HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1983-05-17APPL;CA!IOII/PERI4IT 225 ilonth 1th Street Spi-ngfielC, 1z,egan 97477 EUL LGINA DLV^LALAN nnn an.--/ aO-O / D.) SPFiINGFIELD Job !,oezticn: 07zL7 270aAesesaoz.: )!ao I ! Sub<i!.rJsicn: j->let: .\d&ess: Describe ilork: r-t S$lrsf icce of Apg liea:icn ACCaracn RatroCeL Date tf a\l nD \.ArE; Sanitatl seuet eapoed =t ptcperti Lire Septic totk y.i::ted a,-d. f.JLLa<i trith gratei. linal - i,,\ten abcue itens ate cctalexeiani xhen Tenclitioz: is eqttlele cr st-;:-tute naued ori tretiaes cibaned ut. Ecnes Blocking ad Set-tp ?Lanbir'q ccnnec icns -- saie? eL aalzt Elecdccl Cotnection - Blockitt4, se;-u, and. plwnbing coanections r;st be qp?cted. bei'ore z,equesting eleetrteal insaeclio:z Accesscti tsuiliing Fttal - !,ftar icrekes, skirting, Cec);, etc. @e ecnc|e:zd. ?zie 1 of 2 I-) ia '-he reexoncibili;y of the penrtJ itol-der to see that eL! insoectianst cre natie at lhe;-y.-tP stree.t' anc' thct the oenrit c;r'd, ie tccated at the fr<zi of tl,.e properfu. - a1uiUiq v-ui:zon a:roxeci plLn si-Li renain on tii i|l;.ai"b--S:iic'at tLL ttnes. Coastactic-n Letier tra<ie '"he sane icy, ;CALL 726-3769 (recorCet) state yout' City d.esiq".ated job ':Jcu ce teeiy fcr ir"spaccion, Coniractcrs or A-zex,s r,.ane a,C pl"ane ptope" tine, thet sg4l1 .1l,itsgs is p2a;a|^i2 'ntti;ber, jab aCiress, type of it.soec=icntunbcr. Pequests reeeixad befcre ?:C0 si "equests ncte aft€? ?:00 c,t urLLL be nade the nest tnrkinq yote Ctty'Desigra,ted Job ltunber !s:r ee-r ?!rq:a-7-!r. ucA;icr1;aG ?o be tw.ie afier prior to ae! uo of lt:tD!?sL;z ?!:;:.3::tG, ZL?C:PIC,1L Ii€CiiiiiCAL: lo be nccie beiax'e cnyuork is cctsctei. FC9lliC , ?CU:|DAT:C!I: ?o be ::eCe - cj:et alo-nci:es :.re escgscteci arui fozns. fcnns c.re ereclei, but eanc"et€ irancnee. TilSULA?IAN /VAPOP SA.RRI3R iIISPlCifiT| : ?o be naCe aftet aLL ins-ulcticn cti required uqoz, barie?s @e in place tat before atg lath, {!?sult bcari cr unLL coueying is cpplied, crd. beiore e.A .i,-sulc,tion is :oncealeC. DRftlA.LL illSPlC!fi)t: Tc be naie afaer aLL aryuall is ,Jn place, bui prtor to atty tapin4. IIASC!|R!: Steel beans, groutina a,ccor4oee ,,tith 2415. 'iOADS?1tn: After installation is anoLeted. Q!?L} g?RcA.Ct! A?9CN: Aftet fornadG;teciTffiVior to porrr"l."q cotre"ete. SIDtril.LK 4 DRI-;E\I'A?: Foz, all can- crexe pauiry uixhtn stz,eet right-of-t"z!, tc be naCe ai'ter aL! ezcc- uating cqroi.ete & forn ',;ork ,1 sub- base nctertal in plaee. Location, borui oP te"ticcls in U.ts.C. Seettcn u!t99P|i.ic? ?Lit!.9ttG I !.!cl{.ylC;!:lc be nzie =ricr :c tnstcli.a=ion o: J-l.oor :nsui.c:-'-an ct cecking. -D09T AilD 3EA!l: To be r.cCe pr--ot, loinsxalk:;-cn of floor irsui,ztiaz or Ceckrrq. a^t'.! >,,^.orlt- -a-4o?