HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 2/19/2021Ra.TL. CA9CYCE TRIG CO. Tf NO. 0323214 FSCROWNO. VPM-2002 SP TAX ACCT. NO. 0150555 MAR TAX LOT NO. 1743-15-4041800 GRANTOR MOVING FORWARD, LLC GRANTEE DEADMOND FERRY PROJECT, LLC 84936 PEACEFUL VALLEY EUGENE. OR 97408 Lana Lane county daedrk s & Records 2020-067313 County De 11/17/202002:24.21 PM EPRDEEDGlx=lsN=9 CH5HIER C5 tpages 55 no $n ao sio on" 100 $67.00 Until a change is requested After recording rile. to: all tax statements shall be CASCADETITLECO. sent to the following address: 811 WILLAMETTE -"SAME AS GRANTEE... EUGENE, OR W401 WARRANTY DEED — STATUTORY FORM MOVING FORWARD, LLC, av Ofegan Insulted Liability Company, Coney conveys and warrants ve DEADMOND PERRY PROJECT, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grantee, the fallowing described real pmpety fiee of mcambmces except sm specifically at forth hereie: Beginning at Me Northeast comer ofthe Wi ism Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Township 17 Searle, Amge, 3 West ofthe Wglammm Mention; thence Numb 89° 55' Wm 737.88 ha along me Hunch Snelof send Clain No. 45; thence South 15.0 feet in a pant on the South line ofCounry Road No. 90 (Do admond Fere, Ruedl, said point being no true point of beginning; ruining thence goal 89v 55' Fast fi2.60 fent long the South line ofsaid mod; thence leaving said SonN Ime, South No 38' Fist 306,75 feet; theme North 890 55' West 200.10 feat; Mems Nath 274.2 feet m the ave point of beginning N Lane County, OreBan. The true consideration for this conveyance is 5405,000.00. MM" SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, ME MRSON TRANSFERRING REE TOLES OULD IIRQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IFANY, UNDER ORS PUMP (DefintMoo for ORS 195300 Y 15336), TO 195336(Compefxvdiop)id Came30D(Cempe) AND sur SECTIONS 7013. Chad ER, 4M, OREGON one x207, SE TIONS 2 TO9AND1 end AFTERaM, Pass) AND O , ND Il,CHAPIT2 7, OREGON%OTIEN ON LAWSON9. T09 AND17. CIf TWESN OREGON LAWS 2003,ANDSECRTY' D1T'Oi,CHAPTERS, OREGON U[WR2010.THIS VIOLATIONT➢OESNOTALLOWUSEORTHE PROPERTY REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING m ACCEPTING NT Hv VIOLATION OF APP PERSON LAND USELAWSME ANDEM TH TLON6. HEF➢RE SIGNING OR WITH THEAPHIRLNBTRU;HEYORC COUNTY NACQUIGDETAETITLDN THE PROPERTYSHOUL CHECK WITH TREAPPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTYBLISHINGDEPARTMENTTOVERIFY]IN THEUNI OF LAND BRING TRANSFERRED to RHEn IS ALAWFULLYESes), TO VERIFY OR PARCEL, AS DEFR'E➢IN OR993.010/1UDEL, TO forTER93.010mYLIN)OR ON 5UITtim3),TOVERIFYTHE AP PROVED PRACTICES, PEOREARNER TO DETERMINEANYLIMITRON WWRULTR AGAINSTFARMINGO0.POHE RIGHTS OF BRING ORB 30.930 (OeMfdam far ORRRa9]O Y 30.947E ANO TO 3NQNRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERD, IRANT, UNDER OR51933001DeRnNlvns Yr OR8 I9i]OO to t9i1361, 19].371 (f<g1eYIWe OvtlY®)) AND 195305(GCmFend)A for ECITIOoa State of ratpropert 4M, OREGON EG me AWS301n, SECTION (CempavND1, CHAPTER3 Fund) AND LAWS2010,ANSS D,QHAPTER 9TOOREGONERS, REG NLTIONS20. SANT V, CHAPTER 555, OREGON LAW82009. AND SECTION821b 7, CHAPTERS, OREGON W WR1010. Except Me fallowing encumbrances: Covenants, Conditions, Resbfcfi0ns Easements and Rights of Way ofmcco d, B'my. Dated this 11 dayof Ili hL,,,b, ,3bn�)_, FORWARD, LI,C BY: ' LU fGMBER Smm Of(Aegm Cavetyof Lane y� �s This statement was acknowledged before sue on)_W gucink—_%I, 2020 by LUCAS A. HARDY, MEMBER of MOVING FORWARD, LLC, on bebalfofM�o. ORIORLSOMP &ARAH MIGBELLE PETERSON 1pTAR'f PUIsEaC IG014 (Name, Public for Oregon) gpaIMSBI013N0.96958a My commission expires lbw-80-r�) WORA00RdDRRISORH.NIa10.8ai1 E PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT CASCADE ESCROW October 21, 2020 ATTN: SARAH PETERSON Report No: 0323214 47,0 VILLAGE PLAZA LOOP, SUITE 100 Your No: VP20-2002 EUGENE, OR 97401 Seller: MOVING FORWARD LLC Buyer: CHERRY BLOSSOM VILLAGE, LLC PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR: Owner's Standard Policy $405,000.00 PREMIUMS: Owner's Standarc Premium Gov. Lien/Inspect Yee $870.00 $35.00 We are prepared to issue 2006 (6/17/06) ALTA t_tle insurance policy(ies) of OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, in the usual form insuring the title to the land described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 89° 55' West 737.86 feet along the North line of said Claim No. 46; thence South 15.0 feet to a point on the South line of County Road No. 90 (Deadmond Ferry Road), said point being the true point of beginning; running thence South 89' 55' East 62.60 feet along the South line of said road; thence leaving said South line, South 26' 38' East 306.75 feet; thence North 89' 55' West 200.1C feet; thence North 274.2 feet to the true paint of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. Vestee: MOVING FORWARD, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liabi_ity Company ESLa Le: FEE SIMILE DATED AS OF: OC' -'OBER 08, 2020 at 8:00 A.M. Schedule B of the policy(ies) to be issued will contain the following general and special exceptions rrle.ss removed prior to issuance: GENERAL EXCEPTIONS (Standard Coverage Policy Excep7lons): Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing l i ens by the records of any taxi. ng authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the Fublic Records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Recores. No liability is assumed hereunder until policy has been issued and full policy premium has been paid. MAIN OFFICE FLORENCE OFFICE VILLAGE PLAZA OFFICE 811 WILLAMETTE ST. 715 HWY 101' FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 4950 VILLAGE PLAZA LOOP SUITE 100 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 MAH.ING: PO BOX 508 "FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PH: (541) 687-2233 • FAX: (541)485 0307 PH: (541) 9978417' FAX: (541)997-8246 PH: (541) 653 8622 * FAX: (541)8411626 Order No. 0323214 Page 2 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the Public Records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or by making inquiry of persons in possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the Public Records; reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or title to water. G. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land. 5. Any lien, or right to a lie,, for services, labor, mater -al, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public Records. