HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Notice 1997-09-30CITY OF SPR"VGFIELD, OREGqU
Date of Letter
September 30,1997
Peter Cadigan /
Goodwill Industries of Lane County
855 Seneca Road
Eugene, OR 97402
Notice of Decision - Limited Land Use - Site Plan Review
Journal Number
e7+l-tbL aoa'*'
(s41 ) 726-3753
FAX (541 ) 726-368s
Al Waite/
International Resources Unlimited
P.O. Box I l0l7
Eugene,OR 97440
Nature of Applicstion: The applicant has submitted a Type II Site Plan Review Application requesting
approval to construct a commerciaUvocational center with parking and landscaping as part of a planned
complex at 3lst Street and Main Street, in Springfield.
Decision: Tentative Site Plan Approval, with conditions, as of the date of this letter.
Other Uses That May Be Authorized By The Decision: None. Future development will be in
accordance with the provisions of the Springfield Development Code and all applicable permit proceduts.
Site Informstion: The 2.3 acre development area is the south 400 feet of the west 256 feet of Tax Lot 700
on Assessor's Map 17-02-31, that portion lying west of 30th Street. The properly is zoned Community
Commercial on the Springfield Zoning Map and the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan (MSRP). The
parcels is otherwise bounded by Main Street/Oregon Highway 126 to the south, developed commercial
properly to the west, and lighUmedium industrial property to the north. The northern 450 feet of the
applicant's property is vacant LMI property. The development area is relatively flat and void of trees.
City street project 3-036 has been approved for the construction of 30th Steet right of way to the north
boundary of the proposed development area. The applicant is constructing an office stmcture on the
portion of Tax Lot 700 lying east of the 30th Street right of way, Planning Journal #97-01-23.
Written Comments: Applications for Limited Land Use Decisions require the notification of property
ownerVoccupants within 300 feet of the subject properly allowing for a 14 day comment period on the
application. No letters were received.
Criteria of Site Plan Approval: Section 31.060, Site Plan Review Standards, of the Springfield
Development Code states: "The Director shall approve, or approve with conditions, a Type II Site Plan
Application upon determining that criteria (l) through (4) of this section have been satisfied. If conditions
cannot reasonably be attached to satisff the criteria, the Director shall deny the application."
The site plan applicationwas accepted as complete on July I I , 1997 and contained all
information required to initiate Type II Site Ptan Review procedures in accordance with SDC
Articles 3 and 31. This decision is issued within the required t 20 calendar dry review period.
Finding of Fact 1: Criteria t has been md becouse the applicant hos complied with all
submittal requirements ond the dectslon was issued wilhin lhe required 120 days.
Subcriteria a. conformance with Article 32 (pubtic and private Improvements)
Water and Electric. The development will receive water service from the Springfield Utility
Board (SUB). A new 12" water main is required to serve the proposed development in
accordance with SDC 32.120. The main must be constucted inthe 30th Street right of way
during City sreet project SP3-036. The applicant must coordinate the installation of laterai water
lines and ottrer utilities with SUB prior to constmction. Water service facilities will be installed
upon the collection of development charges; wliich'rire paid directly to SUB. Contilbi Ken
Cerotsky (746-8451) if there are any questions.
There is an existing SUB power pole and overhead electrical service located at the east property
line of the development site. Secondary lateral service will be constructed underground in
accordance with SDC 32.120(2). Ed Head of SLJB Electric (726-2395) is the contact p€rson.
Services will be installed upon the collection of development charges.
Right of way construction permits will be required from the City of Springfield public Works
Departnent prior to any constmction in the public right of way. All stee! curb, gutter, planter
strips, and sidewalks must be constructed or repaired according to City of Springfield Standard
Constuction Specifi cations.
