HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-02-12#" RESID. ,lTlAL" APPLICATION/PERMTT 225 North Sth Street SprLngfield" 2regon 97477 Building DLtsision 726-37 53 SPFINGFTELD //wl,l-crc- t@ Date ,s (2 2 Th/Job Locaticn: Aeseasore Map # /nO 3 Q 34 ?a lat # Stbdhtision: Otmer: 5-'4Address:7.5-Phoneo. ci. DescrLbe l,lork: -a-y-;*+ L U*^J*,ta {u4{k ,-,*+;+,1-r- NeD u+r4r4t Additicn 4-ta_e4 Value )Jo.lA **4tn u u)ft "u-61)+-\-Ar.trt abA- RemoCel 4 aLAvu16+-!,u*h+-x\4 *l-.*l^ W uab\ -v?>YJ-12Date of GenetaL 1 I,lechatieaL BUILDIiICSDEI.IOLITTO]] OR Suitary seser eapped at Pz'oPertl Line Septic tank y"tlrped attd filled trith groel Pinal - h\ten abcoe itens a.re cctttpleted and uhen denclition is cotplete o! strac- ture motted and ptenri,ses cleaneC ttp. Hcnes Blocking otd Set-uP Plwnbing connectione -- seue? otd uater Eleetrical Ccmnection - Blocki.ng' eet-uc -and olunbinq connections rn;st be tPrycx'ed iefire reqieeting eleetrieal inspteclio;t Aceessory tui.ldnflg Pinal - After pcrckes, skdrting, decks, ete. ee conpleied. Page 1 of 2 It ia the teeponsibitity of the penrit holder to aee tlnt att inopecttons oe nade at the prope! tine, tl,at 242fu aiir2es is realabie frun the et?ebt, and tlldt the penrtt eatl ie Located at -!hg ftot1t of tlze-propenty.-*Auitding D,Juiciot appro"*ed plbt shz.Ll pemain on the Building Site at aLL times. ?ROCEDU?E FOR fNS?ECIION RSSUEST:CALL 726-3769 (t,eco?d.et) etate you? City Cesignated iob nrnnber, iob aCiress, tApe- ?f :7apec=:)-cn n"dyjorinspection,cantracto?8o?as,n,"-,*,,eLndplanemlnber.Requestsreceixedbefcre7:00c:t t"..iit Ue nade the s&e dcg, reqtests nad.e aftet, ?:00 on ttLL be nnde the nert tntkirg day. Conojm.clion_Lendg!_ POST AND BEAM: To be made Pt'iot'toGifrTfilan of floot' iraulation or >42 'these irapectians lnue- been nade and. approtsed.' tg Desigr,ated Job Nunbet' Is:g 10t0b R be made a SITE INSPEC?IQ!: ?o be nwde after escaoatton;Al prtor tc set up of forne. ANDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & WCHA-IIICAL: To be made before anY GiTiaooered. POOTING & FOUNDA?ICN: ?o be nsde @ffiZi-Git"aoated and forns are erected, but pri-ot' to pouring ccnerete. UNDqRGROUTTD PLT]MEING. SEWER, W.ATER' DRAIIIAGE: To be nwde Prlor to I1,L- @-66"chee. I]IIDERFLOOR PLUI,EING & MECIIANICAL : lo 6;ffie eiio" to instalLation of floor insul,ation or decking, Iout, Ci x required oqor but'iers @e in P1nce bui beToz.e oty Lath' gypsun boatC ot' tnLL cooering is applied' and. before ay iwulation'is concealed. rl DRYWALL INSPECTTON: TC bC MAdE fit"r-ffi@lTis in place' but prior to anY taPing. \IASINRI: Steel Location' bond Tdd{grouti.ng or oertdcals i.n accordotce tLth U.B.C. Section 24L5. WOODSTO'IE: After iratallation is ecnrpleted. CURB & APPRCACH APP')N: After foons d';-;;;;;;{Tut@A b pow"Lns concrete. SIDEWALI< & DRf\EWAI: Eor aLL eon-c";tenffiAiffi st?eet right- of-,xA-" to be made after all erea- oatl"g conplete & forn tnrk & sub- base ttaterial i,n Place. tton. i FRAlrlrG:**", b" requeoted- after @6at of rough plurbing, -electr"i-dL & mechanical. ALt roofiztg braeittg E, chi.mneys' ete. trust be . corwleted. Ito ucrk is to be con- - o.ilnd until this insPectlon lns 'been made anC approrted. ET,OEPLACE: ^at;fri; FIIIAL PLUUAIIC FINAL MECHANICAL EINAL ELECTRICAL PrLov, to Plaei,rq and before franing IENCE: htten contplate -- Protsi'Ce @6i ot motsable sectians through aLL proiect conditions, such ae tle i'nstal^Lation of street t:?n-:.'