HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Notice 1998-01-07W
Date of Letter
January 7, 1998
(541 ) 726-3753
FAX(541) 726-3689
Notice of Decision - Limited Land Use - Site Plan Review
Journal Number
1998-09-021 1
\ot 3orh
Nature of Aoplication: The applicant submitted a Type ll Site Plan Review Application
to the City of Springfield for approval to construct a child day care development on
Goodwill property at 30m and Main Street, in Springfield.
Decision: Tentative Site Plan Approval , as a secondary use with conditions, as of the
date of this letter. Ihis is a limited land use decision made according to city code
and state statute. Unless appealed, the decision is final. Please read this
document carefully. Final Sr'fe Plans must conform to the tentative site plan
Other Uses That Mav Be Authorized Bv The Decision: None. Day care facilities that
primarily serve employees are a permitted accessory use in the Light Medium Industrial
(LMI) Zone according to Section 20.020(4)(5) of the Springfield Development Code
(SDC). Uses permitted in the zone but not listed on the application require
additional review and permits.
Site lnformation: Goodwill lndustries of Lane County owns approximately 7.3 acres of
property on the west side of 30s Street at Main Street. The southerly 2.3 acres are
zoned Community Commercia! and are developed with a retail and vocationaltraining
operation. The northerly 5 acres are zoned Light Medium lndustrial (LMl) by the City of
Springfield, consistent with the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan designation. The area is
vacant. There are delineated wetlands on the northern 5 acres that are not impacted
by this development proposal. The development area involved in this application is the
southeasterly 1 acre of the property zoned LM!, abutting the commercially zoned
property under the same ownership. The site has approximately 250 feet of frontage on
30s Street. 30h Street is a collector street improved with paving, curb, gutter street
trees and street lights adjacent to the subject site. Vacant property zoned LMI abuts the
property on the north, a factory on property zoned Heavy Industrial abuts the site to the
west, vacant property across 30s Street to the east is zoned Medium Density
IRU Group
PO Box 11017
Eugene, OR 97440
Goodwill lndustries
Attn: Peter Cadigan
855 Seneca
Eugene, OR 97402
2 Goodwill Site Plan PJ# 1998-09-0211
Written Gomments: Applications for Limited Land Use Decisions require the
notification of property owners/occupants within 300 feet of the subject property allowing
tor a 14 day comment period on the application. No written correspondence was
Griteria of Site Plan Approval: Section 31.060, Site Plan Review Standards, of the
Springfield Development Gode states: "The Director shall approve, or approve with
conditions, a Type ll Site Plan Application upon determining that criteria (1) through (4)
of this section have been satisfied. lf conditions cannot reasonably be attached to
satisfy the criteria, the Director shall deny the application."
AND 31.050 OF THIS CODE. The site plan application was accepted as complete
on September 25, 1998 and contained all information required to initiate Type ll Site
Plan Review procedures in accordance with Sections 3.050 & 31.050 of the SDC.
This decision is issued within the required 120 calendar day review period in
accordance with Section 3.050 of the SDC.
Finding of Fact 1: Criteria 7 has been met because the applicant has complied
with all submittal requirements and the decision was rssued within the required
120 days.
Subcriteria 2a. Gonformance with Article 32 (Public and Private
Water and Electric Service. The Springfleld Utility Board (SUB) currently
provides water and electrical service to the site. Sizing and location of facilities
must meet the needs of the Springfield Utility Board and the long range needs of
the City.
Water: SDG Section 32.120 states: "Each development shall be provided
with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to
furnish adequate supply to the development. " The 16" water main within the
existing 7' public utility easement located on the west side of 30h Street must be
extended to the north property line as shown on the submitted plans prior to the
provision of water service. The proposed building will also require water
development fees for connections and metering. Backflow prevention devices
are required. Bryan Brewster of the SUB Water Department, (726-2396) is the
contact person for more SUB information.
Electric: SDC 32.120(2) states, "Wherever possible, utility lines shall be
placed underground." There is electrical service available to serve the site
from overhead lines located along 30th Street. Additionally, SUB has requested a
transformer to be located on the northwest corner of the site for future service to
3 GoodwillSite Plan PJ# 1998-09-0211
the LMI property. Public utility easements are required for the extension of street
side services and the placement of the transformer. All power will be extended
underground on the subject site.
