HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 4/20/2021AGENDA
Staff Review., Tuesday, May 11, 2021 9.•00-10:00 a.m.
1. Subdivision Tentative 811-21-000078-TYP2 811-20-000212-PROJ Ninth St. Properties
Assessor's Map: 17-02-31-24 TL: 11900
Address: 431 35th Street
Existing Use: residential /zoned LDR
Applicant submitted plans for 6 -lot subdivision of 0.93 acre parcel.
Planner: Melissa Carifio
Meeting: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 9:00 — 10:00 virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams
2. Minor Variance 811-21-000079-TYP2 811-20-000212-PROJ Ninth St. Properties
Assessor's Map: 17-02-31-24 TL: 11900
Address: 431 35th Street
Existing Use: residential /zoned LDR
Applicant submitted request for variance to street frontage for lot 1 of proposed 6 -lot subdivision.
Planner: Melissa Carifio
Meeting: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 9:00 — 10:00 virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams
The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out
from the laserfiche website: htto://www.si)ringfield-or.gov/weblink8/browse.asi)x
y o
DowSign Envelope ID: FMCAMC-A973-44CB-MBF-9BEABC485723
City of Springfield
Development Services Department
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Minor Variance
Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section)
Applicant Name: Ira Lucia Phone: 971-226-8784
Company: : Ninth St. Properties, LLC Fax: n/a
Address: 17605 NW Autumn Ridge Drive, Beaverton, OR 97006 Email: ninthstprop@outlook.com
Applicant's Rep.: Jason Goshert
Phone: 541-485-8383
Company: SSW Engineers Inc.
Fax: 541-485-8384
Address: 2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105 Email: jasong@sswengineers.com
Pro p ert Owner: Laura Ror & Ronald Auxier
Phone: 541-914-7491
company: n/a
Fax: n/a
Address: 5735 Mineral Way, Springfield, OR 97478
ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-31-24
TAX LOT NOS : 11900
Property Address: 431 35th Street, Springfield, OR 97477
Size of Property: 0.93 Acres/ 40,257 Square Feet Acres X❑ Square Feet ❑X
Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application.
Proposal: 6 Lot residential subdivision; Lot hl is proposed to have reduced frontage on 35th Street.
Existing Use: Residential
Numeric Standard to be Adjusted (See SDC 5.21-125 A. for standards that may be adjusted):
Adjust minimum required street frontage for proposed Lot 1 from 60 feet to 54.19 feet
Percentage of Standard to be Adjusted: 9.68%
Si natures: Please sign and print your name and date in thea ro riate box on the next a e.
Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., complete this section)
Associated Applications: Signs:
Case No.:
Date: Reviewed by:
Application Fee: $
Technical Fee: $
Posta a Fee:
Revised 2/25/11 1 of 4
Property Location: 431 35th Street, Springfield, OR 97477
Assessor's Map 17-02-31-24, Tax Lot 11900
Applicant: Ira Lucia
Ninth St. Properties, LLC
17605 NW Autumn Ridge Drive, Beaverton, OR 97006
Laura Routine & Ronald Auxier
5 73 5 Mineral Way, Springfield, OR 97478
Applicant's Representative:
SSW Engineers Inc,
Jason Goshen, Project Manager
2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105, Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: 541-485-8383
Email: jasong@sswengineers.com
SSW Engineers Inc.
Michael R. Dahrens, PLS
2350 Oakmont Way, Suite 105, Eugene, OR 97401
Phone: 541-485-8383
Email: miked@sswengineers.com
LDR - Low Density Residential
Comprehensive Plan
Low Density Residential
Neighborhood Refinement
Mid -Springfield
Request: Minor Variance approval to adjust street frontage standard for
residential lot on north -south street.
Project Description
The property involved in this request is a 0.93 acre parcel of land comprised of Tax Lot 11900 of Lane
County Assessor's Map 17-02-31-24. The subject property is currently under residential use and
developed with an existing single-family dwelling and detached garage to remain. The subject property is
currently designated "Low Density Residential" per the Comprehensive Plan, and is currently zoned LDR
Low Density Residential.
Written Narrative Minor Variance Application for Ninth SL Properties, LLC SSW Job #20-7774 Page 1 of 3
The applicant has submitted a concurrent tentative subdivision application which proposes to subdivide
the subject property into six lots, each of which is proposed to accommodate one single-family dwelling
for a total of 6 dwelling units following subdivision approval. This results in a proposed net density of
6.45 dwelling units per acre, which complies with the permitted density range of 6 tol4 dwelling units per
net acre within the LDR zoning district per Section 3.2-205 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC).
