HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC PLANNER 2/25/2021AGENDA
CG.F)i Fe F)Ce.0?99m 615
Staff Review,• Tuesday, March 16, 2021 A'00—10,•OO a m,
1. Serial Property Line Adjustment 811-21-000030-TYP2 811-20-000176-PROJ KDirt LLC
Assessor's Map: 17-02-31-31 TL: 2200, 2300, 2400
Address: 3400 & 3402 Main St.
Existing Use: warehouse/retail
Applicant submitted plans to adjust property lines to allow for development of northern portion.
Planner: Andy Limbird
Meeting: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 9:00 — 10:00 virtual meeting via GoToMeeting
The Complete DRC Packet for this meeting is available online for you to review or print out
from the laserfiche website: htto://www.si)ringfield-or.aov/weblink8/browse.asi)x
NJ : 4 .--v 315
jCity of Springfield
Development & Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Serial Property Line Adjustment
Required Project Information (Applicant.,
Applicant Name: Karrie Knecht
complete this section)
Phone: 541-913-0251
Company: KDIRT,LLC
Address: 3400 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97478
Applicant's Rep.: Jamey Montoya PLS
Phone: 541-221-2427
Company: Montoya Land Surveying LLC
Address: P.O. Box 250, Brownsville, OR 97327
Assessors Ma #: 17-02-31-31 Tax Lot #:
Propertyy Address: 3400 Main Street
Property Owner: see below
Phone: 541-913-0251
Company: KDIRT, LLC
I Fax:
Address: 3400 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97478
Assessors Ma #: 17-02-31-31 Tax Lot #:
Property Address: 3402 Main Street
Property Owner: see below
Phone: 541-913-0251
Company: KDIRT, LLC
Address: 3400 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97478
Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application.
Proposal: see attached narrative
Si natures: Please slon riot our name and date in thea
ro rate box on the next a e.
Si ns:
Case No.: fTyfl�
Reviewed b :-q N/F�$I
Application Fee: $
Technical Fee: $ 7 c
Posta e ee:
Revised 6/6/11 Liz Miller 1 of 4
Compliance with ORS 92.192
Criterion: Except as provided in this section, a lawfully established unit of land that is reduced in
size by a property line adjustment approved by a city or county must comply with applicable zoning
ordinances after the adjustment.
Comment: The properties shown in this adjustment all meet the minimum area of 6,000 square
feet required for the CC (Community Commercial) zone. All resultant properties also exceed the
minimum street frontage of 50 feet. All existing setbacks will remain the same or be improved.
Compliance with SDC 5.16-125
Criterion: The Director shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the Property Line
Adjustment application. Approval or approval with conditions shall be based on compliance with
the following criteria. The Property line Adjustment shall not:
A. Create a new lot/porcel;
Comment: This proposal starts with 3 units of land and ends with 3 units of land. None of the
property is lost or divided and new lot/parcels are not being created.
B. Create a landlocked lot/porcel,
Comment: All properties shown on this adjustment will have more than the required minimum
amou of of street frontage after the adjustment.
C Reduce an existing lot/parcel below the minimum size standard or reduce setbacks below
the minimum established by the applicable zoning districts in this Code,
Comment: All resultant properties will exceed the minimum lot size for the zone. Existing setbacks
will be improved by this proposal.
D. Violate any previous conditions the Approval Authority may have imposed on the
lots/parcels involved in the application;
Comment: Based upon recent title reports received for the property, we are unaware of any
previous conditions the approval authority imposed that wou Id be violated.
E. Detrimentally alter the availability of existing public and/or private utilities to each
lot/parcel in the application or to abutting lots/parcels; or
Comment: Existing utility easements are shown on the Proposed Property Line Adjustment
drawing. We are unaware of any detrimental impacts to utility availability to abutting properties
or properties being adjusted.
F. Increase the degree of non -conformity of each lot, parcel or structure that is non-
conforming at the time of application.
Proposed Property Line Adjustment
Existing Conditions
KDIRT, LLC owns three (3) adjacent properties that are located at 3400 Main Street in
Springfield, Oregon. These properties are shown on Lane County Tax Map 17-02-31-31 as Tax
Lots 2200, 2400, and 2300. For the purpose of this adjustment, Tax Lot 2200 will be known as
Property 1, Tax Lot 2300 will be known as Property 2, and Tax Lot 2400 will be known as
Property 3.
Property 1 currently contains a large warehouse building with loading docks, a small storage
building and a portion of the retail store (Knecht's Auto). The westerly boundary line cuts
through two existing buildings. There is a large, undeveloped tract of land north of the
warehouse that is vegetated.
Property 2 currently contains a portion of the retail store. Both the easterly and westerly
boundary lines cut through this building.
