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Application APPLICANT 2/16/2021
City of Springfield Development & Public Works 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Pian Review Vipe Si., (APPIkant. check one) te Plan ReviewPre-Submittal: © Ma'or Site Plan Modification Pre -Submittal: Site Plan Review Submittal:I I Ma or Site Plan Modification Submittal! ' • ,. I Applicant Name: Cherry Springs, LLC Phone: 541-485-4050• Company: Brent Lanz, Manager Email: Address:. 3025 West 7th Place, Eugene OR 97402 Applicant's Rep.; Teresa Bishow, AICP Phone: 541-514-1029 Company: ishow Consulting Email: teresa0bishowconsulting.com Address: P.O. Box 50721, Eugene OR 97405 ProPerty Owner: Cherry Springs, LLC Com an : Brent Lanz, Manager Phone: 541-485-4050 Email: Address: 3025 West 7th Place Eugene OR 97402 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-02-32-41 TAX LOT NO 5 : 400 Pro a Address: Vacant -No address assigned. Size of Pro e : 8.51 Acres M Square Feet P.Poced No. or Proposed Name of Project: Cherry Springs e Description of it you are fluing in this form by hand, please attach your proposal tlescrlption [o this application. Proposal: Pro osed mult-famil development with off-street parkin1 and open space for residents. Existing Use: Vacant New Impervious Surface Coverage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area : sf SI natures: Please sin and print your name and date In the appropriate box on the next a e. Associated Applications: Signs: Pre -Su- _.'3s,9 mo,: Date: Reviewed by: Case No.: Date: Reviewed Dy. A licatbn Fee: Technical Fee: Posta a Fee.• TOTAL FEES: PROJECT NUMBER: nevisad 1/7/14 KL l Of 11 Owner Signatures This application form is used for both the required pre -submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal. owner signatures are required at both stages in the application process. An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting. If the applicant is not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Uwe do herebyacknowledge that I/we are legally responsible for all statutory timelines, information, requests and requirements conveyed to my representative. Date: Signature mpresemc cnw appilcatlon to be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent with the completeness check Performed on this application It the Pre-Submlaml Meeting, t affirm the Information IdentlRed by the City as necessary for processing the appllcaoon Is Provided herein or the Information will not be provided If not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the Information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227.178 pertaining to a complete application. &L[ 1dY Date: Signature Brent Lanz, Cherry Springs, LLC Manager Revised 117114 KL 2all CHERRY SPRINGS APARTMENTS Site Plan Review Application Submitted To: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 5t' Street Springfield, OR 97477 Prepared For: CHERRY SPRINGS LLC 3027 West 7th Place Eugene, OR 97402 Pre -Submittal Date: June 10, 2020 Application Submittal Date: January 22, 2021 CIVII 809 SE Pine St structural Roseburg, OR 97470 surveying VEJ g I SHOW �� afCI11I2CSUf2 ieengineering.com planning 541.673.0166 X9 CONSULTING Planning & Development Services 375 West 4th Avenue Suite 204, Eugene P.O. Box 50721 Eugene, OR 97405 541-514-1029 www. b i sh owc on su Iti n c . co nn THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY BLANK flBISHow NG INDEX WRITTEN NARRATIVE 1.0 Project Summary 4 2.0 Project Details 5 3.0 Approval Criteria and Findings 7 4.0 Conclusion 19 EXHIBITS A. Vicinity Map B. Aerial Photograph C. County Assessor's Map D. Legal Description E. Preliminary Title Report F. Cherry Springs - Adjacent Local Streets G. Sandow Engineering Trip Generation Analysis H. Stonnwater Drainage Study, i.e. Engineering I. Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Report by Branch Engineering J. Tree Cluster Locations K. Emergency Access Routes ITEMS SUBMITTED SEPARATELY Application Form and Fee Site Plan Review Drawing Set View of property looking northwest towards 48Th Street Cherry Springs Apartments Page 3 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 flBISHow NG Project Name: Project Proposal: Application Type: Project Location: Assessor's Map: Tax Lot: Size: Zoning: Plan Designation: Existing Use: Pre -Submittal Mtg Date: Case Number: Owner/Applicant: Cherry Springs LLC Attn: Brent Lanz 3025 West 7'h Place Eugene, OR 97402 Architect Rodd Hansen, AIA Rodd Hansen Architect 1551 Oak Street, Ste A Eugene, OR 97401 Rodd(olrharchitectural.com CHERRY SPRINGS APARTMENTS Construct a new 129 unit multi -family residential complex on a vacant site in East Springfield Type II - Site Plan Review East side of 48'h Street, north of Main Street 17-02-32-41 0400 @ 8.5 Gross Acres (Existing lot). @ 7.3 Gross Acres (Residential portion only) Mixed Use Residential (MUR) Mixed Use Vacant 6/20/2019 811 -20 -000114 -PRE Applicant's Representative Teresa Bishow, AICP Bishow Consulting LLC P.O. Box 50721 Eugene, OR 97405 teresanc.bishowconsultina.com Landscape Designer Jamie McGraw i.e. Engineering 809 SE Pine Street Roseburg, OR 97470 willeke(aN eenc i neer ng.com Engineers Alex Palm, PE Steve Lovemark, PE Erik Ranger, PE i.e. Engineering 809 SE Pine Street Roseburg, OR 97470 aalm(a)ieenaineerina.com lovemark(a)ieenaineerina.com ranaer(a) ieencin eerino. com Traffic Engineer Kelly Sandow, PE Sandow Engineering 160 Madison Street, Ste A Eugene, OR 97402 kel Ivsand ow(o)sand owenci n eerinc.com Cherry Springs Apartments Page 4 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 6o�eisHow NG 2.1 Overview Cherry Springs Apartments will provide 129 new dwellings in east Springfield. Each apartment unit will be a 2-bedroom/2-bath floor plan offering an attractive size for various households. Cherry Springs Apartments will offer on-site property management, motor vehicle parking, attractive landscaping and open space, pedestrian circulation, and bike parking. Motor vehicle access will primarily occur from 48'" Street. The project includes extending B Street from the existing terminus through to 48'" Street. This will improve street connectivity for nearby residents providing easier access to the signalized intersection at 48'" Street and Main Street. The remaining existing local streets that terminate on the east side of the property will remain closed to motor vehicles except for emergency vehicle access between Beaver Street and C Street. The planned street improvements will provide safe and convenient access for Cherry Springs Apartments and help preserve the character of the adjacent residential neighborhoods. A new bicycle/pedestrian path will be developed on the east side of 48'" Street providing improved access and safety. 2.2 Property Location and Zoning Cherry Springs is located on the east side of 481" Street with easy access to Main Street and nearby commercial services. Refer to Exhibit A— Vicinity Mao and Exhibit B— Aerial Photograph. The Eugene -Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) and the East Main Refinement Plan designate the subject property as Mixed Use Residential. Consistent with the plan designations, the subject property is zoned Mixed Use Residential MUR. The existing legal lot has frontage on both 48'" Street and Main Street. A future Partition application will be submitted to divide the property into two lots. Cherry Springs Apartments will retain frontage on 48'^ Street with the second lot having frontage on Main Street. 2.3 Existing Conditions The subject project is relatively flat with minor variations in grade. Refer to sheets P2 Existing Conditions- North and P3 Existing Conditions- South. There are numerous trees scattered throughout the site with the largest cluster near the northeast corner. Several trees are damaged and unhealthy. For information regarding the species and general condition of trees, refer to Exhibit J— Tree Cluster Locations. The subject property also contains grasses and obnoxious weeds. There are no identified Statewide Goal 5 natural features on the subject property. The subject property is within the mapped 99 -year Time of Travel Zone and is not subject to the Drinking Water Protection Overlay District' There is no indication of any sources of contaminants on the subject property such as underground storage tanks or prior hazardous materials handlers .2 ' City of Springfield Wellhead Protection Areas map (February 2008 delineations) 2 City of Springfield Wellhead Protection Areas map (Contaminant Source Inventory) Cherry Springs Apartments Page 5 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 God eosHCNSUow 2.4 Key Prior Land Use Decisions The subject property was annexed to the City of Springfield sometime between 1960 and 1969.3 The Metro Plan, adopted in 1982, designated the subject property as Mixed -Use Commercial (MUC). In April 1988, the City Council adopted the East Main Refinement Plan and the subject property was designated Mixed -Use 2A. The East Main Refinement Plan contained an adopted policy that all properties designated Mixed -Use 2A, "shall be legislatively rezoned to High Density Residential (HDR)." Consistent with the refinement plan policy, the City's zoning map was changed and the subject property was zoned High Density Residential (HDR). In January 2020, the Springfield City Council approved a privately -initiated amendment to the East Main Refinement Plan to allow the subject property to either retain its HDR zoning or be rezoned to Mixed Use Residential (MUR) 4 At the request of the property owner, the subject property was subsequently rezoned to MUR. 2.5 Land Use and Development Requirements This is a request for Site Plan Review approval according to the Type II procedures listed in Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.1-130 and the Site Plan Review approval criteria at SDC 5.17-125. View of property looking southeast towards Main Street. 3 City of Springfield Annexation History map dated February 2014. 4 Springfield Ordinance No. 6410, City File No. 811-19-000243TYP4 Cherry Springs Apartments Page 6 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 flBISHow NG TPIMPPL'iCN APPROVAL CRITE This section provides the applicable approval criteria for reviewing the proposed application followed by findings demonstrating compliance. Springfield Development Code provisions are shown below in bold italics. SDC 5.17-125 Criteria The Director shall approve or approve with conditions: a Type II Site Plan Review application upon determining that approval criteria in Subsections A. through E., below have been satisfied... A. The zoning is consistent with the Metro Plan diagram, and/or the applicable Refinement Plan diagram, Plan District map, and Conceptual Development Plan. The site is zoned Mixed Use Residential (MUR) consistent with the Mixed Use designation on the Metro Plan diagram and in the East Main Street Refinement Plan. There are no proposed changes to the zoning for the site. B. Capacity requirements of public improvements, including but not limited to, water and electricity; sanitary sewer and stormwater management facilities; and streets and traffic safety controls shall not be exceeded and the public improvements shall be available to serve the site at the time of development, unless otherwise provided for by this Code and other applicable regulations. The Development & Public Works Director or a utility provider shall determine capacity issues. Approval of this proposal would allow for construction of a 129 -unit multi -family residential complex consisting of 16 two-story apartment buildings along with a leasing office, driveways and parking areas, site landscaping, open spaces, and vegetated stormwater management facilities on about 7.3 gross acres. For all public improvements, the applicant will retain a private professional civil engineer to design the site improvements in conformance with City codes, this decision, and the current Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual (EDSPM). The private civil engineer also will also provide construction inspection services. Water and Electricity Improvements Per SDC 4.3-130, each development area is to be provided with a water system having sufficiently sized mains and lesser lines to furnish adequate supply to the development and sufficient access for maintenance. Springfield Utility Board (SUB) coordinates the design of the water system within Springfield city limits. The applicant proposes to connect to the existing public water line located in 48'" Street in two locations looping the public water system through the development. Multiple fire hydrants will be installed throughout the development to provide fire protection to all buildings and structures. Cherry Springs Apartments Page 7 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 God eosHCNSUow SUB Water advises that all non-residential domestic and irrigation services, and all residential water services with lawn sprinkler systems, require a reduced pressure backflow assembly. All fire services require a minimum of a double check detector assembly with a detector meter on a bypass. The assemblies are required to be installed above ground and adjacent to the water service. The applicant will contact SUB Water Division's Backflow Prevention Specialist at (541) 726-2396 to discuss the backflow prevention and fire protection service requirements. Per SDC 4.3-125, wherever possible all utility lines shall be placed underground. Additionally, vaults and transformers for utility connections along the street frontage should be screened from view or placed out of sight at the side or rear of buildings. There are existing overhead power lines along the western boundary of the subject property as shown on sheets P2 Existing Conditions- North and P3 Existing Conditions- South. The overhead wires on 48" Street are backbone distribution lines and are not required to be placed underground. One overhead power pole will need to be relocated to allow a new driveway on 48'" St. Within the development site, all new utility lines will be placed underground. As shown on sheet C7 Utility Plan, the existing public water and sanitary sewer lines can be extended to adequately serve the proposed development. Sanitary Sewer Per SDC 4.3-105.A, the applicant proposes to install sanitary sewers to serve the new development and to connect the development to existing mains. Additionally, the location of new sanitary sewer lines will provide sufficient access for maintenance. The existing public sanitary sewer lines at the end of B Street, Beaver Street, and C Street will be extended to provide gravity service to the development site. The applicant will make any field adjustments as necessary during construction to utilize existing connection points that may not be located exactly as shown on the plans. Please refer to sheet C7 Utility Plan. Per Chapter 3.02.4.A of the City's EDSPM and Section 3.4 of the City of Eugene Stormwater Management Manual, solid waste storage areas shall be covered and hydraulically isolated from potential stormwater runoff and directed to the sanitary sewer system. To meet this requirement, the applicant is proposing to construct two trash & recycle enclosures that are covered, hydraulically isolated, and equipped with floor drains that are plumbed to the sanitary sewer system. Refer to sheets P4 Site Plan and C7 Utility Plan. Stormwater Management (Quantity) Per SDC 4.3-110.B, the Approval Authority shall grant development approval only where adequate public and/or private stormwater management systems provisions have been made as determined by the Development & Public Works Director, consistent with the EDSPM. SDC 4.3-110.D requires that runoff from a development shall be directed to an approved stormwater management system with sufficient capacity to accept the discharge. SDC 4.3-110.E requires new developments to employ drainage management practices that minimize the amount and rate of surface water runoff into receiving streams, and that promote water quality. Cherry Springs Apartments Page 8 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 6o�eisHow To comply with Sections 4.3-110.D & E, the applicant proposes to direct stormwater runoff from the site into a series of infiltration planters, infiltration rain gardens, and surface infiltration facilities prior to discharging the stormwater into the public system. The stormwater facilities are designed and sized to make the stormwater discharge from the site mimic pre-existing conditions. Stormwater from the site currently drains generally from east to west and ultimately into the existing drainage swale located on the west side of 48" Street. The existing drainage pattern will be matched post construction. Please refer to sheets C5 Grading & Drainage Plan - North, C6 Grading & Drainage Plan- South and L4 Stormwater Planter Calculations. The stormwater drainage study prepared for Cherry Springs Apartments concluded: "The Cherry Springs Apartments will have no negative impacts on the existing drainage patterns or conditions within and adjacent to the project The following appendices include all water quality and quantity calculations, preliminary related construction plans, and drainage exhibit. Water quality treatment through the use of vegetative methods, designed per the City of Eugene SWMM, will treat all runoff from asphalt pavement. All Stormwater runoff from the site will be infiltrated into the well -draining onsite soils, eliminating adverse downstream impacts due to increase runoff and also preventing adverse impacts to the quality of downstream surface waters. Full treatment of all Stormwater runoff leaving the site will occur prior to discharge. "5 For further information, please see Exhibit H - Stormwater Drainage Report prepared by i.e. Engineering. Stormwater Management (Quality) Under Federal regulation of the Clean Water Act (CWA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), the City of Springfield has obtained a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit. A provision of this permit requires the City to demonstrate efforts to reduce the pollution in urban stormwater to the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP). Federal and Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) rules require the City's MS4 plan to address six "Minimum Control Measures". Minimum Control Measure 5, "Post - Construction Stormwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment", applies to the proposed development. Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield to develop, implement and enforce a program to ensure the reduction of pollutants in stormwater runoff to the MEP. The City also must develop and implement strategies that include a combination of structural or non-structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) appropriate for the community. Minimum Control Measure 5 requires the City of Springfield to use an ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to address post -construction runoff from new and re -development projects to the extent allowable under State law. Regulatory mechanisms used by the City 5 Stormwater Drainage Study, Cherry Springs Apartments, page 6. Cherry Springs Apartments Page 9 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 God eosHCNSUow NG include the SDC, the City's Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual and the Stormwater Facilities MasterPlan (SFMP). As required in SDC 4.3-110.E, "a development shall be required to employ drainage management practices approved by the Public Works Director and consistent with the Metro Plan policies and the Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual." Section 3.01 of the City's EDSPM states the Development & Public Works Department will accept, as interim design standards for stormwater quality, water quality facilities designed pursuant to the policies and procedures of the City's EDSPM and the City of Eugene Stormwater Management Manual. Sections 3.02 of the City's EDSPM states all public and private development and redevelopment projects shall employ a system of one or more post -developed BMPs that in combination are designed to achieve at least a 70 percent reduction in the total suspended solids in the runoff generated by the development. Section 3.03.4.E of the manual requires a minimum of 50 percent of the non -building rooftop impervious area on a site shall be treated for stormwater quality improvement using vegetative methods. As stated previously, the proposed stormwater drainage for Cherry Springs Apartments will comply with federal, state and local requirements. Please refer to Exhibit H — Stormwater Drainage Study, and sheets C5 Grading & Drainage Plan- North, C6 Gradin & Drainage Plan - South and L4 Stormwater Planter Calculations. Prior to Final Site Plan approval, the applicant will provide an Operations & Maintenance Plan to the City for review to ensure the long-term maintenance and operation of the proposed Stormwater System, consistent with maintenance criteria required by EDSPM 3.03.1. The plan will designate maintenance responsibility for operating and maintaining the system to the property owner of the site. Streets and Traffic Safety Controls SDC 4.2-105.G.2 requires that whenever a proposed land division or development will increase traffic on the City street system and that development has unimproved street frontage abutting a fully improved street, that street frontage shall be fully improved to City specifications. Along the western site frontage, 481" Street is developed with two travel lanes with street lights on the east side and a ditch on the west side. The street does not have a bike lane, street trees, or a sidewalk along the subject property's frontage. Due to the existence of the drainage ditch on the west side of the road, it is not feasible to provide full street improvements within the existing public right-of-way. The applicant proposes to design a multi -modal bike/pedestrian path on the east side of the 48'" Street ROW. The applicant proposes to install new street trees along the 48th Street frontage in accordance with SDC 4.4-105.8.2. The applicant is proposing to place the street trees close to the overhead power lines in the existing public right-of-way. The applicant proposes smaller street tree species so that when they mature, they still fit under the overhead power lines. Cherry Springs Apartments Page 10 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 God eosHCNSUow NG Based on city street connectivity standards, the project will include the extension of B Street through to 481h Street. The B Street improvements will comply with local street standards. The proposed transportation facilities will be adequate to accommodate the anticipated vehicular and pedestrian traffic patterns generated by the development in a safe and efficient manner. Please refer to sheets P4 Site Plan, P5 Street Profiles, C8 B St Profile, C9 48'h St Profile- North, C10 481h St Profile- South, and Exhibit F— Cherry Springs Adjacent Local Streets. C. The proposed development shall comply with all applicable public and private design and construction standards contained in this Code and other applicable regulations. Standards in Chapter 3 applicable to the proposed project that are not addressed elsewhere in this report are listed below. Chapter 3 Land Use District Standards Section 3.2-615 Base Zone Mixed Use Development Standards Section 3.2-625 Mixed -Use Development Standards - General Section 3.2-630 Mixed -Use Development Standards — Specific Section 3.2-240 Multi -Unit Design Standards TABLE 1 - Mixed Use Development Standards SDC Subject Standard Proposed Complies 3.2-615 Lot Coverage Maximum 45% Buildings — @ 25.3% YES Based on Covered Lot coverage based on net Structures Only acres in residential use. 3.2-615 Building Height 60 ft @ 24 ft at top of pitch roof YES 3.2-625.A Building Design Architectural features e.g. Architectural features YES offsets, windows, entry include windows, entry treatments, varied exterior treatments, and trim and building materials corner boards 3.2-625.6 Building Orientation To greatest extent Buildings are oriented to YES /Maximum Setbacks practicable, buildings in 'B" Street to the greatest mixed use developments extent practicable. orient to the street. See Table 2, SDC 3.2- 240.D.1 3.2-625.0 Weather Protection Awnings and canopies Main building entrances YES provide shelter for are covered providing pedestrians. shatter. 