HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1984-10-0822s itorch sth streea?PLrcA?rc:t/PERltr!Spr.rqfieli, Oregon gZ4Z? BuilCing ?iuision 7 26- 37 53 .. RESIDENTIAL.. SPRINGFTEL-D Job !.ocaticn: AoresoorS :r"ao I IdE bt # Subdiiaicn: O-xer.- Ad&esa: PTone: /il-wr/vfr* Jeu& d^Jr^ so' ACCitzca Data of llalue( Deecznbe I'lork: Genezz.L y'l ,6/t/yu 4V !2 it the ConscrucCca Lcader irat S1r" " reaponai.bility ora tle t3uiAing treec, cnC that theEuicio- a:tot:ed p Date: oe nad,e at lhe pzlo?et tine, tltct e.cch .d,i-ese is re-;F-^-.fope"tl.tlfies. mtber,job nii-ess, type of inspeclicn ,'E*1tDc!.P.eqlesrs receixed befcre ?:a0 ,=t pani; cal, ie Lan s7c,il rellln peadz hold* b aee :rat al! tnspectionsat the ffiflt of the tsuaLdlna Situ'dt alt Located on thz wRe.LES?..cALL7recltesrcd, cd. ujzen gou :.rilliiieaciu .r-cp '-1,1L be zr.ie the san:e ic7, ,"qrr""tr'i"il 25-3769lrecorCet) state gott;. Citg Jesigr.zteC jobir,spcction, Conttdctc?g ct A.>te:s nd:1e crul Dionecfta 7:00 c.;tt viLL be naCe the n*,{irk*'d-;: Iout city Desigru.ted, Jab ttunbet rs: 8 ,+ a 7l v Soital sanet eq>ed 3t Fopartg Z,ir-e tlobi tlcres Septic tank VtryeC cnd iil,LeC uith gz*i;za Pinal - i{ltz>z &ate its.ts ane cc:?tDlet-:e.d uhen Cer:ol)lion is canplete bt styte_tttte aouoL oi prerises cle,zzed up. l_J ai--er arencnes cte e=ceaeted crd,fcr.ns a1,s erecceci, but ptioi ipurirq ccncre*. E Ir S? l.:tp 2.r::,t: ro bi raie pr)cr toLrls?cLai.-cn oi 11oor irauk;iot cr@ck'-rq. 7.?::.:i: =?!?,? t:;c. ?:..ife !.: z r :.t7c7: 4tftr.t: .tO )Ol1 .-A rO CC COCereC vr.='-L ;hcsa irscec:icts 'rt:ue beez.mia t-4 ?="?ie1-Fii t-;ii: *!or .a pkir4 lcr-rsncYencia crd, before ir=rirq i"rp"L-cLOt- f, :plyl:tCi ilutt be recaacted, aflert_l q?"c-t)a! of raqh plwair4, a!""tr--a,L t aectEt*3l. AL! moi-!>tgbrar=U l- chitmcys, ete. llltst'be@nole?cd. lio .,;cri is to be ccab.-cec!al, until lhis iisgectiar ia,e'bccz naie anC cppr:ueZ fl DP,-YIALL f!tSp!C!C!t: Tc be nad,e a;'tez, aLL &y,mLL is in place, Dltx p?iof to crry taVirq. U,a.SC!Ip!: Steel Locat:.ott, bonC beone, grouling ot oerziccls inaccordorce vith tt.B,C. Section 241 5. ',I0ODST1,E: After itzstaltation icattoLeted. t CLTFB t )PPR.CAC? .4?frN: After for..na@e erecceti'out priot to pcar,rg cotl,crete. SIDITIALK a tRETnA!: For aLL cctt- c-r-ete pattitq u.,thtn street right-of-rxA, ,o be ndCe a;'ter aL|. -ezca- oating eatrolete I fon loJ.lrk & aub- base r,cterial in p|,a,ee. Dr covc:ed. 3" =tenci.ce. ?o OE ETETE be af)erl-c se! up of datJ of deckit.g. rr fbor n.U,e _pZlr;f A ar8Ut4,tLGat Ot FI::A' P!iJ:,BI::C IIJ;L :E'AilICAL trrr! t !. =-F t.. r. -.rAv ;-r.r:aeA! tslockzng od Set-up Plunbing cowrec=ic:rts - tta,te? d, taler Etectrical Ccttneecion - Blockir4, sei-u,od- ptunbin-c cdfiect-:orut r:st bZ qprc"-ei befor e "eqae stavq elec2rical i"-s9 eL! io,t Ac.esso?i Suiiiing Finzl - Aftct ::;':ekes, slCrtirg, dec?