HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Interview Interim Councilor Candidates{00018125:1} AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 2/22/2021 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Nancy Newton/CMO Mary Bridget Smith/CAO Staff Phone No: 541-726-3700 541-744-4061 Estimated Time: 60 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Mandate ITEM TITLE: INTERVIEW INTERIM COUNCILOR CANDIDATES ACTION REQUESTED: Interview candidates for Ward 1 Council Vacancy ISSUE STATEMENT: Ward 1 is vacant and the Council will interview potential interim candidates. ATTACHMENTS: ATT1: Interview Schedule and Questions ATT2: Timothy Canter Application ATT3: Grace Bergen Application ATT4: Damien Pitts Application ATT5: Troy (TJ) Allen DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Council is scheduled to interview half of the candidates during this evening’s meeting. The other half were previously interviewed on February 16, 2021. Deliberations and appointment are scheduled for March 1, 2021. Springfield Interim Councilor City Council Interview February 22, 2021 Schedule 5 Minutes Council preparation of interview questions 10 Minutes Interview of Timothy Canter 10 Minutes Interview of Grace Bergen 10 Minutes Interview of Damien Pitts 10 Minutes Interview of Troy (TJ) Allen QUESTIONS 1. What are the primary reasons for your interest in the Ward 1 City Council position? 2. What unique abilities or experiences would you bring to the Council? 3. When faced with a complex problem with multiple solutions, what process would you use to select the best solution to the problem? 4. Please describe your understanding of the relationship between the City Council and Staff. 5. If there were three things in Springfield you were permitted to do, whether it be to add, eliminate or change anything, what would those be? 6. There are six City Council positions. What do you believe are the advantages and disadvantages of collective decision-making and shared leadership? 7. Councilors are elected citywide rather than by ward. What advantages or disadvantages do you see with that process? Attachment 1, Page 1 of 1 Application for Interim Councilor for the City of Springfield For more information please call the City Manager’s Office 541.726.3700 Return this application to the City Manager’s Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon 97477 Printed on Recycled Paper {00017520:1} City Manager’s Office • 225 Fifth Street • Springfield, OR 97477 Name: First Middle Initial Last Home address: Street City Zip Mailing address: Street City Zip Day Phone:Evening phone: Email Address: Preferred Form of Contact: __________________________ Do you live within the Springfield city limits? Yes If yes, how long? No Ward number: _____________ Occupation: Place of employment/School: Business address: Education: Are you currently serving on any other board, committee, or commission? If so, please list them here: Received 01/22/2021 RFG Timothy S Canter Gateway St Springfied OR 97477 Phone 20 years 1 Education Springfield Some College No Attachment 2, Page 1 of 2 Application for Interim Councilor for the City of Springfield For more information please call the City Manager’s Office 541.726.3700 Return this application to the City Manager’s Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon 97477 Printed on Recycled Paper {00017520:1} Please print or type: 1. Why do you want to be an Interim City Councilor? 2. What strengths do you bring to the position? 3. What makes you the most qualified candidate? 4. How do you see the role of an Interim City Councilor in addressing current challenges and supporting council priorities? 5. The City Council meets on average no less than four times per month. Council assigned subcommittees may meet more frequently. Meetings generally last a minimum of one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Are you available to attend meetings on the dates listed for this committee? Comments: I certify the information in this application and attachments are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that false or misleading statements or missing information is cause for rejection of application, removal of name from eligible list, or dismissal from the position. I hereby waive my rights to claims or damages against any employer and the City of Springfield, its officers, agents, and employees, in regard to this exchange of information. I hereby authorize to permit the City of Springfield and/or the Springfield Police Department to review my background information and if required my DMV records. I have reviewed the Advisory and meet the minimum requirements to serve/volunteer in the desired position. I also authorize to permit any materials listed above to be copied and retained by the City of Springfield. I authorize the use of my photograph. I will defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Springfield, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all liability or loss and against any and all claims, actions, causes of actions, proceedings or appeals based upon or arising out of or arising from or in connection with my conduct or performance as a volunteer with the City of Springfield including but not limited damage or injury to persons or property and including without limitation attorney fees and expenses; except for losses, claims or actions resulting from the sole negligence of the City of Springfield. Applicant Signature:Date: Yes No Applicant Signature: I already watch on Zoom and have been to City Council meetings, School Board meetings in the past. 1/22/2021 I love the City of Springfield. I have a deysire to serve and help keep the city moving forward. I think an Interim position allows a person to decide if its right for them, serve the city and people who live in it and help make things better. Im very dedicated. I have experience bringing people and community together. I have strong ties to working with you and youth issues. Im a hard worker and enjoy multi-tasking. I hve good communication skills. As