HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1999-02-18OPEGO'VCITY OF SPR SPFITRGFIELO DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-375s FAX(541) 726-3689 John Saraceno Mechanical Maintenance Foreman 1890 42nd Street Springfield, OR 97478 RE: OCCUPANCY INSPECTION OF FORMER MT. VERNON SCHOOL, 725 SOUTH 42ND STREET Dear Mr. Saraceno: Thank you for your timely response to the issues relative to exiting and safety of the continued use of the former Mt. Vernon School building. t am sorry that the concept of providing exit doors to the exterior from each classroom is not feasible due to existing steam heating system piping. I have discussed the proposals in your February 18, 'lggg letter with Dennis Shew, city Fire Marshal, and we have concluded the foilowing: lnstall an approved fire sprinkler system throughout the building. Plans and specifications for such system shall be submitted for review and approval to the Fire Marshals Office prior to installation. We will not require that increased flow heads be provided in the exit corridors, as we felt that the increased flow would be too traumatic for pre-school aged children. Provide one-hour fire-resistive finish materials to all surfaces of the exit corridors which are not already protected by such rated finish. Submit a proposal for our review and approval, and obtain appropriate building permits and inspections for this work. We will not require that you retrofit the existing classroom door with rated door frame assemblies, as this is not cost feasible. As discussed previously, we will be glad to work with you relative to resolution of non- compliant handicap access issues. Please feelfree to contact me at 726-3669 when you are ready to discuss those issues. Thanks again for your cooperation in assuring that this facitity will provide a safe classroom environment in the years to come. Si rely, W. Pleger, Pl ans Exami cc Dennis Jones, Assistant Director Operations DtsTBt 19 SPRINGI:IELD Public Schools Facilities Management 1890 North 42nd Street . Springfield, OR9Z4ZZ-5602.541-244-6375 . (FAx) 547-744-6374 February 18, 1999 Lorne Pleger Plans Examiner City of Springfield 225 - 5e Street Springfield, Ox^97477 RE:OCCUPANCY INSPECTION 725 SO.42ND STREET Dear Mr. Pleger: As per our conversation on February 17, 1999 in regards to satisfying the items of your unofficial occupancy inspection, I agreed to submit two items for your review: A plan for the intended use of the remainder of the building. A plan for the exiting occupants safety. I will respond to each item in numedcal order as follows: 1. Please ret-erence the letter you received tiom Mr. Barrett, Assistant Superintendent Administrative Services dated Fehruary 3,1999. On page two, item number four, Mr. Barrett indicates, "The District proposed use of the remainder of the building is to be classrooms in reserve and to continue discussions with any of four or five agencies, including Willamalane, who have talked to us about various uses similar to other schools in the district. There are no other itinerant teachers, and we are not seeking any change tiom our past use. They are strictly classrooms in reserve." This is still the intent of the District but there have been recent discussions about moving some district staff offices into one or more available classrooms. No decision has been reached yet. 2. I have investigated the possibility of installing one exterior door per room at ground level and concluded that this would render the heating system obsolete due to the steam and condensate piping running horizontal in all exterior walls. A new heating system would cost in excess of $150,0fi).00. I have also estimated that the construction of a one-hour fire rated corridor including ceiling, wall and door assemblies would exceed $55,000.00. a o Springfteld. School District is An Equol Opportunity Employer. Lorne Pleger 2n8t99 Page2 qrr anPr%?? /6zav / lffi /*44Pr."7a- (affi24/lnEz- The District theretbre recommends that an approved fire sprinkler system be designed and installed, with consideration being given to increased flow heads in the exit hallway, to supplanting the need tbr a one hour tire rated corridor. The District would like your review on this recommendation betbre we move forward to obtain necessary plans and permits. Thank you for your continued assistance with thi.s matter. Sincerely, adT Mechanical Maintenance Foreman Dennis J ones Assistant Director Operations vlh CitV Of Springfield DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS TO 225 Fitth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Fax Cover Sheet DATE:JULY 1O,2OOO TIME: SAM ALLEN HEAD START PHONE: FAX:747-6644 FROM:LORNE PLEGER COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVIS!ON PHONE: 15411726-3669 FAX: 15411726-3676 RE: OCCUPANCY INSPECTION AND REOUIREMENTS OF FORMER MT. VERNON SCHOOL CC: NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: I MESSAGE: lf you have questions, please give me a call and I will do what I can to assist in your understanding of uses vs. requirements. CITY OF SPFlrr*GFIELD D EV ELO P M ENT SERVI C ES D E PARTM ENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-s753 FAX (541) 726-3689 1 February 5, 1999 Steve Barrett School District #19 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Occupancy inspection response for Mt. Vernon School buildings, 725 So.42nd Street Dear Mr. Barrett: Thank you for your quick response to my occupancy inspection letter of February 3, 1999. As you indicated, it is the desire of the School District, and of the City, to continue to resolve issues of this nature with a cooperative effort and good working relationship we have had for years. ! apologize if anything in my letter did not indicate that our efforts are intended to be helpful, and it is certainly not our intent to appear as the adversary. I will respond, as you did, to each item in numerical order as follows: The immediate use of the two northerly Classrooms #10 and #11 by Head Start is approved, and appears to be the best way of allowing use to occur while others issues in the building are being resolved. We will require that either the School District, or Head