FINDING: SUB has requested public utility easements necessary to serue the
subject propefty. SDC 32.120 gives staff the authority to require public utility
easemenfs necessary fo serye the site and the future needs of the public. The
following condition of approval is required for the provision of key urban seryices:
1) The Final Site Plan must indicate a 7'wide sfreef side public utility easement
and a 10' wide public utility easement along the north boundary of the cunent
development area. The easement documenfs sha// be submitted to the City for
review with propefty desciptions and filing fees.
SDC 31.160 (1Xb) requires that equipment vaults be screened with earthen,
planted or structura! screening. The electrical transformer and water service
vaults discussed must be located and screened without obscuring vision
clearance triangles. Staff recommends expanding perimeter landscaping to
surround the proposed transformer box and discretely placing water vaults.
Finding: Electical and water utility vaults were not shown on the sife p/ans
submitted. The following Condition of Approval is applied for full compliance
with standards of this code for treatment of outdoor equipment:
2) The Final Site Plan must show the location of utility vaults with screening
provided in accordance with the standards of SDC 37.160(1).
Finding: The proposed plans for installation of water and electrical seryice, as
conditioned, comply with the standards in the SDC for the provision of key urban
servtbes because water and electrical facilities will be extended to the furthest
boundary of the development area within public utility easemenfs.
Fire and Life Safetv. The development is located adjacent to a 16 inch water
main with sufficient flow to service the development in accordance with SDC
32.120(3). The site development plans must also meet the provisions of the
current Uniform Fire Code, as administered by the Fire and Life Safety Division
The following revisions requested by the Fire Marshall for vehicle access and
emergency egress shall be conditions of final site plan approval:
Er Provide pedestrian ac@ss gates for fire personnel in the fence at the
southeast and northwest comerc of the proposed structure.tr Provide an all weather surface capable of supporting the weight of the
largest fire apparatus (80,000 lbs.) through the fire access gate on the
west side of the facility.o Provide a public works keyed lock for the west vehicle access.o Provide emergency egress for the building in conformity with 1997
Uniform Building Code Article 1001.
Please contact Al Gerard, Fire and Life Safety at726-2298 if you have further
4 Goodwill Site Plan PJ# 1998-09-0211
FINDING: The submitted srfe plan does not meet the general provision of SDC
Article 31.020 to provide safe development because the Fire Marshall has
determined that the sife desrgn proposed does not fully meet the standards of
the Uniform Fire and Building Codes. The following condition of approval is
applied for full compliance with the sfandards of this code:
3) The site plan shall be revised to comply with fire access and safe egress
standards cited by the Fire Marshall.
Sanitarv Sewer. SDC 32.100 (1) states, "...sanitary sewers shall be installed
to serue each new development and to connect the developments to new
mains. lnstallation of sanitary sewers shall comply with the provisions of
this code, the Standard Construction Specifications, Chapter 2 ol the Gity
Gode, and the Department of Environmental Quality regulations..." Sanitary
sewer service is available to serve the subject site via an 8 inch main located on
the east side of 30h Street. A stub exists from the main to the property. The
connection can be constructed as proposed. No additional improvements are
anticipated at this time. For more information contact Ken Vogeney of the Public
Works Division (726-3666).
FINDING: An 8 inch sanitary sewer main and sfub exisf fo serve the subject site
The City Engineer finds that the private facilities proposed can be connected in
accordance with the provisions of SDC 32.100.
Storm Sewer. SDC Section 32.110 states, "The ApprovalAuthority shall
grant development approval only where adequate provisions for storm and
floodwater run-off to the City storm water drainage system have been
made as determined by the Gity Engineer." The City Engineer has determined
that the catch basins and bio-swales proposed for private storm water collection
provide adequate pretreatment and reduction of storm water in accordance with
SDC 32.110(4). The public drainage channel on the east side of 30s Street has
sufficient capacity to receive the site drainage proposed. The drainage pipe and
out fall structure required to connect the site to the drainage channel must be
designed and coordinated with privately engineered public street improvements
extending 30s Street to the north boundary of the development area.
lmprovement plans for the drainage and out fall must be approved prior to Final
Site Plan approval and constructed prior to any occupancy at the site.