3.2-625.D Landscaping and Per SDC 4.4-100 and SDC Landscape Master Plan YES Screening 4.4-110 provides screening. Cherry Springs Apartments Page 11 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 6o�eisHow NG 3.2-625.E Street Connectivity Streets shall connect to B Street will be extended YES and Internal adjacent neighborhoods— through to 48" Street Circulation maximum block perimeter of providing improved access 1,400 feet. and circulation for the Also SDC 3-2-605 neighborhood. Emergency vehicle access will be provided at the terminus of Beaver Street and C Street. Pedestrian paths and Sidewalks will connect all sidewalks shall connect all building entrances with building entrances with each each other and to adjacent other and with adjacent public streets. A new public rightrof-way. bike/pedestrian path will be provided on 48th Street. 3.2-625.F Neighborhood Compliment character of Architectural features YES Compatibility neighborhood including: include lap siding, trim and 1) architectural compatibility, corner boards, hardi-panel 2) lighting, 8" grooves, pitch roof; 3) site -obscuring shielded lighting; site - landscaping, obscuring landscaping; no 4) screen mech. equipment. exposed mechanical equipment. 3.2-625.13 Pedestrian Project> 50,000 sq. ft. shall At least pedestrian YES Amenities provide 4 pedestrian amenities are provided amenities including benches and courtyards. 3.2- Preserve Residential Min. 80% gross Floor area for 100% of gross Floor area is YES 630.C.1 Land Supply housing; residential prior to for housing and the or concurrent with non- apartment manager's residential development office; development of new apartments will occur prior to development of future lot facing Main St. 3.2- Minimum/Maximum Minimum 12 units per gross 8.5 gross acres for mixed YES 630.C.2 Residential acre if mixed uses use, 129 units = @15 units Densities per gross acre Portion of lot fronting Main Street will be developed with non-residential uses. Cherry Springs Apartments Page 12 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 6ffieiSHCNSUow NG TABLE 2 — Multiple Family Standards SDC Subject Standard Proposed Complies 3.2-240.D.1 Building A minimum of 50% of a site's 481" Street does not have YES Orientation frontage contains buildings that existing or planned on - are oriented to the street. street parking thus the building orientation Building orientation standards standard is not applicable. only applies to streets with existing or planned on -street The site's frontage on "B" parking. Street with on -street parking is about 308 linear If residential project is part of a feet. The two buildings mixed use development, the oriented to "B" Street have standard is only required to "the a combined linear footage greatest extent practicable" of 156 feet or about 50% of the site's frontage. 3.2-240.D.2 Building Continuous horizontal distance Maximum horizontal YES Form does not exceed 160 feet distance of 112 feet 3.2-240.D.3 Transition a. Building setbacks on same Buildings on B Street YES and side of the street as single-family nearest single-family Compatibility homes are similar to that of the homes will be setback from nearest residence. the street between 11 to 16 feet. b. 25 -foot buffer along LDR 25 -feet buffer along LDR YES c. Bldg Height Step Down by Bldg heights do not exceed YES LDR 25 ft d. Bldgs within 50 ft of LDR shall Blgs within 50 ft of LDR YES not have continuous horizontal have maximum horizontal distance exceeding 120 ft distance of 112 ft 3.2-240.D.4 Storage a. Min. 112 cubic ft of enclosed Each dwelling unit has 144 YES storage separate from each cubic feet of enclosed dwelling unit. storage accessed from the private patio or balcony. b. Trash receptacles are Trash receptacles are YES screened screened and covered. c. No trash receptacles in front No trash receptacles are YES yard setbacks or within 25 feet of within front yard setbacks LDR. or 25 ft of LDR. d. Ground -mounted equipment There are no ground- YES underground, where practicable mounted equipment on the or placed to minimize visual site. impact and screened. Cherry Springs Apartments Page 13 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 6ffieisHCNSUow NG 3.2-240.D.5 Open Space a. General —Min. 15% open Net acres in residential use YES space = 6.87; Total open space = 2.6 acres or @ 38%. b. Common Open Space Required common open YES - Min. 0.25 SF per 1.0 SF gross space = 31,927.5 SF; open residential floor space space provided = @ - At least 500 SF with no 104,851 SF dimension less than 15 ft - Max 15% on slopes greater than Required active recreation YES 25% = 1,750 SF; active - Min 250 SF active recreation per recreation provided = 1,800 20 units SF - Children's play areas prohibited in setback or transition areas. Common open space in YES - Min. 50% of common open landscaping exceeds 50% space in landscaping c. Private open space is optional Private open space YES — must be directly accessible from provided for each ground the dwelling unit floor unit 3.2-240.D.6 Landscaping a. Min 15% of site shall be YES landscaped b. Street trees min. 2 inches in New street trees will be YES caliper between curb and planted on "B" Street and sidewalk every 30 linear ft 48" Street. c. Fences in front yards limited to No fences are proposed in YES 3 feet front yards. d. Native and/or drought tolerant Landscaping includes a YES plants encouraged variety of plants including some that are native and/or drought tolerant. 3.2-240.D.7 Pedestrian a. Continuous internal sidewalks Continuous internal YES Circulation sidewalks. b. Min. 5 feet from dwellings Pedestrian circulation is YES provided at least 5 feet from dwellings c. Internal sidewalk system shall Sidewalk system connects YES connect all abutting streets to building entrances to 48t' primary building entrances Street and B Street d. Internal sidewalk system Internal sidewalk system YES connects all buildings to parking connects different uses to areas, bicycle packing, storage abutting public sidewalks areas, all common areas, and on 48" St and B St abutting public sidewalks. Cherry Springs Apartments Page 14 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 6ffieisHCNSUow NG Cherry Springs Apartments Page 15 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 e. Min. 5 foot wide paved Internal sidewalks are YES sidewalks typically 6- feet wide f. Internal sidewalks clearly Internal sidewalks are YES marked when crossing streets or marked at major crossings parking aisles, and ADA and will be ADA compliant compliant g. Internal sidewalks parallel and All internal sidewalks YES abutting vehicular circulafion abutting motor vehicle areas shall be raised or separated areas are raised. by a curb or other barrier. If raised, curb ramps required. h. Internal sidewalks shall be Project will comply with YES lighted to a min. 2 foot-candles required lighting for sidewalks. 3.2-240.D.8 Parking a. Parking to the side or rear of On 48r" St there are no YES buildings. parking areas are between the buildings and the street. On B St there is one small parking area to the side of the leasing office / manager's dwelling to provide for residents, visitors, and delivery vehicles. b. Shielded parking lot lighting All parking lot lighting to be YES shielded per city cede. c. Planter islands every 8 parking Planter islands to be YES spaces — min. 6 feet wide, provided every 8 parking excluding curb; 1 shade tree and spaces and landscaped. ground cover d. Min. 6 -foot wide planter shall Landscape beds and YES screen parking area from living stonmwater planters will area windows planted with ma of provide screening from trees, shrubs, and ground cover. living area windows and parking areas. e. Internal sidewalks between Internal sidewalks are YES parking lots and building provided between parking entrances lots and all building entrances. f. Provide parking stall bumpers Protection will be provided. YES or widened adjacent sidewalk or planter 2 feet; sidewalks and planters shall be protected with 6 inch curbs. Cherry Springs Apartments Page 15 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 flBISHow NG Cherry Springs Apartments Page 16 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 g. On corner lots, parking shall Not Applicable. Lot is not NA not be located within 30 feet of on a corner. There is no the intersection parking located within 30 feet of the new intersection at 48" and B Streets. h. Min 5 -foot wide planter along Perimeter landscaping to YES perimeter of parking area next to be provided per code a property line or public right-of- way. i. Decorative walls optional in No walls are proposed. NA place of hedge in Subsection h. j. Parking area landscaping Landscaping for parking YES reduces stormwater runoff areas will reduce stormwater runoff. k. Bicycle parking provided Bike parking to be provided YES per code. 3.2-240.D.9 Vehicular a. On-site driveways or private B Street will be extended to YES Circulation streets connect with public streets provide a connection to 48t' abutting the site. Street. Other existing abutting public streets will provide emergency vehicle access only as permitted according to SDC 3-2-605. b. Shared driveways provided No shared driveways are YES whenever practicable proposed due to existing surrounding land use patterns. c. Parking areas shall be There are no existing or NA accessed from alleys if present. proposed alleys. Cherry Springs Apartments Page 16 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 God eosHow Standards in Chapter 4 applicable to the proposed project are listed below. Chapter 4 Development Standards Section 4.4-100 Landscaping, Screening and Fencing Section 4.5-100 On -Site Lighting Section 4.6-100 Vehicle Parking, Loading, and Bicycle Parking The applicant intends to comply with the above standards in Chapter 4. Compliance is demonstrated on sheets P4 Site Plan, L1 Landscape Master Plan, L2 Landscape Plan- North, and L3 Landscape Plan - South. Information documenting compliance with lighting standards will be provided as supplemental information. The applicant is still preparing the on-site lighting plan and lighting specifications. D. Parking areas and ingress -egress points have been designed to: facilitate vehicular traffic, bicycle and pedestrian safety to avoid congestion; provide connectivity within the development area and to adjacent residential areas, transit stops, neighborhood activity centers, and commercial, industrial and public areas; minimize curb cuts on arterial and collector streets as specified in this Code or other applicable regulations and comply with the ODOT access management standards for State highways. The proposed project is designed to facilitate safe vehicular, bike and pedestrian circulation The primary entrance to the apartments will be from a private driveway on 48'h Street and from the intersection of 48'h Street and "B" Street. The two primary points of access on 48" Street will provide ample sight distance for motorists and adequate vision clearance. The extension of "B" Street will provide connectivity with the existing residential area to the east of the subject property. Per a request from the fire department, the applicant proposes removable bollards at the existing terminus of Beaver Street and "C" Street allowing for emergency vehicle access. The western end of "A" Street is a private street and is not proposed to be extended or provide for emergency access. For further information, please refer to Exhibit F— Cherry Springs — Adiacent Local Streets In accordance with SDC 4.2-120.C, site driveways are designed to allow for safe and efficient vehicular ingress and egress as specified in Tables 4.2-2 through 4.2-5, the City's EDSPM, and the City's Standard Construction Specifications. Ingress -egress points are planned to facilitate traffic and pedestrian safety, avoid congestion, and minimize curb cuts on public streets. The applicant is proposing three new ADA -compliant driveways. One on 481h Street and two on the new section of B Street. The driveways will each consist of a vertical face curb, gutter and sidewalk. Each driveway will be 24' wide with an 18' driveway throat. The proposed site driveways meet the City's dimensional requirements for multi -family residential driveway approaches and separation spacing from local street intersections. The proposed site plan provides for pedestrian connections from the multi -modal path on 48'h Street to an interior sidewalk system. The interior sidewalks provide safe and convenient connections between the parking areas, the common areas, and dwelling units. Cherry Springs Apartments Page 17 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 God eosHow Due to the existing right-of-way on 48'" Street and the location of the 48'" Street channel along the west side of the street, the applicant proposes a multi -modal path for both bikes and pedestrians versus the standard city street design of an on -street bike lane and separated sidewalk. The multi -modal path will provide a safe and convenient way for bicyclists and pedestrians to use 48'h Street as a route to nearby commercial services, areas of employment, and other neighborhood activity areas. Please refer to sheets P4 Site Plan, P5 Street Profiles, C8 B St. Profile, C9 48'h St. Profile - North, and C10 48'h St. Profile- South. Physical features, including, but not limited to: steep slopes with unstable soil or geologic conditions; areas with susceptibility of flooding; significant clusters of trees and shrubs; watercourses shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map and their associated riparian areas; wetlands; rock outcroppings; open spaces; and areas of historic and/or archaeological significance, as may be specified in Section 3.3-900 or ORS 97.740-760, 358.905-955 and 390.235-240, shall be protected as specified in this Code or in State or Federal law. The subject property does not contain any steep slopes. To investigate the soil and geologic conditions, Branch Engineering Inc. was hired to perform a geotechnical engineering investigation at the subject property. The investigation included site research, field exploration and testing, and data analysis as well as conclusions and recommended geotechnical design parameters for the project. Please refer to Exhibit I- Geotechnical Investigation Report by Branch Engineering. The report, dated November 12, 2020, concluded: 'Based on our field observations, subsurface explorations, and data analyses, we conclude that the site is geologic and geotechnically suitable for the proposed development provided that the recommendations of this report are incorporated into the design and construction of the project. Our investigation did not reveal any specific site features or subsurface conditions that would impede the proposed design and construction of the prgec['4 The Natural Resources Study, the National Wetlands Inventory, the Springfield Wetland Inventory Map, Wellhead Protection Overlay and the list of Historic Landmark Sites do not identify any known natural features or resources on the property that warrant protection. The City of Springfield Water Quality Limited Watercourse Map does not show any watercourses on the subject property.' On the west side of 48'h Street the map indicates that the 48'h Street Channel is a "Tributary to Water Quality Limited Watercourse". The map also indicates that the subject property does not contain any areas designated by FEMA as in the Floodplain or Floodway. the applicant proposes to direct stormwater runoff from the site into a series of stormwater infiltration planters and infiltration rain gardens prior to discharging the stormwater into the public system. The stormwater facilities will function to make the stormwater discharge from the site mimic pre-existing conditions. Please refer to Exhibit H- Stormwater Drainage Study, i.e. B Branch Engineering, Geotechical Invesfigation Report Dated November 12, 2020, page 6 7 Water Quality Limited Watercourse map adopted by Council Ordinance 6021, 7/15/2002. Cherry Springs Apartments Page 18 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 6o�eisHow NG Engineering and sheets C5 Grading & Drainage Plan North, C6 Grading & Drainage Plan - South, and L4 Stormwater Planter Calculations. The applicant will monitor construction activities to ensure the protection of groundwater. Following completion of the proposed development, the applicant will maintain the private stormwater facilities on the site to ensure the continued protection of surface water and groundwater resources. The Cherry Springs Apartments Site Plan Review complies with applicable approval criteria and SDC standards. The application provides substantial evidence to support approval of the application. If you have questions or need further information, please contact Teresa Bishow at 541-514- 1029 or via e-mail at teresang.bishowconsulting.com. Sincerely, Teresa Bishow Teresa Bishow, AICP END OF WRITTEN STATEMENT Cherry Springs Apartments Page 19 of 19 Site Plan Review Written Narrative January 22, 2021 EXHIBIT A -VICINITY MAP 'A'��. , .b :'� ✓ '�`�"� ��f Y t:,s ° -Via;+9',�1M�'� (a ymrt e z F� 3 e y Ov 4� 1 Y qy II ~' T Legend S/S ofv a School , � 1, .1 I� 74 -C-Stq I j ' ■ "`' �;� Be StCO o -BOV Ell y -S,4{484h St & Mlain�St���? - j 0 ®a tp U) rY 01 f) O a L Legend ® of :Z3 School 1 *'I ® e Gooale Earth N'r 10 o« U F -- co m X W.. ....... --- -- ---- c �„ v Z yy N ✓ q uj _ �'---%ra�yiitgriz«nnfi�rJs�e 7 oil R _ N10ji � „R i 3 `•lN ji � � � y= 10 Z U LL O i NLu w w W 'Po m O "R D 0 sy 133NIs I-"-`--- 3, BZOI 'ON OVOb JJ.Nf100 H184 re° I III/ i �e J aw X � e J wa N ee N 69'6566666 EE INS U F -- co m X W.. ....... --- -- ---- c �„ v Z yy N ✓ q uj _ �'---%ra�yiitgriz«nnfi�rJs�e 7 oil R _ N10ji � „R i 3 `•lN ji � � � y= 10 Z U LL O i NLu w w W 'Po m O "R D 0 sy 133NIs I-"-`--- 3, BZOI 'ON OVOb JJ.Nf100 H184 re° I III/ i �e EXHIBIT D The land referred to in the Policy is described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of the A. W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; 346.83 feet East from the Northwest corner of said Claim; from said beginning point run East along said North line 345.83 feet; thence leaving said North line and run South 1214.66 feet to the North line of the McKenzie Highway right of way; thence North 89° 99' West along said right of way line 179.31 feet; thence leaving said right of way line and run North 300.9 feet; thence West 167.52 feet to the East right of way line of County Road No. 1238; thence North along the East line of said road 912.27 feet to the place of beginning, being part of the A. W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim, in Lane County, Oregon. EXHIBIT E STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT TIMBERVIEW CONSTRUCTION Date: OCTOBER 22, 2020 ATTN: COLIN KELLEY Our No: CT -0323085 Charge: $N/C As requested, Cascade Title Co. has searched our tract indices as to the following described real property: ( A T T A C H E D and as of: OCTOBER 13, 2020 at 8:00 A.M., we find the following: Vestee: CHERRY SPRINGS, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company Said property is subject to the following on record matters: 1. Taxes, Account No. 0129161, Assessor's Map No. 17 02 32 4 1, 4400, Code 19-00, 2020-2021, in the amount of $10,857.31, NOW DUE AND PAYABLE. 2. Rights of the public in and to that portion lying within streets, roads and highways. 3. Slope and storm drain easement over the South 5.0 feet to the State of Oregon, State Highway Commission, as set forth by instrument recorded May 16, 1966, Reception No. 1966-047487, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. This report is to be utilized for information only. This report is not to be used as a basis for transferring, encumbering or foreclosing the real property described. The liability of Cascade Title Co. is limited to the addressee and shall not exceed the premium paid hereunder. CASCADE TITLE CO., by: t£/aa: Title Officer: KURT BEATY MAW OFHCE FLORENCE OFFICE V[LLAGEPLAZAOMCE 811W LA TTESM 915 HWY 101' FLORENCE OREGON 97439 47M VE,LAGE PLAZA LOOP SUITE 100 EUGENE, OREGON 97401 MAH.[NG: PO BOX 508' FLORENCE OREGON 97439 EUGENE OREGON 97401 PH: (541) 689-2233 * FAX: (541)185-0309 PH: (541) 99]341] * FAX: (541)9978246 PH: (541) 653-8622 * FAX: (541) 8444626 Order No. 0323085 Page 2 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Beginning at a point on the North line of the A. W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian; 396.83 feet East from the Northwest corner of said Claim; from said beginning point run East along said North line 395.83 feet; thence leaving said North line and run South 1219.66 feet to the North line of the McKenzie Highway right of way; thence North 89° 99' West along said right of way line 179.31 feet; thence leaving said right of way line and run North 300.9 feet; thence West 167.52 feet to the East right of way line of County Road No. 1238; thence North along the East line of said road 912.27 feet to the place of beginning, being part of the A. W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim, in Lane County, Oregon. T. CASCADE TITLE CO. MAP NO. 17-02-32-41 U�y:• iV >e WP ffiE WP c; X00 , n a it iw iLj,e. m -3`YkEET`---------- , 2 n a a m r << o } _ ..r--- _ _ _ ._C_.. 019-00 w IDe i eee ID, -s� ,Yro m M M 1 e V MCKENZIE -- HIGHWAY `U.S. -- N( THIS MAP/PLAT IS BEING FURNISHED AS AN AID IN LOCATING THE HEREIN DESCRIBED LAND IN RELATION TO ADJOINING STREETS, NATURAL BOUNDARIES AND OTHER LAND, AND IS NOT A SURVEY OF THE LAND DEPICTED. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT A POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE IS EXPRESSLY MODIFIED BY ENDORSEMENT, IF ANY, THE COMPANY DOES NOT INSURE DIMENSIONS, DISTANCES, LOCATION OF EASEMENTS, ACREAGE OR OTHER MATTERS SHOWN THEREON. N' w HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 19th Srreatglst Street Section File No.