Start, submit a proposal for installation of exterior classroom doors for our review and approval, and obtain appropriate permits from this office, prior to installation of such doors. Please feelfree to contact me for additional input relative to particular Code requirements relative to these exit doors. As we previously discussed, ADA accessibility is an ongoing issue with this site to be resolved over a period of time. Please submit a proposal for any such work for our review and approval, and obtain applicable permits from this office, prior to performance of any work related to accessibility compliance. You were entirely correct that an electrical permit and inspection was obtained from this office by Arc E/ectric for electrical work performed for the warming kitchen installation. I did nof' associate that permit with this work,'since it was posted by our office under the demolition permit Job #981 1 14. Thank you for clarifying for me what occurred with regard to that permit. With regard to the issue of additional permits required for the installation of the warming kitchen, I apologize if any misinformation was received from this office relative to permit requirements. Based on my observation of the work which took place, it appears that an additional plumbing permit should have been obtained for the installation of the sink, garbage disposal, and dishwasher. Please clarify who performed this work, and we can prepare a permit for issuance. We still need to 2 3 OREGO'V 5 inspect and approve the plumbing installation, and the permit fee will be $16.2O. A mechanical permit is also required for the installation of the range hood and vent. The permit fee for inspection of that installation is $26.20. Again, please provide information relative to who performed that work, and we can prepare the permit for issuance. 4.We have no problem with normal classroom furniture being stored in vacant classrooms not yet assigned for use. Our concern relative to storage is to assure that no potentially hazardous storage, such as large quantities of paper files, flammables associated with building maintenance, etc. occur without being appropriately separated from the remainder of the building. We do not anticipate any storage problems resulting from your interim use proposal. Joe Wicks, Deputy Fire Marshal, indicated as he was writing up the minor items during his inspection that he had no real concern because he knew John Saraceno and other School District personnel would take care of those items in a timely fashion. We appreciate the cooperation received from the District relative to periodic Fire Department safety inspections. Feel free to notify Dave O'Brien of Head Start that the interim use proposal is workable, and immediate use of the two northerly classrooms is approved. We anticipate a timely response to the other issues, and again thank you for your cooperation in this matter. lf you have any further questions, or if lcan be of any further assistance, please contact me at 726-3669. Sincerely, cc Dave O'Brien, Head Start John Saraceno, School Dist. 19 Facilities Management Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Joe Wicks, Deputy Fire Marshal *"*@ Lorne W. Pleger, Plans Examiner "r-eb-O4-99 lO: I3A P -O2 4titr i r: is 1:'+qir:r: iir li k:l ir{ { rirr:'I;iI!a;itri 5J5 lUill Smet * Spriagilekl, OI{ 974?} * 54t"7l6.Sii'i? r {r,iri ti:lI- j'lt: :lil"l Sf$?Svfl ?$ sPr#tru#Ffgl"tr flubjic .$c&scjs Ir,*}:ruary:3, I9!i1) l,crne Pl*g*r Citrv of Springfi*.ld l)*volripiri*n i Ssryir":t* D*purrmc*r 12$ Fillh $tre*r Springlleld, *R 9?477 ftS: 4?'"d Srreer Seh*xrl I]*ai:fo{r. P}s:grr: I ani i* receipt cf" y*ur l*trcr 0f F*l-rruary J, .t1199. in rtlg;rd t* 1.,0ur "ui:r-rj'lir;iai rr!*c:upi{ncy irtq:r*iittn" of tft* .tr?'d Sttrut sclttoi *n th* oec;lsi*n *f a,*crnnpanying thtl firr: r*arsluil in his inrgxe ticn t,rf ths r:xisting fir* alarrn repair;x that:*:!'icl*l, [{ is :rpparcnt tfi*t y*u iir-:ted r}11 inf*rmati*n suppli*d hy J*e Wick*s;, deputy liils mar:slral, a$ I# [:l*ail lir*r:('s ir*r;lr.*rncllr w'irlr the Sch**i Lri.etrict trnd did not av-aitr yr:ursr;lf (ir irfir har.c any li:r1lur vi*w uf'ihe llisrr-icg,s e.iforft a{ ih*'i2'd Sti'eut Scii*rrl. I-ul *ru rciteritlc that the Disrricr i* k**ping i{i cia.r.sraorns, th* playgrounri. snd lhe gyrn filr:cr.xttinu*d *ch*r:l usir. I{*rp*r.r.rr, ws rcci}Snjre:il rhiir l:ilturrj 6:is wr."rulel ftIiuiri* somt d*.rn*liticn ol the wilr$t ptul$ r:[ th* hniiding anii scnie iilvlr$rmenlq in r.rrhr-:r part$ ig),r.l1 anei classruilrns) for it*mg sur:h;r,i AilA issues. 1V+. askcd ior and r*i;e.iv*tl p:nnit$ lrrrm th* {iity for the ilemillitiiln prrrji:ct aril h;lv* hi*cn wr:rki*g',rvitlt ll$;iil Start to *xchilng* irnpr'$vemr:nt-s in {.h* *l:rtstrr.x-rlr:s Ii:r lh*ir ustr. I;pr i:rample. sinq* ihe kitchen nt rh* +itt lvile in t*rrthlc structur{i slup* and r.,.,a,q,;lemolirih*rJ" rvt:, a&qriled to hclv* '"r+'+ffiing" lacilitics installed hy ll*rrd lilart rha{ rh*.y couLl rrs*: initial}-y hut r,v:hich c*ulrl he *srrii [tt "$atcllie-' lulurrr frxxi s*rv:cc li,*nt Agncs Stcivart r\lirttil* Schrir;] iry il:* ilislrict, The ct*t *f thi.c instalEatio* would offs*r s*me ot'i{utd Sra::r.'-q rentiil crrsm i* thr: Jir*r JEal.l"6ta<7frvyy777 4d<f , A p:rmit il{as r*qu*lirdd and rccci w*rlr was iitn* hy * pr+t"t-.ssi*nul tfgs. ii* this work ou Scpr*,tlt:rr I5. l!gti, and thi: sutw{rrtr*cxrr. Final ilr*pi:cli*n was calhd fi:r +n N*vrm}:r;r 4, It is uur intent and agreertent with Head Stff"t that rhis r,vpe ollr*I+rionship ei"r*dn*r m aittheii+ thc ADA hathrauru issur:s. .* welt ft$ Br:y (rthilr ci)da re.r;uirr:mr:nt-s lkrr lrsri,rt'th* laeiliry. your "ulrct-fici[l iiccup*ni]y iltfipt*li*n" h;r.t giv*n us rtrlflr direl:ti*n;ss a* *,hat y*u rvilI rcrpiire ;ru.l what nrxds tt-:l htl adrJn:ss*d whr:n wi: hring a rtdluost l'cx'h'*irttir:g Fe.rruits. Yi:u ni:trld six itr:ms dui*g;rour wnlk-through, I hrve rhe t'*lkwing rcspofi:i$s t{} y$ur .sugsnstiil$s i* dcalirrg wirh the huilding. -{pririlfirt:rj .