropriate individuals. There is a 14 -day period, beginning from the dare of
the notice, for persons to provide written comments to the Director. The Type
II notice shall contain the following:
1. A map locating the subject property;
2. Identification ofthe application by Department case number;
3. Identification ofthe subject property by reference to the Lane County
ent map and tax lot number, and the property
4. Identification of the property owner and applicant
5. An explanation of the nature ofthe application and the proposed use
or uses that could be authorized by the decision;
6. The applicable approval criteria from this Code that apply to the
7. The name and phone number of the assigned planner;
8. A statement that the application, all documents and evidence relied
upon by the applicant' and the applicable criteria are available for
inspection at the Development Services Department at no cost and
that copies will be provided at reasonable cost;
9. A statement listing where, and when written comments are due;
10. A statement briefly summarizing the local decision making process
for the particular application; and
IL A statement that issues which may provide the basis for an appeal
shall be raised in writing prior to the expiration of the comment
period. Issues shall be raised with sufficient information to tenable
the Approval Authority to respond to the issue.
C. The Director shall distribute the application to the Development Review
Committee or the Historical Commission for comments.
D. The Director's decision shall address all of the applicable approval criteria
and/or development standards and any written comments from those persons
who received notice. The Director may approve, approve with conditions, or
deny the application.
E. The Director's decision is the City's final decision and is effective the day it
nailed to the applicant, property owner and those persons who submitted
written comments, unless appealed. The Director's decision shall include an
explanation ofthe rights ofeach party to appeal the decision.
F. The Director's decision may be appealed within 15 calendar days to the
Planning Commission or Hearing's Official as specified in Section 5.3-100. Any
action taken to begin development prior to the expiration ofthe appeal period
is solely at the appficanPs risk and expense. The City assumes no liability or
expense if the development is ultimately terminated based upon the outcome
of the appeal.
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Response: This application includes a Preliminary Subdivision Plat (Exhibit B). Pursuant to Section
5.12-110, Tentative Plans are reviewed under a Type II procedure. Therefore, the process
described above is understood and is applicable to this action.
Section 5.12-100 Land Divisions— Pard dons and Subdivisions
5.12-105 Purpose and Applicabihty
A. Purpose. The purpose ofthe Partition and Subdivision process ism: Facilitate
and enhance the value of development; Maintain the integrity of the City's
watercourses by promoting bank stability, assisting in flood protection and
flow control, protecting riparian functions, r
. mizing a and
preserving ater quality and significant fish and wildfife areas Minimize
adverse effecrs on surrounding property mcners and the general public
through specific approval conditions; Ensure the provision ofpublic facilities
and services;
s; Provide for connectivity betweenB
different uses; Utilize
alternativetransportation modes including walking, bicycling and mass
transit Facilities; Implement the Metro Plan, applicable refinement plans,
specific area plans and specific development plans; Minimize adverse effects
on surrounding property owners and the general public through specific
approval conditions; and Otherwise protect the public health and safety.
B. The Partition process regulates land divisions that cream 2 or 3 parcels within
a calendar year. If the Director determines that a property proposed to be
partitioned has been, or is in the process ofbeing divided into 4 or more lots,
fid l compliance with the Subdivision regulations specified in this Code may
be required.
C. The Subdivision process regulates land divisions that cream 4 or more lots
within a calendar year.
Response: This project involves a land division by means of a subdivision application to create more
than 4 lots within a calendar year. Therefore, the criteria of this section apply.
D. Applicability
1. The Parfidon process applies within the city Emits and the City's
urbanizable area. Generally, no more than 3 parcels may be created
from 1 tract ofland in the City's urbanizable area until annexation, as
specified in Section 5.12-125I.2.b.iii.
2. The Subdivision process applies only within the city Emits.
3. No lot/parcel may be created without being divided as specified in
this Code.
4. No development permit will be issued by the City prior to approval
ofthe Partition or Subdivision Tentative Plan application.
EXCEPTION: As maybe permitted in the Springfield Municipal Code, 1997
and/or by Resolution No. 03-40, the Director may issue a
Land and Drainage Alteration Permit prior to approval of
the Partition or Subdivision Tentative Plan.
Response: This application involves a subdivision within the City limits. The lots created by this
application are in accordance with the Springfield Development Code (SDC). The above
standards are understood.
5.12-110 Tentative Plan Review
Tentative Plans are revie,acd under Type II procedure.
