HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 2005-07-11SPNINGFIELE) Aal*""J* Notice of Final Approval -Zone Change Journal Number zoN2005-00016 ApplicanUConsultant Tracy Smith 2615 3d Street Springfield, OR97477 &Date of Letter July l l, 2005 Owner Mr. Ross Hart I 132 56 street Springfield, OR 97477 Cordially James P. Donovan DSD Planner II Request: The property owner requested that the-Planning Commission consider and approve aZote a;ilt; ;"q*ri fo, prlp"rty locaied at ll32 5t Street from Low Density Residential (LDR) to N"igfUortood Commeicial (NC) in accordance with the Metro Plan. Status: APPROVAL, by signature of the Planning Co:nmission Chair on the attached Final Order dated ifr:6, ZOOS. The City oispiingfreld ZoningMap will be changed accordinglv. This is Final Approval of your Zone Change application. Plea'se refer to your City of Sprin-gfield pf"*i"gl"..A fit" Nu.Uer should furttrer queiiions arise. For more inforrnation please call Jim Donovan at726-3660. cc: la,/d,t*,, .,//,.t9t firs/ B \ roRl\{ 2 DLCD NOTICEOFADOPfiON This form mbst be mailed to DICD riithin 5 working days after the final decision p€r ORS 197.610, OARChapta 660 - Division l8 (rsce reversc side for submittal requircmbnts) 0 File No.:/LJurisdiction: .Date ofAdoptioo: nonc) 5- bc 6llcd Date lvlailed: Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment : Land Use Regulaion Am,eudment - New Land Use Reguldtioo or Scot to Am. e,udment Othen (Plcase Spccify Tpc of Acioa) the adopted aoendment Do uotuse Gchiical t€ms. Do uot write "See Attached." t Describe how the adopted amendoent difers from the proposed aoaen!19uf If it is the sane, write *Same.i If you did not give notice forthe ProPosd amendment wrirc'N/.d"' PlanMap Changed from: Zorrel{ap C&ryed from: Locdion: Specifr Density: Previor:s: Applicable Statewide Planning Was ao Exception Adopted? Yes:- N to to Acres Involved:l,'i- Neni: ,2F DLCD FileNo.: ^,/* / Dde theNotice ofProposed An€odoeotdEs Eailed to DLCDj .5./4 ' --?-'/v?r- J Did the Deparhent gfland Co'?servationand Dev,elonmentreceive anotice ofProposed Anendment FORTY FIV-E (45) days prior to the first evidentiary hearing. Yes:No: If no, do the Statewide planning Goals apply. yes: _. No: ' Ifn9, did The Emergenry Circr:mstances Require immediate adoption- Yes: - No: -Afued State or Federal Agencies, Local Crovernments or Special Dis'ticts: Local Contact:Area Code * Phone Ad&ess:{ Citr 7-rpAode+42 C.(--> I - ADOPTTON SUBMTTTAL REQITTREMENTS . This fom.must be mailed to DLCD within 5 worHngdays afterthe final decision pcr ORS ln.6l0,OAR Chaptcr 660 - Division 18. Send this Fomr aad IWO (2) Cooies ofthe Adppted A$endmentto: DEPARIMENT Or LAND CONSERVATION AND DEIIELOPMENT 635 CAPITOL STREET NE, SITITE 150 ; sALEIl4 OREGON 97301-25/t0 Submit I'WO (2) cgpies the adopted material, if copies are bounded please nrbmit TWO (2) complete copies of docrrments andmaps. ltgase,Not!: AdoBted materials must be sent to DLCD not later than f'fVE (5) workiug days : following the date ofthe fi"al decisiou onthe anendment 4. Submittal of ofthis Notice of Adoption must iachrde the text of thc aoendment plus adopted findirys and zupplementary informatior" 5. The deadline to ap,peal will be extended if you zubmit this notice of adoptioo within five working days of &e final dgsi5ioo Appeals to LUBA may be fiIed withiu TWENTY-OI\IE (21) days of the date, the "I'lotice of Adoptioo" is sent to DLCD. 6. In addition to seuding the 'Notice of Adoption" to DLCD, you mr:st notify.persoas viho participated in the local hearing atrd requested notice of therfinal decisioo 7.. Need More Copies? You cao copy this form oa to 8-1/2x11 ereen paoer only ; or call the DLCD Office at (503) 373-0050; or Fa:< your request to:(503) 3ZA-S5iA; oi f."it yo* requestto Larry.French@state.or.u; - ATTENTIOI.I: PLAI.{ AI4ENDMENT SPECIALIST. J:\pa\paa\forms\noticeadfmr to&ed: i29l99 7 J