}'{]'irirl] Ijj.rlitct is A{: j*:ititi. {)r:r1x.r;1irr,rr1,, irr:i;r&.:..,,i:r: Feb-04-99 lO: l44 P-()3 In derling with the issuc of a fire resl,itrrncu corridor, fire sprinkler systcm or ;x.lcess r.o orrtdools, we will ask thar Hcad Stan ust: the two nrxlh*rty most rooms fi.rr insru+fional purpo$e$ L*ginning inrm*diatcly. Tht-xs hrl'e the henefit of having dtxrrs imme.6iate ly ar:cerssiblc t0 lhe outrid* and. tlrus, rneet thc need for *af+ i:xit. Concurrc.ntly- u,* rvill w*rk with Htlad fitan, e,s a conditiotr of their use, t$ put in dot;r.s [o thc ottrrir clo.qsnrun:rs wirhin ttre ncxt iwr: rncnths. Thi.r installaticrn uf snch dtrtrs is collrpiicar*il try rhe cxistcncu of a larger I,IV,{C pipil in the shurt wall- ()n issucs of accr:ssibility, thcse ilt insum that we c+nrinue ro adilress and wc beli*ve rhat therc will be morc than enough pmking availnhler lor: handicapped ar the Gtrnslusion of thr: clean-up pha.se ol'the curreot efforts at that huilding wirhin thcr n$xt 30 to 60 rl*ys. We have agr*etnent with He*rl Stran to design and construct upgr:rded, ADA-ar:crssihlc rr}$trotlms, Planning is to begin irnm*diatcly, and work would be urmpletr:il hy mitl- *ummer. 3. [n response t+ it+m f]trur. eibtain * plumhing, ttrccharicrrl anel elcorica] lmnnii and inspcctions llrurn thc offic* firr installing rr warrning kitchen, ple.ase note tlrxt p{:nrrii. ${ll 114 was insur:d *n $eptcmbcr 15, 1998, to ARC Eleijtric, u subcontrar:rr.x. fiir Heacl S*rn, ta do thi.* work. 'l'hrl u,olk c*llert tbr a garbag* dispiisal, n htxld for m oven, a firi{rowave and rul'rigerau:r insrallation, lbur-brancb eircuitry work, anrJ a dishwa.sher ro be installed. This was done under rn electrical peffrit, and at the rliscus.,iion at the tirne, nn plumtring or mechanical permius were bolicr.od nece*aary, Thi.s proccss \ryas cornpletcd and on Novernter 4, 1998, ARC Eleotd{r *alled for a City insgrcctirn ar th:rr pr$llerty. fkal history trom troth my staff and Head Surt sratT is rhat lhat intpection elid in tact takc placc. I would need somt; dire*rion as to v,,h&{ insso,*tion specilicatly is mi*ring henr or was overi*oked when wc made our upplication. lVe will ttrllo*xo / ^appropriarrely, if we tet'r$offi{:rhing (!ur. .5br+ /l/FerZF4/ /ry _ 4- In r*sponse to numher live. the District's propaserl u.re ol the remairrcler ul'the huifuling i.s to be classmdms in re$etYe and ar uurrtinue dlxarssion* rvith any of tbur or tive agencies. ineiuding Willamalrne, who have tatked u us about variorx uses similar to orher se:hools in the school district. There arc nr) other us*rs at this time other than classroorns and other idncrant k3ailher$, and wc are not seeking any chonge kom our pilr rl$c. 'Ihey are strietly classroom* in rcserve- Thrr cqsippenr in the cla*rooms is txluipment in support +f lho*e olassrooms and ryould allnw us imnle{.liate ar:ce$s fnr use frri,srhtul purp$$ss. T'hc gym will not be used hy students t^rr lhe fruhlir:. We *re r*muqing largc mrounts ot. storcd cguiprnrnt fionr thr: sitrr. W*, thrrutore, Concluil* thtt therc alc n riuny arklitianirl building or sat'ety ccde issu*s generaled by fulure usrrii at this timc. 5. I have been assured by John Saracrrno and our m[inrcnance departn*nr tha1 eaclr itern in thc inspet'tior rcpo& wrifien by Jirc lVickss, tleputy {ire rnaxhal, ha.s hccn adtlre.ssed, and those items arc cl:mplutr. We all are invested in keeping childr*n *ufe tnd regulationr m$r. I helievo we arc doing rhat. I om conc$rrlBd &t your pensistence in *harging that the Dii*rii:t "riid not gr:t fxJrrnit$" lirr wcrk, I 1 ?-eb-04-99 1O: l5A P -O4 since I hase indicat*d twi*e nilw lhilt ws hdlr ft:ceivod p*nnitii fclr &e wrrk in que$ri{in. r,}** will, heiwevrlr, try [r] krep yau m$re ifiJbrme.d ab*ur *ur plan.s i'nr thc..ychrxri. lVe are {nxiou$ t(} i}hti*n imrnedi*te $ccupiurcy aild arc recr:.iving daily phtin* calhr liarri distri:ss*d pfff;nlt, 1l'w* c[finr>t hring *ltsu*: I* these !n;ltt$r,.j irncnediat*ly, t will be ihri,*ri to move the classrooms *way frnm this advanBg*ous sit* sr-') studen{i ran agitin rccsil'* $+rvi*q*. liirttrrely, &*,* *&*ffi Stsvs lSars*tt Assi sta*t Sup*ri ntrlnd*nt .4dr* inis*'ati ye Scrr.icss ns CITY OF SPF"VGFIELD, OFEGO'U SPR}IIIGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 February 3, 1999 Steve Barrett School District #19 525 Mill Street Springfield, OR 97477 RE: Occupancy inspection for Mt. Vernon School buildings, 725 South 42nd Street Dear Mr. Barrett At the request of John Saraceno, School District Mechanical/Maintenance Foreman, and Securecom Alarm Systems, an inspection of new fire alarm system installation was performed January 29th by Joe Wicks, Deputy Fire Marshal and Lorne Pleger, Plans Examiner. Since we were also made aware that the purpose of the alarm system was to provide additional protection for a proposed use of a portion of the classroom building for a Head Start program, I also conducted an unofficial Occupancy lnspection of the premises for the proposed use. The following items were noted during our inspection The existing exit corridors provide no fire-resistive rating. lf those corridors were being constructed today, they would be required to provide a one-hour fire-resistive construction rating. The building does not have a fire-sprinkler system. With the configuration of the classrooms, all but two of which rely on the corridors for exiting, the building would require a fire-sprinkler system if it were built today. The building, and site improvements, do not provide ADA complying parking, access, or toilet facilities for persons who are physically disabled. A food warming kitchen has been installed in one of the classrooms without benefit of required permits or inspections. The building is proposed to be used for a combination of classroom and storage uses, which is not allowed without a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation between the two dissimilar uses. We observed some missing ceiling tiles and inappropriate storage occurring near HVAC units and in the Gymnasium toilet rooms which were mentioned is an inspection report from Joe Wicks, Deputy Fire Marshal. To address the above items, we suggest the following: 1. An exception to the one-hour fire-resistive corridor and the fire-sprinkler system 1 2 3 4. 