Oil/water separator catch basins and other drainage systems are required to be
cleaned and maintained at least once a year, normally in September. Allwaste
material must be disposed of in a lawful manner. The owner/developer must
document the activities for the City of Springfield to inspect and review.
FINDING: The City Engineer has determined that on site storm drainage
improvements provide sufficient pre-treatment and reduction in accordance with
sDc 32.110(4).
5 Goodwill Site Plan PJ# 1998-09-0211
Finding: The City Engineer finds that a pipe and out fall structure are required to
move prelreated storm waterfrom the sife fo the 3ff Sfreef drainage channel.
The improvements must be part of a pivately engineered public project because
the pipe must be located within 3dh Street and discharge to a public storm
facility. The following condition of approval is applied for full compliance with the
provisions of SDC 32.110:
4) The public portion of the storm water sysfem must be designed and
constructed as part of a privately engineered street improvement project. Public
improvement plans must be approved by the City Engineer prior to Final Site
Plan approval.
Street lmprovements: The development area is north and west of the Main
StreeU3Oh Street intersection. 30h Street is extended and improved to ful! city
standards from Main Street to the south boundary of the development area.
Dedicated public right of way exists for the further extension of 30s Street along
the frontage of the development area. SDC 32.020(10Xb) states, "Whenever a
proposed development will increase traffic on the Gity Street system and
that development has any unimproved street frontage abutting a fully
improved street, that street frontage shall be fully improved to City
specifications..." The current proposal includes 10,000 square feet of day care
facilities that will generate vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic on the city street
system. SDC 32.020(10Xb) is applicable and 30h Street must be improved to
City Standard Construction Specifications for the full frontage of the development
area. Street improvements must include paving, gutter, storm sewer, street
trees, street lights and sidewalks. Full street improvements must be constructed
and the east side of the street must be provided with a protective barrier
between the sidewalk and the adjacent drainage channel to prevent vehicles and
pedestrian traffic from entering the channel.
Finding: Full public right of way improvements must be extended for the full
frontage of the development area in accordance with SDC 32.020(10)(b)
because: 1) the proposed day care facilities will increase traffic on the public
sfreef sysfem, 2) tullsfreef improvements are extended to the south boundary of
the site, and 3) public sfreef improvements are needed to serue and protect the
traffic generated by the proposed development. The following condition of
approval is applied for full compliance with the provisions of SDC Article 32:
5) A privately engineered public sfreef project extending full street improvements
to the north boundary of the development area must be approved by the City
Engineer priorto final site plan approval. The plans must include a banicade and
transition sysfem for vehicles and pedestrians at the nofth terminus of street
improvemenfs; a protective banier must be provided between fhe easf sidewalk
and the adjacent drainage ditch.
Site and improvement plans must also eliminate one curb cut within the frontage
of the development area. SDC 32.080 provides that each development is
entitled to an access, however, joint access points should be utilized for traffic
safety. Site plan conditions of approval give staff the authority to consolidate
6 GoodwillSite Plan PJ# 1998-09-0211
access points and modify parking designs for traffic safety and improved
circulation (SDC 31.070(4)). The 2 access points proposed within the frontage
of the development area do not constitute an unsafe design; however, the plan
overview shows 4 access points on the same side of the street within a 300 foot
curvilinear stretch of 30h Street. The combination of access points, collector
street traffic levels and a curve radii does constitute an unsafe design. The
conflict can be avoided by eliminating the southern most driveway to the current
development area and opening the parking lot design at the south boundary line
to create a joint use driveway for internal circulation and access with the existing
retail parking lot. lnternal access to future parking areas on the north boundary of
the day care facility can be constructed as proposed if a traffic barrier is
temporarily installed to prevent use of the undeveloped area. The applicant
should be aware that future access points to the north development area must
also be planned and located in accordance with SDC 32.080, meaning that a
single acc,ess point located as far to the north as reasonably possible should be
considered. The applicant is also advised to obtain joint use, access and
maintenance agreements for shared driveways if the property is ever divided.
