HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1989-09-28city of springfield 225 n. 5th street A. SPRTNGFIEL.D SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION tNFORMATToN: 726-3?53 !NSPECTtoNsr 726-376s 1"4' g; 6+bLOCATIoN Or SIGN .(ADDRESS) LECAL DESCRIPTION -o b ror ? O}INER OR PHoNE -Pl6;6ag ADDRESS ZIP or.JNER 0r slcr{ cIF oTIlER TUAU PROPERTY oWNER)@r.*= (\itne ADDRESS , '7*L -1tY> NAME OE BUSINESS, FIRM, ETC D. usr ArfD cHA.\AcrER oF srGN: $./|\IDENTUT : INCIDETEAL DOUBLE FACE f-----r X..srNcLe rece ' ULTLTI.TACE,, PJADER BOARD BILLBOARD . i5 STP.UCTURAL TYPE '0F SIGN:. IVATIALL FREESTANDITIG n6or - PRoJEcTTNG $4cc:trr;rfl) .jr/-i+=)a c. ALTERE**t.t .B- "ype oF woRK: . RELOCATE - OTIIER g'JC ooc MAROUEE I'NDER I,IAROUEE OTHER SIGN I-TANUFACTURER crF OTHER'** '*"aao*) ADDP.ESS E. ?rr DATE VENDORS 5SIGN lhnDrcc CITY LICENSE }II'}IBER M"4o L\s. L[aL H(ISTING SIGNS ARE TTIERE ANY EKISTIIIC SIG}IS? G. x,.YES @-ALL D<ISTING SIGNS FOR EUSINESS, ETC. H' ,r"" srcN uAvE ELEcTRTcAL trr*1p62 LI-O' ADDRESS LISC.NIJ}IBER PUC}TE _ILLT'}TINATED \I A.ELECIRICAL IT YES, IIHICH APPLY?SIGN DII.IF.NSIONS, IIISTALI.ATION & CONSTRUCTIO}I TorAL HETcHT ABovE cRADE [o' YEPJICAL DII{ENSION OF SIGN HORIZOMAL }TIDTII OF SIGN DI}IENSION FROH GRADE TO BOTTOM OF SIGN TIIICKIIESS OR DEPTII DCES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? IT YES, DI}IENSION BEYOND PROPERIY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIOII IS IIORE TILAN 12"_oVEF pusllc PRoPEP.TY THE sIGN ERECTOR I'ruST FILE WITI{ THE BUILDING DI,VISION COPIES OF TIIS/}IER LI,ABILITY AI'ID PP.OP. ERTY DA}IAGE ITISUP"AI.ICE POLICIES. YES E aAtl.--E),-,p 25' X*og B, F/g', . SITE INFOF}TATIOII (l/\ND USE) -. EXISTING USE oF BUrLDrllc on leno (oR lasT usE IE VACANT) DUSINESS OUTDOOR I4ERCHAIIDISINC PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING 0R LAND:- J <- B,:sc \ l. DEscRTBE TypE oR vatsnu,ti srcN rs . VALUE OF SIGN:wla;a T5I) <)AaSb.szbc) K CONSTRUCTED OE. L' , *r, CAREFULLY r:<eltrtlio the completed appllcat ion for permify that a Unlform S r and do herebY 11 work p erforme certtfyd shall nrv S1gn. Cortra red by-spring.fi isced on che aP thaE all be done in proved lnformaEion ls true and correct,ind I furrher cer ri Code asaccordance vrith the SPring Soringfield and all other Ordinances field Slgn Ordinance, the of rhe CicY of Sprlnefie lgn 1d adopced by the Cl aws of che Scace ty of,ofand the 1 ng Eo Ehe worl: <lescrlbe<J ilc^r:rn.I further cer tlfy E,hat ctor .r-1-Cregon ce and effect as re ou:.eld Codercense 8-2-6permi NA}lE SIGNA' !, perralni lEh Ehe(3) and 9-7- ci cy 20 (2). rof Spr ing r.ri fleld is ln full for 11 requesc all requlred slgn inspecElons c ': '., lrt l rr i ", PRINT)(PLEASE @E L (}46-^J I l. I swc '.,,:,' . ?tc-o ttt*qiqarwaS#wx or .BUsn:Ess' &n+f u-{€t.- I i ,' ifl(ffiBr?e,aia1s 1- El!"lll!?l: ,Any permlt issued under thls applicatlon will tnclude wtrlng lnor on slsn sEruccure;tlre supply wLres for connecE.i.on must be covlred on an electrical p-ermiE.- gleciric"t-Eonr,ectton musE be made-only by a Stace Llcensed Electrlcal ConEractor. Illirrninaced slgns-i["in-iii-C"..,"11yand externally) tnusc conform co secElons 9-7-4 (4) e (:) and 9-7-18 of ctu Sfiir"iHefa-i-ign or-'dlnance. iit ....'