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS 6. 'axes, Account No. 0150555, Assessor's Map No. 17 03 15 4 0, 41800, Code 4-78, 2020-2021, in the amount of $3,542.67, NOW DUE AND PAYABLE. 7. Power line easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to Tri-State Railway and Power Company, by instrument recorded November 29, 1910, Reception No. b087 p279, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 8. Easement Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted to He demarie Smith, by instrnment recorded July _5, 1999, Reception No. 1999-061898, Lane County Otficia= Records. 9. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof, executed by Moving Forward, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Granter, Lo Cascade Title Company, Trustee, for the benefit of West First, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Beneficiary, dated May 7, 2019, recorded May 14, 2019, Reception No. 2019-018430, Lane County Deeds and Records, to secure payment of a note for $325,000.00. 10. A copy of the Operating Agreement of Moving Forward LLC, including any amendments thereof, should be furnished to Cascade Title Company for tie purpose of ascertaining members au Lhorized to execute on behalf of the Limited Liability Company. 11. In lieu of :he signatures of al 1. the mechers and/or managers, we will require a Consent Resolution by all of the members and managers of Moving Forward LLC, consenting to the forthcoming sale cr encumbrance and disclosing the party(ies) authorized to sign for said limited liability company to be provided prior to closing. NOTE: The property address as shown on the Assessor's Roll is: 281 Deadmond harry Road Springfield, OR 97477 NOTE: A judgment search has been made on the above named Vestee (s) , and we find NONE except as set forth above. N0'TE: As of the date hereof, there are no matters against CHERRY BLOSSOM VILLAGE, ILC, which would appear as exceptions in the pcl-cy to issue, except as shown herein. NOTE: A copy of the Operating Agreement of CHERRY BLOSSOM VILLAGE, LLC, including any amendments thereof, should he furnished to Cascade Tzlie Company for the purpose of ascertaining members authorized to execute on behalf of the Limited Liability Company. Order No. 0323214 Page 3 NOTE: According to the pub-ic record, the following deed (s) affecting _he property herein described have been recorded within 24 months of the effective date of this report: Warranty Deed recorded May 14, 2019, Reception No. 2019-018429, Lane County Deeds and Records. NOTE: The premium amount has been reduced by application of a reissue rate. This report is pre'_iminary to the issuance of a policy of title insurance and shall become null and void unless a policy is issued and the full premium pais. Cascade Title Co. sa/rh: Title Officer: KAELEEN KUTZ 611 " 1100 91 A( X MJ-'hl— >20#' T0 CASCADE TITLE CO. MAP NO. 17-03-15-40 14 C 1'461 -off w 8 au'!% rL ll-lpev L�W-ANWA THIS MAP/PLAT IS BEING FURNISHED AS AN AID IN LOCATING THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LAND IN RELATION TO ADJOINING STREETS, NATURAL BOUNDARIES AND OTHER LAND, AND IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE IS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED BY ENDORSEMENT, IF ANY, THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE DIMENSIONS, DISTANCES, LOCATION OF EASEMENTS, ACREAGE OR OTHER MATTERS SHOWN THEREON. i ti --------s—__— —3 THIS MAP/PLAT IS BEING FURNISHED AS AN AID IN LOCATING THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LAND IN RELATION TO ADJOINING STREETS, NATURAL BOUNDARIES AND OTHER LAND, AND IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE IS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED BY ENDORSEMENT, IF ANY, THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE DIMENSIONS, DISTANCES, LOCATION OF EASEMENTS, ACREAGE OR OTHER MATTERS SHOWN THEREON. Mal to tho hpoater hernia, Also any Mft all Other riljtty en pay vY ev vr,0vicey pl.M1' on rnvxer �d dnoopip EiplY• owned Or held by,, or iA ankh the Qbantnr hero'. ani bo Sn ay�.luo L xpraoted, Sa ,'Old oeimty of Loan, Metd•b_ Or.,.. Also that captain fianatso, Or '.ruit ¢rented by the County Court of the State of 000gon." gall' ;au th6 Condit`" or Tanto, doted duho 9, 1910, grmtln6 paa4Saoion to the pa YYYa a N,aoC11, a0. rq�axo§D1a({ romp any, 'to ehdedgo6r8 and abolyTia, to OPOpetd and Maintain blottrin Nipoo uan Do TL¢n blodg anrj. nvop pbntain o.unty ,esus 1n anid iepmlt d..Oplbod, en r11i411 Raid permit xa9 el an the 0£nd 9G`'," SAly, 1910, dal, alo3gnod, tpnAeGarrod a::d oat pvea'i by andd , YOp31.1p 9Ladtplael l.'YlgYllaQa✓i¢ay COnV64Y> to ovAntor hare'., and 61 s any Mia all sthea YTAlldn�� lade tar tlhe mal taMnon vil . ohectris ns*'. am Polna 4vbr sn$ other em,nty rondo in said coanty Wiiese, hb1Po 5y [p1, or harem or in conch -Old a ahtop tow be In eryetoa latarnood" Also Tali `do bk''to fbt the supplying sf light ca pondo to any;, and all resia.lpol.itila In said 0punwl" d[' dan4 rand all paetehibbn gr.atdd to, as hold by, grAhtnp herein, Sop She CM- 6vdlone tlr4.ti' had NaYYatehsnoe of electric liiyt and poems p1loye. and the supplying d diatriMttinf oP oldetddity fop Might ad p.O On any munlelpambien in paid Stats of Ora¢ h ami joi titularly that Certain fpsheates, M,ted .{ul,. :5a 1930 i' granted by stip City of dv tY n IYppo Podolia 91st t i 1 AginaabYn company. d by Sala 06h hey dal, h'boxlpbod ho gr .tor 4.£e3-, mad tl gni+ tMn Sran.hioe, doted' sea .euber 6, 1904s dhirtdW by .0 Aty of J notion aw to t1w donetlon city xtowfaetering Coppery, dpo d ldlD said trMdhiaS'been, been by ma ,Jai Q WOyoiio6 dfly .on ilpod and tpanateekod to grentoz hbrbin,;- Tad that dee¢'alY4 frdnchj } -pated MV2 1910 granted by the C1ty Of HArrlaburg t Pe L;Sc EloetrY3a3 thiridadrieg Ov od,N. end by sato tlompsny du'{y. ena10ne3 to geohlOr hepeln, ons, ode,, and all whet'- tPbneniea4 of day blhd1-ahOpbsent and, i/ebtlrlpMon, held by or in bhioh :he negate. hehe•Jn may3e' intisro.cL�aa'. �i and grboit4d by -any "fiDr muni Ypa3ltYen '1¢ the to Siam of dp4*.' ' Aldo 011 0�giioedt, r.41, msbbpielo> supply.., maandaap and of, U Ou-p property, or Any Sntorbdt thaaa1n, 11, 66k Nay belonging to or' eppartnlniryg'ty tG >r 18 ASep9lmRbftlpa des.41sid .1ooselo, light pLNt,had all bills and se.andsos tevbYNhLld,: ofe,inrifdL)YTN'and 1 ti%butes• phdnbb ih vtinn>' bentTddtb, ala'ms fid depend n d d" g Sd grenie8 Ya` Cori_ ` n time=M415 e4 la dPq+m:Anhei ra1n41ng to earn hep41nbef d ... r_fi d'pleJat try�etb`er 'gY%h , air and ain;tt'lsr the tdhanbdte, heredlbanemoo, and appeettoene0a thoodimto beld¢ginl;'•vN`'h ¢eW-' wl o ppeatAltidrtg and the rev teloh ox poneole Onay xemaYndbr or rbHM1]nder0 tbxlsiln nNe, ,ental 1¢aVe&:and 1itt��bdfith tnepeof. 