FINDING: The cunent proposal does not meet the general proyrsrbns of Article
32 for traffic safety because staff interprefs Secfion 32.080(1)(b) to require
consolidation of access points where necessary for traffic safety and the plans
show two diveway curb cuts on 3d Sfreef, bringing the total number of access
points (existing or proposed) along a curued section of collector sfreef to 4. The
following condition of approval is applied in accordance with SDC 31.070:
6) The tentative plans must be revised fo c/ose the southemmost curb cut
proposed pior to final submittal. Parking designs must provide access to the
existing curb cut south of the development area. Sfreef improvement plans must
be consrsfent with the Final Site Plan.
SDC 20.020 - Permifted Uses: The proposed use is the first development
located on the LMI portion of the applicant's property. The applicant was
advised during pre-application procedures that restrictions would be applied
during site plan review to limit use and transfer of the day care facilities (an
accessory, or secondary use) if the site plan application did not include a primary
industrial use on the same development area. The applicant's site plan does not
include a primary use. An application submitta! letter (dated September 24,
1998) responded to the pre-application concerns by stating that the day care
facility would serye only employees, clients and referrals from agencies located
on the Goodwill complex. To address the absence of a primary industria! use on
the current development area, the applicant stated, 'Corporate commitment to
develop the industrial site as the final piece to the Goodwill complex at 30s and
Main remains intact.' No other documents, information or applications have
been submitted to resolve the zoning and primary/secondary use issue.
Subcriteria 2b) Gonformance with standards of SDC Article 31- Site Plan
Review and Article 20- lndustrial Zoninq Districts.
7 Goodwill Site Plan PJ# 1998-09-0211
As discussed in the pre-application, a deed restriction that precludes commercial
use or transfer of the day care facility without a primary use on the same LMI
property is required. The proposed secondary (accessory) use is supposed to be
incidenta! and subordinate to a primary use located on the same development
area; a secondary use is not to occur in the absence of a primary use, (ref: SDC
Article 2 - Definitions). The required document shall be prepared by the
applicant's attomey and shall guarantee that a primary industrial use will be
approved, constructed and occupied on the same property prior to the use, lease
or transfer of the property or building to anyone other than Goodwill Industries.
The document must be submitted for review by the City Attorney prior to filing
with the Lane County Office of Deeds and Records. The deed restriction may
employ a sunset clause that negates the document when an approved primary
use is constructed and occupied or the property has been rezoned such that the
day care is a permitted primary use.
FINDING: The applicant is not constructing a permitted pimary use and did not
include the deed restiction required by Staff during Pre-Application 98-04-0093
to limit the use and transfer of a secondary use. The following Condition of
Approval is applied to guarantee future compliance with SDC 20.020(4)(e):
7) The applicant shall prepare a deed restriction for the property that guarantees
a primary industrial use will be approved, constructed and occupied on the same
site pior to use, /ease or transfer of the property or building to anyone other
than Goodwill lndustries. The document must be submifted for review by the
City Attomey prior to filing with the Lane County Office of Deeds and Records.
The filed copy shall be retumed to the City priorto Final Site Plan Approval.
Setbacks and Heiqht Restrictions: The Civil Plan submitted was used by Staff
to measure proposed setbacks. The submitted site plan appears to comply with
the setback provisions of SDC 20.050({&2) because the structure proposed is
setback approximately 32 feet from east or front property line where the code
requires 10 feet; parking areas proposed are setback approximately 12 feet
from front property line where the code requires a minimum of 5 feet from
property line. There are no side or rear yard setbacks in the industrialzones
when the subject site does not abut a residentialdistrict. No height restrictions
apply. The final site plan shal! be revised to label the dimensions of street
improvements, PUEs, storm swales and setback of all structures, architectural
extensions and parking areas.
FINDING: Front yard paffing and building sefbacks shown on the Civil Sheet
Site Plan comply with the sfandards of SDC 20.050 when measured. SDC
31.050 requircs the applicant to show the dimensioning of street improvements,
proposed construction and sefbacks. The following condition of apprcval is
applied for full compliance with the provisions of this code:
8) The finalsife p/ans must clearly separate and label propefty lines, the
dimensions of proposed improvements and required sefbacks must be shown.
8 GoodwillSite Plan PJ# 1998-09-0211
Landscapinq: The landscape plan submitted meets the planting standards of
sDc 3{.140 for type and number of plantings within the parking and front
setback areas. However, the location of plantings must be revised to
accommodate site plan revisions to vehicle access and parking designs. Closing
the south parking lot access will increase setback prantings and opening the
southeast parking area will require re-location of the parking lot plantings at the
south boundary line. The total number of shrubs and trees shown on the plan
shall not be reduced unless absolutely necessary to accommodate the traffic
safety revisions.