AVO Marcola Meadows—City of Springfield April 2021
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Response: The Type II review process is understood.
5.12-115 Tentative Plan —General
Any residential land division shall conform to the following standards:
A. The lot/parcel dimensions shall conform to the minimum standards of this
Code. When lots/parcels are more than double the minimum area permitted
by the zoning district, the Director shall require that these lots/parcels be
1. To allow redivision; and
2. To allow for the exrension of streets to serve future lots/parcels.
3. Placement of structures on the larger lora/parcels shall be subject to
approval by the Director upon a determination that the potential
maximum density of the larger lot/parcel is notimpaired. In order to
make this determination, the Director may require a Future
Development Plan as specified in Section 5.12-120E.
Response: This application involves a subdivision within the City limits. As illustrated on the
Preliminary Plans, the subdivision layout impacts the northern portion of the site
intended for the construction of single-family detached lots (e.g. Phases 3-5). As shown,
the layout provides frontage on public roads to serve future lots and does not include
large properties which would allow for potential redivision. Further, the site does not
contain existing structures. Per the submittal requirements, see the narrative response
for Section 5.12-125 and Table 5, explaining the Tentative Subdivision Plat and associated
MDR density of the subject property.
B. Double frontage lots/parcels shall be avoided, unless necessary to prevent
access to residential development from collector and arterial streets or to
overcome specific topographic situations.
C. Panhandle lots/parcels shall comply with the standards specified in Sections
3.2-215 and 4.2-120A. In the case of multiple panhandles in Subdivisions,
construction of necessary mifides to serve all approved panhandle
lots/parcels shall occur prior to recording the Plat.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, there are 8 lots with double frontage (e.g. within
Phase IA, between N 30" Place and N 31" Street) necessary to prevent access from the
Minor Collector street. However, Phase 1A is currently platted and not associated with
this application. Further, this application creates panhandle lots planned to comply with
the standards above. The criteria are met.
D. Block length for local streets is as specified in Section 4.2-115.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, new local streets are spaced no greater than 600 feet
apart and connect appropriately with existing and planned infrastructure in the vicinity,
as specified in Section 4.2-105. As discussed in the Marcola Meadows Master Plan
Modification (Case File No. 811-20-0002225-TYP3), a portion of planned local streets are
greater than 600 feet due to the configuration of the approved transportation network
within the original Master Plan. With that said, the tentative subdivision plat (Exhibit B)
complies with a street network that was reviewed for compliance under current
transportation infrastructure standards as part of the approved Final Master Plan. The
criterion is met.
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5.12-120 Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements
A Tentative Plan application shall contain the elements necessary to demonstrate that
the provisions of this Code are being fulfilled.
EXCEPTION: In the case of Partition applications with the sole intent to donate land
to a public agency, the Director, during the Pre -Submittal Meeting, may waive any
submittal requirements that can be addressed as part of a future development
Response: This application is not intended to facilitate the donation of land to a public agency. The
exception described above is not relevant to this application.
A. General Requirements.
1. The Tentative Plan, including any required Future Development
Plan, shall be prepared by an Oregon Licensed Land Surveyor on
standard sheets of I8" a 2422. The services of and Oregon registered
Engineer may also be required by the City in order to resolve utility
issues (especially stormwater management, street design and
transportation issues), and site constraint and/or water quality
2. The scale of the Tentative Plan shall be appropriate to the ar
evolved and the amount of detail and data, normally 1" = 501, 1"ea
100', or I" = 200'.
3. A north arrow and the date the Tentative Plan was prepared.
4. The name and address of the owner, applicant, if different, and the
Land Surveyor and/or Engineer who prepared the Partition
Tentative Plan.
5. A drawing of the boundaries of the entire area owned by the
pard loner or subdivider ofwhich the proposed land division is apart.
6. Cityboundaries, the Urban Growth Boundary(UGB) and any special
service district boundaries or railroad right-of-way, which cross or
abut the proposed land division.
7. Applicable zoning districts and the Metro Plan designation of the
proposed land division and of properties within 100 feet of the
boundary ofthe subject property.
8. The dimensions (in feet) and size (either in square feet or acres) of
each lot/parcel and the approximate dimensions of each building
site, where applicable, and the top and toe of cut and fill slopes to
9. The location, oudine to scale and present use of all existing
structures to remain on the property after platting and their required
setbacks from the proposed new property fines.