Finding: The proposed plarafor installation of water and electrical service comply with the
standards in SDC Article 32 for the provision of kay urban senices because water serttice can beqtended to the north property line and electrical serttices can be locoted underground- The
following condition of apprwal is appliedforfull compliance with the provisions of this code:
l) The Final Site Plan must be revised to provide a 12" water main within the ihth Street right
of wqy. The main must be constructed to SUB and City Standard Construction Specilications
during City Street Project 3-036. Location of lateral service lines qtended to the proposed
structure must be shown on the Final Site Plan
Fire and Life Safety. Existing fire mains and the proposed sprinkler system have sufficient
volume and flow to provide fire protection to the proposed developments shown on the submitted
site plan. Please contact Al Gerar( Fire and Life Safety at726-2298 for more information .
Finding: Tle proposed plan of fire protection measures comply with the standards in the SDC
for the provision of key urban services because the Fire and Life Safety Department has
determined thatfire lines, hydrants and sprinWers have suficient size andflow to protect the
development as proposed.
Sanitary Sewer. A new 8" public sanitary sewer main must be constmcted within the 30th Street
right of way to serve the proposed development in accordance with SDC 32.100 (1). The new
main must be constructed to City Standard Construction Specifications and installed during the
current 30th Steet improvement project. Location of private sanitary sewer lateral services
extending to the structure must be shown on the Final Site Plan. All new sewer taps will require
permits from the Public Works Deparfinent prior to connection. For more engineering
information contact Don Branch of the Public Works Division (726-3759).
Finding: The submitted site plan meets the provisions of SDC 32.100 because the City Engineer
hos determined that the proposedpublic sanitary sewer main lus been designed and can be
coratructed to City Standord Construction Spcifications during City project SP j-0j6. Forfull
compliance with the provisions of SDC i2.100 thefollowing Condition of Apprwal is applied:
4 fhe Final Site Plan must be revised to provide the location of private sanitary sewer lines
connecting the proposed structure to publicfacilities.
Finding: The City Engineer has determined that adequate provisions have madefor reduction and
pre-treatment of storm water run-off prior to discharging to City storm drainage systems because
catch basins and bio-swales are proposed and tle proposed rystems can be connected to public
focilities in 30th and Main Streets-
Street Improvements: Full street improvements are being constructed along east property line
of the subject site from Main Steet to the norttr boundary of the development area under City
Street Project SP3-036, meeting the provisions of SDC 32.020 that require fully improved
frontage to be extended to serve proposed development. The Final Site plan must be revised to
show the location of dustpan driveways on 30th Street aligning with approved access points on the
opposite side of the street in accordance with SDC 32.080. The width of the norttr driveway on
30th Sneet must be increased to 35' in accordance with SDC Table32-2 to allow for tnrck
turning movements. Public utilities, connections and curb cuts must be coordinated with all
developers and contactors prior to constnrction. Full street improvements, including sftet trees,
must be bonded or installed prior to occupancy of any stmcture in accordance with SDC 3 I . I 10.
Finding: The proposed davelopment has unimprwedfrontage abutting the subject site and street
imprwements on the submitted site plan do not meet tln prwisions of this Code because curbcuts
proposed are out of alignment and lack sufricient width to allow proposed turn mwements. The
following Conditions of Approval are applied in accordance wilh SDC 3i,.070 forfull compliance
with the provisions of this Code:
il fhe Final Sile Plan must be revised to increase the width of the north curbcut on i0th street to
35 fet Both proposed curbcuts on 30th Street must be relocated opposite the curb cuts on the
east side of the street in accordance with sDc 32.080.
Storm Sewer. The submitted site plan shows three bio-filtation swales and dual chamber catch
basins to pre-treat parking lot storm water prior to discharge to the public system in accordance
with SDC Section 32.110. The proposed 12" lateral must be connected to 30th Street public
systems during City SP 3-036. South parking lot systems connecting to the 18" line in Main
Street will require connection perrrits from thE City Public Worla Departrnent and right of wdy
construction permits from ODOT. Bob Taylor of the Public Works Division (726-3759) is the
contact p€rson..1
Main Steet/ OR Highway 126 is a major arterial street under the jurisdiction of the Oregon
Deparfrnent of Transportation and the City of Springfield. The access point proposed at west
propefty line of the development area must be limited to 24' tnwidth in accordance with SDC
Table 32-2. A raised center median must be constructed to ODOT construction standards in the
Main Street right of way that limits left hand turn movements in and out of the development. The
median must be designed by a registered engineer to integnte into future improvements of the
30th and Main Steet intersection. Design review and approval by City and State transportation
engineers is required prior to Final Site Plan Approval. An Improvement Agreement to
participate in projects improving sheet frontage to full City and ODOT standards along the
frontage of the subject site is required in accordance with SDC 32.020(l0XbX. The agreemenl
must include full street improvements to all properly frontage and the adjacent intersection, (i.e.