Two minor revisions within the PUE and the bio-swales must also be noted: tree
and shrub plantings located in the easement area must be located along the
west easement line adjacent to the bio-swale, seeding rates in the swale area
must be increased to 1 pound per 500 square feet. Experience has shown that
the bio-swale must be densely seeded and irrigated to become functional as
soon as possible.
FINDING: The number and type of plantings on the tentative ptan meet the
minimum requirements of sDC 31.140 as submitted, however revisions to
parking and setback planting areas necessary to comply with other standards of
the code requires the re-location of plantings at the southeast corner of the site.
The following conditions of approval are applied for full compliance with the
provisions of SDC 31.140:
9)The number and type of plantings shown on the tentative plans are approved
and shall only be reduced on the final site plan to be consr.stent with other
provisions of the code for traffic safety. The landscape plan will be reviewed and
approved prior to the signing of a Development Agreement.
10)Landscape plantings proposed within the street side public utility easement
must be moved to the boundary between the PUE and the bio-swale. Seedrng
rates in the biuswale must be increased to 1 pound per s00 square feet.
Screenino. The site plan submitted proposes a 10'tal! chain link fence and a 6'
tall earthen berm to enclose and screen outdoor play areas from the sunounding
industrial and commercial uses. The fencing provisions of SDC 20.090 limit the
height of fences to a maximum of 8 feet. The height of the fence shall be
reduced on the final site plan.
FINDING: The 10 foot fence height proposed on the plans must be reduced to
meet the provisions of SDC 20.090 because the maximum allowed by code is I
feet. The following condition of approval is applied forfuttcompliance with the
provisions of this code:
11) Total fence height shall not exceed 8 feet on the Final Site Plan in
accordance with SDC 20.090.
The 6 foot tall earthen berm proposed for screening scales approximately 6 feet
in width on the plans submitted. The toe of slope is shown at the base of the
9 Goodwill Site Plan PJ# 1998-09-0211
fence. No plantings are indicated. The design is not consistent with the
provisions of SDC 31.160 which preclude slopes over 50o/o and require 100o/o
planting. The proposed 100% slope is not allowed because it cannot be planted
or maintained. Complete coverage with planting material (normally sod) would be
difficult; mowing would be impossible. The Final Site Plan must include a revised
design with planting, irrigation and drainage information. Staff recommends turf
topped with shrubs on a 25o/o maximum slope. lrrigation and a connection to the
site drainage plan are also suggested. For more information prior to the submittal
of final plans please call Ken Vogeney in the Engineering Division at 726-3688.
Fencing and berm information must be shown consistently on site, landscape
and drainage plans.
FINDING: The earthen berm shown on the tentative plans does not comply with
the standards of SDC 31.160 because maximum slope is exceeded and required
plantings are not provided. The following condition of approval is applied for full
code compliance:
12) The Final Site plan must include a revised eafthen berm design that
complies with the s/ope and planting requiremenfs of SDC 31.160.
Parkinq. The site plan submitted provides 16 standard, 6 compact and 3
handicapped accessible parking spaces, exceeding the parking requirements of
SDC Sections 20.070 and 18.070 for the proposed structure. The break down of
parking required by code is:
tr 6000 square feet of gross floor area (gfa) @ one space per 300 square
feet = 20 spaces required for the proposed structure. (One handicapped
accessible space is required when less than 25 spaces are provided.)
Parking provided may exceed the amount of vehicle parking spaces required by
this Code, provided that all other provisions of this Code and applicable state
statutes are met. !n accordance with SDC 31.070(3), Traffic and Planning staff
have found that access points to the public right of way can be consolidated by
opening the south traffic tier to the northern traffic aisle of the adjacent retail
development (See Street lmprovements). The submitted parking lot design
must be revised to provide a two way travel lane through the east end of the
south parking tier, adjacent to the bio-swale. The bio-swale shall be protected
with slotted curbing. !f the required revision reduces the available parking below
the minimum allowed by code, a shared parking agreement to allow parking on
the adjacent retaildevelopment must be submitted with the final site plans. The
parking agreement shal! be accompanied by a revised parking analysis
demonstrating that sufficient parking exists to support both uses. The amount of
parking cunently provided will not support the 4500 square foot expansion
shown on the plan. The proposed structure must be removed from the plans
until sufficient parking is constructed or reserved by shared agreement.