^ conpletion-of tie tequired. Landsccpir.g, Lt"-.,-llr.a"t be sati.sfi.eiL,efiire-the BUILDIN| FINAL ean be tequested' ?rNAL BarLDrNc: The Final Building rnspection mtst be requested after the Eiral Plunbing EL;;t;;;L:-'t ieetnnicit i"p""ii"n"'t.s'sn been nade and approrsec' *ALL MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS TTIJST BE ACCESSIBLE' ADJUSTIIEIII TO BE \L4DE AT NO CCST TO CIIY facing inspee- q P.U.E, x.\ \\ | \ (,, T tr tr tr fege ,t JOB NO.^*L,SOLAR AC ESS REQ.-'lo 0lo L-CO Bedrooms Ileat AeeessDfHouse Lot Paces -Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lct Couenage LCT TWE _ Interiot _ Coz-ner _ Panltand,Le CuL-de-sac # of Stortes Total Height Topogrqhy Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the espress condition tLat the sciid eonstructionsltall, in all respects, conform to the Ot&Lnance adopted 6ly the City of Spz,ingfield, incl,uding the Zoning Cydinanee, r,egulating the ccnstzacticn otd. use of buildirqs, and may be suspend.ed ot, reookeC at cnA time upon oic- Lation of dtA prouisione of aaid Ordinances. SQ. FTG Value ,, TO?AL VALUE ruEM x I * * 5a > Date a.o Signed: S.D.C. 7.5 c Building Perwit ?otal Clnrgea State Plumbing Permit No pereon slnll eonshuct, inetall, alter or change c.nA ta?n cr eri.sting plwnbing or dtainage syetan in uhole or in pa.tt, unless such person is- the Legal possessor of a oalid plwnber's Li,cense, ereept that a petson nag doplwtbing uork to property ulyLch is otned, Leased or operated by the appli,- cant. 2z 2z CHARGE 7 N0.FFFrTEM Ptbtutes Resid.enti.al (1 bath) Seuet Plumbing Petnrtt Electricol Permit where state Lan reEtites tlnt the electri,cal uork be done by an Eleetricalcontraetor, the electrtcal portion of this permit slwll not- be ualil untilthe Label ha.s been sigzed by the Electtical Contracto?.* I Permit State --* Neu/Ertend Circuits Sez,uiee -. ENCROACEMENT -. ilEM FEE * Seeurt Mechqnicql Permit llcodsto'rte Yent Fot Echa/et ilood ,,s Petltrvt fssugtce MeclnnicaL Pernrtt Stotage Mainternnee Petmit C\Dbcut. Sida,talk Penee Electrieal Mobile Honte ?otal r HAw 1AREFULLY ExAr'rrNED the conpleted appLication for permit, and d.olereby certif.y that aLL infornation hereon' is true ":na *T"iiii-, "rra rfut'thet' certifg that ang ard aLL uork perforned shall be done in aecoz,-danee '"vLth the ot'dinanebs of the citg bf bpr-inglieid, L"a- til Las of the* 1?"_n_ ol _Qrgeon p-ertaining to the uoik 1eszriblla nniLi.,- "rri- tt-t No occa-PANCy Lrill be nq,l. of an-y stlactu"e rvithout pernission b7 tt n Buitding N-oision. r fu.tthe, ee1lifit that only contraitors ad arpicgels uho d"e inconpliance uith oRS z0L.0ss uiLL be used on this jroie.:t TOTAL AT4OUNI DUE: *G3,+rl .? ( CIIARCE Total Choraas