HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Land Drainage Alteration 1999-08-11""\Ol A 3Oh more,Yards ofconsistsalterationsiteandthoeverywheresitenpl6inactlvityfloodforlsThisanypermitrequired m its ndtswithinandaifdraCityaffected,lor rinag ewayorcubic50)fifty _.#fi(tig of Springfield Permit Expiration Date:Date of ner Ga-J-.tt s,nCoctc.rs a$IsPhoneOwProperty CityAddress nOregoSprlngfisld,ICttAddSits t Trx Lot: ?o8.105e- Journal numbor appllcable Land Usc tr UGB Tax Map Source Location .O tr tr tr Phone q.4n -lrta FILL, Ouantity loo Sup Suppl Project Destination: Address GRADING, Oua EXCAVATION, !( tr tr tr tr tr rllDRAINAGE, POLLUTION AND ERO SION CONTROL PLAN improvements. coMPANY Meui: lErr. i psoiirce. Ut ti*"Fe4 COMPANY NAME: , ADDRESS: PHONE STA STATEctw CITY NE ADDRESS:?.o. PBOJECT SUPERVISOR: PROJECT SUPERVISOR: B-r tt6 t,) , EMERGENCY PHONE: ?- 726 -39?? }I€BI+f PHONE:St - r"3? PROJECT SUPERVISOR:o.ur<.Irlra>kus ZlPz q?q ? Registration Num 77b-4tz-* OFFICE PHONE Expi ration Date: CITY:ADDRESS: 7 CONTRACTOR NAME: STATE: O I understand that I. or my aucc€88ore may have future plane for my property. which may be antic.ipated or qnanticipated-at . inj!-ti'iii. i'-,,iii;;"i;;,i'ih;i;ui[-r,tuid rira* q.Y lll,l':flllt;:l*"tffi1fl3:ii31ii,Hi,'il8[Fi:rhe c\or sorinerierd I;lri:fflgliiLl]3'[i*"il3.8'lffir3lf,!?t?4iJ;;;;;,;w' ino riconiioeilii'i-diiiiJ;hich i ;;';v-;,ic',:iildii i a'ie undertakon porsuant to triiir-iifFli uniirJtano thai tjrg -c1ty may as a condition of any future approval, require the ffi;il6;;il;bjns, 6i motiriliil;;i';;tiEioni wnlln itr6vi uhdertak€n as a rosult bf tho cit/s approval of this LDAP. f,I"?'.g:?[TiJ,:li'i"ii"11g:';"']3ll,x'"i",i',fi1{l'":f#llffiii#r::n'1"'li,9eil'Ji"i:ie^1":.:s'ifi i:':3L:#l?#iHx" y$l"t?'8#i[xrn*.Ti,{tr'"'i,lTi::$ki*r",:l,l: fffiilltgfl,'dffisl't""'fl'Jtxfl}'"?HllF:'"ij3,ll'&'ilf,".1Ji: iiniptidnci-fiittrbiS 7oI.o0o wlll be ueed on this project. The City may lnspost tho work shc described_ ln this permit 8t an-y timedurjlJg a ons year period following.the receipt by. irif c.itildinbiidoitorpiliiin iittri-ol'iiriueo,"oitiindepecily, rltho ci6/s sole-desocrstion, anv addhionalrestoration J"Er[iIoilrili;;id;'iiffiiii't6'ri'iia-nirairi-acci-ptiile.io 6tClty. rne perririttee will be notiried in wrhins or anv work . Ctd;#"liid$N*1,'jH}iila&'ll'ii:g:U,fl'ffi[1,:3T8tl:Silffi'*.*ork not comproted atthe end or I further roroo to .nrurc thlt alt rcqulrcd lnrpcctlons aro requostod at.tho propcr tlmo, th€t projcct addresc k readrble from itri street,- rnd tho approved sot of plans will remaln on the Eite at all tlmss dUrlo! co[suu6lon; Dlto Au<. rt . r119Slgnaturoo FET M, tJJo- Zo EIF M, tIJ = IJJ U Z -fvE-ao oZ oZs cx uJz =o UJF @ zo E TElil 5 az 5 a z tU =-o E olUtr5at! TE a z 5fazoo Eo o E zoo az 5o- lUtr ut E.l zga bvilA)t^1P-o',,n^^t*.' q q I ZG B andand land REPLANTING PLAN t .t stl Date: tr v 4 DRAINAGE, CI StoTm,El Ditch, O Culvert, O Natu WETLANDS, Descri FLOOD PLAIN, Zone:FEMA Community Panel No.: FLOODWAY, FEMA Community Panel No.:t.l i $20.00 : t , $3O.OO );'.' 'r', t ' $40.00 $4O.OO For the first 10,000 cubic yards, plus ' $20.00 for each'additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. $220.00 For the first 100,001 cubic yards, plus $20.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. $340 For the first 200,001 cublc yards, plus $6.00 for each additional 10,000 cubid yards or fraction thereof. J.t'.' 'di " r $30.00.. ' .: , .. . .,j ,,,,'.. . . $30.00 For the first 100 cubic yards, plus $14.00 for each additional lOO cubic yards or fraction th€reof. $156.00 For lhe first 1,OOO cubic yards, plus: $ 1 2.O0 forreach additional 1 ,O0O cubic yards or fraction theroof . $264.00 For the first 10,000 cubic yards, plus $54.00 for.each p{dition-al .10,O0O,cubic yards or fraction thereof . $75O.oo 16r ine iiist lOO,dOt cubib yards, plus $30.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof. -, qlo/q?s.s .Date:Receiyed by ?el' .^tl r. I ,. 100,001 To 200,000 Received By: Estlmated Volume: Plan Check Fee: 2OO,OO1 CUBIC YARDS OR MORE , GRADTNG PERM|T- FEES: 'uF ro.1o0 cuBrc YARDS 101 TO l,OOO CUBIC YARDS 1,001 TO ,10,000 CUBTC YARDS tlt,ltj ' ,10,000 To 100,000 cuBrc YARDS ,! 100,001 To 200,000 PLAN CHECK FEES: UP TO lOO CUBIC YARDS 101 TO 1,000 CUBTC YARDS ' l,OOl TO 10,000 CUBTC YARDS 10,000 To 100,000 cuBtc YARDS Receipt Noz?C/% Drt";${/.* Date: Grading Permit tr FFu Date: Date: Planni Enginbering Building: ' '^t t' Permit Number;ft17i229 lssued by:_ ReqJ rired Final lnspeetions-' Date: Maintenance: Date Date Date - Date: Planning: Engineering: Building: Land and Drainage. activity.as outlined in this permit has been completed in accordance'withIne provrsrons oT tnts permtt. !=end^A!E-D-l?i!Fge_qqtlury as_o-lflined in this permit has not been completed in accordancewrtn tne provtstohs ot this permit. tr Land and Drainage activity was performed prior to application for this permit. tr tr , Accepted by: IUoz t-(L ]Uoo '116/1998 Receipt ttor35 582- Date:- q is Side To Be fill By City Staff tu tU lJ- ; EI M IJJo- Zo EIF M, IIJFJ tIJ U Z EI rv -Erc cZ nZ 5 I a