FINDING: The site plan has been conditioned to consolidate access points for
traffic safety. The parl<ing lot design musf a/so be modified to connect parking
areas proposed to the existing access. SDC 31.070(3) gives staff the authority to
modify parking lot designs. The following modifications sha// be conditions of
final site plan approval:
13) A two way (20' min. width) travel aisle must be provided from the day care
parking area to the nofth aisle of the retail parking area.
14) The number of parking spaces provided shall not drop below 20 (code min.)
unless a shared parking agreement is submifted and approved by the City ot
Springfield. The proposed expansion shall be removed from the plans unless a
shared parking agreement is submifted and approved by the city of spingfield.
As submitted, the current design also lacks pedestrian connections to public right
of way to provide safe and efficient movement of foot traffic, as required by State
of Oregon Administrative Rules. LCDC's Transportation Planning Rule 12,
(OAR 660-12-0045(3)(b)), states, ' On-site facilities shall be provided which
accommodate safe and convenient pedestrian and bicycle access from within
new developments... to residential areas, transit stops and to neighborhood
activity @nters...' To provide a safe and reasonably direct connection from the
proposed development to public sidewalk, transit stops and the rest of the
Goodwill complex, the Final Site Plan must be revised to connect the front of
the building to the public sidewalk at 30s Street and the north side of the building
to the future industrial parking area.
From the east entry, the proposed sidewalk must be extended from the building
to the public sidewalk. An ADA accessible safety crosswalk must be provided
across the bio-swale.
From the northwest corner of the building to the north boundary of the
development area a sidewalk connection shall be extended to access the future
industrial site and parking areas. The bike racks and dumpster enclosure must
be re-located to allow an unrestricted travel path. Landscape boxes or other
barriers shall be provided to protect all sidewalks from traffic.
FINDING: The submifted plans do not comply with OAR 660-12-0045 because
pedestrian connections haye not been provided to connect the proposed
developmenfs fo the public sfreef network. The following modifications fo fhe sife
plan shall be conditions of final approval in accordance with SDC 31.070(3):
15) The concrete sidewalk shown on the easf srde of the building must be
extended to the 3fr Street public sidewatk; the side walk on the nofth side of the
structure must be extended to the nofthwest comer of the development area.
Subcriteria 2c) Proposed on-site and off-site public and private
improvements are sufficient to accommodate the proposed development
as specified in the Mid€prinsfield Refinement Plan (MSRP): The area
involved in this application is west of 30th Street and north of Main Street, within
l0 Goodwill Site Plan PJ# 1998-09-0211
16) Pedestrian connections adjacent to the building must be provided with traffic
baniers to protect pedestrians.
ll GoodwillSite Plan PJ# 1998-09-0211
the MSRP boundary. The MSRP has a stated goal of maximizing industrial
development in the area and policies of improving and extending 30s Street from
Main to lndustrialAvenue in order to reach that goal (lndustrial Element pg. 8,
Transportation Element pg. 12).
The applicant has been required to extend public right of way and provide a
protective barrier between the public street and the adjacent drainage channelto
safely serve the proposed developments. City and ODOT staff reviewed the
proposed development and found that traffic generated from the site did not
warrant additional improvements to adjacent intersections or the extension of
30h Street to lndustrialAvenue at this time. However, in the future the City of
Springfield and ODOT transportation personnelwill require any proposed
development that is served by 30s Street and is expected to generate 250 daily
trips to prepare a Traffic lmpact Study focusing on impacts to the adjacent
intersection(s). Required mitigation techniques will likely include further
improvements to the state highway and/or the extension and connection of 30s
Street to the public street network.
FINDING: The submifted ptans have been conditioned to extend 3ff Street
improvements for the full frontage of the development area in accordance with
MSRP policies. No other improvements are required at this time.
