HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-08-14I I , ,. .. RESIE ,{T!AL.. APPLICAII)N/PER\,|IT 225 North $th Street Spmngfield, 1z'egon 97477 BuLLdLng DLuLsLon 7 26-37 53 Job Locaticn: ?.eeeict ! SPFINGFIELD 4*tl- O tc- AtO y26&22,2-rO=* ftrc @-re L /r(rzg /a / Constmtetion Lendet It ie the responsibilitg of tlre pe/,,n t hotd* tD aee tlnt att inapectiot'ts oe nade at tle proper tine, that each addzess is Pealabie fran the stneet, and thdt the pernit cod ie located at the frcnt of tlte propertA.*Suilding Ntsicion appro"*ed plan shc.Ll remain on the Building Site at aLL tines. PRocEpUP,E FoR INSPE1TI!fiay!59.'CALL726-3769(recordet,) state yout, City desigrnted job nwxbet,, iob aCltess, type of inspee=icn eadyforinspection,Contraetcl,sirasner's-ncl,leLndploieni,nber.Pequestsreceixbdbefcre7:00a:. ,vtLL be trude the sane day, ?eE&sts ncde afte.r, ?:00 on ttill be nwde the nezt r,sotkirg day. 7 Ias Lot #Aesessore Map # Sttbditsision: Ormet:5rn 247-36PhoneAddtess: / City: Desc?ibe Hork: /l .ffi;it"*ri ceiZ,; ?.1-&a vaLue t-t Ned Date of Additian RemoCel r-l-4ZZofz-- 0J GeneraL Iour Cifu Desigr,a.ted Job Nutnber rs:Kqo " ?D Reauired fnsoecticns Page 1 of 2 P)OIfNC & EOUNDAYfCN: Io be rmCe;F;; tt enct;;-ot ;e* c ao at ed and. forns are erected, but prior to pounLng ccnerete. UNDSRGROUIID PLT]MBTNG. SEWEP, W.ATER, DRAIIIAGE: To be tnade pr"iot to fil- @-l-renchee. SI?E INSPECTfON: Io be nade aftet,*caoatlon,Ti prior tc set ip of fomne. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & WCH4IIICAL: To be made befote angwrk ie cooeved. UT|DERFLOOR PLUIETNG & MECHA,NTCAL : floor insul,ation or decking. of P2ST AND BEAM: ?o be made prtot toinstallation of floot insulation ot, decking. ROUGH PLA{BII:IC. ELECYRTCAL & MECH- ANfCAL: No aork ie to be coueted ut:til these irnpeetions lnoe beer. nad.e and. approued. Pm)or to placirg facing and before ft,aning inepec- -3 DRYIIALL TNSPECTION: Tc be madelXl@aZn@ans in pta.ce, - but pz,ior to any taping. INSULA?TON/VAPOR BARRTER II|SPECTION : To be maCe after aLL insulaticn e.d required uapoz, berie?s @e in pl,ace but before ory 1,ath, Wpsun boarC or tnLL cooering is appLied, md. before oty ittsulation i.s concealed. $!SQ!RI: Steel Loeation, bondTffijgtouting or oertibals in accotdozce tLth U.B.C. Section 241 5. WOODSTO'IE: ccnpleted. Aftez, installation is CURB & APPRCACH APP)N: Aftet fortnsue erecteC but prior to pouring concyete. SIDEHALK & DRfIEilAI: For aLL eon- DEtt)LuraI 0R Sanitey seuer capped at Pz.oPetfui Lir:e Septic totk y"o;ped and filled tith gra;;el Final - hthen abcoe i,tens are canpleted avid uhen Carclition is eonplete or st?tic- ttpe mooed and. premLses cLeaneC up. Le Hcnes Bloeking otd Set-up Plunbing connections -- sa))e? otd. aater Electrieal Ccnneetion - Bloeking, set-uD and. plwnbing connections rust be apprctbd befot:e requesting eleclrical i.nspection Aecessory Building Pinal - After pcz,ches, skiz,ting, d.ecks,etc. @e c.cmpleted. FTPEPLACE:nat;i;G tion. FTNAL PLUMBING PIIIAL MECIIANICAL FTNAL ELECTRICAL ereti pau@ ultffi stteet right-of-teA, to be naCe aftet all esca- uating eanplete & forn uork & sub- base nu,terial in place. ?ENCE: h4ten conplete -- pyottiCe gates or notsable seetions through P. A.E. FRA.I.,!fNG: tiust be tequested afterapproual of rough plurbing, electri-cal & mec?nnical. ALL roofing bracing &- ehinmegs, etc. rntst be . eonrpLeted.. llo ucrk is to be con_.