HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fire 1996-02-02CTTY OF SPRII\ I.IELD Fire & Life Safety qb0/ss S t: clt, - s 3 t1 FIRE DAIVIAGE REPC)RT OR ELECTRICAL HAZARD DATE:A-*-E( TO: FROI{: SUBJECT: Building Department Springfield Fire Departnent Structural Damage to Buiiding ru. s*! srAddress or location of buildinc Name of ot{ner L/ Type of building (Dwel I $ , Store, I^larehouse, etc. ) Est'imated val ue of bui 1di ng Estimated loss to buildinq Date of fire $ 1t{ L- ?- -q L Location of damage 1n buiidinE TV iio,r^i, e'x N-st(e N.iZ, Corwor (Roof, l,Jal'l , Exterior, interior, etc.) Structural weakness as a result of the fire (Burned raf ters, Beams , .ioi sts, etc.) Addi ti onal perti nent 'i nforma ti on Electrical Hazard )s- (l,lirinq, 0utlets, etc. ) ? L,.: 2. - \ ':t(' i, , rcc: S'i q ned *i/. m,t tap *V \ i (\"/