HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1995-12-20SPnItl ]ELO 225 .PTYTq' STREET spnrNcrrslD, oREGON 97 477 iripscrroN nsouEST z 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3159 h ELECTRICAL PERH Ci ty Job t{urober COHPLETE FEE SCIIEDUIA BELOS v Resldentlal-Single or lti-FamilY Per dvelling unit' rvice rncruded t , au,n, cos t 3 A 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or Portlon thereof Each Hanuf'd Home or Hodular Duelling Servlce or Feeder IT APPLICATION $ 8s.00 $ 15.00 $ 40.00 1. LOCATION OP DISTALI^ATION USGAL 5L+q S*n Je e.. JOB DESCRIPTION Perrolts are non-transferable and 1 f vork ls not s tarted'vithlri 180 s o f lssuahce or 1 f vork ls susPend ed fo '180 daYs 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B' Electrlcar contractor L'il' yylanrrs El'ztic Address e-l c1 Phone jl7=aX I I Supervisor Llcense Number 3oa6 3 ixpiration Date,n-l -q* Services or F.eeders Ins talla t ion,' Alterat ions or Relocation:. 2oo amps or ress s ! t9'oo ffioi ;;;; i" aoo amps a- 1.99'99 -6e ;oi ;rl'p" to 600 amPs - t199'99ioi ;,r;; to looo amPs- $130'oo or"'-r5oo -u*p'zuoi i!-:f $309 ' 99 @= Temoorary Services or'Feeders -i;;i;ii;iion, Arteratlon or Rerocation 200 amps or ]ess 201 amps tq-400 amPs - Over 401 to 600 amPs - ' Over 600 amPP.or 1000 volts Branch Circuits One Clrcul q Each Addl tional: Clrcuit or vlth Service. oit ra"aer- Pe.rml t 1? $ 40.00i . $ 40.00 ,$ ,?0.Q0-- $ 36.00 Ne Hu\a\o Sum c- e r I Constr Contr. Number /8 3g Expl'ratlon Date 6 -.8 -1c Slgn utur" of suiervls.ing EI ectrlcian 0trners qme Address +r.. c1 'Phone 'i 2 b'z ,t lb $ 2.OO 1,8 E Hlscellaneous (Servlce/feeder not included) c D 00 Nev, Alteration o'i Extension Per Pane} a566rrBt $40 $ss $80 see .00 .00 I t 5 OSNER IISTALT^ATION The' installatloh tt: U"tng made.on ;;;";;i; I ovn.vhlch ls not intended ior'saIL, 'lease or rent' ov.n,e5sSlgBatu.rq: . ';..n,. ,' -Each lnstallation Puinb or l rriga t ion . SfsnlOutliqq L.ightln Lilqited EnetgY/fles tt'di ted EnqrgY./Coqryt SI.TBTOTAL OE.'ABOVE. 5Z'state .Surch'arge TOTAL s 3s.00 10 oO lo S '2-1,DATE: RECEIUED +3ob Adonin tt-<4 Lt6 i;