5 b 2 requirements of ltems 1 and 2 above is as follows. When each room used for instruction has at least one exterior exit door at ground leve!, and when rooms used for assembly purposes have at least one half of the required exits directly to the exterior ground leve!, a sprinkler system need not be provided and one-hour fire- resistive construction of corridor walls and ceilings is not required. It appears that an exterior exit door could easily be provided from any of the classrooms to utilize this exception for current and future uses. Such installation does require a permit and inspection from the City Community Services Division. An accessibility assessment was performed by Ken Nagao, Architect, several years ago for the School District, and included a report on this building. I observed several deficiencies as follows, listed in the order of importance: One handicap accessible parking space shall be provided for every 25 total parking spaces, or portion thereof . On such space shall be VAN ACCESSIBLE with a minimum access aisle 8' wide. Other accessible spaces may have a 6' wide access aisle. No defined accessible route is provided from handicap accessible parking to the building. The metal threshold transition strip at the primary southwest entry doors is to steep. A minimum 44" landing is required at the doors, not greater than 112" lower than the top of the door threshold, and sloped not greater than 1/4" per foot. From that landing, a ramp with a maximum slope of 1 in 12 may be provided to transition to entry walk level. No accessible toilet facilities are provided. At least one accessible restroom for each sex, or a single unisex restroom should be provided. lt appears that one water closet would require removal in each of the existing toilet rooms to provide sufficient space to retrofit an accessible stall. lt is not possible to retrofit the Bradley type 112 round wash facilities which exist. lt would probably be necessary to install one accessible lavatory in each toilet room, with required knee clearance, and with a mirror mounted with the bottom at a maximum of 40" above the floor. An alternative solution is to determine an accessible location where a unisex handicap accessible toilet room could be installed. No accessible telephone appeared to be provided. No accessible drinking fountains were provided. At this time, we can only require that 25% of the value of any improvements done to this building within a calendar year be devoted to the removal of barriers to the handicapped, in the above order of priority. Please provide a proposal, and a time schedule for our review and approval. Please obtain a plumbing, mechanical and electrical permit and inspections from this office for the installation of the warming kitchen. There were electrical permits obtained in September and December of 1998, in conjunction with the demolition permit, but it is unclear if any of that work is associated with the classroom improvements for Head Start. Please provide a proposal for use of the remainder of the building, not leased by Head Start. We need to verify that proposed uses are compatible, and do not violate any additional Building Safety Code provisions. 4 5 6 Please address each item in the inspection report from Joe Wicks, Deputy Fire Marshal. Ouestions regarding those items should be directed to Joe at (5411726-2298. We understand that Head Start is very anxious to obtain occupancy approval. Please respond with a proposal for addressing each of the above items, and we will work with you on conditions of occupancy, and timelines under which these improvements will be performed. Ouestions regarding the above items should be directed to Lorne Pleger, Plans Examiner, at .541l,7 26-3669 unless noted otherwise. Sincere ly, rne W. Pleger, Plans Examiner Dave O'Brien, Head Start John Saraceno, School Dist. 19 Facilities Management Dave Puent, Community Services Manager Joe Wicks, Deputy Fire Marshal cc: PUENT David J From: To: Cc: Subject: Date: KELLY MichaelA PUENT David J DALUDDUNG Susan J Mt Vernon School Thursday, May 27 , 1999 1:32PM Dave: Just to followup with our discussion at Council the other night. Jamon Kent is very concerned about the cost to rehabilitate portions of the old Mount Vernon School. At first, he thought the high cost stemmed from the Fire Marshal's office which, he believed, claimed that use by Looking Glass constituted a "change in use". Dennis Shew wrote me a memo last week that said it was actually the Buildings Division ( Lorne) that had declared that a change in use has occurred but that determination may have been a result of poor communications between Steve Barrett ( School District) and our staff. Somehow, your staff got the impression that part of the school building was going to be used for storage. Jamon says that is not the case- Looking Glass and Willamalane will use a few classrooms each. He is willing to do springklers and a few other things but the cost to "bring it up to code" is amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars and he is hoping that there are administrative overrides or interpretations to some of the code conditions. Please look into it and let me know your findings. lf you come up with something conclusive, please ask Susan call him as I will be on vacation all next week. Thanks. Page 1 City Of Springfield DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS 225 Fitth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Fax Cover Sheet FEBRUARY {,.""" TO DATE:TIME: DAVE O'BRIEN HEAD START PHONE: FAX 747-6648 FROM:LORNE PLEGER PHONE: 726-3669 FAX:726-3676 RE: OCCUPANCY INSPECTION OF FORMER MT. VERNON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STEVE BARRETT JOHN SARACENO DAVE PUENT JOE WICKS NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEETT 4 3 MESSAGE: cc City Of Springfield DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS 225 Fitth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Fax Cover Sheet FEBRUARY {, r""" TO DATE:TIME: JOHN SARACENO SCHOOL DISTRICT #19 PHONE: FAX 744-6374 FROM LORNE PLEGER PHONE: 726-3669 FAX:726-3676 RE: OCCUPANCY INSPECTION OF FORMER MT. VERNON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL cc STEVE BARRETT DAVE PUENT JOE WICKS NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET= l7 MESSAGE: CitV Of Springfield DEVELOPMENT SERVICES/PUBLIC WORKS 225 Fitth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Fax Cover Sheet FEBRUARY {,,,," TO DATE TIME: STEVE BARRETT SCHOOL DISTRICT #19 PHONE: FAX:726-9555 FROM:LORNE PLEGER PHONE: 726-3669 FAX:726-3676 RE: OCCUPANCY INSPECTION OF FORMER MT. VERNON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CC:JOHN SARACENO DAVE PUENT JOE WICKS NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: fi ? MESSAGE 304.1 305.1 9. Dry cleaning pick-up and delivery stations and self-service. 