HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Downtown Development Project ParticipationAGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 3/8/2021 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Department: CMO Staff Contact: Courtney Griesel S P R I N G F I E L D ECONOMIC Staff Phone No: 541-726-3700 DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Estimated Time: 45 Minutes ITEM TITLE: DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT PARTICIPATION ACTION REQUESTED: Authorize/not authorize staff to draft and execute a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Springfield Economic Development Agency and Blue McKenzie LLC to include terms as outlined in this board packet; • SEDA loan of up to $10M at a minimum of 3.2% interest • SEDA debt to be repaid in year 10 or thereafter for a period of 5 to 7 years • SEDA debt to be repaid in a third position to senior bank debt and original Blue McKenzie LLC member equity contributions ISSUE STATEMENT: In early 2020, long-time property owners of the Downtown Buick site engaged the SEDA Board with a request for support in evaluating and redeveloping their site. Following a year of assessment and engagement with the property owner, developer Northwest Sustainable Properties, and the Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA) and staff, the project now reflects an eight story, mixed-use, market-rate, residential development. SEDA funding is requested to assist in the development of this project, to include $10M in loan funds and use of the standard Systems Development Charge (SDC) payment program. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Board Briefing Memo 2. October 26, 2020 Board Packet and Development Proposal 3. Project Financial Structure Comparison 4. Tiberius Solutions Return on Investment Scenario Comparison DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The SEDA Board directed staff in December 2020 to focus efforts on a partnership to support this project which pivots SEDA funds away from a public subsidy grant and towards contribution of resources that might generate a direct financial return to the Agency. The attached memo (Attachment 1) outlines project progress and resulting general framing terms to be included in a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between SEDA and the development entity, Blue McKenzie LLC. M E M O R A N D U M Springfield Economic Development Agency Date: 3/8/2021 To: Nancy Newton, City Manager Niel Laudati, Assistant City Manager BOARD From: Courtney Griesel, Economic Development Nathan Bell, Finance Director BRIEFING Subject: Downtown Development Project Participation MEMORANDUM ISSUE: In early 2020, long-time property owners of the Downtown Buick site engaged the SEDA Board with a request for support in evaluating and redeveloping their site. Following a year of assessment and engagement with the property owner, developer Northwest Sustainable Properties, and the Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA) and staff, the project now reflects an eight story, mixed-use, market-rate, residential development. SEDA funding is requested to assist in the development of this project, to include $10M in loan funds and use of the standard Systems Development Charge (SDC) payment program. The SEDA Board directed staff in December 2020 to focus efforts on a partnership to support this project which pivots SEDA funds away from a public subsidy grant and towards contribution of resources that might generate a direct financial return to the Agency. This memo outlines project progress and resulting general framing terms to be included in a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between SEDA and the development entity, Blue McKenzie LLC (comprised of Northwest Sustainable Properties and members of the Scherer family). BACKGROUND: Longtime Downtown property owners of the iconic ‘Buick Springfield Motors’ site have partnered with Portland based developer Northwest Sustainable Properties (NWSP) to redevelop a portion of their site. This redevelopment will be completed and owned by Blue McKenzie LLC. The project concept includes; • 7 Stories Market Rate Residential (approximately 85 units) • 1 Story Ground Floor Commercial (approximately 5,000 SF) • Goal for Mass Timber Construction • Goal for 2023 Completion The estimated project cost to construct is $27M and introduces a new construction type and residential product to the Springfield market, setting a new pattern for values and comparables in Downtown and the broader community. Imagery is included in Attachment 2. Developers up to this point have been resistant to construct such a project in Springfield due to; • A lack of comparables to prove long-term performance • Lagging rent rates and population growth • Availability of opportunities in adjacent communities with comparables that demonstrate higher rents These are all factors contributing to perceptions of risk by developers and their lenders. Based on these trends and specifics of this project, initial investors indicated a need for a substantial public subsidy to offset the risk of introducing and testing this new product in Springfield. While the City of Springfield and SEDA have participated in granting financial support to multi-family new construction in Downtown, all have been subsidized low-income projects, which are not comparable for market-rate developers or lending Attachment 1, Page 1 of 6 MEMORANDUM Page 2 institutions. It is also notable that there are no other mid-rise multi-family market-rate developments or construction of this type in Springfield (above 5 stories). PROJECT DEVELOPMENT STRUCTURE AND SEDA FUNDING PARTICIPATION OUTLINE In December of 2020, the SEDA Board directed staff to focus efforts on a partnership which pivots SEDA financial contribution from a public subsidy model to participation with an expectation of direct return on SEDA funds. This memo provides the board with an update on the development ownership structure and a proposed SEDA funding structure. The Board is asked to authorize staff to draft and execute a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between SEDA and Blue McKenzie LLC reflecting these terms. The primary purpose of an MOU is to set out non-binding principles to guide the development. The MOU would be followed later with a binding Development Agreement, loan agreement(s), and other agreements as needed. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT STRUCTURE & LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (LLC) The project development and ownership structure is reflected in the diagram below. Due to limits on public agencies under the Oregon Constitution, SEDA cannot participate as a member of the LLC. SEDA is permitted to provide funds for capital costs in the form of loans or grants. Two members of the LLC are currently anticipated: Northwest Sustainable Properties and Scherer family members. SEDA funds are provided as a loan, making SEDA a lender to the LLC. SEDA negotiations and resulting development-related agreements would be with Blue McKenzie LLC. The LLC will then contract with NWSP to facilitate development of the Project. Attachment 1, Page 2 of 6 MEMORANDUM Page 3 The LLC will remain in place for the duration of SEDA financial involvement. PROPOSED SEDA FUNDING REPAYMENT As a reminder, the initial project financial structure incorporated: • A SEDA grant contribution of $5M to $6M to fund the gap between project costs and the performance of current market comps • No direct repayment to SEDA • A $4M total contribution by equity investors with a range of 14% to 15% interest • $18M in traditional bank financing at current market rates The updated proposed structure is discussed below and shown as a side-by-side comparison in Attachment 3: 1. Estimated $14M to $15M in traditional bank financing to Blue McKenzie LLC a. Interest set at current market rates b. Payments made annually by the LLC, years 1 through 10, with balloon payment in year 10 2. A $1M total contribution by Blue McKenzie LLC equity investors with interest guarantees dependent on project performance (current negotiations are reflecting approximately 4%) a. Repaid at point of sale or refinanced in year 10 (LLC equity investment repayment) 3. A SEDA loan of up to $10M with an estimated minimum interest of approximately 3.2% a. SEDA will be required to secure these funds through a traditional bank borrow. This borrow would incur interest and is based on current annual increment levels. Borrowing to support the development of projects which generate taxable value is a fundamental tool and intended use the Agency’s tax increment. This would be the first borrow of the Agency for Downtown, which was established in 2009. b. SEDA’s loan would accrue interest at a minimum rate that is equivalent to SEDA’s bank interest rate, plus 1%. The current estimated bank rate for SEDA is 2.2%. c. SEDA would be repaid starting in year 10. Repayment may occur as one-time balloon payment or amortized over 5 to 7 year window. 4. After all debt is repaid, Blue McKenzie LLC members split remaining profit. The proposed funding structure provides a lower cost of financing to the LLC. This lower cost of debt decreases the annual operating costs by decreasing need of other, higher interest, investments/debt, which mitigates some risk annually and long-term as it assists in building a project which has a better chance at reflecting profitability. This creates savings to the project without requiring SEDA to subsidize the project with grants. While not a direct project return, under this structure which removes use of vertical housing tax abatement, the project is estimated to return over $200,000.00 of tax increment in the year it is complete, and projected to increase annually by 3% thereafter. RISK AND SEDA RETURN Attachment 1, Page 3 of 6 MEMORANDUM Page 4 Even with the SEDA loan and favorable repayment timeline, independently reviewed and verified pro formas reflecting these updated terms still reflect potential risk related to abnormally high constructions costs, uncertainty of lease-up timeframes, and uncertainty of Springfield market rate rent levels over time. For these reasons, the SEDA loan debt repayment is proposed to begin in year 10, after the LLC’s senior bank loan is repaid in full and the LLC investment is repaid. This sequencing is structured to decrease risk to investors of losses on their initial investment. If the project proves to be successful, SEDA funds would be repaid in full, with interest. Because this sequencing does introduce some levels of risk to SEDA in areas of underperformance and potential loan default, SEDA contracted with Tiberius