1'C AA14LAgp "16 dOLd all Rad oingular the Pesoloss, India, • Ontuti right of dry`f', li^Bn fan hiseai da"Meetits and-othat pen,brey aforesaid, to he said V.et of h# second Mavaso.k %aq SL ItCa•A� 095 ped ea91¢1eo f¢ -id greater r It WidosesA R+Ats l5 slf id'. g a t r h s u corporate e p o b tv ea a -,muted'¢ its •.`� rerpdeata dL'jse'b,fdt snpphp2:t P Y app, and it operate deal t. bs'hdairsta boVa,ep, Sn smo�ahee' Miht the aifthorYtif hardtisYOTe dui. jvtrnr t84 day and year`^ixnt sbme'hp3Etidn. � Mm ONYMr, Attest: R,SFGrdf Ry d.M.E,,linsby Saargtary. P.M.Nta President. final. Slgtmd,SCaldd sped Delivered I. Pe.onpi of: o.A,Rohe <. A. S.l(p3ona.: $tate of llltaote� ) $S county o&Qebk ) M thio 14th day f hovy9e AQW, hofs 9 s pe...m3q appeapad H=% 9121 b•,. gad R J 0paf o,iee p natally lmgSNt uwho-,' being:Q,vly .morn, did say tnAt•. ha, the srcYd'Sb"%Aq aru.aby, }a khe`}sag1`tlont, a+d'he, tha4aalP A..?. Ftafa ta th. Sparetsme ^ H.3.S,yL:h ana o nYWAY.i, one ddrpdrsti ¢ hastreappent, dost that';Cb, pears q said SnntiaipmnC iv the perpolVCa s8a1 of aero c vrporaxidn and shat nerd y1,ati,2at we nidead ahs s`oalad in bdhrlY of paid coipsystlon by anthoti'vy of its R'uarIf .4. pad M1 v d R Id.9y],leaby silo !h S. ApnP aclmoe,ladbrod�faid ih.tpa..at on be Sha fi`sb st ins dyed of I� e 1st evgpP'Ddt{ IW TF,APPCO.)w Mr.R'^JF> 2 hoya hexes to .et V hand and aftxed ,q- cmfldaa+ ..4a this Lha`dp,ry 4hn 'yens firot in thin ny, certificate written. > 0.A.Rohe 1 Notarial SeiLl-' ' N.tiaiy 1VLtta, Ay Cvmmdan Oda Tod f'ran'only let., 1913• In .ped 'op uepntp of reek state at _ . 211icro1n, Rwt. VON Nand. M92`3 Ado1Ph Mglbei et Aa ) ) to ) Pilumfp r.oppa Rev ^Pth 1910 at 1 va)ock vwR 3, T 1 tdba psjil`rykPero,, Co. ) 111.La. [apart, 11e l pay J A.Fa L napu& a d. TY!$ §N�[91da]IFL•,}lgda this 31vY dee or outgb 1910,E b] d bgtwb%n Addlyj> i4,11'ei Nod Phi Nb7Aa M14,lla hit yAf • Ahgt)M .0&�.an wut Tvlis nolle Itis MYaj^ 17 W ly¢lk�,n end rypna eau u.e'�:rn�dn n4' 'via. ?�' niki re„ 2t1a Mf ar l'nue d Ststb f*t, heyelnafter' dalie�d tlm 4pantor , psgt3�u qY ski@ fir trpAt4 a�n A2g Aa3;ijay k Gd�, QFoggA Corpelatiioh 1 avit,g ita`p lmov,ui aPPiva u� Fbpt`,la?id A gg , Fibtodnat=terWba'rylbd the tLmPhaalti-paatN ofthe d@pond P%FF: 17 `a— RFSv _ dA P t In PremE loft. @o d .n epn6ld.e4tlon of the nu or TPJU.,unedre(,4 and i ( $0 00} lu✓!1.1 naawY of . belted State 01 to *lues ±' band paid by the CBTpoxb .t<h".11. 11 aptt : j, ,free Se h0rele asdw Redy A d W three 8 sit st gmnt D s$.ine sell pn4ei, p �. Osb flr. =to the C0. 6ny and to J,o oe's" p nd a,,., ioni'pxpl C W 1yhC of p e 1 Priv 2,Lip Pox the carr uw of vino and the t M sic of lwbl. anoPm t th tdn s Mht to event Pile. on' to stratoh wdrft one, ll oe of ; 1xa bstmoen Sexy ca*h lod"IdOW t 1 and prepCF anF1{Annex to 810M.In .11,h Pale +�nan Bnd polite in xPBvn� rn3 mein de5a]ibad A nd +itoat9d in the Caonty of La..A red S^,Wta of f -e ot• tBp14t AbanE 0. ban"& end fIx`N-oeven sorsa in Pon.tia. 7"d Chin 17b.d in dortion EE of a 'foHnshiP 17 dldudhx WG. 3; matsrt la WY+i3mmtta3ieridie ,. the legal 41110 to mhlat spm 9 `� stand in to SN`n9 u N.W:dal3;itisv •he n81,d AU�"ftYCt lt'llex and MO-phLo11oe holdxng o o h;tsA p dE" ¢.iv fuxaa tb.,60t; tan lie. E gfit to ant dem'; one mbp19sha*te• tree standing D t esea` tita rOpd fence Md:todn, an mid- 1sMkslI ea -v tnd.ah d e oX- PY.y intevfoea pith ss.2d P.I. 3 ltifta also, tnr blgd t."lit ft nG e7rhtiOt peem,es. X33 Vale una Pel sv P/iF6 l an vvit. nMl h dl bllnstra*t.d, aperate adfiteYnad sdd' sgpt in u.neir aYg Cha '11a- as the numa Inn" ll..t.d an said latltLro tiaxng'n*�piab the S geh+ia tb 1 61 or, Ln, A,lirced Right of 1a, over sod Aaxosa n ca14j peep ibB§,.and it 1s apdBltlb 56meBd And thistieed io mads neon Ells eipnoev MQdtlon t(mt�:t,hp r nt x1]iM15 of :die gait-:PdIB jAza ellen not bb:loaasod at a greatar disE floe thbn ve Daet Di gtT.B Stn§ ditJta dothatn Pecifib ,e}used Right, of may t aed tyaU pals- ' e 0a aM5;5 MaeB'b $CEr'dh611.,nUt be leeetad a n greater dietenoa L}hL4 aTavon, feat Sra(a bid. Ae�l$xoed %lyht of Wayy- gra°;6�neNsber�,p�, gsilsiax��o'a�-+G'UY 2hue> d2o�ry...eemohAy g id on f x said. the ae mons heresy -y F^` f"•••PW .•,-I3dEW 3 s el5C6E8apx9 IV+SaIgos and to its aDsd t]ir3F 4�f,iaB trst Adtpx mid ampbY4B Uh5 rlal�t R,.fYha asdeis :all tinea to and ramyw#§� nd au ysaypea r•ss xd paHl,. „In V'Bla' ,-.. see nt,d linen :oz r.sxBn an the ader or a+r! tx ear tpP p amu V1nonayy desggB cta wrid,l5nopdsty of the Erv_ sir p1a o-issy SL nd kd fmfed� q'n oto®r 1t{so'vBf�nCs and to pry for all t� a in apps. 5t9,an SFO%Tnhegv 1'epal=leg, T,msnDoing and operating �3po?e5 W12Ba end .,.s df .al e ditdi5 wa t3e iyt4 to q5U 1*ie pod al'on the tad rigl. oP w 1n. W tda'e not 112dF1'a'.ve m v?•t'h wfi ea a;xnd ra fl}rf ps l.,sY °±' of he MyT�e :Aad�pz3v41 L'a"'frereby p ped to the b iOY p. 441j1 mp 4(tGrs tA�a e6id xz.� D�bayy AaseEfi 3',YtEn and Pblvilbgra not.a its ay ea ox+ e4ad6.n iiia 4, xs F=U1irex +tnAYsof ChB G hpox +ave hai�vysbs eai tTa1x nda and meals the •'nY, idta,flxpt 1n WhY�`fn�fa%nkerm�;32&Bred... � - �14?,YleN i_n Ch M 1ph "in les aii31}Penn MuT1an dL . R9FWg August MVllsr q TaFkine Ialf - 5 9.J91kina Orme 1 J C01.13gp_ zt_Gid "ph Spal?er Iieily L CaiFlns EAL) 85 e .k. • t15a 3, t dsy of .q totids. 1gY0_%nstore'fiwv voter'• enhlie in and far sold Rata ppisdnallp-Aro P,adi' S$ %Axlbr -end .t��; firmer, `PSabasdd and wife, Ptya dx0' dkjn,, 111.5 ,ifr 4.+L.palkiM`�s,9�d-tinily 0{n11nKs hi9 H1Pa, Inarpamon taercHe inuAltopl 24minng 6RUMbBA Tn4nd Hh6 en•en¢ted the fore - +.n41 i¢te'xYbd�lP,d t`e rfe !]tat' 21uef i�q{} I{B%e5e}iW.a11 tl1® YPUUJ4 And v.Xop%rrA4 d Iastl e Ppfignag#f1fo2oapeds d tfiB 1V_, bP h@.ve 'heretm'te p'D'_ W bead ¢Yui Uoter2E3 oral thB dr, gosdp to ^ T1dlos ';ihllo Par.Oxa �"-" ,. Ip ]'ntn..p eev"mr I have llarawito Jot n, Lead n,.a 110tar.al uOa1 Lto day and arta leer abQ,n vu•SttOh. 