a foster parent of minority youth I have seen 1st hand issues of race and ethnicicty play out out in education, juvenile justice and with law enforcement. My love of this city and working with diverse populations and the ability to bring them together. I believe in teaming with others and hard work. Im also very familur with Zoom in these days of COVID. I think my expierence dealing with juvenile justice issues and youth will help the council as well. I think my 1st job will be to learn about the council priorities. Then use my my knowledge and skills to assist the council in coming together with the community. To use my expierence as a educator, veteran, foster parent, once homeless person to help set objectives. To assist in addressing the needs of all citizens no matter thier race or color or background. I did review the basic information on city goals on the website all of I agree with. Attachment 2, Page 2 of 2 2/1/21 @ 3:03 p.m. by AJ Nytes Attachment 3, Page 1 of 2 Attachment 3, Page 2 of 2 Application for Interim Councilor for the City of Springfield For more information please call the City Manager’s Office 541.726.3700 Return this application to the City Manager’s Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon 97477 Printed on Recycled Paper {00017520:1} City Manager’s Office • 225 Fifth Street • Springfield, OR 97477 Name: First Middle Initial Last Home address: Street City Zip Mailing address: Street City Zip Day Phone: Evening phone: Email Address: Preferred Form of Contact: __________________________ Do you live within the Springfield city limits? Yes If yes, how long? No Ward number: _____________ Occupation: Place of employment/School: Business address: Education: Are you currently serving on any other board, committee, or commission? If so, please list them here: Received 01/25/2020 5:06 p.m. RFG Damien E Pitts 5th St 97477 5th St 97477 email 4years,1month One Academic Adviser Business, University of Oregon Lundquist College of BA Global Studies, MA Sociology, both from University of Tennessee, Knoxville Executive Board of Oregon Trails Council, BSA Attachment 4, Page 1 of 2 Application for Interim Councilor for the City of Springfield For more information please call the City Manager’s Office 541.726.3700 Return this application to the City Manager’s Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon 97477 Printed on Recycled Paper {00017520:1} Please print or type: 1. Why do you want to be an Interim City Councilor? 2. What strengths do you bring to the position? 3. What makes you the most qualified candidate? 4. How do you see the role of an Interim City Councilor in addressing current challenges and supporting council priorities? 5. The City Council meets on average no less than four times per month. Council assigned subcommittees may meet more frequently. Meetings generally last a minimum of one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Are you available to attend meetings on the dates listed for this committee? Comments: I certify the information in this application and attachments are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that false or misleading statements or missing information is cause for rejection of application, removal of name from eligible list, or dismissal from the position. I hereby waive my rights to claims or damages against any employer and the City of Springfield, its officers, agents, and employees, in regard to this exchange of information. I hereby authorize to permit the City of Springfield and/or the Springfield Police Department to review my background information and if required my DMV records. I have reviewed the Advisory and meet the minimum requirements to serve/volunteer in the desired position. I also authorize to permit any materials listed above to be copied and retained by the City of Springfield. I authorize the use of my photograph. I will defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Springfield, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all liability or loss and against any and all claims, actions, causes of actions, proceedings or appeals based upon or arising out of or arising from or in connection with my conduct or performance as a volunteer with the City of Springfield including but not limited damage or injury to persons or property and including without limitation attorney fees and expenses; except for losses, claims or actions resulting from the sole negligence of the City of Springfield. Applicant Signature:Date: Yes No Thank you for your time, and good luck in your search. 1/25/2021 I want to use my skills of community building and constructive criticism to serve our community. I have lived in Springfield since I arrived to Oregon in 2016, and I have seen the ebbs and flows of the city, from opening/closing of businesses, to protests and celebrations. I want to support community leaders, and create spaces for personal and professional growth. I have lived all over the United States, and served overseas in the US Army. Through my life and education, I have acquired cultural intelligence that allows me to navigate various spaces. I am straightforward, and I care about team dynamics more than anything. I am active in Lane County, and previously served on the Equity and Access Board. I work for people, not for power. I have a unique background that makes me stand out. I am an Eagle Scout who served as an Interrogator/Korean linguist, and has been in combat twice. I am also a Sociologist by education, and I have advised/taught at 4 institutions. My experiences have helped me gain competencies that will make me a great candidate. A City Councilor must amplify the voice of their constituents. They must take all 6 of the council goals and make sure that these constantly reflect the needs of Springfield citizens. They must also not put residents in a box, and be able to address any issues to the best of their ability. They must also adapt to change, but remember to support citizens. Attachment 4, Page 2 of 2 Attachment 5, Page 1 of 2 Attachment 5, Page 2 of 2