10. The location and size ofexisting and proposed udh des and necessary
easements and dedications on and adjacent to the site, including but
notlimited to sanitary sewer mains, stormwater management
systems, water mains, power, gas, telephone, and cable TV. Indicate
the proposed connection points.
IL The locations widths and purpose of all existing or proposed
easements on and abutting the proposed land division; the location
ofany existing or proposed reserve strips.
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12. The locations of all areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use,
with the purpose, condition or limitations of the reservations clearly
Response: The Preliminary Plans include the applicable Tentative Plan information listed above. The
submittal requirements are met.
B. A Site Assessment of the Entire Development Area. The Site Assessment shall
be prepared by an Oregon Licensed Landscape Architect or Engineer and
drawn to scale with existing contours at 1 -foot intervals and percent of slope
that precisely maps and delineates the areas described below. Proposed
modifications to physical features shall be clearly indicated. The Director may
waive portions of this requirement if there is a finding that the proposed
development will not have an adverse impact on physical features or water
quality, either on the site or adjacent to the site. Information required for
adjacent properties may be generalized to show the connections to physical
features. A Sire Assessment shall contain the following information.
1. The name, location, dimensions, direction offiowand top ofbank of
all watercourses that are shown on the Water Quality Limited
Watercourses (WLQW) Map on file in the Development Services
2. The 100 -year floodplain and Roodway boundaries on the site, as
specified in the latest adopted FEMA Flood Insurance Maps o
FEMA approved Letter of Map Amendment or Letter of Map
3. The Time of Travel Zones, as specified in Section 3.3-200 and
delineated on the Wellhead Protection Areas Map on file in the
Development Service Department
4. Physical features including, but not limited m significant clusters of
trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the (WLQW) Map and their
riparian areas, wetlands, and rock oumroppitws;
5. Soil types and water table information as .napped and specified in
the Soils Survey ofLane Count and
6. Names] resource protection areas as specified in Section 4.3-117.
Response: The Preliminary Plans include the applicable Site Assessment information listed above.
The submittal requirements are met.
C. A Stormwater Management Plan drawn to scale with existing contours at I -
foot intervals and percent of slope that precisely maps and addresses the
information described below. In areas where the percent ofdope is 10 percent
or more, contours may be shown at 5 -foot intervals. This plan shall show the
stormwater management system for the entire development area. Unless
exempt by the Public Works Director, the City shall require that an Oregon
licensed Civil Engineer prepare the plan. Where plants are proposed as part
of the smrmwater management system, an Oregon Licensed Landscape
Architect may also be required. The plan shall include the following
1. Roof drainage patterns and discharge locations;
2. Pervious and impervious area drainage patterns;
3. The size and location of stonnwater management systems
components, including but not limited to: drain lines, catch basins,
AVC Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021
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dry wells and/or detention ponds; stormwater quality measures; and
natural drainageways to be retained;
Existing and proposed site elevations, grades and contours; and
A stormwater management system plan with supporting calculations
and documentation as required in Section 4.3-110 shall be submitted
supporting the proposed system. The plan, calculations and
documentation shall be consistent with the Engineering Designs
Standards and Ptwedu¢s Manual to allow staff to determine if the
proposed stormwater management system will accomplish its
Response: The Preliminary Plans include the above listed information, as applicable. Additionally,
please see the Preliminary Stormwater Report within Exhibit G, which contains detailed
stormwater system plans, replete with supporting calculations, as is required.
D. A Response to Transportation issues complying with the provisions of this
1. The locations, condition, e.g., fully improved with curb, gutter and
sidewalk, AC may or gravel, widths and names ofall existing streets,
alleys, or other rights-of-way within or adjacent to the proposed land
2. The locations, widths and names of all proposed streets and other
rights-of-way to include the approximate radius of curves and grades.
The relationship of all proposed streets to any projected streets as
shown on the Metro Plan, including the TmnsPlan, any approved
Conceptual Development Plan and the latest version of the
Conceptual Local Street Map;
Response: The Preliminary Plans detail the existing and planned conditions of streets and other
rights-of-way adjacent to the subject site. The criterion is met.
The locations and widths of all existing and proposed sidewalks,
pedestrian trails and accessways, including the location, size and
type of plantings and street trees in any required planter strip;
Response: The Preliminary Plans detail the existing and planned conditions of sidewalks, pedestrian
trails, and accessways. Please see the Conceptual Modified Master Plan (Exhibit B)
demonstrating the envisioned future landscape of the site. The criterion is met.