}9347 MCKv gin Highway L. R: H. Hanson In consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived between the undersigned and the State of Oregon, by and through its Oregon State Highway Commission and the City of Springfield, a municipal eerperahion, it is hereby agreed that the Oregon State Highway Commission, its agents, employees, and contractors,may enter upon the real property owned by the undersigned as described in BookE229.634Page `#29441, Lane County Deed Records, for A distance not to exceed five feet. parallel to the existing right of way of the McKenzie Highway, to finish slopes and where. required 'e `additional (®C square feet to Provide storm drainage facilities etoo, the aid highway, and further, it is hereby agreed that the City of Springfield, its planta, employees and contractors, may enter upon said real property after construction to maintain said storm drainage facilities, providing: 1. The slopes will be finished in a workmanlike manner and will not exceed in steepness two (2) feet horizontal to one (1) foot vertical. 2. Existing road approaches will be reconstructed where disturbed. 3. Any necessary maintenance of any storm drainage facilities Including catch basins installed on grantor's property for the purpose of removal of surface water may be done by the City of:Springfleid. The State Highway Commission will not be responsible for said operation or maintenance. 4. Shrubs or other improvements within the slope area will be paid for as follows: Aon, s. other conditiene; Ctz. (2�e-•.../- �f0 ,(r, �y-..,.`� Upon completion of the work, and any payments to be made hereunder, the undersigned, their heirs and assigns, fully release the State Highway Commission from any further claims with respect to the highway improvement covers ,d herein. listed:eJ SignedA _. C��A����---- / Signed: _ Signe !/ Signe STATE OF OREGON ) - County of � //////// SS, On this �`0'�'d id of 1966, per sonallyy came before me, a Notary Public i ppnd for aid count end state, the within named&4WC �G ryMq/iLY 4i Ie�UWS and L mamsawn'sL/dOpe/Ef%az%Gp his wife, to me personelly known to be A i.dentie.l persou(s) described in, and who executed the within instrument, antl who each low .... 11, acknowledged to me that jiteq executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and pur- pose th n aloe d. / .�`UattnBgsip yUrtisland nffi.isl east the day red year last hove wr lien. x{dy.�3DYARY �'�� V rary zubtir for Oregon 'dv��9SiL r 4 3 My commission. expire AV vi y a �: _,,. �- ' -�rs� ;�`. ;. ,. I <� o��o � � =`o 3T•p o m y�WLL' �1 V, �y I.�_U,V � b � � 3� Q F v C` I � � O l� "N) �\V\^ �qa Z1 w q �. � l e a. a l� w a m" g �F°9 � o ao i �.. I a ioc «.2Y �v e � e $.. Yz w v V�V ADJACENT LOCAL STREETS EXHIBIT F end BIISHOW NORTH "A" STREET ''''#### � Sy•y'C�' A 5fr 4 r� HOMES AT THE END OF NORTH 'A" STREET SHARE A PRIVATE DRIVEWAY - NO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF- WAY NORTH "A" STREET WILL N OT BE EXTENDED NORTH "B" STREET -wai JA JI, U - t , I NORTH "B" STREET - k s' Yom•. EXTEND "B" ST TO 48TH STREET TO IMPROVE ACCESS AND CIRCULATION, CURVE WILL HELP WITH TRAFFIC CALMING a C' vV� n Vim., BEAVER STEET NORTH "C" STREET -i. Sam low VFW ' prlo�. dw INSTALL REMOVABLE BOLLARDS AT THE END OF NORTH "C" STREET FOR EMERGENCY ACCESS ONLY EXTENDING THE STREET TO 48th WOULD CREATE SAFETY PROBLEMS DUE TO CURVE OF THE ROAD AND SPEED OF MOTORISTS SANDOWENGINEERING EXHIBIT G 160 MADISON STREET, SUITE EUGENE, OREGON 97402 • 541.513.3376 TECH MEMO The following provides a trip generation estimate for the proposed Cherry Springs Apartment complex in Springfield, OR. The proposal is 129 apartment units contained within 16 buildings. Each building contains 8 units, and there will be one building containing the office and one residential unit. The ITE Trip Generation Manual 301h Edition is used to estimate the trip generation for the AM and PM peak hours and daily trips. ITE Land Use Code 220 Multi -Family Housing (low-rise) is the most appropriate land use as the proposed development will contain buildings with at least three other dwelling units and has no more than two levels. The trip generation estimates are shown in Table 1. The estimates use the fitted curve equation as it meets the applicable ITE criteria for use. TABLE 1: TRIP GENERATION ESTIMATE Time of Day Units PR DATE: DATE: November 4, 2020 ��' �Ne 11 NE �Oy In(t)=0.9SIn(x)-0.51 In(t)=0.891n(x)-0.02 61 74 929PE 9 TO: Teresa Bishow AICP 934 Bishow Consulting oRE - 3 - 9ti. 4, O FROM: Kelly Sandow P.E. Y R 5 P� Sandow Engineering RENEWAL 06/30/22 RE: Cherry Springs Trip Generation The following provides a trip generation estimate for the proposed Cherry Springs Apartment complex in Springfield, OR. The proposal is 129 apartment units contained within 16 buildings. Each building contains 8 units, and there will be one building containing the office and one residential unit. The ITE Trip Generation Manual 301h Edition is used to estimate the trip generation for the AM and PM peak hours and daily trips. ITE Land Use Code 220 Multi -Family Housing (low-rise) is the most appropriate land use as the proposed development will contain buildings with at least three other dwelling units and has no more than two levels. The trip generation estimates are shown in Table 1. The estimates use the fitted curve equation as it meets the applicable ITE criteria for use. TABLE 1: TRIP GENERATION ESTIMATE Time of Day Units Rate Trips AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour 129 129 In(t)=0.9SIn(x)-0.51 In(t)=0.891n(x)-0.02 61 74 ADT 129 T=7.56(x)-40.86 934 As demonstrated in Table 1, the City of Springfield TIA threshold of 100 peak hour trips or 1000 ADT daily trips is not met. The site was previously subject to a trip cap on the site of a total of 162 PM peak hour trips. The PM peak hour trips for this proposal is 74 trips resulting in 88 PM peak hour trips for the remaining undeveloped area. Stormwater Drainage Study Cherry Springs Apartments aew.dey, Erik D. Ranger, PE i.e. Engineering, Inc. 809 SE Pine Street Roseburg, Oregon 97470 i.e. Project No. 2923-07 December 28, 2020 Stormwater Drainage Study Pagel December 28, 2020 Cherry Springs Apartments TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................3 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS................................................................................................3 3 PROPOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEM...................................................................................3 4 WATER QUALITY MITIGATION.....................................................................................4 5 WATER QUANTITY MITIGATION..................................................................................5 6 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS .............................................................................................6 7CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................6 APPENDIX A — Preliminary Construction Plans APPENDIX B — Drainage Exhibits APPENDIX C — Drainage Calculations FINAL ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Storm eater Drainage Study Page 2 December 28, 2020 Cherry Springs Apartments Digitally 2SEnanger'' ` Signed 2020.12.2909:37:59 c.d"O vie,.._ - ='S;.'• 01 EK'RE:.: 12r51:20?L FINAL ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST Storm eater Drainage Study Page 2 December 28, 2020 Cherry Springs Apartments cul ;i•11111WIU This report contains the hydrologic and hydraulic design parameters for the Cherry Springs multifamily apartment complex. This report should be reviewed in conjunction with the preliminary project construction and landscape plans. The project area is located along 481h Street, northeast of the 481h Street and Main Street intersection. The property is identified as Tax Lot 400 of Section 32, Township 175, Range 02W. The property is approximately 8.51 acres. The property could be described as a flag lot, with frontage on Main Street, but the primary frontage for the property is 915 feet along 481h Street. The "pole' portion of the property is not part of this development, with only the "flag' portion being developed, which is approximately 7.3 acres. Four residential streets abut the east side of the property, including A, B, C and Beaver Streets. Utilities are located at the property line along 48th and the eastern residential streets. The project will develop 16 new 8-plex apartment buildings, a managers leasing office and dwelling, and surface parking, sidewalks, and landscaped areas. The project will have one public street, extending B Street through to the west to 48th Street. The project will also include a new, ten foot wide multiuse path along, but separated from 481h Street. 2 EXISTING CONDITIONS The site is wholly undeveloped and covered in vegetation. The primary vegetation is grasses, with a cluster of evergreen and deciduous trees in the northeast corner of the property and other trees sporadically located throughout the property. There are no apparent well defined drainage patterns, with many localized depressions, but in general, the southerly two-thirds of the project area drain from east to west, and the northerly third generally drains to the north into a depressed area. Runoff from the east half 48th Street drains in to a shallow roadside ditch on the east side of the road, generally draining to the north. The site is located within the 99 -year wellhead zone but there are no restrictions. There are no wetlands onsite, and the soils are well draining per geotechnical explorations. There are no utilities onsite, but all utilities are located adjacent to the property. 3 PROPOSED DRAINAGE SYSTEM The majority of the project drainage improvements will be onsite, private system. Public improvements will be made in the extended B Street and along the eastern side of 48th Street. Stormwater Drainage Study Page December 28, 2020 Cherry Springs Apartments Water quality and quantity mitigation will be provided for all asphalt and adjacent sidewalks. Water quantity mitigation will be provided for all roof runoff at a minimum. The following sections discuss the parameters and mitigation methods. 4 WATER QUALITY MITIGATION Water quality treatment will be provided for all non -building rooftop impervious surfaces. All runoff from asphalt surfaces and adjacent sidewalks to the asphalt will drain into Gibson steel catch basins, or similar, that will have Flogard Plus catch basin inserts. The catch basins will provide pretreatment by physical screening of pollutants such as gross solids, trash, and debris using a filter fabric basket for removal of petroleum hydrocarbons using sorbent pouches. The catch basins will also have a sediment trap for a back up to trap debris. The catch basins will discharge into vegetated, infiltration rain gardens or infiltration planters. The water quality facilities are designed per the City of Eugene 2014 Stormwater Management Manual (SWMM) and will be landscaped per the SWMM requirements, as shown on the project specific landscape plans. Both facility types are of similar design and provide treatment through the same methods with the only difference being that the planters have vertical concrete walls while the rain gardens have sloped vegetated slopes. Planters will be used within the parking areas, where curbed planters are used, and rain gardens will be used in landscaped areas, behind buildings. Infiltrations facilities will be used because the onsite soils have been shown to infiltrate very well through infiltration test conducted by the geotechnical engineer. Locations of the treatment facilities and contributing drainage basins and sizes are shown on the drainage exhibits in Appendix B. While the depth of water quality storm is 0.83 inches for an SCS Type 1A, 24-hour storm, the water quality facilities have actually been designed to accommodate the 24-hour, 25 - year storm event depth of 4.8 inches for full infiltration of all storms up to and including the 25 -year storm. The treatment facilities will have a minimum 12 -inches of growing medium, with 12 -inches of storage depth and a minimum of 2 -inches of freeboard. The facilities have been sized based on an infiltration of 2 -inches per hour of the growing medium, with the native infiltration rate exceeding the rate of the growing medium. For the rain gardens, infiltration was only assumed through the bottom footprint of the facility, so sizing of the two types of facilities is similar. In general, overflows are not provided as the facilities have been designed to infiltrate the flood control storm for a drainage area of less than 40 acres per the Eugene SWMM. Sizing of the planters and rain gardens was completed using the SBUH methodology in HydroCAD 10.00. Sizing calculations are included in Appendix C. A generic sizing methodology was used to determine the size of the bottom of the treatment facility Stormwater Drainage Study Page4 December 2B, 2020 Cherry Springs Apartments needed based on a percentage of the contributing drainage basin. For the model, a curve number of 98 was used with a time of concentration of 5 minutes. As mentioned above the design storm used was a SCS type 1A, 24-hour, 25 -year storm event with a depth of 4.8 - inches and an exfiltration rate of 2 -inches per hour. Assuming a contributing drainage basin of 5,000 square feet the resulting treatment facility must be a minimum of 450 square feet, or 0.09 -percent of the contributing drainage basin, to fully infiltrate the runoff from 25 - year storm event. At this size, the facility will also provide treatment up to the 25 -year storm event. 5 WATER QUANTITY MITIGATION The goal for water quantity mitigation is to limit runoff to pre -development rates for the 2 through 25 -year storm events. With the high infiltration rates determined during geotechnical exploration, the proposed plan will provide infiltration for all SCS type 1A, 24- hour storm depths up the 25 -year storm event. Three infiltration tests across the site were completed with hydraulic conductivity rates of 6.0, 23.9, and 42.0 inches per hour, respectively. The site infiltrates very well due to the presence of alluvial gravel deposits that make up the onsite underlying strata. The lowest rate of infiltration occurred in the third test location near geotechnical test pit 7. The test was performed in fine-grained clayey silts near the north boundary of the property. Test pit number 7 showed a lenses of fine-grained material, which would impact the infiltration. This was the only test pit in the geotechnical exploration that had this soil lenses, so it appears to be more of an anomaly onsite, so the likely typical infiltration rate is closer to the other test rates on-site. For design of the infiltration facilities, a conductivity rate of 8.0 inches per hour was used. This was chosen using a factor of safety of 3 based on the infiltration test conductivity rate of 23.9 inches per hour. Infiltration only facilities will be used for roof runoff, onsite walks, and the new multiuse path. Infiltration facilities will consist of 2 -foot wide by 4 -foot deep trenches back filled with clean drain rock. The clean drain rock will be wrapped in geotextile fabric to a depth of 6 -inches below the surface. The top six inches will also be filled with clean drain rock to the surface. Roof downspouts will discharge directly on to the ground and be dispersed so that the runoff drains across landscaped areas before draining in to the infiltration facilities. Most of the runoff from walks will also drain across landscaped areas before entering the infiltration facilities. A ribbon of drain rock will be placed along the length of the new multi- use path. Sizing of the infiltration facilities was completed similar to that of the treatment facilities. Sizing of the infiltration facilities was completed using the SBUH methodology in HydroCAD 10.00. Sizing calculations are included in Appendix C. A generic sizing methodology was used to determine the required volume of the infiltration facility needed based on a Stormwater Drainage Study Page Dece 28, 2020 Cherry Springs Apartments percentage of the contributing drainage basin. For the model, a curve number of 98 was used with a time of concentration of 5 minutes. For the drain rock filled trench, a void space of 40 -percent was assumed and a hydraulic conductivity of 8 inches per hours, with an SCS type 1A, 24-hour, 25 -year storm design event depth of 4.8 inches. With a freeboard goal below the top of the rock of 6 -inches and an assumed contributing drainage area of 5,000 square feet, the required storage volume at four feet of depth is 680 cubic feet or a footprint of 170 square feet, or a footprint that is 3.4 -percent of the contributing drainage area. 6 PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS With this project, most of the improvements are private, but there will be minimal public improvements. With the extension of B Street, there will be a new road, street parking, and sidewalk. As with all onsite runoff, the runoff from B Street will be treated and infiltrated the exact same way as previously discussed in planters on either end of parking strips. In 48th Street, the east side of the road will drain in to the roadside ditch which will be modified to a rain garden, with the goal of infiltration. In the roadside linear basins, there will be overflow catch basin set three inches below the edge of asphalt. The catch basins will connect into a new 12 -inch pipe that will connect into the existing storm at the northwest corner of the property. The new storm sewer pipe will have at least three feet of cover, with a slope of 0.99 percent. Assuming a manning's n -value of 0.014, the flow velocity in the pipe when flowing half full is calculated to be 4.20 feet per second, and the pipe would have a full flow capacity of 3.29 cubic feet per second. Using the rational formula with a runoff coefficient of 0.90 and a 2 -year, 10 -minute rainfall intensity of 1.3 cfs, the pipe would be able to pass runoff from an impervious contributing drainage basin of 2.81 acres, 122,403 square feet or 5,100 linear feet of 24 -foot wide impervious surface. 7 CONCLUSION The Cherry Springs Apartments will have no negative impacts on the existing drainage patterns or conditions within and adjacent to the project. The following appendices include all water quality and quantity calculations, preliminary related construction plans, and drainage exhibit. Water quality treatment through the use of vegetative methods, designed per the City of Eugene SWMM, will treat all runoff from asphalt pavement. All stormwater runoff from the site will be infiltrated into the well -draining onsite soils, eliminating adverse downstream impacts due to increase runoff and also preventing adverse impacts to the quality of downstream surface waters. Full treatment of all stormwater runoff leaving the site will occur prior to discharge. Stormwater Drainage Study Page December 28, 2929 Cherry Springs Apartments APPENDIX A Preliminary Construction Plans K WDMMMUMONNOM: I. IN. BIS 4X 5 .1 - 405.,10 04LN W/ HINGED BEGRAW MP B, HRNl °' N-12 °R PIPE. INSIX (5)- ♦ C I IENGIX 4N0 SLOPE PER P. 1i' IN (E)- BEBAO .1RERo'X m.,I 12' 1. .i (N)- .RED CJUIm- N4.10 9 X6TNL 2 alwLnl 8' WM1 N2,G DSIII WE HINGED P 2. XI RHL 12. M-12 RS BI iH AND SLOPE PER PWI. CMS4L BGWDMIN GI11 N' E°SON SIEEL G1EX .. �0/ +X BE CPTO.E.1HN.E. 0+Gi RI FILMIER HE 8' NS 0015040 r MItN.IN yam' (5 49D LPER B' 1N29J 10 IN -A-04. 2 BSO RER dY y DBW NV LYrt / x xRR L- I 4. �Weenuk CJ INR4L 0.WROW C° ] rvRILL N' c Rpl STEELGIM S/ HINGE Nm FILLERD"i B 05 e I MwN N 12 NV ENT- N1 CP+CPi H PINSERT NJ ON- NI3 5 eegee n GLEER - � —11 24'GBBONY"" _ I.E.GE PME G51N X5EM 1 I _�\ `E 4H B. SMB MO WMER. ' B..TE. 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655.5 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 10.00' 563 cf 10.00'W x 45.001 x 1.25'H Prismatoid Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 10.00' 2.000 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area Conductivity to Groundwater Elevation = 1.00' primary Out Flow Max=0.02 cfs @ 11.35 hrs HW=11.01' (Free Discharge) L-1=Exfiltration ( Controls 0.02 cfs) Pond 413: RAIN GARDEN Fmionow 6.,4 0.13 cfs ------------------- - - ------ ■Paeery 9.13 - - - - - - - - -- Inflow-' rea=Q.;115arrc- a, rage=453 cf 9.99 -- 9.98 -� _• � � -� - - -'- -� _� 0.07 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Time (hours) cherry springs drainage Prepared by {enter your company name Type IA 24 -hr 25 -year Rainfall=4.80" Printed 12212020 s LLC Paae 5 Summary for Pond INFILTRATION: INFILTRATION FACILITY Inflow Area = 0.115 ac,100.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 4.56" for 25 -year event Inflow = 0.13 cfs 7.88 hrs, Volume= 0.044 of Outflow = 0.04 cfs 8.86 hrs, Volume= 0.044 af, Atten= 67%, Lag= 59.2 min Primary = 0.04 cfs 8.86 hrs, Volume= 0.044 of Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 0.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.01 hrs Peak Elev= 13.38' @ 8.86 hrs Surf.Area= 170 sf Storage= 230 cf Plug -Flow detention time= 27.5 min calculated for 0.044 of (100% of inflow) Center -of -Mass det. time= 27.5 min ( 683.0 - 655.5 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 10.00' 272 cf 2.00'W x 85.001 x 4.00'H Prismatoid 680 cf Overall x 40.0% Voids Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 10.00' 8.000 in/hr Exfiltration over Surface area Conductivity to Groundwater Elevation = 1.00' rimary Out Flow Max=0.04 cfs @ 8.86 hrs HW=13.38' (Free Discharge) =Exfiltration ( Controls 0.04 cfs) Pond INFILTRATION: INFILTRATION FACILITY ■ ionw 6.14 " .