Solutions to evaluate the project pro forma and financials prepared by Blue McKenzie LLC. Based on this evaluation, estimates were made reflecting how the project might perform in a conservative scenario, applying minimal growth assumptions and low lease-up. This pro forma provides a reflection of potential risk exposure to SEDA and is included in Attachment 4. The analysis was also performed to reflect a reasonable positive scenario where the project is seen as valuable to the community, lease-up occurs quickly within the first two years, and rents become more reflective of those seen in nearby communities. These two scenarios reflect a substantially higher upside likelihood than downside. Tiberius Solutions will be in attendance during the meeting to discuss these scenarios. Example Conservative Return on Investment after LLC Senior Bank Debt Repayment Example Positive Return on Investment after LLC Senior Bank Debt Repayment PROJECT PROPERTY AND DEVELOPMENT TIMELINE UPDATE DOWNTOWN PROJECT PROPERTY ACQUISITION AND CONTROL Attachment 1, Page 4 of 6 MEMORANDUM Page 5 Based on the proposed structure and roles of project financing and project ownership, it is not recommended that SEDA participate in the acquisition of taxlot 2300 at this time. Acquisition strategies for any surrounding properties may be discussed at a later time but are not currently seen as necessary to the successful construction of this project. PROJECT TIMELINE The project is currently targeting predevelopment activities in the current 2021 calendar year, construction in 2022 and 2023, and completion in 2023. This timeline and pace is working to meet needs of the Scherer family related to tax years and opportunity zone program rules. Additionally, as a mass-timber building type, it is important to time key construction phases to drier months. NEXT STEPS Feasibility work has been completed and next steps required prior to formal design and engineering include: • Formation of LLC (Completed February) • Base MOU Terms for SEDA Review/Authorization (March 8, 2021) • Finalizing of Development Agreement Terms for SEDA Review/Authorization (April) • Initial SEDA Debt Funding Released (May/June) RECOMMENDED ACTION: The Springfield Economic Development Agency Board is being asked to: a) Authorize/not authorize staff to draft and execute a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between the Springfield Economic Development Agency and Blue McKenzie LLC to include terms as outlined in this memo; o SEDA loan of up to $10M at a minimum of 3.2% interest o SEDA debt to be repaid in year 10 or thereafter for a period of 5 to 7 years o SEDA debt to be repaid in a third position to senior bank debt and original Blue McKenzie LLC member equity contributions Terms of this finalized MOU would be incorporated into a formal, legally binding, Development Agreement (DA) for Board review and authorization. This step is targeted to be before the Board in April, 2021. Attachment 1, Page 5 of 6 MEMORANDUM Page 6 Attachment 1, Page 6 of 6 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 10/26/2020 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Department: CMO Staff Contact: Courtney Griesel, Economic Development S P R I N G F I E L D ECONOMIC Staff Phone No: (541) 726-3700 DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Estimated Time: 40 Minutes ITEM TITLE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS DOWNTOWN DEVELOPER UPDATE ACTION REQUESTED: Provide direction to staff regarding next steps in outlining a Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA) partnership with owners of the Downtown Springfield Motors site and Northwest Sustainable Properties (NWSP) and direct staff to bring refined partnership strategies to the Board for consideration prior to January 1. ISSUE STATEMENT: In March of 2020, the SEDA approved a request from owners of 702 A Street, referred to as the Motors Site, to partially fund $50,000 in initial mixed-use residential feasibility assessments by development firm NWSP. NWSP will present findings, opportunities, and assessment of project variables, including financial proformas based on market data, project constructability, and opportunity zone constraints. This presentation and information will provide an opportunity for the Board to discuss the findings and ask questions of NWSP. Based on this presentation and meeting, the Board might direct staff to further explore financial partnership strategies for later Board consideration. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – October Northwest Sustainable Properties Presentation Attachment 2 – July 2020 Scherer Update Communication Attachment 3 – Northwest Sustainable Properties/Veillet Developer Resume Attachment 4 – Opportunity Zone Information Sheet DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: During the March 9, 2020 SEDA meeting, the Board took action to financially support initial feasibility work by NWSP and the Scherer family, owners of 702 A Street. Assessment outcomes and strategies to be discussed include; Development Code Review & Evaluation: Identifies potential benefits of utilizing cross laminated (CLT) and mass timbers and impacts of density and height on the project, focusing the project on the south-east site corner. Architectural Massing Studies: Includes a new mid-rise construction project with seven floors of market rate residential (85 units) over one floor of commercial. Preliminary Constructability & Project Costs: Envisions utilization of CLT as a mechanism to control costs while working to achieve densities needed for feasibility. This work also provides insight into impacts of fees, taxes, and materials markets, contributing to overall costs. Initial total project costs are estimated at $27M. Economic Feasibility Assessment of Project Pro Forma: Outcomes identify a priority of one and two bedroom units, anticipated rents, importance of adjacent surface parking in initial phase, and current rental market capacity to support new project construction. The pro forma indicates the anticipated financial gap between project costs and feasibility. During this presentation, NWSP will present the project vision and assessment outcomes, specifically addressing relationships between constructability, market demand, and factors contributing to the project’s financial gap. Request: At the Board’s direction, staff might research and propose strategies available to SEDA for contribution to successful construction of the project. Strategies might include a combination of further project cost refinement, fee/permit payments, grants, ownership, infrastructure development, tax abatements, and loans, etc. Request: It is preferred to designate the project as an opportunity zone project prior to January 1st. For this reason, and due to time sensitivity of assessment information, staff is requesting Board support to meet prior to January 1st. This meeting would be to consider and potentially select refined strategies for SEDA participation. Attachment 2, Page 1 of 50 1 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 DESIGN BUILD SPRINGFIELD MOTORS DEVELOPMENT REPORT - OCTOBER 2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Attachment 2, Page 2 of 50 2 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 A STREET B STREET C STREET MAIN STREET7TH STREET8TH STREET6TH STREET9TH STREETSITE LOCATION SITE LOCATION, CONTEXT & EXISTING CONDITIONS Attachment 2, Page 3 of 50 3 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 SPRINGFIELD ZONING MAP & EXISTING SITE INFORMATION EASEMENT NORTH PARCEL PHASE 2 - FUTURE DEVELOPMENT 10 FT MAX SETBACK 25 FT MIN. BUILDING HEIGHT BUILDING HEIGHT SUBJECT TO SHADE POINT HEIGHT REGULATIONS PER 3.2-225A SOUTHWEST PARCEL PHASE 1B - FUTURE RENOVATION EXISTING BUICK DEALERSHIP SOUTHEAST PARCEL - FOCUS SITE PHASE 1A - PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 90 FT MAX BUILDING HEIGHT 25 FT MIN. BUILDING HEIGHT 2 STORIES MIN. 10 FT MAX STREET SETBACK ON A-STREET NO VEHICLE ACCESS ALLOWED FROM A-STREET • BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL OFFICES AND PERSONAL SERVICES • EATING AND DRINKING ESTABLISHMENTS (INCLUDING TAVERNS AND BREW PUBS) • RECREATIONAL FACILITIES • RELIGIOUS, SOCIAL AND CIVIC INSTITUTIONS • RESIDENTIAL USES IN AREAS DESIGNATED MIXED-USE IN THE METRO PLAN OR REFINEMENT PLANS • RETAIL SALES • TRANSIENT ACCOMMODATIONS ALLOWED USES - MIXED USED COMMERCIAL (MUC) ZONE MUC - ZONE DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS • MINIMUM FLOOR AREA = 6000 SF • MIN F.A.R. = .40 • 40 FT MIN. STREET FRONTAGE • 60% MIN. GROUND FLOOR AREA AS COMMERCIAL USE • UNLIMITED LOT COVERAGE • BUILDING SETBACK = O FT ZONING MAP NOT TO SCALE EXISTING SITE PLAN DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE SITE LOCATION Attachment 2, Page 4 of 50 4 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 MASSING STUDIES Attachment 2, Page 5 of 50 5 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 SITE MASSING DIAGRAM 4 STORIES RESIDENTIAL TYPE VA: 62,000 SF 1 STORY COMM. / RES. TYPE IA: 15,900 SF 52FT BUILDING HEIGHT 85 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS 58 ONE BEDROOM UNITS 23 TWO BEDROOM UNITS 4 THREE BEDROOM UNITS 77,900 SF TOTAL BUILT SF 53,845 SF RESIDENTIAL LEASABLE 6,745 SF COMMERCIAL LEASABLE 12,070 SF COMMON AREA / CIRCULATION 5,240 SF ROOF DECK AREAB STR EETA S TR EET7TH STREET 8TH STREET 7 STORIES RESIDENTIAL TYPE IV -C: 63,980 SF 1 STORY COMMERCIAL TYPE IV-C: 9,020 SF TOTAL 73,000 SF 85FT BUILDING HEIGHT (MASS TIMBER CONSTRUCTION) 84 TOTAL RESIDENTIAL UNITS 49 ONE BEDROOM UNITS 28 TWO BEDROOM UNITS 7 THREE BEDROOM UNITS PHASE 1 PHASE 2 Attachment 2, Page 6 of 50 6 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 B STREET A STREET 8TH STREET7TH STREETPHASE 1A 7 STORY MIXED USE PHASE 1B HISTORIC DEALERSHIP REOVATION TO RESTAURANT / BREWERY PHASE 2 FUTURE 80 RESIDENTIAL UNITS PARK / PLAYGROUND OUTDOOR SEATINGPEDESTRIAN ACCESS7T H A V E 8T H A V E B STR E E T A STR E E T PHASE 1 - SITE DIAGRAM & MASSING PROPOSED SITE PLAN DIAGRAM NOT TO SCALE 85' - 0"RESIDENTIALCOMMERCIAL7TH STREET 8TH STREET PHASE 1A PROPOSED 7 STORY DEVELOPMENT PHASE 1B HISTORIC DEALERSHIP RENOVATION TO RESTAURANT / BREWERY EXISTING POST OFFICE Attachment 2, Page 7 of 50 7 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHASE 1B EXISTING CAR DEALERSHIP RENOVATION TO RESTAURANT / BREWERY / F&B 200 SF STAIR 372 SF CORRIDOR 3,326 SF COMMERCIAL B (F&B) 321 SF LOBBY 90 SF ELEV 218 SF STAIR 522 SF MEP / TRASH 2,181 SF BIKE STORAGE 753 SF COMMERCIAL A 835 SF COVERED OUTDOOR SEATING F&B BACK OF HOUSE PHASE 2 FUTURE +/- 80 RESIDENTIAL UNITS PHASE 2 PARK & PLAYGROUND EXISTING POST OFFICE A STREET7TH