HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fence 1989-09-06..RESIPTNTIAL.. /PERMIT Rcce Date.: /l SPFIINGFIEI-D-APPLICAl, 225 Notth Sth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Diuision 726-37 53 e t) 0 ,tu3' ,lob Loea!;icn: Assessotc Map #Ian lot ll Subdioision: 3a3 0Address: A? 7 DescrLbe h'ot'k tddition l-]l ,n^oant ValueDate of Applicatian 0tmer: Phone '1Citr tr0- 1oronfr ileneral l' l.uurb.i,rtg nicalt. ct: trica Electl:icialrLSrrt)(,rv DEI\IOLITIO!1 !.:ov,i ILDIiICS Sanilory saser capped at property Lire Septic tank p"irtped attd filled tri'th graLel Pinat - I{hen abcue itens are ecntpleted an;il uhen Ceztolition i's cotqlete or atru':- ture moueC anl preniaes cleanee up' e Hcmes Blocking and Set-uP Plmbing connectione -- aa/'e? otd ualer Electrical Cotnection' Blocking' seL-up , and oLwtbinq conneet'ions nust be aPPrctea ;; ;";; ;;q"""stins eL eclric aL inspee ! iot': AccessorY fuilding pcrches, skirting, decks, Leted. Pinal - After etc, are comp Pege 1 of 2 tions nada at the proper't lme,+L ^+h addree LS readac .e LB the reaponaibility of the permit ho.ld.er stneet, and thdt the -Pe"mtt card' La - iiil."i"i approxed ptan shc'Ll temain to aee that aL 1 in9pec a-re Located at the frolt of the y'opentY L times.!non the on the Bui Lding at aL 3u L l.ding inspec--LCIi rRocsDUPE FoR TNSPE1TT1N '?-9--Q-UEST:GALL 7 requested and uhen Aou DLLL be reda! Jor *-iit be nnde the sana day, requests mcde 2 6-37 6 9 (recorder s tate uout,Ci ty Cesigna rttne and ted J'ob nutnber,job aCiress' tYPe P.equests receu)ed befcre 7 inspection,Cott tractcrs of Asners phone nunber after 00 LIL L L 1,^made the naet torkinE dag. ^"1,*r"l' ),",- *" tq' q'^ Iout'ty Deeigr,ated ob SITE INS?ECTION. esca\ation, but To be nade after priar tc set uP of I, a ansu requlred Iapo?ban iers dl'e LN p Lace forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. EL!:CTRI=CAL & tnCU\llCnt; fo be made before anY ffi{ii-i6oered. PCOTING & FOUNDATTCN: TO bE tMdE ;7t er m6;1;;l^caoated and 1ot " *n enecLed, but Prior to pourLng ccncrete. 1ND\RCPAU\D PLUMD|NG? Sgt'.tER, .I',l'4T-E-I' OnntUCt: To be nade PrLor to tLL- T@-liirchee . uilpEPFLOOR PLU!'IB ING 4 MECHANI CAL : ro be mode prior to t'iiliffiit& o1 floor insu?:ation or decki'ng' POST AND BEAM: To be nade Prior to iGTitTatlo{of floor insulatiori or deeking, ROUGII Pt'ultBrltc. =EL,ECIRT?AL e I4ECH; TNTcnL: N;uork is !;o be co"*ered ffiTTth.se inspec';ions haue been nade and approted. FIP.EPLACE: Pm)or to Placirq facing nd;;fi;f; and before froning insPec' tion. FRA\'|ING: ltust be requeated after ffiioo"t of rough plwxbing' electt'i' clil E mectnnical, - ALl- roofing bracittg 8 chimteYs, etc' mtst be conoleled. No ucrk ie to be con- o.ilnd until thiB inaPection haa 'been nade and, aPProoed' but b efore ana La th,gApsun bcarC ot' Lied, ani beforetnLLcooerLndLSdpp @ta insulation concea Led DRYVALL INSPECTI2N:. T.c after aLL dtYuaLL ts .tn be made place' I T but prior to anY taPing' \IASINRI: Steel Location, bond. iffi:q"outing or tet'ticals in iioia&"n Dith U.B'C' Section 2475. WOODSTOVE: After installabion is @rrrpT;t&, #*##w;,"oi\r,;o!,; ' eoncrete. SIDEWALK S-DRII!.E\!4y: For aLL eon- ;;et; Wfr;g ufthin s.treet right- )-r-rnu'. to be mo,Ce aften aLL etca- iLtt"L' .