The location of existing and proposed traffic control devices, fire
hydrants, power poles, transformers, neighborhood mailbox units
and similar public faogities, where applicable;
Response: The Composite Utility Plans (Exhibit B) illustrate the location of existing and planned
improvements described above. As noted on Sheet PO -07, specific locations for street
trees, mailboxes, fire hydrants, etc. will be determined during the PIP process for the
individual subdivision phases in the future. As applicable, the criterion is met.
The location and dimensions of existing and proposed driveways,
where applicable;
The location of existing and proposed street lighting: including the
type, height and area ofillumination;
The location ofexisting and proposed transit facilities;
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Response: The Preliminary Plans detail the locations of existing and planned driveways and access
locations, streetlights, and transit facilities. The criteria are met.
A copy of a Right-of-way Approach Permit application where the
property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation
(ODOT) Facility; and
Response: The subject site does not front on an ODOT facility. The criterion is not relevant.
A Traffic Impact Study prepared by a Traffic Engineer, where
necessary, as specified in Section 4.2-105A.4.
Response: A Transportation Impact Study (TIS) and associated Transportation Memorandums
prepared by Lancaster Mobley are included as Exhibit F. The transportation
documentation demonstrates compliance with the standards in Section 4.2-105; please
see the full exhibit for further details. The criterion is met.
E. A Future Development Plan. Where phasing and/or lots/parcels that are
re than twice the minimum lot/parcel size are proposed, the Tentative
Plan shall include a Future Development Plan that
1. Indicates the proposed redivision, including the boundaries,
lot/parcel dimensions and sequencing of each proposed redivision
in any residential district, and shall include a plot plan showing
building footprints for compliance with the minimum residential
densities specified in Section 3.2-205.
2. Addresses street connectivity between the various phases of the
proposed development based upon compliance with TransPlan, the
Regional Transportation Plan (RTP), applicable Refinement Plans,
Plan Districts, Master Plans, Conceptual Development Plans, or the
Conceptual Local Street Map and this Code;
3. Accommodates other required public improvements, including, but
not limited to, sanitary sewer, stormwater managermeny water and
4. Addresses physical features, including, but notlimited to, significant
clusters of trees and shrubs, watercourses shown on the Water
Quality Limited Watercourse Map and their associated riparian
areas, wetlands, rock outcroppings and historic features; and
5. Discusses the timing and financial provisions relating to phasing
Response: The Conceptual Modified Master Plan (Exhibit B) illustrates the envisioned future site
improvements on the subject site. The Preliminary Plans include the above listed
information, as applicable.
F. Additional information and/or applications required at the rime of Tentative
Plan application submittal shall include the following items, where
1. A briefnarradve explaining the purpose ofthe proposed land division
and the existing use of the property;
Response: This written document includes an explanation of the purpose of the land use application
and the existing use of the property.
If the applicant is not the property owner, written permission from
the property owner is required;
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Response: This City's application form, signed by the property owner, is included in Exhibit A.
A Vicinity Map drawn to scale showing bus stops, streets, driveways,
pedestrian connections, fire hydrants and other transportation/fire
issuesaccess within 200 feet of the proposed land division and all
exisimgPartitions or Subdivisions immediately adjacent to the
proposed land division;
Response: The Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B) include a vicinity map and other plans with the
information listed above, as applicable.
How the Tentative Plan addresses the standards of any applicable
overlay disoic5
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the subject property is designated Drinking Water
Protection Overlay District. As relevant, the standards have been addressed.
How the Tentative Plan addresses Discretionary Use criteria, where
Response: This application does not involve discretionary uses: any use not permitted outright in a
particular zoning district because of its potentially incompatible characteristics and
requiring additional governing body review. The criterion is not relevant.
A Tree Felling Permit as specified in Section 5.19-100;
Response: This application does not involve tree felling.
A Geotechnical Report for slopes of 15 percent or greater and a
specified in Section 3.3-500, and/or if the required Site Assessment
in Section 5.12-120B. indicates the proposed development area has
unstable soils and/or high water table as specified in the Sc i/s Survey
efLane County;
Response: This application does not involve land which contains slopes of 15% or greater.
An Annexation application as specified in Section 5.7-100 where a
development is proposed outside of the city limits but within City's
urban growth boundary and can be serviced by sanitary sewer;
Response: This application does not involve annexation. The subject property is currently within the
Springfield City limits.