'x. m.nrrtkm ,11th .onat$an of ,he vases C omm3s.latt Fxplron\inn Right ofwe, Used. 'S9�#• J.u.geel.dry at n1. ) to,) Piled for record Pio, 'S 1920 ¢t 1 o'oloak ps.i. Tel -.Cate Rainey I Pover CO.) E.U.Lee Oaunty Clerk>. Per J.P..%entnin Tole P.DMT1,1RR ]Sade thd. lsth day of nrteber> 1910v by and betas n J.SJ,Ia,X,,djy, Stella E.MalylxdrY his w1Yeg, E,M-000kerllne and N ry g.0 ke 11 DYa >lYe>.of Lan. C unty, Mete of. Oregon- hereinafter tolled the GV.Utoea, parties of the Hist part. and Tri—state'. Railway .& Power. Campanv> an Or_(nn Corporation having its principrl office at Portland, Oregon, b.reihsft.r o911ed the Company, Party Of Us Intend port: VMIN SSM: T1Wt the Grout for and 1 nonsldenativn of the u¢m of Two gundred iallaeu (�00) {( 1 ai'n1;m.ney Of the United St&tqu7 to them In hand paid by the Company, tno sac 1pt wndrief 't 19 hON*- n0)MOwSddgad onhy the so presents grant bargain sell, convey and Conflem pato: n the Gomppny 6i ]fL isP su s..ora end sotigos. forever., a 14 It of way to On D' tit,- peIe it,. Yoe thh nirpying ne nifea and the trameassiaslonof ale tri Oder& I with,,he H1ght to i£6dt` G pole end td etre' h viiraa and linefl sf w1re L twee. pOlas with netes.nV, amed prbpbr app lioness t alst.in Mch POI- linea and -pole in aver and tx ss the P Y vfing described 111111ddddmm#��#iid 7 situ bad i,A 'IT 'duaYty E T,ene and -Uinta Of O eV n to! It ne Mont Ohnndee4 Des in or ..or the £ E est on sex of Donation Land e1sla of AbxM mqnHaa and,IT fe PIe 45 in msa.bi, rett(1 15 0# T hip 17 South, gvel e 3 mantOf w'ilnnette H,rld_en-the lool. !, 21110 dwL T; --,q stand in the ,name of J s lieoiadt, but upon whY h"nth id dSNv kerlive h no, 1. 01 2 puea 'on thereof;end It I- ape lfld$l�, 01ed and th_Op d 1. ,sed ,hpom the espe rendition that the nter lima Of the 1 .pole line UMIX net be located at s' ".at dist YhOd than four fe i a the line of the Senthers Panlfis .railroad right or 1 w y 'Ad"d one plot In the diets. a OP le.omimuSl this land -ate,1 the a be, Sd ated .4 poled axna �d-.a ad; and In this Use ,he pal- _a not tN be lotekbd at a gra tax`` dist if t)nui bine i of TrOZIA 13 right Of way. No other guy liners than that abova-mentiWd a H tq b8 }vvated OR .ndd-lvdsev. 5ald po16i }Spa pole., wix .+ and lines of wixea shall be onaaL.r,d,eted, opexatHd ma1n= t Ined W1,9 d,Hj,'C 3n raped, alsag -thellns-thereof, no the same 1 novpF.n]:M1e-ted on,'sa3d land, b i g a Vtig +;nq S,Yta of eadd railroad right o spy. I SR ttirth.p onHid.f.ti.a Of said dea Of ma. -Y 3°-1'41-..f re idv', Gred,ops he ty ( , gr nt nor gains 31 aisi convey, unto the Comp m>T its auf0 as nd og.icrai +md to 1t 1 and thbia di Sala agents and orpolyap, the nir}lt ot`¢a 5. ejald times t0 ap11 2rora{}4Ti and-Upket. of gold Polo lin poise, minas esillnee of ire. no than boo,- 9asclr}bpd j lends .and Mile, eigift to P4sa Hae Brut ¢anon. SBi'$Wnd Load r salflp to Mme and far the - VePUJ9q Purpaxa OP OnatrdPpipe .ri inq,repeirix Svp o ]s nd #lice ninR tts,ag}W ad add vlaos.mod 11. .-.Y t ao the liht to _._ the lame on itlir skid pale line, wi . and line f ml.e f any and oil t all . ft ebl h h ll'be nt 4 p time fbhmd fig bD VIengan;. liable to f ll: tmd any ,uiltlon on upold g le line: -_wines d liI' `h as aP ntnarwl9B to A.jUvO pn endanger the same or a$ the ani fl 0 tll8 g['di tq y� in Ort d't poles 1R"(9Id loud eiortg Ohs. said ri£¢ht of nay o above nPb 1Pi d to dig ba.ieaffis, Lo hang thl$e.�0unfaca as m Mo L. htta'1t1� .be ,wroprl t amd bnavemtageO aid W , to maintain the .acma"*d+arkess, d ' and tTpe Gompa(h(. agneas "A to do a�•. , e saxg dem 3.. t0 Haid prq,.mi 0 'k},"q Gmsbd r f xaba, qI1 dalji..ge dOtie to ti tea arnetioi improvement. OUA to Pay f0 ail dame done to crop. $n aanaa�h, uOtljfy,> marl inthyn repels , imprasing and oPevmting said pole-11ne y Po18d.a.1Nlr atAd lineaOY .m3to ice. _gtnn eB he the 1 21ght to use - he land along the said right of arty in any p rRMHr hit dhe- not Yat'nxYt kb,in any may with the full and Pe2foot use, amd a ijoyffivn4 by h .4 th Camp@£yly,'o€ Wia rigntn'ai,d Pri,ilbgf. ha by granted to the 'j'0 }1"4t'g A+9 T.G llQls7), the -�oaid right {of tarry eane, ant, rYSM aoun.�rivilegna on, the COmPaN`f +6a oth eater.] e$d'naplgna Mmsr,.x. p, 1;i1 n>'dnags-witerlsvS tha.;C.reMtUl'o hem.: h.eonat. get their hands and ea s the day,, a sr and ryBtQr 1'lDet'I th a-imd'amtmre ivrlttem. Een by 16 ak gindy end 9 IaI E tau i d% in The pr 'ante Of S s dl :iia. dE'ae }g ssnn�� 9telle R lloZA@d_J p ` G ivevyne�Y p GVe>tefllde in the pre.gnnq of P P[ CO §-1 liha P eP[qk Mpry B ..arin9rliM A S" -ata.' O2a`i.a:.r s. _,.n 1-1 PPY{9 SS: "4p 9), t44", vv1l4h day of Jip ¢amb§s"i;Q%daLayHD& me r . 99061898 EASEMENT AGREEMENT �D in am¢idumtimlof file papaw and sale ofadjoceo, pmpeny described he E',Rd,`A", Ervml A. $chnetzky, as T,usleu ol'flle a T ON Erven A. Schnetzky 1991 Trust damtl Sepsmber 25, 1991. 1\r and restated Decentbtr 3, 1998 (Ammo,), conveys Hcidas Snaith, I... I2i1T,Buccaxxors,anWussigns'(Grnntet), a perpetual rea-exclusive easemem, Motu Na¢nnsanJ eanJltians drscrifmJhelnw,murex, Of land he Who Comely' Oregon describall us follows; •�i:r &ginning of a pules on the South line of Caunty Rood No. 0, which point as❑I feet Non' 89 degreos point market by an iron pipe which is "I'llSouth 26 degrees 38' East from a point 57,34 chains Squth 69 tlegrees 55' East from file nanhwest Am a' qY the Wiilium Stevens Donation Cent Cloim No, 46, Townshlp \ °a 47 5ou[h, Range 3 Wet or the Willamene Merldian a ad running Vlentt North 89 Uegrces 55'West 4 feat ihsned south 26deg(ees 3g'Eas1 Q 306.7 feet; thenar NAs 89 degrees 55' Wes, 5.4 feet; Eggg� ,hence South 26 degrees 38' East W 0 feet; Ihence South 89 r� w r Jtgrees 55' Easf 21.4 feet; thence Non, 26 degrees 38' West 326, feel; and Ihence North 89 degrees 55' West 12 feet NOz„S ro,he poim et'btginning, in lane Count y. Oregon, op �O H the Gmnmr is the record owes, Of the real estate described above and hos the Jamirimed right to grain the easement upon the terms and xeditions that follows: ;q5 a s(+p No dy�l. Gmmee aballh,e the right ofiagreas and egress car The described strip of land tar aceus in Grmnee's Adjoining'pmeny, which As as 40�u ucerrantly designated as Tax Lot l]03 15 0180, and which is currently using a stroot address h. Deadmond gF287 Ferry Road. This easemem shell be peMAnaL mal,ciusivo, and appwtawm 10 the Gmetee's adjacent property adjoining immediately m lila weal of this easemem strip. Adescription oftheprop`rry to which this isePpurrenant eaxmenl is attached Moret as Exhibit "A', 2. Grantee's' right of ingress and egresv shop Include such reasunable access as is necessary to she use, enjaymem, and operation of such housuxgr1vtcmresas exist or may be comtruetxdupon Ommee's adjacent described "A'. dop.rThisairsemenl properly in Exhibit is grouted fd driveway use only. Vnless Gra,,A, should grant a fuorre conveyor= for additional rights, this easement shell not be tonswed for utility or any Other use or for benefit the of any other property. 