HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Notice 1998-02-27CITY OF OREGOA' Ao,( SP. .{GFIELE, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DE PARTMENT Date of Letter: February 27,1998 ApolicanU Owner: Peter Cadigar/ Goodwill Industies of Lane County 855 Seneca Steet Eugene, OR 97402 h,225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (s41 ) 726-37s3 FAX (541) 726-368eNotice of Decision - Type I Site PIan Modilication Journal Number: 98-02-53 Engineers: Al Waite/ Roger Liljeberg International Resources Unlimited P.O Box I l0l7 Eugene, OR 97440 Nature of Application: The application requests approval to modi$ Springfield Planning Journal File #97-07-162, an approved site plan for property at 30s and Main Sreets in Springfield. The parking layout has been changed to accommodate a relocation of a stormwater bio-swale. Decision: Tentative Approval, with conditions, as of the date of this letter. Full compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances requires revisions of the plans submitted (see Conditions of Approval). Other Uses That Mav Be Authorized By The Decision: None. Construction of approved development will be in accordance with the provisions of the Development Agreement, the Approved Final Site Plan as modified herein, Springfield Development Code (SDC) and all applicable permit procedures. Uses allowed by the Springfield Development Code, but not listed on the application, are not approved and may require additional site and building review procedures. Criteria of Site Plan Modification Approval: [n accordance with SDC 31.100, an approved site plan may be modified under a Type I procedure. The modification application must include reasons for modification and evidence that the proposed changes are consistent with the provisions of this code. Site Plan Review Criteria l-4 (SDC Section 31.060) shall be applied to determine code compliance: (1) COMPLTANCE WrTH TrrE SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS OF SECTIONS 3.0s0 AIYD 3I.O5O OF THIS CODE. The site plan modification application was accepted as complete on February 19, 1998 and contained all information required for a Type I modification review. Flnding ol Facl I: Thb criterion hos been met because the oppltcant hos complied wllh all submlttal requhemenls and the decislon wos lssaed withtn the requhed 120 days. Q)PROPOSED ON-SITE AND OFF.SITE PUBLIC ATID PRTVATE IMPROVEMENTS ARE SUFFICIENT TO ACCOMMODATE THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AS SPECIFIED IN ARTICLES 31,32, THE APPROPRIATE ZONING AI\D/OR OVERLAY DISTRICT ARTICLE AND AI\Y APPLICABLE REFINEMENT PLAN. a. Conformance with Article 32 @ublic and Private Improvements) 2 (3) Storm Sewer. The modification plan proposes to relocate 175 feet of bioswale from adjacent the 306 Street right of way, approximately 40 feet west, to a parking lot island. The relocation is necessary to avoid a Springfield Utility Board water main line that has been placed where the bioswale was planned and approved during site review #97-0'1-162. The water line was indicated in the 30h sheet right of way during review per SUB's July 31, 1997 correspondence to the City and applicant. The proposed modifications must maintain the overall size and treatment capability of the drainage system in accordance with SDC 32.110(4), as reviewed and approved during the prior Type II procedure. Therefore, l) the modification plan must correct the length of the swale (shows 175 feet of length , measures 170 feet according to the scale indicated); 2) the slope of the swale must be lo/o (.5o/o shown), and 3) 75 feet of run must be provided from the north end of swale to the intake (suggest junction box or manhole at indicated location and an intake 35' further to the south). If the plan is revised in this manner, the relocation of the swale will be a minor revision and the design function of the swale will be unaffected. Finding: The intent of the nodification is to relocate the bioswale location and maintain the designfunction of the original plans and calculations submitted. Thefollowing Condition of Approval is appliedforfull compliance with this Code and Site Plan Review #97-07-162: l) The Final ModiJication Plan must be revised to provide i,75 feet of swale, lok slope and 75 feet of runfrom the north end of swale; or otherwise demonstrate consistency wilh the original stormwater system design and calculations approved by the City Engineer in accordqnce with sDC 32.110(4). b) Conformance with standards of SDC Article 31- Site Plan Review and Article 18- Com mercia I Zoning Districts. Parking. The modification plan increases parking spaces provided without adversely affecting the intemal circulation reviewed and approved during Site plan Review 97-07-162. However, the modification plan parking legend must be revised to reflect the new totals. Finding: The modification plan parking data does not re/lect the proposed changes. Thefollowing Condition of Approval is appliedforfull conformance with the provisions of this code: 2) Pursuant to SDC Article 31.170 and 18.070, the Final Modification Plan must be revised to retlect the number and type ofparking spaces provided. Ultlmate Finding of Fact: Stalffuds Criterio 2 is met because Subcrlterla a,& b, as conditloned, have been mel Subcfitefia c ls not applicable II\TVENTORIED NATURAL (INCLT'DING REGULATED WETLAI\DS) AND HISTORIC FEATURES OF THE SITE HAVE BEEN ADEQUATELY CONSIDERED IN THE PROJECT DESIGN. The Metro Plan, the Draft Natural Resources Special Study, the National Wetlands Inventory, tle draft Springfield Wetland tnventory Map, the and the list of Historic Landmark Sites have been consulted. No inventoried natural resources have been affected by the modifications. If any artifacts are encountered during construction, there are state laws that could apply, ORS 97.740, ORS 358.905, and ORS 390.235. If human remains are discovered during construction it is a Class 'C' felony to proceed under ORS 97.740. .L 3 Finding of Fact 3: Stulffinds Crileria 3 ls met because the modiJications do no affect any on site nataral resoutces. (4)PARKING AREAS AND INGRESS-EGRESS POINTS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED SO AS TO FACILITATE TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY, TO AVOID CONGESTION AND TO MINIMIZE CURB CUTS ON ARTERHL OR COLLECTOR STREETS AS SPECIFIED IN ARTICLES 3I,32,THE APPROPRIATE ZONING AND/ORZONING OVERLAY DISTRICT ARTICLE AI\ID AI\[Y APPLICABLE REFINEMENT PLAN. The proposed relocation ofparking spaces does not reduce the number ofparking places below the number required by code and does not affect internal circulation or access. Finding of Fact 1: Traflic and pedestrian salety is unaffected, therefor this criterion does not apply. What Needs To Be Done Bv The Applicant To Obtain Final Site Plan Approval? Three copies of a Modified Final Site Plan in substantial conformity with application submittals and any additional required plans or documents are required within 90 days of the date of this letter showing compliance with SDC Article 3l Criteria of Approval l-4, as conditioned: l) The Final ModiJication Plan must be revised to provide 175 feet of swale, lok slope and 75 feet of runfrom the north end of swale; or otherwise demonstrate consistency with the original stormwater system design and calculations approved by the City Engineer in accordance with sDC 32.r t0(4). 2) Pursuant to SDC Article 3;,.170 and 18.070, the Final Modification Plan must be revised to reflect the number and type ofparking spaces provided. Additional Information: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria ofapproval are available for free inspection and copies are available at a cost of $0.75 for the first page and $0.25 for each additional page at the Development Services Deparfrnent, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. Appeal: If you wish to appeal this Type II Limited Land Use Site Plan Modification decision, you must do soYourappealmustbeinaccordancewithSDC,Articlel5, Appeals. Appeals must be submitted on a City form with a fee of $250.00. The fee will be retumed to the applicant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application. Ouestions: Please call Jim Donovan in the Planning Division of Development Services Deparfrnent at (541) 726-3660 ifyou have any questions regarding this process.