HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1992-05-28city of sPringfield 225 n. 5th street SPRII\lGFTEI-E'lN FO RMATTON: 726_37s3 INS P ECT ION S: 726 -37 6s SIGN PERMTT APPLTCATTON A' ,.oaorroN oF srcN (ADDRESs)/ t-ban+44 Sf, LECAL DESCRIPTIOI.I lor T oq-a O}INER OR PROPERTY ADDRESS P*tZn r6-rc)Erl<#"-z.b I zrP OI.JNER OF SIGI'I CIF OTI1ER THA}I PROPERTY OWNER)/))r,L.Lrffim<-rt>E pru"e& g,lze<-. ADDRESS 1zr.*B:* NAME OF BUSII.IESS, FIRM, ETC.TCPE OT .BUSI NESS B TYPE OF WORK: X unncr ALTER RELOCATE OTHER c STP.UCTUBAL TYPE OF SIGN: _41 uAll _FREESTANDTUG ROOF _PROJECTING MAROUEE UNDER I,IAROUEE OTHER D.USE AI{D CIIARACTER OF SIGN: X rprnrrrv INCIDENTAL _DOUBLE FACE lr'K SINGLE FACE I{TILTI-FACE READER BOARD BILLBOARD E . VENDORS, CONTRACTORS: SIGN ERECTOR 6 Kf -7€,ol .ADD!.]ESS ZTP +47- CITY LICENSE IIIJ:'IBER EXP. DATE -1ct-L SICN I,IANUFACTURER CIF OTHER THAN EPECTO:R.) I +DDP.ESS E DII"IE}ISIONS, I}ISTALLATION & CONSTRUCTIO}I TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VEP.TICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL WIDIII OF SI,GN DII'IENSION FROM GBADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN /6'-1o(?=@a#V#lzo( 4'-/o" TIIICKI{ESS OR DEPT}I ?mrtT DCES SICN PROJECT BEYOND !*oPROPERTY LINE?YES IT YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS IIORE THAN 12" OTER pusllc PROPEP.TY THE SIGN ERECTOR I'IUST FILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OT HIS/}IER LIABILITY AI.ID PROP- ERTY DA}IAGE I}ISURANCE POIICIES. G. ,*rrrr*c srcNs ARE THER.E ANY EXISTIIIG SIG}'IS? +1N AIL EXISTING SIGNS rOR EUSINNSS, ETC. H' ,rrr" srcN ItAvE ELEcrF.rcAL ',IrRrt'tc? Nc IF YES, IIIICH APPLY? ELECTRICAL SIGN -ILLIn,IINATED (INDIRNCTff LIGIITED) ELECTRICAL ADDRESS LISC. NTJMBER PI:C}IE l. orscnraE TypE oR MAIERTALs srcN rs or. -.tDt. VALUE OF SIGN:K J' ,r* rNFoFltATroN (LAND us'.) -- ExrsrrNc us' or aurlurltc on t,lt'ip 1on r-rSr usE lF vAcANT) BUSINESS -OUTDOOR T'IERCHANDIS ING PB.OPOSED USE OF BUILDING 'I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAIIINED the completed applicaEion information is true and correct, and I further cert accordance with Ehe Springfield Sign Ordinance' the Sorinqfield and all other Ordinances of the clry or c;;;;;-p.;ralning io cire worli-describecl herern' r ;;;;;';iah-itt" city of Springfield is ln full force s:r:6(3i and 9-7-2bcz>.' r will request aLI require for oermiE and do hereby certify that all rii-tt.l--'.rr ,ott oerforired shali be done in-uiiiiji,i si;""4;e.-is adopted pr 9r'" cLEv of 5"ii"*fi.rt and she laws'of thi sEate of rilirr"i-""iiiiv that mv lilgn Contractor I'i--""i-'"if""l-""' reauired by-springfield Codes a-"ig"-i""pectiond listed- on che approved permit. NAME (PLEASE SIGNATURE S*J DATE *n L 1) 2> PLEASE REA i*W:Aseparateapp1icationisrequiredforeachseparatesignasdefined Electrical: Any permit issued under thls application will include wiring in or on sign structure' EH'a suppTtwires foi connecEion musE be covlied on an.r."tii""t p-ermit'- Electricar connection musE be made onry by a stare Licensed Electrlcal contr".ior. tllirm:-nated signs (boch incernally and exEernarry) mu!'r:.#;;;;-;;;;i;J-i:i:i-i+i-d-i;i-;a g-7-ra or rhe slringrield Sign or- dinance, Plans Required: This applicaEion is to be submitted wlth two complete seEs of pLans showing di- -tifii:iaffP.=fr"iehr of sign; advertisi;s-;";;;;;-o" "ii"l iocatioh.of sign on propertv with di- mensions ro properEy 1ines, -sErucEur;r--8";;ii"-ot .,rpp3r; E;;r;;; bracifi-g an<l'footings; r:raterials of consErucgion for sign and sign "tl""r"i",-er""rritii-;q;ip;;;i'.td.ligfiting; size ind-location of existing signs on pioperty fo.\ the-same busienss, .rr-j" iequired to determine comPliance with the springfield sie; biainante (Arrilrl-7-oi-ttr" spir"eiiEia-Eitv-coa.>. A1so,' dhow the follow- ing infornarion onB'Jh;';i#";i."-'<ii."-.tori"g proi,.rti-iines and location of signs): a) show rhe location of aLl exisEing slgn(s) as well as ProPosed sign(s). b) Show the 1eneth of the street frontage taken up by the business or building. For wall "ii"t, show Ehe length of the building frontage' c) show the location of enErances oPen to the public and drlveways. l{hen required, because of design,.sLze, etc., engineered drawings and-calculations musE be pre- pared by a ricensed engineer oi rrr.ii-iorrto., to-d""ign standatE" ot fiLe at the Buitding Divi- sion Office ' pl-ans of insufficienE clarity or det.ail will be returned t,o the applieant wiEh no permic being is sued. sisns must ,,eeE corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of rhe springfield Coilprehensive Zoning Code. NorE: l,lo sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horlzontalLy or verticaLly from overhead E6Etrlcal conducEors in excess or tio ;;i;", or less than 5 feeL in'any direction fron overhead eiectricaL lines wfrich are energized at less than 750 volts ' If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of lssue of this peroit, the perudr shalI be void. 9) Inspections: a)SireInspeetion.tobemadebeforethesignisp1aced.Usua1J-y,Ehe@4t tii-"-iiita;f-fO may b-e mage-at rhe same rite as the sit. rnspection. The Footing rnspec- rion is to be oade'afrer norlis)--rs-Ei"viu.a, but prior to the placeoenE of concrete' be made upon coryletion of all work. trical signs must be lnspeeted for electrical hook up after the sign the sign-is turned on. 3) 4) s) 6) 7). 8) b) c) Final Ins pec tion: - to Utectrical - all elec Ls erected and berore CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON T;trE 24 HOUR INSPECTION IINE AT 726'3769 SIGN DISTRICT TOTAL SqUARE FOOTAGE OT SIGN REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: _srTE/LOCATr0t{ ELECTRICAI. ING OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT SPECIALCONDITIONSTOBESATISTIEDBEFOREERECTIONOFSIGN: ADDITIONALINFOR}'IATIONNEEDEDBETOREPERMITI'IAYBEISSUED: DATE APPROVED BY: SIGN ORDINANCE SECTION: JOB # SIGN PERMIT ELECTRICAL PERMIT Sffi"IETTSUECffiKGE I TOTAL: NL fl