9. A wedand defineation approved by the Department of State Lands
shall be submitted concurrently where there is a wetland on the
10. Evidence that any required Federal or State permit has been applied
for or approved shall be submitted concurrently;
Response: The Preliminary Plans illustrate the location of wetlands and concurrence documentation
from DSL is within Exhibit H. Further, an Approved Jurisdictional Determination (AJD) from
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is included within Exhibit H. To the extent
federal or state permits are relevant to the subject property, they will be obtained.
11. All public improvements proposed to be installed and to include the
approximate time ofinstallation and method offinancing;
Response: As described in this written narrative, this application involves the installation of public
improvements. Please see Exhibit I, Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Phasing Plan and
AVC Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021
Tentative Subdivision Application Page 23
Schedule, for further details on the implementation timeline of phased improvements.
The criterion is met.
12. Proposed deed restrictions and a draft ofa Homeowner's Association
Agreement' where appropriate;
Response: Please see Exhibit 1 for the Preliminary Homeowner's Association Agreement and
associated documentation.
13. Cluster Subdivisions shall also address the design standards
specified in Section 3.2-230;
14. Where the Subdivision of a manufactured dwelfing park or mobile
home park is proposed, the Director may waive certain submittal
requirements specified in Subsections A. through M. However, the
Tentative Plan shall address the applicable standards fisted under the
park Subdivision approval criteria specified in Section 5.12-125. (6286;
Response: This application does not involve a cluster subdivision or a manufactured dwelling park.
The above listed submittal requirements are not applicable.
5.12-125 Tentative Plan Criteria
The Director shall approve or approve with conditions a Tentative Plan application
upon determining that all applicable criteria have been satisfied. If conditions cannot
be attached to satisfy the approval criteria, the Director shall deny the application. In
the case of Partitions that involve the donation ofland to a public agency, the Director
may waive any approval criteria upon determining the particular criterion can be
addressed as part ofa future development application.
A. The request conforms to the provisions of this Code pertaining to lot/parcel
site and dimensions and density.
Response: As discussed in this written narrative, the portion of the property involved in the
Preliminary Subdivision Plan is designated with MDR District Zoning. Approval of this
Preliminary Subdivision Plan (Tentative Plat) and recordation of a Final Subdivision Plat
may result in ±280 lots for single-family detached homes (e.g. totaling ±446 single-family
detached lots on the subject site), as demonstrated in Table 2, on the next page.
As noted in the Section 3.2-215 Base Zone Development Standards table (above), the
properties created by this subdivision (e.g. ±280 lots intended for single-family detached
homes) comply with the minimum lot size and dimensions of the designated base zone
AVO Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021
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development standards and are generally designated MDR district (or amended to MDR
It is understood the lot area and dimensions may be reduced through the subdivision
application process if density and open space standards can be met. As demonstrated in
Table 2 (below), Phases 1A, 113, 2A, and 2B are currently approved phases and in the
construction plan review stage for the completion of 166 single-family lots. The remaining
site area intended for single-family detached homes (e.g. Phases 3-5) may provide for
±280 lots and is the subject of this Preliminary Subdivision Plan. Overall, Phases 1-5 may
provide a total of ±446 lots for single-family development. The minimum residential
density required on the subject site for the MDR district is 14 units/net acre or±751 units.
The maximum density allowed is 28 units/net acre or ±1,053 units. To meet the overall
required density on the Marcola Meadows Master Plan site, it is reasonably assumed that
the remaining ±305 units can be developed within the multi -family phase. Therefore, the
approval criterion is satisfied.
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Table 2: Density Calculation for MDR Subdivision
PHASES ]A, 1B, 2A, 2B)
751.66=751 units
1503.32=1,503 units
UN ITS — PHASES 1A, 1C, 2A, and 2C
166 units
280 units
446 units
305-752 units
751-1,503 units
B. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram and/or
applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual
Development Plan.
AVC Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021
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Response: The subject site is currently designated MDR zoning district. Additionally, as shown on the
Preliminary Plans, this application is in compliance with the approved Marcola Meadows
Final Master Plan, the Conceptual Development Plan for the subject site. Therefore, the
standard is met.
C. Capacity requirements of public and private facifides, including but not
limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management
facifides; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the
public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of
development' unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable
regulations. The Public Works Director or a utifity provider shall determine
capacity issues.