--------- 0.13 cfs ■ Pm,ery 6.13 Inflow Area=0.115 ac 6.12 Pepk I=1ev=13.38' 6.,, --------- 0.1 ------- --------Storage=230 cf 6.69 9 6.66 � 6.67 , --------- 6.66------------ 6.as 0.04 cfs -------- 7 8 9 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 29 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Time (hours) (P-TanchNovember 12, 2020 N G IN E E R IN G - Mr. Colin Kelly Timberview Construction LLC PC Box 20025 Keizer, OR 97307 RE: GEOTECHMCAL ENGMFFRING ][ N UON - AMENDED CHERRY SPRRIGS APARTMENTS TAx MAP-LoT 1702324100400 SPRRIGFffI.D, OREGON BRANCH EN(aNFFRING hvc. PROJECT No. 20-378 Pursuant to your authorization, Branch Engineering Bic. (BEI) performed a geotechnical engineering investigation at the subject site located 275 -feet north of the intersection of Highway 126 and 48- Street in Springfield, Oregon for the proposed development of the site is a multi- family residential apartment complex On August 18, 2020 ten (10) exploratory test pits were advanced using a Takeuchi TB 175 midi excavator, to a maximum depth of 9.5 -feet below ground surface (BGS). The subsurface soB conditions in the test pits were logged in accordance the USCS (Unified SoB Classification System) ASTM D2488. In addition, three (3) falling head infiltration tests were performed The accompanying report presents the results of our site research, field exploration and testing, data analyses, as well as our conclusions and recommended geotechnical design parameters for the project. Based on the results of our study, no geotechnical/geologic hazards were identified at the site and the site is suitable for the planned development, provided that the recommendations of this report are implemented in the design and construction of the project Sincerely, Branch Engineering Inc. Samuel Rabe EIT Engineering Technician EUGENE -SPRINGFIELD ALBANY-SALEM-CORVALLIS p. 541.]46.063] 1 w .branchengineering.com oenq 6,170 y�OREGON "�i5, 1`fl4 P'ti� N'9LD EXPIRES: 12/31/2021 Ronald J. Derrick RE, G.E. Principal Geotechnical Engineer Geotechnica I l noestigation Cherry Springs Apartments TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 3 1.1 Purpose and Scope of Work 3 1.2 Project Location and Description 3 1.3 Site Information Resources 3 2.0 SITE SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 2.1 Subsurface Soils 2.2 Groundwater 3.0 GEOLOGIC SETTING.......................................................................................................5 3.1 Regional Geology 3.2 Site Geology 5.1 Site Preparation and Foundation Subgrade Requirements 7 5.2 Geotechnical Construction Site Observations 8 5.3 Engineered Fill Recommendations 8 5.4 Excavations 9 5.5 Drainage and Infiltration Testing 9 5.6 Soil Bearing Capacity 10 5.7 Settlement 10 5.8 Slabs -on -Grade 10 5.9 Soil Shrink/Swell Potential 10 5.10 Friction Coefficient and Earth Pressures 11 5.11 Wet Weather/Dry Weather Construction Practices 11 5.12 Pavement Design Recommendations 11 5.13 Seismic Site Classification and Hazards 13 6.0 LIMITATIONS.................................................................................................................. 13 FIGURE Site Exploration Map APPENDIXA- USCS Soil Key, Test Pit Logs, Infiltration Data, OWRD Well Logs, NRCS Soil Survey Information APPENDIX B- Recommended Earthwork Specifications Branch Engineering, Inc. Geotechrncal lncesngatim Cherry Spnngs Apartments 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose and Scope of Work The purpose of this work is to establish and present geotechnical engineering criteria and requirements related to the site and subsurface conditions that may influence the design and construction of the proposed project. Our field investigation scope of work consisted of a site reconnaissance with subsurface investigation and testing on August 18, 2020. The subsurface investigation utilized a Takeuchi TB 175 excavator, equipped with a 2 -foot wide toothed bucket to advance ten (10) exploratory test pits to a maximum depth of 9.5 -feet below ground surface (BGS). To determine if an infiltration -based design is suitable for the site three (3) encased falling head infiltration tests were conducted on August 19,2020. Seethe attached Figure - 1, Site Exploration Map, for exploratory test pit locations. Our work scope also included pertinent site research activities, engineering data review, analysis, and preparation of this Report. 1.2 Project Location and Description The 8.5 -acre subject site is located at coordinates of 44.047752° North latitude, and 123.948831° West Longitude in Springfield, Oregon. The site is rectangular in shape, with 48- street to the west, single-family residences to the north and east, and a gravel storage lot to the south Site topography is relatively flat, withno obvious drainage direction Vegetation is primarily composed of short grasses, fruit trees, and a small grove of evergreen and deciduous trees in the northeast corner. Based on a preliminary drawing provided to BEI by the client, seventeen (17) separate multi -family residential buildings are shown A parking lot system is shown with three accessways off 48 - Street and B street being connected to 48- Street as a "Local Street". Specific structural loads were not provided; however, wood -framed, 2- to 3 -story wood -framed apartment buildings typically do not exceed 15 -kip column loads or 2 kip/ft line loads on foundations. 1.3 Site Information Resources The following site investigation activities were performed and literature resources were reviewed for pertinent site information • 2010 Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMq Geologic Map Open File Report 0-10-03 Digital Geologic Map of the Southern Willamette Valley by Jason D. McClaughry, Thomas J. Wiley, Mark L Ferns, and Ian P. Marlin. • Ten (10) exploratory test pits advanced to a maximum depth of 9.5 -feet BGS on August 18, 2020 at the approximate locations shown on the attached Figure -1 Site Exploration Map. See attached boring log summaries in Appendix A • Three Falling Head Infiltration tests performed in accordance with the 2014 City of Eugene Stormwater Management Manual on August 19, 2020. Branch Engineering, Inc. Ge At chrncal Investigation Cherry Spnngs Apartments • Review of the Web Soil Survey of Linn County Area, United States Department of Agricultural (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) (attached in Appendix A) • Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) web hazard viewer. • Review of Oregon Department of Water Resources Well Logs (attached in Appendix A). • Oregon Structural Specialty Code 2019 (OSSC 2019), applicable building code criteria • Geology of Oregon sixth edition by On, Orr and Baldwin, 2012. 2.0 SITE SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The analyses, conclusions and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they presently exist and assume that our exploratory test pit findings presented in Appendix A are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site. If, during construction subsurface conditions differ from those encountered in the exploratory test pits; BEI requests that we be informed to review the site conditions and adjust our recommendations if necessary. 2.1 Subsurface Soils Visual classification of the near surface soils was performed in accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) Method D-2488 and the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Soil samples were collected from the sidewall using a trowel in the top 4 -feet of the excavation, and directly from the excavator bucket at deeper depths. Soil samples were taken at depths where noticeable changes in consistency, color, and moisture content were apparent. In general, there was a satisfactory degree of consistency at test pit locations for logged strata and Vane Shear test results. Subsurface conditions generally consisted of the following: • (OL) Organic silt topsoil horizon with fine roots and a soft to medium stiff consistency. Found from the Surface to a maximum depth of 1.5 -feet BGS. • (ML) Brown silt with trace of fine-grained sand and scattered rounded gravel, soft to medium stiff consistency. Found from the bottom of the topsoil/tilled horizon to contact with silty sand/gravel. • (GM) Dense silty sand gravel, locally known as bar -run rounded alluvial rock. Found at 2.5 -feet BGS in TP -4, averaging 3.5 -feet BGS in other test pit excavations. In the northwest section of the site (roughly equal with C Street and west of the tree covered area) moist, fine-grained soil was found to 4 -feet BGS, which is deeper than other areas explored. Site soil was dry to damp in the upper 4 -feet of the test pits excavated. This typically results in overestimations in soil consistency; however, the alluvial deposits will likely remain dense as soil moisture increases. No groundwater or sidewall caving was noted during the test pit excavations. High groundwater levels seen during the wet season will increase the risk of sidewall caving in the unconsolidated gravel deposits underlying the site. Branch Engineering, Inc. Ge At chrncal Investigation Cherry Spnngs Apartments The NRCS Web Soil Survey mapping unit was used to identify soils at the project site and is summarized below. Table 1: Site Soil Unit Well logs in the area show layered horizons of varied alluvium materials to depths of greater than 36 -feet BGS. 2.2 Groundwater No groundwater was encountered during the site exploration Well logs from nearby sites, obtained from the Oregon Department of Water Resources online database were reviewed and static water levels measured after drilling were listed between 2- and S -feet BGS; however, these wells indicate the depth of first encountered water varied from S- to 20 -feet BGS, therefore indicating a confined aquifer exists in the site vicinity. The alluvial deposits found at the site are noted in geologic literature as having numerous horizons with low vertical hydraulic conductivity. We expect that perched ground water lenses are seasonal, and should be expected to be highest during the late winter and spring months when rainstorms are more intense and frequent, and soils are near saturation Perched water lenses are expected to be encountered should excavation activities take place during the wet season. Utilities deeper than 5 -feet BGS will likely require shoring or laying back of sidewalls at a slope of 1:1 (RV), in addition, dewatering may be required below this depth if construction activities occur during the wet season Groundwater is not expected to impact shallow foundations if placed shallower than 3 -feet BGS. Site infiltration basins are recommended to be placed at least 10 -feet from foundations and at a sufficient depth to promote vertical migration of infiltration water. 3.0 GEOLOGIC SETTING The following sections describe the regional and local site geology. Our field findings are consistent with the geologic mapping of the site area by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. 3.1 Regional Geology The subject site lies within the central portion of the Willamette Valley, east of the Coast Range and west of the Cascade Mountains Provinces. In Oregon, the Willamette Valley is an elongate basin which narrows at both ends before terminating in the Calapooya Divide to the south and the Columbia River to the north. The basin is approximately 130 miles long and 40 miles wide. The valley is drained by the Willamette River and drops from an elevation of approximately 400 -feet at Eugene, to near sea level at the northern end of the basin where the Willamette River drains into the Columbia River. Branch Engineering, Inc. Ge At chrncal Investigation Cherry Spnngs Apartments The Willamette River Valley in the area of the subject site is believed to be underlain by undifferentiated sedimentary rock, tuffs and basalt from the Miocene and Oligocene epochs (approximately 15 to 35 million years ago). Deposits of silt and clay from fluvial and lacustrine environments covered the bedrock to various depths during the presence of low energy streams and lakes in the mid -Willamette Valley. Subsequent compression forces and uplifting of the Cascade and Coast Range Mountains depressed the Willamette River Valley. The rapid uplift of the Cascade and Coast Range mountains steepened stream gradients causing increased erosion of the mountains and resulting deposition of thick gravel layers incised within the fluvial and lacustrine deposits. During the last deglaciation and the resulting termination of the Idst Glacial Maximum in North America, the Willamette Valley was cyclically flooded by catastrophic breaks in the ice dams of Glacial [Ake Missoula. Occurring several times over an approximately 2,000 -year period between 13,000 to 15,000 ago these flood events filled the valley to an elevation of 350- to 400 -feet before retreating, causing sequences of upward fining deposits of silt and clay that may or may not still be present in areas depending on erosion by subsequent fluvial actions. (On and Orr, 2012). 3.2 Site Geology The Geologic Map Open ffie Report 0-10-03 Digital Geologic Map of the Southern Willamette Valley maps the site as Terrace and Fan Deposits (QTF) dated to the Quaternary. Deeply dissected unconsolidated to semi -consolidated deposits of gravel, sand silt, and clay that form upper alluvial terraces along the Willamette River and its tributaries draining from the Cascades. The unit forms broad dissected fans near the confluences of the McKenzie and the Willamette River. The unit is interpreted as fluvial braidplain sediments deposited in broad fans during the Pleistocene. Generally, a productive source of ground water in the map are where the deposits are unconsolidated, becoming more compacted and cemented with depth The nearest mapped faults to the site are the Mohawk River Fault to the north, and numerous faults near Potato Hill to the southeast, and in the Eugene Bailey Hill area to the southwest These faults are not known to be active; however, seismic activity is not uncommon in the Willamette Valley as evidenced by the 1993 Scotts Mills Earthquake east of Salem that registered a 5.7 Richter magnitude, and most recently a 4.2 magnitude earthquake about 12 -miles east of Eugene on July 4, 2015. 4.0 CONCIUSIONS Based on our field observations, subsurface explorations, and data analyses, we conclude that the site is geologic and geotechnically suitable for the proposed development provided that the recommendations of this report are incorporated into the design and construction of the project Our investigation did not reveal any specific site features or subsurface conditions that would impede the proposed design and construction of the project. 3.0 RECOMMENDATIONS The following sections present site-specific recommendations for site preparation, drainage, foundations, utility excavations, and slab/pavement design General material and construction specifications for the items discussed herein are provided in Appendix B. Branch Engineering, Inc. Geotechnical Investigation Cherry Spnngs Apartments 3.1 Site Preparation and Foundation Subgrade Requirements The following recommendations are for earthwork in the building foundation areas, public roadway, and private parking areas. Earthwork shall be performed in general accordance with the standard of practice as generally described in Appendix J of the 2019 Oregon Structural Specialty Code and as specified in this report. All areas intended to directly or laterally support structures, roadways, or pavement areas shall be stripped of vegetation, organic sell, unsuitable fill, and/or other deleterious material such as moisture softened exposed soil. These stripping's shall be removed from the site or reserved for use in landscaping or non-structural areas. In areas of existing trees, vegetation or previously placed fill the required depth of site clearing/stripping may be increased. The subsurface conditions observed in our site investigation test pits are consistent: however. the test nits only represent those specific locations on the site. Should soft or unsuitable soils extend to a depth greater than that described herein or areas of distinct sell variation be discovered this office shall be notified to perform site observation and additional excavation may be required. Building Foundation Subgrade Preparation Within the area of the proposed building foundations we recommend that all organic soil, soft, or wet material be removed from structural areas. The depth to suitable subgrade for foundations is just below the topsoil zone, and was generally encountered at 12 -inches below the existing ground surface in our test pits. If sell moisture conditions are determined by BEI staff to be optimal at the time of building pad excavations, removal of 10 -inches of topsoil sell and reworking with a pad -foot roller (minimum 7,500 lb drum weight) may be feasible. Prior to placing fill or foundation concrete forms, exposed subgrade materials shall be observed and proof -rolled, if necessary, using a loaded, tandem -axle dump truck Areas yielding more than 1 -inch shall be scarified and re -compacted or otherwise improved at the discretion and direction of the geotechnical engineer of record (GER). Once exposed suitable subgrade shall be covered with a minimum of 6 -inches of compacted crushed aggregate in a timely manner to mitigate moisture fluctuations in the sell, the placement of the compacted aggregate shall extend a minimum of 6 - inches horizontally beyond footing perimeters or thickness of aggregate, whichever is greater. Improvement methods may include excavation and fill and/or placement of geotextile fabric or geogrid composites, but are not expected to be necessary for this site if earthwork is performed during the dry season A BEI representative shall approve exposed subgrade materials and observe proof -rolling activities. Areas of Private and Public Street Improvements The depth to suitable subgrade for roadway structural sections is below the soft to medium stiff brown clayey silt topsoil approximately 12 -inches BGS in the brown silty clay with scattered gravel. If sell moisture conditions are determined to be optimal at the time of road subgrade preparation removal of 12 -inches of soil and reworking with a pad -foot roller (minimum 7, 500 lb drum weight) may be feasible. Should grading plans require engineered fill, see section 5.2 for engineered fill requirements. Prior to placing compacted crushed rock aggregate for the roadway structural section the exposed subgrade shall be approved by the Geotechnical Engineer of record or approved representative. Branch Engineering, Inc. Ge At chrncal Investigation Cherry Spnngs Apartments Localized soft areas maybe encountered, particularly in the northern portion of the site where large trees will require removal, soft soils within the roadways will require removal and replacement with structural fill. In-situ compaction of native soil may be evaluated in the field, soils consisting of low plasticity clayey silt with fine grain sand content may be suitable for in-situ compaction provided the moisture content is appropriate. Saturated soil or soft medium to plastic clayey silt will likely not be suitable for use as structural fill. Proof rolls with a loaded 10 CY haul truck or equivalent vehicle shall be conducted on the prepared subgrade prior to the placement of compacted aggregate. Any observed areas of deflection under load shall be corrected prior to placement of compacted aggregate. Utility trenches excavated to depths below the top of the subgrade elevation shall be backfilled with material compacted to 90% relative compaction as determined by AASHTO T-180 (modified Proctor). We expect that fill placed on the site will be imported granular material; use of the native soil on site for fill will require careful moisture conditioning and appropriate compaction equipment selection. Sampling of on-site material to be used as engineered fill will be required for Proctor testing to generate moisture -density curves. 3.2 Geotechnical Construction Site Observations Periodic site observations by a geotechnical representative of BEI are recommended during the construction of the project; the specific phases of construction that should be observed are shown in Table 1 on the following page. Table 1: Recommended Construction Phases to be Observed by the Geotechnical Engineer At completion of subgrade excavation Subgrade observation by the geotechnical engineer before geogrid and aggregate placement. Imported fill material Observation of material or information on material type and source. Placement or Compaction of fill material Observation by geotechnical engineer or test results by qualified testing agency. 3.3 Structural Fill Recommendations All engineered fill placed on the site shall consist of homogenous material and shall meet the following recommendations. • Prior to placement on-site the aggregate to be used as structural fill shall be approved by the GER, if no Proctor curve (moisture -density relationship) for the material performed within the last 12 -months is on file, a material sample will be required for testing to Branch Engineering, Inc. Ge At chrncal Investigation Cherry Spnngs Apartments determine the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of the aggregate or fill material. • The structural fill shall be moisture conditioned within +/- 2% of optimum moisture content and compacted in lifts with loose lift thickness not exceeding 8- inches. • Periodic visits to the site to verify lift thickness, source material, and compaction efforts shall be conducted by the GER or designated representative, and documented. • The recommended compaction level for crushed aggregate or soil fill is 9096 relative compaction, respectively, as determined by ASTM D-1557 (modified Proctor). Compaction shall be measured by testing with nuclear densometer ASTM D-6938, or D- 1556 sand cone method on structural fill in excess of 12 -inches in thickness. • If on-site or imported non -granular material is approved for structural fill placement, a sample of the material shall be collected for a modified Proctor testing to be used for field compaction test comparison. If, due to the nature of the on-site material compaction testing is not possible due to factors as oversize rock content and variable material, proof rolls with a frilly loaded 10cy haul -truck, or equivalent equipment, shall be observed at regular intervals. Observed areas of soft soil will require over -excavation and replacement with suitable material. 5.4 Excavations We expect excavations into the surface soils will stand near -vertical to depths of at least S -feet BGS. The site soils are classified as OSHAType C for the upper 10 -feet of the site soil profile, heavy equipment or stored materials should not be placed within 10 -feet of open excavations. 3.3 Drainage and Infiltration Testing A site drainage system is expected to be engineered for this project Alteration of existing grades for this project will likely change drainage patterns but should not adversely affect adjacent properties. Perimeter landscape and hardscape grades shall be sloped away from the foundations and water shall not be allowed to pond adjacent to footings during or after construction Three Encased Falling Head Infiltration tests performed in accordance with the 2014 City of Eugene Stormwater Management Manual on August 19, 2020. The procedure included seating pipes in the sub -surface soil and performing encased falling head infiltration tests. Infiltration field data is attached in Appendix A and test locations are shown on Figure -1. The infiltration pipes were covered and sealed at the base with bentonite on August 18, 2020 then pre -saturation water was added, with measurements recorded on August 19, 2020. The average infiltration rate recorded from each test location is listed below, no factor of safety was applied to the following infiltration rates. Branch Engineering, Inc. Geotechnical Investigation Cheng Springs Apartments Table 2: Measured Hydraulic Conductivity Test Location Test Depth (Inches) Measured Hydraulic Canducnvlty,k da/hr) IT -1 5042.0 IT -2 53 23.9 IT -3 61.5 6.0 Infiltration tests 17-1 and 17-2 were performed in the alluvial gravel deposits that make up the underlying strata. Infiltration tests in gravel deposits can vary depending on a number of factors, such as level of compaction or cementation, particle size, and the presence of a confining layer near to the depth at which the tests take place. IT -3 which was performed in fine-grained clayey silt near the northern boundary of the site and had measured rates of infiltration similar to tests done by BEI in similar sell. Disposal of stormwater generated by the proposed development via on-site infiltration is likely feasible. 