HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 3/12/2021AGENDA DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET l GRf FeRCe.0?99m 615 Staff Review; Tuesday, April 6, 2021 A'00 —10.,00 a.m. 1. Tree Felling Permit 811-21-000054-TYP2 Willamalane Assessor's Map: 18-03-02-00 TL: 802 Address: 201 Dorris St. Existing Use: zoned PLO Applicant submitted request for Tree Felling Permit to begin phase 2 of filbert orchard replacement due to blight. Planner: Andy Limbird Meeting: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 9:00 — 10:00 virtual meeting via Microsoft Teams The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out from the laserfiche website: htto://www.sr)rinafield-or.gov/weblink8/browse.aspx City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Tree Felling Permit SPRINOMR,6 Required Project Information (Applicant., Applicant Name: Eric Adams complete this section) Phone: 541-736-4048 Company: Willamalane Park and Recreation District Fax: Address: 682 36th Street, Springfield, OR 97478 Applicant's Rep.: Phone: Company: Fax: Address: Property Owner: Willamalane Park and Recreation District Phone: 541-736-4544 Company: Fax: Address: 250 S. 32nd Street, Springfield, OR 97478 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 18-03-02-00 TAX LOT NOS : 802 Property Address: 201 Dorris Street, Springfield, OR 97478 Size of Property: 175.9 AcresX❑ Square Feet ❑ Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. ro ,sal: See attached. Prop, Si natures: Please son and print your name and date in the a PropertyRequired Associated Cases: ro riate box on the next ol Signs: Case No.: Date: Reviewed by: Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ I Postage Fee: $ TOTAL FEES: $ I PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 5 Dorris Ranch Orchard Replacement Project — Phase 2 Tree Felling Permit Application Narrative Description of Proposal In 2016, Willamalane Park and Recreation District initiated a multi -phase project at Dorris Ranch to selectively replace filbert trees of the Barcelona variety that have been infected with Eastern Filbert Blight. The subject trees are located with the Dorris Ranch Historic District boundary. Willamalane has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), which requires preservation of the orchards at Dorris Ranch. As outlined in the MOA, each tree removed will be replaced with a healthy blight - resistant tree, the boarders of the orchards will remain the same, and the placement of the trees will remain the same. Willamalane seeks approval of a Tree Felling Permit in order to initiate Phase 2 of the orchard replacement project. Portions of the orchard to be addressed through this phase are shown on Attachments B and C, which include approximately 16 acres. A total of 1,177 trees will be removed and replanted as part of this phase. Tree removal for Phase 1 of the project was accomplished by pulling the trees from the ground with an excavator, and then allowing them to dry in place for three to four weeks before chipping them on site. A different approach is proposed for Phase 2; grinding each tree in place and then mulching the resultant material into the soil. All heavy equipment necessary to complete this work will utilize the main entry at Dorris Ranch, which is accessed from South 2"d Street. Removal activities are proposed to begin in April 2021, as soon as approval of the Tree Felling Permit is issued. Replanting of the subject orchards is planned for January 2022. Applicable Criteria: The following presents responses to the review criteria from the Springfield Development Code for a Tree Felling Permit. 5.19-125 - Ctiteria The Director, in consultation with the Public Works Director and the Fire Chief shall approve, approve with conditions or deny the request based on the following criteria: A. Whether the conditions of the trees with respect to disease, hazardous or unsafe conditions, danger of falling, proximity to existing structures or proposed construction, or interference with utility services or pedestrian or vehicular traffic safety warrants the proposed felling. Response: The subject filbert tree orchards are infected with Eastern Filbert Blight, a fungal infection that gradual ly causes the death of the tree (Attachment E). As the infection spreads within the tree, it damages vascular tissue, resulting it die off of limbs, which then create a fall hazard to those who maybe nearby. The public is currently permitted to walk freely within the orchards at Dorris Ranch, thus the persistence of infected trees presents an ongoing hazard. B. Whether the proposed felling is consistent with State standards, Metro Pian policies and City Ordinances and provisions affecting the environmental quality of the area, including but not limited to, the protection of nearby trees and windbreaks, wildlife,erosion, soil retention and stability,' volume of surface runoff and water quality of streams, scenic quality, and geological sites. Response: Portions of the orchard proposed for removal through this application have been in existence and managed as a commercial filbert tree orchard for decades. As noted above, they fall within the Dorris Ranch Historic District boundary and