D. The proposedland division shall comply with all applicable public and private
design and construction standards contained in this Code and other
applicable regulations.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, public facilities will be provided to serve the site,
including but not limited to stormwater management, sanitary sewer, municipal water,
and franchise utilities. The site is planned to be served by a comprehensive street network
that includes new public roadways and improvements. Infrastructure is planned to be
completed concurrent with the build out of each associated phase. As shown on the
Preliminary Subdivision Plat, the planned land division complies with standards in the
SDC. The approval criteria C and D are met.
E. Physical features, including, butnotlimited to: steep dopes with unstable soil
or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of Flooding; significant
clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLWMap and their
associated riparian are other riparian meas and wetlands specified in
Section 4.3-117; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or
archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS
97.740-7601358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this
Code or in State or Federal law.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans (Exhibit B), the subject site is not affected by the
majority of the constraints described above. Wetland documentation is provided within
Exhibit H. The criterion is satisfied as relevant.
F. Parking areas and ingress -egress points have been designed to: facifitate
vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide
connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas,
transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and
public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified
to this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT
access management standards for State highways.
Response: As shown on the Preliminary Plans, the single-family residential housing access points on
31" Street are consistent with what is shown on the approved Marcola Meadows Final
Master Plan. Ingress -egress points have been designed to facilitate safe and efficient
traffic, provide connectivity within and from the site, and minimize driveways on 31a
Street (functionally classified as a Minor Collector Street). Furthermore, pedestrian
pathways are included to assure connectivity is provided to the existing multi -use trail
(north), existing residential areas (west), future multi -family residential areas (south), and
AVO Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021
Tentative Subdivision Application Page 27
to the adjacent neighborhood activity centers (e.g. school and church sites to the south).
As applicable, the criteria are met.
G. Development of any remainder of the property under the came ownership can
be accomplished as specified in this Code.
H. Adjacent land can be developed or is provided access that will a8ow its
development as specified in this Code.
Response: The above approval standards are understood. This application does not create
landlocked parcels. Adjacent land can be developed as specified in the SDC.
Where the Partition ofpmperty thatis outside ofthe city limits but within the
City's urbanizable area and no ent annexation application is
submitted, the standards specified below shall also apply:
Response: The subject property is within the Springfield City limits. The criterion is not applicable,
and the additional standards have been omitted for brevity.
Where the Subdivision ofa manufihcmred dwelling park or .mobile hone park
is proposed, the following approval criteria apply:
Response: This application does not involve a mobile home park. The above standard is not relevant
and the associated approval criteria have been omitted for brevity.
5.12-130 Tentative Plan Conditions
To the extent necessary to satisfy the approval criteria of Section 5.12-125, comply with
all applicable provisions of this Code and to mitigate identified negative impacts to
surrounding properties, the Director shall impose approval conditions. All conditions
shall be satisfied prior to Plat approval. Approval conditions may include, but are not
limited to:
Response: It is understood that the director may impose conditions of approval as stated above and
the conditions shall be satisfied prior to final subdivision plat approval. The list of potential
approval conditions has been omitted for brevity.
Furthermore, this subdivision application is associated with (and compliant with) the
Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan. As such, see the findings for compliance with
conditions of approval synthesized in Table 3, below. Please be aware all conditions are
from the Final Master Plan are included, though few are applicable to this subdivision
application. The condition of approval is shown numbered to the left with the applicant's
response to the right.
Table 3: Findings for Compliance with Conditions of Approval
Marcola Meadows Final Master Plan Modification —Conditions of Approval
(Local Case No. 811-20-000225-TTP3, Decision Issued February 17, 2021)
I Applicant's Response
1. The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for
monitoring the ITS improvement thresholds associated with number of
dwelling units and/or peak vehicle trips, a applicable, for full
construed on of V Street through to its intersection with Marcelo Road.
AVO Marcola Meadows— City of Springfield April 2021
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AVO Marcola Meadows—City of Springfield April 2021
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Marwla Meadows Final Master Plan Modification —Conditions of Approval
Local Case No. 811-20-000225-TYP3, Decision Issued Februarl
17, 2021
Applicant's Response
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for f8
Understood. Please see the
construction ofthe Pierce Ditch at the time ofco8ector street extension
recorded Phasing Plan and
outhvvard to an intersection with Marcelo Road m address the
Schedule within Exhibit I.
threshold number of dwelfing units and/or peak vehicle trips a
determined by the applicanes TIS.