-s,etc. @e sarcie=ed. -"gift9,: tlhen conplete -- prouiCa gates o?;nooable sections thtough P. U. E. ALL pro,;eet cczii:icns, sueh es che .!.ns:alZct-Jcn of sareet :rees, :c-lexicn o;'t;ereqtireci icna.scccir4, .tc.' lztst be satisiied be1'ore cie 3UILDI,E :!!isL:an'2e ?2q.L.ested.- !:IAL aafiJI:tc: TA.e Final Build,in4 lnsoection ttst be requestxi =i:zr ;he Fi>.a,L ?r.tnbirqZleccrtccl, .si yeciar.iczl inscec=:-cns ').ll,:tte been ncce arti' ccc:orszi. \:'ALL:tA:\EC!aS AilD CLTAUCWS :!US! 3E .1CC3SS!31J, .LDitSl:E::: ?0 39.r1',1D9,11 ::0 ::37 lC 'fly ?=5a 7 o1' 2 V ,,ourr",nu f'otns.tr rr prict l (r"o ,,^u"o,07/ :Iot Sq. Ftg. 11 cf Lot Caoerage- | * o1 stort.s - total llei-ght - ,IoPognuPhY Refereree ilunbers: Bei.rooms: LU TYPE Intet'icY' Cormet' Pan?nnlle CuL-de-sac Building Volue & Permit Thispennltisgrantedonthee*pressco.nditiontlnttlrcsail'constluctionslwll, in aLL !espects'"';";i;"'\'; the. or&inance adopted' lu tl'e citv of Tfiii,bftiu'- tiliiil'ns'ti,n'zlil*g ct:d':'nanae' resulattns the ccnstrucl?-":.,^-ild u"u'u of Luildi.ngs,- utd may be" suspend.ed or reuokeC at cnA t')ne upon otc- itLo, of arry prcoisions of said ordinances' Plumbing Permit No person sttalL constraet, install,- alter^ or change-any net'.ct existing "iktl* ot' dtainaqe systat in'ahoie o? in patt' unless such person is the i"i'"t"'i'""""2";;-;|;illti pt^tn-o's Lte.ens'e' e&eept ttnt a !?"son nas do pliil&i "o"k to propei4 ihi."h i, ottned, Leased or opetated by the appli- cant. Electricql Permit whet,e state Lau requit,es that the electtical uork be done by oz Eleetrteal Cit*-"tor, ii.e elict'ical poytion of this -permit slnll rot be 'oaliC until the Label ?ns been signed by the ELecttical Cont"aetor' * Euilding Penttit State ?otal Ctnrges Plunbing Perrrit State 7 * L Permit Lot Eaces - Setbacks - Ileat Access.CarageDfHouse Not'th South 0iest ValueSQ.FTG X C@pot't TOTAL VALUE DCs.D.C. L,5 c PLan Cheek Eee Date Paid: Reeeipt #: LkAEtrL Signed: FEE Fi.xtures ResidentiaL (1 bath) /sqo /^ f 04)ISeuer uI'ldte" ,(o o CHARGE /6r: NO FEE Res. Sa. ftq. llas/Extend. Circaits ?aflpcr@A Set"oice L-'UU fr. * ;,1C attnDal , Ezha.tst HooC Vent Fdt llcodstoise Mechonicol Permit PetmLt fssuance t'leelnnieal Per,nrtt -- ENCROACHI,IENT -- Seeut"i t Petnit Cutbcut SideuaZk L l,lobiZe Hone IOTAL AMOUIIT DI]E:' i o Total TaEe f HAW CAREFULLY EXAILINED t?e completed application for permit' attd do hereby eertify that aLL infonnation het'eon is trae and cowect, and I furtkbr eertify that atty ard aLL uork perfotned slaLl be dpne in accoz'- dance rrtth the 1rdinances of the City of Spr"ingfield, otd the Lans of the* State of Oregcn pettaining to the uork Ceecribed herein, cnd that N0 1CCU- PANCY tlitl be made of any st"uctut,e uttltout permission of the Bui,lding N-uision. f futther cettifg that only eonttactors and enplcyees uho are inconpliance uith oRS Z01.0sS uiLL be used on this projeet /o - 7-t/ Pf,ait Ecaniner Tatal Signed Date*