are subject to a MOA with SH PO regarding their replacement (Attachment F). The replanting plan calls for maintaining the overall size and configuration of the orchards, thus existing benefits related to windbreaks, wildlife, erosion control, and scenic quality will be replicated over time. New trees will be planted in January 2022, as weather permits. Until such time, removal activities will not increase the potential for increased run-off, as mulching of the existing trees into the soil will enhance infiltration, and grading for the area will remain consistent with current conditions. Whether it is necessary to remove trees in order to construct proposed improvements as specified in an approved development plan, grading permits and construction drawings. Response: Removal of the subject orchards will not facilitate construction of new structural improvements. As noted above, newfilbert trees will be replanted as required by a MOA with SHPO. D. In the event that no Development Plan has been approved by the City, felling of trees will be permitted on a limited basis consistent with the preservation of the site's future development potential asprescnbed in the Metro Plan and City development regulations, and consistent with the following criteria. I. Wooded areas associated with natural draimageways and water areas shall be retained to preserve riparian habitat and to minimize erosion; Response: None of the orchards proposed for removal is within a natural drainageway. 1. Wooded areas that will likely provide attrach've on-site views to occupants of future developments shall be retained,' Response: The subject property is zoned Public Land and Open Space, which does not allow for development of the site with residential uses. The Dorris Ranch Master Plan anticipates retention of the orchards in their current configuration, with any future structural or infrastructure improvements located elsewhere on the property. An existing residential neighborhood is located immediately west of Dorris Ranch, and the abutting residences do have views of the subject orchards. To the extent that the orchards provide an attractive view for occupants of those residences, such aesthetic benefits will be returned as the new trees grow to maturity. 3. Wooded areas along ridge lines and hilltops shall be retained for their scenic and wildlife value, - Response: None of the subject orchards is located along a ridge line or hilltop. 4. Wooded areas along property lines shall be retained to serve as buffers from adjaxnt properties, Response: None of the subject orchards is located along a property line. An existing mow strip buffer that provides access around the orchards for maintenance vehicles immediately abuts the residential properties to the west. 5. Trees shall be retained in sufficiently large areas and dense stands so as to ensure against windthmK Response: Removal of the diseased filbert trees will actually decrease the likelihood of damage from windstorms. Infected portions of each tree become brittle and weak, making them very susceptible to failure during wind events. Existing vegetation that surrounds the orchards is comprised of a mixture of mature evergreen and deciduous trees, as well as a dense understory of shrubs and groundcover. Temporary removal of the subject orchards is not anticipated to increase the potential for "windthrow" in these portions of the property based on observations following Phase 1 of the orchard replacement project. 6. Large-scale dear cuts of developable areas shall be avoided to retain the wooded character of future building sites, and so preserve housing and design options for future city residents. Response: As noted above, the site is not zoned for residential development. New filbert trees will be replanted to replace those removed from the site. E. Whether the applicants proposed replanting of new trees or vegetation is an adequate substitute for the trees to be felled. Response: Replanting of the orchards is required through an MOA with SHPO. Ultimately, the goal of the replacement project is to return the orchards to a condition that is consistent with a healthy commercial filbert harvest operation, while also providing beneficial ecosystem services and recreational opportunities. F. Whether slash letton the propertyposes significant fire hazard or liability to the City. Response: As noted above, trees removed through this phase of the project will be ground in place and mulched into the soil. No slash will be generated. G. Whether the felling is consistent with the guidelines spedfied in the Field Guide to Oregon Forestry Practices Rules published by the State of Oregon, [Department of forestry, as they apply to the northwest Oregon region. Response: Removal of the subject orchards will be accomplished using existing access roads within Dorris Ranch. No mapped wetland or riparian areas are located within boundaries of the orchards that are proposed through removal, nor will those wetland or riparian areas immediately proximate to the orchards be disturbed by the removal activities. H. Whether transportation of equipment to and equipment and trees from the site can be accomplished without a major disturbance to nearby residents. Response: As noted above, equipment needed to remove the subject trees will be transported to Dorris Ranch along 2n1 Street. Once at the site, existing internal service roads will be utilized to move equipment within the orchards. No disruption to normal traffic patterns within the adjacent neighborhoods is anticipated. Conclusion: Based on the findings presented above, the subject request complies with the applicable review criteria and should be approved. Attachments A — Title Report and Deeds B — Dorris Ranch Replacement Plan C— Phase 2 Dorris Ranch Tree Removal Site Plan D —SHPO Memorandum of Agreement E — Images of infected filbert trees at Dorris Ranch A ilk 1570 Mohawk Boulevartl • Springfield, OR 97477 AWz, 260 Oounlry Club Rd, Ste 120 • Eugene, OR 97401 P.O. Box 931 • Springfield, OR 97477 P.O. Box 10211 • Eugene, OR 97440 Phone: 544.741. 94 1981 �\. n. Phone: 541.687.97 Fax: 541 11.0619 Fax 541.687.0924 Evef ften WL Tube CCTWnY TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES • ESCROW CLOSINGS March 10, 2021 Order No. 16-12378 7st SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT Wlllamalane Park & Recreation District Partial Billing $200.00 250 S 32nd Street Additional Chain Springfield, OR 97478-5606 Attn: Eric Adams Paid on Account ($200.00) e-mail: eric.adams@willamalane.org TOTAL $0.00 Dear Eric Adams We are prepared to issue on request and on recording of the appropriate documents, a policy or policies as applied for, with coverage's as indicated, based on this preliminary report. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE EXHIBIT 'N' ATTACHED HERETO Showing fee simple title as of March 05, 2021, at 8:00 a.m., vested in: WILLAMALANE PARKAND RECREATION DISTRICT, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon Subject only to the exceptions shown herein and to the terms, conditions and exceptions contained in the policy form. No liability is assumed until a full premium has been paid. Order No.: 16-12378 Page 1 of 5 Attachment A-1 SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or other fads which a correct survey would disclose. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. CURRENT EXCEPTIONS: 6. The real property taxes for the fiscal year 2020-2021 are exempted by virtue of governmental ownership. The company assumes no liability should the exempt status be lifted and taxes levied. Mao No. 18-03-02-00-00802, Code 19-24, Account No. 1032299. 7. Rights of the public and of govemmental bodies in and to that portion of that portion of the premises herein described lying below the high water mark of the Willamette River and Mill Race and the ownership of the State of Oregon in and to that portion lying below the high water mark thereof. 8. Any adverse claim based upon the assertion that the location of the Willamette River and Mill Race has moved and that any portion of the subject property has been created by artificial means or has accreted to such portions so created, or based on the provisions of ORS 274.905 through 274.940. 9. The property is within the Willamette River Greenway and is subject to all laws and regulations pertaining thereto, including, but not limited to ORS 390.310 through 390.368, inclusive. 10. Rights of the public in any portion of said premises lying within the limits of streets, roads and highways. 11. Easement, granted to the California Oregon Power Company, a California corporation, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded March 1, 1922, Book 134, Page 138, Reception No. 44776, Lane County Oregon Records. Said Easement was assigned to Mountain States Power Company, a Delaware corporation, by instrument Recorded May 12, 1953, Reception No. 3594, Lane County Oregon Records. 12. Easement, granted to the United States ofAmenca and its assigns, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded May 23, 1951, Book 438, Page 418, Reception No. 46450, Lane County Oregon Records. 13. Access as reserved in Deed Recorded June 29, 1972, Reception No. 6211, Lane County Oregon Records. Oder NO.: 16-12378 Page 2 of 5 Attachment A-2 14. Access as reserved in Deed Recorded June 28, 1973, Reception No. 73-29535, Lane County Oregon Records. 15. Access as reserved in Deed Recorded June 28, 1973, Reception No. 73-29536, Lane County Oregon Records. 16. Access Restrictions as reserved in Deed Recorded June 20, 1988, Reception No. 88-24363, Lane County Oregon Records. 17. Notice of Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded February 22, 1991, Reception No. 91-09132, Lane County Oregon Records. 18. Notice of Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded February 22, 1991, Reception No. 91-09133, Lane County Oregon Records. 19. Right-oFWay Easement, granted to the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation, acting by and through its Springfield Utility Board, and unto its successors and assigns, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded April 11, 1995, Reception No. 95-19979, Lane County Oregon Records. 