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for f8
Understood. Please see the
construction of Pierce Parkway between 31•' Street and V Strecy
recorded Phasing Plan and
including the crossing of the Pierce Ditch concurrently with
Schedule within Exhibit I.
construction of Phase 3. Alternatively, full construction of Pierce
Parkway between 31 -Street and V Street, including the crossing of the
Pierce Ditch, shall be completed prior to Phase 3 if required to address
the threshold number of dwelfing units and/or peak vehicle trips as
determined by the Applicant's Pierce Parkway Connection Trigger
Analysis Memorandum dared January 26, 2021.
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for f8
Understood. Please see the
construction of V Street between the intersection with Marcelo Road to
recorded Phasing Plan and
the Pierce Ditch crossing concurrently with construction of the Church
Schedule within Exhibit I.
Phase or with construction of the School Phase, whichever cones first.
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule and phasing
Understood. Please see the
boundary map shall provide for f8 construction ofV Street concurrently
recorded Phasing Plan and
with Phase 2C (or equivalent, if phase is renumbered) to the back of
Schedule within Exhibit I.
curb on the south side of the street or to the curb return tangency fine at
the intersections, with the exception ofthe segment between 30'^ Place
and 310 Street which shall be constructed to an interim standard ac
depicted in the applicants submitted conceptual design dared January
26, 2021. Final completion of the V Street segment between 30's Place
and 31•' Street shall occur prior to or concurrent with construction of
Phase 3.
The modified Final Master Plan sheers PO -03 and PO -IOC shall clearly
Understood. Please see the
shown single, shared driveway access located on the boundary between
recorded Final Master Plan.
the southeastern edge of the public school site and the adjoining
neighborhood commercial site and multi -unit residential site.
The applicanes modified Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide
Understood. Please see the
for full construction of the pubfic sanitary sewer system acrecary to
recorded Phasing Plan and
serve each successive development phase, regardless of the order of
Schedule within Exhibit I.
phase construction.
The Final Master Plan shall provide a representative cross-section detail
Understood. Please see the
of the Pierce Ditch channel for the segment between 31' Street and V
recorded Final Master Plan.
Street that chows a minimum 10 -foot separation distance between
adjacent residential property lines and the northern rep -of -bank and
adjacent multi -unit residential and institutional property lines. The
Grant pathway shall be included within the 20 -foot separation area that
ns parallel with the southern edge of the Pierce Ditch, as generally
depicted on theapplicant's Master Plan SheetPO-03.
The segments of Pierce Ditch to be improved and dedicated —thin
Understood. Please see the
Phases 3 & 4 and the Church Phase shall be shown and described in the
recorded Phasing Plan and
modified phasing plan and table.
Schedule within Exhibit I.
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Marwla Meadows Final Master Plan Modification —Conditions of Approval
Local Case No. 811-20-000225-TYP3, Decision Issued Februarl
17, 2021
Applicant's Response
The segments of the Pierce Ditch shown within Phases 3 & 4 shall be
Understood. There is no
reviewed and approved at the time oftentative subdivision approval for
further action required by
the applicable residential phase.The segment ofdec Pierce Ditch shown
the Applicant at this time.
within the Church Phase shall be reviewed and approved at the time of
Sire Plan Review. Improvements to the Pierce Ditch chaff include but
not be limited to removal ofinvasive vegetation and flow obstructions,
removal of silt and debris, and replanting with suitable vegetation
including ores, shrubs, and gmundcover plants. Construction of the
Pierce Ditch improvements chaff be done through the City's PIP
The Final Master Plan shall provide for installation of a water quality
Understood. There is no
manhole upstream ofdec neighborhood -scale infiltration ponds serving
further action required by
Phases 3, 4, and 5. The manholes must be sized per the manufacturer's
the Applicant at this time.
recommendations for the expected flow m be created at that .manhole
location at fff buildout and most meet the requirements for
pretreatment as determined by the Washington State
Technol /Assessment Protocol —Ecol(TAPE) program.
The modified Final Master Plan phasing schedule shall provide for
Understood. Please see the
secondary fire apparatus access m Phases 3, 4, and 5 in accordance with
recorded Phasing Plan and
the requirements of the Springfield Fire Code.
Schedule within Exhibit I.