street trees, traffic signals, pedestrian crosswalks and tansit facilities). Lane Transit District
(LTD) provides bus service to the development area and taffic impacts of the proposed use can
be reduced by the installation of bus stop facilities at the site. A covered transit stop must be
provided west of the 30th Street intersection, in accordance with the provisions of MSRP
Transportation Policy I (pg. l2), and State of Oregon Transportation Planning Rule 12. The
location and design must be approved by LTD, ODOT and City transportation engineers and
shown on the Final Site Plan. All construction within the Main Street/OR Highway 126 right of
way will require a permits from ODOT. The Final Site Plan must be revised to relocate or remove
covered walkway structures within required setbacks until a variance application has been
approved in accordance with Article I I of the Springfield Develdpment Code.
Finding: Access to Main Streetfrom the proposed development will increase traffc on the City
street system which must be restricted to right i4 right out movementsfrom a 24' wide driveway
for trafic safety. Thefollowing Conditions of Apprwal are applied in accordonce with SDC
31.070 forfull compliance with the provisions of this Code:
4) The Final Site Plan must be revised to provide a 24'wide driveway access to Main Street in
accordance with SDC Table i2-2. The Site Plan must include directional arrows and a
"Right Turn Only" sign at the ait point.
5) Engineered public improvement plansfor a raised median in the Main Street public right of
way must be submittedfor tlw review and apprwal of Ctty and ODOT traffc engineers. The
approved design must be submitted on the Finol Site Plan.
6) An Improvement Agreement to participate infuture projects improving Main streetfrontage
and the 30th Street intersection tofull City and ODOT standards is required in accordorrce with
SDC i2.020(10)(b)4. The agreement must be submiaed on Cityforns with a surttq/or's
description ofthe property prior to Final Sile Plan approval.
7) fhe Final Site Plan must be raised to include a cwered transit stop in the Main Street public
right of way in accordancewilh SDC 32.020(10) and TPR 12. The qact location and design must
be approved by LTD, ODOT and City transportation engineers and shown on tlle Final Site Plan
Subcriteria b) Conformance with stenderds of SDC Article 31- Site Plen Review and
Article 18- Commercial Zonin&Districts.
Setbacks: The structural setbacks of the site plan submitted comply with the provisions of SDC
18.050 because the proposed structure is setback 14 feet from west or side prop€rty line and a
minimum of 80 feet from front rear and steet side property lines. The submitted site plan does
not provide a 5 foot planted setback of parking from the east or street side, prope(y line as
required by SDC 18.050 and must be revised. Proposed architectural extensions must b€ relocated
or removed because SDC 18.050 only allows 2 foot encroachment into required setbacks without
a variance.
Finding: The tentative plan submitted does not provide 5 foot planted setback of parking along
street side property line per SDC 18.050. Thefollowing Condition of Approval is appliedforfull
compliance with this provision of the SDC:
S) A 5'wide planted setback must be prwided along the east property line of the development
area in accordonce with SDC i,8.050(l).