STREET1,089 SF 3 BEDROOM 819 SF 2 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 616 SF CIRCULATION 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 732 SF 2 BEDROOM 217 SF STAIRS90 SF ELEVATOR 267 SF AMENITY 736 SF 2 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 200 SF STAIRS 748 SF 2 BEDROOM PHASE 1 - FLOOR PLANS 1ST FLOOR PLAN & SITE PLAN NOT TO SCALE 2ND - 8TH FLOOR PLAN NOT TO SCALE Attachment 2, Page 8 of 50 8 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 WHY CLT (CROSS LAMINATED TIMBER) CONSTRUCTION? ADVANTAGES OF CLT CONSTRUCTION LOCALLY SOURCED MATERIAL DESIGN FLEXIBILITY THERMAL PERFORMANCE AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY COST EFFECTIVENESS ENVIRONMENTAL ADVANTAGES TIMBER AS RENEWABLE RESOURCE FAST INSTALLATION FIRE PROTECTION SEISMIC PERFORMANCE LESS WASTE THAN STICK BUILT WOOD CONSTRUCTION SUSTAINABILITY MANAGED FOR- EST LAND SUPPLYING TIMBERS REGIONALLY HANDLED AND PROCESSED LUMBER RESULTING IN A LOWER CARBON FOOTPRINT BUILDING THAN STEEL OR CONCRETE END USER STRUCTURE THAT IS SOURCED REGIONALLY, HAS A LOW CARBON FOOTPRINT AND AESTHETICALLY WARMER THAN A CONCRETE OR STEEL MID RISE BUILDING ACTIVE FOREST MANAGEMENT ADVANCED MANUFACTURING STORED CARBON RECYCLABLE CLEANER ENERGY NATURAL TIMBER SUPPLY CHAIN Attachment 2, Page 9 of 50 9 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PROJECT FUNDING & SCHEDULE - PHASE 1 SENIOR DEBT $17.9 MILLION INVESTORS $4 MILLION GAP $5.25 MILLION $27.15 MILLION COST TO COMPLETE PHASE 1 $20.25 MILLION LOCAL RENTS CAN AFFORD DEVELOPMENT FUNDING SOURCE ANALYSIS DEVELOPER FUNDED5.25 MILLIONGAPEXPAND HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES • INTRODUCE NEW MARKET RATE PRODUCT THAT BRIDGES THE GAP IN DEVELOPMENT COSTS AND LOCAL RENTS • ADD MARKET RATE HOUSING TO THE LOCAL SPRINGFIELD ECONOMY • EXPAND HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES • INCREASE SELECTION OF MARKET RATE HOUSING AVAILABILITY • BOOST LOCAL PROPERTY VALUES • GENERATE LOCAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITY • INCREASE TAX BASE • PROVIDE MARKET RATE HOUSING ON PAR WITH LOCAL JOBS - HIGHER EDUCATION - ADVANCED WOOD PRODUCTS - FOOD & BEVERAGE MANUFACTURING - TECHNOLOGY - HEALTHCARE • EMERGE FROM COVID 19 & FOREST FIRES WITH INSPIRATION FOR THE FUTURE OF SPRINGFIELD $21.9 MILLION DEVELOPER FUNDED FEASIBILITY QTR 4 YEAR 2021YEAR 2020 DESIGN & ENGINEERING QTR 3 QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 PERMITTING QTR 1 QTR 2 QTR 3 QTR 4 YEAR 2022 CONSTRUCTION (ESTIMATED @ 24 MONTHS) QTR 1 QTR 3 YEAR 2023 QTR 2 PROJECT SCHEDULE QTR 4 QTR 1 YEAR 2024 Attachment 2, Page 10 of 50 10 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 COMPARATIVE MARKET ANALYSIS Property Map #Property Name Address Year Units Level Area ERPU ERPSF Occ 1 Amazon Corner 747 E 32nd Ave, Eugene, OR 97405 2019 117 5 653 $1,359 $2.08 97.4% 2 Ecco 60 Hatton Ave, Eugene, OR 97404 2015 192 3 945 $1,234 $1.31 93.8% 3 Heritage Meadow 2459 Lakeview Dr, Eugene, OR 97408 2013 173 3 950 $1,227 $1.29 98.8% 4 Riverwalk 470 Alexander Loop, Eugene, OR 97401 2014 271 4 925 $1,286 $1.39 89.7% 5 The Bailey at Amazon Creek 3655 W 13th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402 2016 252 3 1,101 $1,455 $1.32 95.2% 6 The McKenzie at Crescent Village 2847 Tennyson Ave, Eugene, OR 97408 2020 174 4 960 $1,427 $1.49 32.2% 7 The Patterson 1331 Patterson St, Eugene, OR 97401 2014 100 5 690 $1,446 $2.10 91.0% 8 The Tennyson at Crescent Village 2850 Shadow View Dr, Eugene, OR 97408 2017 263 3 1,073 $1,488 $1.39 94.7% 1 Attachment 2, Page 11 of 50 11 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 COMPARATIVE MARKET ANALYSIS Rental Revenue Index (RRI) Proposed Average: $1.54 640 SF Property Name Levels Year Built Unit Qty Area/Unit Rent/Unit Rent/SF Amazon Corner*5 2019 117 653 $1,359 $2.08 $2.12 Ecco 3 2015 192 945 $1,234 $1.31 $1.93 Heritage Meadow 3 2013 173 950 $1,227 $1.29 $1.92 Riverwalk 4 2014 271 925 $1,286 $1.39 $2.01 The Bailey at Amazon Creek 3 2016 252 1,101 $1,455 $1.32 $2.27 The McKenzie at Crescent Village*4 2020 174 960 $1,427 $1.49 $2.23 The Patterson 5 2014 100 690 $1,446 $2.10 $2.26 The Tennyson at Crescent Village 3 2017 263 1,073 $1,488 $1.39 $2.33 Effective Rent Occ Rental Revenue RRI Apr 19 $1,394 95.8% $1,336 1.00 May 19 $1,421 96.1% $1,365 1.02 Jun 19 $1,456 97.7% $1,423 1.06 Jul 19 $1,480 96.6% $1,430 1.07 Aug 19 $1,467 96.2% $1,412 1.06 Sep 19 $1,449 91.5% $1,325 0.99 Oct 19 $1,465 90.0% $1,318 0.99 Nov 19 $1,427 94.1% $1,343 1.00 Dec 19 $1,430 92.9% $1,328 0.99 Jan 20 $1,435 92.7% $1,329 0.99 Feb 20 $1,487 94.4% $1,404 1.05 Mar 20 $1,469 93.7% $1,376 1.03 Apr 20 $1,359 93.9% $1,276 0.95 Average** $1,445 94.1% $1,361 1.02 **Averages do not include starting month. The data in comp set does not include non same store properties. Comps Address 747 E 32nd Ave, Eugene, OR 97405 60 Hatton Ave, Eugene, OR 97404 2459 Lakeview Dr, Eugene, OR 97408 *Non-same-store property Comp Set Month 1. Effective Rent. Market rent less concessions. 2. Occ. Physical occupancy rate. 3. Rental Revenue. Equals the Effective Rent times the Occ rate. 4. RRI. The first month is the starting month and is assigned a value of 1. The RRI in the second month is the Rental Revenue in the second month divided by the Rental Revenue in the starting month. Thereafter, each month's Rental Revenue is divided by the starting month's Rental Revenue. 5. RRI Comparative Ratio. The product of the Subject's RRI divided by the Comps' RRI. 6. YTD Variance. The Comparative Ratio in each month is divided by the starting month's ratio. 470 Alexander Loop, Eugene, OR 97401 3655 W 13th Ave, Eugene, OR 97402 2847 Tennyson Ave, Eugene, OR 97408 1331 Patterson St, Eugene, OR 97401 2850 Shadow View Dr, Eugene, OR 97408 0.88 0.90 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.08 Comp Set Rental Revenue Index RRI 1 Attachment 2, Page 12 of 50 12 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 COMPARATIVE MARKET ANALYSIS Monthly Trends Effective Rent Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 Amazon Corner $1,212 $1,212 $1,212 $1,292 $1,354 $1,358 $1,370 $1,406 $1,461 $1,417 $1,358 $1,360 $1,359 Ecco $1,389 $1,415 $1,456 $1,445 $1,422 $1,378 $1,417 $1,345 $1,322 $1,385 $1,481 $1,356 $1,234 Heritage Meadow $1,170 $1,208 $1,208 $1,208 $1,208 $1,208 $1,208 $1,227 $1,227 $1,227 $1,227 $1,227 $1,227 Riverwalk $1,490 $1,569 $1,568 $1,574 $1,555 $1,541 $1,521 $1,463 $1,428 $1,509 $1,539 $1,565 $1,286 The Bailey at Amazon Creek $1,436 $1,434 $1,439 $1,456 $1,435 $1,456 $1,459 $1,455 $1,448 $1,329 $1,448 $1,452 $1,455 The Patterson $1,163 $1,163 $1,163 $1,356 $1,341 $1,304 $1,320 $1,414 $1,440 $1,446 $1,446 $1,446 $1,446 The Tennyson at Crescent Village $1,495 $1,498 $1,633 $1,657 $1,659 $1,615 $1,671 $1,560 $1,625 $1,628 $1,660 $1,637 $1,488 The McKenzie at Crescent Village $1,545 $1,545 $1,518 $1,427 Occupancy Rate Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 Amazon Corner 93.2% 96.6% 45.3% 96.6% 95.7% 95.7% 98.3% 97.4% 94.9% 93.2% 93.2% 89.7% 97.4% Ecco 97.9% 95.8% 94.8% 93.8% 96.4% 96.9% 94.8% 93.2% 93.8% 94.8% 97.9% 98.4% 93.8% Heritage Meadow 98.8% 98.8% 98.3% 98.3% 98.8% 100.0% 94.8% 97.1% 96.5% 94.2% 100.0% 96.0% 98.8% Riverwalk 97.4% 95.9% 100.0% 100.0% 95.9% 98.5% 93.0% 89.7% 92.3% 93.0% 91.9% 91.5% 89.7% The Bailey at Amazon Creek 94.1% 98.0% 99.6% 98.0% 99.6% 98.4% 97.6% 99.2% 94.4% 92.9% 90.1% 94.8% 95.2% The Patterson 98.0% 98.0% 98.0% 97.0% 94.0% 26.0% 20.0% 87.0% 89.0% 91.0% 91.0% 91.0% 91.0% The Tennyson at Crescent Village 91.6% 92.0% 95.1% 92.8% 92.4% 92.8% 99.6% 95.1% 90.5% 90.1% 96.2% 90.9% 94.7% The McKenzie at Crescent Village 0.0% 25.3% 28.2% 32.2% Prelease Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19 Jul-19 Aug-19 Sep-19 Oct-19 Nov-19 Dec-19 Jan-20 Feb-20 Mar-20 Apr-20 Amazon Corner 98.2% 97.0% W 99.1% 99.1% 98.0% 100.0% 97.4% 95.7% 93.1% 93.1% 95.7% 97.4% Ecco 97.5% 96.0% 95.0% 94.0% 96.8% 97.0% 95.0% 93.0% 94.0% 95.0% 97.0% 98.0% 95.0% Heritage Meadow 98.3% 98.0% 98.0% 100.0% 99.0% 100.0% 98.3% 98.0% S S S 99.0% 99.0% Riverwalk 97.8% S 98.5% 100.0% 97.0% 97.0% 95.5% 91.5% 94.9% 94.0% 93.0% 90.0% 91.0% The Bailey at Amazon Creek 94.4% 94.8% 98.0% 99.2% 99.2% 98.4% 95.2% 97.6% 92.4% 90.0% 89.2% 93.2% 89.6% The Patterson 27.0% 53.3% W 65.4% 69.1% 81.2% W S S S W W W The Tennyson at Crescent Village W 96.2% 98.1% 93.1% 92.4% 97.7% 95.0% 90.4% 92.0% 92.0% 92.0% 92.4% 92.6% The McKenzie at Crescent Village U/L U/L 32.1% 38.0% 1 Attachment 2, Page 13 of 50 13 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 COMPARATIVE MARKET ANALYSIS Unit Type Summary R.S.F. 0 Bed / 1 Bath S.F. Rent R.S.F. 0 Bed / 1 Bath S.F. Rent R.S.F. 2.0705 Amazon Corner 397 822 $2.07 Riverwalk 486 $892 $1.84 The Patterson 400 $1,439 $3.60 Riverwalk 486 $892 $1.84 Amazon Corner 716 $1,395 $1.95 The McKenzie at Crescent Village450 $964 $2.14 The McKenzie at Crescent Village450 $964 $2.14 The McKenzie at Crescent Village533 $1,058 $1.98 Amazon Corner 455 $1,010 $2.22 Amazon Corner 455 $1,010 $2.22 Amazon Corner 397 $822 $2.07 The Patterson 460 $1,469 $3.19 The McKenzie at Crescent Village533 $1,058 $1.98 The McKenzie at Crescent Village450 $964 $2.14 Amazon Corner 465 $1,087 $2.34 Amazon Corner 465 $1,087 $2.34 Amazon Corner 455 $1,010 $2.22 Riverwalk 486 $892 $1.84 Amazon Corner 505 $1,124 $2.23 Amazon Corner 505 $1,124 $2.23 Amazon Corner 505 $1,124 $2.23 Amazon Corner 716 $1,395 $1.95 Amazon Corner 465 $1,087 $2.34 The McKenzie at Crescent Village533 $1,058 $1.98 The Patterson 400 $1,439 $3.60 The Patterson 460 $1,469 $3.19 Amazon Corner 716 $1,395 $1.95 The Patterson 460 $1,469 $3.19 The Patterson 400 $1,439 $3.60 Average **471 $1,105 $2.35 Average **471 $1,105 $2.35 Average **471 $1,105 $2.35 1 Bed / 1 Bath S.F. Rent R.S.F. 1 Bed / 1 Bath S.F. Rent R.S.F. 1 Bed / 1 Bath S.F. Rent R.S.F. The Patterson 540 $1,529 $2.83 Riverwalk 646 $1,024 $1.59 The Bailey at Amazon Creek 854 $1,188 $1.39 The Patterson 575 $1,564 $2.72 Heritage Meadow 728 $1,025 $1.41 Heritage Meadow 728 $1,025 $1.41 Riverwalk 602 $1,114 $1.85 Riverwalk 655 $1,038 $1.58 Ecco 726 $1,068 $1.47 Riverwalk 646 $1,024 $1.59 Ecco 726 $1,068 $1.47 The McKenzie at Crescent Village854 $1,289 $1.51 Amazon Corner 650 $1,472 $2.26 Ecco 681 $1,093 $1.60 The McKenzie at Crescent Village847 $1,279 $1.51 Riverwalk 655 $1,038 $1.58 Riverwalk 602 $1,114 $1.85 Amazon Corner 969 $1,469 $1.52 The Patterson 660 $1,619 $2.45 Riverwalk 672 $1,164 $1.73 The Tennyson at Crescent Village921 $1,440 $1.56 The Tennyson at Crescent Village663 $1,350 $2.04 The Bailey at Amazon Creek 854 $1,188 $1.39 Riverwalk 655 $1,038 $1.58 The Patterson 665 $1,619 $2.43 The McKenzie at Crescent Village847 $1,279 $1.51 Riverwalk 646 $1,024 $1.59 The Patterson 665 $1,629 $2.45 The McKenzie at Crescent Village854 $1,289 $1.51 Ecco 681 $1,093 $1.60 The Patterson 670 $1,639 $2.45 The Tennyson at Crescent Village663 $1,350 $2.04 Riverwalk 672 $1,164 $1.73 Riverwalk 672 $1,164 $1.73 The Tennyson at Crescent Village921 $1,440 $1.56 Riverwalk 602 $1,114 $1.85 Amazon Corner 677 $1,472 $2.17 Amazon Corner 969 $1,469 $1.52 The Tennyson at Crescent Village663 $1,350 $2.04 Ecco 681 $1,093 $1.60 Amazon Corner 650 $1,472 $2.26 Amazon Corner 811 $1,709 $2.11 The Patterson 700 $1,649 $2.36 Amazon Corner 677 $1,472 $2.17 Amazon Corner 677 $1,472 $2.17 Ecco 726 $1,068 $1.47 The Patterson 540 $1,529 $2.83 Amazon Corner 650 $1,472 $2.26 Sorted by Square Footage Sorted by Rent Sorted by Rent/S.F. * Affordable Housing ** Excludes Affordable Housing 1 Attachment 2, Page 14 of 50 14 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 COMPARATIVE MARKET ANALYSIS Unit Mix Name:Amazon Corner Eugene, OR Address:747 E 32nd Ave, Eugene, OR 97405 Eugene Phone:541-359-2953 4/22/2020 True Owner:Mike Coughlin No Manager:Affinity Property Management B Website:Click here A+ Estimated Unit Mix: Actual A+ Total Units:117 97%Stabilized 2019 Market Rate Units:117 $1,359 $1,359 $0 Area/Unit:653 $2.08 $2.08 0.0% Levels:5 BD/FB/PB Area Qty Rent1 Rent2 Average $ PSF Rent1 Rent2 Average $ PSF $% 0/1/0 397 10 $822 $822 $822 $2.07 $822 $822 $822 $2.07 0/1/0 455 9 $1,010 $1,010 $1,010 $2.22 $1,010 $1,010 $1,010 $2.22 0/1/0 465 22 $1,087 $1,087 $1,087 $2.34 $1,087 $1,087 $1,087 $2.34 0/1/0 505 14 $1,124 $1,124 $1,124 $2.23 $1,124 $1,124 $1,124 $2.23 0/1/0 716 2 $1,395 $1,395 $1,395 $1.95 $1,395 $1,395 $1,395 $1.95 1/1/0 650 16 $1,472 $1,472 $1,472 $2.26 $1,472 $1,472 $1,472 $2.26 1/1/0 677 14 $1,472 $1,472 $1,472 $2.17 $1,472 $1,472 $1,472 $2.17 1/1/0 811 3 $1,709 $1,709 $1,709 $2.11 $1,709 $1,709 $1,709 $2.11 1/1/0 969 10 $1,469 $1,469 $1,469 $1.52 $1,469 $1,469 $1,469 $1.52 2/2/0 961 3 $1,875 $1,875 $1,875 $1.95 $1,875 $1,875 $1,875 $1.95 2/2/0 975 3 $1,826 $1,826 $1,826 $1.87 $1,826 $1,826 $1,826 $1.87 2/2/0 1,019 3 $2,035 $2,035 $2,035 $2.00 $2,035 $2,035 $2,035 $2.00 2/2/0 1,078 5 $2,275 $2,275 $2,275 $2.11 $2,275 $2,275 $2,275 $2.11 2/2/0 1,103 3 $2,242 $2,242 $2,242 $2.03 $2,242 $2,242 $2,242 $2.03 MSA Name: Submarket Name: Survey Date: Daily Pricing: Submarket Asset Grade: Asset Grade in Submarket: Asset Grade in Market: Property Level Information Occupancy:Status:Year Built: Asking Rent/Unit:Effective Rent/Unit:Concession ($): Asking Rent/SqFt:Effective Rent/SqFt:Concession (%): Floor Plan Pricing Information (1)Market Rent(2)Effective Rent(3)Conc. Values 1 UNIT MIX - AMAZON CORNER Attachment 2, Page 15 of 50 15 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 COMPARATIVE MARKET ANALYSIS Unit Mix Name:Heritage Meadow Eugene, OR Address:2459 Lakeview Dr, Eugene, OR 97408 Eugene Phone:541-653-8287 4/2/2020 True Owner:Mountain West Investment Corporation No Manager:Helio Property Management B Website:Click here B Estimated Unit Mix: Actual B Total Units:173 99%Stabilized 2013 Market Rate Units:173 $1,227 $1,227 $0 Area/Unit:950 $1.29 $1.29 0.0% Levels:3 BD/FB/PB Area Qty Rent1 Rent2 Average $ PSF Rent1 Rent2 Average $ PSF $% 1/1/0 728 44 $1,025 $1,025 $1,025 $1.41 $1,025 $1,025 $1,025 $1.41 2/2/0 952 65 $1,225 $1,225 $1,225 $1.29 $1,225 $1,225 $1,225 $1.29 2/2/0 1,029 38 $1,310 $1,310 $1,310 $1.27 $1,310 $1,310 $1,310 $1.27 3/2/0 1,204 26 $1,450 $1,450 $1,450 $1.20 $1,450 $1,450 $1,450 $1.20 BD/FB/PB Area Qty 1/1/0 728 44 2/2/0 952 65 2/2/0 1,029 38 3/2/0 1,204 26 MSA Name: Submarket Name: Survey Date: Daily Pricing: Submarket Asset Grade: Asset Grade in Submarket: Asset Grade in Market: Property Level Information Occupancy:Status:Year Built: Asking Rent/Unit:Effective Rent/Unit:Concession ($): Asking Rent/SqFt:Effective Rent/SqFt:Concession (%): Floor Plan Pricing Information (1)Market Rent(2)Effective Rent(3)Conc. Values Floor Plan Concessions (1)Month Free Upfront Dollar Off Upfront1 Dollar Off Upfront2 Month Free Prorated Dollar Off Prorated Dollar Reduced 1 Dollar Reduced 2 Leasing Term Conc. Term Note: 1 UNIT MIX - HERITAGE MEADOW Attachment 2, Page 16 of 50 16 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 COMPARATIVE MARKET ANALYSIS Unit Mix Name:Riverwalk Eugene, OR Address:470 Alexander Loop, Eugene, OR 97401 Eugene Phone:541-357-4146 4/23/2020 True Owner:Green Leaf Partners No Manager:Green Leaf Partners B Website:Click here B+ Estimated Unit Mix: Estimated B+ Total Units:271 90%Stabilized 2014 Market Rate Units:271 $1,347 $1,286 $61 Area/Unit:925 $1.46 $1.39 4.5% Levels:4 BD/FB/PB Area Qty Rent1 Rent2 Average $ PSF Rent1 Rent2 Average $ PSF $% 0/1/0 486 16 $973 $973 $973 $2.00 $892 $892 $892 $1.84 $81 8.3% 1/1/0 602 23 $1,114 $1,114 $1,114 $1.85 $1,114 $1,114 $1,114 $1.85 1/1/0 646 23 $1,117 $1,117 $1,117 $1.73 $1,024 $1,024 $1,024 $1.59 $93 8.3% 1/1/0 655 23 $1,132 $1,132 $1,132 $1.73 $1,038 $1,038 $1,038 $1.58 $94 8.3% 1/1/0 672 23 $1,164 $1,164 $1,164 $1.73 $1,164 $1,164 $1,164 $1.73 2/2/0 867 28 $1,342 $1,342 $1,342 $1.55 $1,230 $1,230 $1,230 $1.42 $112 8.3% 2/2/0 876 29 $1,222 $1,222 $1,222 $1.39 $1,222 $1,222 $1,222 $1.39 2/2/0 921 28 $1,291 $1,291 $1,291 $1.40 $1,291 $1,291 $1,291 $1.40 2/2/0 1,141 28 $1,568 $1,568 $1,568 $1.37 $1,568 $1,568 $1,568 $1.37 2/2/0 1,161 28 $1,636 $1,636 $1,636 $1.41 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1.29 $136 8.3% 3/2/0 1,985 22 $2,113 $2,113 $2,113 $1.06 $1,937 $1,937 $1,937 $0.98 $176 8.3% MSA Name: Submarket Name: Survey Date: Daily Pricing: Submarket Asset Grade: Asset Grade in Submarket: Asset Grade in Market: Property Level Information Occupancy:Status:Year Built: Asking Rent/Unit:Effective Rent/Unit:Concession ($): Asking Rent/SqFt:Effective Rent/SqFt:Concession (%): Floor Plan Pricing Information (1)Market Rent(2)Effective Rent(3)Conc. Values Floor Plan Concessions 1 UNIT MIX - RIVERWALK Attachment 2, Page 17 of 50 17 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 COMPARATIVE MARKET ANALYSIS Unit Mix Name:Ecco Eugene, OR Address:60 Hatton Ave, Eugene, OR 97404 Eugene Phone:541-607-3226 4/3/2020 True Owner:Hamilton Zanze & Company No Manager:Mission Rock Residential B Website:Click here B Estimated Unit Mix: Actual B Total Units:192 94%Stabilized 2015 Market Rate Units:192 $1,243 $1,234 $9 Area/Unit:945 $1.32 $1.31 0.7% Levels:3 BD/FB/PB Area Qty Rent1 Rent2 Average $ PSF Rent1 Rent2 Average $ PSF $% 1/1/0 681 36 $1,093 $1,093 $1,093 $1.60 $1,093 $1,093 $1,093 $1.60 1/1/0 726 36 $1,068 $1,068 $1,068 $1.47 $1,068 $1,068 $1,068 $1.47 2/2/0 938 30 $1,179 $1,179 $1,179 $1.26 $1,179 $1,179 $1,179 $1.26 2/2/0 1,022 30 $1,269 $1,269 $1,269 $1.24 $1,269 $1,269 $1,269 $1.24 3/2/0 1,185 30 $1,460 $1,460 $1,460 $1.23 $1,431 $1,431 $1,431 $1.21 $29 2.0% 3/2/0 1,215 30 $1,456 $1,456 $1,456 $1.20 $1,427 $1,427 $1,427 $1.17 $29 2.0% BD/FB/PB Area Qty 1/1/0 681 36 1/1/0 726 36 2/2/0 938 30 MSA Name: Submarket Name: Survey Date: Daily Pricing: Submarket Asset Grade: Asset Grade in Submarket: Asset Grade in Market: Property Level Information Occupancy:Status:Year Built: Asking Rent/Unit:Effective Rent/Unit:Concession ($): Asking Rent/SqFt:Effective Rent/SqFt:Concession (%): Floor Plan Pricing Information (1)Market Rent(2)Effective Rent(3)Conc. Values Floor Plan Concessions (1)Month Free Upfront Dollar Off Upfront1 Dollar Off Upfront2 Month Free Prorated Dollar Off Prorated Dollar Reduced 1 Dollar Reduced 2 Leasing Term Conc. Term 1 UNIT MIX - ECCO Attachment 2, Page 18 of 50 18 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Development Costs | SPRINGFIELD MOTORS STANDARD TOTAL STANDARD GAP Land & Acquisition 673,500.00$ 623,500.00$ Land & Related 600,000.00$ Closing Costs 23,500.00$ Due Diligence Consultants 50,000.00$ SEDA (50,000.00)$ -$ Soft Costs 2,512,740.07$ 2,512,740.07$ Legal Fees 70,000.00$ Development Management Fees 840,400.00$ Insurance 60,000.00$ Other General & Administrative 60,000.00$ Architecture & Consultant 1,081,458.00$ Soft Cost Contingency 50,000.00$ Special Inspections 30,000.00$ Working Capital Contribution / Pre-marketing 30,000.00$ Development Charges & Municipal Costs 1,471,533.88$ 1,006,694.52$ RESIDENTIAL - City Sanitary Sewer 290,882.07$ SEDA (290,882.07)$ RESIDENTIAL - Local Transportation 164,750.93$ SEDA (164,750.93)$ RESIDENTIAL - Regional Sanitary Sewer 128,141.08$ 128,141.08$ RESIDENTIAL - SDCs Fees 29,188.70$ SEDA 6,407.05$ COMMERCIAL - City Sanitary Sewer 3,053.88$ SEDA (3,053.88)$ COMMERCIAL - Local Transportation (16,781.86)$ SEDA (16,781.86)$ COMMERCIAL - Regional Sanitary Sewer 25,137.51$ 25,137.51$ COMMERCIAL - SDCs Fees 1,409.57$ SEDA 1,256.88$ RESIDENTIAL - Willamalane Parks 303,660.00$ 303,660.00$ SUB ELECTRIC 100,000.00$ 100,000.00$ SUB WATER 2" SERVICE 16,741.00$ 16,741.00$ SUB WATER 6' FIRE LINE 7,500.00$ 7,500.00$ SUB WATER SERVICE CREDIT (2,349.00)$ (2,349.00)$ Building Permits 420,200.00$ 420,200.00$ Hard Costs 21,010,000.00$ 21,010,000.00$ Hard Cost Construction 253.42$ 18,500,000.00$ Contingency 5.0% 925,000.00$ Parking 100,000.00$ Tenant improvements 150,000.00$ FFE 410,000.00$ Escalation 5%925,000.00$ Financing Expense 1,517,000.00$ 1,517,000.00$ Construction Loan Interest 670,000.00$ Additional Interest Reserve 400,000.00$ Debt Financing Fee 300,000.00$ Equity Financing Fee 90,000.00$ -$ Development Period Property Taxes 4,000.00$ Construction Loan Closing Fees & Appraisal 95,000.00$ Bank Construction Inspector 24,000.00$ cable access credit (21,000.00)$ Oregon Energy Trust incentives (45,000.00)$ TRUE COST COST LESS SEDA Total Development period costs 27,184,773.95$ 26,666,969.14$ GAP GRANT GOAL SEDA SDC payment program 517,804.81$ GAP Development period 4,835,397.48$ 21,831,571.66$ Total requested GAP 5,353,202.29$ Vertical housing abatement for 8 years after construction $210,000/YEAR 1,680,000.00$ GAP +Vertical housing 7,033,202.29$ Current tax revenue 1,693.46$ Attachment 2, Page 19 of 50 19 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS PROJECT INFORMATION PROJECT COSTS Site Area 11,748 Land & Acquisition Cost $673,500 Gross Building Area (w/o parking)73,000 Total Hard Costs $21,010,000 SF Leasable Residential 54,425 Total Soft Costs $2,512,740 SF leasable commercial 5,000 Development and Municipal charges $1,471,534 Efficiency 81% Financing Costs $1,517,000 TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COSTS $27,184,774 UNIT INFORMATION PROJECT LOAN AMOUNT Av Size - SF 498000 Monthly Units Total Development Cost $27,184,774 Two Bedroom 776 $1.90 $1,474 28 Loan To Cost 66.0% Three Bedroom 1,100 $1.90 $2,090 7 Senior Debit 66% $17,934,774 One Bedroom 510 $2.16 $1,100 49 Debt Yield 5.9% Commercial 5,000 $1.50 $7,500 2 Round 1 Equity 15% $4,000,000 Springfield GAP Grant W/TIF 19.3% $5,250,000 TOTAL UNIT