*rPtete & fonn utork & cub' fuse lruter\al in Plnce' IENCE: h4'en conPlete -- ProDiCe'ffi o, nooable- secti'ons through P,U.E, FIIIAL PLUMBINC FINAL MECIIANICAL FIIIAL ELECTBICAL - - --^*,;^-7,r"- ALLpt,oiecbeondi.tione,suchasLl:ei-nstallationofstreettrees,co:lpLcLlonUjullv required. Lancsccping,"LtZ.-,-,|,it be ,otisfizz-l,or:o'nn-Lin BUTLDIN:G rIiAL ean be requested FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Bui.Ldi.ng. Inape<:tion mtst be requested alLer the Final Plwnbing O ti'rT.i.iZl.'ii''""a uZit*,t'iil rn"pections i'n'te been nade atd'approtsed' *AT,L MANHCLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, AD']I|ST!!EN| fO BE I''!ADE AT NO CCS? f0 CITy {,,t lle st !!eat ilouse AccessP. L. NoI \- LOT TYPE _ Intet ict, _ Cornet _ Panharxlle CuL-de-sac Lot Faces - c*soLAR ACCESS REQ.-JOB NO L-CO BedroornsC, lot Sq. Ftg. % cf Lct Ccoetage i of Stories Total Height Topography ITEI'I F?C x VaLue Building V<llue & Permit This pernit is granted on the erpfees cond,ition tlat the said consttwctionslnll, in all respects, conforn to the 7rdinance adopted Liy the City of Springfield, including the Zoning CYdinance, regulating the ccnstructicn and use of buildings, and may be suspended ot, reuokeC at cny time upon u.ic- Lation of any prcoisions of said Otdinances. rOTAL VALUE S.D.C. 1.5 r e Building Petnrit Fee: State Date Paid: ?otal Clnrgea d Receipt # Sianed: 17'EM NO ILL CIIARCE Fittu?es Plumbing permit No, pe,eon shall construct, instalT-, alter or clnnge any neu c, eristingplunbing or drainage sATle! i-n ahole or in pat,t, L*les"s "i.t, p"rio, is theLegal .possesson of a oalid prunbet"s Licensz, escept that a pz:.son nay dopltnbing ao,k to property uhich is ooned, L.-ased or opeiatiiiy-tnn aipli-cant. Residential (1 bath) Sani tet, Plunbing Pertr.it State Surehan ge 1 1'L:tl NO. Electricol Permit Neu/Ectend Cincuits [tthe,e state t'an re_quires thet the electtical aoyk be done by an Electticalcontractop, the electrical pontion of this permit "t*il-io|"u) oztlc untitthe Label hns been signed ly tne tleZtrical'Contracto?.Set'uice State ?otal IT!M NC T'EE CIIARCE Mechqnicol Permit Eelt<ntst Hoo,L Vent Fat Wcodstote PettnLt fs$uance Mechanical permtt * -- ENCROAC\II'IEN? = Sec,trttu Dzposit Sto?age Permit Clttbcut Sidetlalk !ence Z Ia.bel Mobile Hotne Total I HAVE CAREFULLy !XAMI\Eq lhe eonpleted apptication fon permit, and dchereby cet'tify that aLL infotnatibn iiinii"'l" tnue and eorreet, and. rfunthen .centifv that ang ord- aLL "o"t, pL)\,i"a'it-ili-'itr2"'.i.r'o..on_dance vith the 0ydintnc.ls ol t\ ctty-L|-'srrrgf,iia,;,rd';i; ia_s oy ttet-li,t^?, ?.[,?rfscn pertainins to the wik TeeLria"oa nn"ki,-";;- il; No occu_rt:tvvt ULLL oe twi{te o7 anA structut,e aithout permissi_on of the Buitding Di_uision. r fu,ther cLr.tiiil_ that ;r:L;;;:;t;;cto*s and enplcyees uho are ineonpliance uith oRS Z01.0ss uiLL be used oi ttis pnoii":t q-L' {'; i gnetl,J'O'IAL AIIOUTIT DIJT: ^5, oa Datr: s1 - l'LanErcrniner % Seuet Wintenance 5.0-a