HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1992-12-10SIGN PERMIT,APPLICATI OIU :25 Filttr Strt-'ct S1'rrir r1;{ir:ltl, O11 97,117 :iPf IINGFIELr|JoB NLiMBER 72/bff -- lnsPectiorl Lirte: 726-3769 Of{icc: 7?6'3759 5SII'[ ADDRESS ASSESSORS MAP: CWNER: ___ l AX LoT PIIONE tiADt)RESS ClrY: S P11r-t*O---T- \ BTJSINESS NAME. FIRI.4 E'TC S'-$_- SrArE: - ofl -ztP: 9t 7 I-{-oaSe-rr \ n., DESCRIPTION OF pROpOSiED SIGN(SI: (please check and cornplete all appropriate information) )_ylw* -,-- Freestarrdirrg --- Proiecting --_- Roof lrlarquee / Sirrgle Fact' - --. Drlulle Ia;e --,-- Billlloi'rd S<1uare F.otase: -Ll 6:-..X-/-/" _._ Other Total l{ei(lht above Grade t7/ Verrical Dimertsion of srgn r)r r;nclosure: -2' 4-- Horizontal Width of sign or enclosure:an /,//a- 6 Elct:trical lrrstallation: -y'Vrrr- No VALUE (lf ycs aclditional electrical permit is requircd) OF SIGN ,lDirrrerrsion lrom Grade to bottont ol Sign Errclosurrl: Mirterial Sigrr is cortstrUcted ,)f : q 25a"' List ALL existing sigrtage arnrl attach a lrhorograph of each siglr: (a) rvpe -=5ttl,l&-.- Srr.r,,J EL-A1.- t',1 ', (c) Type Qo,Jt"[i--%cg-Srt. Frs.+' Kt'__ (rl) Typc._ _ Sq. Ftg LofcT Sq. l'tg. 2 4" L-st ' PFIONE:3/3-7277CONTRACTOB/INSTAt LER ADDRESS cffY, E/1/{rtr71€ CONSTRUCTION CON TRACTORS REGISTRATION ltlUMBEIt: CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBEII STA TE zll): Z EXPIRES: EXPIRES: 2-" Zoning Sigrr Pcrmit Fee: REOUIRID INSPECTIOt'lS: ____ Sitrt to be made prior to sigrr placement Footinrl lrrior to ple r:errrertt r;f concrele OFFICE SE Land Use:o Code Scction: APllrorred BY Attachrnertt irf ter fastentlrs are (,/ ,,^o fRletion of .sign tnstallalton Sigrr District:Otrad Area: l;lecl rir:al to 0ner0izing l,,, DATI: talled/p rior to electrrcal inslallation Arl ral erlts iilld/or n:i By si examined the conrpleted a ar-rd do hereby certify all in{ormatiorr herein rs true arld co , arrtl lfurther certifl,that any and all work perforrned shall be rre irr accordance with tl.tc inances of the City of Springfield. and the Laws of the Stato of Oregon pertaining 10 tl)e work described herein. I further certify that ortly contractors and enrployees who are in conrpliance with OftS 701.0!i5 will be useri on this project lfrrrther agree to ensure that all requirerl in:;pr:ctions are reqr/estetl at tlre ploper time, that prr.rject address is readable lrom the street, that the permit card is located at llle Iront of the property. and the approved set of pl:rns will remain on the site at all times during the installation ol the sign(s) Sitt natrlrc Date &t) Rer:eiverl Date Paid:Valirlatrorr: Reccipt Nurnber: _-__Received By: 14[- ( %1 I /7; SIGN PERMlT APPL]CATION The application on the reverse side needs to be completcd entirely. lf you are the sign contractor/installer, or if you are hiring a contractor, you need to make sure that both the city ol Springfield Business License Number and the Registration Number from the State of Oregon Construction Contractors Board are listed on the application along with the expiration date of each. lf the sign you are proposing to install is illuminatcd, an electrical permit application also needs to be completed and signed by either a supervising electrician, limited sign electrical contractor, or if you are the business owrler who also owns the building in which you are occupying, and you will bc performing the electrical irrslallation yourself, you may sign the electrical application. lf there are existing wall and/or freestanding silyns, a plrotograph(sl of each existirtg sign needs to be sttached to tlro application. The size of each existing sign also needs to be listed on the applicatiorr' PLANS To submit for a sign permit, you need to prepare two complete scts of drawirrgs showing all dimensions, total height. and a plot plan indicatirrg where ihe proposed,qign willbe located. lf you are installing a freestanding sigrr which exceeds 20 feet in total height, the footing oetiit npeos to be prepared and stamped by a registered erlgineer or arclritect. After the plan review process is compleied, and, if your signisl is approved, one set of plans will be returned