HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 3/9/2021City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Final Site Plan Review SPPINmPI� 1 Application Type (Applicant: check one) Site Plan: Minor Site Plan Modification: El Major Site Plan Modification: ❑ Required Project Information (Applicant; complete this section) Applicant Name: Willamalane Park and Recreation District Phone: 541-736-4051 Company: Fax: 541-736-4043 Address: 250 S 32nd St., Springfield, OR 97478 Applicant's Rep.: Phone: Company: Fax: Address: Property Owner: Willamalane Park and Recreation District Phone: 541-736-4051 Company: Fax: 541-736-4043 Address: 250 S 32nd St., Springfield, OR 97478 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: See attachment 1 TAX LOT NO(S): See attachment 1 Property Address:7575 McKenzie Highway, Springfield, OR 97478 Size of Property: 665 Acres -X Square Feet Proposed Name of Project: Thurston Hills Natural Areas- Phase II Trail Project Description of if you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: See attachment 1 Existing Use: Willamalane Natural Area Park Tentative Case #: 811-201 11-2 -00210- TYP2 1 TYP2 Signatures: Please sign and print your name and date in the appropriate box on the next page. Required Project Information (City Intake Staff., complete this section) Associated Applications: Ymn Case No.:OII' ' O ` rL Dat Date -344-1 �'�q", Reviewed by: � ik (d lel- -Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ PROJECT NUMBER: Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 4 Signature I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City. I affirm that the information identified by the City as necessary for processing the application is provided herein or the information will not be provided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. tcrf Date: 3/S�2t Signature F�aSC� J�/�nc.�arl�.ltf Print Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 4 Final Site Plan Review Application Process 1. Applicant Submits a Final Site Plan Review Application to the Development Services Department The application must conform to the Final Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist on page 4 of this application packet. Planning Division staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determine whether all required items listed in the Final Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist have been submitted. Applications missing required items will not be accepted for submittal 2. City Staff Conduct Detailed Completeness Check • Planning Division staff conducts a detailed completeness check within 30 days of submittal. • The assigned Planner notifies the applicant in writing regarding the completeness of the application. • An application is not be deemed technically complete until all information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, its impacts, and its compliance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided. Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial. 3. City Staff Review the Application & Issues Final Approval • This is a Type I decision and thus is made without public notice and without a public hearing since there are clear and objective approval criteria and/or development standards that do not require the use of discretion. • Decisions address all the applicable approval criteria and/or development standards. • Applications may be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. • The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decision, which is effective on the day it is mailed. • The decision issued. is the final decision of the City and may not be appealed. 4. City Drafts a Development Agreement Applicant and City sign Development Agreement Final Site Plan and Development Agreement become null and void if construction has not begun within two years of signing the Development Agreement. S. City Conducts Final Site Inspection City authorizes provision of public facilities and services and issues Certificate of Occupancy Revised 1/1/88 Molly Markarian 3 of 4 Final Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. ❑ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. ❑ Final Site Plan Review Application Form ❑ Letter Addressing Conditions of Approval - lists and addresses each condition of approval, detailing the actions taken and current status of each item. ❑ Five (5) Copies of the Final Site Plan Sets incorporating all required modifications and applicable conditions ❑ Additional Documents requested as Conditions of Approval as part of the Site Plan Review decision. Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 4 of 4 Cv willamalanei� Memo Willamalane Center for Sports and Recreation 1250 S. 32nd St., Springfield OR 97478-6302 541-736-4544 1 willamalane.org TO: City of Springfield FROM: Fraser MacDonald, Natural Resource Planner DATE: March 1 st, 2021 SUBJECT: Final Site Plan Review Application for Thurston Hills Natural Area, Attachment 1- Case Number: 811-20-00210-TYP2 PARCELS: 1802100000100,1802020000400,1802020000401,1802030000600, 1802020000100,1702350003604,1802090000100,1802030000602, 1702350003500,1702350003602 This memo (Attachment 1) includes information supporting the Final Site Plan Review Application for Thurston Hills Natural Area Park (THAN), Case number 811-20-00210-TYP2. It includes a description of proposed improvements, a proposed project timeline, and all of the submittal requirements for Site Plan Review, DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL In 2017, Willamalane Park and Recreation District (District) developed the North Trailhead and associated trails (Lower & Upper Mossy Maple, Acer Spades and Yew Haw) to provide the public with access to the recently acquired Thurston Hills Natural Area. The trailhead located at 7575 McKenzie Highway is intended to support motorized (i.e, vehicles) access to the site with vehicle parking for up to 49 cars. Development of the site and public access were identified as priorities in the Willamalane Park and Recreation District Comprehensive Plan (2012) as well as the Rivers to Ridges Vision Plan (2003). The North Trailhead will also provide future motorized access for the public to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Property adjacent to Thurston Hills Natural Area that will be developed with a complimentary and connected multi -use trail system. With initial site development and access complete, there are now additional opportunities to continue recreational development. The District is proposing to start development of Phase Two in the spring of 2020, which includes approximately 6.3 miles of new trails that will provide close -to -home access to the site (EXHIBIT A). Additionally, this next phase of development will provide non - motorized connections to the site from the greater Springfield- Eugene area by connecting the trails to the former Weyerhaeuser Haul Road, which provides connectivity to the Millrace Path and Middle Fork Path. Trails will be constructed using International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) trail guidelines mid standards in addition to best -practices identified through the American Trails Organization. Design and construction of these trails will be conducted by a private contractor in addition to volunteer crews managed by District staff (See EXBIT A) for location of Phase Two trail development). The District will ensure high quality trails through its procurement process, by requiring the contractor to have constructed similar trails in the past, be a member of the Professional Trail Builders Association and have a list of references and past examples of similar work for the District to review. See EXHIBIT B for details on trail construction specifications. Final details regarding trail alignments will be submitted to the City prior to construction as part of obtaining a Land Development and Alteration Permit and a Tree Felling Permit for trail construction. The District has not identified any potential trailhead possibilities on the site plan map (EXHBIT A). The District is proposing that this next phase and the increased access that it will provide for the public is focused on non -motorized access to the site. Development of a trailhead is considerably more difficult on the west side of the property. The District will continue to investigate options for development ofa trailhead that could serve patrons wanting to park their vehicles to access the west side of the property and will do a site plan modification when that location is identified. To that end we are focused to providing non -motorized access to the site via the former Weyerhaeuser Haul Road, recently renamed the Thurston Hills Path, as part of the phase two development. There will be no signage that designates any place other than the trailhead at 7575 McKenzie Highway as a trailhead. Any signage on the site or leading the public to the improved access points from the west will be identified as non -motorized access points. Any information regarding the location of access points on the west side of the site will remain as non -motorized access points. The main purpose in developing trails on the west side of the property as part of this Phase Two trail development is to provide improved close -to -home recreational opportunities to the public. The current designated trail on the west side of the property is a steep gravel access road that does not provide a high quality user experience. Phase Two trail development will provide a better uphill and downhill trail experience at a more moderate grade (average 8%) than the existing Camas Crest Trail (i.e, main access road on the west side of the property). EXHIBIT B provides examples of the trail specifications that will be included in the request for quotes for the development of the next phase of trails in Phase Two. The trails