The Final Master Plan and modified phasing schedule shall provide for
Understood. Please see the
installation of fire hydrants that meet the spacing, distribution, and
recorded Final Master Plan.
coverage requirements ofthe Springfield Fire Code.
The Final Master Plan shall provide for fire apparatus access m all
Understood. Please see the
angle-un;t drenched lots that meets the 150 -foot distance from the
recorded Final Master Plan.
furthest point of the building as required by Section 503.1.1 of the
Springfield Fire Code. Alternatively, the Final Master Plan shall provide
for building sprinklering for all single -unit detached lots that do not
ret the 150 -foot distance fire apparatus access requirements of SFC
The Final Master Plan shall provide for underground electrical system
Understood. Please see the
connection(s) between Phases IC (or renumbered equivalent) and/or
recorded Final Master Plan.
Phase 5 and the EWER right-of-way.
Prior m approval of the tentative subdivision plans for Phases 3-5, or
Understood. There is no
prior m approval of a site plan review for the Multi -unit Residential
further action required by
Phase, School Phase, or Church Phase, as applicable, the applicant shall
the Applicant at this time.
prepare and submit certified wetland delineation report for the subject
phase. The review and approval of required wetland mitigation
measures and determination of wedand setbacks shall be completed
through the tentative subdivision plan and/or site plan review process
for each development phase.
The Final Master Plan diagram and phasing plan shall be revised to
Understood. Please see the
eliminate gaps in the alphanumeric subdivision phase sequencing in
recorded Phasing Plan and
accordance with Lane County Surveyor's office requirements.
Schedule within Exhibit I.
The applicant shall record the modified Final Master Plan document'
The Final Master Plan is
used plans and phasing schedule, and conditions of approval against
recorded as Instrument No.
the parcels comprising the Master Plan area at Lane County Deeds &
Records and provide evidence thereofto the City.
The modified Final Master Plan document' revised plans, phasing
schedule, and conditions of approval arising from Planning Action 811-
20-000225-TYP3 shall supersede the prior Master Plan recorded a
Document N2O18-038501 and the modified Master Plan Phasing
Schedule recorded as Document N2O20-071248.
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IV. Conclusion
The required findings have been made and this written narrative and accompanying documentation
demonstrate that the application is consistent with the applicable provisions of the City of Springfield
Development Code and Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan. The evidence in the record
supports approval of the application and the City can rely upon it for its approval of the application.
AVO Marcola Meadows—City of Springfield April 2021
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Exhibit A: City Application Forms and Checklists
City of Springfield
Development & Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Land Division Tentative Plan
Partition, Subdivision
w 0#/
Type (Applicant: check one)
artition Tentative Pre -Submittal: Subdivision Tentative Pre -Submittal:
Partition Tentative Submittal: Subdivision Tentative Submittal:
Required Project Information (Applicant., complete this section)
Applicant Name: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood LLC Phone: Pleasewntactconsuhant
Company: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC
Fax: Please contact consultant
Address: 27375 SW Parkway Avenue, Wilsonville, OR 97070
Applicant's Rep.: Consultant: Chris Goodell
Phone: (503) 563-6151
Company: AKS En ineerin & Forestry, LLC I
Fax: 503 563-6152
Address: 12965 SW Herman Avenue Suite 100 Tualatin OR 97062 Email: chrisg@aks-eng.com
Property Owner: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC
Phone: Please contact consultant
Company: Marcola Meadows Neighborhood, LLC
Fax: Please contact consultant
Address: 27375 SW Parkway Avenue Wilsonville OR 97070
1 TAX LOT NOS : 1800
Property Address: No situs northwest of Marcola Road and 31st Street
Size of Property: ±40 acres Acres ® Square Feet ❑
Proposed Name of Subdivision: Marcola Meadows Phases 3 4 and 5
Description of if you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application.
Proposal: Tentative subdivision plan for master plan implementation. Please see written narrative material
Existing Use: V n r i n i l l n
Total acreage of parcels/
# of Lots/Parcels: ±280 albwabIs dens' +
Proposed #
Dwell units
Si natures: Please sign and print your name and date in the appropriate
Required Project Information (City Intake Staff.,
Associated Applications:
box on the next DaCe.
complete this section)
Pre -Sub Case No.:
Reviewed by:
Case No.:
Reviewed by:
Application Fee: $
Technical Fee: $
Posta a Fee: $
Revised 1/7/14 kl 1 of 10