to you. The approved set of drawings need to be at the site when an inspection is requested for the inspectors reference' INSPECTIONS Dependirrg on your sign(s), you may be requircd to requcst one or all oI the followirrg inspections durin(l the installation of your sign Site: Footing: Attachment: Electrical: Final: To be rcquested aftcr indicating on tlle lot wlrere thc proposttd sigrr will be located but prior to any work being periormed for the installation of the sign. This inspection is rt:quired if there is a question on the location of the ProPosed sign. To be requested after excavatiorr i,i\d the lorms are irrstalled, but prior to Pourin0 concrete' lf there will lle electrical conduit placed in the footino, it must also be in place prior lo roquesting this inspection' To be rcquested when all fasteners are installcd but prior to cover. To be rcquested after the electrical connectiorr to thc sign is rnade, but prior to ent:rgizin1l' After all required inspections are conducted and approved ard the sign installation is complete' The inspections that are required for your sign installation will be indicated on the application during the plan review process. Failure to request nruy or the require-d inspections could rcsult in sign removal in order to inspect the sign at the required intervals of work. To request an inspcction, phone 726-3769. This is a 24hour recording. On the recordingl you will rreed to leave your City Designated Job Number, location of where the sign is being installed, the type of inspection you are requesting, and when you will be ready for the inspection. All inspections palled in to the recorder prior to 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, all inspections phoned in after 7:OO a.m. will be made the following work day' lf you have any questions regarding the application, required plans or inspections, please feel lree t0 plrone the Building Salety Division at 726-3759. City of Springlieltl Building Sal'ety Divisiorr 225 Fifth Strect Springfield, OR 97477 i; r .r r a r'. Gl: r r:1- r-, \ JOB DESCRIPTTON C I'rCz-rt Permits are non-transferable and explreif vork is not started vlthin 180 days of issuance or if vork ls suspended for 180 days. 2. CO}ITRACTOR INSTALINTION ONLY Fci-zzazo s'Iilcctrical Contractor CAL PEITHIT APPLICATION u wunber ?2/659 SCIIEDULE DBLOU aI-Sing1e or HuIti-FamiIy per dvelling unit. Service Included: Items Cost Sum 1000 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion t lre reo f Each Manuf 'd ltome or -Modular DveIIirig Service or Feeder $ 8s.00 $ 1s.00 s 40.00 Services or Feeders Installatlon, Alterations or Reloca t ion : Ail 200 amps or less 201 anrps to 400 amps -401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps- Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect 0nIy B Add r: Ci ty oss J Cz-rz/zn/,a /ii/. r't one g#-22?2 Supervisor License Ntimber ZF ^ <- Expiration Date /2- ? I constr contr. Number / 2;t Z Expiration Date / d- 7 2 Signature of Supcrvising Electrician Temporary Services or Feeders Installatlon, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps o.r less $ 40.00 201 amps to 400 amps - g 55.00 over 401 to 6oo amps - S Bo.oo 0ver 600 amps or 1000Eis see rrgrr "f,f,frf D. Branch Circuits Nev, Alteratlon or Extension Per Panel one circuir J_ $ rs. oo EEach Addi t ional Circuit or vith Service or Feeder Permit S 2.00 I'liscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Eaclr ins talla t i on Pumrr or i rriga t ion $ 40.00 4@"trine Ligtrting7 S 4o.oo P-'Limi ted Energy/Res - S 20.oo "-- Limited Energy/Comm S 36.00 smToTAL 0r ABoVE5f State Surcharge TOTAL oc> $ s0.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130. 00 $300.00 $ 40.00 C ners N, Add ress cit Plrone ALLATION The installation is being made onproperty f ovn vhiclr is not intendedfor sale, Iease or rent. Ovners Signature: DATE: RIiCEI E 5 l(l/v IIIiCIiIVI]D IIY: 225 EIFTII STRIiIiT SPILINGFIELD, oREGON INSPECTION REQUBSTz 726-3769 97 477 zonins CC -0FPICE: 726-3759 r)-WTa as submitted has the lollowing land Ci ty 3 T'.r i'llowing project 1. LOCATION OI' INSTALI.{TION ...'.. ./ 3 e, ,/ z/&A