THE PROJECT DESIGN. The site is defined as Tax Lot 700 on Lane County
Assessor's Map 17-02-31. A review of the City of Springfield Local Wetlands lnventory
and the NationalWetlands lnventory indicates that there are regulated wetlands located
on the subject property, but not on the cunent development area. Staff finds that the
current proposal will not affect regulated wetlands because: a) the wetlands are located
north of the development boundary, and b) the drainage and grading plans have been
conditioned to pre-treat and connect all storm water run off from the proposed
development area to existing public facilities located east of 30s Street.
NOTE: A Joint ACOE/ODSL fil! permit and mitigation plan exists for wetlands located
on property now owned by the applicant. The plan was approved by the Division of
State Lands/Army Corps of Engineers in 1993 (COE#93-227, ODSL #FP-73443,
Springwood, lnc., applicant). The ACOUDSL fill permit and mitigation plan will not be
considered valid for the regulated wetlands on the applicant's property because:
o No permit exists in the applicant's name. The existing permit was issued to a
previous owner of the subject site.o The permit was contingent upon the development of a constructed wetland
area along the north property line of property retained by the Springwood
corporation. To date, the mitigation area has not been constructed, no
approved development plans exist for the Springwood property and the
current permits will expire in February 1999 (ODSL) and June 2000 (ACOE).
tr The current applicant cannot fill and construct in the wetland area on the
premise that a mitigation area will be constructed by others on property
owned by others.
t2 Goodwill Site Plan PJ# 1998-09{211
No other natural resources have been identified on the site. There are no inventoried
historic features or archeological sites located on the development site. tf any artifacts
are encountered during construction, there are state laws that could apply, ORS 97.740,
ORS 358.905, ORS 390.235. lf human remains are discovered during construction it is
a Class 'C'felony to proceed under ORS 97.740.
FINDING: This criterion is met because the aforementioned resources were consulted
and no natural or historic resources have been identified on the cunent development
area. The following condition of approval is applied for compliance with the provisions of
this code during subsequenf phases of construction:
17) The applicant must submit an approved Army Corps of EngineerVsfafe of Oregon
Division of Sfafe Lands (ACOE/DSL) Joint Permit priorfor any filling or development of
regulated wetlands located on the remainder of the applicant's property. Previous plans
issued to former owners will not be applicable until mitigation areas are constructed.
lnsress and Eqress Points. The site plan submitted has been
conditioned to coordinate curb cuts with existing development south of
the subject site to reduce access points during extension of public street
improvements. Tentative plans submitted will be revised to show one
new access to 30m Street, one connection to the existing commerciat
parking lot (south) and one to future phases of development (north).
Parkinq Areas. The site plan submitted has been conditioned to provide and
protect designated pedestrian connections while increasing traffic circulation.
Landscaping will be placed to maintain vision clearance areas. Bicycle parking
and dumpster enclosures will be located to provide unobstructed pedestrian
access to the site.
Finding: Staff finds the site plan, as conditioned, has desrgned paffing and access
points to facilitate traffic and pedestrian safety, minimize cutb cuts and reduce
congestion because sufficient off-street paffing is provided, sfreef improvements will be
made to City standards and access is coordinated with existing parking areas in
accordance with the provisions of SDC Articles 20, 31, 32 and the MSRP.
l3 GoodwillSite Plan PJ# 1998-09-0211
What Needs To Be Done Bv The Applicant To Obtain Final Site Plan
Approval? Three copies of a Final Site Plan and any additional required plans,
documents or information are required to be submitted to the Planning Division
within 90 days of the date of this letter showing substantial conformity with the
Tentative Site Plan and compliance with SDC Article 31 Criteria of Approval 14,
as conditioned:
1) The Final Site Plan must indicate a 7'wide sfreef side public utility easement
and a 10' wide public utility easement along the north boundary of the cunent
development area. The easement documenfs sha// be submitted to the City for
review with property desciptions and filing fees.
2) The Final Site Plan must show the location of utility vaults with screening
provided in accordance with the standards of SDC 3r.160(1).
3) The site plan shall be revised to comply with fire access and safe egress
standards cited by the Fire Marshall:
o Provide pedestrian access gafes for fire personnel in the fence at the
soufheasf and nofihwesf corners of the proposed structure.o Provide an all weather sufiace capable of suppofting the weight of the
largest fire apparatus (80,000 lbs.) through the fire access gate on the
wesf srde of the facility.tr Provide a public works keyed lock for the west vehicle access.tr Provide emergency egress for the building in conformity with 1997
Uniform Building Code Article 1001.