^.:-iv-.:--6- 1 .-4.,1-A;l::;:: ,io ';cry. .Js =c ce co.-er2c io:=il :hese '-nsoee=iats 'n;;se :eer nace =rd. Tprc:ie!. FIP!?I,ACZ: Nor ..o picc:.rq l;c-)ngncteria;s crd. befcre ;'tctixg lnspei-!iot- F?.e-'!IliC: ]htst 'ce tec.tesceC cf2er appro*;L ci ruugh 7iu-ainq, elec:r|-cal I necizntca|. AL! rcoijr4 bracirg 3 chi,rneys, ete. atsc beccilcleced. ,'lo ,ct k is to bo- con- cecied untii this insoecicn 'ras been nad.e cnC aporc"-eC. l. st;,u pLU:lBr:;c l- et:ur :lsi'tAtrcAL ,-] .=rraz ztzc:elr;i !!tlC!: l{hen conolete -- ?rcuiie gates o? novable ;ecxians through DII? .ALL I4Ai;IiCiiS AIID CLEANCIJTS IMST BE ,1CCES3I31.!, ,4DJI,,JS1:!]:;! lO 3i :iADE .r3 ilO ::S? TC CI:Y ALL project ea.ditions, suci as th,e insxallaxicn cf slreet i?ees, :c-:!ecion ci ;iereqtired Lancscccirg, etc. ' :nlst be scxisiled befcre the SU|LD|:G Ff|lAL :cn be reqaescei. ?IllAL tsUfLDi:lc: Tne Ftncl. Eut-Ldirg lnscecticn:tst be requested, zi'-er the ?i"al ?tttr.bir.qllectrical, oc llecinnc-Jcci lnspecctcns 'i.avc been naCe a.C'ctaroued,. .. RESIDENTIAL.. f1 ,,ou-tr, ,"^, Jc r T ,--.9 JOB NO. bt Sq. Ftg. 1 cf Lct Ccuetage I of Stor|es ?otc! leiEht Togogrqtry Mechanicel Perni; soLAR AiCCESS REQ.- LC! :v?i _ ir-teriot _ Corr,.er _ Panitanaile Cal-de-sac L-CO G+ aexraans: Reeeiot #: Sigred Mecha:nicql Permit ). aot ?eces - -- Fzes -- I:Z:I :(Building Vcllue & Permit This pentr-t is eranted on the eq?ess =oruiiticn tiut the said.conscrtc=ion shall, in zil teseects, confctm tc ;he Srdirarce tdopteC, by the CitT cf Sprt-rtg!")e!d., incl-ilt.g ;he loninc Criircr.ce, tegulatirtg the ecns;vtei:.cn otti use of buildirqs, aod n:E be ;ustena.eC or re,tckec et ct'! t')ne ttcn',tic- Latian cf zny pz,cuisrons of sa",C Criircnces. ^^a.f ,!1f .'c (ncs.D.c. 1.5: 14 uwettJ Stc.te lolal Clanges i:u. I : !3 L r-4i-',r:Plumbing Perrnit Ilo ?erecn slall cor.si:t""tct, instal!" alter ot change any ?iea cr e:istittg plwnbirq cn drainage systel in ahole on in pan.t, unless such person is t'|,.e Legal possessor of e ualid plunber's License, e.ce?t that a pet'son nay do plwbing aork to properb! uhich is ouzed, Leased or opetcted bg the appli- @tt. iis:ures Residenti.a,L (1 bath) Seue- I ?Lwbl.ng Petrit t Electricq I Permi t We?e Std.te La,t requiz'es thz.t the eleedeal uork be done by arz lleetrtcal Conttycto", the eleetrical portion of this permit shall not be ocliC until the Label iu.s been signed by the Electrical Contlccior. 