5.6 Soli Bearing Capacity Conventional perimeter style foundations and spread footings for column loads are suitable for the proposed building construction and we recommend that loads are distributed evenly to mitigate the potential for differential settlement If foundation areas are prepared as described in Section 5.1 of this report with 6 -inches of compacted aggregate, an allowable bearing capacity of 1,500 pat can be used for design and may be increased by 1/3 for short term loading, such as wind or seismic even. 5.7 Settlement After preparation of the foundation subgrade as described in Section S.1 the total and differential settlement of the structure after completion is not expected to exceed %-inch or 7i -inch, respectively, between equivalently loaded footings. 3.8 Slabs -On -Grade After site preparation to expose suitable subgrade, load bearing concrete slabs shall be underlain by a minimum of 8 -inches of compacted, crushed aggregate. If soft or saturated subgrade is encountered over -excavation and replacement with engineer ed fill will be required Afree draining aggregate is recommended beneath structural slabs. The modulus of subgrade reaction (k) of the in-situ soil at about 18 -inches below existing grade is 250 lb/in' and the correlated California Bearing Ratio of the soil is correlated to be 20 in silty gravels. In the northwest corner of the site fine-grained silty sell extends to depths greater than 4 -feet BGS. For this area a correlated CBR of 4 may be applied and a modulus of subgrade reaction (K) of the in-situ soil at 18 -inches BGS below the existing grade is 130lb/in'. 5.9 In -Situ Moisture Content & Soil Shrink/Swell Potential Samples of the site soil were collected for in-house in-situ moisture content and Free Swell (18 2720) testing. In-situ moisture content of the sell ranged from 9.8% to 17. S%in sell samples taken from between 2 -to 5 -feet. Moisture content increased with depth, with noticeable color change at Branch Engineering, Inc. 10 Ge At chrncal Investigation Cherry Spnngs Apartments roughly 8 -feet BGS. Free Swell Testing results of fine-grained soil ranged from 10% to 20% shrink/swell potential. These results are considered to be low values. The underlying alluvial gravel deposits have a very low shrink/swell potential. 5.10 Friction Coefficient and Earth Pressures For use in design of subsurface structures or retaining walls the following allowable parameters are given based on an internal angle of friction of 32° for the alluvial gravel material. 1. The coefficient of friction for concrete poured neat against undisturbed native soil is 0.35 and if poured atop a minimum thickness of 12 -inches of compacted aggregate placed on the on-site material the coefficient is 0.45. 2. The passive earth pressure is 325 pcf. 3. The active earth pressure is 30 pcf unrestrained walls and the at rest earth pressure for a restrained wall is 45 pcf provided there is no hydrostatic pressure or surcharge loads on the walls from sloped backfill or foundations. 5.11 Wet Weather/Dry Weather Construction Practices The site material is moisture sensitive and will soften with exposure to precipitation. The near surface clayey silt material if left exposed to the weather will soften and should be covered with compacted aggregate in a timely manner after excavation to suitable subgrade to minimize soil moisture fluctuations. BEI recommends that foundation subgrade preparation and general site earthwork be performed during the dry season generally May through October. Construction during the wet season may require special drainage considerations, such as covering of excavations, pumping to mitigate standing water in footing excavations, or over -excavation of moisture softened soils. 5.12 Pavement Design Recommendations At the time of the investigation grading plans for the proposed development were not available. The City Springfield Public Works Design Standards 1. 02.7 Pavement Design were reviewed and used in the following recommendations. We expect that the proposed street extension on B -Street will be classified as a "Local Street' and streets within the apartment complex will be private residentially zoned area with internal circulation only. The correlated California Bearing Ratio (CBR) for the near surface soils is 20, which is an Excellent classification For our design of the private street improvements we used the guidance of the 1993 American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual, and the 2011 ODOT Pavement Design Guide. Based on an estimated annual equivalent 18 - kip single axle loading (ESAL) of 40,000 per year for a 20 -year design life, 90% reliability and a serviceability factor of 1.7, a structural number of 2.8 was selected The calculated equivalent structural section could be composed of 4- inches of asphalt concrete (AC) over 8- inches of aggregate base rock. Branch Engineering, Inc. 11 Ge At chnkal Investigation Cherry Spnngs Apartments City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual lists a minimum thickness of 4- inches of asphalt concrete (AC) and a minimum thickness of 12- inches of aggregate base rock for public streets classified as local or neighborhood collectors. This structural section is recommended for the proposed public roadway extension connecting 48- Street and B -Street. Table 3: Recommended Structural Pavement Section for B -Street extension Pavement Criteria Asphalt Concrete (AC) (inches) ABM (inches) Local Residential Street (City Minimums) 1 4 1 12 Pavement subgrades shall be observed and proof -rolled prior to placement of base rock, and the base rock shall be compacted to at least 95% of the material's maximum dry density as determined by AASFfFO T-180/ASTM D-1557 (modified Proctor). BE[ recommends that a single layer of bi-axial geogrid be placed between properly prepared subgrade and aggregate base rock. The base rock shall be tested to measure compliance with this compaction standard prior to placement to asphalt concrete. Please refer to the City of Springfield Public Works Design Standards Section Flexible Pavement Design 10 Materials for specific material requirements. Cherry Springs Apartments Internal Circulation - Private Road Section For new AC pavement installation in parking areas and light vehicle routes, we recommend a minimum pavement thickness of 3 inches of AC over a minimum of 10 inches of compacted ABM. We recommend that the AC thickness be increased to 4 inches in areas of heavier traffic, such as refuse truck routes or delivery vehicles. Prior to placement of base rock any soft soil, wet soil, or organic soil shall be removed from the pavement subgrade. Table 4: Recommended Structural Pavement Section for private road section Pavement Criteria Asphalt Concrete (AC) (inches) ABM (inches) Private Road Section 1 3 10 Subgrade stabilization will be required within to roadway areas on the site to meet the Public Works Design Standards. Subgrade stabilization could include in-situ compaction of soil, over - excavation and replacement of unsuitable soil, or excavation to suitable subgrade and the placement of engineered fill. The pavement recommendations discussed above are designed for the type of vehicle use on the site after construction completion, not for construction vehicle traffic which is generally heavier, occurs over a short time, and impacts the site before full pavement sections are constructed The construction traffic may cause subgrade failures and the site contractor should consider over- building designated haul routes through the site to mitigate soft areas at the time of final paving. Branch Engineering, Inc. 12 Geotechrncal Investigation Cherry Spnngs Apartments 5.13 Seismic Site Classification and Hazards Based on the soil properties encountered in our site pits and on-site well log information a Seismic Site Class D designation, stiff soil (Table 20.3-1 ASCE 7-16) is recommended for design of site structures. OSSC 2019 (1803.5.11) required criteria for hazards the geotechnical investigation shall address for seismic site class designations C through F are listed below. • Slope Instability The site is mapped low risk for land sliding. The potential for site landslides is low due to the flat topography on-site and surrounding terrain. • Portions of the subsurface soils are fine-grain and at times saturated; however well graded gravel and clayey silts are present above and below these soils. The risk of surface damage due to liquefaction is low. • Total and Differential Settlement: The estimated amount of total and differential settlement is less than %-inch and 3i -inch, provided subgrade preparation follows the recommendations in Section 5.1 of this report. • Surface Displacement due to faulting or seismically induced lateral spreading or lateral flow. The closest faults to the site are not known to be active. Surface displacement or seismically induced lateral spreading is not expected at the site. • The closest water body is the McKenzie River, which pose no risk of a seiche or tsunami. 6.0 REPORT LIMIEATIONS This report has presented BEI's site observations and research, subsurface explorations, geotechnical engineering analyses, and recommendations for the proposed site development. The conclusions in this report are based on the conditions described in this report and are intended for the exclusive use of The Timber View Construction LLC and their representatives for use in design and construction of the development described herein The analysis and recommendations may not be suitable for other structures or purposes. Services performed by the geotechnical engineer for this project have been conducted with the level of care and skill exercised by other current geotechnical professionals in this area. No warranty is herein expressed or implied. The conclusions in this report are based on the site conditions as they currently exist and it is assumed that the limited site locations that were physically investigated generally represent the subsurface conditions at the site. Should site development or site conditions change, or if a substantial amount of time goes by between our site investigation and site development, we reserve the right to review this report for its applicability. If you have any questions regarding the contents of this report please contact our office. Branch Engineering, Inc. 13 1_1.=1� LEGEND n OTIP-1 INDICATES APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF EXPLORATORY TEST PIT EXCAVATION O ITINFINDICATES APPROXIMATE ELOCATION OF SCALE: (11"x17") *anch SITE EXPLORATION MAP -CHERRY SPRINGS APARTMENTS FIGURE? N GIN E E RI NG_ SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 09-21-7716 sm 19n — 310 5th Street SpringfeId, Oregon 97477 1 p: 541.]46.063] 1 www.branchengineering.com I J SOI i4B @ [�iYP_c�fl - EXPLORATORY TEST PIT LOGS - INFILTRATION DATA - OWRD WELL LOGS - USDA SOIL SURVEY ONB,'ranch INEENING- RELATIVE DENSITY - COARSE GRAINED SOILS USCS GRAIN SIZE RELATIVE SPT N -VALUE D&M SAMPLER D&M SAMPLER FINES <#200(.075 mm) DENSITY (1401bshammer) (3001bshammer) SAND Fine #200-#40(.425 mm) Medium #40-#1012 mi VERY LOOSE <4 <11 <4 Coarse #10-#4(4.75 mm( LOOSE 4-10 11-26 4-10 GRAVEL Fine #4-0.75 inch MEDIUM DENSE 10-30 26-74 10-30 Coarse 0.75-3 inch DENSE 30-50 74-120 30-47 COBBLES 3-12inches VERY DENSE > 50 > 120 147 CONSISTENCY - FINE GRAINED SOILS CONSISTENCY SPT N -VALUE D&M SAMPLER D&M SAMPLER POCKET PEN. / MANUAL PENETRATION TEST (140lbshammw) (300lbshammw) UNCONFINED(TSF) VERY SOFT <2 <3 <2 <0.25 Easy several inches by fist SOFT 2-4 3-6 2-5 0.25-0.50 Easy several inches by thumb MEDIUM STIFF 4-8 6-12 5-9 0.50-1.00 Moderate several inches by thumb STIFF 8-15 12-25 9-19 1.00-2.00 Readily indented by thumb VERY STIFF 15-30 25-65 19-31 2.00-4.00 Readily indented by thumbnail HARD > 30 > 65 > 31 > 4.00 Difficult by thumbnail UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART MAJOR DIVISIONS GROUP SYMBOLS AND TYPICAL NAMES GRAVELS: 50% CLEAN GW Well -graded gravels and gravel -sand matures, little or no fines. COARSE- or more GRAVELS GP Poorly graded grovels and gravel -sand mixtures, little or no fines. GRAINED retained on GRAVELS WITH GM Silly gravels, gravel -sand -silt mixfures. SOILS: More than the No. 4 sieve FINES GC Clayey grovels, gravel -sand -clay mixtures. 50% retained SANDS: 50% or CLEAN SANDS SW Well graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no fines. Poorly -graded sands and gravelly sands, little or no fines. on No. 200SP sieve morepassing the No. 4 sieve SANDS WITH SM Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures. SC Clayey sands, sand -clay mixtures. FINES FINE-GRAINED ML Inorganic silts, rock flour, clayey silts. SOILS:CL LIQUID LIMIT Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, lean clays. Less than LESS THAN 50 OL Organic silt and organic silty clays of low plasticity. Son SILT AND CLAY MH Inorganic ey Noret. an Na. 200 LIQUID LIMIT 50 I higsilk. CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays. clays of sieve I OR GREATER QH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity. HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS I PT Peat, muck, and other highly organic soil. MOISTURE CONTENT STRUCTURE DRY: Absence of moisture, dusty, dry to the touch STRATIFIED: Alternating layers of material a color> 6mm thick. DAMP: Some moisture but leaves no moisture an hand LAMINATED: Alternating layers < 6mm thick MOIST: Leaves moisture on hand FISSURED: Breaks along definate fracture planes. WET: Visible free water, usually saturated SUCKENSIDED: Striafed, polished, or glassy fracture planes. BLOCKY: Cohesive soil that can be broken down into small PLASTICITY DRY STRENGTH DILATANCY TOUGHNE55 angular lumps Which resist further breckdown. ML Non to Low Non to Low Slow to Rapid Low, can't roll LENSES: Has small pockets of different soils, note thickness. CL Low to Med. Med. to High None to Slow Medium MH Med. to High Low to Med. None to Slow Low to Med. HOMOGENEOUS: Some color and appearancethroughout. CH Med. to High High to V.High None High LIST OF ABBREVIATION & EXPLANATIONS SPT Standard Penetration Test split barrel sampler G Grab sample D&M Dames and Moore sampler MC Moisture Content LL Atterberg Liquid Limit MD Moisture Density PL Afterberg Plastic Unlit UC Unconfined Compressive Strength PP Pocket Penetrometer VS Vane Shear TABLE A-1 anch GEOTECHNICAL SITE INVESTIGATION EXPLORATORY KEY INEERING_ Nm 310 5th Street Springfield, Oregon I p: 541.779.2577 1 www.branchengineering.com g anch TEST PIT ID: TP -1 GlNffklNGt Client: Colin Kelley Project Name: Cherry Springs Apartments Pm*t Number. 20.378 Project Location: 48th Street Springfield, Oregon Date Started: Aug 182020 Completed: Aug182020 Logged By: SPR Checked By: RID Drilling Contractor Branch Engineering Inc. Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: DrillingMMhod: Test Pk Excavation Ground Water levels Equipment: Metal Tracked Excavator Q Hammer Type: Z Notes: C1 SPT N -Value ffi c MC:® oo. 3 u PL LL. 0-11111 @ Material Description E y�qo 5¢ m C tp yqj uz p LL 10 m 004050 Ba 70 W sa 10 M 30 40 50 60 70 8] sa (OL) Brown Clayey Silt Topsoil, Dry, Soft. 1 2 (ML) Brown Clayey Silt, Damp, Medium Stiff to Stiff, Scattered Alluvial Gavel. 3 4 S (GM) Brown Silty Sand with Alluvial Gravel and Cobble, Damp, 6 Dense. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 920 19- 20- 21 22 23 24 29 627 26- 27- 28 29 30 31 32 o Plat Legend: A SPIN -Value Q Fines Content a Massure Content H %aseLrmit and liquid omit g anch TEST PIT ID: TP -2 GlNffklNGt Client: Colin Kelley Project Name: Cherry Springs Apartments Pm*t Number. 20.378 Project Location: 48th Street Springfield, Oregon Date Started: Aug 182020 Completed: Aug182020 Logged By: SPR Checked By: RID Drilling Contractor. Branch Engineering Inc. Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: DrillingMMhod: Test Pk Excavation Ground Water levels Equipment: Metal Tracked Excavator Q Nammer7ype: Z Notes: C1 SPT N -Value : ffi c MC:® oo. 3 u PL ILL. 0-11111 @ Material Description E y�qo 5¢ m C tp yqj uz p LL 10 m 004050 Ba 70 W sa 10 M 30 40 50 60 70 8] sa (OL) Brown Clayey Silt with Scattered Gravel, Dry, Medium Stiff. 1 (ML) Brown Clayey Silt, Damp, Medium Stiff to Stiff, Scattered 2 Alluvial Gravel. 3 4 (GM) Brown Silty Sand with Alluvial Gravel and Cobble, Damp, Dense. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 920 19- 20- 21 22 23 24 29 627 26- 27- 28 29 30 31 32 Plat Legend: A SPIN -Value Q Fines Content a Massure Content H %aseo Umit and liquid omit g anch TEST PIT ID: TP3 GlNffklNGt Client: Colin Kelley Project Name: Cherry Springs Apartments Pm*t Number. 20.378 Project Location: 48th Street Springfield, Oregon Date Started: Aug 182020 Completed: Aug182020 Logged By: SPR Checked By: RID Drilling Contractor. Branch Engineering Inc. Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: DrillingMMhod: Test Pk Excavation Ground Water levels Equipment: Metal Tracked Excavator Q Hammer Type: Z Notes: C1 SPT N -Value ffi c MC:® oo. 3 u PL ILL. 0-11111 @ Material Description E y�qo 5¢ m C tp yqj uz p LL 10 m 30 40 50 Ba 70 M sa 10 M 30 40 50 60 70 8] sa (OL) Brown Clayey Silt Topsoil with Scattered Gravel, Dry, 1 Medium Stiff. 2 (ML) Brown Clayey Silt, Damp, Medium Stiff to Stiff, Scattered Alluvial Gavel. 3 4 (GM) Brown Silty Sand with Alluvial Gravel and Cobble, Moist to 5Wet, Dense. 6 7 8 GP Light Brown Cemented Alluvial Cobble, Wet, Very Dense. (GM) Brown Sand with Alluvial Gravel and Cobble, Wet, Very 91 Dense. 10- 11 12 13 14 15 16- 17 18 920 19- 20- 21 22 23 24- 25 627 26- 27- 28 29 30 31 32 Plat Legend: A SPIN -Value Q Fines Content a Massure Content H %aseo Umit and liquid omit g anch TEST PIT ID: TP -4 GlNffklNGt Client: Colin Kelley Project Name: Cherry Springs Apartments Pm*t Number. 20.378 Project Location: 48th Street Springfield, Oregon Date Started: Aug 182020 Completed: Aug182020 Logged By: SPR Checked By: RID Drilling Contractor. Branch Engineering Inc. Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: DrillingMMhod: Test Pk Excavation Ground Water levels Equipment: Metal Tracked Excavator Q Hammer Type: Z Notes: C1 SPT N -Value ffi c MC:® oo. 3 u PL LL. 0-11111 @ Material Description E y�qo 5¢ m C tp yqj u z p LL 10 m as 40 50 Ba 70 as sa 14 M 3a as W Ba 7a as sa (OL) Brown Clayey Silt Topsoil, Dry, Soft. 1 (ML) Brown Clayey Silt, Damp, Medium Stiff to Stiff, Scattered 2 Alluvial Gavel. 3 (GM) Brown Silty Sand with Alluvial Gravel and Cobble, Damp to Moist, Dense. 4 5 6 7 8sa-(GM) Silty Sand With Alluvial Gravel and Cobble, Wet, Very Dense. 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 920 19- 20- 21 22 23 24 29 ------- 627 26- 27- 28 29 30 31 32 Plat Legend: A SPIN -Value Q Fines Content a Massure Content H %aseo Umit and liquid omit g anch TEST PIT ID: TP -5 GlNffklNGt Client: Colin Kelley Project Name: Cherry Springs Apartments Project Number. 20.378 Project Location: 48th Street Springfield, Oregon Date Started: Aug 182020 Completed: Aug182020 Logged By: SPR Checked By: RID Drilling Contractor Branch Engineering Inc. Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: DrillingMMhod: Test Pk Excavation Ground Water levels Equipment: Metal Tracked Excavator Q Hammer Type: Z Notes: C1 SPT N -Value ffi c MC:® oo. 3 u PL LL. 0-11111 @ Material Description E y�qo 5¢ m C tp yqj uz p LL 10 m 004050 Ba 70 W sa 10 M 30 40 50 60 70 8] sa (OL) Brown Clayey Silt Topsoil, Dry, Soft. 1 (ML) Brown Clayey Silt, Damp, Medium Stiff to Stiff, Scattered 2 Alluvial Gravel. 3 4 (GM) Brown Silty Sand with Alluvial Gravel and Cobble, Damp to 5 Moist, Dense. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 920 19- 20- 21 22 23 24 29 ------- 627 26- 27- 28 29 30 31 32 Plat Legend: A SPIN -Value Q Fines Content a Massure Content H %aseo Umit and liquid omit g anch TEST PIT ID: TP -6 GlNffklNGt Client: Colin Kelley Project Name: Cherry Springs Apartments Pm*t Number. 20.378 Project Location: 48th Street Springfield, Oregon Date Started: Aug 182020 Completed: Aug182020 Logged By: SPR Checked By: RID Drilling Contractor Branch Engineering Inc. Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: DrillingMMhod: Test Pk Excavation Ground Water levels Equipment: Metal Tracked Excavator Q Hammer Type: Z Notes: C1 SPT N -Value ffi c MC:® oo. 3 u PL ILL. 0-11111 @ Material Description E y�qo 5¢ m C tp yqj uz p LL 10 m 004050 Ba 70 W sa 10 M 30 40 50 60 70 8] sa (OL) Brown Clayey Silt Topsoil, Dry, Soft. (ML) Brown Clayey Silt, Damp, Medium Stiff to Stiff, Scattered 1 2 Alluvial Gavel. 3 (GM) Brown Silty Sand with Alluvial Gravel and Cobble, Damp to 4 Moist, Dense. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 627 26- 27- 28 29 30 31 32 Plat Legend: A SPIN -Value Q Fines Content a Massure Content H %aseo Umit and liquid omit Borehole lo: TP- g'anch GlNffklNGt Sheet 1of1 Client: Colin Kelley Project Name: Cherry Springs Apartments Pm*t Number. 20.378 Project Location: 48th Street Springfield, Oregon Date Started: Aug 182020 Completed: Aug182020 Logged By: SPR Checked By: RID Drilling Contractor. Branch Engineering Inc. Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: DrillingMMhod: Test Pk Excavation Ground Water levels Equipment: Metal Tracked Excavator Q Hammer Type: Z Notes: C1 SPT N -Value ffi c MC:® oo. 3 u PL LL. 0-1 @ Material Description E y�qo 5¢ m C tp yqj u z p LL 10 m as 40 50 Ba 70 W sa 14 M ao ad 50 6e 7a 8] sa (OL) Brown Clayey Silt Topsoil, Moist, Soft. 1 (ML) Brown Clayey Silt,Damp, Medium Stiff, Oxidation Staining. 2 3 4 S (GM) Brown Silty Sand with Alluvial Gravel and Cobble, Moist, MEdium Dense. Lenses of Fine -Grained Material with Heavy 6 Oxidation Staining. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 S1615- 16- 17 18 920 19- 20- 21 22 324 23- 24- 29 26 27 28 29 30 31- 32 Plat Legend: A SPIN -Value Q Fines Content a Massure Content H %aseo Umit and liquid omit Borehole lo: TP- g'anch GlNffklNGt Sheet 1of1 Client: Colin Kelley Project Name: Cherry Springs Apartments Pm*t Number. 20.378 Project Location: 48th Street Springfield, Oregon Date Started: Aug 182020 Completed: Aug182020 Logged By: SPR Checked By: RID Drilling Contractor. Branch Engineering Inc. Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: DrillingMMhod: Test Pit Excavation Ground Water levels Equipment: Metal Tracked Excavator Q HammerType: Z Notes: C1 SPT N -Value ffi c MC:® oo. 3 u PL Lu 0-1 @ Material Description E y�qo 5¢ m 'o s C tp yqj uz p LL 10 m W 40 50 Ba 70 W sa 14 M ao ad 50 6e 7a 8] sa (OL) Brown Clayey Silt Topsoil, Dry, Soft. 1 (ML) Brown Clayey Silt with Trace of Fine -Grained Sand, Medium z stiff. 3 (GM) Brown Silty Sand with Alluvial Gravel and Cobble, Damp, Dense. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 S1615- 16- 17 81920 18- 19- 20- 21 22 23 24 29 627 26- 27- 28 29 30- 31 P 32 1-- 1 Plat Legend: A SPIN -Value Q Rnes Content a Massure Content H Hass Umit and liquid omit Borehole lo: TP- g'anch GlNffklNGt Sheet 1of1 Client: Colin Kelley Project Name: Cherry Springs Apartments Pm*t Number. 20.378 Project Location: 48th Street Springfield, Oregon Date Started: Aug 182020 Completed: Aug182020 Logged By: SPR Checked By: RID Drilling Contractor Branch Engineering Inc. Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: DNllire MMhod: Test Pit Excavation Ground Water levels Equipment: Metal Tracked Excavator Q Hammer Type: Z Notes: C1 SPT N -Value ffi c MC:® oo. 3 u PL Lu 0-1 @ Material Description E y�qo 5¢ m'o s C tp yqj uz p LL 10 m 304050 Ba 70 W sa 10 M 30 40 50 60 70 ad sa (OL) Brown Clayey Silt Topsoil, Dry, Soft. 1 2 (ML) Brown Clayey Silt, Damp, Medium Stiff. 3 (GM) Brown Silty Sand with Alluvial Gavel, Damp, Dense. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 29 ------- 627 26- 27- 28 29 30 31 32 Plot Legend: A SPIN -Value Q Fines Content a Massure Content H plastic Umit and liquid omit Borehole lo: TP -1 g'anch GlNffklNGt Sheet Iof1 Client: Colin Kelley Project Name: Cherry Springs Apartments Pm*t Number. 20.378 Project Location: 48th Street Springfield, Oregon Date Started: Aug 182020 Completed: Aug182020 Logged By: SPR Checked By: RID Drilling Contractor. Branch Engineering Inc. Latitude: Longitude: Elevation: DNllire MMhod: Test Pit Excavation Ground Water levels Equipment: Metal Tracketl Excavator Q HammerType: Z Notes: C1 SPT N -Value : ffi c MC:® oo. 3 u PL Lu 0-1 @ Material Description E y�qo 5¢ m'o s C tp yqj uz p de LL to m W 40 50 Ba 70 W sa 14 M 30 ad 50 6e 7a 8] sa (OL) Brown Clayey Silt Topsoil, Dry, Soft. 1 (ML) Brown Clayey Silt, Damp, Medium Stiff. 2 3 4 (GM) Brown Silty Sand with Alluvial Gavel and Cobble, Damp, Dense. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 627 26- 27- 28 29 30- 31 32 Plot Legend: A SPTN-Value Q Fines Content a Massure Content H Hass Umit and liquid omit GINBunch EERIM G- S 1 MU�he W 0 310 220 Iv daawv Ten Hes .e Nojec'L Chary W le 8 1 l9 20Aryelmemf Teati.aN. BEIP-jM Numha'203]8 TM lVpe: Evoud Fa W vg H®d IMI W tlov lime � 0 at addltlov of H2O 0 SUM eH NAGS 0 3 330 2Q0 Ofi] 400 TntR NBGS W 53 8 185 030 180 Wvuetlm Tm]'Mall 045 2].0 Time lMv) s am(Wm IW I fth ftM) A Pme afPMil SUvtl 1 OUB&e W fi 0 .0 80 054 326 P2 400 130 028 1.7 246 SUW eH NAGS 0 3 430 1.0 100 m0 Vdu�ot WMa Ad�i a 400 21.0 320 TntR NBGS W 98 8 41.1 25 .10 300 Vola—W WataA ab 1 10 410 1.0 075 41.0 41.0 tlockllmeatS—t 943 ASTMSOHT H mWake H4' l'Ime SLn.0 Wahe Pah F W Pah F A Pah NFe11T2 W da—amTMIT1a12 Volv�ol Wna a 1.5 0 33,0 e tlocklime Hss 5 430 "a 50 140 840 12 980 QO 071 429 634 WNumlm Tex b Wahe iWelmW SLH9m IW Wahe Pah F IW IIaAvIN Pah F IIaM) A Pah rl FJl is llaM) Volv—oWna a a 34 0 Ino tlocklime 1QW 1 1 5 980 QO 1Qfi] 400 400 � o E'a 3'c �a PaIrNWa rir lFalllln/minl r �r Pammmhd Parc llaM) o e � a nrelml n v u u He WaW Pah Pe Pah Pe Wlvuetlm Tm 2'Mel] lYme lmW 6lufe-(w lW IW IWAnIy ft/he) A Pah of PJI T-1 llnNel S 1 MU�he W 0 310 220 0 SUM eH NAGS 0 3 330 2Q0 Ofi] 400 TntR NBGS W 53 8 185 030 180 Volv�of WataA a 2]5 18 .0 390 140 045 2].0 tlrc.1005 35 420 110 018 1(16 239 ASTM SNT Oe bWarce Oep a Warce Patta Fa Patta Fa Iv01W11m TM2 T1a12 lame SLnatt W W AVG Parc o(Fa11T2 W V.21Wna Ad�i a 3 a 0 250 280 Me1042 23 3].s 11.1 054 326 P2 400 130 028 1.7 246 b Warce Warce Pah F Pah F IvfllWtlm is[2111a13 I IlamelmW)I FJli2 Vdu�ot WMa Ad�i a 400 21.0 320 fJa Ytlme 11:15 39 35.0 180 04] 280 ]] 520 1.0 03fi 21.7 249 PMed WMer Fall lin/min) pammmyy parc(W/lu') o n �o n �Im^Iso o ao n m ranch NG IN EE AI N6= I .mfi. rest xemds lYmalmBr) 9u (w @a a Fmlece Che+R' 6PWgs AWNceu6 (In/L[{ A ead oPan iw[wg M[ 2020 6 0 BHProjec[amsM 20 378 m 31.5 imt type: FaWng HmdInNWtlW Stam ht PL.4 &sed lime= 0 at addltlm A' H2O Infil®tl®ieet9'Mell lYmalmBr) 9u (w @a a (N/mhq (In/L[{ A ead oPan smmn 1 Gametee W 6 0 360 31.5 Stam ht PL.4 0 35 32o ..5 606 34 Tim a,,I B6S 61.5 45 34o R15 62o 12.0 Z] Wlume of warnA d al 3.9k CbcN .San, 1019 AR 3W I lWtlWieet3' 2 EMUOepw mWam[ lime(mlo) SW'fim(Io) Hep' a Wam[M- pot Fa Pnhmo) amen Fe (I A Hate rlan (bNe) ,1_ of. Pd d knD 469 0 240 315 QacMme ]]: oR RH RZo 345 611 64 64 IofllWa®ieetH'MeIH mWmee. lime(mlo) fitMem(W pot Ham Fe (In/5nln) Ham Fe (In/Lt{ A este rl PeLLia (b/Le) Wlnme ofw M d al 3.e1 0 31.0 30.5 aocMme 1135 10 3zo 2s.5 010 60 60 a" fl W of WaWr Leel Fall )in/min) Humeohdeam (b/W,) 6] m STATEOFOREGON JUN 5 1991 laa% Tl RING WELL REPO SDC` (��,Tf' (as requved by ORS 537.765&OAR 69024009 y�..d�ly V'ATERRESOURrESDFP7?t,'ICazd# �,S (1) OWNER/PROSECT: WELL NO. M ld 9 (6)"LOCATION OF Wf-J L By legal description -= ,AI D JL Wetmer+a. County r7l OMe— a Q }'�. k0 Township (CI or S)Rangv (E or W) soenen�30- cm, Oh�,vs tU sew R. °171-17W 1. t/4c& 1/4ofaboveOF sec. e. (2) TYPE WORK 2. street ddreaa of w n lucaim, New wmwaion ❑ Repair ❑ Recondition 3. Taxa. Taa 1. our ❑ Conversion ❑D 4. ATTACH MAP WITH LOCATION DENTWIED. (3) DRILLINGMETHOD (7) STATIC WATER LEVEL: ❑ Rmary Air ❑Rotary Mud ❑ Cable yaj_FL beinw land surface. Date 15-3-9/ R Hollow Stem Auger ❑ Odrer Artesian Presame lb/sq. in. Daze Yes No 60ISundards N 1K CJ 01m (5) WELL TEST: ❑Pump ❑Bailer a" (S) WATER BEARING ZONES: r� Deptbof mmplcred well [t. Deohat which warer was firs[ found From To &LFlow Rare SWL Lend surface cmd ❑ ❑ ❑ Water -tight wver urfacetlushvaalt m. i Locking rvp a" ),di m ter Welded Thrmad cmd ❑ ❑ ❑ Liner dianeter m. Welded Threaded Glued ❑ ❑ ❑ (9) WELL LOG: DCmmnee plug a leasl2 R.lhi k Sc. dmaterial r' interval('). From TO� From To Slm siu�n`t in. ❑ Air ❑ Flowing Artesian Yield GPM Conduc[Iviry PH Temperatureofwa[er-(_°FIC Depthanesiunflowfiend f. WaswateranalysisdoneT ❑Y.LKNo Depth of strain to be analyzd. From &m (� Remarks: Name of supervising Geulogiat/EngineerGejO :Y in f&LD2 1 (mbonded) Meeker Well Consuucror Ces ifmtion: I certify that me work I performed on rhe mnu ued., almratiov, or abandomemt of this well is in compllan with Oregon well eons ra tion araMards. Materials usd and irrformmim reported above are veto the beat kmwldg�Je aDMn,,b'e7lief.n� 1 ,, L ' / Signed ffrrw"c(4„r D CNumbes//�Y (bodd) Monitor Well Conswaor Ces icadon: I accept responsibility for do cayswction, alteration, of abandomnml workperformed on this well during [he/�ybnatr a ion dates repotted above. All work reddened during this time is iry/}bmplience with Oregon well mastructim stand d.. � s[of knowledgemCNo aebor/�O/, RECEIVED JUN 5 199, WATER RESOURCES DEPT. SALEM, OREGON " F -1-i cf) z 0 r.�w 0 01 a. o < 0 W WM li 05: o w� c OW O w 0 w cf) z p r.�w 0 01 z o < 0 W w 0 z o w� 0z O w 0 w W a3 z 0 z < m ltN 'IS Hloh p r.�w <Z 01 z mo z 0 W w 0 o w� Z 0WU w W a3 ltN 'IS Hloh w I ca w w I (y Start Card# (1) OWNERIPROJECT: WELL e— NL.UAA4 h . m ^7L42un PJJ (2) TYPE OF WORK: New rvnstrogicar ❑ Repair ❑ Ree n Brion ❑ Canversion ❑ Deepening ❑ Abandoam ort ( LOCATION OF WELL By legal description f. Well Locat�ion: \\C�daety Towashlpl(NO S) ge (Eo Se"on � _ L N`L 114.1 114 tin1. 2. deXXV J Y+ gl in 3. Tak lotnumberof wall foram. 4. ATTACH MAP WITH LOCATION MENTIFHiD. (3) DRILLING METHOD ❑ Roan, Air E]Rotary Mud Hollow Stem Auger ❑ Odaw E]Cabli, (7) STATIC WATER LEVEL: �,/ below, land surface. Daze "/ — 1(� — qz ArtesianPrasure Ib/sgAn. Dare (4) BOREHOLE CONSTRUCTION + dtamemr—�—� . Yes No (S) WATER BEARING ZONES: sialsrandards ❑ Depth of awmptemd well 1b- ft. - Depth a[which water was firsrfound - From To Es[. Plow Acte SWL i Lana anrfa,e •i vat, r Water-tight. �TO� It. surface Flush vmrh Locking rap _ i•r ' �srrg 7. (9) WELL LOG: cronna elevation _. .... 0 z_y (s) WELL TEST: ❑Pomp ❑Bailer Bentonitep�uu plus to least 2 fi. thick m ,/0 son., V ()- C— From -� From � To I 0 - From_To Slot anti L5 —1.._ ❑ Air ❑ Flowing Amid. Yield GPM ConductivityPH Tempcmture.f wamr ?ii(aOIC Depth artesian Flow found R. Was water analy s done�Yes F-1No By wham? S' Depth of strain to be analyuA. Prom ft 10 Remarks: __— Name of supervising Geologist/Engineer fJ f 14 ORIGINAL & FIRST COPY -WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT - (uabonded) Monitor Well Conswdor Cenificawn: - I certify the the work I perform l on the covssmetion, alteration, or abandonmantvf this well is is compliance with Oregon well c.nsnudion standards. Materials used and information reported above am—to the best It led and belief. Cr be'COL, Sign" N+""'tom Date (bonded) Moniter Well Constmcmr Certification: I aempt responsibility forte crrannoti.n, alteration, or abandonment work performed on tlis well during the const cmn dares reported above. All work performed during this time is N c with Oregon well .."eartion standards. Tids mPorc is me to tofmy knowledge and belief. / MWC Numb, Signed D. G SE COPY -C NSTRUCTOR TIIIRDCOPY-OUSTOMER i + dtamemr—�—� . rM1 material:Pl . . i •i We0 Thrl GOd r PC1 Seal L r1. diameter mderiat i Welded Threaded Glued TO+ Eli+ ❑ ❑ Well seal: r• ter. .. Amo 'fT�r 0 z_y (s) WELL TEST: ❑Pomp ❑Bailer Bentonitep�uu plus to least 2 fi. thick m ,/0 son., V ()- C— From -� From � To I 0 - From_To Slot anti L5 —1.._ ❑ Air ❑ Flowing Amid. Yield GPM ConductivityPH Tempcmture.f wamr ?ii(aOIC Depth artesian Flow found R. Was water analy s done�Yes F-1No By wham? S' Depth of strain to be analyuA. Prom ft 10 Remarks: __— Name of supervising Geologist/Engineer fJ f 14 ORIGINAL & FIRST COPY -WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT - (uabonded) Monitor Well Conswdor Cenificawn: - I certify the the work I perform l on the covssmetion, alteration, or abandonmantvf this well is is compliance with Oregon well c.nsnudion standards. Materials used and information reported above am—to the best It led and belief. Cr be'COL, Sign" N+""'tom Date (bonded) Moniter Well Constmcmr Certification: I aempt responsibility forte crrannoti.n, alteration, or abandonment work performed on tlis well during the const cmn dares reported above. All work performed during this time is N c with Oregon well .."eartion standards. Tids mPorc is me to tofmy knowledge and belief. / MWC Numb, Signed D. G SE COPY -C NSTRUCTOR TIIIRDCOPY-OUSTOMER �yTATE OF OREGON '1% O14TORING WELL REPORT S (as required by ORS 537.965 & OAR 690-240-095) --- (1) - (1) onsauction ❑ Altecafion(Ri aioRo, o.didon) ❑ Co version ❑ Deepening ❑ Abandonment E(FIVE® SEP 2 11994 start car n RHES ` )W6tt4CATIONOFWELLBylejaldescription Weli Locafio¢ Counry - - i� ]bwashipa� Nor S) Forage `Lj IT or W) Seed. L14 _I J/4 of -1/ fabow' eti v 2.*ee Sweet s flocafi + — eX orTinjuanund, o well location _ 3. ATTACH MAPINITII LOCATION IDENTIFIED. Map shall include approximate scale and north snow. ❑ Rotery Ah ❑ Rotary Mud ❑ Cable _ %h . Bt. below land surface. P[ollow StemAuger ❑ Othar - Artesian Pressure lin"'. in. BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION Yes No tial Standards ❑ '�jt Depthof completed well ft. (8) WATER BEARING ZONES(Q' Depth at which water was fust found TO pRall 1 To 1 Est. Flow Rate (9) WELL LOG: Ground elevation (5) WELLTESM Pump -❑Bailer ❑Ahr _ - ❑ Flowing Auesiav Condacdvity - PH Temperance of water - - Depth anestnn flow found R. Was waars�s doveP Yes No By whom':�iU1�J� Deem of strataC bs, sudyzed. From ft. to - ft. Remarks: Nameofsupervising Geologist/ ngineer ORIGINAL & FIRST COPY -WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Date started Compleed nbbnded) Monitor Wll Consramr Catificafiom I certtfv that the work 1 vcrtormed on me constrv<tlon. altecadon. or this are tme to Signed Dal j". 44• (bonde Monitor Well@o nsnun.,Certificadrut la elf cespona do, during th, oniwu,terafiamorabavdoab. work performed on ibis well daring the constrnee w th 0 repotted above. All work performed during Nis time is in compliance with Oregon well construction standards. This report is hoe to the best ofmyFmwledge and belief. MWCNumber SignedLam' ate SE PY-CONS CTOR THIRD COPYAUSTOMER .,' .' 5ter in ran�,���■i E� -d Twordecl Glued 11 El (5) WELLTESM Pump -❑Bailer ❑Ahr _ - ❑ Flowing Auesiav Condacdvity - PH Temperance of water - - Depth anestnn flow found R. Was waars�s doveP Yes No By whom':�iU1�J� Deem of strataC bs, sudyzed. From ft. to - ft. Remarks: Nameofsupervising Geologist/ ngineer ORIGINAL & FIRST COPY -WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Date started Compleed nbbnded) Monitor Wll Consramr Catificafiom I certtfv that the work 1 vcrtormed on me constrv<tlon. altecadon. or this are tme to Signed Dal j". 44• (bonde Monitor Well@o nsnun.,Certificadrut la elf cespona do, during th, oniwu,terafiamorabavdoab. work performed on ibis well daring the constrnee w th 0 repotted above. All work performed during Nis time is in compliance with Oregon well construction standards. This report is hoe to the best ofmyFmwledge and belief. MWCNumber SignedLam' ate SE PY-CONS CTOR THIRD COPYAUSTOMER 16 10 rl SEP 2' 1994 NATER RES�=uit..w ..ar i SALEM, OREGON SITE M'A ®1u,w-1 E mw -� �T STATE OF OREGON (aa (1) OWNER/PROJECT. New construction ❑ Abaration(A_epairrsamondition) ❑ Conversion ❑ 1)eepenidg ❑ Abandonment ❑ Rotary Air ❑ Rotary Mud F1 Cable Hollow Stem Auger ❑_011ier F(FlI ) BORE HOLE CONSTRUCTION Yes No al Standards Depthofeompletedwell in fc. Iand surface Seal I r. TO 4 ft. 0 Filter k IaH. TO 20 ft. Whtentighl cover Surface Flush vault Locking cap material Welded Threaded Glued ❑ ® ❑ Line Start By legal description Township I Ib (Nor S)Range KLN (Eau W) SeNon OG 1. NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of above section. 2. Either Shentaddensofweuloradon4605 S. Main St. Springfield, Oregon 97477 or Tar lot number of wall location 17-02-32-42-1000 3. ATTACH MAP WITH LOCATION HIENTIFTED. Map shall include approximate scale and north arrow. (7) STATIC WATER LEVEL: 7.5 R. below land surface. Date 3-9-95 Artesian press. — lWsq. in. Date (8) WATER BEARING ZONES: Depth atwhich water was first found 7.5 _ From In at. Flow Rate SWL (9) WELLLOG: Gmund elevation AM 490' diameter -- m.) material Welded Threaded Gland ❑ ❑ ❑____ Well seal: Mamcmi Bentonite Amount 3/8" 150 lbs) Gmutweight 14.1 lbs/gi Bomholedismeter Bevtoite plug at lona[ 3 Pi. Nick Scre —material Sch 40 PVC imerval(s): From 5' To 20' From — To — Slo[siz�2 m Ftlte[ pack: Material Silica sand sim 10-20 111 (5) WELLTEST. ❑Pump ❑Bailer _ F] Air ❑ Flowing Artesian Conductivity — PH — Temperatem.fwater 55 'FIC Depth artesian flow based ft. Was water malYsis nom'! ®Yes OW - BY whomv unknown Depth of svata w be analyzed. From _ _ 5' ft. to 20 ft. Nameofsupervising Geologist/Eagineer Alen Martin ORIGINAL As MST COPYWATERRESOURCES DEPARTMENT Datestarted 3/9/95 Complated �1 /C) /C) (vobouded) Name., )sell Consvuctor Ceniflcadom I certify that the work I perfumed W the const[actioq alteration, o[ abandonment of this welt is In compliance with Oregon well comounaton starotsm, Materials used and irmatmems. repm[Ind above are true to the best knowledge and belief. MWC Number (bonded) Mmaim[ WEII Consavem, Certihea me I accept responsibility for the sumbanction, alteration, or abandormte nt work performed on this well during the coastmctiov dates reported above. All work performed during this time is in compliance with Omgon well covswcaon standards. This ma 1^ me to the best of mWcarledge and belief. MWC Nmuber 10288 sigae 4/9/95 SECO PYLONS CTOn T[(tD COPYLUSTOMER y•r r ..1 a_ ��— • 1 • • , 11 1 l'!fl'r'1�� Datestarted 3/9/95 Complated �1 /C) /C) (vobouded) Name., )sell Consvuctor Ceniflcadom I certify that the work I perfumed W the const[actioq alteration, o[ abandonment of this welt is In compliance with Oregon well comounaton starotsm, Materials used and irmatmems. repm[Ind above are true to the best knowledge and belief. MWC Number (bonded) Mmaim[ WEII Consavem, Certihea me I accept responsibility for the sumbanction, alteration, or abandormte nt work performed on this well during the coastmctiov dates reported above. All work performed during this time is in compliance with Omgon well covswcaon standards. This ma 1^ me to the best of mWcarledge and belief. MWC Nmuber 10288 sigae 4/9/95 SECO PYLONS CTOn T[(tD COPYLUSTOMER .,} b 1q:j7 st LSA PAGE 02 JJ Jp UA APR 14 1995 NA, OREGOU t �,071 ftdft t. Soda 1:31,250 (It ewtt) pvw.6. li-Y R". 1-5oo0 Feet Mug 14.00 Fu 03 14.30:27 1995 St.W Reirme, 0.0 Feature Town, SmA City � StIfe Reece Hill © retrte" Kiii,..y intontete, T.,apke Rechoad Alillold River Street, R. -a Lend Maes NOTICE TO WATER WELL CONTRACTOR The original and first copy of this report are to be filed with the WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT. sALEM, OREGON 87310 within 30 days from the data of well c.mpl,tlah. WATER WELL REPORT STATE OF OREGON (Please type or print) (Do at Write abase this line) (1) OWNER: Name Robert WiltfonR A ldreas 421 3. 47th St. RDnin¢fj.jd_ OR 07L77 _ (2) TYPE OF WORK (check): New Wan M Deepening ❑. Reeondmmning ❑ Abandon ❑ If abandonment, describe material and procedure in Item 15. (3) TYPE OF WELL: (4) PROPOSED USE (check): roo.cy in Driven ❑ Domestic M Industrial ❑ Municipal ❑ Jetted ❑ ❑ ❑ Rated ❑ Irrigation p Test Well ❑ Other ❑ (5) CASING INSTALLED: Threaded ❑ Welded ...._..6 ._. main. from __. {1„__ It. to 19..._ ft. cage ._..250_..._.. Diam. from ..__...___.__ n. to _____.._._..._. ft. Gage Diem. from ....._.._..__.... n. to _.____.__ ft Gage (6) PERFORATIONS: Perforated? ❑ Yes M No. Type of perforator used Size of perforations N. by in. .......... ... perforations from ._.____E, to ._....... perforations from n. to _.__..._........ ...._. f[. _ _._ .. _ perforation. from _..__..__. _.._._._ft. to.. n. (7) SCREENS: wall screen matanee? ❑ Ye. M No Menufacturer'a Name .____...._— .... ........ __..___ Type__..._______.__ .... ...................... .._____«__ Model No. __....... ...__.._.. Diam.._.___._ Slot size ...... —_ Set from _.... .._..... _ ft. to .___._.___.w. ft. Diam. ___._...... Slot size ....._._ set 4om ______.-_.-1t to —___ __ ft. (8) WELL TESTS: levet a lowered below sttart.1 vel 40 a pump test made? ❑ Yes M No If yes by whom? feld: gal./min. with n. drawdown after hrs. Air 15 •gal./mm. with 13 x. drawdown after 1 hrs of g..m Temperature of water Depth artesian now encountered .. w n. (9) CONSTRUCTION: Well seal—Material used Portland Cement Well aealed from land surface f Diameter of well bore to bottom of seal..G._.�.q.._.___.,_ In. Diameter of wen bore below seal ......___ V ......_ in.. Number o1 sacks of cement used in well seal .. _.,., sacks Row was cement grout placed?po1D^ed thru tremae _ Was a drive shoe used? ® Yes ❑ No Plugs ....._.._ Size: location __._ n. Oltl any strafe on[aln u gable wa[v?� Yep ®No Type of water? c depth of strata Method of seahni, strata off _ Was well 1 eked? 0Was well i packed? ❑ Yes Size Gravel blared from ft to .... , ft State Well No. 'State Permit No. (10) LOCATION OF WELL: County Lane Und er's well number _ -il rS Section uP T. Dearing aad distance from section or subdivision ao _..- (11) WATER LEVEL: Completed well. Depth at which water ares amt found 20 fL _ State level 8 ft. below land surface. Data 8-27-80 _ Artesian pressure His. per square men. Date (12) WELL LOG: Diameter of well below awing ___ 61-1. _.— Depth drilled 36 n. Depth of completed wen 21 ft. Formation: Describe colon, modure, grain size and etavcture of materials; and show thickness and naturt of each stratum and .puffer penetrated. with at least one entry for each change of formation. Report eaeh Lit.... In positfo¢ of Static Water Level and indicate principal water -bearing strata. Work started 8-27 1980 Completed 8-27 1980 _ Date well do ling machine moved aft of well 8-27 1980 Drilling Maclaine Operator's (iertification: _ This well was constructed under my direct supervisiom Materials used and information reported above me true to my best knowl�efig{e).n/3 bell [Signed] --.<.f. k1 �L�'4'N.7Y�T"�.__. Date _._a -2f?..., 1B $Q. :.._. (DrmUe Machine Overetw) Drilling Machine OperatoYs License No......... 169._ Water Well Covtlmdtor'g Oertificatiov: r. _.. To t well was drilled under a jurisdiction belief. and this report is true to the best o1 m9 knowledge and belief. Name _Casel..SDnea..Well_Drilling..Go_,._Inc._...___... an Con or corp tt N (Tyva or pMx) Address 34�naee Immigrant Rd-. easant; Hills__QR. [signed] tw w o-amar)Contractor'o, .559 Date ...... Q-28 19W( (USE ADDITIONAL SHEETS or NECESSARY) aa• IcN a zas'N Sol Map—lane County Area, Oregon (Cherry Springs Apartments ) t a F l4a Raa1:2,WffprntaJan A portrait(aSr.11')fiai. a N IA�s 0 M M W 210 b A a m am Vy POJ¢lm: W�hHr3a CnmrrmwtlYala:1W584 fbgeEa: NM2me10N Nk584 LiNatural Resources Web Soil Survey Sr27/2020 Conservation Serme National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 a 3 a• sc'N Shc Map—Lane County Area, Oregon (Cherry Springs Apartments) _SD, Natural Resources web Sol Survey &272D2D all Conservation Service National Cooperative Shc Survey Page 2 of 3 MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area at Were. tA09 Spot Area The sal surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at Area of Interest(AOI) 1:20,090. Q Stany Spat Soils Very Sony Spa Waming: Shc Map may not be vapid al Mrs scale. 0 Soil Map Unit Polygons 9 VJrf Spot p Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause ,.,. Soil Map Unic Lines misunderslantling of the tletail of mapping and accuracy of soil 4 Other line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of Soil Map Unit Points contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed Special Line FeeNres Special Point Features scale. Lg Blowout water Features Streams and Canals Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map ® Boraw Pit measurements. Trenspartatian Clay Spot Rails Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service 0 Closed Depression Web Soil SurveyLIRL: Interstate Highways Coordinate System: web Mercator(EPSG:3B5]) Gravel Pit US Routes Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator Gravely Spa Malor Roads projection, which preserves and shape but ion that schdistorts and area, projection that preserves area, such as the ® Landfill Local Roads Abersdistance o Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more Lara Flaw accurate calculations of distance or area are req uired, Background aga Marsh or swamp . Aerial Photography This productis generated from the USDi certified data as of Ne version dates) listed below. * Mine or Query Sur Survey Area: Lane County regon ® Miscellaneous Ydscer 202D Survey Area Data: Version 17, Jun 11, 2020 un 11, ® Perennial wazer Shc map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales y, Rock Outcrop 1:50,099 or larger. A Saline Spot Dates) aerial images were photographed: Jun 12, 20191 19, 2019 Sandy Spot The odhophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were Severely Eroded Spot compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor Sinkhole shifting ofmap and boundaries may be evident. �p Slide or Slip Sodic Spot _SD, Natural Resources web Sol Survey &272D2D all Conservation Service National Cooperative Shc Survey Page 2 of 3 Sal Map�ane Connty Area, Oregon Map Unit Legend Cherry Springs Apartments LSIA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 927/2020 iMi Conservation Serme National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 ot3 Map Unit Symbd Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Pescara of AOI 32 Caburgi ffian land cornplex 1.5 5.2% 101 Oxleyi ffian land cornplex 6.9 23.7% 119 Salem -Urban land complex MA 71.1% Totals far Areaoflraesest 290 100.0% LSIA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 927/2020 iMi Conservation Serme National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 ot3 Map Unit Description: Salon -Urban lend ccrnplex--Lane County Area, Oregon Cherry Springs Apartments Lane County Area, Oregon 119—Salem-Urban land complex Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 2341 Elevation. 