20. Covenant Regarding Blasting and Quarrying Activities, including the terms and provisions thereof, by instrument Recorded May 17, 2019, Reception No. 2019-019094. Lane County Oregon Records. NOTE: The address of the property to be insured herein is: 201 and 205 and 780 Dorris Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 NOTE: AJudgment/Lien/Bankruptcy Search was done for the name(s) WILLAMALANE PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT, and as of March 05, 2021., none were found. NOTE: Said property lies outside the city limits, therefore, is not subject to city liens. NOTE: SUPPLEMENTED TO UPDATE REPORT. Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE By: t Joseph M Silence Title Officer cc: NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID. IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CANCELLED, A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200.00 WILL BE CHARGED. OMer No.: 16-12378 Page 3 of S Attachment A-3 EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION TAX LOT 802 A parcel of land lying in the William A. Masterson Donation Land Claim No. 61, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, said parcel being described as follows: Beginning at the most Northerly Northeast corner of said Donation Land Claim No. 61; thence South 41.10 chains along the East line of said Donation Land Claim No. 61 to the South line of Section 2, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence West 935.00 feet along said South line; thence North 1710.00 feet parallel with said East line; thence North 55° 56' West 1380.00 feet; thence North 260.00 feet parallel with said East line, more or less, to the North line of said Donation Land Claim No. 61; thence East along said North line to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT THEREFROM the following described tract: A 61 foot strip of land in the William A. Donation Land Claim No. 61, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, the Northerly and Westerly lines described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the extension of the Easterly line of County Road No. 896, with the North line of the William Masterson Donation Land Claim No. 61; thence North 89° 06'30" West 810.05 feet along the North line of said Claim 810.05 feet to the Northwest corner of said Claim; thence South 00° 29' 15" West 300.00 feet, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO that portion of the following described property lying in Section 2, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon: Beginning at a 5/8 inch iron bar at the Northwest corner of the William A. Masterson Donation Land Claim No. 61; and running thence South 0° 29' 15" West 645.10 feet to a 1 inch iron pipe and South 05° 44' West 284.99 feet to a 1 inch iron pipe at the True Point of Beginning; thence South 36° 30' West 622.45 feet to a 1 inch iron pipe; thence South 02. 01' 30" East 1267.56 feet to a 1 inch iron pipe; thence South 0 e 43' 15" West 745.16 feet to a 5/8 inch iron bar; thence continuing South 0° 43' 15" West 50.0 feet, more or less, to the Willamette River; thence North 89° 16'45" West 27.0 feet; thence North 0° 43' 15° East 794.51 feet, more or less, to a point which is South 89.20' 52" West 27.01 feet from the last mentioned 1 inch iron pipe; thence North 02° 01' 30" West 1266.45 feet; thence North 03. 05' 30" East 623.65 feet to the True Paint of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO that portion of that property described in Deed to Ben F. Dorris and Klysta Dorris Recorded on Reel 590, Reception No. 4354, Lane County Oregon Records, lying in said Section 2, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO a parcel of land lying in Section 2, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, said parcel being that portion of the William A. Masterson Donation Land Claim No. 61 lying in said Section 2, in Lane County, Oregon. EXCEPT THEREFROM the following described tract: Beginning at the most Northerly Northeast corner of said Donation Land Claim No. 61; thence South, a distance of 41.10 chains along the East line of said Donation Land Claim No. 61 to the South line of Section 2, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence West 935 feet along said South line; thence North 1710 feet parallel with said East line; thence North 55. 56' West 1380 feet; thence North 260 feet, more or less, parallel with said East line to the North line of said East line to the North line of said Donation Land Claim No. 61; thence East along said North line to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Order No.: 16-12378 Page 6 of 5 Attachment A-4 ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM a 61 foot strip of land in the William A. Masterson Donation Land Claim No. 61, Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane County, Oregon, the Northerly and Westerly lines described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the extension of the Easterly line of County Road No. 896, with the North line of the Wiliam Masterson Donation Land Claim No. 61; thence North 89' 06' 30" West 810.05 feet along the North line of said Claim to the Northwest corner of said Claim; thence South 0° 29' 15" West 300.0 feet, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT THEREFROM: Beginning at a point on the Easterly line of FILBERT GROVE, as platted and recorded in Book 49, Page 15, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon, said point being South 0° 29' 15" West 300.00 feet from the Northwest corner of the Wiliam Masterson Donation Land Claim No. 61, in Township 18 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence continue South 0° 29' 15" West 60.0 feet along said Easterly line; thence South 89° 06' 30" East 61.0 feet; thence South 0° 29' 15" West 232.99 feet; thence South 89° 06' 30" East 206.01 feet; thence South 0° 29' 15" West 81.24 feet; thence South 74° 19' 41" East 91.50 feet; thence South 24" 58'58" East 42.73 feet; thence North 77° 44' 36` East 52.0 feet; thence North 0.29' 15" East 672.19 feet to a point on the Southerly line of a certain 61.0 foot wide strip; thence along said Southerly line North 89. 