10. Educational occupancies above the l2th grade. ll. Electronic data processing. 12. Fire stations. 13. Florists and nurseries. 14. Laboratories-testing and research. 15. Laundry pick-up and delivery stations and self-service. 16. Police stations. 17. Post offices. 18. Print shops. . 19. Professional services such as attorney, dentist, physician, engineer. 20. Radio and television stations. 21. Telephone exchanges. For occupancy separations, see Table 3-B. 3M.2 Construction, Height and Allowable Area. 3M.2.1 General. Buildings or parts of buildings classed as Group B Occupancies because of the use or character of the occu- pancy shall be limited to the types of construction set forth in Table 5-B. Such occupancies shall not exceed, in area or height, the limis specified in Sections 504, 505 and 506 and shall comply with the provisions of this section. 3M.2.2 Special provisions. 3M.2.2.1 Laboratories and vocational shops. Laboratories and vocational shops in buildings used for educational purposes, and similar areas containing hazardous materials, shall be sepa- rated from each other and other portions of the building by not less than a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation. When the quantities of hazardous materials in such uses do not exceed those listed in Table 3-D or 3-8, the requirements of Sections 307.5 and 307.8 shall apply. When the quantities of hazardous materials in such uses exceed those listed in Table 3-D or 3-E, the use shall be classified as the appropriate Group H Occupancy. Occupants in laboratories having an area in excess of 200 square feet (18.6 m2) shall have access to at least two exits or exit- access doors from the room and all portions of the room shall be within 75 feel <22 860 mm) of an exit or exit-access door. 3M,2.2.2 Amusement buildings. Amusement buildings with an occupant load of less than 50 shall comply with Section 408. 3M.2.2.3 Lockup facilities. Buildings containing lockup facil- ities, as defined in ORS 169.005(4) shall comply with the follow- ing special provisions: l. Areas containing lockup facilities shall be separated from other rooms, spaces or areas by an approved smoke barrier. See Section 905. 2. The smoke control zone in which the lockup cells are located shall be provided with an automatic fire sprinkler system comply- ing with Chapter 9 requirements for Group I, Division 3 Occupan- cies. 3. The smoke control zone in which the lockup area is located shall be provided with an automatic smoke detection system installed in accordance with the Fire Code Group I, Division 3 Occupancies. 4. The combined occupant load of the holding cells shall not ex- ceed 10. 1-16 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE not a part for the reader's convenience: "Lockup" means a facility for the temporary detention of ar- rested persons held up to 36 hours, excluding holidays, Satur- days and Sundays, but the period in lockup shall not exceed 96 hours after 304.3 Location on Property. For fire-resistive protection of ex- terior walls and openings, as determined by location on property, see Section 503 and Chapter 6. 304.4 Access and Means of Egress Facilities. Means of egress t shall be provided as specified in Chapter 10. See also Section 304.2.2.1 for means of egress from laboratories. I Access to, and egress from, buildings required to be accessible shall be provided as specified in Chapter 11. 304.5 Light, Ventilation and Sanitation. Light, ventilation and sanitation shall be in accordance with Chapters 12 and 29 and this section. 304.5.1 Ventilation of flammable vapors See Section 1203.2.6 for ventilation of flammable vapors. 304.5.2 Sanitation. The number of plumbing fixtures shall not be less than specified in Section 2902.3. 3M.6 Shaft and Exit Enclosurts. Exits shall be enclosed as specified in Chapter 10. Elevator shafts, vent shafts and other openings through floors shall be enclosed, and the enclosure shall be as specified in Sec- tion 7l l. In buildings housing Group B Occupancies equipped with au- tomatic sprinkler systems throughout, enclosures need not be pro- vided for escalators where the top of the escalator opening at each story is provided with a draft curtain and automatic fire sprinklers are installed around the perimeter of the opening within 2 feet (610 mm) of the draft curtain. The draft curtain shall enclose the perimeter of the unenclosed opening and extend from the ceiling downward at least 12 inches (305 mm) on all sides. The spacing between sprinklers shall not exceed 6 feet (1829 mm). 3(M.7 Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems. When required by Section 90/.2.1or other provisions of this code, automatic sprin- kler systems and standpipes shall be installed as specified in Chapter 9. 