will be constructed in such a way as to minimize erosion on the trail as well as one the site. Features such as grade reversals and out -sloping will be used throughout the trails to get water off of the trail tread thereby limiting possible erosion. Trails will be constructed during the dry season to minimize any likelihood of erosion or impacts off site. Contractors constructing the trail will use erosion control devices, such as waddles, if rain is forecast during the construction period. Areas disturbed by construction and adjacent to the constructed trails will be seeded with native forbs and grasses to stabilize the soil, improve the user experience as well as limit any possible erosion. The District will provide the City with a detailed plan as part of its Land Development and Alteration Permit (LDAP) for trail construction. Additionally, in the event of tree removal being necessary for trail development and construction, the District will obtain a Tree Felling Permit from the City of Springfield. Physical Features: The site is a diverse 665 -acre natural area park with a variety of different habitats. From the trailhead at 7575 McKenzie highway the vegetation is mixed conifer/hardwood forest running along the north facing slope of the ridge. The majority of the north facing slopes contain similar vegetation. The south facing slopes of the property are comprised of oak woodlands, savannas and prairie EXHIBIT C (Vegetation Map). There are some areas of mixed conifer and hardwood forest, but primarily on the north facing slopes. Much of the oak habitat in this portion of the natural area has been encroached with conifers due to fire suppression and will require restoration work in the future. Much of the understory throughout the site is comprised of a mix of invasive and native vegetation. The site's topography can be described as having rolling to steep topography. The elevation ranges from about 600 feet at the southern edge of the property (low point) and about 940 feet at the northern edge, to 1,625 feet at the eastern edge about halfway between the north and south boundaries (EXHIBff D). The topography of the site is divided between two watersheds; the McKenzie River to the north and the Middle Fork of the Willamette River to the south and west. On the far western side of the natural area the slopes vary from 0-20%, to 30-40%. As elevation increases towards the east, the slopes begin to get steeper, varying from 40-60% to as high as 60-80% and 90-120% at the highpoints. The trail design siting criteria being used for this project call for trails to be sited away from steep slopes to avoid potential erosion issues or to create full -bench trails with erosion control features, such as grade reversals, throughout. The north side of the natural area is primarily composed of a mix of landslide deposits. A major topographical feature of the site is a rock cliff ridgeline located in the north central portion of the site. Hydrology: The site docs not contain any permanent water bodies. The hydrology of the site mainly consists of seasonal streams and drainage ways. The seasonal streams appear mid -slope, below steeper sloped areas. There is one small mapped wetland on the site in the south-central portion of the site that is I isted as PFOA wetland (Palustrine, Forested, A—temporary flooded- and/or saturated). There are no plans to construct trails within the mapped wetland on the property (EX IBIT E). Development Standards: 3.2-710 Schedule of Use Categories — Public Land and Open Space Zoning District Parks and Open Spaces Re ional Parks S Response: Regional Parks are permitted in the Public Land and Open Space Zoning District, subject to review for consistency with standards from Section 4.7-100, as well as Section 3.2-715. Findings in response to these criteria are presented below. 3.2-715 Base Zone Development Standards Development Standard PLO Zonin District Requirement Minimum Lot/ cel Size None Lot/parcel Coverage and Parking, driveways and structures shall not exceed 65 percent of Planting Standard the development area. At least 25 percent of the development area shall be landscaped. EXCEPTION: In the Downtown Exception Area, there shall be no minimum lot coverage standards and no minimum planted area, except for parking lots fi . Landscaped Setbacks(1), 2 , 3 and 4) Street Setback 15 feet 6 Residential Property Line 20 fee[ 6 Parking and Driveway 5 feet Maximum Building None, unless abutting a residential district Height(5) PLO District abuts When a PLO District abuts a residential district, the maximum Residential District building height shall be defined as the height standard of the applicable residential district for a distance of 50 feet measured from the boundary of the adjacent residential inning district. Beyond the 50 -foot measurement, there is no building height limitation. (1) Where an casement is larger than the required setback standard, no building