Property 3 currently contains a portion of the retail store as well as the southerly portion of
the warehouse building.
The goal of th is property line adjustment is to adjust property lines to achieve parcels that best
suit the layout of the site, intent of the City's zoning district, and to provide a way to develop the
northerly portion of Property 1.
This Property Line Adjustment proposes to make adjustments that will improve setbacks and allow
for future development.
By adjusting the boundaries of Property 1 to only include the undeveloped portion to the north,
Property 1 will become a clean property that can now be further developed. The adjusted
property will not have any setback issues.
By adjusting the boundaries of Property 2, the existing retail store will all be contained within one
property instead of three. This new property location will improve setbacks around this building.
Adjusting the boundaries of Property 3 increases setbacks and moves the warehouse building
entirely onto property 3.
Comment: The approved adjustment increases the conformity of properties and structures by
increasing setbacks and eliminating multiple property lines from crossing through an existing retail
store building.
Execution of Adjustment
Forthis adjustment all the properties involved are owned by the same entity. In effectthis
adjustment will be a reconfiguration of the owner's properties. Ratherthan creating multiple
deeds transferring small pieces from the ownerto the owner, I propose to record a Property Line
Adjustment Deed that describes the properties before and afterthe adjustment. I do not know if it
is legal or required to transfer property from yourself to yourself (as you already own it), but the
document I am providing will clearly define the properties before and afterthe adjustment. See
attached Property Line Adjustment deed.
After records ng return to:
Kamie Knecht
3400 Main Street
Springfield, OR 97478
KDIRT, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company of Oregon, Grantor, is the owner of three adjoining properties and
wishes to reconfigure the adjoining property lines to meet the approved requirements of Lane County.
The true consideration for this conveyance Is other than monetary.
For the purpose of this document, the properties involved with the adjustment will be known as Property 1, Property
2, and Property 3.
Property 1:
1. The description of Property l prioton the property line adjustment.
Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Lucinda Comegys Donation Land Claim No. 81; and running
thence South 795.2 feet to the point of beginning; thence South 598 feet; thence North 89° 45' East 130 feet;
thence South T 50' West 89.5 feet; thence North 8945' East 49 feet; thence South 184.5 feet to the North
right of way of the McKenzie Highway; thence North 89° 45East 122.3 feet along the North right airway of
the McKenzie Highway; thence North 870.7 feet; and thence West 300 feet, more or less, to the point of
beginning, all In Lane County, Oregon,
Property 2:
2. The description of Property 2 prior to the property line adjustment.
Beginning at a paint in the North right of way line of the McKenzie Highway 122.3 feet South 89° 45' West
from the Southwest corner of Lot 11, in Block 2, of PACKER SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded in Book 11,
Page 25, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; running thence North 184.5 feet; thence South 89° 45' West 49.0
feet; thence south 0" 50' west 184.5 feet to said North right of way line; thence North 89° 45' East 51.7 feet to
the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon,
Property 3:
3. The tlescription of Property 3 prior to the property line adjustment.
Beginning at an iron pipe 2 inches In diameter driven in the ground in the North line of the McKenzie Highway
at a point 300 feet South 89° 45' West from the Southwest corner of Lot 11, Block 2, of PACKER SUBDIVISION,
as the same is platted and recorded in Book 11, Page 25, lane County Oregon Plat Records; and running
thence North 274 feet to a 3/4 inch iron pipe driven in the ground; thence North SIT 45' East 130 feet to a Y
Inch iron pipe driven 1n the ground; thence Southwesterly 274 feet, more or less, to a 3/4 inch iron pipe driven
In the ground in the North line of the McKenzie Highway at a point which is 126 feet North 89'45' East from
the point of beginning; and thence South 89°45' W est along the North line of said Highway 126 feet to the
place of beginning, In Lane County, Oregon.
Property 1:
1. Following this Property Line Adjustment, the description of Property l will be asfollows:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Lucinda Cori Donation Land Claim No. 81; and running
thence South 795.7 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence South 00'20'40" West MASS feet; thence South
89"36'38" East 299.93 feet; thence North 00°20'16" East 289.46 feet; thence North 89°43'40" West 299.90
feet to the Point of Beginning.
Property 2:
2. Following this Property Line Adjustment, the description of Property 2 will be as follows:
Beginning at the Southwest comer of Lot 11, Black 2, of PACKER SUBDIVISION, as the same Is platted and
recorded in Book 11, Page 25, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, said point being on the North right-of-way
line of the McKenzie Highway; thence South 89°54.11' East, on said right-of-way line, a distance of 226.18
feet; thence North o0°20'40" East 218.86 feet; thence South 89'54'11" East 162.94 feet; thence South
0020'40" West 22.96 feet; thence South 89°54'11" East 63.22 feet to the west boundary of said Block 2 of
PACKER SUBDIVISION, thence South OD°20'16" West 156.62 feet to the Point of Beginning.