Landscaoing. SDC 31.140(l) Site Plan Review - Planting Standards states,'-. the ereas of a
lot which shall be plented include: (a) All required setbeck areas and any additional
planting areas as specified in the appropriate zoning district The required sEeet side and
front yard planted setback area in accordance with SDC 18.050 is 2125 feet. In accordance with
SDC 31.140(2) the setback area must be planted with four 2" caliper trees that are 6' in height,
and 20 shrubs that are 5 gallon size. The area ofthe parking lot to be landscaped is 3 100 square
feet (5%); in accordance with SDC 3 1.140(3), 3 I tees and 124 shrubs are required. The total
minimum number of trees required is 35, the total minimum number of shrubs is 144. 650/o of all
landscaped area must be planted with living material. All landscaping requires permanent
irrigation unless a registered landscape professional starnps a plan as drought resistant in
accordance with SDC 3 1.140. The tentative plan submitted provides l0 street trees, 18 landscape
trees and 84 shrubs. ln accordance with SDC 31.l40(2)&O), 13 additionallaridscape tiees'bre '-'
required and 40 more shrubs are required.
Finding: The submitted landscape plan does not provide the area or plantings required by SDC
3 I . 140, as demonstrated above. The Plan submitted is not stamped as drought resistant by a
landscape professional. Thefollowing Conditions of Approval are appliedforfull compliance
with the provisions of this Code:
9) TIE Final Larulscape Plan must provide jl00 squarefeet of landscapingwithin the parHng
area ad 3 I six foot tall, 2 inch caliper trees, and 124 sbubs 5 gallon size, in accordarrce with
sDc 3r.r40(3).
l0) The Final Landscape Plan must be revised to provide 5' of planted setback along east and
south property lines, 2 100 square feet total. The planting area must contain a minimum offour
trees, skfeet tall, 2 inch caliper, and 20 shrubs, 5 gallon size, in accordance with SDC 3/i.140(2).
I I) fhe Final Landscape Plan must be revised to include permarcnl underground irrigation to
all ladscaping unless tlv plan is stamped as droughl resistant by a licensed landscape
professional in accordonce with SDC 3i/.140(4).
Parking. The site plan submitted provides I 16 parking spaees, five of which are handicapped
accessible, for 2 1,400 square feet of gross floor area- 8 I parking spaces, with 3 ADA, will meet
the applicable parking rates of SIrc 18.070(5,8 &10): Food and Beverage Sales-1/100 square
feet of gross floor srea (gfa); Social and public institutions- U100 & lD0O gta; Retail Sales-
l/3fi) gfa; and SDC 20.070 'warehousing'- l/1fi)0 gfa. Parking lot design may exceed the
amount of vehicle parking spaces required by this Code, provided that all other provisions of this
Code and applicable state statutes are met. As submitted the current design lacks and pedestrian
connections to public right of way to provide safe and efficient movement of foot tafftc, as
required by State of Oregon Adminisfative Rules. State of Oregon Transportation Planning Rule
12, (OAR 660-12-0045@AD, requires " safe and convenient pedestrian and bicycle access from
within new..planned developments (&) shopping centers... to residential areas, transit stops andlo
neighborhood activity centers..." To provide a safe and reasonably direct connection between
phases of the proposed development and to public sidewalk, fiansit stops and residential areas,
the Final Site Plan must be revised to connect either 30th or Main Street public sidewalk to the
proposed structure with an ADA accessible safety crosswalk, designated with striping or alternate
construction materials at the southeast comer of the building. A similar crosswalk must be
provided to the north connecting the proposed development to the next phase of development.
For bicycle safety and accessibility, 2 racks capable of holding a minimum of 8 bicycles must be
distributed adjacent the retail and vocational areas, on hard surface out ofpedestrian and ADA
circulation patterns, in accordance with SDC 31.170.
Finding: The tentative parking lot design cannot be approved as proposed because the Director
Jinds that bicycle ond pedestrian safety has not been adequately addressed. In accordance with
SDC 31.070, thefollowing Conditions of Approval are appliedforfull compliance with this Code
and State of Oregon Transportation Planning Rule l2:
l2) The Final Sile Plan must be revised to provide an ADA accessible pedestrian connections
from the public sidewalk to the building wallcway, and north to the remainder of the property,
designating a safety crosswalk through the parking lot. (ref. 31.020, OAR 660-12-45)
l3) The Finol Site Plan must be revised to provide parkingfacilities for 8 bicycles in accordonce
withSDC 31.170.