304.E Special Hazards. Chimneys and heating apparatus shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 3l of this code and the Mechanical Code. Storage and use of flammable and combustible liquids shall be in accordance with the Fire Code. Devices generating a glow, spark or flame capable of igniting flammable vapors shall be installed such that sources of ignition are at least 18 inches (457 mm) above the floor of any room in which Class I flammable liquids or flammable gases are used or stored. Stationary lead-acid battery systems used for facility standby, ! emergency power or unintemrpted power supplies shall be ! installed and maintained in accordance with the Fire Code. I SECTION 305 _ REQUIREMENTS FOR GROUP E OCCUPANC!ES 305.1 Group E Occupancies Defined. Group E Occupancies shall be: Division 1. Any building used for educational purposes through the l2th grade by 50 or more persons for more than 12 hours per week or four hours in any one day. I I 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE Division 2. Any building used for educational purposes through the l2th grade by less than 50 persons for more than 12 hours per week or four hours in any one day. Division 3. Any building or portion thereof used for day-care purposes for more than six persons. EXCEPTION: Any building or portion thereof used for family day care in accordance with ORS Chapter 418, ORS Chapteill43, ORS 657 A.250 and the rules adopted by the Employment Department Child Care Division. For occupancy separations, see Table 3-B. 305.2 Construction, Height and Allowable Arca 305.2.1 General. Buildings or parts of buildings classed in Group E because ofthe use or character of the occupancy shall be limited to the types of construction set forth in Table 5-B and shall not exceed, in area or height, the limits specified in Sections 504, 505 and 506, except that the area may be increased by 50 percent when the maximum travel distance specified in Section 1004.2.5 is reduced by 50 percent. 305.2.2 Atmospheric separation requirements. 305.2.2.1 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter and Sec- tion 1007.3, the following definitions are applicable: COMMON ATMOSPHERE exists between rooms, spaces or areas within a building that are not separated by an approved smoke- and draft-stop barrier. SEPARATE ATMOSPHERE exists between rooms, spaces or areas that are separated by an approved smoke barrier. SMOKE BARRIER consists of walls, partitions, floors and openings therein as will prevent the transmission of smoke or gases through the construction. See Section 905. 305.2.2.2 General provisions. The provisions of this section apply when a separate exit system is required in accordance with Section 1007.3. Walls, partitions and floors forming all or part of an atmospher- ic separation shall be as required by Section 905.2.3. Glass lights of approved wired glass set in steel frames may be installed in such walls or partitions. All automatic-closing fire assemblies installed in the atmos- pheric separation shall be activated by approved smoke detectors. The specific requirements of this section are not intended to prevent the design or use of other systems, equipment or tech- niques that will effectively prevent the products of combustion from breaching the atmospheric separation. 305.2.3 Special provisions. Rooms in Divisions I and 2 Occu- pancies used for kindergarten, first- or second-grade pupils, and Division 3 Occupancies shall not be located above or below the first story. EXCEPTIONS: l. Basements or stories having floor levels located within 4 feet (1219 mm), measured vertically, from adjacent ground level at the level of exit discharge, provided the basement or story has exterior exit doors at that level. 2. In buildings equipped with an automatic sprinkler system throughout, rooms used for kindergarten, firsr and second-grade chil- drcn or for day-care purposes may be located on the second story, provided therc are at least two exterior exit doors for the exclusive use of such occupants. 3. Division 3 Occupancies may be located above the hrst story in buildings of Type I construction and in Types II-F.R., II One-hour and III One-hour construction, subject to the limitation of Section 506 when: 305.1 305.3 3.1 Division 3 Occupancies with children under the age ofseven or containing morc than 12 childrcn per story shall not be located above the fou(h floor; and 3.2 The entirc story in which the day-carc facility is located is equipped with an approved manual fire alarm and smoke- detection system. (See the Fire Code.) Actuation of an initiating device shall sound an audible alarm thLroughout the entire story. When a building firc alarm system is rcquircd by other provi- sions of this code or the Fire Code, the alarm system shall be connected to the building alarm system. An approved alarm signal shall sound at an approved loca- . tion in the day-care occupancy to indicate a fire alarm or sprin- kler flow condition in other portions of the building; and 3.3 The day-care facility, if more than 1,0O0 square feet (92.9 62; in arca, is divided into at least two compartments of approxi- mately the same size by a smoke barrier with door openings pro- tected by smoke- and draft-control assemblies having a fire-protection rating of not less than 20 minutes. Smoke barri- ers shall have a firc-resistive rating of not less than one hour. In addition to the requirements of Section 302, occupancy separa- tions between Dvision 3 Occupancies and other occupancies shall be constructed as smoke barriers. Door openings in the smoke barrier shall be tightfitting, with gaskes installed as rcquircd by Section 1005, and shall be automaric closing by actuation of the automatic sprinklers, fire alarm or smoke- detection system. Openings for ducts and other heating, venti- laring and air-conditioning openings shall be equipped with a minimum Class I, 250'F (12l'C) smoke damper as defined and tested in accordance with approved recognized standards. See Chapter 35, Part IV. The damper shall close upon detection of smoke by an approved smoke detector located within rhe duct, or upon the activation of the Frrc alarm system; and 3.4 Each compartment formed by the smoke barrier has not less than two exits or exit-access doors, one ofwhich is permitted to t pass through the adjoining compartment; and 3.5 At least one exit or exil-access door from the Division 3 Occu- I pancy shall be into a separate means ofegress as defined in Sec- Ition 1007.3; and 3.6 The building is equipped with an automatic sprinkler system throughout. Stages and platforms shall be constructed in accordance with Chapter 4. For attic space partitions and draft stops, see Section 708. 