. i I t l. 'r i :i i I lt {. lt i.,.^ t 1) 2) 3)llans Required: Ttrls c) show Ehe locaclon of entrances.open to the publlc and drlveways. 4) 5) 5) 7) B) .e) CALL rOR TIIE REQUTRED TNSPECTToNS ON TTIE 24 norrR rNSpECrroN LrNE Ar 726-3769 mensions and-Eelght orensions to propercyof construction for sof existlng signs onthe Sprtngfleld Slgn' Lng lnformatlon on ch, a) show the rocaEl.on of all exlsclng slgn(s) as welr as proposetl slgn(s)b) Show the- length of the streeE frontage taken up by the buslness or bulldlng.slgns, show che lengrh of the butldtng frontagl. appllcaclon ls to be submlcted wlrh two complece sets of plans "norr.rt; oa-f-sign; advertLsing message on sign; locatloir of slgn on piopercy wlth:dl-llnes, sErucEural details of suppgrE framing, braclig and'foocinls; materlalsign and sign strucEure; elecrrriil equipmenE-and ligEclng; size ina locarionproPerty for the same busienss. all as required to detertlne comollance wlthOrdlnance (Arclcle 7 of rhe Sprlngfteld Ciry Code). Also,,ihow the follow---e plot plan (plan showing prolerry llnea ana locatlon of ilgns): s requlred for each separaEe slgn as deftned For walI lrlhen.requlred. because of. design,- sLze, etc., englneered drawlngspared^by.a licensed englneer oi shal1 conforu to deslgn standartsglon Offlce. and calculations Erusc be pre- on flIe at che Bullding Divi- 91!e Inipec.t-tofr - to be made before the slgn is placed. Usually, the FoorlnR Inspecrl.on(itappIicabJ'e)maybena9e.aq!hesameEimeasEheS1ceInspect1on.ffitlon is to be made afrer hole(s) ls excavaueci,.buE, prior co th. placemenc or io"Ereiul-- Flnal InspecElon:- to be made upon coryleci.on of alL work. $t+g#+:_11.1^:1.9trica1."fg"" must be lnspected for electrlcal hook up afrer Ehe slgnl.s erecEed and before the slgn is E,urned on. - iPlans of lnsufflclenE clari.ty or detail will be returned to the applieant, wlth no pernit being Slgns must-Deet corner vlslon clearance requlrements as descrlbed in Figure 9 of che Springifefd .Comprehensive Zoning Code. I9Il:,I9'"1gn.rra1beerectedwhich1s1esgthan12feethor1zonta11y:orvertica11yfrom.overheadelectrlcal conducEors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feeL in-any dlrecEion'frou or"rt""J :eleccrlcal llnes whlch are energized aE 1es8'than 750 volts If a stgn ls not, lnstalled lrlthin 60 days after the date of lssue of chls perrait, the perrnic shall Ibe vold. InspectloBs 3 : b) c) a) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY SIGN DISTRICT ZONE DISTRICT TOIAL SqUARE'FOOTAGE OF SIGN EEQUTREp TNSPECTTOI,TS: ^ _SIIE/LOCATIOH j-rOOrrUC OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT/_ELECIRICAL V_rIl{AL+ _oTIIER w SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISTIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: N)DITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSIIED: SECTION DATE SICN ORDINANCE ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEE: 47. STATE SURC}IARGE: TOTAL: l/ .f RECEIPT+Y? JOB SIGN ?ERMIT FEE: DATE CLERK q) 9a {*UU' APPROVED 8Y:qh{/g' / /...: :r::.., i