06' 30" West 367.71 feet to a point; thence South 0° 29' 15" West 239.0 feet along the Easterly line of a certain 61.0 foot wide strip; thence North 89" 06' 30' West 61.0 feet along the Southerly end of said strip to the Point of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon.. Order No.'. 1&12378 Page 5 of 5 Attachment A-5 C? N 0 I I - m I I s I I Ail � = CC a k7 z C azao x r "32 Rl = O u 7 - F = Q F J 3 '� Au �s M. Privacy Policy Notice As adopted July 1, 2001 Evergreen Land Title Company Private Policy Notice PURPOSE OF THIS NOTICE Title V of the Gramm -Leach -Bliley Act (GLBA) generally prohibits any financial institution, directly or through its affiliates, from sharing nonpublic personal information about you with a nonaffiliated third party unless the institution provides you with a notice of its privacy policies and practices, such as the type of information that it collects about you and the categories of persons or entities to whom it may be disclosed. In compliance with the GLBA, we are providing you with ibis document, which notifies you of the privacy policies and practices of Evergreen Land Title Company. We may collect nonpublic personal information about you from the following sources: • Information we receive from you, such as on applications mother forms. • Information about your transactions we secure from our files, or from our affiliates orothers. • Infomration we receive from a consumer reporting agency. • Information that we receive from others involved in your transaction, such as the real estate agent or tender. Unless it is specifically stated otherwise in an amended Privacy Policy Notice, no additional nonpublic personal information will be collected about you. We may disclose any of the above information that we collect about our customers or former customers to our affiliates or to nonaffiliated third parties as permitted by law. We also may disclose this information about our customers or former customers to the following types of nonaffiliated companies that perform marketing services on OUT behalf or with whom we have joint marketing agreements: • Financial service providers such as companies engaged in banking, consumer finance, securities and insurance. • Non-financial companies such as envelope stutters and other fulfillment serine providers. WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY NONPUBLIC PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FOR ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED BY LAW. We restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you. 'he maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information. Attachment A-7 W. C Y 6 a n ry ry N e e m e tp e 0 L c Z O c r i fi 3 W. 9 � j• J /II Py FEM Phase 2 Boundary I. 1, .i 44 f! L• A Dorris Ranch Vicinity and Wetlands Map Attachment C-1 •• We Caunry.or�on Dorris Karich Orchard Removal - 2019 anm V76 *4a 3.78 19R � I w n u5 310 461) 1\ .♦ N r 1�J9�I�RI�,I��s MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN WILLAMALANE PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT AND THE OREGON STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE REGARDING THE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF HAZELNUT ORCHARDS AT DORRIS RANCH, LANE COUNTY, OREGON WHEREAS, Willemalane Park & Recreation District (Willamalme) proposes to remove historic hazelnut trees at Dorris Ranch, Lane County, Oregon that are susceptible to damage from hazelnut blight, and to replace them incrementally over the next 20 years with a blight - resistant variety of hazelnut (project); and WHEREAS, Donis Ranch is historic hazelnut farm, listed in the National Register of Historic Places; and WHEREAS, Willamalane consulted with the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) in accordance Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 358.653; and WHEREAS, the hazelnut orchards and hazelnut trees to be removed are themselves contributing elements to the historic Dorris Ranch, demonstrating revolutionary techniques associated with tate-nineteenth and early -twentieth century hazelnut cultivation; and WHEREAS, Willamahme determined, and the SHPO concurred that the proposed action represents an adverse effect to the historic Dorris Ranch; and WHEREAS, the SHPO acknowledges that the project is necessary in order to continue hazelnut cultivation at the Dorris Ranch; NOW, THERFORE, Willamalane and the SHPO agree that will ensure that the following stipulations we implemented to resolve the adverse effects of the