3, Except -aasit- rights herein granted, the Granter shall ,,!a all use ant comral of the JemrlbeJ amp ollanJ, Gmnnr reserves the right m 8mm rights for sac' use to third panics In Ate Grantors sole discretion. 4. The Grantee agrees to indemniry and defend Grantor From any loss, claim or liability to Grantor arising In any manner oaf of Grantee's use of the easemem strip. 5. This eazetnent Is "mod subject m all prior easements or anaannin meas of record. b. Grelpee aekrmsvleJges that Grumor's useo(tlle easemeo[Is infreyuanl. Gmnmr urulermkes ua responsibjlitylomaintainor Jevelap the roadway, santace, or drainage or aW d,,w,lbtld Calemeld strip. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this instrument to be exttuhd as evidenced by their signatures below. �. GRAN1'0R; G�IRyA/pJ1v'ITE�E�����/ Is �.�. !% �y WGR �e YdlLbd6d� Er, a A. Sehnmzky, asa Trustee of the PsSNey(A, Schrrclzk 1991 Trust rimed Sepmmber 25, 1991, and restated December 3. 1998 Haui¢mane Sndep Sem of Oregon; ss.;Counry of lane O333JUL,15'99g06EEC asd(ru� 2saa9aoavPu o iv: Personally appcamtl she abovertamed Erven A SchnelEk •, asa Tustee ohhe Ervc 1 tEnflllNDazp' 1991, and restated December 3, 1999, and acknowledged the foregoing imtrumentto be his o p voluntary at and doee6.Ct99Ni16A $UB$CmB£q AND SWORN q TU before tut this /9�tlay al J re.199 .a ORVASM State of Oregon; v.;County of Lalk Not Puhli or 90 deed. Personally appeared the above nam>[ Heidcmaric Smith end acknowledged We foregoing instrument m be bar volumory am and SVBSCRiDED AND S WORN To before me thisi ol'11a s 1999 , N y Public (or Oregon After Recording Retain m: I g's'IC41LR-sy Joel S. DAY.,, 3cLw 7mhSt.,Suit. 300 EvIr., O8 97401 F 7- 1 5 - 99(i- Eewew No. 01 -503297 -KJ -46 Th" Oulm Na. 00503297 -±a 99061898 MIBIT nw, Beginning at the Northeast corner of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, In Township 17 South, Range , 3 Wast of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 89- 55' West 737.88 feet along the North line of said Claim No. 48; thence South 15.0 feat to a point on the South line of County Road No. 90(Deadmond Ferry Road) said point being the True Point of Beginning; running thence South 89a 56' East 62.60 feet along the South line of said road; thence leaving said South line, South 260 38' East 306.75 feet; thence North 890 55' West 200.10 fee feet to the True Paint of Beginning, in Lane County, Oregon, t; thence North 274.2 State of Oregon County of Lane — ss. I, the County Clerk, in and for the sold County, do hereby candy that the within Inrtrunnent was recelued far retard at GG '99JUL 15gtt1e,51 Reel 25-17OR Lane County OFFICIA4 Rew,& Lane County Clerk 0 �9 gy; h/GxrX�/�u wf� County Clerk WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM LELAND H. SMITH and HEIDEMARIE SMITH, as tenants by the entirety, Grantor, conveys and warrants to MOVING FORWARD, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein: Beginning at the Northeast career of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 891 55' West 737.88 feet along the North line of said Claim No. 46; thence South 15.0 feat to a point on the South tine of County Road No. 90 (Deadmond Ferry Road), said point being the true point of beginning; running thence South 89* 55' East 62.60 feet along the South line of said road; thence leaving said South line, South 26° 38' East 306.75 feet; thence North 895 55' West 200.10 feet; thence North 274.2 feet to the true point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. The true consideration for this conveyance is $295,000.00 AS PAID BYJTO AN ACCOMMODATOR PURSUANT TO IRC 1031. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER OHS 195.300 (Definitions for OHS 195.300 to 195336), 195.301 (Legislative findings) AND 195.305 (Compensation for restriction of use of real properly due to land use regulation) TO 195.336 (Compensation and Conservation Fund) AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2010. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN OHS 92.010 (Definitions for OHS 92.010 to 92.192) OR 215.010 (Definitions), TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 (Definitions for ORS 30.930 to 30.947), AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER OHS 195.300 (Definitions for ORS 195.300 to 195.336), 195301 (Legislative findings) AND 195.305 (Compensation for restriction of use of real property due to land use regulation) TO 195.336 (Compensation and WRDHEX LTR Lane County Clerk 2019-018429 T Lane County Deeds & Records 05!14/2019 03:01:36 PM TITLES RPR-DEED Cnt=l Stn=9 CASHIER 06 2pages 9200 Go. $10 go $11 00 $10.00 $51.00 TITLE NO. 0312540 ESCROWNO. EU19-0770 MB TAX ACCT. NO. 0150555 MAP/TAX LOT NO. 17031540#1800 GRANTOR LELAND H. SMITH and HEIDEMARIE SMITH GRANTEE MOVING FORWARD, LLC 83451 L Q&F_ Cr¢SLtx16 Cie 7421 Until a change is requested After recording return to: all tax statements shall be CASCADE TITLE CO. sent to the following address: 811 WILLAMETTE ***SAME AS GRANTEE*** EUGENE, OR 97401 WARRANTY DEED -- STATUTORY FORM LELAND H. SMITH and HEIDEMARIE SMITH, as tenants by the entirety, Grantor, conveys and warrants to MOVING FORWARD, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, Grantee, the following described real property free of encumbrances except as specifically set forth herein: Beginning at the Northeast career of the William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence North 891 55' West 737.88 feet along the North line of said Claim No. 46; thence South 15.0 feat to a point on the South tine of County Road No. 90 (Deadmond Ferry Road), said point being the true point of beginning; running thence South 89* 55' East 62.60 feet along the South line of said road; thence leaving said South line, South 26° 38' East 306.75 feet; thence North 895 55' West 200.10 feet; thence North 274.2 feet to the true point of beginning, in Lane County, Oregon. The true consideration for this conveyance is $295,000.00 AS PAID BYJTO AN ACCOMMODATOR PURSUANT TO IRC 1031. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER OHS 195.300 (Definitions for OHS 195.300 to 195336), 195.301 (Legislative findings) AND 195.305 (Compensation for restriction of use of real properly due to land use regulation) TO 195.336 (Compensation and Conservation Fund) AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2010. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN OHS 92.010 (Definitions for OHS 92.010 to 92.192) OR 215.010 (Definitions), TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930 (Definitions for ORS 30.930 to 30.947), AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER OHS 195.300 (Definitions for ORS 195.300 to 195.336), 195301 (Legislative findings) AND 195.305 (Compensation for restriction of use of real property due to land use regulation) TO 195.336 (Compensation and WRDHEX LTR Conservation Fund) AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2010. Except the following encumbrances: Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Easements and Rights of Way of record, if any, Dated this day of C261q . I Ja, V. 9111TV State of Oregon County of Lane This instrument was acknowledged before me on x 2019 by LELAND H. SMITH and HEIDEMARIE SMITH. OFFICXSTAMP NADJA ROSE REYNOLDS NOTARY PUBU6oREGON COMMISSION NO. 977705 MYCOMMISSION SPIRES AUGUSTN,2022 WRD-EX LTR //'(Notary Public fo Oregon) My commission expires �42 "Ac TAX ACCT. N0. 0150555 MAP/TAX LOT NO. 1103 15 4 0 41800 TRUST DEED THIS TRUST DEED, made an day 07 of May, 2019, between MOVING FORWARD, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, as Granton, CASCADE TITLE COMPANY, as Trustee, and WEST FIRST, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, as Henefieinry, WITNESSETH: Cramer irrevocably genre, bargains, sells and conveys to trustee in true, with power of sale, the property N Lane County, Oregon, described se Beginning at the Northeast wmer ofthe William Stevens Donation Land Claim No. 46, in Township II South, Range 3 West ofthe Willamette Meridien; Neva North 89° 55' Wen 937.88 fact along the North to,. of said Claim No. 46; thence South 15.0 feet to apoint an the South line of County Road No. 90 (Deedmond Ferry Sued), said point being the true point ofbighuning; mnning thence Saudi 89" 55' East 62.60 fact along the South line ofsaid road; thence leaving said South fdF South 26° 38' East 306.75 fxf thence North 89" 55' West 200.10 fe; themes North 274.2 feet to the true point ofbegirmin& in Lane COwty, Oregon. together with all and singular the anements, herediner als and appurtenances and all other rights thmmmm belonging or in anywise Saw Or hereafter appertainin& and Ne ream, issues and profits thereof and all flames now or hereafter attached to wmer in connection with die property. FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING PERFORMANCE Of each armamem of grunter herein conmiand mid payment ofthe sum of **THREE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND AND NO/IDOths** Dollars, with Interest thereon, according to the gems ofa promusmy now Of,,- date herewith, payable to bmaficiary or order and made payable by gmntm, the final payment of principal and interest hmDL if not sooner paid, to be due and payable June 01, 2022. The date ofmaturity ofdie debt secured by this instrument is die don, stand above, on which the final installment of said now becomes due and payable. In the event the within described property, or my part there£ or any interest therein is sold, agreed to be sold, conveyed, assigned, or i fenmed by the grantor without Most having obtained the written consent or approval of the bemfeiary, then, at the beneficiary's option, all obligations secured by this instrument, irrespective of the maturity dates expressed therein or herein shall become immediately due and payable. Said consent shall not be unumexe ily withheld. To protect the security Of this trust dead, annular agrees: 1. To protect, preserve and maintain said property in pod condition and repair me to remove or demolish any building or improvement thereon; not W Conrad[ re pamdt any wade of said property. 2. To complete or restore promptly and in good workmanlike manacr any building or improvement which may be camtruarA, damaged or destroyed thereon, and pay when due all costs incurred therefor. 3. To comply with all laws, ordinances, regulations, covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting the property; if the beneficiary so requests, to join in executing such financing statement pursuant to die Uni nae Commercial Code m Me beneficiary may require and to pay bar fling same in die proper public aid ace or offices, m well as the cast of all Iiia searches made by filing officers err searching agencies m may be deemed desirable by the beneficiary. 4. To provide and continuously mnmrain insurance On the buildings now or bersafter erected an said premises against mss or damage by fire end such other harards as die beneficiary may form time to time rryu ic, in an amount not has Mae the full insurable value, written in companies acceptable in rhe beneficiary, with loss payable to the larger; all policies of insurance shill be delivered W the beneficiary as soon as insured; if greater shall fel for any reason to procure any such m mance and to deliver said policies fp the beneficiary at least fifteen days prim to the expiration of my policy of insurance now or hereafter placed on said buildings, die beneficiary may procure same at gantoes expense. The amount collected under any fire a other manganese policy may be applied by beneficiary upon any heebeal as secured hereby and in such order as beneficiary may determine, an m option of beneficiary the entire s mmou so cohered, many part thereof, may be oressd to grantor. Such application or release she] not cure or wuive any default m notice ofdefault hereunder Or invalidate any act done pursuant to such notice. 