Property 3:
1. Following this Property Line Adjustment, the description of Property 3 will be as follows:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Lucinda Comegys Donation Land Claim No. 81; thence South
295.2 feet; thence South 0020'40" West 288.85 feet tothe Point of Beginning; thence South 89'36'38" East
299.93 feet; thence South 0020'16" West394.57 feet; thence North 89°54'11" West 63.22 feet; thence North
0020'40" East 22.96 feet; thence North 89°54'11" West 162.94 feet; thence South 0020'40" West 218.86
feet to the North right-of-way line of the Mckenzie Highway; thence North 89°54'11" Weston said north line,
a distance of 23.82 feet; thence North 0020'40" East 582.77 feet to the Point of Beginning.
Dated this I S . day of "r 2021
Karrie neoht, Agent for KDI BY, LLC
County of Lane
Onthis / P day o 2021, personally appeared before me the aforementioned Kerrie
Knecht Agent for KDIRT, LLC and acknowle Bed the foregoing instrument o be her voluntary act and deed.
Notary Public for r fee OFFICK III
My Commission Expires: �- c5 -a� 80111131 IMMO
MY WhiM19910N Efd'fIRpilin=B i46,40St
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ATTN: GARY MARTIN Our No: C'1-0317219
835 E. PARK, SUITE #100 Your No: --
EUGENE, OR 97401 Charge: $300.00
As requested, Cascade Title Co.. has searched our tract indices as to the following
described real properLy:
( A T T A C H E D)
and as of: JANUARY 26, 2021 at 8:00 A.M., we find the following:
an Oregon Limited Liability Company
Said property is subject to the following on record matters:
1. Rights of the public in and to that portion lying within streets, roads and
2- Easements, notes, conditions, restrictions and dedications as shown, set forth,
and/or delineated on the recorded Plat of Packer Subdivision, recorded in Reception
No. FC 1i SC25, Lane County Oregon Plat Records. (Parcel 1)
3. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements, including the terms and
provisions thereof, (but omitting covenants or restrictions, if any, based upon
race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familialstatus, marital status,
disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth
in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or
restriction is permitted by applicable law) contained in the Deed from James W.
Packer and Pearl Packer, husband and wife, to H. Z. Christian and Lois Christian,
husband and wife, dated March 22, 1947, recorded July 2, 1952, Reception No. 1952-
079032, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. ;Parcels 2 and 3)
PH: (541) 689-2]33 * FAX: (541)485-0307 PH: (541) 999-8419 * FAX: (541)997-8246 PH: (541) 6538622' FAX: (541) MlI626
Order No. 0317219
Page 2
4. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements, including the terms and
provisions thereof (but omitting covenants or restrictions, if any, based upon race,
color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status,
disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth
in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or
restriction is permitted by applicable law) in Warranty Deed recorded September 9,
1952, Reception No. 1952-084419, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. (Parcel 1)
5. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted The City of
Springfield, a municipal corporation, by instrument recorded March 14, 1963,
Reception No. 1963-003065, Lane County Oreqon Deed Records. (Parcel 1)
6. Public utility easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the
City of Springfield, by instrument recorded March 15, 1963, Reception No. 1963-
003245, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. (Parcel 2)
7. Public utility easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the
City of Springfield, by instrument recorded March 15, 1963, Reception No. 1963-
003246, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. (Parcel 2)
B. Easements as disclosed by Highway Construction Permit, including the terms and
provisions thereof, recorded June 1, 1966, Reception No. 1966-049181., Lane County
Oregon Dead Records. (Parcels 2, 3 and 4)
9. Easements as disclosed by Highway Construction Permit, including the terms and
provisions thereof, recorded June 3, 1966, Reception No. 1966-049548, Lane Cointy
Oregon Deed Records. (Parcel 1)
10. Improvement Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, between the City
of Springfield, and Nally Knecht, recorded March 30, 1979, Reception No. 1979-
017964, Lane County Official Records. (Parcels 2, 3 and 4)
11. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements, including the terms and
provisions thereof (but omitting covenants or restrictions, if any, based upon race,
color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, familial status, marital status,
disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source of income, as set forth
in applicable state or federal laws, except to the extent that said covenant or
restriction is permitted by applicable law) in Deed recorded February 20, 1997,
Reception No. 1997-011059, Lane County Official Records. (Parcel 1)
12. Unrecorded Lease dated December 1, 1989, including the terms and provisions
thereof, between Wallis N. Knecht, as Lessor and Knecht's of Springfield, Inc., as
Lessee, as disclosed by instrument recorded March 22, 1990, Reception No. 1990-
013432, Lane County Official Records. (Parcels 2, 3 and 4)
13. Public Utility Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the
City of Springfield, a municipal corpora: ion, by instrument recorded April 27, 1995,
Reception No. 1995-023661, Lane County Official Records. (Parcels 2, 3 and 4)
14. Declaration of Open Space Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof,
recorded April 27, 1995, Reception No. 1995-023662, Lane County Official. Records.