300 to 800 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 52 to 54 degrees F Frost -free period. 165 to 210 days Farmland classification. Farm land of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Salem and similar soils. 50 percent Urban land. 40 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and trensects of the mapunit. Description of Salem Setting Landfomt: Stream terraces Landfomt position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Linear Across -slope shape: Linear Parent material. Gravelly mixed alluvium Typical profile H1 - 0 to 7 inches: gravelly silt loam H2-7to26inches. gravelly clay loam H3 - 26 to 60 inches: very gravelly sand Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 3 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class. Well drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high to high (0.57 to 1.98 in/hr) Depth to watertable: More than 80 inches Frequency of floodirg: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water capacity. Low (about 4.8 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): 2s Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 2s Hydrologic Soil Group: B Forage suitability group: Well drained < 15% Slopes (G002XY0020R) Other vegetative classification. Well drained < 15% Slopes (G002XY0020R) Hydric sal rating. No LSM Natural Resources Weld Soil Survey 9r2]/2020 it Conservation Serves National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 ot2 Map Unit Description: Satan -Urban land ccrnplex--Lane County Area, Oregon Cherry Springs Apartments Description of Urban Land Interpretive groups Lard capability classification (irrigated): None specified Lard capability classification (nonirrigated): 8 Hydric sal rating. No Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Lane County Area, Oregon Survey Area Data: Version 17, Jun 11, 2020 LSM Natural Resources Web Soil Survey arZ/=o it Conservation Service National Cooperatirve Soil Survey Page 2 ort Map Unit Description: Oxley -Urban land cornplex--lane Cmnty Area, Oregon Cherry Springs Apartments Lane County Area, Oregon 101—Oxley-Urban land complex Map Unit Setting National map unit symbol. 2339 Elevation. 170 to 800 feet Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 60 inches Mean annual air temperature: 50 to 54 degrees F Frost -free period. 165 to 210 days Farmland classification. Farm land of statewide importance Map Unit Composition Oxley and similar soils: 45 percent Urban land. 40 percent Minor components: 5 percent Estimates are based on observations, descriptions, and transects of the mapunit. Description of Oxley Setting Landform: Terraces Landform position (three-dimensional): Tread Down-slope shape: Concave Across -slope shape: Concave Parent material. Mixed gravelly alluvium Typical profile Hl-Oto17inches. gravelly silt loam H2 - 17 to 23 inches: gravelly clay loam H3 - 23 to 41 inches: very gravelly clay loam H4 - 41 to 60 inches: extremely gravelly sandy loam Properties and qualities Slope: 0 to 3 percent Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches Drainage class. Somewhat poorly drained Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high (0.20 to 0.57 in/hr) Depth to watertable: About 6 to 18 inches Frequency of flooding: None Frequency of ponding: None Available water capacity. Moderate (about 6.6 inches) Interpretive groups Land capability classification (irrigated): 3w Land capability classification (nonirrigated): 3w Hydrologic Soil Group: C/D Forage suitability group: Somewhat Poorly Drained (GO02XY0050R) LSM Natural Resources Wieb Soil Survey arZr=o it Conservation Serves National Cooperative Soil Survey Pagel oft Map Unit Description: OAey-Uffiw land cornplex--lane County Area, Oregon Cherry Springs Apartments Other vegetative classification. Somewhat Poorly Drained (G002XY0050R) Hydric sal rating. No Description of Urban Land Interpretive groups Lard capability classification (irrigated): None specified Lard capability classification (nonirrigated): 8 Hydric sal rating. No Minor Components Courtney Percent of map unit: 5 percent Landform: Depressions Hydric sal rating: Yes Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Lane County Area, Oregon Survey Area Data: Version 17, Jun 11, 2020 LSM Natural Resources Web Soil Survey arZ//2020 211 Conservation Serves National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 ort APPENDIX B: Recommended Earthwork Specifications GEOTECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS General Earthwork t. All areas where structural fills, fill slopes, structures, or roadways are to be constructed shall be stripped of organic topsoil and cleared of surface and subsurface deleterious material, including but limited to vegetation, roots, or other organic material, undocumented fill, construction debris, soft or unsuitable soils as directed by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record. These materials shall be removed from the site or stockpiled in a designated location for reuse in landscape areas if suitable for that purpose. Existing utilities and structures that are not to be used as part of the project design or by neighboring facilities, shall be removed or properly abandoned, and the associated debris removed from the site. z. Upon completion of site stripping and clearing, the exposed soil and/or rock shall be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record or a designated representative to assess the subgrade condition for the intended overlying use. Pits, depressions, or holes created by the removal of root wads, utilities, structures, or deleterious material shall be properly cleared of loose material, benched and backfilled with fill material approved by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record compacted to the project specifications. 3. In structural fill areas, the subgrade soil shall be scarified to a depth of 4 -inches, if soil fill is used, moisture conditioned to within z% of the materials optimum moisture for compaction, and blended with the first lift of fill material. The fill placement and compaction equipment shall be appropriate for fill material type, required degree of blending, and uncompacted lift thickness. Assuming proper equipment selection, the total uncompacted thickness of the scarified subgrade and first fill lift shall not exceed 8 -inches, subsequent lifts of uncompacted fill shall not exceed fl- inches unless otherwise approved by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record. The uncompacted lift thickness shall be assessed based on the type of compaction equipment used and the results of initial compaction testing. Fine-grain soil fill is generally most effectively compacted using a kneading style compactor, such as a sheeps-foot roller; granular materials are more effectively compacted using a smooth, vibratory roller or impact style compactor. 4. All structural soil fill shall be well blended, moisture conditioned to within z% of the material's optimum moisture content for compaction and compacted to at least 9o% of the material's maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Method D-1557, or an equivalent method. Soil fill shall not contain more than to% rock material and no solid material over 3 -inches in diameter unless approved by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record. Rocks shall be evenly distributed throughout each liftof fill that they are contained within and shall not be clumped together in such away that voids ren occur. 5. All structural granular fill shall be well blended, moisture conditioned at or up to 3% above of the material's optimum moisture content for compaction and compacted to at least go% of the material's maximum dry density as determined by ASTM Method D-1557, or an equivalent method. 95% relative compaction may be required for pavement base rock or in upper lifts of the granular structural fill where a sufficient thickness of the fill section allows for higher compaction percentages to be achieved. The granular fill shall not contain solid particles over z -inches in diameter unless special density testing methods or proof -rolling is approved by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record. Granular fill is generally considered to be a crushed aggregate with a fracture surface of at least 7o% and a maximum size not exceeding t.5 -inches in diameter, well -graded with less than to%, by weight, passing the No. zoo Sieve. 6. Structural fill shall be field tested for compliance with project specifications for every 2 -feet in vertical rise or Soo cy placed, whichever is less. In-place field density testing shall be performed by a competent individual, trained in the testing and placement of soil and aggregate fill placement, using either ASTM Method D -t556/4959/4944 (Sand Cone), D-6938 (Nuclear Densometer), or D-2937/4959/4944 (Drive Cylinder). Should the fill materials not be suitable for testing by the above methods, then observation of placement, compaction and proof-rollingwith a loaded to cy dump -truck, or equivalent ground pressure equipment, by a trained individual may be used to assess and document the compliance with structural fill specifications. Utility Excavations I. Utility ezeavations are to be ezeavated to the design depth for bedding and placement and shall not be over-ezeavated. Trench widths shall only be of sufficient width to allow placement and proper construction of the utility and backfill of the trench. z. Backfilling of a utility trench will be dependent on its location, use, depth, and utility line material type. Trenches that are required to meet structural fill specifications, such as those under or near buildings, or within pavement areas, shall have granular material strategically compacted to at least the spring -line of the utility conduit to mitigate pipeline movement and deformation. The initial lift thickness of backfill overlying the pipeline will be dependent on the pipeline material, type of backfill, and the compaction equipment, so as not to cause deflection or deformation of the pipeline. Trench backfill shall conform to the General Earthwork specifications for placement, compaction, and testing of structural fill. Geotextiles I. All geotextiles shall be resistant to ultraviolet degradation, and to biological and chemical environments normally found in soils. Geotextiles shall be stored so that they are not in direct sunlight or exposed to chemical products. The use of a geotextile shall be specified and shall meet the following specification for each use. Suberade/Aggregate Separation Woven or nonwoven fabric conforming to the following physical properties: • Minimum grab tensile strength ASTM Method D-4632 ISO lb • Minimum puncture strength (CBR) ASTM Method D-6241 37116 • Elongation ASTM Method D-4632 15% • Maxi mum apparent opening size ASTM Method D-4751 No. 40 • Minimum permittivity ASTM Method D-4491 0.05 s� Drainage Filtration Woven fabricconforming to the following physical properties: • Minimum grab tensile strength ASTM Method D-4632 11016 • Minimum puncture strength (CBR) ASTM Method D-6241 220 Ib • Elongation ASTM Method D-4632 50% • Maxi mum apparent opening size ASTM Method D-4751 No. 40 • Minimum permittivity ASTM Method D-4491 0.5 s1 Geoerid Base Reinforcement Extruded biaxially ortriaxially oriented polypropylene conformingto the following physical properties: • Peak tensile strength ASTM Method D-6637 925 lb/ft • Tensile strength at 2% strain ASTM Method D-6637 300 lb/ft • Tensile strength at 5% strain ASTM Method D-6637 600 lb/ft • Flexural Rigidity ASTM Method D-13SS 250,000 mg -cm • Effective Opening Size ASTM Method D-4751 1.5x rock size O p pi D'o 0 A' 0 0 0; a oom m Tree Cluster Information des In cluster: • annus IaNdle (Oregqon Ash) • Pmnrs sp. (Blum BChoryl Possible Fill sbonwood) ba'semiloe (Califanie Black Cottonwood) Carblus: Many trees hei covered in ivy (Hecdre helix) and blackberries. ©Spedee in dueler: • Pmnrs sp. (Blum species) © 5pedeain donor: r= lefildie (Oregon Ash) OSpecies In .1 d.: •Parlous Offoba (Oregon Ash) Condition: Mossawoed 4-0 Species In cluster: •Unknown shrub species Condition: Unheanhy, moss-oovered 0-0 Spedee in duster: Pcpulus brchocerpe bdsamlloe (Callfonis Black Cottonwood) Condi on: Ok hearth CD II`A=Fduder: • Acer sp. (Ixesumpfive Noway Maple) PWwulus tachaarpe be5emnere (Caftlomia Black Cottonwood) Condition: Blackbemes growing up trunks. ® `l les In Cluster: • Unknown multi -stemmed tree/shrub Condition: Unheanhg mostly dead. ®Spedeslnduabr. •Unknown multi stemmed tree/shmb Condition: Poo, Spedee In duabr: •Acer sp. (presumpfive Noway Maple) Condition: Good. ®Spedee In euabr: • Aoersp. (presumptive Na ayy, M e) • unknown multi stemmed tee shim Condition: Blackbemes growing up trunks. ?pedes In duster: • Prunus sp. (Cherry species) • Corylus sp. Hazelnut species) Condition: Poohealth. G-0 Specles In dusted •Unknown multi stemmed tree/shrub General Notes: _ S. A,, species Identifications are inferences. For exact species, we recommend oansulting a Certified Arboist. 2. Species condition based on visual analysis only 3. Many species within free dusters were being overgrown with invasive ivy, blackberries, and/or moss. 4. Al locafions of tree clusters are splooumafe. 48th St. le� To Mein St. --4 Trees in Adjacent ROW: Speclea In duster: •Prunus sp. Cherry species) • Poppuulus ocvpa belsemllere (Califomis 9atl< Cononwaod) Ill in currier: 1 • Pmnussp.(Cherryspedes) • Po ulus Vichoozrpa belsenxlere (Cali�oma Back Cononw000) Specles In cluster: • Cei sp. (Hazelnut species) Condition: Poor hearth - blackberry infested. QSpeClealneuder: • Acer sp. (presumpfive Norway Mage) Condition: Used © Spec les In cluster: nknowm shrub species ?M Iles In cluster: •Unknown shrub species Condition: Unhe9thy; mossaovered Cleo In CludeC cimnihitlao�r�z64semaaa (Ca ifoa Black Cottonwood) Condition: Descries. ©S edes In duster: Tea Ill •Unknown shrub species • Ouocus sp. (presumptive Seel Oak) Condition: Unheanhy; blackberry, covered Con d on: Good. Tree to be protected during construction. © Sppecleslnduder: O 7M Spedex Pnvms sp. (Cherryspecies) Picee sp. (presumptive Colonel Blue Spuce) Condition: OK hearth. Condi on: Poor, damaged. Tree to be removed during constmction. 0 W 160 Fee tMl LeA � MM rutin, aort ol.dno mT� J CHERRY SPRINGS EMERGENCY ACCESS ROUTES VEHI( INFO: E -ONE HEAVY NON WALK IN RESCUE CUSTOM Overall Length: 36.083' Overall Width: 8.333 Overall Body height: 1000P Min. Body Ground Clearance: 1.3g3 Track Wil 8.333 Lock -to -[Lock Time: 6.00s Max. Meet Angle: 45.00' Meet to Whe9: 38.086 1 yatae-0xEVI]MINQk-WALK-I11 RaRSGIEr SOURCE INFO: Autodesk Vehicle Tracking for AutoCAD Cron 3D 1 1 F 11 11 --- 11 0 gig N OW 0100 �J .la EGEGE REYNOLDSCTMba INC PART OF THE RSC FAMILII Submittal For Approval Product Light Fixtures Project Cherry Springs Apartments Reynolds Electric Project #21-60015 Submitted By Reynolds Electric 2/12/2021 w�REYNOLDS mmmmm%, EL.ECT"m INC � PART OF THE RSC FAMILY TYPE A KAX1-LED-Pi-50K-R3-MVOLT-RPA-PER-DBLXD KAX LED Size 1 LED Area Luminaire r� 1 Specifications EPA: 0.7 ft' ronrmq W Length: 25 wan) Width: 1301.) a,a"1 Height 7-3/4"FIL 0.) Weight 2616s (meal: 6ll H I xune;. KAXI-LED-PI-50K-R3-MVOLT-RPA-PER-I CHERRY SPRINGS SITE LIGHTING M1P A xau.rakr•ma�wau.ouw..,r.a.,.a..ene�" 4M• Capable Luminaire This item is an A+ capable luminaire, which has been designed and tested to provide consistent color appearance and system -level interoperability. • All confgurations of this luminaire meet the Acuity Brands'specifcation for chromatic consistency • This luminaire is A+ Certifed when ordered with DTL® controls marked by a Laded background. DTL DLL equipped luminaires meet the A+ specification for luminaire to photocontrol interoperabilityi • This luminaire is part of an A+ Certifed solution for ROAM® or Vomit'- Wireless control networks, providing out-of-the-box control compatibility with simple commissioning, when ordered with drivers and control options marked by a background' To learn more about A+, visit wWw.acuitybrands.com/aplus. 1. See ordering tree for details. 2. A+ Certified Solutions for ROAM require the order of one ROAM node per luminaire. Sold Separately: Link to Roam; Link to DILL DLL A+GwhleopeonlMinei ....: by diSWaWdgrwM. • . — EXAMPLE: KAX1 LED P4 40K R3 MVOLT SPA DDBXD IDB LED Shipped lnAallee Shippadiunlea DDBXD DePbmme 0 HEgAmin lan �ptadi(Grarh0rders,gieff its Hexte�IdesheV = Blan 30K 3000K Type3 DHAXD SDippedinrhhd PEW Se,s.re.,MCkoaly(Cmtmhmderserese) 1. P2 40K 4000K R4 Type4 TV SPA Squaw okmouutie, DDBXD P3 - 5000K RS Type5' M8' - RouN pole mwn0ig (Irclude rw NaNpuare mounting) PIRIFOV Nee, mutbNambleaR..p&1S..,figMghtamblwtR,mreebledatlk- P4 DNAI%D T txrty.walalumlmm 240' EGS E.temxlglareshkld" DWHGXD Toturedwhite FAD F'elWdlemblewtpal 22P L/THL7N/A o"e Lthena Way • Conyers, Gw,, a 3W12 • Prone: 800,20iSEW(7328) •www ren— om .-Leo IV aa,,. CEPWO Pagel as COMMEKIALOUTD R 480' Shipped lnAallee Shippadiunlea DDBXD DePbmme 0 HEgAmin lan �ptadi(Grarh0rders,gieff its Hexte�IdesheV = Blan PERS Mewlrererer eonly (Gntmhoiderttparme75O SF Sliglefiue(1202 ,347V)' DHAXD Vualaluminum PEW Se,s.re.,MCkoaly(Cmtmhmderserese) 1. DF DaubleW2ffi240,480V)' MKKD Whre PIA B,Ine,mwbMmblentttmop&15'muuodog Mght amblrntttnmreablalat%r- Tiff Tlltaim DDBXD Totured&rkbmme PIRH Nee, mwbNxmblentremox15-30 muuadigheght amblentttmwe.blal,A- shippd".tey DBIEXD Toturedblad PIRIFOV Nee, mutbNambleaR..p&1S..,figMghtamblwtR,mreebledatlk- AS Broke DNAI%D T txrty.walalumlmm PIRHIFOV Nee, outnvamblenttemol 15-31YmourbW ughtamblenttemuemblydetlk° EGS E.temxlglareshkld" DWHGXD Toturedwhite FAD F'elWdlemblewtpal L/THL7N/A o"e Lthena Way • Conyers, Gw,, a 3W12 • Prone: 800,20iSEW(7328) •www ren— om .-Leo '. ®xn zom A—n n -,s Lemma. me Al reh. ,ed. aa,,. CEPWO Pagel as COMMEKIALOUTD R Ordering Information Cont. Accessories g'Pe — rha flolml-SSLMnoaM° 7R'1° oLuanlswLu Ibme-'Peai gL,.Rm DawPLSLutu IbmJ-lau1° OSMOAISBN S�oningrap° NMPOOBq II �[AyfinW lml^gbabraEapmr .111 I'Mu aandI M, ri .,IK13flall mI @, 1N .D.II BMrplbr um8611 ote,I glare reletl AXI N mmb(IIX 6 M I II VaII w IltaReV For more mommi ontona. viaif DTL aN ROAM online. NANDNOLEORIENU71011 C D B A_. 11,RN k Templaten To of Pole I OW' ?aro' 12 PLC51 w .s WOEP dRoa- wlan're aaa.all-ham, ot,l z nrvovadv 1X 277 or ERI Nd, mlID.mvlsam 113. 3 MnRN,aI,parN PID, 2➢ r3ANwMnaNd, 3Fapro, a rontep=ihem, 2m,eramvwl.neraeno DFepeen. s L PER onall Nkedpapa. 6 Pl1. teiteaaMaFipped NN ,bemiNadN rel&mfmm N oapenrz left m rlrtSee annRo.3M Rio Cap lop WN. ] Nmmen,.—memo TI LaneN Miliipµdmazparrtellrehom Am'jBraMeContro6.3bRioGplrclu4l. 0 "a— PER Ion poen. 9 Pekrenre h, tk,tRa,mmm,,mr to me LurtoreliG 10 No[aaaiU6k m N orpeme edrepem. 11 moavaila6km a xpbe NpPIny, re ,phn, ee PERTI.. 12 or.,oimlo 2 -.'Io G e leaified wild PER ept'm.$x PER iedeonpye3. 13 Zrmewb23/0'me4amlMnamed) . Neddllilg llanerclalu re:a of healzatdegreefmm hzlldhae(ddaltzide A) d tNkB, SdeB eB&0 SdSdeB&( Pn1MDakah tle&L&0 rSStla0.B,L0 Nae PMexlurtinareyeL#clivp'krammdaure Voleiay.,Remo 0.o 1 e5•@W 1 4 W 1 35•@YP 1 r@YP 143•@120°1 f'@130° 133 @120°1 3„m12T �aaaaaaaa 3emn0.D. smlewlt 2a1B0' 2aYP rea12@ ntso° ease 9@I20'ISPvuM Poleadj To eee om,late phorm-nic manno or download im film for tFie pmdua,viI Lithonia Lighting a KA Ara Light homepaya. Ieolwtwndla plole for the YA%1 LED P64PK. Diear,me are l n unite of mounting height 1301. NONE MEMO ■■■'■m■■■ MMOORE '. L/TNL7N/A One Lthonie Way • Conyers, Georgia 33012 • Phone: 8K)C,70 RV (73]8) • Pmw lltMniamm .-LED .11 2.D Aain grand ugmmg, to Al righo reeawed. Ra”. mna2'm Pagez A4 COMMERCNLOUTDOOR ■ENNEN■■ ■■ENE■■■ ■■ERNM■■ ■■■MO■MMMOME ■■ENNEIVE ■■It■■SII■■ ■■MNO ■■ ■■\\MEWM■ ■■■►'i■■■ MENEMOSE I ENRI WME MEWSOMME ENNEN■ ■■■■■ '. L/TNL7N/A One Lthonie Way • Conyers, Georgia 33012 • Phone: 8K)C,70 RV (73]8) • Pmw lltMniamm .-LED .11 2.D Aain grand ugmmg, to Al righo reeawed. Ra”. mna2'm Pagez A4 COMMERCNLOUTDOOR ■ENNEN■■ ■■ENE■■■ ■■ERNM■■ MEMIZZIMME ■■ENNEIVE ■■It■■SII■■ ■■MNO ■■ ■■\\MEWM■ ■■■►'i■■■ :. MENNEN ■ '. L/TNL7N/A One Lthonie Way • Conyers, Georgia 33012 • Phone: 8K)C,70 RV (73]8) • Pmw lltMniamm .-LED .11 2.D Aain grand ugmmg, to Al righo reeawed. Ra”. mna2'm Pagez A4 COMMERCNLOUTDOOR ■■ENE■■■ ■■ERNM■■ ■■ENNEIVE ■■It■■SII■■ ' ■■■■■1I■■ - ■EL_EJl■ '. L/TNL7N/A One Lthonie Way • Conyers, Georgia 33012 • Phone: 8K)C,70 RV (73]8) • Pmw lltMniamm .-LED .11 2.D Aain grand ugmmg, to Al righo reeawed. Ra”. mna2'm Pagez A4 COMMERCNLOUTDOOR MONO .. . Lumen Ambient Temperature Electrical Load (LAT) Multipliers us 0—fiaanmd.enee ,.I.m.w,m..amwrm,.,.,.A..�ai.m rams=�wnt�asa°c 13z.13rFl. 'SM1aded rel4 irclW..tlrv.dMamicremlxreN.ran'^3. ® in P2 v3 n Projected LED Lumen Maintenance upon sumo tmpoo maga coag cam Weep uIunteede Ipso lESNATM414 l minuduluny nd wl'd W W 4MC Motion Sensor Default Settings 0pniun Dlmmedside Ilign LrellwM1en vNi¢ei M Arellllme amv mp'up A'dwrn triggered) 0perarion Time Time Nnmwed OAypN01Fl e NSredndirnrirg katlsandma - 'Mredndirnrglodsm Ine on no no un 'Mredbdirnrrglepim WeSGWed Anfpnem dry Marren,. e W.dbdirnmg kaisand. ape Mdredindlmming lWoure dry One One d. le.m,e W.dbdimmg kadiandM1,a pulp .91 dry ,une ap, One Nfredbdimrirg kaisandma Projected LED Lumen Maintenance upon sumo tmpoo maga coag cam Weep uIunteede Ipso lESNATM414 l minuduluny nd wl'd W W 4MC Motion Sensor Default Settings 0pniun Dlmmedside Ilign LrellwM1en vNi¢ei M Arellllme amv mp'up A'dwrn triggered) 0perarion Time Time Nnmwed OAypN01Fl e NSredndirnrirg katlsandma - 'Mredndirnrglodsm W5resGlpedietlefvere ROW W.dbdirom, limped. - 'Mredbdirnrrglepim WeSGWed Anfpnem dry Marren,. e W.dbdirnmg kaisand. - Mdredindlmming lWoure dry µ5reifngied lniiiefirture K.repoer le.m,e W.dbdimmg kadiandM1,a pulp wreifnpped in di dry 1 e Nfredbdimrirg kaisandma Wed bdlmming lWdim ver Wireifngied in di . Rmmvdai . vol.wA � uenwe P4 swunemne 1. 1. 