HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-03-15APPLICA. )N/PERMIT 225 North ith Stv,eet Springfield, )regon 97477 Building Diuision 7 26-37 53 ..RESIDTNTIAL.. SPFTINGFIELD c0 32 3 $cs Lot llAssessora lulap il Subdittiston: Oumer: Phone: llcceipt ll \ v>13 CL A Date (Zep\xe.'n.''e,.,t Descr.ibe L'ot'ii: zip t--t N et) Date of App Lieaticn Ci Addz,ess: Additicn RenoCeL q/.- \a-fr-t\q<, Value resrac tor sl1 General P lumb ing I.Iechanica ectr caIti S upe rv EleC t i it i;t trsrn Pege 1 of 2 Iour City Desigra.ted Job Nwnber fs It ia the responsibility of the petmit holder to see that aLL inspec^tions are nade at lhe ptoper tine, that acch address is t'eadable fron the stre'et, anC that the _pet,mtt c_ard is. Located at.t-h-q f?o1t of the-ptopet'ty.-reuitdirrg Nuiciot rtppt:oxerl plan shall remain on the Building Sitc at aLL times. pROCgDUpE FOR INSqECTI1\| RTQUEST:CALL726-3769(recorder) state your City destgtated job eadyfot.inspection,col.Lt/,a.ctof.scya)ne!'snclnecndphone,t:iil be made the sone dcy, r,eqtiests'mcde after, ?:00 sn uvLLL be nade the nett 'xtking day, nwnbet, iob aCC.z'ees' tYPe nunber. P,equests receixed ?fo pt* of inspee-iaz befcre 7:00 an Remti,rei Tnsnee SITE INSPECII)N: To be made after er"arr;il;n,-5ut priot' tc set up of forns. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECHL\IICAL: ?o be made before tznY ifrFEZo,tered. POOTING 3 FOUNDATICN: lo be maCe rNSU\ lTr)N/vAPoR BARRTER TNSPFC?I?I: ro be iaCe after aLL insulaticn ard required oapor barrie?a ave in place bui belcre qny Lath, gapsun boat'C or tnLL couering is applied' artd before any insulation is concealed. DRYI^IALL INSPECTI)N: Tc be made after forns UTIDERFLOOR PT,UI,IBING & TIECIIAN TCAL : To be made prior bo tnsballatlon ot' floor insuLation oY decking, POST AND BEAI|: To be nade Priot' to TiiliTTill6Tof floor insulation or decking. ROUCH PLU!|BT:tC. Et.ECTn!CA!, !, 1!E!-H- ANICAL: No uork Ls to bc aoL'e?€'l GliL these inspecl;ions haue been nade arui approoed.. ffPf,PLACE: Ptiot, to plccir4 facingmat;;l;G and before franing insPec- tion. FRAI|INC: ttust be requested after approual of rough plwnbing, electri- caL & meclnnical. ALL roofing braeing E chimneys, etc. nr"tst be cornpleted. llo ucrk is to be con- cealed until this inspection lns 'been made anC appro"*ed. trenches dre excala ted and ate erected, but prior to pouz,ing ccncret€ PLUMDINC trenches FITIAL PLUMBIIIG FINAL MECI|AI|ICAI, FINAL ET,ECTRICAL after an &'yuall is in pl.a.ee, but prior to cng taPing. MASANRI: Steel Location, bond 5i6{-grouting on oerticals in aecordanee vLth u.B.C. Section 241 5, WO)DSTO'/E': After installation is ccmpleted. CURB & APTRCACH 4!!9!: After fortas ale ;rec beC-butV;lol to Pouring concrete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEIIA!: For aL! con-<crete pauintJ uibhin stPeet right- of-tst:y', to be naCe after aLL' erca- uatinq complebe & for'n uonk & eub- base material tn Place. IENCE: h\ten conPlete -- PrortiCejilni or mouable sections thnough P, U. E. *AT,L I4ANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUS? BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJI)STIIENY TO BE I'L4DE A? TIO COST