305.2.4 Special,hazards. Laboratories, vocational shops and similar areas containing hazardous materials shall be separated from each other ahd from other portions of the building by not less than a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation. When the quantities of hazardous materials in such uses do not exceed those Iisted in Table 3-D or 3-E, the requirements of Sections 3O7.5.2 and 307.8 shall apply. When the quartities of hazardous materials in such uses exce€d those listed in Table 3-D or 3-E, the use shall be classified as the appropriate Group H Occupancy. See Section lfi)7.3 for means of egress from laboratories in t Group E Occupancies. Equipment in rooms or groups of rooms sharing a common at- mosphere where flammable liquids, combustible dust or hazard- ous materials are used, stored, developed or handled shall conform to the requirements of the Fire Code. 305.3 Location on Pnoperty. All buildings housing Group E Occupancies shall front directly on a public street or an exit dis- charge not less than 2O foot (6096 mm) in width. The exit dis- charge to the public street shall be a minimum 2O-foot-wide (6096 mm) right-of-way, unobstructed and maintained only as access to the public street. At least one required exit shall be located on the public street or on the exit discharge. For fire-resistive protection ofexterior walls and openings, as determined by location on property, see Section 503 and Chap- ter 6. 1-17 T 305.4 306.2.1 I 305.4 Access and Means of Egress Facilities. Means of egress shall be provided as specified in Chapter 10. (For special provi- sions, see Section 1007.3.) Access to, and egress from, buildings required to be accessible shall be provided as specified in Chapter I l. 305.5 Light Yentilation and Sanitation. All portions of Group E Occupancies customarily occupied by human beings shall be provided with light and ventilation, either natural or artificial, as I specihed in Chapter 12. See Section 1003.2.9 for required means of egress illumination. The numberofurinals and drinking fountains shall be as speci- fied in Section 2902.4. 305.6 Shaft and Exit Enclosures. Exits shall be enclosed as specified in Chapter 10. Elevator shafts, vent shafts and other ver- tical openings shall be enclosed, and the enclosure shall be as spe- cified in Section 7ll. 305.7 Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems. When required by Section 90/.2.1or other provisions of this code, automatic sprin- kler systems and standpipes shall be designed and installed as specified in Chapter 9. 305.E Special Hazards. Chimneys and heating apparatus shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 3l of this code and the Mechanical Code. Motion picture machine rooms shall conform to the require- ments of Chapter 4. All exterior openings in a boiler room or rooms containing cen- tral heating equipment, if located below openings in another story or if less than l0 feet (3048 mm) from other doors or windows of the same building, shall be protected by a fire assembly having a three-fourths-hour fire-protection rating. Such fire assemblies shall be fixed, automatic closing or self-closing. Class I, tr or Itr-A liquids shall not be placed, stored or used in Group E Occupancies, except in approved quantities as necessary in laboratories and classrooms and for operation and maintenance as set forth in the Fire Code.- &'rw,'l *14< la. A+ffiilr. SECTION 306 - REOUIREMENTS FOR GROUP F OCCUPANCIES 306.1 Group F Occupancies Defined. Group F Occupancies shall include the use of a building or structure, or a portion thereof, for assembling, disassembling, fabricating, finishing, manufac- turing, packaging, repair or processing operations that are not classified as Group H Occupancies. Factory and industrial occu- pancies shall include the following: Division 1. Moderate-hazard factory and industrial occupan- cies shall include factory and industrial uses that are not classified as Group F, Division 2 Occupancies, but are not limited to facili- ties producing the following: l. Aircraft. 2. Appliances. 3. Athletic equipment. 4. Automobiles and other motor vehicles. 5. Bakeries. 6. Alcoholic beverages. 7. Bicycles. 8. Boats. 9. Brooms and brushes. 1-18 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 10. Business machines. I l. Canvas or similar fabric. 12. Cameras and photo equiPment. 13. Carpets and rugs, including cleaning. 14. Clothing. 15. Constnrction and agricultural machinery. 16. Dry cleaning and dyeing. 17. Electronics assembly. I 8. Engines, including rebuilding. 19. Photographic film. 20. Food processing. 21. Furniture. 22.Hemp products. 23. Jute products. 24. Laundries. 25. Leather products. 26. Machinery. 27.Metal. 28. Motion pictures and television filming and videotaping' 29. Musical instruments. 30. Optical goods. 31. Paper mills or products. 32. Plastic products. 33. Printing or publishing. 34. Recreational vehicles. 35. Refuse incineration. 36. Shoes. 37. Soaps and detergents. 38. Tobacco. 39. Trailers. 40. Wood, distillation. 41. Millwork (sash and door). 42. Woodworking, cabinet. Division 2. L,ow-hazard factory and industrial occupancies shall include facilities producing noncombustible or nonexplo- sive materials which, during finishing, packing or processing, do not involve a significant fire hazard, including, but not limited to, the following: l. Nonalcoholic beverages. 2. Brick and masonry. 3. Ceramic products. 4. Foundries. 5. Glass products. 6. Gypsum. 7. Steel products-fabrication and assembly. For occupancy separations, see Table 3-B. 306.2 Construction, Height and Allowable Arta. 3M.2.1 General. Buildings or parts of buildings classed as Group F Occupancies because of the use or character of the occu- pancies shall be limited to the types of constnrction s€t forth in 1997 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE cutoff valve shall be supervised. When the amusement building is temporary, the sprinkler water-supply system may be of an ap- proved temporary type. EXCEPTION: An automatic sprinkler system need not b€ pro- vided when the floor area of a temporary amusement building is less than I ,000 square feet (92 .9 mz) and the exit travel distance from any point is less than 50 feet (15 240 mm). 9M.2.3.7 Stages. All stages shall be provided with an automatic sprinkler system. Such sprinklers shall be provided throughout the stage and in dressing rooms, workshops, storerooms and other ac- cessory spaces contiguous to such stages. EXCEPTIONS: l. Sprinklers arc not required for stages 1,000 square feet (92.9 m2) or less in area and 50 feet (15 240 mm) or less in height where curtains, scenery or other combustible hangings are not retractable venically. Combustible hangings shall be limited to a single main curtain, borders, legs and a single backdrop. 