DATA 648 2.02$ 86 Assumptions Construction Loan Interest Rate 5.00% Parking Surface $50 109 Permanent Loan Interest Rate 4.00% Small Storage $55 20 Stabilized DSCR 1.28 OPERATING PRO FORMA Total Partnership Equity+ grant $9,250,000 (+) Apartment Lease Income $1,317,758.40 (+) Parking Income $65,400.00 DISPOSITION METRICS (+) Storage Income $13,200.00 Rent Escalation Assumption 3% (+) Utility Recovery $55 $56,760.00 Costs Escalation Assumption 2% (-) Vacancy - Housing 8%-$105,420.67 (+)Commercial $90,000.00 Cap Rate 5.25% (-)Commercial Vacancy 20%-$18,000.00 Sales Expense 2.00% TOTAL %/Unit $1,419,697.73 YR 1 $404,464 (-) Garbage 0.7%120 $10,080.00 YR10 $571,429 (-) Management Fee 3.00%495 $42,590.93 (-) Insurance 2.1%343 $29,500.00 Estimated cash flow 10 yrs 3,300,000.00 (-) Property Taxes 2.3%378 $32,520.00 (-) Electric 2.1%350 $29,400.00 VALUE (-) Marketing & Advertising 1.4%233 $20,000.00 Value at yr 1 5.25% 20,223,188$ (-) Turnover Costs 0.5%84 $7,200.00 (-) Repairs & Maintenance 1.5%248 $21,295.47 Value at year 10 5.25% 28,571,428.57$ (-) Administration 2.1%349 $30,000.00 (-) Reserves 2.0%330 $28,393.95 (-) Payroll 6.0%988.37 $85,000.00 (-) Water & Sewer 1.5%256 $22,000.00 TOTAL OPERATING COSTS 25.2% $357,980.35 NET OPERATING INCOME yr 1 $1,061,717.38 Projected NOI year 10 1,500,000.00$ SPRINGFIELD MOTORS | Pro-Forma Input Attachment 2, Page 20 of 50 20 OF 19PAGE: SPRINGFIELD MOTORS MIXED USE MASS TIMBER DEVELOPMENT DATE: 10/19/2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 DESIGN BUILD SPRINGFIELD MOTORS DEVELOPMENT REPORT - OCTOBER 2020 702 NORTH A STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Attachment 2, Page 21 of 50 M E M O R A N D U M Springfield Economic Development Agency Date: 7/6/2020 To: Nancy Newton, City Manager COMMUNICATION From: Courtney Griesel, Economic Development PACKET Subject: Scherer Development Update MEMORANDUM INFORMATION SHARE: This communication packet is intended to provide an update on progress to date with a primary focus on outcomes of the architectural massing studies and potential sequencing of site development. No SEDA Board action is required at this time. During the March 9, 2020 Springfield Economic Development Agency (SEDA) meeting, the Board took action to financially support initial feasibility work by Northwest Sustainable Properties LLC (NWSP) and the Scherer Family on the Downtown Springfield Motors site located at 702 A Street. The total amount allocated by SEDA was $85,000 and was provided to fund initial site assessment and feasibility pertaining to a mixed-use commercial and residential development. A high level update on status of tasks is reflected below. PROGRESS TASK Complete (6/1) Development Code Review and Evaluation Complete (6/27) Attached for Information Architectural Massing Studies for New Midrise Building In Progress Cost Assessment for Entire Site Development; New Building and Adaptive Reuse of Existing Economic Feasibility Assessment of Project In Progress Environmental Assessment (ESA) Phase II Site Specific Market Impacts Related to Current Health and Social Factors The March 2020 commitment by the SEDA Board was made on the eve of the COVID-19 event. While awareness of the virus was widespread, understanding of the potential impacts of a pandemic was unknown, with long-term impacts still yet to be seen fully. Coupled with the recent civic conversations and peaceful and non-peaceful protests, the NWSP approach has been adjusted to prioritize greater consideration for areas of investor and consumer confidence. This additional market testing includes; ‐ One-on-one conversations with business leaders/employers ‐ Housing provider conversations; developers and listing entities ‐ Discussions with Opportunity Zone investors These conversations have provided confidence that the project’s direct proximity to economic activity and population density will show the residential product in the Springfield market is demanded. Additionally, NWSP believes the population residing in Eugene, along with other larger metro areas, may soon find themselves more confident in less dense areas that also boast high quality connectivity, access to activity, and healthy new buildings. While these trends may exist for residential, these assumptions may not be the case for substantial amounts of new commercial product. Attachment 2, Page 22 of 50 Summary of Code Review and Analysis During April and May, with multiple site visits, detailed analysis, and meetings with Springfield staff, NWSP completed a code review and summary as well as engineers report. Based on this review, and considering the context of the above stated market uncertainties, the developer remains confident in the Springfield market and community. Variables of note related to site-specific Springfield Development Code review: ‐ Shading requirements may drive shape and location of new building. Shading code requirements will shape the location and size of new construction, limiting the tallest building to the smaller, undeveloped lot located mid-block along A Street, unless the ‘Buick’ building was slated for removal. Removal of the ‘Buick’ building is not preferred by the developer. ‐ Market may not be ready for new ground-floor commercial at the location. Code required ground floor commercial poses risk based on market demand issues which existed prior to COVID19 and increasing uncertainty of the commercial market post COVID19. ‐ Parking will become an issue. Parking requirements of zero within development code do not remove financial requirement for parking the site at 0.6 to 1.0 space per unit. Summary of Architectural Massing Studies Utilizing completed code analysis and market discussion, NWSP has completed 4 massing and phasing options for additional assessment. All options assume adaptive reuse of the existing ‘Buick’ building as a possible food and beverage destination. Massing scenarios are summarized below and included as Attachment 1. OPTION 1 OPTION 2 OPTION 3 OPTION 4 Phase and Location Phase I: South MidBlock Phase I: South MidBlock Phase I MassTimber: South MidBlock Phase I: North Block B Street Building Floors 5 Stories: 4 over 1 7 Stories: 6 over 1 8 Stories: 7 over 1 2 Bldings/5 Stories: 4 over 1 Commercial 3,300 SF Commercial 3,300 SF Commercial 2,300 SF Commercial 6,800 SF Commercial Residential 48 Residential Units: 510SF to 780SF per 72 Residential Units: 510SF to 780SF per 84 Residential Units: 510SF to 780SF per 84~ Residential Units: 510SF to 840SF per Parking 114 Surface Parking Spaces at Rear 114 Surface Parking Spaces at Rear 114 Surface Parking Spaces at Rear 84 Surface Parking Spaces at Rear Variables of note related to site-specific massing strategies: ‐ Mass Timber Option. Option 3 offers a development concept which would utilize mass timber, including cross-laminated timber panels (or a similar product) and glulam beams, allowing the building to increase in height and possibly increase in commanded leases. ‐ Parking. All options must include parking in Phase I. As part of a future Phase II development, parking infrastructure discussions will become critical. ‐ Ground Floor Commercial. Commercial space is limited to minimum allowed in all scenarios and risk would be decreased if commercial massing was allowed to be bundled in one area of the site. ‐ Iconic ‘Buick’ Building. In all scenarios currently modeled, the existing ‘Buick’ building remains and is redeveloped for a destination food and beverage use. Next Steps Over the coming weeks and months, additional assessment will include;  Construction Type and Cost Analysis  Environmental Study; Phase II Completion  Proforma Analysis  Financial Feasibility including Opportunity Fund Engagement This information is provided as a progress update and no SEDA Board action is required at this time. Attachment 2, Page 23 of 50 A S T R E E T B S R E E T 7TH STREET 8TH STREET SPRINGFIELD FEASIBILITY 702 N. A Street, Springfield, OR 97477 EXISTING CONDITIONS 24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.25 1SOUTHWEST AXON EXISTING FLOOR AREA Level Name Area Not Placed BARN Not Placed Not Placed BARN ATTIC Not Placed 0 SF 1ST FLOOR BATHROOM 165 SF 1ST FLOOR BATHROOMS 71 SF 1ST FLOOR GARAGE 1 4,613 SF 1ST FLOOR GARAGE 2 492 SF 1ST FLOOR GARAGE 3 913 SF 1ST FLOOR MECH.82 SF 1ST FLOOR OFFICE / STORAGE 824 SF 1ST FLOOR SHOWROOM 884 SF 8,042 SF 2ND FLOOR OFFICES 313 SF 2ND FLOOR STORAGE 679 SF 992 SF Grand total 9,034 SF 1ST FLOOR 2ND FLOOR 950 SF 950 SF Attachment 2, Page 24 of 50 A STREET B STREET C STREET MAIN STREET7TH STREET8TH STREET6TH STREET9TH STREETEXISTING 9,9034 SF BUILDING EXISTING 950 SF GARAGE 24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.25 1" = 100'-0"1EXISTING - SITE PLANAttachment 2, Page 25 of 50 OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW 313 SF OFFICES 679 SF STORAGE 913 SF GARAGE 3 4,613 SF GARAGE 1 492 SF GARAGE 2 165 SF BATHROOM 71 SF BATHROOMS 824 SF OFFICE / STORAGE 82 SF MECH. 884 SF SHOWROOM 24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.25 1/16" = 1'-0"2EXISTING 2ND FLOOR AREA PLAN 1/16" = 1'-0"1EXISTING 1ST FLOOR AREA PLAN Attachment 2, Page 26 of 50 4 STORIES TYPE VA: 36,560 SF 1 STORY TYPE 1A: 10,800 SF 48 RESIDENTIAL UNITS 47,360 SF TOTAL BUILT SF 31,100 SF RESIDENTIAL LEASABLE 3,300 SF COMMERCIAL LEASABLE 12,960 SF COMMON AREA / CIRCULATION SPRINGFIELD FEASIBILITY -MASSING OPTION #1 24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.25 1AMASSING - OPTION 1 Attachment 2, Page 27 of 50 6,340 SF MEP / TRASH / BIKE / STORAGE 90 SF ELEV 200 SF STAIR 460 SF LOBBY 200 SF STAIR 10 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 8 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 4 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES5 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES9 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 10 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 5 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES8 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES59 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 55 PRIVATE CAR PARKING SPACES 114 TOTAL PARKING SPACES 48 UNITS; 2.38 TOTAL PARKING RATIO 4 STORIES TYPE VA 1 STORY TYPE 1A 10,800 SF (NEW) + 8,000 SF (E) = 18,800 SF TOTAL GROUND FLOOR AREA 60% COMMERCIAL REQUIRED = 11,280 SF MIN COMMERCIAL SPACE 55 PRIVATE CAR PARKING SPACES 3,300 SF COMMERCIAL 210 SF CORRIDOR EXISTING BUILDING 8,000 SF GROUND FLOOR COMMERCIAL 92' - 6"117' - 9"24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.251" = 40'-0"1B1ST FLOOR AREA PLAN - OPTION 1 Attachment 2, Page 28 of 50 1,100 SF 3 BEDROOM 765 SF 2 BEDROOM 200 SF STAIR 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 780 SF 2 BEDROOM 780 