An internal circulation conflict has been identified at the proposed drive-thru in the south parking
area. Vehicles entering from Main Steet have insuffrcient aitia tos-afelf make the U-turn r"equired
to use the drive-thru. Pursuant to SDC 3 1.070, the Director has the authority to require revised
building and parking designs where necessary.
Finding: The tentative parking lot design cannot be approved as proposed because the Director
finds that internal trafic safety has not been adequately addressed Insufiicient turnaround ares
qists to allow customer access to tlo drivethrufrom Main Street. TlefoUowing Conditiorc of
Approval are applied in accordance with SDC 31.070 forfull compliarce with this Code:
I4) The Final Sile Plan must be revised to alleviate drive-thru design and parking lot circulation
conflicts in accordarue with SDC 3;,.070(3).
Subcriteria c) Proposed on-site and off-site public end private improvements ere suflicient
to accommodate the proposed development as specified in eny applicable refinement plan.
The development site is located within the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan(MSRP). The site
plan has been conditioned in Subcriteia2a-b of this report to provide required public street
improvements and landscaping in accordance with the provisions of the Springfield Development
Code, as well as Transportation and Commercial Development policies of the MSRP. (pg.9-12)
Ullimate Findhg of Faa 2: Thts criterion is nnt because Subcriteria a), b) and c), as
condillone4 lully conform to lhe rcquhemen* of thls Code pertahhg to suffrctent public and
prlvate lmprovemenb to accont rudale the proposed daulopmcnt h accordance wlth SDC
Articks [E, 31,32 and the Mld-Sprlnglficld Refinement Plon
The subject site is defined as Tor Lot 700 on Lane County Assessor's Maps 17-02-31. The Mid-
Springfield Refinement Plan, the Draft Natural Resources Special Study, the National Wetlands
Inventory, the draft Springfield Wetland lnventory Map, Army Corps of Engineer Fill Permit #97-
294 and the list of Historic Landmark Sites have been consulted. No wetlands, natural or other
cultural resources have been identified on the site. A wetland fill and mitigation project continues
during development of Tax Lot 300, located north of the site.
There are no inventoried historic features or archeological sites located on the development site.
If any artifacts are encountered during construction, there are state laws that could apply, ORS
97.740, ORS 358.905, ORS 390.235. If human remains are discovered during constmction it is a
Class 'C' felony to proceed under ORS 97.740.
Finding of Fact 3: This criterion is met because the aforementloned resources were consulted
and no natural or hislorlc resourca have been ldentifud.
Parking Areas. The submitted parking lot desigrr has been reviewed by the Director and
Transportation Engineer and conditioned to incorporate pedestrian connections, bicycle racks,
handicapped access, and safe uaffic circulation in accordance with the federal Americans With
Disabilities Acg Oregon Administrative Rules TPR 12, and parking reqqirements of SDC 31.170.
Ingress and Egress Points. The curb cuts and ADA flairs proposed to access 30th and Main
Streets are iri conformance with SDC 32.080 Table32-2. The site plan has been conditioned to
limit access from Main Steet to right in, right out turn movements and to provide an ODOT
access permit. Future access to the remainder of the property will be subject to review of
existing traffic conditions at the time of application; additional street improvements may be
required and Improvement Agreements may be exercised.
Fhdtng of Fad a: &olffuds the slte plan, as condilioned, hos dalgned parklng ond accas
poln$ lolacllllatc lrafib and pedatlan salety, mlnlmlzp curb culs and reduce congatlon h
accordance wlth the provlslons of SDC Arllcla lE,31,32 and the Mld- Spilnglbld Refuemenl
What Needs To Be Done By The Applicant To Obtain Final Site Plan Approval?
Three copies of a Final Site Plan and any additional required plans, documents or information are required
to be submitted to the Planning Division within 90 days of the date of this letter showing compliance
with SDC Article 3l Criteria of Approval l-4, as conditioned:
l) The Final Site Plan must be revised to provide a 12" water mainwithin the 30th Street right
ofway.The main mtut be corutructed to SUB and City Standard Construction Specificatioru
during City Street Project i-0i6. Location of lateral semice lines *tended to the proposed
struclure must be shown on the Final Site Plan.