Due to the size, shape and orientation of the subject properly, the proposed lot layout for the subdivision
includes two standard lots along 35th Street and four panhandle lots towards the rear of the subject
property in order to meet the minimum residential density requirements as described above. However,
the subject property is situated on a north -south street and doesn't quite have enough existing street
frontage to accommodate two standard lots with 60 feet of frontage each in addition to the required 26
feet of combined street frontage for the shared access / pole portions of the panhandle lots. The applicant
is therefore requesting Minor Variance approval to adjust the street frontage standard for proposed Lot 1,
which is the northerly of the two standard lots.
This written narrative will describe how this request is consistent with applicable minor variance criteria
contained in Section 5.21-125 of the Springfield Development Code (SDC). Applicable criteria are cited
in bold italic text, followed by corresponding responses and findings shown in regular text.
5.21-125 Minor Variances - Criteria
A. Minor Variances are limited to certain specie numeric standards in this Code. The Director may
adjust the following numeric standards by up to 30 percent as a Minor Variance.
1. Building setbacks,
2. Lot/parcel dimensions that do not reduce the required loilparcel size below the minimum
required in the applicable zoning district;
3. Building height,
4. Lollparcel coverage outside of the HD Overlay District as described in Section 3.3-5111; and
5. Parking standards on certain infill toWparcels.
The numeric standard proposed to be adjusted involves lot dimensions pursuant to SDC 5.21-125(A)(2)
above, more specifically a reduction to the 60 foot minimum street frontage for standard lots on north -
south streets in the low density residential zone per SDC 3.2-215. Lot lot the proposed subdivision is
proposed to have 54.19 feet of frontage on 35th Street as opposed to 60 feet, which constitutes a 9.68%
adjustment to said numeric standard. Proposed Lot 1 will be 5,000 square feet in area, which complies
with the applicable minimum lot size for standard lots on north -south streets in the low density residential
zone per SDC 3.2-215.
B. If the Minor Variance involves a setback, the plod plan shall be prepared by an Oregon registered
This minor variance request does not involve a setback, therefore this criterion is not applicable.
Regardless, the Land Division Tentative Plan included with this application was prepared by an Oregon
registered surveyor.
C. The Director may consider additional categories oJMinor Variance, on a case by case basic,
without the need for an Interpretation, as specified in Section 5.11-100.
As addressed above, this minor variance request involves adjustment to the numeric standards for lot
dimensions pursuant to SDC 5.21-125(A)(2), therefore this criterion is not applicable.
Written Narrative Minor Variance Application for Ninth St. Properties, LLC SSW Job #20-7774 Page 2 of 3
D. The Director shall approve the Minor Variance if the applicant demonstrates compliance with all oir
the applicable approval criteria:
1. Locational or dimensional problems have been identified that can be resolved by a Minor
As described in the Project Description above and findings in response to the criteria at SRC 5.21-
125(A)(2), the identified dimensional problem involving street frontage can be resolved by a Minor
2. The request is the minimum necessary to alleviate lire identified dimensional or locational
The requested adjustment to street frontage standards is the minimum necessary to alleviate the identified
dimensional problem. As discussed above in response to the criteria at SDC 5.21-125(A)(2), the
applicable numeric standard is proposed to be reduced by a mere 9.68%.
3. Where applicable, the request shall result in the preservation of on-site trees 5 -inch dba and
Existing trees 5 -inch dbh and larger on the subject property are contained within proposed Lot 6,
therefore this Minor Variance request involving the street frontage of proposed Lot 1 will have no adverse
effects with respect to Vee preservation.
4. The request shall not impede adequate emergency access to the site;
The request will not impede adequate emergency vehicle access to the site.
5. The request shall not unreasonably adversely impact public or private easements, and
The request will not adversely impact any public or private easements.
6. The request shall not unreasonably limit solar access standards for abutting properties. In
order to meet this criterion, the Director may require that the building or.structure be placed as
close to the south properly line as possible;
The request will not unreasonably limit solar access with respect to the abutting properly to the north.
The resultant north -south dimension of proposed Lot 1 can still accommodate future placement of a
dwelling in compliance with applicable solar setback standards.
7. In addition to the applicable approval criteria specified in Subsections 1. through 6., above,
the. following approval criteria shall also apply to a request involving parking reductions on
ittfrll lots/parcels in the Commercial and Industrial Districts when there is a change of use,
addition or e-Vumsion that requires Site Plan Review Modification. The Minor Variance for
parking reductions shall not apply to MDS applications as specified in Section 5.15-100:...
The request does not involve any proposed parking reductions, therefore this criterion is not applicable.
Written Narrative Minor Variance Application for Ninth St. Properties, LLC SSW Job #20-7774 Page 3 of 3