SF 2 BEDROOM 780 SF 2 BEDROOM 595 SF CORRIDOR 90 SF ELEVATOR 200 SF STAIR 280 SF AMENITY 9,140 TOTAL SF PER FLOOR 12 UNITS PER FLOOR 48 UNITS ON 4 FLOORS: 7*4 = 28 ONE BEDROOM UNITS 4*4 = 16 TWO BEDROOM UNITS 1*4 = 4 THREE BEDROOM UNITS 24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.251/32" = 1'-0"1C2ND - 5TH FLOOR AREA PLAN - OPTION 1 Attachment 2, Page 29 of 50 6 STORIES TYPE IIIA: 54,840 SF 1 STORY TYPE 1A: 10,800 SF 72 RESIDENTIAL UNITS 65,640 SF TOTAL BUILT SF 46,650 SF RESIDENTIAL LEASABLE 3,300 SF COMMERCIAL LEASABLE 15,690 SF COMMON AREA / CIRCULATION SPRINGFIELD FEASIBILITY -MASSING OPTION #2 24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.25 2AMASSING - OPTION 2 Attachment 2, Page 30 of 50 6,340 SF MEP / TRASH / BIKE / STORAGE 90 SF ELEV 200 SF STAIR 460 SF LOBBY 200 SF STAIR 10 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 8 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 4 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES5 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES9 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 10 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 5 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES8 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES55 PRIVATE CAR PARKING SPACES 3,300 SF COMMERCIAL 210 SF CORRIDOR EXISTING BUILDING 8,000 SF GROUND FLOOR COMMERCIAL 92' - 6"117' - 9"59 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 55 PRIVATE CAR PARKING SPACES 114 TOTAL PARKING SPACES 72 UNITS; 1.58 TOTAL PARKING RATIO 6 STORIES TYPE IIIA 1 STORY TYPE 1A 10,800 SF (NEW) + 8,000 SF (E) = 18,800 SF TOTAL GROUND FLOOR AREA 60% COMMERCIAL REQUIRED = 11,280 SF MIN COMMERCIAL SPACE 24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.251" = 40'-0"2B1ST FLOOR AREA PLAN - OPTION 2 Attachment 2, Page 31 of 50 1,100 SF 3 BEDROOM 765 SF 2 BEDROOM 200 SF STAIR 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 780 SF 2 BEDROOM 780 SF 2 BEDROOM 780 SF 2 BEDROOM 595 SF CORRIDOR 90 SF ELEVATOR 200 SF STAIR 280 SF AMENITY 9,140 TOTAL SF PER FLOOR 12 UNITS PER FLOOR 72 UNITS ON 6 FLOORS: 7*6 = 42 ONE BEDROOM UNITS 4*6 = 24 TWO BEDROOM UNITS 1*6 = 6 THREE BEDROOM UNITS 24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.251/32" = 1'-0"2C2ND - 5TH FLOOR AREA PLAN - OPTION 2 Attachment 2, Page 32 of 50 7 STORIES TYPE IV-C: 63,980 SF 1 STORY TYPE IV-C: 9,020 SF (MASS TIMBER CONSTRUCTION) 84 RESIDENTIAL UNITS 73,000 SF TOTAL BUILT SF 54,425 SF RESIDENTIAL LEASABLE 2,300 SF COMMERCIAL LEASABLE 16,275 SF COMMON AREA / CIRCULATION SPRINGFIELD FEASIBILITY -MASSING OPTION #3 24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.25 3AMASSING - OPTION 3 Attachment 2, Page 33 of 50 10 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 8 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 4 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES5 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES9 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 10 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 5 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES8 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES59 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 55 PRIVATE CAR PARKING SPACES 114 TOTAL PARKING SPACES 48 UNITS; 2.38 TOTAL PARKING RATIO 8 STORIES TYPE IV-C 9,020 SF (NEW) + 8,000 SF (E) = 17,020 SF TOTAL GROUND FLOOR AREA 60% COMMERCIAL REQUIRED = 10,212 SF MIN COMMERCIAL SPACE 55 PRIVATE CAR PARKING SPACES EXISTING BUILDING 8,000 SF GROUND FLOOR COMMERCIAL 80' - 6"117' - 9"200 SF STAIR 210 SF CORRIDOR 5,560 SF MEP / TRASH / BIKE / STORAGE 2,300 SF COMMERCIAL 460 SF LOBBY 90 SF ELEV 200 SF STAIR 24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.251" = 40'-0"3B1ST FLOOR AREA PLAN - OPTION 3 Attachment 2, Page 34 of 50 1,100 SF 3 BEDROOM 765 SF 2 BEDROOM 200 SF STAIR 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 780 SF 2 BEDROOM 780 SF 2 BEDROOM 780 SF 2 BEDROOM 595 SF CORRIDOR 90 SF ELEVATOR 200 SF STAIR 280 SF AMENITY 9,140 TOTAL SF PER FLOOR 12 UNITS PER FLOOR 84 UNITS ON 7 FLOORS: 7*7 = 49 ONE BEDROOM UNITS 4*7 = 28 TWO BEDROOM UNITS 1*7 = 7 THREE BEDROOM UNITS 24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.251/32" = 1'-0"3C2ND - 8TH FLOOR AREA PLAN - OPTION 3 Attachment 2, Page 35 of 50 4 STORIES TYPE VA: 61,690 SF 1 STORY TYPE IA: 15,910 SF 84 RESIDENTIAL UNITS 77,600 SF TOTAL BUILT SF 53,475 SF RESIDENTIAL LEASABLE 6,800 SF COMMERCIAL LEASABLE 12,085 SF COMMON AREA / CIRCULATION 5,240 SF ROOF DECK AREA SPRINGFIELD FEASIBILITY -MASSING OPTION #4 24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.25 4AMASSING - OPTION 4 Attachment 2, Page 36 of 50 EXISTING BUILDING 8,000 SF GROUND FLOOR COMMERCIAL 10 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 8 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 4 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES5 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES9 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 10 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 5 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES8 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES59 STREET CAR PARKING SPACES 25 PRIVATE CAR PARKING SPACES 84 TOTAL PARKING SPACES 84 UNITS; 1.00 TOTAL PARKING RATIO 58 ONE BEDROOM UNITS 22 TWO BEDROOM UNITS 4 THREE BEDROOM UNITS 4 STORIES TYPE VA 1 STORY TYPE 1A 15,910 SF (NEW) + 8,000 SF (E) = 23,910 SF TOTAL GROUND FLOOR AREA 60% COMMERCIAL REQUIRED = 14,346 SF MIN COMMERCIAL SPACE25 PRIVATE CAR PARKING SPACES 6,800 SF COMMERCIAL 600 SF LOBBY 200 SF STAIR 90 SF ELEV 2,170 SF MEP / TRASH / BIKE / STORAGE 200 SF STAIR 540 SF 1 BEDROOM 540 SF 1 BEDROOM 540 SF 1 BEDROOM 540 SF 1 BEDROOM 540 SF 1 BEDROOM 1,050 SF 3 BEDROOM 535 SF 1 BEDROOM 540 SF 1 BEDROOM 840 SF 2 BEDROOM 185 SF CORRIDOR 24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.251" = 40'-0"4B1ST FLOOR AREA PLAN - OPTION 4 Attachment 2, Page 37 of 50 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 1,190 SF 3 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 855 SF 2 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 840 SF 2 BEDROOM 450 SF 1 BEDROOM 800 SF 2 BEDROOM 1,020 SF 2 BEDROOM 1,250 SF CORRIDOR510 SF 1 BEDROOM 420 SF AMENITY 90 SF ELEV 200 SF STAIR 800 SF 2 BEDROOM 450 SF 1 BEDROOM 840 SF 2 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 200 SF STAIR 32,070 TOTAL SF PER FLOOR 22 UNITS PER FLOOR 15 ONE BEDROOM UNITS 6 TWO BEDROOM UNITS 1 THREE BEDROOM UNITS 24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.251/32" = 1'-0"4C2ND - 3RD FLOOR AREA PLAN - OPTION 4 Attachment 2, Page 38 of 50 900 SF 3 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 600 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 840 SF 2 BEDROOM 450 SF 1 BEDROOM 800 SF 2 BEDROOM 1,020 SF 2 BEDROOM 1,250 SF CORRIDOR510 SF 1 BEDROOM 420 SF AMENITY 90 SF ELEV 200 SF STAIR 800 SF 2 BEDROOM 450 SF 1 BEDROOM 840 SF 2 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 200 SF STAIR 2,720 SF ROOF DECK AREA 16,170 TOTAL SF PER FLOOR 18 UNITS PER FLOOR 12 ONE BEDROOM UNITS 5 TWO BEDROOM UNITS 1 THREE BEDROOM UNITS 24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.251/32" = 1'-0"4D4TH FLOOR AREA PLAN - OPTION 4 Attachment 2, Page 39 of 50 2,520 SF ROOF DECK AREA 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 840 SF 2 BEDROOM 450 SF 1 BEDROOM 800 SF 2 BEDROOM 1,020 SF 2 BEDROOM 1,250 SF CORRIDOR510 SF 1 BEDROOM 420 SF AMENITY 90 SF ELEV 200 SF STAIR 800 SF 2 BEDROOM 450 SF 1 BEDROOM 840 SF 2 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 510 SF 1 BEDROOM 200 SF STAIR 13,450 TOTAL SF 14 UNITS 9 ONE BEDROOM UNITS 5 TWO BEDROOM UNITS 0 THREE BEDROOM UNITS 24O SE 2nd Ave, Portland Oregon 97217 503.230.2337 tel www.siteworksportland.com lic/bond/ins CCB#113920 WA SITEWDB880JW CA 982952SPRINGFIELD FEASIBLITY 702 N. A STREET Springfield, OR 97477 2020.06.251/32" = 1'-0"4E5TH FLOOR AREA PLAN - OPTION 4 Attachment 2, Page 40 of 50 Jean-Pierre Veillet is an artist, designer, and entrepreneur who has taken his life long knowledge of the built environment and combined it with his creative training to make the community a studio. Jean- Pierre’s projects have become specific expressions of his clients unique identity through the use of materiality, presence, proportion and a strong sense of space that promotes social interaction in and around the projects. Jean-Pierre believes that the most successful projects are those full of community and life, and he does not subscribe to any one idea or design style. Jean-Pierre’s projects over the past 24 years have each successfully represented the inspiration and vision behind them. Owner / Founder / Developer | Portland, OR | Jan 2008 - Present | nws-properties.com Owner / Founder / Designer | Portland, OR | Jan 1994 - Present | siteworksportland.com Board of Trustee | Portland, OR | Oct. 2012 - 2018 | pnca.com • Chair Board Development Committee • Chair Campus Master Plan • Presidential Search Committee Former Advisor | Portland, OR | Oct 2016 - Feb 2018 | blokable.com President | Mt.Hood, OR | Jan 2014 - Present | meadowsraceteam.org Siteworks Design | Build specializes in place making that elevates the values of brands, neighborhoods, and communities. Siteworks’ in-house collaborative studio and on-site management and development team are experienced in the process of collaborative design and execution. Our knowledge of manifesting what we design ensures value and confidence from the initial stages. Our skilled execution during construction, and efficient project time lines throughout the process ensure success in vision. Siteworks’ team makes it possible to effectively integrate all elements of a project while maintaining clear, collaborative lines of communication. Jean-Pierre Veillet has 25 years of experience in the Portland market. Trained locally as a sculptor, Veillet takes a spatially informed, socially conscious, thoughtful approach to projects from tiny retail concepts to ground-up developments. His firm, Northwest Sustainable Properties integrates his background in the site-specific art and real world constructability to focus on the intimacy that can be created between people and their environments, Veillet’s work is committed to the possibilities of community building at larger scales. Veillet has a track record of innovative projects that weave into the fabric of their surroundings while coming packed with the possibilities of change. He has executed the first net-zero piloted apartments in the country, Portland’s first Food Hall, and Oregon’s own mid-century auto museum. It is Veillet’s goal to continue to create buildings in that energize neighborhoods and the community at large. Starting