(Parcel 2)
15. Our examination of the title to the subject property discloses no open Trust Deeds
or Mortgages of record. The accuracy of this conclusion should be confirmed in
writing prior to closing of the proposed transaction.
16. The rights of tenants holding under any additional unrecorded leases.
Order No. 0317219
Page 3
17. This report does not include a search for financing statements filed in the office
of the Secretary of State, or in a County other than the County wherein the premises
are situated, and no liability is assumed if a financing statement is filed in the
office of the County Clerk covering fixtures, equipment and/or personal property on
the premises wherein the lands are described other than by metes and bounds or under
the rectangular survey system.
:8. A copy of the Operating Agreement of KDIRT, LLC, including any amendments thereof,
should be furnished to Cascade Title Company for the purpose of ascertaining members
authorized to execute on behalf of the Limited Liability Company.
NOTE: The property address as shown on the Assessor's Roll is:
3434 Main Street
Springfield, OR 97478
(Parcel 1)
3402 Main Street
Springfield, OR 97478
(Parcel 2)
3400 Main Street
Springfield, OR 97478
(Parcel 4)
NOTE: Taxes, Account No. 0120848, Assessor's Map No. 17 02 31 3 1, #B01, Code 19-00,
2020-2021, in the amount of $2,474.52, PAID IN FULL. (Parcel 1)
Taxes, Account No. 0120996, Assessor's Map No. 17 02 31 3 1, #2200, Code 19-00,
2020-2021, in the amount of $24,197.67, PAID IN FULL. (Parcel 2)
Taxes, Account No. 0121002, Assessor's Map No. 17 02 31 3 1, #2300, Code 19-00,
2020-2021, in the amount of $6,186.20, PAID IN FULL. (Parcel 3)
Taxes, Account No. 0121010, Assessor's Map No. 17 02 31 3 1, #2400, Code 19-00,
2020-2021, in the amount of $6,522.62, PAID IN FULL. (Parcel 4)
NOTE: This report is being supplemented to update taxes and remove former exception no.
This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is not to be. used as a
basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real property described.
The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the
premium paid hereunder.
.: Title Officer: DEBBIE FORSTROM
Order No. 0317219
Page 4
The West 85 feet of Lot 11, Block 2, PACKER SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded in Book
11, Page 25, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon.
Commencing at the Southwest corner
and running thence South 795.7 feet
thence North 89° 45' East 130 feet;
45' East 49 feet; thence South 1B4.
Highway; thence North 89° 45' Fast
McKenzie Highway; thence North 870.
the point of beginning, all in Lane
of the Lucinda Comegys Donation Land Claim No. 81;
to the point of beginning; thence South 598 feet;
thence South 0" 50' West 89.5 rent; thence North 89°
5 feet to the North right of way of the McKenzie
122.3 feet along the North right of way of the
7 feet; and thence West 300 feet, more or less, to
County, Oregon.
Beginning at a point in the North right of way line of the McKenzie Highway 122.3 feet
South 89' 45' West from the Southwest corner of Lot 11, in Block 2, of PACKER
SUBDIVISION, as platted and recorded in Book 11, Page 25, Lane County Oregon Plat
Records; running thence North 184.5 feet; thence South 69" 45' West 49.0 feet; thence
South V 50' West 184.5 feet to said North right of way line; thence North 89° 45' East
51.7 feet to the point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon.
Beginning at an iron pipe 2 inches in diameter driven in the ground in the North line of
the McKenzie Highway at a point 300 feet South 89° 45' West from the Southwest corner of
Lot 11, Block 2, of PACKER SUBDIVSION, as the same is platted and recorded in Book 11,
Page 25, Lane County Oregon Plat Records; and running thence North 274 feet to a 3/4
inch iron pipe driven in the ground; thence North 890 45' East 130 feet to a 3/4 inch
iron pipe driven in the ground; thence Southwesterly 274 feet, more or less, to a 3/4
inch iron pipe driven in the ground in the North line of the McKenzie Highway at a point
which is 126 feet North 89' 45' East from the point of beginning; and thence South 89°
45' West along the North line of said Highway 126 feet to the place of beginning, in
Lane County, Oregon.