or above grade structure, except a fence, shall be built upon or over that easement. (2) When additional right-of-way is required, whether by City Engineering standards, the Metro Plan (including TransPlan), or the City's Conceptual Street Plan, setbacks are based on future right-of-way locations. Dedication of needed right-of-way shall be required prior to the issuance of any building permit that increases parking or gross floor arca. (3) Structural extensions may extend into any 5 -foot or larger setback area by not more than 2 feet. (4) In the Downtown Exception Area, there we no minimum setbacks for administrative offices and other public uses listed under Section 3.2-710. (5) Incidental equipment may exceed the height standards. (6) In the Downtown Exception Area, there shall be no minimum planted area except for parking lots as specified elsewhere in this Code.(6238) Response: Lot/parcel Coverage and Planting Standard: No parking, driveways and structures are proposed as parts of Phase Two trail development at Thurston Hills Natural Arca. Landscaped Setbacks (1),(2),(3) and (4): No landscaping is being proposed in the Phase Two Trail Development at Thurston Hills Natural Area. Street Setback: All trail development will be setback at least 1511. from any street Residential Property Line: All trail development will be setback at least 20 feet from any residential property line. Parking and Driveway: No parking or driveways are proposed as part of Phase Two trail development Maximum Building Height: No buildings or structures are proposed as part of the Phase Two trail development proposed in this application. PLO District abuts Residential District: No buildings or structures are proposed as part of Phase Two trail development adjacent to any residential zoning district. 4.7-200 Public and Private Parks Public parks shall be designated in the Metro Plan including the Willamalane Park and Recreation District Comprehensive Plan or be approved in accordance with a Discretionary Use application as specified in Section 5.9-100. Response: Thurston Hills Natural Area is identified in the Metro Plan and the Willamalane Park and Recreation District Comprehensive Plan. A. Standards for Public and Private Parks in the BKMU District. 1. Community Parks shall be designated on a Park Facilities Plan adopted by the City, or be approved in accordance with Type III review procedure (Discretionary Use). Response: The identified second phase of trail development at Thurston Hills Natural Area will be outside of the Booth Kelly Mixed Use District. 2. A Traffic Impact Study shall be prepared by a Traffic Engineer and approved by the City Engineer. Response: The identified second phase of trail development at Thurston Hills Natural Area will be outside of the Booth Kelly Mixed Use District. B. Standards for Public and Private Parks in the PLO District. 1. Primary access shall be on arterial or collector streets unless specified or exempted elsewhere in this Section. Response: Primary access to the site is from the trailhead located at 7575 McKenzie Highway. "Phis location provides primary access to the site from the state highway. There are no primary access points being proposed as part of Phase Two trail development. 2. Stadiums, swimming pools and other major noise generators within parks shall be located at least 30 feet from residential property lines and screened by a noise attenuating barrier. Response: There are no stadiums, swimming pools and other major noise generators being proposed as part of Phase Two trail development. 3. Community and regional parks shall be designated on a Park Facilities Plan adopted by the City, or be approved in accordance with Type 111 review procedure (Discretionary Use). Response: Thurston Hills Natural Area is designated in the Willamalane Park and Recreation District Comprehensive Plan that has been approved and adopted as part of the Metro Plan. A. A traffic impact and parking study shall be prepared by a Traffic Engineer and approved by the City Engineer. Response: No parking or traffic impacts are anticipated or expected as a result of the Phase Two trail proposal that is being proposed in this application, based on direction from staff given during the development Issues Meeting (Case # 811 -19 -000218 -PRE, October 10", 2019) C. Standards for the Urbantzable Fringe Overlay District. Neighborhood Parks shall be shown on the Metro Plan or an adopted refinement plan, or shall be reviewed under Type III Discretionary Use procedures. Response: Thurston Hills Natural Area is designated in the Willamalane Park and Recreation District Comprehensive Plan that has been approved and adopted as part of the Metro Plan, Site Plan Criteria 5.17-125 The Director shall approve or approve with conditions: a Type II Site Plan Review application upon determining that approval criteria in Subsections A. through F.., below have been satisfied. If conditions