11 a.t / Eet ed. Circui'- s lq@crav Sertice S;.cte ::i:,! ?tr"r.g.ee ZTUtS *ltast llooC Tent ?ct llcoisroie -- ::tc?cACi;.:::t: -- 9eatr.)au Da.csit Stora.oe q-.'n+*..F-- Perni, Curbcu, SLCa)A L K )i a 7-d. ,An l,lobile ilcne I HAW CARE?ULU i1SltfiltD the eormleteC capZicaxicn ior peznit, cryi dc hetebg ceriify ,lct aLl it;rtcntation hetecn ls true cr-C ccrrecz, cz,7 i farlher cettali :het ang crd all'-ark =er1'otned shall be dote in actcr- danee tith th.e Ard.incnces of the Ci;y cf Springiield, ard, rhe Lans of ;he Stute of 0regcn pettaininc to tke uo"k Cesc.*)beC heretz, cnC :it: :i0 0CC!.1- PLXCI ,,rLLL be rd.de oI' cn! s:-,-"tc'cu1,e uitkout terztrlssiott of the Suildin_a 0i- uision. f f,tz,ther :ertii, th-at o:tly ccnirdctors ai anplcgees aho ,zt= in cct:pliance u:.th CRS 701-055 aiLL be used cn ihia prcject ,l/t iCTA! A-\NUIT DUE:' ) I ?ente Elecetrcal Lciel Job Number ,?i.2*/R CITY OF SPRINGFIEI.D BUILDING DIVISION , 346 MAIN STREET 726.3753 WE HAVE INSPECT'ED THE ELECTRICAL WIRING AND EQUIPMENT INSTALLED BY YOU AT THE PREMISES NAMED HEREIN AND SUBMIT THIS REPORT FOR YOUR RECORDS. D^rE //'J3 -P3 TO OVVI\ER OR TENANT LOCATION OF JOB / t zP /\/, 5 t,4 sl, E WTHNG A,PPROVED FOR CO\ER E A pERly{.T tS REQUTRED E APPROVED FOX SERVTCE E HEAT CAB|-E APPROVED FOR COVER E WTRTNG TNCOMptFiE tr UNDERGRO,ITND APPROVED FOR COVER E WIRING COVERED WITHOUT INSPECTTON tr CofiDUlT SYSTE\^ APPROVED FOR CoVm ! DuE To THESE PREMISES BEING toCKED AN INSPECTION cOtlLD NOT BE,\ .ADE E DUE TO NO ONE HOME AN INSPECION COULD NOT BE lvrAbE n wtRrNG AppRovED FOR COVERTNG E(CEPT THf FO|IOWING I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD WE HAVE INSPECI'ED THE ELECTruCAL WRING AND EQUIPMENT INSTALLED BY YOU AT THE PREMISES NAMED HEREIN AND SUBMIT THIS REPORT FOR YOUR RECORDS. TO cirwNen og TENANT I.OCATION OF JOB E WTRTNG APPROVED FOR COVER E A PERlvltT lS REQUIRED E APPROVED FOR SERVTCE E HEAT CAinE APPROVED FOR COVER E WIRING TNCOMPLETE E UNDERGROUND A.PPROVED FOR COVER :D WITHOUT INSPECT1ON E CONDUIT SYSTE 4 APPROVED FOR COVERE WRING COVERED WITHOUT |NSPECfl,ON ., n Dt E TO THESE PREMISES BETNG TOCKED AN |NSPECTION COULD NOT BE M.ADE E DUE TO NO ONE HOME A,N INSPECION COULD NOT BE A{ADE I wrRrNG APPROVED FOR COVERTNG ErcEpT THE FOLLOWTNG ( f?2 t aia f-.'h i/ " n.ttt6ir ..". tL- , , ^'f..,r- ..)tit,/,n ..1v,<tc?rt,t^to :p;;); Job Number INSPECTOR DATE