2. Under stage areas less than 4 feet (1219 mm) in clear height used exclusively for chair or table storage and lined on the inside with s/8-inch (16 mm) Type X gypsum wallboard or an approved equal. 904.2.3.E Smoke-protected assembly seating. All areas enclosed with walls and ceilings in buildings or structures con- taining smoke-protected assembly seating shall be protected with an approved automatic sprinkler system. EXCEPTION: Press boxes and storage facilities less than 1,000 square feet (92.9 m2) in area and in conjunction with outdoor seating facilities where all means of egress in the seating area are essentially open to the outside. 9M.2.4 Group E Occupancies. 9(J/..2.4.1 General. An automatic fire sprinkler system shall be installed throughout all buildings containing a Group E, Divisio! 3 OggupalcJ yith aLoccupant load ofJ0 or moie,and Group E, l)rvlslon I Uccupancy. EXCEPTIONS: l. When each room used for instruction has at least one exterior exit door at ground level and when rooms used for assembly purposes have at least one half of the required exits directly to the exterior ground level, a sprinkler system need not be provided. 2. When area separation walls, or occupancy separations having a fire-resistive rating of not less than two hours subdivide the building into sepiuate compartments such that each compartment contains an aggr"gut" floor area not greater than 20,00O square feet ( I 858 m2), an automatic sprinkler system need not be provided. 9M.2.4.2 Basements. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in basements classified as Group E, Division 1 Occupan- cies. 9M.L4.3 Stairs. An automatic sprinkler system shall be in- stalled in enclosed usable space below or over a stairway in Group E, Division I Occupancies. See Section 1005.3.3.6. 9M.2.5 Group F Occupancies. 9M.2.5.1 Woodworking occupancies. An automatic fire sprin- kler system shall be installed in Grolp F woodworking occupan- cies over 2,500 square feet (232.3 mz) in area that use equipment, machinery or appliances that generate finely divided combustible waste or that use finely divided combustible materials. 9M.2.6 Group H Occupancies. 904.2.6.1 General. An automatic fire-extinguishing system shall be installed in Group H, Divisions 1,2,3 and 7 Occupancies. 9M.2.6.2 Group H, Division 4 Occupancies. An automatic fire-extinguishing system shall be installed in Group H, Division 4 Occupancies having a floor area of more than 3,000 square feet (279 m2} 904.2.3.6 904.3.1 904.2.6.3 Group H, Division 6 Occupancies. An automatic fire-extinguishing system shall be installed throughout buildings containing Group H, Division 6 Occupancies. The design of the sprinkler system shall not be less than that required under UBC Standard 9-1 for the occupancy hazard classifications as follows: I the system consists of a by one row thE maximum number of sprinklers that needs to be calculated 904.2.7 Group I Occupancies. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed thoughout any floor of a building housing a Group I Occupancies. EXCEPTIONS: l. In jails, prisons and reformalories, the piping system may be dry, provided a manually operated valve is installed at a continuously monitored location. Opening of the valve will cause the piping system to be charged. Sprinkler heads in such systems shall be equipped with fusible elements or the system shall be designed as re- quired for deluge systems in UBC Standard 9- I . 2. Buildings housing Group I, Division 1.3 Occupancies on the ground floor need not be sprinklered. Buildings housing Group I, Divi- sion 1.3 Occupancies above the ground floor need not be sprinklered when the building is of one-hour constmction throughout. 904.2.E Group M Occupancies. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in rooms classed as Group M Oc-cupancies where ! the floor area exceeds 12,000 square feet (1115 m2; on any floor or - 24,000 square feet (2230 m2) on all floors or in Group M Occupan- I cies more than three stories in height. The area of. mezzanines shall be included in determining the areas where sprinklers are required. 904.2.9 Group R, Division 1 Occupancies. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout every apanment house three or more stories in height or containing 16 or more dwelling units, every congregate residence three or more stories in height or having an occupant load of 20 or more, and every hotel three or more stories in height or containing 20 or more guest rooms. Residential or quick-response standard sprinklers shall be used in the dwelling units and guest room portions of the building. 9M.2.10 Piers or wharves. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed under piers or wharves regulated by Section 418A of this code, which exceed 200 feet (60 960 mm) in length or exceed 5,000 square feet (465 m2; in area. Such systems shall comply with NFPA Standard 307-1990. 904.3 Sprinkler System Monitoring and Alarms. 9M.3.1 Where required. All valves controlling the water sup- ply for automatic sprinkler systems and water-flow switches on all sprinkler systems shall be electrically monitored where the num- ber of sprinklers are: l. Twenty or more in Group I, Divisions 1.1 and 1.2 Occupan- cies. 2. One hundred or more in all other occupancies. Valve monitoring and water-flow alarm and trouble signals shall be distinctly different and shall be automatically transmitted to an approved central station, remote station or proprietary moni- toring station as defined by national standards, or, when approved by the building official with the concurrence of the chief of the hre department, sound an audible signal at a constantly attended loca- tion. 1-95 area LOCATION OCCUPANCY HAZARD cusslFlcATloN Ordinary Hazard Group 2 Ordinary Hazard Group 2 Ordinary Hazard Group 2 Extra Hazard Group 2 Ordinary Hazard Group 2l Fabrication areas Service corridors Storage rooms without dispensing Storage rooms with dispensing Corridors il I