cannot be attached to satisfy the approval criteria, the Director shall deny the application. A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. Response: The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map and Conceptual Development Plan. This proposal for a second phase of trail development is consistent with the Metra Plan designation for the site, establishing the site as a natural area park within the PLO zone R. Capacity requirements of public and private facilities, including, but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. Response: Phase Two trail development at the Thurston I tills Natural Area will not require the development of public or private facilities for water, electricity, sanitary sewer or stormwater management facilities. There are no additional street or traffic safety controls that will be required for this level of development. C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. Response: The Phase Two trail proposal will comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards. There were no identified public or private designs standards that will be invoked by this project. D. Parking areas and ingress -egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize driveways on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. Response: There are no identified parking areas, trailheads associated with the proposed Phase Two trail development at Thurston Hills. Access from the west side of the property will be for non -motorized users including pedestrians and bicyclists. E. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQLW Map and their associated riparian areas; other riparian areas and wetlands specified in Section 43-117; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 33-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. Response: Physical features including but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil, or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the WQWL Map and their associated riparian areas; other riparian areas and wetlands specified in Section 4.3-117; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State and Federal Law. Willamalane will be protecting and preserving the natural features of the site and all of the above identified physical features will be preserved and protected as part of Phase Two trail development. The physical features of the site are extremely important for providing both habitat for wildlife as well as the setting for the public to recreate in and will not be compromised as part of this development. The identified wetland on the site will be avoided during trail construction and we do not anticipate any negative impacts to other physical features of the site or any archaeological or historic resources on the site. 0—Name Wdlamalenc l"uk and Rr ..0 .. D,,, Phone Numb— (541) 736 4051 Add .... .'I5I5 McKenzi, l 111y Sll—pdd, OR 9717F "t<willamalane �' 0 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 P—du... 17/25/21120 17-0235 00 M500 Exhibit A I7.II2-IS 00-(1;602 577 P-02.500-036(14 I,„ 4'95' :544 3.1f1 � I}S 1415' 503 1,633' 114 5i1 i4 5'_2 1,N4� IlA)2-0200-OO1t111 18t203W 00601 1260' is of -0M104111 8653' 1&01-03W-00602 19 ON13(9)00600 1802 02 00 00401 X658 18 -(12 -to -W -W 100 180209-01030100 1.�29' Th..w. Hills N.mta] Ate. p t93 Phase II Tr.]ls 1.116 _ Prop.,[d Trails o (Apput. N ler-61) hxmti.g Paths & Trads Spnng6ul4 Oil (ippmn Nfilev-11:1) >08 0 Th.w.,i hills Perk Bomduy N Willazrwlas,e Parcels A "t<willamalane �' 0 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 P—du... 17/25/21120 IAIIIIA L_ Exhbit B Proposed Trail Cross section / \S Ida slope Critical Point (Rounded) Back slope r \ - (gently blended) Tread base: 3" of Y" minus topped with 1" of Y."minus Trail Tread (outsloped 5%) OUTSLOPEO CLIMBING TURN NOT TO % M.WNd I STomm cmNnn: a ame.y mm a w n.wcm > srrr® pl lHf pipVNA INSLOPED CLIMBING TURN Not TO ScM - A / ° MAIM w�vtanl 9rvQe ° Schon i/ T"� t. to irvMv9° I I //j% �eqp.��• � mns. mmmvm i I //f//% c.rvr.n«,. er deeu:y wm viH ee FSTPKW 9OROJb . W 11E . CRUM PLAN VIEW e..maa na9h elYr6Ng hvnn l i � Iry SECTION A—A y9e 9i2-9 OUTSLOPEO CLIMBING TURN NOT TO SCALP 3 mah uamm� miemm ya• ST" Al' Y --- - rmwyn ..n PurnflW tl.a�gk tlwAlg tum m.ro. -Es PIKK .� . _ C.•wn. a . b:w W. wWN =.. Va m TNF OMNI QN..p. Ajx GRADE DIP j Nm m SUIS ie ee v Xa"I ,auwox ue�nlan eulAepe ma vaieea .Iain. PIAN VIEW vroom -- i` �? o wlxarvww Una 912-4 I OUTSLOPED CLIMBING TURN Not vo S AL i a A 1 nunM !1 ! Tum Nokloh pnabnt yrvtla 1 See1M 1 A C.wh. a w w roam a. sruao CN ME PiWN:. PLAN VIEW Th Itt geaNdr dkM44tl tlY�YgCC levlep.Y A oohs,. S $ /„{/,til/�/ SECTIOM A- 4/90 ROLLING DIP "T TO S� Ed, of 4W it qm paY.� er tip 's rol y d -'e nes f; memy.e. �a ba bMVm of do and aware mwe 6A 1=. PLAM VIEW I ifevaMw Grafi p$QFILE 4AG 972-5 Ex bit C -Cu iitVcgaation 4 t',i• L2— C3=— Exhibit D- Topo,,tpby Mep O: PrcN Oubo�pinas LooWns Exhibit E- I lydmlog