4) The public portion of the storm water sysfem must be designed and
constructed as paft of a pivately engineered street improvement project. Public
improvement plans must be approved by the city Engineer piorto Finat site
Plan approval.
5) A pivately engineered public sfreef project extending futl street improvements
to the nofth boundary of the development area must be approved by the city
Engineer pior to final site plan approval. The plans must include a banicade and
transition system for vehicles and pedestians at the north terminus of street
improvemenfs; a protective banier must be provided between the east sidewatk
and the adjacent drainage ditch.
6) The tentative plans must be revised to close the southemmost curb cut
proposed priorto final submiftal. Parking desrgns must provide access to the
existing curb cut south of the development area. Sfreef improvement plans must
be consrsfent with the Final Site Plan.
7) The applicant shall prepare a deed restriction for the property that guarantees
a primary industrial use will be approved, constructed and occupied on the same
site prior to use, /ease or transfer of the property or building to anyone other than
Goodwilllndustries. The document must be submitted for review by the city
t4 Goodwill Site Plan PJ# 1998-09-0211
8) The final site plans must clearly separate and label property lines, the
dimensions of proposed improvements and required sefbacks must be shown.
9) The number and type of plantings shown on the tentative plans are approved
and shall only be reduced on the final site plan to be consrsfent with other
provisions of the code for traffic safety. The landscape plan will be reviewed and
approved priorto the signing of a Development Agreement.
10) Landscape plantings proposed within the street side public utility easement
must be moved to the boundary between the PUE and the bio-swale. Seeding
rates in the bio-swale must be increased to 1 pound per 500 square feet.
11) Total fence height shall not exceed I feet on the Final Site Plan in
accordance with SDC 20.090.
12) The Final Site plan must include a revised eafthen berm design that
complies with the s/ope and planting requirements of SDC 31.160.
13) A two way (20' min. width) travel aisle must be provided from the day care
parking area to the nofth aisle of the retail parking area.
14) The number of parking spaces provided shall not drop below 20 (code min.)
unless a shared parking agreement is submifted and approved by the City ot
Springfield. The proposed expansion shall be removed from the plans unless a
shared parking agreement is submitted and approved by the City of Springfield.
15) The concrete sidewalk shown on the easf srde of the building must be
extended to the 3ff Street public sidewalk; the side walk on the nofth side of the
structure must be extended to the nofthwest corner of the development area.
16) Pedestrian connections adjacent to the building must be provided with traffic
baniers to protect pedestians.
17) The applicant must submit an approved Anny Corps of Engineers/State of
Oregon Division of Sfafe Lands (ACO4DSL) Joint Permit prior forany-filling or
development of regulated wetlands located on the remainder of the applicant's
property. Previous plans r.ssued to former owners will not be applicable until
mitigation areas are constructed.
DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT: ln order to complete the review process, a
Development Agreement is required to ensure that the terms and conditions of site plan
review are binding upon both the applicant and the City. The agreement will be
prepared by Staff upon approval of the Final Site Plan and must be signed by the
property owner prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Attomey prior to filing with the Lane County Office of Deeds and Records. The
filed copy shall be returned to the City prior to Final Site Plan Approval.
l5 Goodwill Site Plan PJ# 1998-09-0211
SIGNS: Signs are regulated by the Springfield City Code Article 9, Chapter 7. The
number and placement of signs must be coordinated with the Community Services
Division. The locations of signs on a site plan do not constitute approval from the
Community Services Division. A separate sign permit is required. Lisa Hopper (726-
3790) is the contact person.
Additional lnformation: The application, alldocuments, and evidence relied upon by
the applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and
copies are available at a cost of $0.75 for the first page and $0.25 for each additional
page at the Development Services Department,22S Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon.
Appeal: lf you wish to appeal this Type ll Limited Land Use Site Plan Review Approval
decision, you must do so within 10 davs of the date of this letter. Your appeal must be
in accordance with SDC, Article 15, Appeals. Appeals must be submitted on a City
form with a fee of $250.00. The fee will be returned to the applicant if the Planning
Commission approves the appeal application.
Questions: Please call Jim Donovan in the Planning Division of the Development
(541) 726-3660 if you have any questions regarding this