at PNCA in children’s classes in the 70’s while my mother completed her degree, I would grow up at the knee of Portland’s founding artists. Mike Russo, Jack Portland, and Manuel Izquierdo all were there until I went to complete my BFA at PNCA. I taught for the following 8 years before Siteworks took over my time. I then started the Siteworks Outstanding Artist Scholarship. Now after a lifetime at the art school my position on the board helps to shape the future of PNCA. Innovative modular building start up company ready to reinvent the way we construct communities through rapid deployment of well designed housing. Realizing the benefits of the life lessons learned as a ski racer, Jean-Pierre has become the President of the Meadows Race Team. In 2018, MRT sent Asa Miller and a coach to the Olympics. It is a team of 170 kids from from ages 6-19. EDUCATION Pacific Northwest College of Art Bachelor of Fine Arts in Sculpture. Portland, OR. 1997 JEAN-PIERRE VEILLET EXPERIENCE contact Jean-Pierre Veillet | 971.506.2337 | jp@siteworksportland.com | linkedin.com/in/siteworksportlandAttachment 2, Page 41 of 50 contact Jean-Pierre Veillet | 971.506.2337 | jp@siteworksportland.com | linkedin.com/in/siteworksportland JEAN-PIERRE VEILLET In an effort to distribute energy conservation affordably, Ecoflats maximizes photo-voltaic and solar thermal energy generation and relies on orientation, natural ventilation, access to light and air, and day lighting to harness state-of- the-art technology bolstered by both common sense and old-world knowledge. Individual screens in the lobby display each unit’s energy consumption, providing extra incentive for individual environmental responsibility. The project has been recognized by Portland Monthly, The New York Times, Portland Business Journal, and NPR Multi-family news. Siteworks was able to secure funding and incentives through BETC tax credits, PDC Gap financing, and the Oregon Energy Trust. Jean-Pierre received a 10 year award for energy conservation from Oregon Energy Trust for his continued pioneering work in this field. 3951 N Williams Ave. Portland, OR | SF 20,000 Duration 18 months (By Siteworks Design-Build) Jan 2008-2009 126 SW 2nd Ave. Portland, OR | SF 30,000 Duration 18 months (By Siteworks Design-Build) 2014- Sept 2015 Pine Street Market is a world class Food Hall and culinary marketplace located in Downtown Portland, Oregon. Located in the historic Baggage and Carriage Building just blocks from Portland’s waterfront, Pine Street Market features an open floor plan with common seating surrounded by nine restaurants featuring the top chefs and restaurant operators in the city. A tech office tenant is in the 20,000 SF of office above. ecoflats www.ecoflats.com pine street market www.pinestreetpdx.com ENERGY CONSERVATION: Passive ventilation, Exterior common areas, Bike friendly transit orientation. COMMUNITY: Family size apartments, good school district, large play areas, landscape and bio remediation, embraced by neighborhood. ACHIEVEMENTS SO FAR: Salmon safe, Oregon Energy Trust, 2018 CRE Transformer Award. AMENITIES: Large outdoor play areas, Large covered upper floor common areas, and View to the west. Sunshine portland apartments Portland, OR | SF 90,000 all four apartments combined | 3610 SE 29th Ave. Portland, OR 97202 | Coming Soon December 2018 selected works Attachment 2, Page 42 of 50 contact Jean-Pierre Veillet | 971.506.2337 | jp@siteworksportland.com | linkedin.com/in/siteworksportland JEAN-PIERRE VEILLET The World of Speed started as our clients life long dream and vision to share an inspirational story about Northwest Motorsports and the moxie and moonshot of those in that era. The property selected bore none of those traits, but its location was perfect. Jean-Pierre was inspired by the vision and began the transformation never losing site of the goal. The project was to transform an 80,000 square foot 1980’s concrete tilt-up into the vision held for the World of Speed. Jean-Pierre successfully captured the narrative of midcentury motorsports through interactive displays, artful structural upgrades, mid-century glazing techniques, and a GT 350 stripe super graphic. After 2 years in design and construction, World of Speed finished ahead of schedule with happy clients and a friendship made to last a life time. The World of Speed museum is a mid-century modern time capsule that celebrates the history and global significance of Northwest and American motorsports in a fun and educational setting for all ages. The Bridgetown is a 50-Unit eco-friendly apartment building in the Beaumont Village neighborhood of North East Portland. With more than 6,000 square feet of high-visibility interactive retail space, including a purpose-built restaurant space, the project is a key-contributor to the urban fabric in an already vibrant neighborhood. An activated entry courtyard is shared between the retailers and the building’s residents, creating a two way dialogue between the building and the neighborhood. With support from the Energy Trust of Oregon, the building has been designed as a low energy consumer. world of speed www.worldofspeed.org the bridgetown https://www.thebridgetownpdx.com/ 27490 SW 95th Ave. Wilsonville, OR | SF 85,000 + 2 Acres | Duration 24 months (Design-Build) 2013-March 2015 4525 NE Fremont St. Portland, OR 97213 | SF 32,000 | (Design-Build) October 2017 selected works Attachment 2, Page 43 of 50 contact Jean-Pierre Veillet | 971.506.2337 | jp@siteworksportland.com | linkedin.com/in/siteworksportland JEAN-PIERRE VEILLET The concept was to design a modern Northwest experience for the Hilton Portland traveler. The design’s materiality uses regional materials and tones create a big Northwest feel meeting the Hilton traveler’s expectations. Rough and refined relationships of materials, along with access to light and air, create comfort and accessibility for a memorable dining experience. Relocating the bar and directly connecting the restaurant with the lobby, creates a focal point for the space, dramatically increases sales, and provides a more seamless, invigorating entrance. hilton eugene hilton.com Hopcity tavern + Market hilton.com breweries 66 E 6th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 | Completed (Design-Build) 2018 921 SW 6th Ave, Portland, OR 97204 | Completed (Design-Build) 2014 (Design-Build) 2009 - present selected works Attachment 2, Page 44 of 50 contact Jean-Pierre Veillet | 971.506.2337 | jp@siteworksportland.com | linkedin.com/in/siteworksportland JEAN-PIERRE VEILLET altsource, Inc altsrc.net 1120 SE Madison. Portland, OR | SF 60,000 Duration 15 months (Design-Build) Sept. 2018 The new home grown high-tech headquarters for Portland’s own Alt source. The complete restoration of this historic building and contrasting modern addition will support great jobs in Portland’s central east side. The architecture opens the building up to the great out doors and views to the west and North. Amenities include gym, lounges, exterior roof top patio, exterior conference rooms, commercial kitchen with dining hall. The project is built to inspire its occupants and will be retro fitted with the latest technology and furnished with relaxed comfort. The Youth Music Project is a completely transformed old church and landscape into a music hall and school that continues to inspire children for generations. The facility encourages performance with its state-of-the-art stage, and the exterior addition connects students safely to the building. Custom made stained glass windows that feature rock and roll idols, light interior rooms with color and inspiration. To make a major brand statement, popular street food outlet Koi Fusion teamed with Siteworks to envision a tangible form. The Koi-Ship transforms an underutilized corner on West Burnside into a Portland place and exhibition space for the city’s heart and spirit. The Koi-Ship vision is visually striking, made of a billboard light sculpture. This Times Square approach not only creates revenue, it affords an artistic solution to the urban billboard debate. The second- story bar with a giant window on to Burnside creates and exhibition space for exhibitionists, the light structure also becomes a bike-in movie theater/urban amphitheater for sporting events and films, and the restaurant will be the brand beacon location for Koi Fusion. youth music project youthmusicproject.org KOI-fushion Concept 2015 8th Ave. West Linn, OR | SF 12,700 Duration 15 months (Design-Build) March 2015 West Burnside | 2012 selected works Attachment 2, Page 45 of 50 contact Jean-Pierre Veillet | 971.506.2337 | jp@siteworksportland.com | linkedin.com/in/siteworksportland JEAN-PIERRE VEILLET • OPB: Design, Planning and New Mayor Ted Wheeler. Jan. 2017 • Guidespark (tech company) ribbon cutting with Mayor Charlie Hales. Guest Speaker. May 2016 • Portland’s Womens League of Architecture held at Pine Street Market. Guest Speaker. June 2016 • PDX Designer Spotlight: Jean-Pierre Veillet. Live show and video documented as Episode 4. April 2016 • Pacific Northwest College of Arts. Presidential Election. Guest Speaker. June 2016 • Portland Industry Forum: Theory & Practice. Guest Speaker at Portland Art Museum. May 2016 • Renew Oregon: Climate Change Campaign Fundraiser. Host/Speaker. Oct 2015 • AIA Lecture. AIA Portland and Energy Trust of Oregon Presents: Banking on Innovation: How we finance innovation and energy efficient building. 2013 • OPB: Think Out Loud. Apartments with no Parking. Sept. 2012 • Energy Trust of Oregon. Path to Net Zero. 2012 • Energy Trust of Oregon. EcoFlats Case Study. 2012 • Green Building Interest Group Lecture. North Williams Corridor. 2011 • AIA Cote Lecture. Ecoflats: A New Way to Live. April 2011 • AIA Lecture. Path to Net Zero. 2010 • CRE Transformer Awards (Sunshine Portland Apartments & Revant Renovation) 2018 • DJC. Top Projects & Renovations - 3rd Place 2017 • Energy Trust of Oregon. High Performance Building Award 2017 • Restore Oregon. Art Demuro Award 2016 • Commercial Association of Realtors. NAIOP, Best Retail Development 2016 • Associated Builders and Contractors. Excellence in Construction 2010 • Associated Builders and Contractors. Excellence in Construction 2008 • Wayne & Gayle Laufer • Christopher Rupp | Rock Bridge • Shirley Whelan | Hilton Hotels • Sally Bany | World of Speed Museum, Moonstruck Chocolates, Youth Music Project selected lectures/speaking appointments awards references PRESS Attachment 2, Page 46 of 50 contact Jean-Pierre Veillet | 971.506.2337 | jp@siteworksportland.com | linkedin.com/in/siteworksportland JEAN-PIERRE VEILLET 2018 • Portland Tribune, Custom software firm Altsource moves into remodeled warehouse on inner eastside. Nov. 2018. Portland Business Journal. Developes have a positive outlook on metro’s $652.8M affordable housing bond. Nov, 2018. 