5. To keep said premises free from construction Item and to pay all taxes, statements and other charges that may be levied or aseseed upon or against said aopetty, before any part o£ such mage, saessments and other charges become past due or delinquent aM promptly deliver reccipm therefor to bedeficiary; should the Ending fail to make payment of may, axes, assessments, insurance premiums, liens or older charges payable by grantor, either by direct payment m by providing beneficiary with funds with whish W make each payment beneficiary may, in its option, make payment NOTE: The Test Dad Act provides deathe Trustee herewdermuel be either an Murray, who ism active member ofthe Oregon Stale Bar, a hank, trust company, or savings and loan association unmarred to do business under the laws of Oregon in the United Stages, a tifie insmence campany authorized W insure title to red property ofdiis state, its subsidiaries, it iliates, agents or branches, die United Series or any agency thereof, or an escrow agent licensed Sudan ORS 696.505 to 696.585. TRUSTDEED MOVING FORWARD, LLC g3451 "7,j E Way CreSmUls dX gTY2Ja Crs WEST FIRST, LLC, an Oregoun POO Liability Company Ttcter Cay-Vdle lune .7�Sbi^$dYs 97Y� ea„Irroay M PECQFD sxtDMxm OnIItw[DIIFWIR]01t utORIURTlESLOOBRMW 03MSRb p;kiq-0,p o M6 Lame County Clerk 2019-018430 Lane County Deeds & Records 05/14/201903:01:36 PM RPR -DTR Cnt=15N=9 CASHIER 06 Spates C $15.00511ocS1nW$6f CO $9700 thereof, and the amount so paid, with mtcrat at the onto set forth in the note secured hereby, together with obligations described in pas oWlar 6 and 7 fthis won deed, shall be added to and become a part of the debt secured by this trust deed, without waiver of any rights arising from lemach of any of the covenants beauf and for such payments, with interest as of ramid,So property haeinbefne downbed, as well as the grunter, shall be bond to the same extent that they are bound for the payment ofthe obligation herein desmibed, and all such payments shall be immediately due and payable without notice, and the nonpayment thereof mail, m the.prion of th7 benefx ty, rends all sums secured by this wu deed immediately due and payable and constitute a breach of this trust deed. 6. To pay all costs, fees and expmms of this most deed including the cost of tide search as well as the other costs and expenses of the [rata incurred in mmemioa with or in enfoming this obligation sad wstse's and mmmey's fres acaally incurred. 7. To appear in and defend any action or proceeding purporting to affect the security rights or powers ofbeneficiery or trusts; and in any suit, action or proceeding he which Ne beneficiary or trustee may appear, including any suit for the foreclosure of this dad, te pay all room and expenses, including evidence of title and the beneficiary's or Imatee'a attamey's fees; the amowt of moray's fees mentioned in this paongaph 7 in all cases shall be fixed by the trial court and th the event of an appeal from any judgment or decrees ofthe trial coast, grantor further agrees to pay such sum as the Vloollme overt shall adjudge reasonable as the bensficiarys of fore's attorney's fees on such appeal. It if ..Wally agreed that: H. In the event)Juit my portion or all of said property shall be taken under the right of eminent domain ur condemnation, beneficiary shall have the right, if it so elects, to require that 611 or my portion at movies payable as compensation for such taking, which ere in excess of the arnowt r mired an pay all ,..able wets, Expenses and allomeys has necessarily paid or incurred by rentor in such proceedings, shall be paid to beneficiary and applied by it fust upon any such renewable costs and expenses and attorney's fees, both in the trial and mentum courts, necessarily Mid or inwrtd by beneficiary is such pmvwx in,, and the balance applied upon to indebtedness secured hereby; and grew., agrees, at its own expense, an mks such anions and execute such instruments, m shall be necessary in nblaming such compensation, promptly upon beneficiary's request. 9. At any time and from tine te time upon written request of beneficiary, payment of its fees and presentation oFNis deed and Ne payment endorsement (in case of full a tray (a) ems far o the of are map ore at o liability ofany persoinin the payment of the indebtedness, trustee may o consem ; the making of tory map ti plat of mid property; (b) join t ranting any easement ha creating any asmdoa thereon; (c) a m in, all Or my part o th uNa agreement affecting this dad or the lien or charge Need as (d) "person o without warmly, all lt my part ofthe property. The gf my in any reconveyance may be described ro the "peen or persons legally entidd Normo," and y of thele therein of any mincers a tams shall be conclusive proof of one rcwhf.lams thereof. Tmshe's fees £m any of the services mentiond N Phis paragtaph shall be not less than $5. 10. Opon any default of grbyar he rt, and, without fiery may at any time without notice, fin the in person, by agent or sby ea renown to o appointed by a court, and without regard m the adequacy of any security for Neotherwise c s hereby sect enter upon and lake pmossios of said . andpropertyu or my part thereof, sits , l a name sue .otherwise collect the ream, issues and profq including Nose pas[ due end unpaid, and apply d e same, less cosh and expenses of operation and wllectimy including reasonable attorney's dean. pon my indebtedness secured hereby, and in such order Of beneficiary may dg Worm 11. The Enure an upon and .king possession of said property, the collection of such rents, ismer and profits, a NE proceeds of and offer insurance policies or compensation or awards for say talkinglor damage of the property, and the invalidate my m alevm mart t s afoaoid, shall not cure or waive any default err nosier of dope.( haewder m 12.anyactdonepursuanttosuchmof Ire llµn default by grantor m payment esany indebtedness secumd hereby or in his performance of any agreement same secured time ping of the melt'a...d with aspect to mob payment amour performance, limse ranrq at b electieryon may declare all sums sated trust d immediately due and payable. re such no event one beneficiary at his election by a may proceed m foreclose this trust dced in Equity az a mortgage of divert the y, aft ea atfibroolose or this trust dad by advertisement say sale, or may dire. the trustee ic pumue any offer right b ready, alma at law or is equity, which the bee antes may have. Ia the cvxuse to lbe beneficiary elemswom ro flarrooand. of by ilt and ele and role, Ne said described or the poo shall saecme and cavo to becured a his women noncee t ustee sand his elective m sell the said le, give mal property to satisfy the obligation .cured hereby wheaupon the trustee shall fee the time and place S x6.73 give nice thereof o th tan13. required by law and patted en foreclose this trust dad in the Land sm; a provided m ORS 86]35 m 86.795. 