4 fhe Final Sile Plan must be revised to provide the location of private sanitary sewer lines
connecting the proposed structure to public facilities.
il ru Final Site Plan must be revised to irrcrease the width of the north curbcut on 30th street to
35 feet. Both proposed curbcuts on ihth Street must be relocated opposite the curb cuts on the
east side of the street in accordance with sDC 32.080.
4) The Final Site Plan must be revised to provide a 24' wide drtveway access to Main Street in
accordance with SDC Table 32-2. The Sile Plan must include directional arrows and a
"Right Turn Only" sign at the exit point.
5) Engineered public improvement plansfor a raised median in the Main Street public right of
wqy must be submittedfor the review and apprwal of City and ODOT traffc engineers. The
approved design must be submitted on the Final Site Plan.
6) An Improvement Agreement to participate infuture projects improving Main streetfrontage
and the 30th Street intersection tofull City and ODOT standards is required in accordonce with
SDC 32.020(10)(b)4. The agreement must be submitted on Cityforms with a surveyor's
description of the property prior to Final Site Plan apprwal.
7) The Final Sile Plqn must be revised to include a covered transit stop in the Main Street public
right of way in accordance with SDC 32.020(10) and TPR 12. The qact location and design mutt
be approved by LTD, ODOT and City transportation engineers and shown on the Final Site Plan.
8) A 5' wide planted setback must be provided along the east property line of the development
area in accordance with SDC 18.050(l).
9) The Final Landscape Plan must provide 3100 squarefeet of landscaping within the parking
area and 31 six foot tall, 2 inch caliper trees, and 124 slrubs 5 gallon size, in accordance with
sDC 3r.140(3).
1 0) The Finol Landscape Plan must be revised to provide 5' ofplanted setback along east and
south property lines, 2100 squarefeet total. The planting area must contain a minimum offour
trees, sixfeet tall, 2 inch caliper, and 20 shrubs, 5 gallon size, in accordarrce with SDC 3,l,.140(2).
I l) The Final landscape Plan must be revised to include permanent underground irrigation to
all landscaping unless the plan is stamped as drought resistant by a licensed landscape
professional in accordance with SDC 31.140(4).
12) The Final Site Plan must be revised to provide an ADA accessible pedestrian connections
from the public sidewalk to the building wallewry, and north to the remainder of the property,
designating a safety crosswalk through the parking lot. (ref. 3i,.020, OAR 660-12-45)
l3) The Final Site Plan must be revised to provide parkingfacilities for 8 bicycles in accordance
withsDC 3;,.170.
l4) The Final Site Plan must be revised to alleviate drive-thru design and parking lot circulation
conJlicts in accordance with SDC 3],.070(3).
DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: In order to complete the review process, a Development Agreement is
required to ensure that the terms and conditions of Final site plan review are binding upon both the
applicant and the City. This agreement will be prepared by Staffand upon approval of the Final Site Plan
and must be signed by the property owner pdor to the issuance o
SIGNS: Signs are regulated by the Springfield City Code Article 9, Chapter 7. The number and placement
of sigrrs must be coordinated with the Community Services Division. The locations of signs on a site plan
do not constitute approval from the Community Services Division. A separate sigrr permit is required.
Lisa Hopper (726-3790) is the contact person.
Additional Information: The application, all documents, and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and
the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are available at a cost of
$0.75 for the first page and $0.25 for each additional page at the Development Services Deparhnen! 225
Fifth Streeq Springfield, Oregon.
Appeal: If you wish to appeal this Type II Limited Land Use Site Plan Review Approval decision, you
must do so within l0 days of the date of this leffer. Your appeal must be in accordance with SDC, Article
15, Appeals. Appeals must be submitted on a City form with a fee of $250.00. The fee will be returned to
the applicant if the Planning Commission approves the appeal application.
Questions: Please call Jim Donovan in the Planning Division of the Development Services Departnent at
(541) 726-3660 if you have any questions regarding this process.