TO CI?Y - '-.:- -A'LL pro;jeat conditions, such as the i.nstallat.ion of s+-teet t\1e-s, conpletion-of the n"quZnnh Landsccp.ing,-Ltu., mtst be satisfied befo*e the BUILDING F1NAL ean be requested' FrN,4L BUTLDTNC: The Final Buitding rnspection mtst be requested alter the linal Plunbing \_/ ELeaLrLcaL, anC Mechantcal rnspections ltattc been made ard appt'ouec' BUILDIiICS Sanitary seoet capped tt property Line Septic tur.k pronped attd filled uith gra:sel Final - Ilhen abctte itens a.re ec,vtpleted and uhen Cerwlition is complete o! st"u3- ture noued and preniees cleaneC up. l,lobiLe Blocking and Set-up Plwnbing connections -- aaoe? and uater Electrical Cortnection - Blockirq' set-u, and plwnbing connections m;st be apprcu-eC befot,e rcqubeting eleclrLcal inspec tio :: Aeceesor,; BuiBnng Pinal - After pctehes, skirting, decks, etc. ane conpleted. Job Loeaticn' / J t--l D SOLAR ACCESS REQ.-^+\, Zone L-CO BeCroornS Building Volue & Permit This permit is granted on the erpress condi-tion ttut the sizid-_construction shall', in all tZspeeLs, conform'l;o t1rc Crdinan-;ce edopte,l 5y the Ci.ty 9fipil"gi;nla, rncliud;-ng'the 2oning crdinalc-e, regulcLi-ttg tlrc ccnstructicn ira ui"n of LuildLngs, arxl may be suspended or reuokeC at cny tlne upon uLc- l.ation of atty prcoisions of said 1tdinances' Access TOTAL VALUE Signed: ht.ct" F?G xITEI,,I JOB NO. -q.D.c. 1.5 t DI ilouse Topography Lot Faces - llatr:r Hattr l rz Date Paid: PLan ChecBuilding Permit Iotal Charges State LCT TYPE _ Inter.ict, _ Corner _ Panhandle CuL-de-sac Lot Sq. Ftg % cf Lct Cotenage_ il of Stofies Total Height Plumbing Perrnit No person shall construct, install,- alter- or clange .anlJ neD -ct, etisting il*rtli or drainage syste-n in ahol.e or in part, unless sueh person is the Tngot ;o"rn""on oio u"aLid plunber's lic-ens-b' ercept that a person nay (9 ptGt;rg uork to pt'operty ihi.h i" oxned, Leased or operated by the appli- cant. Plunbing Pernit FEE CIlAP,GENO. State Seder Fi^tttn"es Residential (1 bath) Electricol Permit wheye state kru requires tlnt the electtical uork be done by,an ELectrical cont?aetot,, the elect?ical portion of this permit shall not be ualic until the Label Lws been signed by the Electrical Contractor' ITEM Nau/Ettend Circuits Set uice lotal NC FEE I,lcodstotte Mechqnicol Permit Erhanst Hood Vent Fan Pe,rmLt Issuance Mechanical Penilt f HAW CAREF|LLy EXAMINED the conpleted application fot permit, and do hereby certify that aLL information hereon is true anC ecrrect, an'C f fu,th-er certilg !;hat any ard aLL uork perforned elnll be done in accot'-'dance tlth th-e- ordinancbs of the Cita of springfield, and the La:,;s of the state of 7regon pertainino to the uotk cescribed hereln, end ty'nt No occu- pl.Ncy ;i.LL bL ,rxtZe of any structure ui-thout permisaion of_ the Building DL- oision. I further certify thct o:tly conl;ractots and enplcyees Dho axe in conpliance uith cRS 701.05s aiLL be used on this pnoject Date Petrnit Mobile llome J-6- vq ,TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: *19,-75 TotaL DateSigned -- ENCROACHMENT .- T[an Eran@ Clpbcu* Receipt ll l htrntea FTll I S Tofnl. ahoraas State Swelunae Sida,talk