2017 • New York Times. 52 Places to go in 2017: #49 Pine Street Market, Portland, OR. 2016 • Portland Business Journal. Portland is at a crossroads on its way to becoming a true metropolis • Oregon Business. Storyteller-in-Chief: Sculpting the City • Portland Business Journal. Here are Oregon’s top restoration projects • Portland Business Journal. For Jean-Pierre Veillet, creativity and culture are key to Portland’s future • The Daily Meal. Huge Food Hall Pine Street Market Opens in Downtown Portland • Vogue. Eating Your Way Through America’s Best Food Halls • Portland Business Journal. Hopworks to toast its Vancouver opening on Friday • Portland Business Journal. Apartments on the rise in Northeast Portland’s Beaumont-Wilshire neighborhood • Oregon Business. Oregon at Work: A Multimedia Series • Portland Business Journal. Guidespark settles into the Rose City, with plans to hire • Portland Business Journal. Peek inside Pine Street Market, Portland’s latest culinary destination • Oregonian. First Look: Pine Street Market downtown Portland’s new food hall. • Brew Public. Preview of the New Hopworks Urban Brewery In Vancouver • Bloomberg: Food Halls Around the World for Tourist • Hollywood Star News: Bridgetown Apartments to Break Ground in Beaumont • Portland Business Journal. Hopworks to toast its Vancouver opening on Friday • The Daily Meal: Huge Food Hall Pine Street Market Opens in Downtown Portland • SKIFT: Food Halls Around the World for Tourist and Locals Alike • The Portland Mercury: Behind the Scenes at the Pine Street Market • KATU 2 NEWS: Much anticipated Pine Street Market sets to open May 1st • KGW NEWS: Pine Street Market Opening Up to Crowds • EATER PDX: Pine Street Market, the Food Hall That Will Change Downtown Forever, Is Seriously Sorta Open • The Portland Mercury: Our First Look at Pine Street Market • Portland Business Journal: Pine Street Market leases 2 full floors to California tech company • Food Pod Grows Up: Oregon’s first generation of food entrepreneurs created a brand based on quality and craftsmanship. • Oregonian: The Ultimate guide to downtown Portland’s Pine Street Market • Oregonian: Meet the latest tenants of downtown Portland’s Pine Street Market • Oregonian: New Portland food hall, Pine Street Market, opening this year with Olympia Provisions hot dogs, Ken’s Artisan bread • Oregonian: Portland food hall named on of America’s ‘most anticipate’ • KGW NEWS Channel 8: Pine Street Market brings new dining concept downtown • Portland Mercury: Inside the Under-Construction Pine Street Market • Portland Monthly Magazine: Inside Portland’s First Food Hall, Pine Street Market SELECTED PRESS 2016 - CURRENT Attachment 2, Page 47 of 50 contact Jean-Pierre Veillet | 971.506.2337 | jp@siteworksportland.com | linkedin.com/in/siteworksportland JEAN-PIERRE VEILLET 2009-2015 • The New York Times: Developers Cater to Two-Wheeled Traffic in Portland, Oregon • The New York Times: Fresh Idea From Recycle Bin • ecoFLATS: Group Working to Connect Investors • Sustainable Business Oregon: ecoFLATS net zero apartments nearing rent-ready • Portland Monthly Magazine: Future Flats • DJC Oregon: First net-zero apartment building fills up quickly • DJC Oregon: European details inspire North Park Blocks • Earth Techling: Portland Apartments Go Green In ecoFLATS • Multi-Housing News: Making Net Zero Energy a Reality • Portland Architecture: The return of Genoa • Greenland lady: Net Zero apartment living for Everyman • Cool Hunting: Here/Nau/NYC Pop-up Store • PNCA UNTITLED: Always A Part of The PNCA Community • Oregonian: Low-energy-use units coming to N. Williams • 235 NW Park: Daily Journal of Commerce • ISITE: Sustainable Business Oregon • Portland Monthly Magazine: Future Flats • Oregonian, October 25 1998, “Care & imagination create beautiful thing in small space.” • Retail Design International, Vol 72, #1 2010, “Re-Use/Re-Claim – The Story of Hear Nau.” pages 102-106 • Retail Design International, Vol 72, #2 2010,”Keetsa.” pages 100-105′ • Trim Tab, Winter 2011, “The Path to Net Zero: Oregon’s Story.” pages 48-51. • DJC Oregon, June 24, 2010, “Building from the Ground Up” • DJC Oregon, ecoFLATs, June 3, 2009; ecoFLATs, June 4, 2009 • DJC Oregon, Davis Street, January 28 2009 • Green Business Quarterly, Fall 2009, Specialized Developers, Siteworks Design Build. • Portland Business Journal, October 12 2007, Commercial Development, “Restaurant developers turn to imaginative designs.” SELECTED PRESS (2009-2015) Attachment 2, Page 48 of 50 City of Springfield, Oregon – Economic Development Program A: Designated in 2018 by Governor Brown, Springfield’s two Opportunity Zones are located in areas of Downtown and the Glenwood Neighborhood. While all areas of Glenwood, the largest Zone, are within a designated ‘OZ’, only portions of Downtown are included. Both Springfield Opportunity Zones (shown in blue) are located within the Springfield Community Enterprise Zone (shown in orange), a tool supporting investments of Springfield traded- sector manufacturers and employers in Springfield sites. To verify if your property or project might be within a Springfield Area Opportunity or Enterprise Zone, visit: Business Oregon Opportunity Zone Interactive Map A: Opportunity Zones are an economic development tool providing tax incentives to encourage those with capital gains to invest in undercapitalized communities. By partnering with, or creating, a qualified Opportunity Fund, an investor might realize three areas of tax benefit for investing unrealized capital gains in an OZ area designated project.  Temporary deferral of taxes on previously earned capital gains. Investors can place existing assets with accumulated capital gains into Funds which must be active in Opportunity Zones. Those existing capital gains are not taxed until the end of 2026 or when the asset is sold/disposed of.  Basis step-up of previously earned capital gains invested. Capital gains placed in Funds for at least 5 years, investors’ basis on the original investment increases by 10 percent. If invested for at least 7 years, basis on the original investment increases by 15 percent.  Permanent exclusion of taxable income on new gains. Requires investments of the Fund to remain within the Zone area project for at least 10 years. A: A Qualified Opportunity Fund is any investment vehicle organized as a corporation or partnership with the specific purpose of investing in Opportunity Zone assets. The fund must hold at least 90% of its assets in a qualifying OZ property. The period between when an investment is placed into a Fund and that Fund’s investment into a Zone asset is time sensitive and requires the Zone project move into active development typically within the first year of investment. Springfield Oregon has 2 Opportunity Zones Where are our Zones and how do they work? Q: Where are Springfield’s Opportunity Zones? Q: What are Opportunity Zones and How Do They Work? Q: What are Qualified Opportunity Funds? Attachment 2, Page 49 of 50 A. Housing Development: For example – A local developer is building a multi-family rental housing complex. This investment would qualify because the real estate is within the OZ. A. Local Service Small Business: For example – A local wedding planner bases its operation and stores supplies and equipment at a location within an OZ. Even though the business has clients outside the OZ, it qualifies for the OZ tax credit because the majority of its assets are within a zone. A. Hight Growth Start Up: For example – A small global technology startup is headquartered in a shared office space within an OZ. The startup sells its products to customers around the world online and even has some staff abroad. But because its management and software developers are working within the Zone and more than 50 percent of the company’s total hourly compensation exists within the Zone, the business qualifies for the benefits of the OZ program. A: A wide array of qualified projects can make for good Opportunity Fund investments, and preference for project investment types can change based on preferences of the unique investors within different OZ Funds. Examples include:  Ability to invest and ‘construct’ the asset within a short timeframe. The OZ tool is intended to place inactive capital into action quickly and in communities that, but for the Zone designations, may not be ‘usual’ investment markets.  OZ project shows clear community vision and support. The OZ program offers a vehicle ‘leveling the field’ between the markets which are more widely known and typical of receiving investment and those which are not. While the OZ might highlight non-typical communities as place for investment, those communities may need to invest more in telling their story and promoting their support of the community vision and value of investment.  An OZ designation does not make a ‘bad’ project ‘good.’ Because the OZ tool is based on gains and step-ups, ideal OZ funds are looking for projects which are feasible, bankable and profitable over time. Because Zones are primarily located in economically depressed tracts, projects often showcase utilization of multiple economic development tools to create profitability and positive economic impact.  A pipeline of projects exist. A series of investable opportunities exist and/or are under constant cultivation within the community, showing future opportunities that meet both the community need and the return expectations of potential investors. A: The City of Springfield took a leadership stance in requesting designation and support of Springfield’s two zones. While the OZ program focuses directly on deferment of individual capital gains, the outcome of the tool provides a vehicle for direct investment into the local Springfield community, expanding the potential pool of future investors and new investments with a focus on community envisioned existing projects and redevelopment and entrepreneurial goals. Springfield’s role in supporting use of the OZ tool is to promote the community story, vision and pipeline of projects. Q: What Makes for a Good Opportunity Fund Investment? Springfield Oregon Opportunity Zones Q: What is the Opportunity Zone Community Role? Q: What Could Count as an Opportunity Zone Investment? Attachment 2, Page 50 of 50 OCTOBER FINANCING STRUCTURE CURRENT PROPOSED FINANCING STRUCTURE Attachment 3, Page 1 of 1 Tiberius Solutions | February 24, 2021 EXAMPLE CONSERVATIVE RETURN ON INVESTMENT AFTER LLC SENIOR DEBT REPAYMENT EXAMPLE POSITIVE RETURN ON INVESTMENT AFTER LLC SENIOR DEBT REPAYMENT Attachment 4, Page 1 of 1