overall long-term project: 1. STIPULATIONS A- Willamalane will maintain existing hazelnut trees comprising one hazelnut orchard of the currently -existing eleven orchards, in order to preserve some of the original character -defining features of the hazelnut cultivation that took place at Donis Ranch historically, as well as to provide a living example of the techniques employed there for interpretive purposes. Re -planted orchards will maintain the overall boundaries of the existing orchards. Attachment D-1 B. Willamalane will develop and install in a prominent location on the Dorris Ranch property a minimum of two (2) interpretive panels, constructed of durable materials suitable fox outdoor installation. Panels will each be a minimum of 24" x 48" and will provide information regarding the history of the Dorris Ranch, the aspects for which the Dorris Rauch is listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the ways in which those aspects are represented by the historic orchards remaining at the ranch, and a discussion of the reasons why the orchards are being replaced. Panels will be attractive, and include a combination of narrative text and historic and modern photos, sufficient to convey the information outlined above. Draft text and layout will be provided to the SHPO for review and comment. Once SHPO approval has been provided, Willamahme may move forward with installation. Stipulation B will be completed within one (1) yea of the date of the final signature of this document. Completion shall be confirmed by submission of photos of or electronic links to (as appropriate) the completed work, sent electronically to the SHPO. The panels shall remain in place, maintained in good condition for the life of this agreement, at a minimum C. Willamalane will develop a narrative related to the content of the panels, and provide that narrative to docents for incorporation into oral presentations and tours. H. INTERIM COMMUNICATION Due to the long timelines involved in the execution of the undertaking, during the life of this MOA, Willamalane will provide to the SHPO annual reports and communication as specified below. 1. Corresmmdence mad Meetings a. Willamalane will ensure that Stipulation A is completed by submitting an annual report on the anniversary of the final signature of this document, briefly outlining the progress made in replacing trees during the previous year. The annual report will include: b. A brief narrative identifying the orchard being preserved per Stipulation A and the orchard removed during the previous year. c. A brief narrative identifying any orchard removal planned for the coming year. d. A brief statement of the overall progress of the long-term orchard replacement to date. e. An annually updated map/aerial image of the Dorris Ranch orchards indicating which orchards have been replaced and when, and which will be replaced in the coming year. f. Willamalone will invite SHPO to meet (in person or in a phone meeting, as agreed by the Signatories) at a date 5 years from the date of final signature of the MOA. Attachment D-2 At the meeting, the Consulting Parties shall discuss the progress on the overall project and the MOA's effectiveness. III. DURATION This MOA %ill expire if its terms are not carried out within ten (10) years from the date of its execution. Prior to such time, Willamalane may consult with the SHPO to reconsider the terms of the MOA and amend it in accordance with Section III, below. If this agreement expires without amendment prior to completion of the stipulations above, it shall be considered terminated, according to Section IV, below. IV. AMENDMENTS & EXTENSIONS This MOA may be amended or extended when such an anwndmeat or extension is agreed to in writing by both signatories. The amendment will be effective on the date of the final signature on the amended MOA. V. TERMINATION If either signatory to this MOA determines that its terms will not a cannot be carried out, that party shall immediately consult with the other party to attempt to develop an amendment per Section El, above. If within 30 days (or another time period agreed to by all signatories) an amendment cannot be reached, either signatory may terminate the MOA upon written notification of the other signatory. Once the MOA is terminated,and prim to work continuing on the Undertaking, Willamalane must enter into a new agreement with the SHPO to adequately mitigate the adverse effect, taking into account my mitigation effort that may have already been completed under this MOA. VL EXECUTION Execution of the MOA by Willamalane and the SHPO and the implementation of its stipulations as outlined herein shall constitute evidence that Willamelane has taken into account the effects of the action on historic properties, as required by ORS 358.653. Attachment D-3 Signatories Willamalane Park & Recreation District By—� �J l� •— �+� Date: Robert W. Keefer Superintendent Willamalane Park & Recreation District Oregon 7State Historic Preservation Office D' '9 By: ,4� „ 444, s Date: Christine Curran Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer Oregon Parks and Recreation Department Attachment D-4 Eastern Filbert Blight Images Attachment E-1 Attachment E-2