1. Tana now Projected LED Lumen Maintenance upon sumo tmpoo maga coag cam Weep uIunteede Ipso lESNATM414 l minuduluny nd wl'd W W 4MC Motion Sensor Default Settings 0pniun Dlmmedside Ilign LrellwM1en vNi¢ei M Arellllme amv mp'up A'dwrn triggered) 0perarion Time Time Nnmwed OAypN01Fl e NSredndirnrirg katlsandma - 'Mredndirnrglodsm W5resGlpedietlefvere ROW W.dbdirom, limped. - 'Mredbdirnrrglepim WeSGWed Anfpnem dry Marren,. e W.dbdirnmg kaisand. - Mdredindlmming lWoure dry µ5reifngied lniiiefirture K.repoer A W.dbdimmg kadiandM1,a Wimindlmming lWoure wreifnpped in di dry FiYrepod'wlM1Matim e Nfredbdimrirg kaisandma Wed bdlmming lWdim ver Wireifngied in di . Rmmvdai . vol.wA � uenwe v�mrmmmm W rc:wynmeNrne mmdimeemmre FAD Setting iM kinin, InpNW. Adio Lumeiu Adio Lumen Output Lunmw6—iOmdwPei nm. may n.en tla�sem,154Am']Am.wr.'ammdaed rube,eFme^rarrv.ultlremrifigv.o0mdnxn. wilM1intlrerula.rcn.Ilwed Ly Inning Ex6. Comxrlegpy6 e '. L/TNON/A _ L/GHT/NG. COMMERCL4LOl1TDOOR One liNonia Way • Conyers, Georgia"12 • PMne: 800-701 (73]8) • mrvmv. nebunieeum 0411-RWO Acuity Bram Light, Inc. Al righb reveenni KA -LED Re, 02/ /A Page3du FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE TM1IS fieri rich lwuna—miLuu— the M1ighest level ollunctionalitywith es aordl",yeMury wM1lchm msyomapphustnefa�—cy,lding mg, levl"llghtlor mal cog yedfially sh ma jum Sizad pek'mg lob Ilke baulq agaman4 Service stations mPmate offices and SXipmmalla l o CONSTRUCTION Sepaated dlawtalum mtest sinkandm ntirga m all mummum airfiorvand alad aledriulwrryapmenb topm ooloFaratinga anba anding componantlila. TM1le modular design all—for seal ma and lutwe light engine upg odes. TM1e KAafeaWree afieldrobbbla Wtialaasminlyenablingoothafi/adjust whenpla,schange.andu batilted upwards it naceaaryloraddltional lowak tM1rowThe M1ousing I5 completely—ledagainet moi5tuaand anmm�manpl wnbminanb11 P6Q. Low EPAIU.] ftf for Wtlmlmd wlewlnd Iwding_ FINISH Estedor W RS aapmteca d b/a...Nnlused Super Duabla TOEthem:md porkercwtf ush that prwldesstpar e5154nao mlonandweathadng Atlghtlym mlledmultlatyepmnea emweas m3mlk thldnen fare finka h that n Wthsbnd ag ge eewl me dlmuhangthout crackingm haling. Awilahlem beth axmred and nontesstad finishes. OPTICS ndlvldally fomaci acrylldens as as englnaead for superior gpllation efficle, which mmimiaee tha light in ihaareaswhare it is mmt needed. Lightangines cera a+ailabla in 3JW K. µpO Kor5W0 K Im mumNCRpconfigmans. In lbsbndaud confg,nmon the KAX has m upllghtard qualifies oa,afimima FiendlynateLlnWntit ITupt with thetual send Green G lob a^ ilarialorallminating watalul uptight WitF iha TlLTopllon.iha Wtiulaarrblyun he raised up to BUdegaee loraddltional bward throrvorto prwida sapiul Illummtlion. ELECTRICAL Dghtanglne151configuallon const of Mgh-eMcac LEDs mummad to metal—e ut bwrdso mM1aaLdlslpaLlonandpmmNalong llla l>LW/1 WigW Faursl Clawl alegmnlcddsa cess Geslgned to Fa'aa ponarlatlor>5Y1%. THD c2]%, andan espectad Ilk 0111111AW M1ou aEaily Se ce�latUkV surgapmtectiondevlce mee¢ammimumGtegoryC Lowcpamtionlwr ANSI/IEEEC6?at.A. INSTALLATR)N Theb wol M1emo ntingarmfeat a veralmo mmgte:mlat tobdlletequldand eary'm5411gion. Mou ting bulb katming a 1OW-M1ou alt fog finish ar utihaed to .the aprwlding up race 15G dbation load ating par AN51 C1$31. TM1e KA%utlllms the AERI$^' as poladrilling pXa n. Optional bi-Iesel rmLon Sanwr and NEMA3.5 or]pin twutlock photoronirol racepbdaaraalw wail�la. LISTINGS CSALigedlor et locgio a Lighterginesandele ,,i lmmpanmentarelP66,4ed. Ratedfor tempensame, as rnva5-W'C mimmum ambient. DmlgnLlgFb CanwXlum®IDLQquallfiedpmduQ Notall verslo—fthspmdutl maybe DLC qualified Pleaechedthe DLCOuallfied Pmd.dS DStatwwwdcalgnllgh¢ oy to-A,m wh,uh versionaaaqualified. WARRANTY E miedw any Ommlsleta wananty tears lomted st wwwamlyba,t ,mB,pp,Nmsomut-supp,n, mmzandmn dltlons Nota: Atlual pedor mrydifler ault ofeud-u anlaud R/pllution. All values aredaign sypial sal,ria—mad under lata alorywndilione at 45'C. Spacifiatioussubjem tochange without untrue '.L/THON/A One ulhoma Way • Conyers.G¢Dgla 30012 • Phone: 800,]0SSEFNV3]8I • wwwhth—cam .-LED _ L/GNT/NG. 0X11 IWO Aewn sand LU hO , me AI rights crewed. Rev. 02P/ P,,tufa COMMEKIALOUTDOOR REYNOLDS i �LECT��C INC PART OF THE RSC FAMILY TYPE B LUMARK XTOR1 B-1 20V -7W -5000K CARBON BRONZ The patented Lumark Crosatour- LED Wall Pack Series of luminaries provides an architectural style with super bright, energy affident LEDs. The low -profile, rugged die-cast aluminum construction, universal back box, stain lase steel hardware along with a aealed and gweeted optical compartment make tha Crossing impervious to contami poll The Croastour wall luminaire is ideal for well/surface, inverted mount for fs{ammenopy ill umin inion, post bollard, site lighting, floodlight and low level pathway illumination including stairs. Typical applications ind side building entrances, multi -use facilities, apartment buildings, institutions, schools, stairways and loading docks test. SPECIFICATION FEATURES comitroctlon Slim, low -profile LED design with rugged one-piece, die-cast aluminum hinged removable door and beck box. Marching homing styles incorporate both a small and medium design. The small housing is available in 12W, 18W and 26W. The medium housing is available in the 3gAimodel. Patented secure lock hinge feature allows for safe and wary tool -lose electrical connections with the supplied pualb-in Connectors. Back box includes three half-inch, NPT threaded conduit entry points. The universal back box supports both the smell and medium forms and mount. to standard 3-1a'to 4' round and octag on el, 4" square, single gang end masonry in notion boxes. Key hole gasket al Iowa for adaptation to junction box or wall. Extern el fin design extreme heat from the fixture so mrs. One- piece silicone gasket seals door and back box. Minimum 5' wide pole for ate lighting application. Not recommended for car wash applications. Optical Silicone sealed optical LED chamber incorporates a custom engineered mirrored anodized reflector providing highefficiancy, illumination. Optical assembly includes impact-redmant tempered glass and meets MENA requirements for full Cutoff compliance. Available in seven lumen packages; WOOK and 4000K CCT. Electrical LED driver is mounted to the die-cast housing for optimal heat sinking. LED thermal management system incorporates both conduction and natural Compaction to transfer heat rapidly away from the LED source. 12W, 18W, 26W and 38W series operate in -40T to 40T [-0 Fto 104'1`1. High emblem 50T models available. Crowfoot luminaires maintain greaterthan 89%of initial light output after 72,000 hours of operation. Three half-inch NPTthreadad conduit entry points allow for thru-branch wiring. Beck box is an authorized Lumark Catalo9N F• Type Protect CHERRY SPRINGS LIGHTING M Comments Dep Prepared by electrical wiring compartment. Integral LED electronic driver incorporates surge protection, 120 - TIN 50/60Hz or 347V 60Hz models. Finish Crowfoot is protected with a Super durable TGIC Carbon bronze or summit white polyester powder coal paint. Super durable TGIC powder coat paint finishes withstand extreme climate conditions while providing optimal color and gloss retention of the installed life. Warranty Five-year warranty. DIMENSIONS ESCUTCHEON PLATES s3�a^ paamm] age %Sia" beemml W. 1[171 Z n] a4^[n1mml e'Iza5mml ;o.. C. �l ° rs•laaamml J XTOR CROSSTOUR LED APPLICATIONS: WALL/SURFACE POST / BOLLARD LOW LEVEL FLOODLIGHT INVERTED SITE LIGHTING L• CERTIFICATION DATA UMI1L Wet L.empu n LM ed LMTaILMilm,mplient ROHSCompllnnt AW ComplleM NOM Complex Models IPre Ingres N Prot4lon Pete! 1IDe24Compllem Designuges Confoniumm Qualifier - TECHNICAL DATA MPC Mnxlmum Ambient Temperature External Supply Wiring MY'C Minimum EPA 91sNW Pro*. Are Si. FI: SHIPPING DATA: Appmxlmeb Ne WaIpM: 3J-5251mjlJ-20kga.I E.7•N 71047 N reaalaao Hnnewaa w.rw4e1an11ann.ore 2CnHH-12,2 ,o a;4a LMk Hwmtlon TN3l LUmn MYnwnnw 02000 HmW XTIMIBW X10110 xvial X11M! X1gOLW X1gMS xthme W DMwMMnem Peal Meant IFIB 'AN8,183 am 2100 275I 2,710 6.$9 0.AS DiwML'mem IWan FbNMwwrYMtl' tA(e YD 1,aK IA72 2-000 20M a,iM m21 e.u.O.mlkq° BiL040 Bt-UOUO Bt -0000 BI.U"o BI-wtl Bt -0000 B2LO40 B?Uc w CCTIKwMI 500 000 5000 0.400 SAN 000 5000 400 cnllCebr ReNskgkNe4 N N N 70 N N 70 N pnwscenxvrylMlWm1 t2N 12W Im Im WW 26W M NN —, i --.map ni a e..a been asm eW.'mum am. CURRENT DRAW ORDERING INFORMATION Somalia Number: X]ORZB-W-W -K1 XTOR CROSSTOUR LED LUMEN MAINTENANCE Amtlna TmnDmaaWa TN3l LUmn MYnwnnw 02000 HmW Madtl SNlaa AwawarlwlDrEer Sepemtetyl Ina, 26°C xraRa xTDRf xTDRf aW% 01034 0.15A am o.%A A. oCPoq am DISK 0WA 2Nv O.061A am 0.11A 0.17A 27N DOO6A DNA OAM 0.15A San 0aiwa am OMA 0.12A ORDERING INFORMATION Somalia Number: X]ORZB-W-W -K1 XTOR CROSSTOUR LED LUMEN MAINTENANCE Amtlna TmnDmaaWa TN3l LUmn MYnwnnw 02000 HmW ThacatlptlW Mount) AwawarlwlDrEer Sepemtetyl XTDRSB mall 26°C -- 1 256000 CO'C aW% 2%000 W°C aW% 216000 X OWS Made 26°C -- 2MA00 OTC am% 212000 W°C a6]% 106000 XIOREB Nobe 26°C aW% 2MA00 OTC a: 212Aao 50°C nano letwoo X10M6 Nobe 26°C aW% 222000 p0°C >SM 1BS0O0 fiVC aS]% 1MA00 SerW LED Kelvin Color Hwalry CWar Op6amlMEea SUXkI AwawarlwlDrEer Sepemtetyl XTDRSB mall )T0RM-18W,500014Carbon Brona PCt-PXmowntrolt2pV' WG/XTOILWire Guam• D0011M XTOA.11all Dam,A. XTORM-F1SW,4000K,Carbon Brome PC¢PBmaWnim 2t84]N''° XTORFUD-TINKnuckle EboodiNhKX° XTOR.LSmell Coop4800 VF_Neu XMMBb -1800 5000K, Summit White O XTORFL0.TRN=Trunnbnle Floodlight° XTORaB=M NIum 0x53800 N;Aa BIL -Brom NYCH° NA -50°L HMIIAmEMat° XTORFL0.KNC-WT=Knuckle Floodlight Kit, S Mite XT0RIBM4`CI-1200 4000K. 12W PC, Carbon Brounne BL-Bmme FlocidPlate, NhoCar Kit, Sume RTlte° XTORFL0. Summit AF_Grey W/WXTOR= Eaautcmmnnbn Well PMte�an,Su C°M=GfapMK M%alllt IP-Eacron Summit EWP/%TOR-WT=Euutcaron Well Plate�Summlt WM1lte OP -Dark Pktlnum Npk& 1..Fi Ct eSrem.avmare. . i.a- al AI nemo]Ma i ThIubSMMnrynmevSlnleMe W Wllmor WIM19aN. a Ww IIOWtawlllMe OIW.IhW ue(lorMM Nlmwsry. iflM115Mplea[aaYsyMIM WIM1MWieIMNgor Yuman OPMwx.mell nElSrgbpNq° nEmSIISnEISrglMmtmlaaa 12WSarlw iMSMaa ZSWSarlw SSWSMw XTOB1b]W6000K,CamnBron )T0RM-18W,500014Carbon Brona X1PONBKSW6000K,CamnBmna XT0II0-3800, 5000K, Carbon Brona XT0Rt&WT-12W,5000K,Summll Willa XTORM-F1SW,4000K,Carbon Brome XTORDKWKeW 401 Carbon Bona XT -W -38W, NOOK, Carbon Brome gIW XTOR18PC1-12w, 5000 K, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XMMBb -1800 5000K, Summit White X1PORSS-WT-2800 WOOK, SUmmM1 Willa XTORW-WT-3500, 5001 Summit White XTORSIM-1200 Anal Carbon Brona XT011>H PC1-t MV, 5000K, 120V PC, Carbon Brome XTOIOS4`C1-2600 SOON. 120V PC, Carbon Bronme XTOIIW PC1-3M1', 501120V PC, Carbon Brome XT0RIBM4`CI-1200 4000K. 12W PC, Carbon Brounne XT0R28MV 1=18W, OWOK, 120V Pc, Carbon Brome XTENIW WPC1-3500, 4000K, 120V PC, Carbon Brona Eewn E 1121 er mv/ NYMn - Mane Ux.. 5mrawvveM Tp61413EN Pomm2Bunarm IEWa-amorcom mare - e4e[IW amapnva WnwnMn rovoe. ID1]-01-1210A]:44 REYNOLDS i �LECT��C INC PART OF THE RSC FAMILY TYPE C LITHONIA KBR8 LED-12C-700-50K-SYM-MVOLT-PE-DBLXD KBR8 LED LED Specification Bollard Specifications 8" Round Asymmetric I Qa3 rm) ASV Arymmemc' H Height: 40" (alsrm) 450 450 " 40K 4.1K weight D lbs DNA)D X tual (111®[): (1225 kg) - 50M burconrype �l Symmetric 700mA E 390s afalog N.mEe, KBR8-LED-16C-70050KSYM-MVOLT-PE-D CHERRY SPRINGS SIZE LIGHTING w O .. mouzc ovcrMc oa9e to zcc all inlcraclrvc demm2. Introduction The KBR8 Bollard is a stylish, fully integrated LED solution for walkways. It features a sleek, modern design and is carefully engineered to provide long-lasting, energy-efficient lighting with a variety of optical and control options for customized performance. With an expected service life of over 20 years of nighttime use and up to 70% in energy savings over comparable 10OW metal halide luminaires, the KBR8 Bollard is a reliable, low -maintenance lighting solution that produces sites that are exceptionally illuminated. • EXAMPLE: KBR8 LED 16C 700 40K SYM MVOLT DDBXD uN LED Accessories Ortlzretl antlA�yvtlreparely MRAAU Meer brh NMARB LED° _ Asymmetric 350 350m4 NK 3"' ASV Arymmemc' 1V 1X 12LEDs' 450 450 " 40K 4.1K 16 SVmmettic' DNA)D X tual 5b 530mA - 50M burconrype Symmetric 700mA &BK Amber 390s Des 19 16LEDs' DF �lyfiee UM,, DDIND Dark com¢rtrd bronze WABLW Amberllmired metsae fier, (fmusewlthan XE4 M"mrerallM ht g mwlength°' Blxk Accessories Ortlzretl antlA�yvtlreparely MRAAU Meer brh NMARB LED° _ Ship diNrolkd ShiWdietAled VWD White 1V @ Pbomelemlcwll, SF Sliglefiee(1ID, DNA)D X tual pds burconrype ID,34I aluminum 390s Des 0-10ndlllnllg DF �lyfiee UM,, DDIND Dark bronze PIs metsae fier, (fmusewlthan XE4 M"mrerallM ht g = Blxk 17' eetemalmmml, HIM 30°mreallhdght DDBRD %tew m&rmmzPmdy) X35 Vowmi height mrk move FIN! bxk�'�mery F6 6mnlal,It DBLB)D Trent P hstebm.tIet blxk UAB WMeutarcler DNARD TatrA bot (3 holt batt) ramal UAB4 4 W retrofit bee aluminum Meutarcler DWX6)D TatrA mlm° hire '. L/THON/A one umonia Way •conrez,Georyie Mm2. Prone: w0avwm.,..,e,l,m.niacore L/GNT/NG. ®m12-2o18Aewry Bra.dugFu.yme Al aghtseeened No7fiS 1 Onlyavaile66 intlre 2C, A5Yvanim. 2 Onlyawl b'b6In th l6C, $YM vevlon. 3 Only.... leb6w'AF450AMBIWveoion. 4 Net .... ebl—AELCW 5 MVOQdrwmpvA®.nam/h-calci¢Gam 1ID8➢V 1. H4. SrarNy 120, 2M 211rII7. Pte a.nly w Mn ,rd, t, fw.R R5 Dr.p0.ml,.r phet—t.lIPE .Pd..). 6 Net availaFlewitF34]V PotewiledewiN6niy. Pot aila beret' 450AMBLW 7 5l 6faelS9rtq.Im1ID,97,wWwhee W[b.. .rb6n..Q9 rtgr—.orR40v.ltye.ptl... 8 MRABUnnt avails ble ALjA34o,b,.. F Me MM .. . LumnwFreren LonpMomN nhpadormdineaordercewilM1 lE$asinyl AOg.rate'amrmdaedbberepmenG[rvedtlremrifigvelimselwxn. wilM1'n lM1etdanmellmwd by Lighting perms. AmasI pdmmemmry diflsay, s nitolaM-wremimmemed epplluton. Armlweaeg, may dibby+/.B%,ma—paetiy berwem 12MIKN M. 14%. Light Englces Dr.System Cunem Wait, Wmem Ml NW B 0 G Wmens 90WK I➢VV B II G Wmens 50M Limihdwareknglh I➢VV B II G Wmen IPW Amer B 0 6 Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Electrical Load Lana rah ..m m exiopolartd parrfmmarce Wrai fur tie Pletbmieraved in Matermill dasNon100.tl ,,&EDT tditndperlESMLMA�md lA 30 2W b] N] amts dPerIESNATM.21.11). _ "EMMMMUMMMUo®000 350 i6W 1138 1118 530 )IW 011] a6 36 01ffi me m.m00000=000U=MMUUV - 0185 OIN 019 m MMMOOMMEBUMMUM Mhn<50 i6W 15 01tl atl6 ss,000 60,000 1— ® 0 Ss0 zuw mill ace mmmm000m®000mo©oo 0111 1114 630 16W moo mm 0161 014 ays 1.00 o.se 1w 1ss 1K mmnnn Ni Available wRF pMzpM—ex.,med amber i(nomenclature AMBPL7-There LED's peduc, IIght with 9I+%>53J—Outputan be alculat,d by applying a 0 facer to JQU K lumen wines and pMtomevic files Projected LED Lumen Maintenance Electrical Load Lana rah ..m m exiopolartd parrfmmarce Wrai fur tie Pletbmieraved in Matermill dasNon100.tl ,,&EDT tditndperlESMLMA�md lA 30 2W b] N] amts dPerIESNATM.21.11). _ 350 i6W 1138 1118 530 )IW 011] a6 36 01ffi me doPeml[iy Mun GdwuForMHrlumenwman [eiarcet�rl mPniv nnlatl LRotritardyredmi - 0185 OIN 019 key Mhn<50 i6W 15 01tl atl6 ss,000 60,000 1— ® 0 Ss0 zuw mill ace 01v 0111 1114 630 16W moo OA 0161 014 ays 1.00 o.se 1w 1ss 1K ssw g.3u 111 1x3 - � Torre wmplete pMtome[dc report ordpwnload.ies filesfwtllis producC visit Litlwnia Lig116rg's KBR80ollard Mmepage. leofowwndleplwef s ma KB LED Bollards. DI54ncas am In unlpol mounting FeIgF113? •• a a r n r a aI a •• a a r n r a a LL(leRU ■ 1.1 l• LIfik ■'ok a (I a n 34k ■6A1• • hP • hit w ° .10311K,o� 1.411 FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE The rugged construction and clean lines of the KBA bollard is ideal for illuminating building entryways, walking paths, and pedestrian plazas, as well as anyother location requiring a low mounting height light source with fully cutoff illumination. CONSTRUCTION One-piece &inch round extruded aluminum shaft with thick side walls for extreme durability, a high -impact clearecrylic lens and welded toecap. Diessst aluminum mounting ring allows !creasy leveling even in sloped locations and a full 36)degree rotation for precse alignmentduring installation. Three hx x 11"anchor bogs with double nut and washers and 3 Nx hall template ensure stability. Overall height s 42" standard. FINISH Exterior part are protected by a zinc-infuaed super durable TGIC thermoset powder coat finish that provides superior resistance to corrosion and weathering for maximum retention of glass and luster A Lightly, controlled multistage process ensu hey a um Trail thkn icess for a finish that can withstand the element without creking or peeling. Available in both featured and non textured finshas. oral Two fully cutoff optical distributions are available: Wmmetrical and asymmetrical. IP66 sealed LED light engine provides smoothy graduated illumination without any uplight. Light engines are mailable in standard 400D K(>10 CRO or optional 3300 K (vWCR1)or 5000 K (6> CRp. Llmlted-wavelength amber LEDs are also available. ELECTRICAL Lightengines consist of high efficary LEDs mounted to meb4corecircuR beards to maximve heat dissipation and promote long life (L95 IMM hours at 700-A at 25°Q. Clens 2 elecroolo drivers are designed for an expected life of IMM hours with < 1% failure rate. EbMical component are mounted on a removable powertray. LISTINGS CSA cear tO to U.S. and Canadian Cold,w art er emergency are IP66 rated. Rated far 21 minimum ambient Colo -weather emergenry battery backup rated for-p°C minimum ambient. WARRANTY Five-year limited warranty. Complete warranty terns located st wwwwuitybraodscoWCustomerResoumes/Terms and_condinonsaspx. Note: Actual performance maydiffer as a result of end-user environment and application. All values are design or typical values, measured under blocratorycondr ions at25°C. Specifications anginal change without notice. '. LIMMV/A Cha Tt ania Way - Con,war Geor ia3JJ12 ° Prom:8002798041 ° wwwllthonia— KBRB-LED L/GNT/NG. 02012-2oleAewlyamndughtmg,me. Al dghllawarr d. aa.. 1o/2a18 REYNOLDC� INC PART OF THE RSC FAMILY TYPE P RTA -18 -B -5 -A -E -BA Pole Cap - Aluminum With Stainless Steel Seems (Tenon Option Available - San Mounting Designation) D Top Diameter — . B Wall ThIclaless o, Tapered Aluminum Tube _ Alloy 6063-T6 M Q I I I r Handhole V I C Butt Diameter _j %� �� 'Ground Line e J Oa E wire Access Slots -1-3/a" x 6" E 2180° W 1'to 2' Platiened O 3" to 6" II 6 .5 4' 4.5 5' 8 4.5 5' 9 4.5 6' 10 6 6' c�+eoomevaumircns 20 hapco vl w.hapco.com Catalog: RTA -12 -B -5 -A -E -BA Project CHERRY SPRINGS SITE LIGHTING Type: P mepde shag will be conshuckd ofseamkss exhuocd rodeof6063AluminumAlleypermemgblmmeof ASTM 8221. The shag assembly shall be mAl-kngrip m heatheate0kpmpWe aT6 temper 5" auMDkmeter-2w ardluer2)SSWithcwad Lap SI,W Scmimen Dow andmm(a8 ,s M,,*da Alteching Sanwa A Gramdhg Proaision is woaXkp as part of Oiamteble. kumanDkm be pim,nforccd, 3"x5"mead Cast Aluminum Fmme(Alky356m with Alu Ong Door arp mm (2)SS Her Reap Scmws AGramdhg I'roaidW the amkul iWHamOVga 3/3"d'ameterhde is woaipe0oppodte a. Ahua.FameMm, 356-mccH, hAhammwad(25t Aluminum Fmme(Alky356-mJ with Alumirwm Door and mro (2) SS Hex Ded ScrVC orsGro awng Pra on. will contain a tappep 3/8"-16NC Gmudirg Revision. �1 DimdauicHPole bottom sedionW 6'+buht0lam,a- paleswillbepanb'ally flagenMintoananh- Rdion. 1, oral crass sedkn. mx:amess willb,jan 124" bekwgmud line. Sall cwditions awry bys,le Foundation msnrements shouts bedetemxhedbya wattled 3mudwal iounwwwah kWwledge ofjobdte mil mmMions i I When pekrmined necessary by War,, a Vibration Damper will be factpry-installed inske the pble shag. Customer,WedAalm, of me pampa, is availa*. i1 able DoU Meant For,Wa-Drill Mount applamhons specify luminaire type, Wangs, anal orientation. Aluminaae cklling template mud be Wpp'ied at b'me of roper 160' ria° s6° xanmae 0° Twi Mmmt-Wdaeaa Spun For Tenon Mount appkations mecis,bothbaom 75.35.ek.)r (2.315", 2815, 3.5, ek.) and kngm (3", 4, etc). Tenon style is factory option. WedM Terror can be medgep. wemare°m soro,sm WARNING: Do not insmillghtpole wigrout luminaire. ft. THUGHBREAs DIAMETER WEIGHT 90 ii 110 120 130 GAT. NUMBER CATALOG NUMBER 10 0125' 5 100 16.6 13.0 12.2 10.0 A2 8]90]-0310X RTA10B5AE--" 12 0125" 5 100 12.6 10.0 9.2 ].4 6.0 879W-IXi12X RTA12B5AE--" 14 0125" 5 90 10.0 7.6 7.0 5.6 4.4 8]90]-0314X RTA1465AE--^ 16 0.125" 5 60 8.0 6.0 5.4 42 8.2 8]90]-IXi16X RTA16B5AE--" 16 0.155" 5 60 8.2 6.2 5.6 4.2 d2 RTA18C5AE--" 20 0.125" 5 30 4.8 3.4 3.0 2.0 1.4 RTA2065AE-" 20 0.125" 6 100 12.0 9.2 8.4 6.8 5.6 50-001 RTA2036BE--" 20 0.156" 6 1W 16.0 12.2 11.2 9.2 ].6 50-W2 RTA20WBE-" 20 0.188" 6 100 20.0 15.4 14.2 11.6 9.8 50-003 RTA20DUI 20 0.156" ] 1W 24.0 18.8 1].4 14.212.0 50-W4 RTA20C]BE-" 20 0.188" 7 100 29.4 23.2 21.4 1].8 15.0 50-005 RTA2007BE-" 20 0.156" 8 1W 33.0 26.2 24.2 20.2 1].0 50-006 RTA20C86E-^ 20 0.188" 8 100 40.4 32.0 29.8 24.8 21.0 50-007 1 RTA2008BE-" M 0.125" 5 25 3.6 2.4 2.0 1.2 RTA2235AE--- 25 0.155" 6 80 10.0 7.2 6.6 5.2 4.2 50-062 RTA2505BE-" 25 0.188" 6 1w 12.8 9.6 8.8 7.0 5.8 50-063 RTA25066E-" 25 0.155" 7 100 16.0 12.2 11.2 9.0 7.4 50-064 RTA25C7BE-" 25 0.188" 7 1W 20.2 15.6 14.2 11.6 9.6 50-065 RTA250]BE-" 25 0.155" 8 100 22.8 17.8 16.4 13.411.2 50-065 RTA25C8BE-" 25 0.188" 8 1W 28.4 22.4 20.6 1].014.2 50-067 RTA25086E-" 25 0.219" 8 100 33.6 26.6 24.6 20.4 17.2 50-068 BTA25EUE" 25 0.250" 8 1w 38.8 30.8 28.4 23.6 19.8 50-069 RTA25F86E-" 30 0.155" 7 85 10.6 7.6 6.8 5.2 4.2 50-124 TA30C7BE-" 30 OAA" ] 100 13.8 10.2 9.2 7.4 6.0 50-125 RTA300]BE-" 30 0.155" 8 100 16.0 12.0 11.0 8.8 7.2 50-126 RTA30C&BE-" 30 OAA" 8 100 20.4 15.8 14.4 11.6 9.6 50-12] RTA30086E-" 30 0.219" 8 100 24.6 19.0 17.6 14.412.0 50-128 BTA30EUE" 30 0.250" 8 100 28.6 22.4 20.6 17.0 14.2 50-129 RTA30F86E-" 30 0.188" 9 100 28.0 21.8 20.4 16.6 14.0 50-131 BTA3009BE-" 30 0.250" 9 100 38.8 30.6 28.4 23.6 19.8 50-133 RTAMF9BE-" 30 0.188" 10 100 36.6 29.2 27.2 22.6 19.0 50-139 1 BTA30D10E" 35 0.156" 8 85 11.0 7.8 7.0 5.4 4.4 51 RTA35CBBE-" 35 0.188" 8 100 14.6 10.8 9.8 7.8 6.2 50-187 RTA3508BE-" 35 0.219" 8 100 18.0 13.6 12.4 10.0 8.2 51 RTA35E86E" 35 0.250" 8 100 21.4 16.4 15.0 12.010.0 50-189 RTA35F8BE-" 35 0.188" 9 100 20.8 15.8 14.6 11.8 9.8 50-191 RTA35096E-" 35 0.250" 9 100 29.6 23.2 21.4 17.6 14.6 50-193 RTA35F9BE-" 35 OAA" 10 100 28.0 22.0 20.6 16.8 14.0 50-199 RTA35010E" 35 0.219" 10 100 33.6 26.6 24.8 20.4 17.0 50-200 RTA35E10E" 35 0.250" 10 100 39.0 31.2 29.0 24.0 20.0 50-201 RTA35F10E" 35 0.312" 10 100 49.2 39.8 37.0 30.8 25.8 50-202 BTA35G10E" 40 OAA" 8 70 10.2 7.0 6.4 4.8 3.6 50-247 RTA40086E-" 40 0.219" 8 100 12.8 9.2 8.4 6.4 5.2 50-248 RTA4OE8BE" 40 0.250" 8 100 15.8 11.6 10.4 8.2 6.6 50-249 RTA40F86E-" 40 0.188" 9 100 15.0 11.2 10.2 8.2 6.6 50-251 RTA4009BE-" 40 0.250" 9 100 22.6 17.4 16.0 13.010.6 50-253 R1A40F9BE-" 40 0.188" 10 100 21.2 16.6 15.4 12.610.2 50-259 RTA40010E" 40 0.219" 10 100 26.0 20.4 19.0 15.612.8 50-260 RTA40E10E" 40 0.250" 10 100 30.6 24.2 22.4 18.6 15.4 50-261 RTA40F10E" 40 0.312" 10 100 39.8 31.4 29.4 24.2 20.2 50-262 RTA40G10E" Catalog Number System The Catalog number for HI poles utiles the following identification system. MOUNTING BUTT PSE HEIGHT DIA STYLE Ai iLiuu Ei-w SHAFT WALL TOP FINISH ASSEMBLY THICK DIA Catalog Number Example - RTA 30 D 8 BE -01 Round TaperedAluminum, 30'Mounling IRI ,188" Wall ReclaRess, 8" Bill Diameter,, 4.5" Top Diameter, Doictl3wed, Satin Numinum F-Inish. Wall Thickness C =.156" D=.188" E =.219" F=.250 -- G =.312" =.250"G=.312" Butt Diameter 6=6" 7=7" 8=8" 9=9" 1 =10" Top Diameter B - d 5 G-6 Base Style E = Direct gained Finish 01 =Satin Aluminum BH =White Powder Coat BM = Dark Bronco Powder Coat BV = Dark Green Powder Coat GC = Sony Powder Coat •• = Sxxily Finish EPA Notes: ERM. vmralsaV mGs)n.vprere Aft®ABcehrlxMAleiy wne �iy lmgp imeeAe m � wab x009 a4Su7o LTS5w a25ywaehn 1&.. Mmmum EM AbzsMm ee Iwnireie weglrtsbmn. 1U EA9d Vm?.g xe9N mmjUvd ee marimrm EFri llxegI wMCPhaaeim I& U,A A rmur Aa'A9.. mwk ee ratry. www.hapco.com 21