1te Alta Na trustee has commenced foreclosure by advertisement and Bele, end nt my time ,prior may o days before the date the trmma wduds the sale, a glamor or any aha person a xcera privileged by ORS 86.753, t may cure the defaultor ed by palR Ifthe default coreims of a feilure m pay, when due, hams seed by as wet dad, em default maybe emelt by paying the entire amount doe at the time of the cure other than mcM1 portion as would rot Nen be due had nes default uccm,EM. Any ones d m. Nat is eepabn of being cured may be cured r tendering a s. ofmnce the car coda the obltppfas or w.m deed. many case, in addition m curing doe defauh t eeobliga the person etfedag Na cure shall My a the d aurmmy' all costs and expenses actually s provided enforcing the obligation ofthe rcu¢ deed together with 14. Otherwise, and ase, thea lees nm exceeding the amounts provided by law. 14. ONaid s a N7 sale shat be held on the dam and at Ne hone and place designatedol Ne either in sale or the time to which said sale maybe postponed ol provided by law. The trustee may sell said property either m one parcel or in separace parcels and. shalt sell the parcel err paints az aumioa to the y law biddy for mope payable at Ne tune of glut my co shah deliver an the purchaser its lied in term as required a law conveying Ne pmpaty so sold, but without my c, tool. [ora thereof express re implied The recitals ee the lied of any matte.ar fad eraf e e y,.1 iw proof of Ne wNNlness thereof. Any penton, excluding the trustee, but including the grmmr and beneficiary, may purchase at the sale. 15, When wmee sella pursuant in en papers provided o harem, wase shall apply ch proceeds t of oela m payment of the the expenses of sale, indding ea ,(3)toall icompensation of the castee and a,feeble subseargequent by wsinte se affey, (2) to the obligation secured by the tone[ lied, (3) m all persons having recorded liens) tha st p e the mrerest im m truscea in the trust deed az Sherr interests may appear surplus. Ne order of their priority ant (4) Ne surplus, if any, to the grants or [o hisixecimrin interests. tted hetosuitappo Di. BEnefa:iary may Gam time m time appoint a successor or d with. rs m vey wdee named herein or to any successal trusts appointed hereunder. Upon such s conftraenS and y mo a Inuain named m Ne avammr hosour the latter shall he veined with all title, powers and dunes cont d aeon nay meat humin named a eider,, w ich, what Bach such appointment erec records Offs, c shall be made by written instrument executed , s hdl becmry, which, ppa proordd is the mortgage records or wh county or counties a which the property is shouted, shall be ewclusiw proofof proper appointment ofthe successor trema. 10. Tmata accepts this trust when this decd duly executed and ecknowledgeJ is made a public record az provided by law. gding i is hick I gmd to notify any party herero ofpee a o unless arty ectiam d .frost m is Imu dao or proceeding in which gonnmr, beneficiary or hosts shell be a party unless such anion m proceeding is brought by boares. The,rardor eaccu ants and agrees to and with the beneficiary and the beneficiary's successor in inhrert that the ,,entor is lawfully sei>M in ran simple of the real pmparry and has a valid, unencumbered this thereto and that the ,mother will warrant and forever defend the same appinst all persons whomsoever. WARNING: Unless grantor provides beneficiary, with evidence of insurance coverage as required by the contract or loan amusement behar. them, beneficiary may purchase insurance at "aces expense m protect beneficiary's imetat. This insurance may, but need not, also protect grantor's interest. If the collateral becomes damaged, the towage purchased by beneficiary, may not pay any claim made by or agaimt grantor. (from or may later cancel the coverage by providing evidence that froutor has obtained property coverage elsewhem. Grantor is resp resole for the cost of any insurance coverage purchased by beneficiary, which cast may be added to gaaror's contract or loan balance. If it is so added, the interest ate on the underlying contract or tom will apply to it. The effective daze of coverage may be the date madras prior coverage lapsed or the dato gamor failed to provide proof of coverage. The covemge beneficiary purchases may be considerably more expensive than insurance Radom might otherwise obtain alone and may act satisfy any need for property damage coverage or my mandatory liability insurance requirements imposed by applicable law. The grantor warrants that Me proceeds of the loan represented by the above described now and this roast deed sov: (a)pdas [N(TICE: Linc uutthe wsranty drat doea not applyl This mean applies daq or (even Me mea busla parties hearesawmmen, legames,. This deal applies m, inures ro the benefit of and binds rate,. n hereto, their heirs, legates, devisees, administrators, xeuding psigue, of Me s, successors, and assigns. The term s a refinery shell mem the holder and owner, iacbdbgum,thi, mart contractsecured hereby,whetheror not me,ornamed ilay may be ,ain U cat a. this hurt decd, he is hall ba m tem the Gear m➢mefihe plural may be marc Nm one person; thatrnm if she theage so ollbemarks, the assarmar shall implied lied to mem and include the penal and that generally ate grammatical changes shall be made, a sumetl and implied fo make the pavilions hereof apply equally to corporations and to individuals. IN WITNESS WNEAEOF, said grantor has hereunto set his heed the day and year first above written. Vi W LLC BY: LUCAS A. S BER State of Oregon County of Lane Thia instrument was acknoweedgcd before me oa 2019 by LUCAS A. HARDY, SOLE hSEINBER OF MOVMG FORWARD, LLC. 1" N ilk lNomry Puu l Oregon) OFMOIP -- My commission expire 1"111 MEUSSAMITCHELL NOiPRYvpBUGpgEGON IXIMMISSIONNp.965610 MYCOMM199g11 E%VW6PUCUSr O,t@1