-cealed until this inspection lne'bee.n made anC apptoued. ALL wojeet conditions, such as the installation of street ttees, conpletion of thetequired Landsceping' etc., tmtst be satisfied befote the BUrLiiN:c F1NAL ean be requested. ?rNAL BUTLDTNG: The Final Build.ing, rnspeetion nzat be requested. aftet the Firal plunbirugElectrieal, otC Mechanical rnspectlons laoe bn., ioi- ii ipp"oind.E *ALL I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOU?S IIUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJASNENI ?O BE I,IADE A? IIO CIST TO CI?Y Date: f il tr ea JOB NO.soLAR p 'ESS REQ.-?c €r--coc* /Cor.st:Bedroons * I EAw 1AREFULLL EYAMTNED the eotnpleted application for penntt' and do hereby cettify that aLL information hereon is true artd coruect' and f furtkez' certify that any ard aLL aotk perfor'ned slwll be done in aceor- dance t^rLth the Ordinanees of the city of SprLngfield' and' the Lase of the State of 1regon pertaining to the uonk d.escribed herein, end tlat No occa- PANCY Llrtl bb nade of any structwe uithout pennission of the Building D-i.- oision. f further eertily that only contt'aetots md qplcyees uho are in ccnpliance uith )RS 70L.055 ui.l,L be used on this proiect 8-d-*{ Date fz-trsxL SLgnea Int Sq. Etg. Z of Lot Cooenage_ # of Stories Iotal Eeight ?opography LCT ?WE _ Intericr _ Cormer _ Panhandle _ Cal-de-sac Lot Faees - P. L.House Aeeess -- Fees -- SQ, F?G x ' Building Volue & Permir This perTnit is granted on the etpress eondition tlnt the said. eonstructionshall, in-a-'ll -nes_pe-e.ts, gonforry to the tudirnnce adopted biy the City ofSptingfield, includ.ing the Zoning Cydinance, z,egulatTng thZ ccnstruZticn dnd,.use of buiLdings, cnd may be suspended ov, reuokec at c.n! time upon uic-Lation of cnA ptcuisione of iaid Oz,dir,ances. TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. L.5 c Bui.Lding Pelwit @ oA State Date Paid:; Iotal Clangea aa Receipt #: Sigted: N0.FEE CIlARGE Fistuz,es a Plumbing Perrnit Ng pereon shall constnLct, instaLl, alter or elwnge an! neu cr eri,stingglwtling or dtainage systan in uhole ot, in patt, inles-s sueh person is theLegal .possessor of a oalid plunber,,s Licensb, eecept that a pZrson nag doplunbing uork to p?ope?ty uhich is ottued, Leased or operated by the ippli.-cant. Residenti,al (1 bath) Seuer Plwnbing Penrit aa .4ie9tate Electricol Permit Where State Lan tequires tTnt the eleetyical uotk be done by an Eleetz-Leal Contz,aeton, the eleett LcaL portion of this permit slnll not be oaliC untilthe Label lns been signed by the Electtical Contracto?. ae ?otal Na,t/Estend Cireuits Sezoice IIgM NC.FEE hernee ETU'S blwnst Hood. Vent Fot / lJcodstotte * Mechonicol Permit PermLt rssuance Mechanicel Permit Seearttg Deposit Storaqe Maintenance Pentrtt Cvrbcu! Si-da,talk len3e El.eetrical Ia.bel Mobile Hone TOTAL AMOUN? DUE: *€ /ra.re t4r.ar.1,f*t le,L Date 7qL O'? ez, o