HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2003-10-24OREGONC,ITY OF GFIELO D EV ELO P M ENT S ERV ICES D EPART M ENT October 24,2003 Cheryl Henderson EC Cares 2gg E l8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401-4108 RE: 725 South 42nd Street, Springfield, Oregon Dear Ms. Henderson: This letter is written regarding your request to obtain a copy of the original Certificate of Occupancy or inspection record for the structure located at725 South 42nd Street, Springfield, Oregon. The building was constructed prior to the property being annexed by the City of Springfield and was in the jurisdiction of Lane County at the time it was constructed. Therefore, we do not have the information you are requesting. The County has transferred a number of building files to us, but this is not a file they have given to us You might want to contact their building department or the Springfield School District since they are the owner of the building and may have some original documentation of the structure. If I may be of further assistance, please feel free to phone me at 726-3790 Sincerely, Lisa Hopper Building Safety Supervisor afr,225 FIFTH SIFEET SPBINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-s689 vwwv. ci. spri n gf i eld. o r. u s Child Care Certification Procedures and Responsibilities (lf you are a new Lane County provider, your first step will be to attend an orientation) 1. Schedule pre-certification visit with certifiers. 2. Work with your city or county (if you will run a rural facility) planner to obtain a Conditional Use Permit and a Certificate of Occupancy. Call the Planning and Zoning customer service representative for your area. Do NOT procede with property purchase, leases or remodelling until you know you will be granted the permits. You could purchase a property that might be unusable for your facility. 3. Familiarize yo urself with all the information in the Rules for the Certification of Child Care manual. You are responsible for compliance with these rules at alltimes. 4. SenO the following forms and fees to Facility Application, Child Care Division, P..O. Box 14050, Salem, Oregon 97309-4050: A. Application, addendum and fees ($100 plus $2 per certification slot) B. New Facility Evaluation form (CCD 109) C. Floor plan, including measurements of usable space, placement of toilets, diapering areas and sinks D. Director Designation form (CCD 153) E. Director's resume F. Criminal history records search and separate check for $3 fee per applicant 5. When the paperuork is sent in, and it appears your proposed site will be permitted, send the Sanitarian and Fire Marshalforms, along with any appropriate fees, to the county sanitarian and correct fire marshal's office. Get the inspections done, complete any corrections they request. Keep copies of the inspection forms. An inspector may not be able to visit your site for six weeks or more; plan ahead. 6. When all the steps above have been completed, and you are familiar with all the rules and regulations in your Rules for the Certification of Child Care Center book, call your certifier to schedule the certification inspection. Operator & Director Responsibilities: 1. Submit renewal application with req uired fee to CCD at least 30 days prior to the current certificate's expiration date. 2. lf there is a change in the use of space, submit a revised floor plan with the renewal application. 3. Be in compliance with your Rules book before your annual inspections. 4. Determine if you need any exceptions to the rules. lf so, request an exception form(s). 5. Obtain fire and sanitation inspections in a timely manner. 6. Call certifler to request renewal inspection. Certifier Responsibi lities : 1. Review facility record 2. Review fire and sanitation inspection reports. 3. lnspect facility for compliance with Rules for the Certification of Child Care Centers. 4. Review findings of inspection with operator/director and obtain additional information if necessary. 5. Review all information, obtain and make a decision to issue a certificate as requested, to issue a certificate with changes from the request, or to recommend denial of the application. 6. Explain decision to operator/director.